Re: Comprehensive Ranking of Schools in Jersey City
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I thought I'd share an interesting view my neighbor had about his children's schooling and how he made the choice to where to send them.
1. He did the standard academic results of the past 4 years and the retention of teachers at the schools over the same period, but most importantly he; 2. Requested from prospective schools the amount of detentions, suspensions, expulsions, reports of theft and Police interventions the schools were experiencing over a 4 year period and boy! did alarm bells go off. On speaking to other parents in the neighborhood they weren't impressed by how this sort of information was kept hidden from parents. Enlight of all the school shootings in the US, one would think schools would focus on disciplinary issues and how to deal and mitigate it ! Even though the information my neighbor found out with a few private and public schools in our district, I'm betting it's nothing like some schools in the US are experiencing. On a personal note, choosing a school is no different to choosing a neighborhood to live in ... if anything more important to a parent. By the way, it's still very warm in Melbourne and generally speaking, I find Australians have a easy going attitude to most things but it will be done right work ethic.
Posted on: 2018/3/5 19:18
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Re: fat-ass-bike in Melbourne Australia
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I was in the city when it happened (didn't see or actually hear a thing other then a few emergency sirens - the police must of got there very fast as there is a police post not 25 feet from that intersection under the station clocks) and it was said that this guy came from a dysfunctional family, had relationship issues, was unemployed, had a petty criminal history with police and involved with drugs for a good part of his life ... there is also a suggestion that he hung out at the gym and steroids could also be a factor (Basically this dude had little prospects in life) .... I'm sure the police will sort this out and my neighbors speculate its more to do with mental health issues then anything else and that this nutter simply wanted attention in all the wrong ways.
The guy was not making claim to any religious faction or yelled allahu akbar or crap like that. The good news is that no-one was killed
Posted on: 2017/12/21 20:29
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fat-ass-bike in Melbourne Australia
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Merry Christmas to the JClisters - I'm experiencing my first full summer during christmas and learning all about the game of cricket. Its warm and so far the season and country change has been great. The 'locals' have been welcoming and the community in general have been hospitable. To a certain degree I'm a novelty, however many have visited NY on many occasions. The winter isn't cold, but rather wet and I'm working for a terrific construction co. with numerous projects on the go within the city limits of Melbourne. cheers to all.
Posted on: 2017/12/21 8:23
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Re: Former dominatrix fights to keep job as sheriff's officer
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There's your problem with policing - the psychological exam. This should have been done during the initial recruiting process and not at the end.
I would have thought being any sort of public servant, you needed to be of good character, maintain moral values (how do you work those out) and void of any felony or serious misdemeanour offences and pass the PSYCHOLOGICAL EXAM BEFORE COMMENCEMENT. Given that, most of our politicians would be thrown out of office as they can't maintain the PUBLIC TRUST bestowed on them. Here in Australia, I've learnt that both main political parties have thrown out (demoted / fired) their elected Prime Minister for being an ass.
Posted on: 2017/6/25 21:46
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Re: F.A.B
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Over 60 building in the UK are to be audited and tested that have the same cladding issues for community safety. City Officials and Inspectors are to test and sign off on them to confirm that they are safe.
Here in Melbourne they are doing the same ... JC should also do such an investigation in the interest of community safety ... Central Equity Limited is a global player in development and construction so I'd look at their buildings to start with ... Once independently tested, they can be given a 'green light' on materials used to keep residents and insurance co's happy.
Posted on: 2017/6/22 20:46
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Re: F.A.B
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What a disaster in the UK regarding the residential tower fire - They had a similar, but not as dramatic fire here in Melbourne and I'm betting the same 'conditions' apply in both locations.
1. Developers handing over fists of campaign money to local and State politicians to get 'favors', lacks 'inspections' and failures to respond to complaints. 2. The use of cheap-ass cladding that doesn't meet building standards. 3. Here in Melbourne, local governments are doing an audit on building materials used and multi-million dollar corrections in construction are being instituted and even property insurance companies are jumping on board 4. What is also interesting is that I've stumbled across construction companies with various names that operated in JC/NJ and here, with slightly alternative names but appear to be the same company ! 5. I'm betting that the cladding supplier and/or construction company that is involved with the fire in the UK overnight did many works in NJ and NY. 6. Rumours are that insurance companies are refusing to cough up money if breaches have occurred and buildings burn down. I hope that everyone including HOA 's, have performed due diligence on their highrise complex buildings before the developer's warranty period is over !!!!
Posted on: 2017/6/14 22:36
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Re: F.A.B
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| ... tion-and-visas/work-visas
I was able to secure a permanent visa (work and reside) via the skills-select criteria.
Posted on: 2017/5/29 22:33
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The FAB has landed and settling just nicely in Canterbury, Victoria, Australia.
The neighbors have been welcoming and I'm starting on Monday with a major construction co. that operates here and in Asia. The local water tastes nicer and even the air seems cleaner. A BIG thanks to Trump and for the record, the grass is greener elsewhere !
Posted on: 2017/5/28 4:52
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Re: h1b racket in jersey city about to crash
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I often question the patriotism of US corporations and our politicians ... for me they have very little with politicians being complicit with their needs and wants ... campaign money always has a big voice on governance.
Posted on: 2017/4/19 21:30
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Re: 6 Things to Know About Criminal Justice Reform - Starts 1/2
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I believe crime will be drastically reduced if we simply had more blue collar jobs for the 18 - 25 year olds, and I don't mean fast food outlets or grocery stores. I'm talking about jobs in manufacturing, semi skilled employment that we now get done overseas.
We have a greater number of young adults that don't have the aptitude for education and need options that once existed that now don't ... we used to have huge manufacturing plants employing thousands to make most of our white goods (fridges / tv's / dishwashers / phones etc) and now we do nothing like that. I'd like the governor and mayor to focus on luring manufacturing industries back into this State with tax abatements and the like (and not to developers) and I'll bet the crime rates will reduce, to a much more manageable number.
Posted on: 2017/4/19 21:21
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Re: h1b racket in jersey city about to crash
Home away from home
It's all smoke and mirrors about this topic.
The MAIN reason that we don't have enough blue and white collar jobs throughout the US has nothing to do with H1B visa's . Trump is diverting the true problem with this crap - see attached about the cause and effect ... basically corporations have invested their manufacturing and infrastructure in China and other 'cheap' labor countries that don't have the same labor and environmental laws as we do here ... the US worker is too expensive for greedy corporations and industries ... It's no wonder the US military is the number 1 employer in the US, followed by Walmart ... There wouldn't be many countries in the world that has their military as the number 1 employer! It makes no wonder local businesses are exploiting the H1B visa when you're competing with overseas suppliers or service providers. Everything from manufacturing to telemarketers that are calling us from abroad is a problem, that should be 'homegrown' industries ... Globalisation has its benefits but is also screwing this nation!
Posted on: 2017/4/19 20:58
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Re: Heads Up - JCPD Driving Enforcement - Corner of 9th/Manila
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With all the complaints and comments about people running stop signs, red lights and people using phones while driving on JClist, we now have a 'heads-up' about police doing exactly what many hoped for; enforcement blitz.
It would have been better if we kept quiet and those that breach the laws be caught out, and hopefully change their ways with a hefty penalty. I'm betting it's locals that flaunt the rules more so then visitors to the area.
Posted on: 2017/4/19 19:14
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Re: its official: entire heights must buy resident parking permit
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I sort of agree ... every taxed residential property should receive one (only) parking permit and pay through the nose for a second one or visitors permit (max. limit 2 including the free permit). The freebie and extra parking should be limited to those that have no off-street parking available (the older homes) and not for new developments or when the regulations were in place for developers to provide off-street parking... this is inner city living and things should only improve as old homes get bulldozed and new construction with off-street parking get built.
Posted on: 2017/4/16 21:54
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Re: Dixon Leasing Cheating JC out of Taxes with the help of Rebecca Sysmes
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Really ! Trump and politicians just to name a few, have been exploiting tax loopholes, legislation and regulations regardless if democrats or republicans have been in office ... We shouldn't live in a fantasy that one political party is better at governance then the other. The political and financial elite might 'talk the talk' but will never screw things up for themselves. Trump and any politician will ensure that any of their enterprises or interests will not be effected with their actions of change and if anything, will be benefitted by their political position ... no-one shoots themselves in the ass !
Posted on: 2017/4/16 21:38
My humor is for the silent blue collar majority - If my posts offend, slander or you deem inappropriate and seek deletion, contact the webmaster for jurisdiction.
Re: Candice Osborne running, Not running, running, Not running,
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Why don't people that have a concern with any aspect of governance contact the department within cityhall of their concern and seek assistance from them.
I don't believe that councillors are private secretaries for every individual's request and an individual advocate of their issues. There is a process to get things done and it would idiotic for a councillor to micromanage everyone's individual complaint. If city hall staff screw-up, seek the manager / supervisor out, then the director and with all the relevant info in hand and you are still dissatisfied, look to councillors, noting they can't change legislation to suit your personal needs or wants!
Posted on: 2017/4/16 21:28
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Re: Dixon Leasing Cheating JC out of Taxes with the help of Rebecca Sysmes
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Why complain it's the American way - We have a President (not to mention most politicians) that knows every tax avoidance loophole in all his business and building interests.
Every developer, politician, corporation or individuals that have the means will employ a lawyer or even a team of lawyers to look for loopholes and exploit poorly written legislation ... It might be legal what they do, but maybe not so ethical and unfortunately, being unethical means nothing these days as there are no consequences. If you want to finger point, then it's Fulop, Christie and the IRS for not 'patching' up those loopholes in our building regulations and tax laws. Less then a week to go before I'm leaving on a Virgin flight from JFK to LAX then, Qantas plane out of here.
Posted on: 2017/4/16 21:14
My humor is for the silent blue collar majority - If my posts offend, slander or you deem inappropriate and seek deletion, contact the webmaster for jurisdiction.
Re: Yvonne Outdoes Herself - Transgender Bathroom Editorial
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The one thing I will never do is attack someone on a personal level. Why does anyone do this? Are they afraid of the truth? You cannot insult me because I would have to have respect for you for your words to sting. You ignore the fact the some catholic priests and catholic priests not transgender will rape and beat children and women in school changing rooms and school restrooms. They have already. You don't care. When you put other rights above the safety of all women/girls / boys, then you demean all children.
Posted on: 2017/4/15 6:50
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Re: Big Brother is watching: '1984' returns to theaters
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Best comment ever made ... both party subservients are guilty ... be a swinging voter and if both parties fail to produce a 'reasonable' candidate (first time in my history) and the country is going in decline in every facet, then it's time to move ... 22 days to go and Melbourne will be my new home and Australia my new country of residence ... can't wait! The only comment Trump has made that is 100% accurate is the fact that the U.S isn't 'great' and hasn't been so for the past 40 years - We have been on a progressive spiral of corporate greed and financial mismanagement, leaving us in debt with VERY poor social and infrastructural services. "Joe Citizen" has always come last in reality and first in 'fantasy' when politicians make promises during election time!
Posted on: 2017/4/2 22:29
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Re: Package thief recorded
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Interesting ! I've got a cop friend that has a MBA in criminology and he would disagree with your comment that "criminals do not care about a criminal record" ... You might be surprised that there isn't that many 'career criminals' out there, when in fact we have a high percentage of opportunistic criminals and only when caught, that reality kicks in and they soon discover how their 'opportunistic' ways catches up with them in the future.
Posted on: 2017/4/2 4:55
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Re: Package thief recorded
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If that's the case, then they will have a criminal record against their name and of public knowledge that does have lasting ramifications ... On a positive for the thief, will be that they qualify under a cityhall program of employing 'felons'
Posted on: 2017/4/1 3:58
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Re: Package thief recorded
Home away from home
The best cops and security of your property and wellbeing at home is your neighbors - good job
Posted on: 2017/3/31 10:04
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Re: A violent 36 hours in Jersey City: 5 shot and 8 arrested during gun investigations
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Trump is Corporation America ... the ugly side of capitalism that lacks any ethics, corporate conscience or integrity ... Trump has heaps of business dealings in China, not to mention a number of Hotels there. It will not be in the interest of Trump's personal empire to screw China, but he will just blow steam about it with no follow through. ... t-for-the-president-elect
Posted on: 2017/3/27 11:28
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Re: A violent 36 hours in Jersey City: 5 shot and 8 arrested during gun investigations
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I still believe that the root cause to crime that is motivated by money is a lack of blue collar, process factory work and manufacturing.
Look at the list of US corporation that do all their manufacturing in China and how many of them once were manufacturing in New Jersey and Jersey City. Trump, Christie and even Fulop need to pull their fingers out and look at ways to have more manufacturing, blue collar laboring jobs in our State and City
Posted on: 2017/3/27 8:53
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Re: Teens, ages 13 and 15, shot early Sunday morning in JC (3:00 am)
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13 and 15 years of age at 3:00am - I'm betting they were upto no good and got an ass whipping, since the shots were directed at their ankles and at their back (escaping from doing something they shouldn't have) !
Whatever it was, shooting them was an extreme ... next-time a paint/pellet gun would have been a better option and just as painful ! It would be nice if the newspaper followed up with what they were up to in that area or will the kids remain quiet so as not to incriminate themselves ... I'm not buying any cock & bull story that they were out at 3.00am walking their dog!
Posted on: 2017/3/26 20:18
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Re: Mayor Fulop orders gender-neutral restrooms in city buildings
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Universal visual displays and icons will be just fine
Posted on: 2017/3/26 20:15
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Re: Mayor Fulop orders gender-neutral restrooms in city buildings
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Just make sure the cubicles are secure and enclosed. Not sure how you deal with people who pee standing up while others access these cubicles .... you still need a separate 'stand and pee' zone !
Posted on: 2017/3/24 21:05
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Re: Stop the give away of taxpayers' city owned land. Ordinance 17-023
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It would be nice if the 'give away' had a clause that somehow had a condition that it would have to benefit the community / citizens of Jersey City; either by (mandating) employing a % of locals or having some direct or indirect benefit to them (locals).
The highest price wins, often means little or no community benefit with the only benefit going to a buyer ... and then cityhall offers tax abatements! It would be better, I feel, to direct city owned land to better QOL enterprises or enterprises / businesses that benefit the community or draws in tourists etc, instead of adding to the demand or added pressure to our infrastructure and services. Could the land be used to build a new library, police station, city run daycare, community hub, city run aged care day centre, city offices for an expanding employee base, fire station, city / charity / community run medical clinic, local parkland, city dog run etc etc.
Posted on: 2017/3/15 21:29
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Re: Know anyone who can replace axe handles?
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Posted on: 2017/3/15 20:48
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Re: Woman filmed as he undress in JC Penny at Newport
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Would you like me to make an appointment for you? I can schedule anytime that suits and all you have to do is rock up - This is the address; 179 Palisade Ave, Jersey City 07306 If you like, you can make your own booking; +1 201-795-8375
Posted on: 2017/3/15 19:55
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