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Re: Thanks for stealing the package off my door stoop!
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2006/10/27 21:07
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Pennington wrote:

(containing $1,000 Red Sox tickets)

I didn't think such a thing existed around here.

Posted on: 2009/3/21 13:28

Re: Thanks for stealing the package off my door stoop!
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2007/10/11 3:28
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clunkified wrote:

UPS didn't even ring the bell or leave a note. Just left that shit right on the door step, and the wife was home ALL DAY specifically waiting for the package, not getting done what she had to do all day.

I hope you can hock those promotional postcards for our jewelry business for some good loot!

Thanks UPS dick! Thanks dick who stole the package!

I know it isn't any cosolation but I had the pleasure of having 2 perps arrested a couple of years ago when I witnessed them stealing a UPS package off a stoop by HP. I followed them till the cops showed up. For about 15 minutes they thought they had gotten away with it and then BUSTED. Such a great feeling. Oh, the looks on their faces!

Posted on: 2009/3/21 2:55

Re: Thanks for stealing the package off my door stoop!
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2005/9/22 15:12
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Pennington wrote:

FedEx is usually even worse at this. I've had a box of Nike merchandise stolen from in front of my building because they left it there without buzzing.

I've had packages left like this. From what I was told, FedEx changed its policy a year ago so now packages can be left without signature by default. If you want to make sure you sign for something, the sender has to specifically request a signature.

Posted on: 2009/3/21 2:23

Re: Thanks for stealing the package off my door stoop!
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2009/2/24 3:22
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2011/1/9 1:38
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I already called the postcard place and UPS (for the 3rd time today) and read each of them their respective riot acts. The printing company was also pissed because it makes them look bad, and they have no real control over what a dick driver decides to do.

They are reprinting on a 1 day turnaround for free and we SHOULD get it on Wednesday.

Posted on: 2009/3/21 1:34

Re: Thanks for stealing the package off my door stoop!
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2005/5/7 14:57
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clunkified wrote:

UPS didn't even ring the bell or leave a note. Just left that shit right on the door step, and the wife was home ALL DAY specifically waiting for the package, not getting done what she had to do all day.

I hope you can hock those promotional postcards for our jewelry business for some good loot!

Thanks UPS! Thanks thief!

FedEx is usually even worse at this. I've had a box of Nike merchandise stolen from in front of my building because they left it there without buzzing. Another time they buzzed to see if I was home and when I buzzed them in, they just stuck the package (containing $1,000 Red Sox tickets) in the door and left. Luckily a neighbor brought it to me. I've also had FedEx leave a package in the lobby after I buzzed them in because "the elevator was on floor 5". An actual quote. The guy could have just pressed the elevator button.

UPS is usually slightly more reliable in the JC area, but I'm sorry to hear about the theft. Call UPS and the postcard company to complain, we actually got the Nike merchandise re-sent from Nike because they believed our story.

Posted on: 2009/3/21 1:29

Thanks for stealing the package off my door stoop!
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2009/2/24 3:22
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UPS didn't even ring the bell or leave a note. Just left that shit right on the door step, and the wife was home ALL DAY specifically waiting for the package, not getting done what she had to do all day.

I hope you can hock those promotional postcards for our jewelry business for some good loot!

Thanks UPS dick! Thanks dick who stole the package!

Posted on: 2009/3/21 1:13

Re: RUDE UPS deliveryman
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2008/4/9 19:26
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UPS claimed they left a notice for me yesterday and of course was nothing was there. Now I cant get my package rerouted until tomorrow because of their lazy ass delievery man. I am guessing due to the rain, he didn't even bother making his route yesterday. WHy bother when its raining? I reported his sorry ass, but nothing will come of it.

Posted on: 2008/10/29 16:56

Re: RUDE UPS deliveryman
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2008/4/22 13:56
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My UPS guy comes around 7pm so it's great timing for us. So far if they leave a yellow slip they do attempt to redeliver the next day. I haven't had any problems yet. I do usually get stuff delivered to my office if it's small enough to lug home on the path.

Posted on: 2008/10/24 14:32

Re: RUDE UPS deliveryman
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2005/7/13 15:03
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Seems to be no problem up here in the Heights, I know my UPS guy by name. When I get a notice I can usually chase/find him along his route on my side of the Heights, there are about 4 UPS delivery guys up here. If I know I won't be able to retrieve the package or have a neighbor sign for it then I will opt for self pick-up at the Secaucus depot. Picking up packages is actually more convenient and an easy place to get to from the Heights. UPS states in their commercials that "they run a tight ship in the shipping business" and they do.

Posted on: 2008/10/24 12:15

Re: RUDE UPS deliveryman
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2008/8/12 18:31
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aloria wrote:

Has anyone ever had a problem with not getting the InfoNotice slips they leave on the doors? Pretty much every time I order something and it gets shipped UPS, the first delivery attempt will show up as "THE RECEIVER WAS UNAVAILABLE TO SIGN ON THE 1ST DELIVERY ATTEMPT," but there will be no slip on the door.

I have a sneaking suspicion that the UPS dude is simply not attempting to deliver the package on these occasions, as the last few times there has definitely been someone around to sign for me.


fasteddie wrote:

They do this routinely. I have often waited all day for a package while tracking its delivery status online. Status will suddenly change to Receiver Unavailable, usually around 6-6:30, quitting time. Doorbell never rang, no delivery notice, sometimes I'm even hanging around outside in front of the house at the time delivery was allegedly attempted. I know their tricks.

+1... and fasteddie is 100% correct. I used to have this problem ALL the time. We live in a building with no doorman (JC Foundry) and the management office is only open until 1:00 or 1:30. The UPS douche would always show up shortly after the office was closed and claim that the addressee was not available and would promptly send the package back to Secaucus. Well, so one day I am sitting at home, waiting for a package that was showing up online as being out for delivery (gotta love the online status page!) and I am looking out the window waiting for the UPS guy to show up, or drive by. What do you know? The guy comes flying down Communipaw, makes an illegal u-turn at the very end and then speeds off the same way he came in. Didn't even bother to make an attempt at delivery. I checked the site and, yup, the package shows up as "Recipient Unavailable". I caught on to their game and started complaining, apparently to no avail. Like so many others in here, I too have made the trek of shame up to Secaucus (multiple times!) to retrieve my package from their undeserved purgatory.

Still, I must say that things have improved dramatically over the past several months. We actually get our packages delivered now, which is a welcome difference.

Posted on: 2008/10/24 6:18

Re: RUDE UPS deliveryman
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2007/4/11 2:51
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If I were UPS I would move the little UPS Store franchise they have in Journal Square to a bigger location in Jersey City and allow people to pick up their packages there if they want to. Unfortunately UPS is like many corporations today, a body without a head that keeps on working with no knowledge of what its doing.

Posted on: 2008/10/23 16:50

Re: RUDE UPS deliveryman
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2004/9/15 19:03
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I so much agree - USPS is so much easier to get a package from than UPS all the way out in Secaucus.

None of the services seem to really consistently leave notes and/or really knock but at least it is close to the USPS - even if the package might or might not be still out on a truck.

Someone really needs to come up with a new paradigm -- I would much rather have packages go right to a local place with late & weekend hours and then just go there and get it when they call or email me - the days of delivering stuff to homes seems very outdated.

Posted on: 2008/10/23 16:35

Re: RUDE UPS deliveryman
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2008/4/17 17:10
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fasteddie wrote:
Have you ever gone out to Secaucus to pick up a package? It is a huge pain in the ass. Sometimes the line is out the door into the parking lot. They act as if they're doing you a favor giving you YOUR package that you paid a hefty shipping charge for. The whole system sucks, it just doesn't work for home delivery and they won't deliver on Saturday. They would be better off eliminating half their drivers and just having local neighborhood pickup sites that are open after hours and weekends.

Yeah, thank christ I have a car because otherwise I'd never get any of my packages. Whenever I go to Secaucus there is nowhere to park and the line is out the door and around into the lot.

I have to wonder why they even bother delivering to residential neighborhoods during the day-- most people on my block don't get home until like 6 or 7. They would probably save money having a guy go out in the evenings once or twice a week rather than rolling around the entire neighborhood pasting yellow notices 5 days a week.

Posted on: 2008/10/23 16:13

Re: Its true, the stealth UPS man does exist
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2007/3/19 18:28
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ilikeglass wrote:
Today I was sitting outside my front door watching my kids on their bikes when the UPS truck rolled up. It was around 4:45 pm more or less. He got out of the truck with an envelope and a yellow sticker in his hand. He went to one door about 4 doors down from me walked up to the door, slapped the sticker on and then came down the street to the building right next door to mine (a 4 family building) rang a buzzer, forced the front door open and threw an envelope in and walked away. No signature, no waiting to "Deliver" the envelope. He then literally rushed off and sped away.

I haven't used UPS for almost a year now because of him personally. The last time I had something delivered from UPS, it was 4 really heavy boxes of supplies for my work that he didn't even help me across the threshold of my door. Just slammed them down onto the sidewalk like, how dare I order something that made him work. I got it after 2 stealth notices only because I waited outside almost all day.

I have officially and formally complained to UPS about him but apparantly it meant nothing because there he was today, still delivering yellow notices.

silly Ilikeglass, they're union, why would you expect service at or above common sense.?

Posted on: 2008/10/23 15:32
utterly deplorable

Re: RUDE UPS deliveryman
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fasteddie wrote:
They do this routinely. I have often waited all day for a package while tracking its delivery status online. Status will suddenly change to Receiver Unavailable, usually around 6-6:30, quitting time. Doorbell never rang, no delivery notice, sometimes I'm even hanging around outside in front of the house at the time delivery was allegedly attempted. I know their tricks. The drivers don't seem to realize that those electronic signiture devices they use upload very quickly. Next time you sign for a package, log on and track the status, you will see Delivered within minutes. When I'm expecting a package, if I have time, I usually run the guy down on his route and get the package off the truck before he has a chance to take it back to Secaucus and lock it up in package jail. Have you ever gone out to Secaucus to pick up a package? It is a huge pain in the ass. Sometimes the line is out the door into the parking lot. They act as if they're doing you a favor giving you YOUR package that you paid a hefty shipping charge for. The whole system sucks, it just doesn't work for home delivery and they won't deliver on Saturday. They would be better off eliminating half their drivers and just having local neighborhood pickup sites that are open after hours and weekends.

Sum it up to Human Nature, if they can get away with it, they will.

Use Fed-ex ground....

Posted on: 2008/10/23 15:23

Re: RUDE UPS deliveryman
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2005/12/30 0:21
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They do this routinely. I have often waited all day for a package while tracking its delivery status online. Status will suddenly change to Receiver Unavailable, usually around 6-6:30, quitting time. Doorbell never rang, no delivery notice, sometimes I'm even hanging around outside in front of the house at the time delivery was allegedly attempted. I know their tricks. The drivers don't seem to realize that those electronic signiture devices they use upload very quickly. Next time you sign for a package, log on and track the status, you will see Delivered within minutes. When I'm expecting a package, if I have time, I usually run the guy down on his route and get the package off the truck before he has a chance to take it back to Secaucus and lock it up in package jail. Have you ever gone out to Secaucus to pick up a package? It is a huge pain in the ass. Sometimes the line is out the door into the parking lot. They act as if they're doing you a favor giving you YOUR package that you paid a hefty shipping charge for. The whole system sucks, it just doesn't work for home delivery and they won't deliver on Saturday. They would be better off eliminating half their drivers and just having local neighborhood pickup sites that are open after hours and weekends.

Posted on: 2008/10/23 14:56

Re: RUDE UPS deliveryman

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2008/10/16 2:27
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That happens to me all the time. They claim they leave a delivery notice, but really they are just pulling your leg. I have had things sent back without me knowing.

I hate to say it but the mail man that fills in for my regular mail guy has done the same things. This makes me not want to mail order things anymore.

I am happy using FedEx, but certain companies only deal with UPS. ARG!

Posted on: 2008/10/23 14:41

Re: RUDE UPS deliveryman
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2008/4/17 17:10
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2008/12/27 1:27
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Has anyone ever had a problem with not getting the InfoNotice slips they leave on the doors? Pretty much every time I order something and it gets shipped UPS, the first delivery attempt will show up as "THE RECEIVER WAS UNAVAILABLE TO SIGN ON THE 1ST DELIVERY ATTEMPT," but there will be no slip on the door.

I have a sneaking suspicion that the UPS dude is simply not attempting to deliver the package on these occasions, as the last few times there has definitely been someone around to sign for me.

Posted on: 2008/10/23 14:15

Re: Its true, the stealth UPS man does exist
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mendezia wrote:
I think I've dealt with the same douchebag. A few weeks ago my wife (who was 8 mos pregnant) was home alone, and the UPS guy rang our doorbell. My wife told him she was pregnant and nicely asked him to come up to our 3rd floor walkup, as other UPS drivers regularly do. The guy responded "we don't do that," and made her come down the stairs for the box. Douche...

Agreed. He is a douche. UPS used to be the gold-standard, but I only use FedEx these days. Might be a tad more expensive, but much better service.

Posted on: 2008/10/23 0:53

Re: Its true, the stealth UPS man does exist
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2008/2/5 2:27
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I think I've dealt with the same douchebag. A few weeks ago my wife (who was 8 mos pregnant) was home alone, and the UPS guy rang our doorbell. My wife told him she was pregnant and nicely asked him to come up to our 3rd floor walkup, as other UPS drivers regularly do. The guy responded "we don't do that," and made her come down the stairs for the box. Douche...

Posted on: 2008/10/23 0:48

Its true, the stealth UPS man does exist
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2008/1/7 1:44
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Today I was sitting outside my front door watching my kids on their bikes when the UPS truck rolled up. It was around 4:45 pm more or less. He got out of the truck with an envelope and a yellow sticker in his hand. He went to one door about 4 doors down from me walked up to the door, slapped the sticker on and then came down the street to the building right next door to mine (a 4 family building) rang a buzzer, forced the front door open and threw an envelope in and walked away. No signature, no waiting to "Deliver" the envelope. He then literally rushed off and sped away.

I haven't used UPS for almost a year now because of him personally. The last time I had something delivered from UPS, it was 4 really heavy boxes of supplies for my work that he didn't even help me across the threshold of my door. Just slammed them down onto the sidewalk like, how dare I order something that made him work. I got it after 2 stealth notices only because I waited outside almost all day.

I have officially and formally complained to UPS about him but apparantly it meant nothing because there he was today, still delivering yellow notices.

Posted on: 2008/10/22 23:04

Re: RUDE UPS deliveryman
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fat-ass-bike wrote:

BrightMoment wrote:

My past UPS drivers have all been great, but today at 10:30AM, driver buzzes, I tell him "two flights up, apt x" and he says, "no you gotta come down here and sign for it". I tell him apart from my being on crutches, etc that drivers are supposed to deliver to place of residence, not just building. He says, "look if you don't come down I'm just gonna leave a notice". So now I'm really pissed and after I tell him I've got UPS dispatcher on the phone (I didn't) he comes up. I ask him his name, he refuses to give it to me and after I assure him I will be filing a complaint beyond his supervisor level but to corporate in Atlanta, he smirks and says: "Thanks for using UPS"

So for future reference here is some local contact info:

Nidia ups jersey city dispatcher, 201-330-2356
Chris Carson supervisor of drivers after 6PM

UPS Corporate Headquarters
55 Glenlake Parkway, NE
Atlanta , GA 30328
Customer Service & UPS On Call Air Pickup: 1-800-PICK-UPS

Tip of the week

Had another incident tonight @ 6:22pm when driver buzzed I said I would buzz him in and I was up on 2nd floor. I said I was disabled and on crutches and that it was UPS policy to deliver "door to door" NOT "outside door to floor". He tells me he is double-parked, with motor running and no time so he was leaving it downstairs. I told him I was calling his supervisor and sending email to the SVP of US Operations about this continuing problem as cited by ECH (see this thread) about UPS deliveries downtown, specifically in Harsimus Cove. He said go ahead so I did.

Chris Carson called me back after finding out the guy had gone off shift and Chris called the Union Steward, placed a formal notice in his packet and said to call him whenever anyone had a problem with his drivers. Chris is a nice guy stated that whether I was disabled or not it was formal UPS policy for them to deliver "door to door" and he wants to know what his drivers are doing.

So consider this post a heads-up to call Chris when you have a problem and when he asks how you got his name/number tell him the "p**ssed-off customer on 3rd St" gave you the info.

Chris Carson Drivers Supervisor

Jim Winestock SVP US Operations

Posted on: 2008/3/8 1:26
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Re: RUDE UPS deliveryman
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2006/11/13 18:42
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BrightMoment wrote:

My past UPS drivers have all been great, but today at 10:30AM, driver buzzes, I tell him "two flights up, apt x" and he says, "no you gotta come down here and sign for it". I tell him apart from my being on crutches, etc that drivers are supposed to deliver to place of residence, not just building. He says, "look if you don't come down I'm just gonna leave a notice". So now I'm really pissed and after I tell him I've got UPS dispatcher on the phone (I didn't) he comes up. I ask him his name, he refuses to give it to me and after I assure him I will be filing a complaint beyond his supervisor level but to corporate in Atlanta, he smirks and says: "Thanks for using UPS"

So for future reference here is some local contact info:

Nidia ups jersey city dispatcher, 201-330-2356
Chris Carson supervisor of drivers after 6PM

UPS Corporate Headquarters
55 Glenlake Parkway, NE
Atlanta , GA 30328
Customer Service & UPS On Call Air Pickup: 1-800-PICK-UPS

Tip of the week

Posted on: 2007/11/29 11:30
My humor is for the silent blue collar majority - If my posts offend, slander or you deem inappropriate and seek deletion, contact the webmaster for jurisdiction.

Re: RUDE UPS deliveryman
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2005/2/1 19:29
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This sounds like same delivery guy. Glad to hear the UPS took my complaints seriously and he's still delivering. Karma will come back to him.Quote:

BrightMoment wrote:

ianmac47 wrote:

The 3rd Street UPS delivery guy is an asshat. For a few weeks the doorbell wasn't working, but was expecting a package. After the first failed attempt, when we discovered the doorbell was out, the driver had checked off 2pm to 5pm as the next possible delivery attempt. We left a note with a phone number on the door. That next attempted delivery was 1:15, forty five minutes before the scheduled time, and of course, no attempt to call. The delivery slip then was checked for 2pm to 7pm-- two delivery periods. My better half spent the entire afternoon at the window watching for the truck. At 7:30 pm, UPS still hadn't shown up. We were on our way out when I drove around the block saw a UPS truck from two blocks away-- at 7:45. Well done UPS.

My past UPS drivers have all been great, but today at 10:30AM, driver buzzes, I tell him "two flights up, apt x" and he says, "no you gotta come down here and sign for it". I tell him apart from my being on crutches, etc that drivers are supposed to deliver to place of residence, not just building. He says, "look if you don't come down I'm just gonna leave a notice". So now I'm really pissed and after I tell him I've got UPS dispatcher on the phone (I didn't) he comes up. I ask him his name, he refuses to give it to me and after I assure him I will be filing a complaint beyond his supervisor level but to corporate in Atlanta, he smirks and says: "Thanks for using UPS"

So for future reference here is some local contact info:

Nidia ups jersey city dispatcher, 201-330-2356
Chris Carson supervisor of drivers after 6PM

UPS Corporate Headquarters
55 Glenlake Parkway, NE
Atlanta , GA 30328
Customer Service & UPS On Call Air Pickup: 1-800-PICK-UPS

Posted on: 2007/11/29 3:41

Re: RUDE UPS deliveryman
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ianmac47 wrote:

The 3rd Street UPS delivery guy is an asshat. For a few weeks the doorbell wasn't working, but was expecting a package. After the first failed attempt, when we discovered the doorbell was out, the driver had checked off 2pm to 5pm as the next possible delivery attempt. We left a note with a phone number on the door. That next attempted delivery was 1:15, forty five minutes before the scheduled time, and of course, no attempt to call. The delivery slip then was checked for 2pm to 7pm-- two delivery periods. My better half spent the entire afternoon at the window watching for the truck. At 7:30 pm, UPS still hadn't shown up. We were on our way out when I drove around the block saw a UPS truck from two blocks away-- at 7:45. Well done UPS.

My past UPS drivers have all been great, but today at 10:30AM, driver buzzes, I tell him "two flights up, apt x" and he says, "no you gotta come down here and sign for it". I tell him apart from my being on crutches, etc that drivers are supposed to deliver to place of residence, not just building. He says, "look if you don't come down I'm just gonna leave a notice". So now I'm really pissed and after I tell him I've got UPS dispatcher on the phone (I didn't) he comes up. I ask him his name, he refuses to give it to me and after I assure him I will be filing a complaint beyond his supervisor level but to corporate in Atlanta, he smirks and says: "Thanks for using UPS"

So for future reference here is some local contact info:

Nidia ups jersey city dispatcher, 201-330-2356
Chris Carson supervisor of drivers after 6PM

UPS Corporate Headquarters
55 Glenlake Parkway, NE
Atlanta , GA 30328
Customer Service & UPS On Call Air Pickup: 1-800-PICK-UPS

Posted on: 2007/11/28 19:55
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Re: RUDE UPS deliveryman
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2004/11/15 1:35
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For years, on my route we had ups service that was
great; but some big change has come over the
company and they are short-handed and we only get
deliveries if one of their men or women volunteer to
put in overtime. Now, the delivery time is like 9 p.m.
instead of during the day -- which for working people
might be a good deal after all.

My recent experience pissed me off real good,
tho. The guy left a sticky note on my door
without ringing the bell. I was home all day
and found the sticky that nite. So I signed it
and replaced it where the driver would see it
the next day and could leave the package
under my stoop. Nothing happened for several
days, and then I got a postcard saying that
ups was returning my package to the sender
because they had tried many times to deliver
and I was never home to receive!!

I called them and had a shit-fit with the
service rep, and she arranged for a next
day re=deliver; but she also told me that
no one wanted to work my route and that
it had been rezoned as an overtime only
route, not a regular daily one.
So if some driver was willing to work
overtime, we would get our packages; if
not, not.

Some way to run a business into the ground.
Stick with FedEx if you can.

Posted on: 2007/11/10 1:10

Re: RUDE UPS deliveryman
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2006/4/10 13:29
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I think the best solution is actually to use Fedex.

Posted on: 2007/11/9 18:35

Re: RUDE UPS deliveryman
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2007/10/25 12:38
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I haven't experienced rudeness but for three straight scheduled deliveries they gave me a window of 9-5 and never showed up or even left a slip, yet the website showed the driver attempted the delivery. Fortunately customer service gave me a bunch of attitude when I questioned why this happened, which definitely helped quell my frustration over re-scheduling my day for an important delivery. I think it depends on what driver is assigned your neighborhood that day, its kind of a crapshoot. Recently things have been back to normal for me at least.

Posted on: 2007/11/9 18:09

Re: RUDE UPS deliveryman

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2004/11/18 14:35
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We also had never had bad experiences with UPS until recently. We've had two incidents in the last few weeks. First, my husband was home when UPS tried to deliver a package addressed to me. The guy actually asked to see my husband's ID and when he saw that the first name was different (our last name is the same) he said he couldn't let him sign for the package. Luckily, my husband talked him into it.
Second incident came when UPS tried to deliver to our new place which is in a new development. The driver took one look at the building and decided it was vacant without even attempting the bell. By the time I got home and tracked the package and spoke with UPS it was already on it's way back to the sender.

But UPS is nothing compared with the JC USPS. When we get a package through them, we've never gotten anything but a final notice. I don't even think they bother with a first or second.

Posted on: 2007/11/9 16:02

Re: RUDE UPS deliveryman
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2011/2/8 20:49
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This was my first experience with a rude UPS guy. I've also had friendly delivery people - no matter which service.

The best part about it was that I bumped into my neighbor and said that UPS tried to deliver a package to him. A sticky note was never left on the door for him and he's been waiting over a week for the delivery. I told him he should and check to see how many times they've attempted and ensure that it's not being returned to sender.

Posted on: 2007/11/9 0:43

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