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Re: Downtown serial muggers are nabbed on Grove Street -- Duo knocked down women & broke a cop's hand.
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dadknarf wrote:
Can't say I am too surprised to read they got caught, I suspect JCPD is doing their best and with having to work with laws and rules it's not easy . Keep Up the Good work..

Good we should hear more .. Of the a???? holes getting caught, now let's see what the courts do..[/quoted

Good Luck if you expect the liberal court system to impose a serious sentence on these lowlifes....

I wonder how they would feel if it were their mothers that were getting mugged,but then again,they probably don't even know their mothers????

What a joke !


Posted on: 2008/11/15 16:19

Re: Laguna Lounge in Heights?
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StevenJC wrote:
I went in there last night. "Interesting" bar... maybe they're still getting going but it seems like they're trying to be both a typical JC Heights bar ("Come watch the local NFC games on large flat screen tvs!) and something classy (a postcard said things like "no hoodies", "no sneakers", "appropriate dress". Of course, there was a provocatively-dressed woman also on the postcard). I also got served my drink in a plastic cup and was asked what kind of soda I wanted with my vodka & soda ("Coke?"). That was fun.

The whole dress restrictions on their postcard seemed very odd to me. Especially, when you're in there, you can tell there is no way this is going to be a "classy" bar. Plus, really, a bar that has to tell me how to dress makes me pause. Not that I really care, just was really questioning their promotion of the bar. You really can't be a local hangout/sports bar AND a lounge. But, like I said, maybe they're just getting going. I did notice a room in the back, so maybe that will be the Lounge.

Anyway, I hope it does well. Not much of a choice in the Heights to grab a drink, and it's just up the street for me. Definitely better than nothing.

Drinks in Plastic cups ???????
Yeah, real classy place....


Posted on: 2008/11/14 15:58

Re: Barack Obama for President
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How does one equate change with hiring some of Bill Clinton's former handlers ????

This guy has managed to sucker alot of people into voting for him, fact remains he ain't changing anything other than
the wall paper in the presidential suite !!!


Posted on: 2008/11/13 22:21

Re: Laguna Lounge in Heights?
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heights wrote:

regulator wrote:
haven't heard anything.. any idea where in the heights? ive been looking for a good place to go to near my house. i live right near new moon but i don't think they're trying to make it into a night spot as much as just a standard bar. if this other place is different then it'd be great

It's on Charles and Summit it used to be the old Whal's Tavern.

This is another Re-incarnation at this location, use to be a Steakhouse soon after Whals, and then a tavern again.

Its a good location, hope that it works out...


Posted on: 2008/11/13 15:49

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I just think that it coveys a poor image of the mall enviroment when they allow for these Kiosk vendors to badger the clientel.

I have visited Morocan Sooks and the stall vendors there don't stoop to that level.

Theres no need for this approach!


Posted on: 2008/11/12 20:41

Re: Can anyone in local goverment hold thier drink (Lipski this time)?
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MargieHague wrote:
Ward C (Journal Square) Councilman
Steven Lipski
City Hall, 280 Grove Street
Room 202
Jersey City, NJ 07302
Tel: (201) 547-5159
Fax: (201) 547-4678

Irina Zaki, Council Aide
Tel: (201) 547-5172

Term of office
First elected to council: June 12, 2001
Current term expires: June 30, 2009

On June 12, 2001, Steve Lipski realized the first of two dreams. He was elected Councilman of Ward C the Journal Square area in Jersey City. On September 4, 2001, the new Councilman realized his second dream. He and his lovely wife, Yraida, officially opened the doors of Create Charter High School in the Greenville Section of Jersey City, welcoming 100 young girls and boys as ninth graders, and just four years later graduated the first ever charter high school class in Jersey City. Both as a Councilman and a School Administrator, Steve Lipski has had successes. For Steve, dreams do come true!

Born and raised in Jersey City, Councilman Lipski was a believer in patriotism from an early age. A Cub Scout and a Boy Scout, Steve served in the U.S. Army Reserves as a Drill Sergeant. Steve played in the Little League, and ran track and played football at Dickinson High School.

He studied at Seton Hall University, where he received two undergraduate degrees and two Master's Degrees, and recently completed his work for a Master's Degree in Education at Teachers College, Columbia University. He was an educator in the New York City School System for ten years until he received approval to open his Charter High School.

Councilman Lipski is presently serving his second consecutive term as councilman, the first to do so in Ward C since the 60's. During his tenure as councilman he served on the Redevelopment Agency as Commissioner, Vice Chairman, and Chairman. In addition, he has his own civic association that serves meals on Thanksgiving., sponsors three teams in Pershing Field Babe Ruth/Cal Ripken, and in cooperation with Pershing Field Babe Ruth/Cal Ripken gives out more than 4000 toys to children during winter holidays.

A community adviser for many years, especially in helping the less fortunate, Steve is a member of many civic and government groups and organizations, lie is a Fourth Degree Knight of Columbus and a member of the Elks and Moose Clubs. Steve has always been a big supporter of the Philippine American Friendship Committee, Inc's (PAFCOM) community development projects. Steve has an open arm to accommodate and help the Filipino American seniors and the youth in their needs. This year, Steve joined some Filipino American community leaders in CADCA's midyear training, held in Phoenix, Arizona, to develop and expand a citywide coalition under the Jersey City Community that Cares Program, to fight substance abuse in Jersey City, Today, he is working with PAFCON's executive Director, Rolando Lavarro, to Collaborate efforts to understand and improve the quality of life in Jersey City.

Special Projects
Community development

(Taken from the City of Jersey City website. Note the last sentence of the last paragraph.)

Give this guy a break. did he get piss drunk and act stupid, theres no question to date, at the end of the day he's human and makes mistakes just like the rest of us...

Can't get over just how many of you get off on this crap!


Posted on: 2008/11/10 13:54

Re: Barack Obama for President
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stani wrote:

AlexC wrote:
Congratulations to all of the Obama supporters out there. You deserve what's coming. For the rest of us, we don't deserve it, but we're going to get it anyway. And, don't forget, if anything doesn't work out as planned over the next four years, it's all Bush's fault.

I'm curious - what's "coming" ?

Glad you asked. Obvioiusly, the answer depends on your point of view. That's why I didn't answer it for you. I assume and hope that Obama supporters would think that good things are coming. Why should it matter to you what the rest of us think? My predicitions about the future are no better than yours. Now it's time for your government and your policies. Go forward into the future with the confidence I hope you have.

And to Bright Moment, you have no grace in victory. I disagree with Obama, but I won't stoop to the name calling and vindictiveness of many of you. This certainly has not been a civil conversation.

Don't sweat it, the Honeymoon is going to be over real quick for "O".......


Posted on: 2008/11/6 15:44

Re: NEXT TREASURY SECRETARY? -- Gov. Jon Corzine: 'I love the job I have'
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GrovePath wrote:
Gov: 'I love the job I have'

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Even as he says he wants to stick with the job he has, Gov. Jon Corzine, of Hoboken, has some specific ideas about what the next secretary of the Treasury will have to do.

"You have to go to work on the ground, you have to work bottom-up on the housing crisis," Corzine said last night.

"That's just one piece. You also have to have a stimulus package that puts money into creating jobs - it almost mirrors the kind of thing I've tried to propose on a smaller scale in the state" Corzine said. "And potentially additional steps to put money into consumers' pockets. And then this whole area of energy and the greening of America has a lot of job stimulus in it."

Corzine yesterday was downplaying a Star-Ledger report that he is being vetted for the Cabinet post in the administration of President-elect Barack Obama. The Democratic governor was a key economic advisor and surrogate during Obama's campaign.

During a TV appearance yesterday morning he said he was "not aware of any vetting" and that "I love the job I have."

Last night, in an interview after a speech to a teachers union convention in Atlantic City, Corzine stood by what he said earlier: "It happens to be the honest answer."

After talking about the job ahead for whoever does become Treasury secretary, Corzine said: "There are a lot of people who can do this job very well, Paul Volcker being the person that I think brings the greatest scope and breadth. There are other people too." Volcker is a former Federal Reserve chairman.

Corzine said he will continue to advise the president-elect through his role as economic development chairman of the National Governors Association and that he plans to be one of a handful of Democratic governors to visit with Obama or senior transition officials next week as part of a delegation from the Democratic Governors Association.

Another New Jersey politician who may benefit under Obama is U.S. Sen. Robert Menendez, also of Hoboken.

Menendez will move up in seniority on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee when two of its more senior members - Obama and Vice President-elect Joe Biden - give up their committee assignments.

This is not the guy you would want watching the money...what a joke...

The state is in shambles financially and he doesn't have a clue as to how this can be resolved.....

No way !


Posted on: 2008/11/6 14:07

Re: Barack Obama for President
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brian_em wrote:
And the smuggness begins...

Not everyone who votes republican is an idiot.

Keep in mind, those IQ maps are "estimated IQs", and personally I think are extremely prejudice and not without an agenda.

But beyond that, the posting, and conduction of those "studies" are simply insulting the people democrats claim they are helping... Way to go.

Stock market down 500 pts today.
Very telling of things to come....


Posted on: 2008/11/5 21:47

Re: Newport Mall: Unrelated stories /Teen worker robbed at gunpoint / $12G diamond ring taken
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This place is a Mecca for trouble!

Posted on: 2008/11/5 19:23

Re: Barack Obama for President
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chiefdahill wrote:

You know I am a pretty nice guy, you know I give to charities, I give to my church. You know, Joe the Biden, what he gave -- $3,000 last year -- and this guy makes millions? Come on, you know, that's just ridiculous.

Joe the Plumber is a f_cking idiot. Joe and Jill Biden earned $319,853 in 2007. Joe Biden reported $161,708 in income from the U.S. Senate and another $71,000 in royalties for his book.

This guy doesn't get that he will benefit from the Obama tax plan, too bad he is soo racist that he can't see it. Oh well, not like it matters since Mcain will have no use for him after he loses.

I thought it was classic that he was commenting on Israel, like this schlub gives a rat's ass about Israel.

Yr the only F$%king idiot, why because this guy was the only person to take "O" to task and on TV nonetheless? Why because he asked the empty suit a legitmate question as to how his Tax plan is going to work for the middle class or better yet how Empty suit Obama is going to give everyone's hard earned money away to the lazy asses that dont want to work?

It must have annoyed the crap out of the Dems as to how Joe the Plumber was able to get that close to "O" as oppossed to the Kiss asses that usually flock to him....

Give it up !!!


Posted on: 2008/11/4 22:22

Re: Barack Obama for President
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brian_em wrote:
Yeah, that's the problem, the only people reporting that BS is fox news. That's intimidation, and if they pulled that shit where I was going to vote...there would be some issues...

Just imagine if it were two kkk members... THEN every news station would report it.

Just another example of the media bias.

But don't worry, if Obama wins, you guys will have the democrat version of George Bush, and we'll bash the sh#t out of him for 4 years...

Right on Brian, The leftwing media has been catering to "O" since day one and has force fed everyone into believeing this cat can walk on water.

I've been saying it all along, be carefull what you wish for, because you just might get it.

If this guy gets in, I'll sleep very good knowing that I didn't push the button for "O"

He'll make Bush's legacy lool like a Fairytale, just wait and see........


Posted on: 2008/11/4 22:15

Re: Bergen Lafayette: Man shot four times
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fat-ass-bike wrote:
Warning shots so that he pays up his drug money !

Thug Life in JC.

Posted on: 2008/11/3 21:44

Re: Obama win could bring opportunity for Newark mayor
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The worst thing for Newark would be if Booker were to take a job with the Feds.

Lets hope that he sticks to his guns and stays on as the Mayor.

Oh and BTW, I think Corey Booker is much more qualified to run for Prez than Mty suit "O"!


Posted on: 2008/10/31 14:41

Re: Gun rights group wants ACORN out of Jersey City case
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TheHookJC wrote:

Loopy wrote:
The level of ignorance displayed by the "convervatives" in this thread about the Constitution is staggering. Honestly, have you ever read a book, any book, on the subject? Have you even read the Constitution? Jesus.

And as far as needing guns if Obama "looses" (nice spelling, twat), I would imagine your redneck brethern will be much better armed and willing if Obama wins.

Loopy, you are big on the name calling. No need for "twat" and redneck brethren (which you misspelled) I just think it is funny that legitimate news sources are talking about rioting no matter what the outcome is this election. I just have never heard of this before and think it is really sad that we even have to talk about it.

The media is the biggest instigator when it comes to race relations and all that garbage ! they should be held accountable if anything were to take place !


Posted on: 2008/10/30 19:38

Re: Gun rights group wants ACORN out of Jersey City case
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Loopy wrote:
The level of ignorance displayed by the "convervatives" in this thread about the Constitution is staggering. Honestly, have you ever read a book, any book, on the subject? Have you even read the Constitution? Jesus.

And as far as needing guns if Obama "looses" (nice spelling, twat), I would imagine your redneck brethern will be much better armed and willing if Obama wins.

Maybe we should all read your favorite book by Karl Marx
"Communist manifesto"????

Posted on: 2008/10/30 19:18

Re: Barack Obama for President
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KeyboardJockey wrote:

TheHookJC wrote:
Mark my words, he is going to raise your taxes directly or indirectly.

I sadly agree that may happen.

But don't fool yourself if you think McCain won't. It's just not possible not to raise taxes after 8 years of neo-conservatives in power. With Obama we at least get better foreign policy and a competent and respected bipartisan administration.

What happened to the true republicans? The repubs of today have lost all dignity and honor. They go to the lowest of lows. They lie and disrespect themselves to get the loony far right vote.

Until they return to true conservatism, they won't be in the President's seat again.

You mean, todays Repub's are acting more and more like
the Demorcrats....

Anyway, I agree, we need a Prez who will grasp Foreign policy and not alienate our Allies, but that won't help the economy and I trully believe that "O" will be able to sell his BS for only so long, before the cracks start to show and we'll be F'd for the nxt 4 years.

Unfortunatley, its pick your poison when it comes to this election.


Posted on: 2008/10/30 19:09

Re: Barack Obama for President
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jennymayla wrote:

It is what it is,,,,,,We're headed for trouble if "O" gets in so fasten yr seatbelts...


Like what? How can it get worse? I am curious about this. Do tell.


If "O" gets elected all your questions will be answered, just wait and see.....


Posted on: 2008/10/30 18:47

Re: Barack Obama for President
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shakatah wrote:


shakatah wrote:
The Office of the President is not a dictatorship. Obama nor anyone else can GUARANTEE squat cause no single individual in that office can dictate US policy. The President, the House, the Senate, and the Judiciary share power in a US democracy.

Say all that to say that if the standard of presidential success was whether each president was able to deliver on EVERYTHING they promised when they were running for the office, EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM would be a failure. Fact is NO president can deliver on everything they want to do/promise because the US is not a dictatorship and the president does not have absolute power...what matters is whether the president's philosophy is good or bad for the country.

If taxation is your issue, the question to answer is whether you want a president who will continue to give large corporations and wealthy americans tax cuts or one who will work to turn things around and provide tax cuts to the majority of americans..i.e. middle class, working poor, etc..?

Answer with your vote on Tuesday.

Thats correct, they share a balance of power, but you need to know A Democratic prez with a Democratic House is no good.

The democrats have had the house and senate for over 2 years and havn't passed a solid bill yet, so lets really do our research before we Spew on this post....


CK you are forgetting one very important and critical person, the PRESIDENT, remember him?????? What party is he from again???? Research "VETO"....then ask a 5th grader about the structure of the US government.

Also, even with control of the house, senate and whitehouse...STILL no guarantees cause members of congress are not robots who just vote along party lines. Some democrats from many southern states have more in common with moderate republicans from northern states than they do with democrats from northern states.

Do some research, but before you do PLEASE sharpen your reading comprehension skills.

ShakaKhan....Step off and chill out...

Your that part of the population that will benefit from "O"'s
spread all the hard working people's money around to those who don't like to work for a living AKA leftwing policy, so of course you take exception to what I and many others feel and say.

It is what it is,,,,,,We're headed for trouble if "O" gets in so fasten yr seatbelts...


Posted on: 2008/10/30 17:49

Re: Barack Obama for President
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shakatah wrote:
The Office of the President is not a dictatorship. Obama nor anyone else can GUARANTEE squat cause no single individual in that office can dictate US policy. The President, the House, the Senate, and the Judiciary share power in a US democracy.

Say all that to say that if the standard of presidential success was whether each president was able to deliver on EVERYTHING they promised when they were running for the office, EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM would be a failure. Fact is NO president can deliver on everything they want to do/promise because the US is not a dictatorship and the president does not have absolute power...what matters is whether the president's philosophy is good or bad for the country.

If taxation is your issue, the question to answer is whether you want a president who will continue to give large corporations and wealthy americans tax cuts or one who will work to turn things around and provide tax cuts to the majority of americans..i.e. middle class, working poor, etc..?

Answer with your vote on Tuesday.

Thats correct, they share a balance of power, but you need to know A Democratic prez with a Democratic House is no good.

The democrats have had the house and senate for over 2 years and havn't passed a solid bill yet, so lets really do our research before we Spew on this post....


Posted on: 2008/10/30 15:45

Re: Barack Obama for President
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hero69 wrote:
Bill Clinton raised taxes and the fact of the matter is that the US was better for it. It helped reduce the deficit and fund needed programs.

In 2001, didn't McCain denounce Bush's tax cuts. What's different now. Mr. McCain should be applauding Mr. Obama. Mr. McCain shows time and time again that he is too erratic to be president.

McCain Erratic???? And Joe biden isn't ?
Don't forget that if Obama gets in Joe Biden is going to be his VP and this dude is notorious for putting his foot in his mouth time and time again.

He's too much of a hot hEAD and a poor selection for VP!

Another Joke !


Posted on: 2008/10/30 15:41

Re: Barack Obama for President
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TheHookJC wrote:
Families, singles, everyone's taxes are going to go up under Obama. Just you wait. Biden has already let the cat out of the bag. Everyone can be patriotic.

PT Barnum was 100% correct, theres a sucker born every minute, and boy has Obama run with that........

The fact the Obama supporters trully believe that this smooth talking snakeoil salesman is going to cut taxes and thus provide relief to Americans who earn under $250G's a year is utterly ridiculous !!!

Where is "O" going to get the money to support the out of control budget ??

Oh, and by the way, if anyone on this board thinks that the troops are coming home anytime soon, you need to put down that Crack pipe, cuz that aint happening either !!


When the country goes down the shitter, I'm going to sleep good at night knowing that I didn't flick the Switch for this Empty suit !


Posted on: 2008/10/30 14:32

Re: Gun rights group wants ACORN out of Jersey City case
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JC_Man wrote:
Hey all of you Obama lovers - this is what you'll get in a few days - special interest groups supported by Obama/Democraps that want to re-write the Constitution.

Second Amendment down, 26 to go!!!

Right on !!!!


Posted on: 2008/10/30 14:10

Re: Heights: Jersey City teen beaten by driver after car is scratched, cops say
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chiefdahill wrote:
Story is suspect. Sounds like they f'd with his car and he got out and gave one of them a beating that they will never forget. The tire-iron is going too far but I doubt these kids are as innocent as they are portrayed.

Amen, its about time the tables are turned on these lowlife
abortions gone bad!


Posted on: 2008/10/28 19:26

Re: Heights: Jersey City teen beaten by driver after car is scratched, cops say
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fishmonger wrote:
I find it interesting that the article is withholding the age of the attacker. He's a real tough guy beating a MINOR with a tire iron!

Maybe the nxt time yr stopped at a redlight and surrounded by a bunch of thugs on their bikes who's only intent is to
make you the nxt victim, you'll have a change of mind ???

Something stinks here.....Huhm it must be a Fishmonger.


Posted on: 2008/10/28 19:25

Re: Barack Obama for President
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fat-ass-bike wrote:
I read that Obama and Tony Blair (UK Prime Minister) have a few things in common - Both had never had a political career and the first job in government was the ultimate job in government. They say he was a very good PM and introduced positive changes and his only sin was to believe the crap what Bush was saying about the axis of evil and lies about WMD.

Amen, Brother
The last thing this country needs is an Mty suit like Tony blair who suscribed to "Follow the Leader" and ultimatley cost him his job.

Don't believe the Hype and buy into the leftwing media's role in trying to Get "O" elected, its a Joke which will cost us all dearly if he wins......


Posted on: 2008/10/28 15:34

Re: RUDE UPS deliveryman
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fasteddie wrote:
They do this routinely. I have often waited all day for a package while tracking its delivery status online. Status will suddenly change to Receiver Unavailable, usually around 6-6:30, quitting time. Doorbell never rang, no delivery notice, sometimes I'm even hanging around outside in front of the house at the time delivery was allegedly attempted. I know their tricks. The drivers don't seem to realize that those electronic signiture devices they use upload very quickly. Next time you sign for a package, log on and track the status, you will see Delivered within minutes. When I'm expecting a package, if I have time, I usually run the guy down on his route and get the package off the truck before he has a chance to take it back to Secaucus and lock it up in package jail. Have you ever gone out to Secaucus to pick up a package? It is a huge pain in the ass. Sometimes the line is out the door into the parking lot. They act as if they're doing you a favor giving you YOUR package that you paid a hefty shipping charge for. The whole system sucks, it just doesn't work for home delivery and they won't deliver on Saturday. They would be better off eliminating half their drivers and just having local neighborhood pickup sites that are open after hours and weekends.

Sum it up to Human Nature, if they can get away with it, they will.

Use Fed-ex ground....

Posted on: 2008/10/23 15:23

Re: incident at Dunkin Donuts
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aloria wrote:

Amy wrote:
You know what? It seems like whenever someone posts about a personal experience like this one, it ends with them getting attacked for being racist, or sheltered, or what have you.

Exactly. Forgive my rant, but it's attitudes like victoria's that make this board such a joke sometimes. Heaven forbid you want to improve the quality of life in your neighborhood-- complaining about ANYTHING, from dogs barking throughout the night, to brawls breaking outside bars, to panhandlers, is likely to be met with a "you live in a urban area now, deal with it." As if anyone who dares to complain is some country bumpkin fresh off the turnip wagon.

You know what? I grew up in a shitty part of Long Island where gang wars are abundant and dead or dying drug dealers were found in the alley by my house on more than one occasion. I lived in NYC for four years and JC for nearly two. If someone came up to my car and started peering into a window, I'd be freaked the #OOPS# out, too.

Victoria's reply is called complaicent and thats when people tend to get into Trouble.

Hey,someone peering into my car window while I'm stopped
I'm going into automatic sensory and ready for trouble, regardless of what the outcome is.

Bottomline,this is Jersey city and even if it were not,you need to keep your eyes and ears open and ready for anything.

I had a family member who was carjacked many years ago while she was pulling into her driveway here in JC and before she had anytime to react had a semi-automatic pressed to her temple.

Luckly the scumbags allowed for her to take her child out of the carseat before they took off with the wheels.

Therefore, theres no such thing as over reacting !


Posted on: 2008/10/23 14:59

Re: Car damaged by metal from a passing airplane
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It wouldn't surprise me if it didn't come from an airplane,,,



Posted on: 2008/10/21 19:08

Re: Rear Addition - Neighbors Windows?
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Your best bet is to check with the building dept.
Off the face of it, I don't see why you wouldn't be able to?

Good Luck

Posted on: 2008/10/20 20:47

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