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Re: Trump Our New President
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WhoElseCouldIBe wrote:

JCMan8 wrote:
President Trump has earned his mandate, and he will run the country as he sees fit. Instead of trying to undermine him at every possible opportunity, you should sit back and be happy as he Makes America Great Again.

Like the Republican Congress did with Obama?

I'm willing to give Trump a chance but come on, this is pure kool aid talk. Government can only be held in check if our politicians are questioned.

As a public service announcement, Respect The Presidency Street currently has a lane closure, it's down to a one-way.

Posted on: 2016/11/14 18:54

Re: Trump Our New President
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Lima17 wrote:

gt2220 wrote:

devilsadvocate wrote:
... and seeing all the degenerates that occupy the left cry and whine is one of the best experiences of my life.

I agree, the right kept their mouths shut for the entire Obama presidency, and now the left starts complaining the second something doesn't go their way? What a bunch of grabbed pussies.

Let's be fair, the Tea baggers were a whiney bunch.

It's possible you've missed my sarcasm.

Posted on: 2016/11/11 18:57

Re: Trump Our New President
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devilsadvocate wrote:
... and seeing all the degenerates that occupy the left cry and whine is one of the best experiences of my life.

I agree, the right kept their mouths shut for the entire Obama presidency, and now the left starts complaining the second something doesn't go their way? What a bunch of grabbed pussies.

Posted on: 2016/11/11 18:23

Re: Trump Our New President
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fraulein wrote:
The wonderful oratory skill we have to look forward to:

"Look, having nuclear?my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart?you know, if you?re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world?it?s true!?but when you're a conservative Republican they try?oh, do they do a number?that?s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune?you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we?re a little disadvantaged?but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me?it would have been so easy, and it?s not as important as these lives are (nuclear is powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was right?who would have thought?), but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners?now it used to be three, now it?s four?but when it was three and even now, I would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don't, they haven?t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it?s gonna take them about another 150 years?but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us."

Looks like Wharton needs to tighten up their entitled rich kid quota.

Posted on: 2016/11/10 16:44

Re: Trump Our New President
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iGreg wrote:
She is an inarticulate moron who during one televised speech said "Ya Know" about 25 times after ending each sentence.

I'm sure the English department @ Princeton quickly tightened up their affirmative action quotas after hearing that.

A quick perusal of your posts, poet laureate iGreg, leaves me thinking you may not be the best authority on articulation, grammar, spelling, or anything else related to the English language. But just in case, I found the email address of the Princeton English department and passed along your concerns. You're welcome.

Posted on: 2016/11/10 15:38

Re: JC monopoly mural on/in newark pedestrian plaza
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third_street_hats wrote:
If we want to air all of our pedestrian plaza grievances I'd like to direct some attention to the Hello Fresh solicitors that seem to stalk the plaza every night of the week.

Christ those people are annoying, they catch you coming and going. "Do you like cook at home or go out to eat?" - didn't realize it was an either/or type of thing, but great question ...

Posted on: 2016/6/23 20:40

Re: Best Burger in Jersey City
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SOS wrote:

Abe_Froman wrote:
that list is hilarious

I wonder what how much they charged for the highest rankings.

Any list that contains lines like "The Hamilton Inn is a great place that offers top notch service and creative cuisine for every palate." should be taken very seriously.

Posted on: 2016/2/22 19:11

Re: Plumbing issue!
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We've been very happy with Byron. Compared to people we've tried in the past we've found his prices reasonable, and he's responsive.

Posted on: 2016/1/5 18:34

Re: New bar: The Archer
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Just can't stay away

I finally got to check this place out last night (coincidentally they launched the full menu last night too). I only got drinks but as someone who can get pretty dorky about cocktails I can confidently say they know what they're doing. Natalie, the person in charge of the cocktail program, hails from the Petraske empire (Little Branch, Dutch Kills, etc) and the attention to detail really shows. NYC-level quality for sure. I'm very excited this place is open.

Posted on: 2015/12/4 15:40

Re: New bar: The Archer
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RickSp wrote:
I like a lot of different styles of beer so a broader beer menu would be greatly appreciated.

Most cocktail-focused bars, which The Archer is, are going to offer a limited range of beers. There are now so many places in JC with an excellent selection of beer, while the number of places to get a good cocktail is still low. I'm ok going 50 feet down the street to Barcade or Skinner's if I want a wide range of beers, I'd rather a cocktail bar focus on cocktails.

Posted on: 2015/11/20 13:47

Re: NJ school nixes Halloween celebrations, cites diversity
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user1111 wrote:

Said the person who has no kids...

And proud of it. When I was in school and you came in with a costume you were sent home. It was considered a distraction. but these helicopter mommies think their kids are special smh. Carry on.

In Soviet Russia, Halloween costume wears you!

Yes, if the school was not sanctioning Halloween events and someone came in dressed up they should be sent home. That's not what we're talking about and you know it.

Posted on: 2015/10/20 18:35

Re: NJ school nixes Halloween celebrations, cites diversity
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user1111 wrote:
Also most Americans heads are so far up theirs a$$es that when cultural holidays (Muslims a great example) are being taught they freak out... When the schools here wanted to close for the Muslim holiday people went ballistic.. Based on how the current public school system presents American history, I would not want them to teach anything about any faith including my own

To be fair, most reasonable people went ballistic because they were going to force people to find a full day's worth of childcare with 3 days notice, not an easy feat for many who rely on school plus school aftercare. Yeah, the issue brought out the usual idiot xenophobes, but they were a vocal minority.

Posted on: 2015/10/20 18:28

Re: NJ school nixes Halloween celebrations, cites diversity
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user1111 wrote:
I am sure our tax dollars are not flipping the bill for your festivities unless you are one of the scum banks we bailed out. Schools are being funded by public monies and I am against any sort of celebration that has nothing to do with education especially since I don't have kids in the public school system. I am all for Halloween, we have a great celebration in my area for it, but it does not belong in school no matter how butt hurt you are.

Actually, much of the money for these extra-curricular activities comes from PTA-driven fund-raising, not tax-payer money. Rest assured no one's having fun on your dime.

Posted on: 2015/10/20 18:01

Re: NJ school nixes Halloween celebrations, cites diversity
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user1111 wrote:
People have to realize school is a business. Do you all wear witch costumes to your place of employment? I doubt it. Lets prepare kids for the real world. If you want to celebrate Halloween, Valentines day or even Christmas do it in a non Government building.

An alternative take on that is these kids have the rest of their lives to deal with the doldrums of the "real world", and banning a secular holiday (I realize it has origins in a Christian celebration, but let's not pretend that time hasn't long passed) that the great majority of kids find fun as a prep for real-world conditions (which, based on the workspaces I've been in, isn't even accurate) seems a little draconian. I'm all for teaching kids real-world skills in school, but banning harmless fun is probably one of the least effective of those methods.

Now, if the reason had been the district found a significant split amongst kids who could afford costumes and kids who couldn't, then this all starts to make a little more sense. I don't think that's the reason, but I don't know enough about it to say either way.

Posted on: 2015/10/20 17:52

Re: Dullboy cocktail bar
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Carmichael wrote:

Curious if you've ever tried Third & Vine? I give that place a slight edge.

Third & Vine has a fantastic wine and cheese selection and the other food is pretty good, but IMO the cocktails aim higher than they're capable of consistently executing. It's been a few months since I've gone so perhaps that has changed, but otherwise if cocktails is what you want I'd definitely give the edge to Dullboy.

Posted on: 2015/10/8 18:01

Re: Joaquin could impact N.J., pose biggest threat since Sandy
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JCMan8 wrote:
It's essentially a form of entertainment.

If this is entertainment then it's the world's shittiest form of entertainment, I'm pretty stressed over the possibilities (though it is looking a little better at this very moment). While you are technically correct about the forecast not being solid until 2 days before, some people have lives that will very much be disrupted (at the least) if the big storm hits and it is good to at least be mentally prepared and start making checklists of things to do just in case. If you wait until 2 days out and they say it's headed straight for NJ then the lines to get gas/propane/rope/batteries/etc start getting harder to navigate, not to mention prepping basements and yards for winds and/or flooding. Trust me, I'd be thrilled to have purchased a bunch of stuff I don't need to use this weekend.

For some people this might be a fun diversion, but for others it most certainly isn't.

Posted on: 2015/10/1 15:52

Re: PSE&G Jackhammer Nightmare
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I'm on 5th St, we received no notices.

My panties aren't in a wad, but I appreciate the concern. I'm not complaining about noise, obviously that would be unreasonable. My reasonable complaints are the lack of notice before needing the morning in my home, the fact that they've already torn up the street multiple times in the past 3 months, and the crappy patch jobs. Even the parking doesn't bother me, but notices for that should have been up much sooner.

Posted on: 2015/9/23 16:48

Re: PSE&G Jackhammer Nightmare
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trambone wrote:
This is jobs and improvements to the city.

That's great and all, but another job they could hire out would be for someone to go to each house and give people some semblance of advanced notice before they a)eliminate a street's worth of parking the night before and b)need to drill for two hours inside your home, which in my case kicked me out of home office unexpectedly on a day I couldn't afford to do that. They've opened up my street 3 times in the past 3-4 months, I don't understand the piecemeal approach to all of this.

On top of all that, they're re-patching jackhammered sidewalk with asphalt, which, besides being hacky BS, is all going to come apart the second people start snow-shoveling.

Posted on: 2015/9/23 15:41

Re: Raval tapas place
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corybraiterman wrote:
a bit confused by that menu.

is just the top portion tapas and the media raciones and raciones parts actual meals? or are they part of the 3-4 bite small plates.

cuz they can kiss my ass if they think i'm paying 16 bucks for 4 bites of oxtail.

Without knowing for sure, my guess is the "Tapas" portion is the small 3-4 bites dish, the "Media Raciones" is a bigger small plate in between tiny tapas and main entree (maybe 7-8 bites), and the "Raciones" is entree-equivalent.

Posted on: 2015/5/29 13:59

Re: The Hamilton Inn
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Abe_Froman wrote:
This is strange

Yeah ... I can think of 10 places in Jersey City alone I'd go for brunch before having it at Hamilton Inn again. The one time I had brunch there a few years ago was comically bad - no seasoning at all (completely unsalted home fries, for example), the food was cold, the servers were completely uninterested, and so on. Maybe things have changed dramatically (and these types of lists are ridiculous to begin with) but I have my doubts.

Posted on: 2015/4/23 18:14

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Just can't stay away

The cuisine combination actually sounds pretty great, and given the influx of Vietnamese people in the gulf regions of LA and TX it makes a lot of sense. I really hope they rethink the name, as currently the best-case scenario is someone confusing it for a crappy chain restaurant.

Posted on: 2015/4/2 18:18

Re: Dullboy cocktail bar
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Just can't stay away

I'm impressed with this place - as someone who is really into cocktails, I've been pretty disappointed with the offerings in Jersey City over the years, but these guys seem to get it so far. I went right when they opened last Thursday, had a long chat with one of the friendly bartenders and had 3 well-done drinks (one drink initially tasted a little off to me, he checked the grapefruit juice and agreed it had gone a little south and instantly made me a replacement that was much better). They're being smart by offering simple, recognizable classics - Manhattans, Negronis, Last Words, etc - until they get their feet under them, but from the looks of their liquor inventory they're clearly aiming higher in the near future. It seems like the weekends get packed but it'd be a nice spot to check out close to when they open during the week if anyone wants to stop in.

Posted on: 2015/3/2 21:15

Re: 5th & Coles
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I'm on 5th btwn Coles and Monmouth but closer to Monmouth - the Monmouth side of the street got pretty slammed during Irene (we had almost 5 feet in our basement), Sandy was manageable until the power died thus turning off the sumps, and even then not nearly the flooding Irene caused. However, during Irene, starting around the 7th house away from Monmouth you could tell the water problems aren't as bad, mainly because the street slopes down towards the intersection of Monmouth and 5th, which becomes a lake during bad rainstorms. One big problem with 5th is it's a fire route, so when the trucks drive by they push a lot of water over the sidewalks and into basements. We have put up a wall by our gate into the basement to prevent this, but again I haven't seen a lot of pooling water as you get closer to Coles so that probably is not a concern in your case.

In short, being closer to Coles is much better than being closer to Monmouth, but I wouldn't necessarily expect to be perfectly dry during a major rain storm (2-3+ inches in a short span of time).

Posted on: 2014/3/24 15:30

Re: JC food well represented in Star Ledger 'best of food' 2013
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Monroe wrote:
I never heard of the ice cream cart at number one.

Milk Sugar Love has a cart at the Hamilton Park farmers market and shows up at various other events around town. We really like her salted caramel ice cream - I hesitate to use words like "amazing" in this golden age of hyperbole but it's damn good for sure.

Posted on: 2014/1/3 15:49

Re: Left Bank Burger Bar
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rescuelife wrote:
I'm curious, what establishments ARE worthy of you and your wife's taste buds? I guess Pat LaFrieda can still be cheap for some people, but curious then what establishments have better quality and tasting beef?

Even the highest quality beef in the world still needs salt and pepper. I have not tried this place yet and I'm sure I will one day, but numerous reports of a burger bar not seasoning their meat isn't exactly giving me a compelling reason to go there instead of a place like White Star, where they use a Pat LaFrieda-blend that also happens to be very well-seasoned. Toppings can only cover up so much.

Posted on: 2013/12/24 15:56

Re: Union Republic -- Impressive New Place on Newark Ave @ Third Street
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Today was my second visit to UR. On the first visit I got the nose-to-tail ramen and it was very good, no complaints. Today my wife and I both got the chicken ramen (A Hen Full) and while the broth had the richness you'd expect, it was completely lacking in the savory department. We ended up needing to add salt and sriracha to make it enjoyable. The meatballs and egg were cooked well, but the broth needed some work. I realize a porky broth is going to be more intensely flavored, but there's a difference between subtle and under-seasoned.

However, the point of this post is not to bitch about a so-so lunch - one of the owners, who introduced himself last time I ate there, came over and profusely apologized, and also comp'd both ramens even though we did not ask or even expect that whatsoever. He said that because the broths take so long to cook that they were working out some kinks and something must have happened with this batch. It was a completely reasonable explanation and he certainly went above and beyond in trying to please us.

The point is it's a good sign to see management own up to mistakes and take steps to keep a potential future customer happy. We'll definitely be back.

Posted on: 2013/12/10 18:06

Re: Maxwells in Hoboken Closing end of July
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Based on what I've been told it's two restaurants - one is Madame Claude, the other is similar to the restaurant at Maxwell's. The big performance space is above the restaurants.

Posted on: 2013/12/10 16:01

Re: Maxwells in Hoboken Closing end of July
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nyrgravey9 wrote:
Leroy Justice
The Deafening
Eleventh Ward

Ok, so obviously we have very different tastes in music as I don't care for any of those. But, the good news is I've seen plenty of bands at Maxwell's that sound very similar to those bands. Long story short I don't think we're doomed to sub-standard music, it's just nice to have another musical option that will cater to certain tastes on some nights and other tastes on other nights.

Posted on: 2013/12/10 15:22

Re: Maxwells in Hoboken Closing end of July
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nyrgravey9 wrote:
If true, I guess it means we can welcome sub-standard music to Jersey City ;)

These guys haven't booked a decent lineup in over a decade (commence bashing of me).

Before I bash, can you give an example of a bill you think would not be sub-standard music? If you only had one night with 3 slots to book the type of music you think this town needs, what would it be? There's certainly a lot of crappy music out there, but saying there hasn't been a decent show at Maxwell's in over a decade seems a little hyperbolic to me, I'd like to hear what you would consider a decent lineup.

Posted on: 2013/12/10 15:11

Re: Downtown JC Ticket Frenzy
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I definitely agree the inconsistency in enforcement is maddening. The other night I parked behind a "don't park past here" sign because it was late, I was tired and the St. Anthony's fest was chewing up a lot of spots that created even less parking (not complaining, love that festival). Where I parked did not present a dangerous situation to drivers as it was on the right side of a one-way street going east coming off a one-way going south, but I knew I was breaking the law and would probably get ticketed. I did get a ticket the next day and fully accept that.

Given that, I also agree enforcing 25 feet from the curb is totally ridiculous given the parking situation around here. Pretty much every time I take the car out I risk my life due to cars blocking sight lines by parking completely up to the curb, and those cars never, ever have tickets on them. If they're going to bust people for parking in innocuous illegal spots it'd sure be nice to see them busting people who are both breaking the law and significantly raising the odds of an accident occurring.

Posted on: 2013/7/18 2:23

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