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Re: An Open Letter to You, My PATH Nemesis
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2008/1/3 19:12
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From Van Vorst Park
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Jenny, the conductors aren't "managing" the commute of a zillion commuters.

Open door. Let people out. Announce whether it's the 33rd Street train or WTC train. Then inform people to stand clear of the perilous closing door. Close door. Read book and/or flirt with female passengers until next stop. Then repeat.

I don't see the stress. Maybe I'm missing something? These guys certainly don't APPEAR stressed. So either A) they are not stressed, or B) they are all extremely skilled at hiding/managing their stress level.

I guarantee if you take all the stress that they go through in a 10 hour shift, I have the same amount of stress in 30 minutes of my day. I'm just sayin'...

Posted on: 2008/8/21 16:36

Re: An Open Letter to You, My PATH Nemesis

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2006/11/7 14:17
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heights wrote:

vpat wrote:
What's the etiquette when offering a seat if you can't tell if the woman is pregnant or just overweight? I'm usually too afraid to offend someone...

Just assume they're expecting and give up your seat. Years ago didn't your mother teach you to give your seat to a lady.

Well, since I am a lady I'm not sure your logic applies.

Posted on: 2008/8/21 16:22

Re: An Open Letter to You, My PATH Nemesis
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2008/1/7 22:10
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vpat wrote:
What's the etiquette when offering a seat if you can't tell if the woman is pregnant or just overweight? I'm usually too afraid to offend someone...

Good question. Very good question, and I am glad you asked. I recognized that, during my pregnancy, there were a lot of people who were just not really so sure. Very often, I'd see a guy sitting there thinking, "Hmmm? Is she or isn't she? Should I get up or not? Don't want to offend her if she's just fat".....So, here's my answer. After I gave birth, I didn't shrink back to my slender-self too quickly... So, when I got back on the trains after 3 months at home, I was horrified when people would offer their seats to me. It happened a number of times. And, although it wasn't intentional, the look of shock on my face embarrassed the kind soul on the train so much, that I am certain they will never do it again. But, the fact is, I really did look pregnant. I was all belly (still there, in fact). So, after the third or 4th time, I just got used to it, and said "No thank you." But, when I was 9 Months and enormous, I would have killed for a seat. And, for those of you who don't know, pregnant ladies really, really need those seats, so please get your lazy butts up... So, my vote is to just get up anyway. It's better to embarrass someone a little bit than have a pregnant lady standing......I got over it. I'm sure you all would have wanted the same for your mommas when they were carrying you.

Posted on: 2008/8/21 15:43

Re: An Open Letter to You, My PATH Nemesis
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2004/12/12 23:31
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From Paulus Hook
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redhead wrote:
Dear Fellow PATH rider,
When we are holding on to the same pole on the train, please learn to hold on a little tighter. Having your hand slide down and touch mine every 30 seconds through the ENTIRE ride is just creepy and gross. Really, how hard is it to just hold on to one spot? And to the woman on the train this morning who felt the need to reposition her hand on the pole every minute and bump into mine, this goes out to you too. Just pick a spot and stay there.

This is a tough one, lots of times a rider's hand heats the subway poll grunge to body temperature, at which point it's equivalent to Crisco. So maintaining hand position on the poll is not always easy.

Posted on: 2008/8/21 15:00

Re: An Open Letter to You, My PATH Nemesis
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2008/4/22 13:56
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Capital letters man.

Posted on: 2008/8/21 14:15

Re: An Open Letter to You, My PATH Nemesis
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2006/1/19 18:49
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redhead wrote:
Oh, and on a very croweded train this morning I actually counted the number of people wearing backpacks in the car I was in. There were at least 7 that I saw and 5 of them were Indian. Sorry, if the shoe fits...

this is because they worship a heathen voodoo godess with ten arms. the backpacks are filled with potions and lucky charms and other voodoo tools. these people have vast magical powers just like santa claus has. they can sleep on a bed of nails all night and make a snake dance in a basket when they play the flute. you should never anger these people or yell at them on the train or they will put a spell on you right then and there. they can turn you into some kind of animal and you won't even know it until you get into work and the boss asks why you are wearing a hippopotamus head. saint apoo said "do not be angering the foreigner who carries his belongings on his back for he will cast a spell and bewitch thee and make thee into a lizzard, and you will eat bugs for all eternity". think about this before you complain about backpacks on a train.

Posted on: 2008/8/21 13:58

Re: An Open Letter to You, My PATH Nemesis

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2004/11/18 14:35
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Dear Fellow PATH rider,
When we are holding on to the same pole on the train, please learn to hold on a little tighter. Having your hand slide down and touch mine every 30 seconds through the ENTIRE ride is just creepy and gross. Really, how hard is it to just hold on to one spot? And to the woman on the train this morning who felt the need to reposition her hand on the pole every minute and bump into mine, this goes out to you too. Just pick a spot and stay there.

Oh, and on a very croweded train this morning I actually counted the number of people wearing backpacks in the car I was in. There were at least 7 that I saw and 5 of them were Indian. Sorry, if the shoe fits...

Posted on: 2008/8/21 13:20

Re: An Open Letter to You, My PATH Nemesis
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2005/1/24 19:00
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NNJR wrote:
How many years of education and training does it take to be able to operate a path train door?

I would imagine the conductors should also be trained in emergency procedures such as if a train needed to be evacuated, but I don't know if that's the case.

Posted on: 2008/8/21 12:41

Re: An Open Letter to You, My PATH Nemesis
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2005/7/13 15:03
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tommyc_37 wrote:
I heard from my cousin who is a Port Authority cop that the PATH conductors can make about $90k per year. Now granted that is not wealthy, but for pushing ONE button, that is high pay. Hell, I don't make that much more than that, and I go through a hell of a lot more stress than those guys do. I'm not hating...just telling it how I see it.

And are you sure our taxes aren't contributing to PATH ? That would surprise me if true.

You had stated two days ago this same rant with a different twist. With your view we should adopt a theory the anything that can be digitized, automated, and reproduced should replace the employed human race to save in a cost effective way. Such as bank tellers, back office people, post office facilities, radio DJs, stores, the list goes on. Let's make everything in plastic so we can get rid of the artisans. We can reincarnate ourselves into Japanese Amish Monks. Feng Shui less is more Japanese, back to basics Amish, and those self meditating clear headed Monks.

Posted on: 2008/8/21 11:25

Re: An Open Letter to You, My PATH Nemesis
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2005/7/13 15:03
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jennymayla wrote:
Wow, way to underestimate their job responsibility. And their stress level. The idea of having to manage the transportation of a gazillion commuters everyday through a tunnel in a tin can comes with a certain stress that you can't ignore.

And when the shit hits the fan, a robot can't help you.
Hear hear Jenny no one ever looks at all 3 sides of the coin.

Posted on: 2008/8/21 11:09

Re: An Open Letter to You, My PATH Nemesis
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2005/7/13 15:03
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vpat wrote:
What's the etiquette when offering a seat if you can't tell if the woman is pregnant or just overweight? I'm usually too afraid to offend someone...

Just assume they're expecting and give up your seat. Years ago didn't your mother teach you to give your seat to a lady.

Posted on: 2008/8/21 10:53

Re: An Open Letter to You, My PATH Nemesis
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2005/4/28 19:03
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I hate those people who have a seat for the entire ride but then feel that they have to get up, long before the train has reached the station, and squeeze through all the standees so they can be the first one out the door. Truly, irrevocable douches.

+1. ESPECIALLY when it's at the last stop (like World Trade Center or Newark) and everyone is going to be getting up and going out anyway.

Sometimes at World Trade Center, I wish I had the guts to sarcastically shout, "Everyone, can I have your attention? It's this guy's stop. Everyone step aside and let him out first. Yes, that right, this guy is getting out here at World Trade Center."

If you need to be the first one out for some urgent reason, give up your seat and stand near (but not in front of, of course) the doors.

Posted on: 2008/8/21 10:34
Thank you for making The Great Jersey City SOUP SWAP an annual success! See you in January 2013 for the next Soup Swap!

Re: An Open Letter to You, My PATH Nemesis
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2006/11/14 15:15
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Mills -
Did you ever ask anyone for a seat? I know that would probably be awkward, but I can only imagine how that feels to stand on a hot train with a bowling-ball belly. When I am pregnant, I am most definitely going to tap someone on the shoulder and ask nicely for their seat.

also, usually I read on the path or bus and never look up AT I would not be offended if someone asked me to get up.

however, you definitely shouldn't have to ask people...I'm sure there are plenty of people who see you and just ignore.

Posted on: 2008/8/21 3:32

Re: An Open Letter to You, My PATH Nemesis
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2007/10/11 3:28
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I hate those people who have a seat for the entire ride but then feel that they have to get up, long before the train has reached the station, and squeeze through all the standees so they can be the first one out the door. Truly, irrevocable douches.

Posted on: 2008/8/21 1:53

Re: An Open Letter to You, My PATH Nemesis
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2004/8/24 15:08
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How many years of education and training does it take to be able to operate a path train door?

Posted on: 2008/8/21 1:51

Re: An Open Letter to You, My PATH Nemesis
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2006/10/23 18:47
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I remember a few years back I was taking the PATH into the city one Saturday to meet up with some friends to celebrate my 37th birthday. The car was pretty full, so I just moved to the middle and grabbed the pole. Next thing I know, some young guy is trying to get my attention. "Ma'am would you like to sit down?" Ma'am??? I'm now a "ma'am"??? As nice as that gesture was, it did put me in a snit for the rest of the day!

Posted on: 2008/8/20 17:56

Re: An Open Letter to You, My PATH Nemesis
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2008/1/3 19:12
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From Van Vorst Park
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heights wrote:

tommyc_37 wrote:
I have also seen that same conductor do that, at least a few times...always flirting with some woman and delaying the train. It is REDICULOUS that the one and only thing they have to do (open and close the damn doors) is DELAYED because of flirtation.

Those guys are so overpaid that it's rediculous. Furthermore, why do we even need that job? This is 2008, why can't it be automatic? NYC Subway is automatic, is it not? "Stand clear of the closing door please". Our tax dollars at work.

Didn't they strike a few years back, or threaten to? Why strike? You should be thanking God that you have the easiest job in the galaxy (open door...close door).

Your taxes do not support the PATH if you still feel it does bring that up at the next state election. The only job requirement?? And no they shouldn't create a delayed reaction. I'd still rather have a live conductor then an automated system just like those rather have a doorman at their apartment building. If you really feel that way about this guy rat on him and call the PATH. Do you now their salary, what other job requirements are attached to their position ? For $1.75 it doesn't even begin to cover the expense of running the PATH railroad, you don't even know the half of it. What amenities do you have on your job? Perhaps we can start there and purge some of those. I guess it is similar to the back office and tech jobs in Manhattan being outsourced overseas, or the inverted outsourcing by bringing in foreign workers and housing them in corporate owned bug infested apartment buildings near public transportation. The other alternative would be to slowly phase out the conductor's job as they retire.

I heard from my cousin who is a Port Authority cop that the PATH conductors can make about $90k per year. Now granted that is not wealthy, but for pushing ONE button, that is high pay. Hell, I don't make that much more than that, and I go through a hell of a lot more stress than those guys do. I'm not hating...just telling it how I see it.

And are you sure our taxes aren't contributing to PATH ? That would surprise me if true.

Posted on: 2008/8/20 17:55

Re: An Open Letter to You, My PATH Nemesis
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2008/1/3 19:12
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2020/9/30 18:46
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I agree with elvis that women cannot have it both ways. Women and men are equal, right? This isn't 1921.

Able-bodied women who are sitting are just as guilty as men for not standing to allow a pregnant/elderly person to sit.

Posted on: 2008/8/20 17:51

Re: An Open Letter to You, My PATH Nemesis

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2006/11/7 14:17
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What's the etiquette when offering a seat if you can't tell if the woman is pregnant or just overweight? I'm usually too afraid to offend someone...

Posted on: 2008/8/20 17:46

Re: An Open Letter to You, My PATH Nemesis
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2006/11/14 15:15
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I usually take the 123 union city bus, the 99s, or the 2.50 van (whichever comes first)...they take anywhere from 15 min to 25 to get to Manhattan in rush hour (b/c of bus/carpool lane) it's pretty golden.

I went to hobo path b/c I wanted to get off @ 23rd time I will walk from PA b/c that was a hellacious experience. I was praying to Jesus to help me get through that tunnel without passing out. And I ate my wheaties and everything that morning.

Posted on: 2008/8/20 15:28

Re: An Open Letter to You, My PATH Nemesis
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2008/4/22 13:56
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Do you take the NJ transit bus or the $2.50 van? I may try taking the van and see if it's better than the path. Just always wonder how the traffic is and how long it takes.

Posted on: 2008/8/20 12:49

Re: An Open Letter to You, My PATH Nemesis
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2006/11/14 15:15
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I normally take the bus to nyc from the heights...but today I did the bus to Hobo path. I will NEVER do that again. It was about 8:30AM - there were so many men towering over me - I suddenly felt empathy for shorter people. The cologne was unbelievable. And not in a good way. The train was so hot I couldn't get a breath. And to make matters worse, the train kept stopping every few feet. A couple of times the engine seemed to shut off and the little bit of air that HAD been pumping out, stopped completely. I felt a panic attack coming on in a major way...I made it, but not at all easily.

Posted on: 2008/8/20 3:12

Re: An Open Letter to You, My PATH Nemesis

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2008/8/19 13:26
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(LynnePatrice - sorry! You never can tell when someone is being serious or joking in here!)

To the fat woman who wouldn't get out of my way so that I could get off the train this evening, sorry for shoving you but next time take a step out the way - heck you might burn half a calorie!

Posted on: 2008/8/19 21:40

Re: An Open Letter to You, My PATH Nemesis
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2005/10/18 14:16
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I took the PATH to work everyday when I was pregnant. The day before I went into labor, at 39 weeks, I rode the PATH. The entire time I was pregnant and taking the train I literally was offered a seat less then 10 times. One time on the way to work in the winter the train stopped for several minutes in the tunnel, it was unbearably hot on the train and we were just sitting there, eventually I had to take off my winter coat b/c I was starting to feel a little faint, I was clearly uncomfortable, even after making a bit of a scene, no seat. Early on in my pregnancy when I felt like sh*t from all day sickness I actually got up to offer my seat to a very pregnant women when no one else would.
What I find fascinating is that once I had my baby the moment I stepped on the train with her in the front carrier someone gets up for us to offer their seat. While I am very grateful for those who have offered me a seat while carrying a child I am surprised at how few times I was offered a seat while "with child".

Posted on: 2008/8/19 18:56

Re: An Open Letter to You, My PATH Nemesis
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2008/4/9 19:26
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Ok, let me start by saying I never really sit at all. But if by some luck, I was sitting, I would not just stand for any woman. Standing for pregnant or older women is one thing, they clearly need a rest, but for any woman, thats not gonna happen.

I don't see why I should stand for a woman just to be gentlemanly. Chivalry is dead but thats a good thing. That stuff went out the window the second women got equal rights in every other area. You can't have it both ways ladies.

Posted on: 2008/8/19 18:40

Re: An Open Letter to You, My PATH Nemesis
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2005/6/3 17:39
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elvis wrote:
I stand all the time for older people or pregnant woman. I agree it should be done. I would only add that any able bodied young women should stand as well. I don't see any difference.

When one of my co-worker's wife was pregnant, I remember her telling everyone that the biggest surprise of her preganancy was how sleepy everyone on the PATH train suddenly became once she stepped onboard!!!

Posted on: 2008/8/19 18:32

Re: An Open Letter to You, My PATH Nemesis
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2008/2/27 16:03
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elvis wrote:
I stand all the time for older people or pregnant woman. I agree it should be done. I would only add that any able bodied young women should stand as well. I don't see any difference.

How about being a gentleman. I stand the whole ride, even if there are seats available..... Honestly its really not that long of a ride no matter where you are coming from or going to. I hate seeing these 20 year old dudes in the morning, sitting there pretending to sleep so that they don't have to give up their seats.
Hey guys, you're all lazy... I don't care what your Mom says. Stand for the Ladies!

Posted on: 2008/8/19 18:27

Re: An Open Letter to You, My PATH Nemesis
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2008/4/9 19:26
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I stand all the time for older people or pregnant woman. I agree it should be done. I would only add that any able bodied young women should stand as well. I don't see any difference.

Posted on: 2008/8/19 17:58

Re: An Open Letter to You, My PATH Nemesis

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2008/4/6 22:34
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2008/9/5 18:52
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added to this discussion should also be the insanely inappropriate number of young men who look ENTIRELY HEALTHY and capable of standing but instead remain seated while an old woman who can barely hang on to the pole gets on the train and the pregnant woman barely staying upright and the young mother WITH HER INFANT IN HER ARMS.

i would chock the fact that you're still sitting when they get on to the fact that maybe you just weren't raised in a place where young men get off their lazy ***es for an elderly woman or a mother+baby, but as soon as they get on, your roaming eyes suddenly are glued to the floor in guilt. dead give away, boys. don't look their way, they may catch your eye and cause you to relinquish that prized seat!

get up. some nice man got up for your mother when she carried you. and if they didn't, they should have.

Posted on: 2008/8/19 17:50

Re: An Open Letter to You, My PATH Nemesis
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2005/7/13 15:03
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tommyc_37 wrote:
I have also seen that same conductor do that, at least a few times...always flirting with some woman and delaying the train. It is REDICULOUS that the one and only thing they have to do (open and close the damn doors) is DELAYED because of flirtation.

Those guys are so overpaid that it's rediculous. Furthermore, why do we even need that job? This is 2008, why can't it be automatic? NYC Subway is automatic, is it not? "Stand clear of the closing door please". Our tax dollars at work.

Didn't they strike a few years back, or threaten to? Why strike? You should be thanking God that you have the easiest job in the galaxy (open door...close door).

Your taxes do not support the PATH if you still feel it does bring that up at the next state election. The only job requirement?? And no they shouldn't create a delayed reaction. I'd still rather have a live conductor then an automated system just like those rather have a doorman at their apartment building. If you really feel that way about this guy rat on him and call the PATH. Do you now their salary, what other job requirements are attached to their position ? For $1.75 it doesn't even begin to cover the expense of running the PATH railroad, you don't even know the half of it. What amenities do you have on your job? Perhaps we can start there and purge some of those. I guess it is similar to the back office and tech jobs in Manhattan being outsourced overseas, or the inverted outsourcing by bringing in foreign workers and housing them in corporate owned bug infested apartment buildings near public transportation. The other alternative would be to slowly phase out the conductor's job as they retire.

Posted on: 2008/8/19 17:46

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