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Re: JC now has it's own official Food Tour!

We've also done a couple of food tours, one in San Deigo and one in Saratoga Springs, which we really enjoyed. It's a great way to learn about some of the best foods an area has to offer and taste a bunch of different types of food, so I just thought I'd share.

As for the one in JC, we often have friends come to visit, but usually they are not here for more than a couple of days and there are lots of things to try to fit in during a short period of time. I just thought this would be a great way to show off some of our favorite places without having to plan to do a meal in each one, which would basically take up most of the meals while they are here.

Posted on: 2014/5/31 17:04

Re: JC now has it's own official Food Tour!

No, if I ran the business, I would say so...especially given the general nasty comments such as yours on this board. But I do work for a company in the tourism industry, which is how I heard about this new business. And it's rare in my business to hear about these types of activities taking place in my backyard since JC is not a place known for its tourism.

I just generally like to support new local JC businesses when I can and thought others in town might as well. If you've never taken a food tour, you should check one out...they can be a lot of fun.

Posted on: 2014/5/31 13:33

JC now has it's own official Food Tour!

Just heard about a new local business that is now offering the first official food tour of Jersey City...guess that puts us on the culinary map!

I've done food tours in other cities and they are a ton of fun, so I really hope these ladies do well.

We have some friends and family coming to visit this summer and this seems like a great way to show them a number of our favorite spots all in one afternoon. I love the idea of tasting something from Wonder Bagel, Park & Sixth, Toricos and Taqueria all in the span of a few hours...yum!

Posted on: 2014/5/31 0:40

Re: real estate school

There is also the Meadowlands School of Real Estate in Secaucus. They offer day and evening classes. These are held in both their classroom in Secaucus and at Hoboken High School.

Posted on: 2010/6/24 17:59

Re: Any experience dealing with "Donovan Billington Barbosa Realty Group"

I don't have any experience with this particular agent, but DBB is a legitimate real estate operation. I have met D and one of the B's as well as a couple of their agents. They have had another office in a different area of Jersey for a while, but opened this one in JC only last year so they are not well known.

Despite this, there's does seem something strange about having to lay down that much money just to look at the unit. What building is it in?

Posted on: 2010/5/23 2:37

Re: Pediatric Opthamologist and Orthodontist

I loved Dr. Moore as well, but unfortunately he is no longer nearby. He was commuting from far away and finally decided he couldn't do it anymore and sold the business. I did go back to Cohen's late last year and tried the new doctor and I liked her, can't remember her name at the moment. She was young, but very professional and personable.

Posted on: 2010/1/13 15:09

Re: An Open Letter to You, My PATH Nemesis

Dear Fellow PATH rider,
When we are holding on to the same pole on the train, please learn to hold on a little tighter. Having your hand slide down and touch mine every 30 seconds through the ENTIRE ride is just creepy and gross. Really, how hard is it to just hold on to one spot? And to the woman on the train this morning who felt the need to reposition her hand on the pole every minute and bump into mine, this goes out to you too. Just pick a spot and stay there.

Oh, and on a very croweded train this morning I actually counted the number of people wearing backpacks in the car I was in. There were at least 7 that I saw and 5 of them were Indian. Sorry, if the shoe fits...

Posted on: 2008/8/21 13:20

Re: An Open Letter to You, My PATH Nemesis


Many of them are in I.T. and are required to carry a lap top computer back and forth to work, hence the big backpacks.

Now, let's get back on topic...

They may be required to carry their laptops home at night, but they are not required to be inconsiderate to the rest of us commuters. I also often bring my laptop home with me and carry it in a backpack, however, mine is always placed on the floor between my feet while riding the train. It's just rude not to have any consideration for other people when the trains are that crowded.

Posted on: 2008/7/31 18:34

Re: Maniac drivers who speed through crosswalks (and stop signs)

I'm so glad that someone brought up this topic. After living in downtown JC for four years and almost getting hit by cars as a pedestrian a number of times, it finally happened last week. I actually got hit by a car which attempting to cross the street. Luckily it was more of a bump than actually getting hit...nothing more than a bruised knee.
I was crossing York St at Grove on my way to the PATH in the morning and a driver trying to make a right on red decided to look left to see if there were cars coming, but couldn't be bothered to look right to see if there were pedistrians trying to cross at the red light. I will say that he did stop and ask if I was ok, and to be honest I think he was shaken almost as much as me, so I hope he learned his lesson. I'm only sorry that I didn't call the cops. I've been regretting that ever since, if nothing else than to prove to the JC police that they really need to improve pedestrian safety.

Posted on: 2008/5/22 22:18

Re: Residential Alarm Systems

Our system was already installed when we purchased our home, so no installation costs, but we use Guardian for our monitoring. We pay approx $29/month with all taxes/fees included. And unfortunately we have had to use ours. Luckily the alarm scared off the would-be burgler before he could penetrate the dead bolt, but we were incredibly impressed with Guardian's service. The police were at our home in under 5 minutes and we were notified immeidately.
And now that we are moving and can't take our contract with us to our new locations, they are allowing us to transfer the remainder of the contract to the new owners with no charges.

Posted on: 2007/12/6 1:03

Re: RUDE UPS deliveryman

We also had never had bad experiences with UPS until recently. We've had two incidents in the last few weeks. First, my husband was home when UPS tried to deliver a package addressed to me. The guy actually asked to see my husband's ID and when he saw that the first name was different (our last name is the same) he said he couldn't let him sign for the package. Luckily, my husband talked him into it.
Second incident came when UPS tried to deliver to our new place which is in a new development. The driver took one look at the building and decided it was vacant without even attempting the bell. By the time I got home and tracked the package and spoke with UPS it was already on it's way back to the sender.

But UPS is nothing compared with the JC USPS. When we get a package through them, we've never gotten anything but a final notice. I don't even think they bother with a first or second.

Posted on: 2007/11/9 16:02

Re: Liberty Harbor North

We already live in LHN and have to say that the staff has been pretty good, especially the receptionists. LHN's policy - and that of other new developments in the area - is that if you don't have an appointment you can't just wander around. I know for a fact that Trump has the same policy. Sometimes if you go by on a slow day, there might be a salesperson available to meet with you, but that's rare on a weekend. And let's not complain about the receptionist, who is the lowest person on the totem pole - it's merely her job to enforce policies created by someone else.

Posted on: 2007/10/23 0:55

Re: Sawadee Thai Restaurant

I second ianmac47's review. We went for dinner last night and while they are still working out the 'just opened' hiccups, this place is definitely worth trying.

*Food was good - tried my favorite Thai dish (my basis for comparison) and they did it well
*Decent wine list and even a specialty drink and martini menu - our martinis were definitely on the strong side but I know they didn't skimp on the alcohol
*Service had some minor hiccups, but you could tell that they were trying really hard to please which I appreciated.
*Decor and ambiance was good - simple and tasteful, though the music did get a little loud as it got later and there were less people in the room - but they quickly fixed that
*Prices matched portions - this was one of the best parts of dinner - we ordered two martinis, an appetizer, soup and two entrees and our meal was $50 before tip. (and I had half of my dinner leftover for lunch today)

I seriously hope that the rest of jclist tries this place with an open mind, because we really enjoyed it and we've been dying for a new Thai place since we moved here 3 yrs ago.

Posted on: 2007/6/15 14:00

Re: Liberty Harbor North

reddog - I'm not sure what kind of information you are looking for, but I recently purchased in LHN.
I used a real estate agent, Doug Blum at DeRuggiero in Hoboken as I was looking at various places. He knew just as much at the salesperson at LHN, since he's sat through the sales pitch multiple times with various customers and I was able to get some info from him without the LHN slant that their salespeople put on the development. You can always contact LHN directly (the sales center phone number is on the website) and speak with one of the salespeople - I dealt with Michael Miller and he was great.

Posted on: 2007/3/12 17:20

Re: Liberty Harbor North

we bought one of the brownstone units for a good price, but every week they are increasing the prices...especially the more sought after units in the brownstones.

we liked the idea of the technology aspect, but we really loved the idea of new construction that looks like it fits within the neighborhood. this development is certainly not perfect...let's face it none of the developments that are being built around here are...but this had a good balance of what we were looking for.

wibbit...there are studios for sale in the larger condo building that are going for around $300k. but we were turned off by the high monthly maintenance fees for the condo building, in the $500 - $600 range. for our 2 bedroom/2 bath in the brownstone, it's only $350 and we still get access to everything in the condo building, like the gym, public party room, etc.

Posted on: 2006/11/27 6:33




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