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Re: "Jersey City mayor would build more housing for gentrifiers, call it ‘affordable’"
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Lots of people are trying to use the current Cover-19 situation to argue for a rollback of the reval, or a reduction in property taxes across the board, conveniently ignoring the fact that the city is just as impacted by this and will need every penny it can collect, and that rolling back the reval would be asking the poorer residents to (once again) subsidize the richer residents through exorbitantly higher tax rates.

Posted on: 2020/4/7 15:51

Re: Coronavirus is now in Hudson County
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jcguy05 wrote:

jcguy05 wrote:
we are only at the first inning here in the US, NY/NJ. Every outbreak in other cities italy, s korea, and wuhan. All follow the exact same timeline.

1) A few cases reported - noone cares
2) 1 - 2 weeks later - 100-200 cases reported, people became concerned but still doesn't care
3) 3+ weeks onward- full blown outbreak, everyone panics and city shuts down.

Follow the same timeframe, look for mid to late march for this to happen here. It will get a lot worse in cities like NYC / Hudson where people jam pack onto subways, buses, and light rails.

Majority of people still not wearing masks, i see tons of people together by weehawken play ground all with kids playing together. How dumb can you get, those same people will go into full panic mode in a few weeks.

Last point - masks. Everyone should wear masks, it's NOT to protect you from catching the virus (although it is somewhat effective if used properly). It is to protect OTHERS from getting the virus from you. Mask is highly effective to prevent your crap from going out to other people in case you are sick and don't know it.

That's the key thing how wuhan/china is able to get the virus under control. Everyone there must wear mask as a policy, so even if you are sick and walk around other people, chance of you spreading it to them is very low.

US and Europe, people seem to have this negative misconception about mask, as if afraid of being labeled sick. When in fact, it's the opposite and the responsible thing to do, to ensure you dont spread it to other people if infected.

/rant off

stay safe, work from home if possible, and good luck.

I will quote myself from March 10th. Everything unfolded as predicted sadly. It is just batsht crazy people are still NOT wearing masks, and government is still not recommending everyone to wear masks.

There is no words on how fking stupid this is. If everyone wear masks then you can?t give to other people in public, and that?s how you stop this thing. Everyone in Asia is just looking at US and Europe going wtf..

Even more bewildering is one (of the many) rationale given by the US Surgeon General to oppose the use of masks by everyone: that because some people don?t know how to use masks properly, and will therefore not gain much from wearing them, then no one should wear them.

Replace masks with condoms and you can see how that rationale is just absolutely insane. It is a given that some people don?t know how to use a condom properly, but we don?t tell everyone not to use them because of the idiocy of some.

Posted on: 2020/4/3 13:39

Re: Coronavirus is now in Hudson County
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MDM wrote:

bodhipooh wrote:

MDM wrote:
Can anyone here see Fulop going into 'Italian Mayor mode' over the quarantines?

Definitely not now. For one, he does not strike me as the type. And, second, we don't have a lockdown order that imposes a curfew on all at all hours. People are still free to come and go, and are only being asked to reduce time outside, and to practice social distancing.

Technically we do have a lock-down order from the Governor. Unless your job falls into one of the critical categories, you have to stay home. You are allowed out to get necessities like food, medicine, and liquor (liquor stores are for now... "essential".. not that I am complaining)

Your understanding of the lock down order is faulty. People are definitely allowed to engage in exercise and outdoor activities.

From the first paragraph of the order, as published in the state website:
To mitigate the impact of COVID-19 and protect the capacity of New Jersey's health care system for the state's most vulnerable, Governor Phil Murphy signed Executive Order No. 107 on March 21, 2020, directing all residents to stay at home until further notice. The order provides for certain exceptions, such as:
- obtaining essential goods or services
- seeking medical attention
- visiting family or close friends
- reporting to work
- engaging in outdoor activities.

Source: ... sential-retail-businesses

Posted on: 2020/3/29 12:36

Re: Coronavirus is now in Hudson County
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MDM wrote:
Can anyone here see Fulop going into 'Italian Mayor mode' over the quarantines?

Definitely not now. For one, he does not strike me as the type. And, second, we don't have a lockdown order that imposes a curfew on all at all hours. People are still free to come and go, and are only being asked to reduce time outside, and to practice social distancing.

Posted on: 2020/3/27 18:46

Re: Coronavirus is now in Hudson County
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MDM wrote:
Anyone fluent in Italian? Here is a breakdown of deaths in Italy. ... OVID-2019_17_marzo-v2.pdf

Per a Bloomberg article, 99% of the fatalities were already suffering from some other illness.

Thanks for the link! It's actually a pretty nice doc in that it lays out a lot of data in very simple terms. What the document describes is that they took data from 355 deceased (out of the 2003 that have died so far) and they presented a breakdown that shows 99% of that sample had other pre-existing conditions. They don't explain if the sample was random, or what else, but the breakdown indicates that of those 355 deceased patients, almost half (172, or 48.5%) had 3 or more pre-existing conditions, while one quarter had 2 pre-existing conditions, and another quarter had one pre-existing condition.

More interesting/telling is that the median age of diagnosed is 63, and that of the deceased is 80.5. People younger than 60 are hardly represented in recorded deaths, accounting for only 3.5%.

Posted on: 2020/3/19 20:24

Re: Coronavirus is now in Hudson County
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Yvonne wrote:
The point being, no one cared when this happened in 2009. No one cares when public schools get notices that children coming from immigrant homes are bringing in measles and TB among other diseases but for some reason the world goes ballistic over corona. Why were they silent on other health matters?

I know math is not your thing, and common sense seems to be lacking as well, so any further explanation is probably a waste oof time. But, I will try again: if we were to suffer a similar outbreak (~61 MM people infected) and the current mortality rate holds, we are looking at close to a million people dead. That's a HUGE number. That's why people (and, the world) are going "ballistic".

Now, imagine we were experiencing a mortality rate like that of Spain (5%) or Italy (8%) and we would be looking at total deaths between 3 and 5 million people if this thing was to spread to 61 MM people.

That's why people are panicking and why governments all over the world are reacting with such strict measures. Other health matters haven't seen those kind of numbers when it comes to mortality.

Posted on: 2020/3/19 20:07

Re: Coronavirus is now in Hudson County
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Yvonne wrote:
Why was H1NI that infected 60 million in the US and 14,000 died was considered no bid deal in 2009? Nothing shut down.

Sigh. Lately, I find myself having to tell (and, explain) why numbers without context mean next to nothing.

Yes, in the US 61 MM were infected, but only 12.5K died from it. That puts its mortality rate at 0.02%. By comparison, at a global level, the coronavirus mortality rate currently stands at 4%. Domestically, so far, the coronavirus mortality rate has held steady at about 1.5%, which means it is 75 times more deadly than H1N1. THAT is why containment is important.

Posted on: 2020/3/18 22:15

Re: "ThaWheelMan" For the LOVE OF GOD, Haud yer wheesht!
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I_heart_JC wrote:

jerseymom wrote:

bodhipooh wrote:

jerseymom wrote:

Haggis wrote:
Seriously mate.
Or is this a bot?

Haggis - gaune yursel! Aye, he's a wee bit shoogly after the end of comments on He's a right scunner. All bum and parsley.

I didn't think I could like you more, but then you post an oatmeal cookie recipe, and this perfectly on point reply, and I am just all googly eyes. Thank you for keeping JCLIST a place worth visiting.

Awwww Bodhi, you made my morning. I was gleefully channeling my great-grandma Agnes from Aberdeenshire. Now she was a hoot. Us old timers have to stick together. I just can't shake my JCList habit. Stay safe and healthy - and those oatmeal cookies are really good.

wait, cookies?

Oatmeal cookie recipe, courtesy of jerseymom:

Posted on: 2020/3/16 0:45

Re: "ThaWheelMan" For the LOVE OF GOD, Haud yer wheesht!
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jerseymom wrote:

bodhipooh wrote:

jerseymom wrote:

Haggis wrote:
Seriously mate.
Or is this a bot?

Haggis - gaune yursel! Aye, he's a wee bit shoogly after the end of comments on He's a right scunner. All bum and parsley.

I didn't think I could like you more, but then you post an oatmeal cookie recipe, and this perfectly on point reply, and I am just all googly eyes. Thank you for keeping JCLIST a place worth visiting.

Awwww Bodhi, you made my morning. I was gleefully channeling my great-grandma Agnes from Aberdeenshire. Now she was a hoot. Us old timers have to stick together. I just can't shake my JCList habit. Stay safe and healthy - and those oatmeal cookies are really good.

I will be making them later this week for sure! And, always glad to put a smile on someone's face.

Posted on: 2020/3/16 0:45

Re: "ThaWheelMan" For the LOVE OF GOD, Haud yer wheesht!
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brewster wrote:

Haggis wrote:
Seriously mate.
Or is this a bot?

My top theory is that it's actually Dan Falcon trying to drive a few views to his moribund JCList.

You could be onto something. The site is essentially dead nowadays. I remember this site being particularly busy and actually useful for all kinds of JC-related stuff.

Posted on: 2020/3/16 0:44

Re: "ThaWheelMan" For the LOVE OF GOD, Haud yer wheesht!
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jerseymom wrote:

Haggis wrote:
Seriously mate.
Or is this a bot?

Haggis - gaune yursel! Aye, he's a wee bit shoogly after the end of comments on He's a right scunner. All bum and parsley.

I didn't think I could like you more, but then you post an oatmeal cookie recipe, and this perfectly on point reply, and I am just all googly eyes. Thank you for keeping JCLIST a place worth visiting.

Posted on: 2020/3/13 2:50

Re: removing comments from site on Thursday
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K-Lo2 wrote:
She'll post it on the Hudson Reporter! ... tory-hour-in-jersey-city/

Setting aside the matter of the god-awful, headache-inducing atrocious grammar, can someone please explain what is non-biological adult? Is it a cyborg? Or, perhaps a T-1000 sent back from the future?

Posted on: 2020/2/25 23:18

Re: Jersey City Drops Lawsuit Against the Friends of the Loews Jersey City Landmark Theatre
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What a sad state of affairs, but not at all unexpected. I'll just quote myself below...

In any case, I know the FoL mean well, but they are NOT up to the task. Another year wasted with nothing to show for it. Really, when you think about it, Jersey City is a city of unrealized potential everywhere you look: it's not just this theater, but the Powerhouse (a crumbling facade is all that is left) is another example of so much potential that has gone unrealized. Add the pedestrian plaza (a restaurant row is great, but that plaza should be completely car-free and much more vibrant with a strong retail presence) and the DTJC waterfront (which is, sadly, mostly a no man's land on weekends, with next to nothing there to attract crowds or visitors, save for the occasional Summer event) to the list of unrealized potential. Heck, even the much vaunted LSP could also be much more.

It's all very sad and disappointing because, in the end, a lot of that unrealized potential is the result of people who mean well, or have honest to goodness intentions, but they just don't realize that their provincial way of thinking is actually holding back progress.

At some point, the City administration will have to step in and step up and just take more control over some of these matters. For now, so much around here seems hostage to the whims of local groups, NAs, NIMBYs and other groups who reject and oppose anything that involves change.


bodhipooh wrote:

HCResident wrote:
Tic-tock, tic-tock...2020 will be here before you know it.

It's sad that we have to wait another year before we can see real progress in the Loews saga. The FoL is a JOKE. Another 5 years wasted with little or no progress. We could have had something by now, but instead are stuck with a theater that continues to be in disrepair and that will likely cost much more to renovate in 2020 than it would have cost if work had started in 2014.

They [FoL] mean well, but they have shown (over and over!) that they are amateurs and not up to the task of getting the restoration or renovation completed.

Posted on: 2020/2/24 17:03

Re: What’s going there? (Journal Square edition)
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Uninspired and looks incredibly dated. Like something considered modern in the late 70s, early 80s. Lots of similar looking buildings from around that time all over the world. Very disappointing design, really.

Posted on: 2020/2/20 17:15

Re: Residential high-rise with school could replace 2 blocks in Downtown JC
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dr_nick_riviera wrote:
Of course Yvonne and the HPNA are trying to rally their usual band of NIMBY idiots against it.

Sadly, you are SO right. Already some people are opposing this project, with some outlandish claims or faux grievances: some old fart opposes the project because the school can't handle all of downtown's student overflow, some dude claims this is discrimination and called the proposed school a "sanctuary" school because it will segregate rich from poor, some other dude wants 1:1 parking spaces, and the list goes on. Even when those claims are refuted with logic and facts, they press on. In short, those with an axe to grind, or some hidden agenda, will continue to oppose progress and development using thinly veiled arguments.

Posted on: 2020/2/15 15:59

Re: JCBOE settles ex-sup's federal lawsuit for $398K
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jerseymom wrote:
By Ron Zeitlinger | The Jersey Journal

The beleaguered Jersey City Board of Education has settled a lawsuit with its former superintendent for $398,250, according to the settlement agreement.

Marcia Lyles had sued the district last January, saying the school board and the teachers? union impeded her ability to run the school district, defamed her and created a hostile work environment. Lyles was fired in early February 2019.


Also - Jersey City school district not showing docs that prove it can move on from state control, report says

And, yet, they think citizens should "stay out of their business" and resent it when people demand (beg?) for more accountability and transparency. Seeing how school taxes are likely to double or triple in the very near future, I hope MORE people open their eyes and start clamoring for better results, better stewardship, and more openness. In the absence of that, people should vote in a new BOE altogether, devoid of anyone that has served in it in the past. It's way past due for some improvements and results.

And, if people won't vote for something better, well... then people do deserve to get used and abused via higher taxes due to their indifference or lack of self-interest.

Posted on: 2020/2/11 19:16

Re: Jersey City Bike Lanes... WTF is wrong with bike riders
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meltedopsicle wrote:
Ditto all of the above.

When I ride (which isn't much lately), I'm fully equipped with lights, horn, and rear view mirror. If I want to be treated as a vehicle, I should behave like one. Unfortunately, too many riders don't and it affects how people view the rest of us.

I thought someone was going to say "bikes need to be in the bike lane" but I see that it's really "bikes need to be off the sidewalk"! I'm accustomed to taking the traffic lane when needed (to prevent drivers from passing too closely, to avoid potholes and debris) and that means I'm visible and moving predictably, whereas there are some protected bike lanes I would rather not be in because of hazards and visibility at intersections.

(Yes, hazards such as vehicles parked in the bike lane that I can't just steer around because of the adjacent "protection" of parked cars. Good luck getting enforcement to care though.)

Much like you, nowadays I don't ride nearly as much as I used to, but when I did, I used to ride in town multiple times per day, and would take the lane often. It's ironic that "taking the lane" is (or, feels) safer than riding some bike lanes, or sticking to the edge of the road where lanes are not available. Unfortunately, some drivers can get REALLY aggressive about cyclists taking the lane, and I have been on the receiving end of a good amount of crazy behavior: purposefully sideswiped by passing cars twice, tailgated by an asshat who drove within inches of my back tire to try and force me out of his way, and a slow speed head on collision when an old dude didn't want to wait while someone was waiting his turn at an intersection and decided to go around him, invading the opposite traffic lane and running into me. Drivers in JC are really dangerous, without a doubt.

Posted on: 2020/2/11 14:57

Re: Jersey City Bike Lanes... WTF is wrong with bike riders
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TheBigGuy wrote:
Has anyone else noticed bike riders not using the spaces just for them? Can they be cited by traffic regulations?

Yes. Just like drivers can be cited for running stop signs, failing to yield to pedestrians, making illegal turns, blowing through red lights, or driving too fast. Oh wait... JC doesn't do any of that.

In all seriousness, you are right to be annoyed. Too many idiots choose to ride on sidewalks because they "don't feel safe" riding on the streets. Tough cookies, really.

Many years ago, while walking on a sidewalk over by Newport, my daughter and I were almost ran over by two asswipes riding their bikes on the same sidewalk, approaching us from behind and yelling to get out of their way. We managed to barely avoid a collision, and I was pissed. On the other hand, as an avid cyclist that rides all over JC, I can attest to drivers yelling at me to get off the road and on the sidewalk. Sadly, there is a serious need for driver and cyclist education.

Posted on: 2020/2/9 20:04

Re: Plan calls for high-rise to replace 75-year-old public housing complex in JC
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brewster wrote:
I advocate taking a few street parking spots away from local residents and making them metered. I don't think that's so radical compared to demanding massive underground parking lots! Seems obvious to me that anyone suggesting the latter has never dealt with DTJC's water issues. If you've ever had to drive your car up to high ground ahead of a storm you wouldn't even consider it!

As for Europe, I assume the construction and operation of those underground is subsidized like most European infrastructure. We don't roll like that in "what's in it for ME" America.

I fully understand that wanting the city to support/encourage/subsidize underground parking lots is a pipe dream, but it certainly is NOT because it is an impossible engineering challenge. Other cities and countries around the world have figured out how to make it happen, even places with elevations even lower than ours. Heck, most of Netherlands is below sea level, and they have found ways to make it happen. Same for Belgium. Underground parking is not an exotic art form: other places with similar or even lower elevations have done it, and we could learn from them. The costs associated with digging could be dramatically lower with the right company and technology. The benefits are many, and the right politician with the right mindset could see this not just as a benefit for all, but as part of a legacy that would impact generations.

Posted on: 2020/2/4 2:08

Re: Plan calls for high-rise to replace 75-year-old public housing complex in JC
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I feel that the "issue" of money is based on a false (you could say, forced) belief that digging, or tunneling, is inherently expensive and not subject to the common sense idea that technology and other related advances can and should make a dent on those costs. For whatever reason, we have accepted that costs ranging from 200 to 900 million USD per mile is acceptable.

Meanwhile, in the span of less than two or three years, the Boring company went from pipe dream to actual handling projects digging tunnels underneath American cities for a pittance when compared to the cost of other tunneling projects around the nation. That's one company with zero prior experience, just a vision, and the drive to implement it, and using technology and new approaches. I bet underground lots could be dug out for a lot less than we have been led or trained to believe.

Posted on: 2020/2/2 22:41

Re: Plan calls for high-rise to replace 75-year-old public housing complex in JC
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hero69 wrote:
i love the way many european cities handle parking by building massive underground lots. oftentimes, i'm not even aware that i'm standing on a massive underground lot until i see cars exiting or a parking sign. i doubt that would go far in the states where people are mostly concerned with free or cheap....the walmart approach to living.

We seldom agree on anything, but on this we have had remarkably similar experiences: I have been in many European town squares that also happen to sit atop a massive lot and the only thing that gives it away is seeing cars emerging from the ground in the periphery of said squares.

As for revenue or profits, some of those lots are not even that expensive! I have rented cars all over Europe and used those lots and seldom have I spent more than the equivalent of 10 USD for over night parking. The lots are SO massive that they can charge comparatively less than here and still turn a profit, obviously.

Posted on: 2020/2/2 22:22

Re: Plan calls for high-rise to replace 75-year-old public housing complex in JC
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brewster wrote:

JCGuys wrote:

Yvonne wrote:
It is obvious some folks on JClist do not go to public meetings in various neighborhoods, it is not Yvonne, it is hundreds of people complaining about loss parking, especially bikes lanes at the expense of cars. There were hundreds of people at Hudson Catholic School including St. Peter's University, making the same complaint. Not to mention, the businesses that are hurt because shoppers go else. Really, how selfish are some comments. In fact the city should do a survey on the people of people that shop in Bayonne or other towns due to the loss of parking.

Thanks for proving my point. Parking, parking, parking but no concern on how parking impacts housing affordability.

Or transit. You could put BRT on a set of N-S JC roads and have a virtual subway, except for...parking. And I actually agree with part of Yvonne's position, more short term parking for local commerce. But what we should have is more and better metered parking in commercial districts the way Hoboken has. But that's a non-starter, since it would take away resident street parking. Even Key foods should have a row of 15 minute meters out front, If I want to drop in for eggs or zucchini on my way driving home from somewhere, I can't, since the daylighting of the corners there's not even illegal spots to use.

But, why advocate for metered, surface parking? Why not *underground* parking? It?s truly astounding that we have not embraced underground parking more widely in the US. Most cities seem to have embraced surface lots, or the incredibly inefficient/wasteful practice of dedicating the first few floors of buildings to be parking decks. If Jersey City pushed for subterranean lots, we could free up a ton of street space for other purposes (wider sidewalks, bike lanes, more retail and commercial space in buildings, more housing units per building, etc) while ensuring that the need for parking is satisfied.

All over Europe, cities of all sizes (including tiny ones) have embraced underground lots and it really is a game changer for improving walkability as well as aesthetics. Why not borrow from that idea and push for our city to do the same?

Imagine an underground lot under city hall; that would satisfy the parking needs for all of the Grove street businesses and restaurants, and the city could then reclaim all the space taken by metered spots to make room for more lanes, or to widen sidewalks. Or, if you want to think more boldly, you could make all of the Grove area into a car-free, pedestrian zone. The underground lot would allow for people to be close to where they need to go, which is the usual complaint, while allowing for efficient use of city surfaces.

Posted on: 2020/2/2 15:53

Re: Plan calls for high-rise to replace 75-year-old public housing complex in JC
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MikeyTBC wrote:
No chance they're letting all the old residents come back. I'm guessing a lottery to access something like 5% of the new units. Just enough for it to qualify as "mixed-income"

Honestly, I would be surprised if even THAT happens. The cynic in me just thinks or assumes that the developer will agree to some terms, then turn around and petition the council for a variance to have the low-income units replaced with housing built elsewhere, as has been done by so many other developers. I know Fulop is on the record as saying he will not allow for this, but we have seen him go back on his word on other things, and if you have the right connections, I can see a developer pushing for that again, and again.

I agree with JCGuys that we should move away from the concept of "concentration of poverty" but mixed income housing seldom works out as it is billed: some (most) people don't want to live next to others they deem poorer, mixed income housing will often treat their low-income residents differently (sometimes openly, others overtly) and developers and pols have made a mockery of the concept itself by allowing developers to satisfy their commitments by building the approved low-income units in completely different areas of town.

If we are going to institute policies that strive to integrate people more closely, then adhere to those ideals and commitments. Don't just say something and do something else.

Posted on: 2020/1/30 17:08

Re: Hudson Cinemas closed?
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brewster wrote:

Why would a Staten Islander come here and pay a toll when they have their own?

I don?t think they would come to NJ just for Costco, but for some people it could be part of an errand day, when they could be hitting up Walmart, Costco, and loading up in gas. Maybe even shopping for clothes or shoes further out. Gas savings alone would cover the toll. People do weird things with their time. I wouldn?t drive from SI to Bayonne for Walmart and gasoline, but lots of people obviously do, and this Costco is about a mile or less from that Walmart, and it has a Costco gasoline station.

Posted on: 2020/1/25 12:59

Re: Hudson Cinemas closed?
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135jc wrote:

brewster wrote:

bodhipooh wrote:
The best thing that has happened to Bayonne is the Costco opening. Surprisingly, it is never as crowded as you would think.

Yeah, I think they miscalculated: cheap land and a suburban style store vs more customers. Had they built an urban style store Downtown like the one in Red Hook, or like the HD, they'd have had a lot more wealthy customers within a short distance.

These big national chains have bean counters that look at the high land cost or rent in dense areas and veto it without seriously taking customer density into account. Years ago before they opened Jersey stores I contacted Harbor Freight and suggested they open one on 440. That's between 2 cities of 250k each. Their response was they don't open stores with that high rents, even though they had stores in little towns of 30k out west. They simply could not wrap their heads around the hugely larger customer base per store.

Or simply they wanted to tap into the thousands of cars that travel past that very spot each day!

I am sure that was part of it, and they probably also figured they would get people from JC, and Staten Island. According to someone I once met that works at the Walmart down the road, on weekends they get lots of people from SI who cross into NJ to shop and load up in gas.

But, that's the thing: I have been in the Bayonne Costco mid-week, and weekends, mornings, afternoons, and evenings, and never seen it crowded. The most people I ever saw there was less than half the crowd you would normally see in Teterboro or Clifton. To be quite honest, I much prefer it that way: it makes for a more pleasant experience, and also makes it possible to get in and out quickly if you are in a hurry. But, it is definitely surprising how empty it is in there regularly. It is unlike any other Costco I have ever visited.

Posted on: 2020/1/24 20:25

Re: Hudson Cinemas closed?
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brewster wrote:
With the amount of development east of 440 in Bayonne I can't imagine they'll just let that S Cove theater stand dormant.

I feel that strip mall area has always struggled to get past a very basic existence. Some suburban type places, a pricey Stop & Shop, an odd liquor store with a Verizon shop next to a bunch of other nondescript business storefronts. The Japanese restaurant was good but closed down, later replaced with another Asian place. I don?t know... Bayonne is a weird place. Half a mile down the road is another equally bland strip mall, but at least it has a very useful Lowe?s along with five guys. For those with a hankering for suburban dining, it also has a Sonic and a Longhorn Steakhouse. The Walmart in that second strip mall is always crowded, judging by the throngs coming and going.

The best thing that has happened to Bayonne is the Costco opening. Surprisingly, it is never as crowded as you would think.

Posted on: 2020/1/24 3:48

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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K-Lo2 wrote:
And....speaking of the MTA, Andy Byford just resigned.

It was only a matter of time. He tried to resign late last year, but was talked out of it. He was a guy with common sense ideas that didnt jive with the current political climate. That's the problem with some politicians: they only pay lip service. They hired this guy because he had a stellar track record in turning around other troubled mass transit systems, but then get riled up and reject his ideas because they don't fit their agendas. Compounding the issue was that, according to many insiders, Cuomo and Byford both had outsized egos which chafed against each other.

I feel Byford had the right idea in wanting to drive down issues like fare beating and turnstile jumping, but the current political climate is such that ideas like those are anathema. Crime rates in the subway system are going up, but no pol wants to see more police presence and any attempt at enforcement is painted as racist, so the criminals need not worry and things just keep getting worse. The NYC subway is definitely in decline, and the MTA fiscal situation is a mess. I wonder who they might be able to attract to run this disaster.

Posted on: 2020/1/23 17:17

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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MDM wrote:

bodhipooh wrote:
The MTA just ordered 20 open gangway cars to test the concept as potential replacements of the existing subway trains. Defintely would love to see the PA test such a concept for the PATH. It would likely alleviate some of the overcrowding in cars. ... -open-gangway-subway-cars

I recall reading that such a system would be difficult on the PATH because it was designed with some pretty tight turns (relative to other subway systems).

I vaguely remember something similar. Not sure how an articulated/open gangway subway car would be any different when it comes to turns, though. Those midsections can bend quite a bit. Having been in many such trains overseas, I am surprised they are not more popular here in the US.

Posted on: 2020/1/22 23:34

All NYC PATH stations closed this weekend (except for WTC)
Home away from home
Home away from home

Another Port Authority special... all NYC PATH stations will be closed this weekend, with the sole exception of WTC. ... kend-station-closure.html

Posted on: 2020/1/22 19:52

Re: Hudson Cinemas closed?
Home away from home
Home away from home


neverleft wrote:

bodhipooh wrote:

I didn't realize that Frank Theaters at South Cove had closed. When did it happen?

As for local theaters, the Newport Centre AMC is actually really nice after the renovations were performed.

I guess round March 2019 I knew they were in trouble before that when they put up a sign on the door that said theaters are not heated. Used to go to a movie there and then Houlihan?s. I have not been to a movie in Newport for years I will have to give them a try. Secaucus is good has food options (ha a Houlihan?s too) but the movie theaters are always packed. Clifton is nice also has food options.

Bayonne movie theater closes; property owner ?evaluating options? for the space

Updated Apr 08, 2019;Posted Apr 08, 2019
By Corey W. McDonald | The Jersey Journal

BAYONNE ? The Frank Theaters South Cove Stadium 12 has closed down after remaining open for several months despite its parent company filing for bankruptcy.

Francesco Alessi, who owns the South Cove Commons Plaza property, confirmed the theater had been vacated in early March, but declined to comment any further. ... ptions-for-the-space.html

Thanks for the newspaper article!

I used to go to Secaucus before the Newport AMC was renovated. It is definitely nice, but too crowded. Hard to enjoy movies when the theaters are crowded, particularly with people who talk during movies, as often happens around here.

Definitely check out the Newport Centre theaters: seating is great, as well as the sound system. The only drawback to the AMC is that some screens are small, which is to expected since they have 11 different ones crammed into that space.

Posted on: 2020/1/22 19:49

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