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Quite a regular
Quite a regular

The car flyer thing is the worst. Lots of people don't even take those flyers to the garbage and just throw them in the street. When those glossy cards get wet they glue themselves to your windshield; I've had to spend a good 20 minutes scraping bits of paper off my glass with a razor blade because someone left like 3 of those cards on my car on a wet day.

Posted on: 2008/11/19 15:30

Quite a regular
Quite a regular


Bill463 wrote:
To everyone else - any good responses that we can all say in fun? I still kinda like " I like lollipops!".

Say "FISHSTICKS!!!" in the most enthusiastic voice you can muster.

Posted on: 2008/11/17 16:25

Quite a regular
Quite a regular


GangsterNo1 wrote:
Not true, I've (believe it or not) noticed a few sexy birds at Newport Mall.

Were they still in high school?

Posted on: 2008/11/12 21:03

Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I had some skin care dude hijack my trip through the Menlo Park Mall with that "can I ask you a question" business. I wasn't really paying attention so I thought he needed directions or something, and he started in trying to sell me all this stuff for my face.

At the time I had pretty bad acne (thank god for Accutane,) so I just pretended to be horribly offended, gasped "ARE YOU CALLING ME UGLY?" and hightailed it.

You can't reason with these people, might as well have a little fun, right?

Posted on: 2008/11/12 20:01

Re: Visitor Parking Permits/Parking Regulations
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I just moved to Weehawken from JC and, no offense, but the JC Parking Auth could really get some lessons from them:

*All you need to get a parking pass is three pieces of mail (or lease, or title, or deed) with your address OR your license and registration with the change of address stickers. For a permit in JC, they made me go to the DMV and change the address on my registration-- stickers aren't good enough for them

*You automatically get two visitor permits to use whenever.

*There is no charge for the Weehawken permit and it doesn't expire.

*They only clean the streets once a week, which means you only need to move your car once or twice a week. I never understood why JC insists on cleaning 4 days/week considering that the sweepers DON'T DO ANYTHING

*If you live on the border of West NJ or Union City, it's ok to park across the border. I lived on the border of zone 5 and zone 6 in JC, if I tried to park 1 block away in zone 5 I got a ticket.

It's not like we don't have the same problems with people from surrounding areas parking on the street for the fast commute into Manhattan, so I don't see why JC has to be so anal with their rules.

Posted on: 2008/11/6 19:31

Re: incident at Dunkin Donuts
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I am extremely turned on by all these seasoned JC residents who wouldn't be even a tiny bit startled by someone peering into their passenger side window. They reek of the old-time bravery of Sir Lancelot, or Marlon Brando before he got all weird and fat. I really want to touch them in their swimsuit areas.

Posted on: 2008/11/2 17:59

Re: Greenville: An 'alarm'-ing problem -- Landlord won't change tenant's smoke detector battery
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I don't think it's silly at all-- no elderly person is going to want to risk busting their ass on a ladder, and way too many of them don't have family or friends left to help them out. Hell, I'm 26 and I don't have anyone in the area that I could call in that situation. Hooray for being a loner.

Maybe it's different in JC, but when I lived in Eatontown the management company actually PREFERRED to change batteries out for people-- probably didn't want someone trying to sue them for falling off a ladder while trying to reach the stupid high ceiling. It might not hold up in court, but hiring a lawyer just to get the suit dismissed costs WAY MORE than some maintenance dude spending 15 minutes swapping out a battery.

Posted on: 2008/11/2 17:55

Re: Extremely dangerous and irresponsible conduct of PATH train service Halloween night 2008
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

This is the most horrible thing ever. Thank god there was nobody with severe claustrophobia on the train-- I can imagine someone like that freaking out and trying to jump onto the tracks.

Transit that night was a #OOPS#ing joke no matter what you were taking. I was "lucky" in that I was going to Weehawken that night and not JC. They were only running buses on a normal Friday night schedule, which meant once an hour about 50 people would get to go home and the rest would get to stand around until the next bus came an hour later. Took me four hours to get home, but that's way better than fainting on an overheated train or getting caught in the middle of a fight.

Why is the Port Authority so fscking retarded? Not only is it Friday night, it's Halloween. Increase your god damned capacity to rush hour or, at the very least, mid day frequency. You can't act like it's any other night. People are drunk and out in high numbers, there is a lot of potential for things to go tits up.

Oh, and the MTA wasn't any better. Got into a packed to the gills crowded N station around 11:30-- guess those geniuses didn't realize they needed to run more trains, either.

Posted on: 2008/11/2 2:17

Re: NYTIMES: Back Seat for Parking Space -- Jersey City's weaning itself from parking/driving culture.
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Doesn't matter if it's all the way over by Liberty State Park, the Whole Foods will transport its customers on magic rainbows of smugness.

Posted on: 2008/10/27 20:07

Re: NYTIMES: Back Seat for Parking Space -- Jersey City's weaning itself from parking/driving culture.
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Explain to me how to get my UPS packages from Secaucus without a car when my well meaning relatives send me Xmas gifts, or how to get to Home Depot without risking my life crossing all that Holland Tunnel traffic, or how to lug a week's worth of groceries 7 blocks without all the frozen stuff melting in the summer, and I'll be more than willing to get rid of my car.

Posted on: 2008/10/26 20:44

Re: RUDE UPS deliveryman
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


fasteddie wrote:
Have you ever gone out to Secaucus to pick up a package? It is a huge pain in the ass. Sometimes the line is out the door into the parking lot. They act as if they're doing you a favor giving you YOUR package that you paid a hefty shipping charge for. The whole system sucks, it just doesn't work for home delivery and they won't deliver on Saturday. They would be better off eliminating half their drivers and just having local neighborhood pickup sites that are open after hours and weekends.

Yeah, thank christ I have a car because otherwise I'd never get any of my packages. Whenever I go to Secaucus there is nowhere to park and the line is out the door and around into the lot.

I have to wonder why they even bother delivering to residential neighborhoods during the day-- most people on my block don't get home until like 6 or 7. They would probably save money having a guy go out in the evenings once or twice a week rather than rolling around the entire neighborhood pasting yellow notices 5 days a week.

Posted on: 2008/10/23 16:13

Re: incident at Dunkin Donuts
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


Amy wrote:
Thank you, CK. Of course people know these things happen in a city, and not only Jersey City. I grew up in a suburb in central NJ and we had homeless people there too. I lived in Portland, Maine, at one point and there were more homeless people there than I've seen here. People in Portland used to walk up to me when I was walking my dog and ask me if I wanted a drink out of their bottle, for God's sake.

I used to live in Portland, too! My parents are still up there, though they live in Windham now. Man, you couldn't get within a block of the library without seeing at least 5 homeless people. They seem to sleep in the little courtyard nearby. I really feel for those people-- it gets bitter, bitter cold very quickly up there and a lot of them are just struggling to stay alive through the winter.

Posted on: 2008/10/23 16:02

Re: incident at Dunkin Donuts
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


Amy wrote:
You know what? It seems like whenever someone posts about a personal experience like this one, it ends with them getting attacked for being racist, or sheltered, or what have you.

Exactly. Forgive my rant, but it's attitudes like victoria's that make this board such a joke sometimes. Heaven forbid you want to improve the quality of life in your neighborhood-- complaining about ANYTHING, from dogs barking throughout the night, to brawls breaking outside bars, to panhandlers, is likely to be met with a "you live in a urban area now, deal with it." As if anyone who dares to complain is some country bumpkin fresh off the turnip wagon.

You know what? I grew up in a shitty part of Long Island where gang wars are abundant and dead or dying drug dealers were found in the alley by my house on more than one occasion. I lived in NYC for four years and JC for nearly two. If someone came up to my car and started peering into a window, I'd be freaked the #OOPS# out, too.

Posted on: 2008/10/23 14:32

Re: RUDE UPS deliveryman
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Has anyone ever had a problem with not getting the InfoNotice slips they leave on the doors? Pretty much every time I order something and it gets shipped UPS, the first delivery attempt will show up as "THE RECEIVER WAS UNAVAILABLE TO SIGN ON THE 1ST DELIVERY ATTEMPT," but there will be no slip on the door.

I have a sneaking suspicion that the UPS dude is simply not attempting to deliver the package on these occasions, as the last few times there has definitely been someone around to sign for me.

Posted on: 2008/10/23 14:15

Re: What's worse for JC, Luxury Condos or Hipsters?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

So what, exactly, is wrong with people wearing prescription-less glasses? Seems to me just another way of accessorizing. Most people don't really NEED belts to hold their pants up, I see girls wearing pashima scarves when it's not chilly out, hats when it's not sunny or raining, headbands that don't keep hair out of the face etc. Who the hell cares? If anything, I'm flattered that people want to emulate my blind ass.

Posted on: 2008/10/21 21:42

Re: What's worse for JC, Luxury Condos or Hipsters?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Heavens to betsy! People with strange manners of dress and questionable taste in music? In my neighborhood?

Say it ain't so!!

Posted on: 2008/10/21 17:50

Re: Apartment theft on 7th and Coles
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


caps wrote:
pretty brazen of the robber... if he saw the guy sleeping

Yeah, that guy had some huge balls if he knew there was someone else in the apartment with him.

Posted on: 2008/10/12 0:24

Apartment theft on 7th and Coles
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Yesterday, while my downstairs neighbor was out, someone waltzed into her apartment, past her napping husband, and swiped a laptop and a camera. I guess she was in a rush and forgot to lock her door.

I wasn't sure if this was even worth posting, but I guess it wouldn't hurt for people to be aware.

Posted on: 2008/10/12 0:16

Re: police car on fire on coles st between 7th and 8th
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


What time was this? I could have seen that ish from my window if I had not been taking a nap all afternoon.

Posted on: 2008/10/11 22:37

Re: Fifth Street resident slashed in face at 1:20 a.m. on Downtown Jersey City street (Jersey & Newark)
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Jesus Christ. I want to go meet my friends in Manhattan tonight for some drinks, but it's shit like this that keeps me home and bored out of my mind.

Posted on: 2008/10/11 1:23

Re: PATH Service - Action Needed
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


ladybert wrote:
My boyfriend gets off work at midnight at the Christopher street stop... oftentimes he can't even fit on the over-packed train and has to wait for the next one, thus not getting home til almost 1am! It's unreal!

I met a friend by NYU a couple days ago for dinner-- I got to the 9th street PATH around 8ish, which is way past rush hour. The trains were packed to the gills, I had to wait a half hour just for one to come by that had room enough for me to squeeze on. Yeah, this is going to work really well when there is no WTC service.

Posted on: 2008/10/9 19:30

Re: average rent for studios and 1 bedrooms
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

My landlord's other building is 1 block from Hamilton Park and a 2 BR is currently going for 1475/month:

Granted, the building is older so the rent is adjusted down to compensate, but 1700 for a studio sounds steep to me.

Posted on: 2008/10/3 5:55

Re: Profiles on Jersey Ave.
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I've 90% sure I've seen a former contestant of America's Next Top Model (Eugena from season 7) walking around Jersey Ave a few times. Wonder if that's why she's here.

Posted on: 2008/10/2 19:00

Re: new knitting cafe
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


Amy wrote:
Knitting can actually be pretty expensive. The good wooden needles aren't cheap, and good yarn costs a lot. But it is rewarding if you're good at it (I'm not...wah, wah...)

Yup, I made a baby blanket out of a cheapish cotton/acrylic blend and ended up spending around $30 in yarn. Plus knitting your own stuff is only cheap if your time is worth nothing. It is very rewarding, though, especially to have a sweater that no one else has. :D

Posted on: 2008/9/23 15:34

Re: Development on 1st & 2nd St.
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

A 95 for HP? You've got to be kidding me. A 6-7 block walk to the PATH and ShopRite gets a 95? Ice cream melts before you can get it home.

I put my address into the and it seems a reason it got such a high mark is because it thinks the Albert's around the corner is a grocery store-- yeah, I guess, if I wanted to live off a diet of canned pasta and soda pop. When I think grocery store, I think of a place I can get fresh veggies and fruits, not something that rivals a 7-11.

Listen, I hate cars as much as you do, but the fact of the matter is that something has to be done to help people get that half mile to and from the supermarket, or people are going to continue keeping cars in this city. People are defending their precious parking spaces because they know with the state of public transport in downtown JC it's extremely difficult to get certain things (grocery, post office, trips beyond downtown) done.

Posted on: 2008/7/18 23:57

Re: Development on 1st & 2nd St.
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Well, even if it's legal to sell to non-drivers only, I don't think the developer would willingly do so. I'm sure they'll sell to whoever comes along first with the money.

That section of Newark Ave with the three nail salons and empty buildings looks like crap anyway, let's just cram a garage in there.

Posted on: 2008/7/17 21:14

Re: Development on 1st & 2nd St.
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Hey, I'm more than willing to pay for parking, but that's kind of hard to do if there isn't a place to buy it from!

Posted on: 2008/7/17 17:23

Re: Development on 1st & 2nd St.
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


jc_dweller wrote:
There are definitely DT residents who over-use their cars, but I think a lot of DT traffic is from those who live in other parts of the city and/or those from another town altogehter (ie: going to holland tunnel). I could be wrong???

I feel like your guess is correct-- The cars I see parked on the streets of my neighborhood when I get home around 7 PM night are still there when I leave for work around 9 AM. I know a bunch of my neighbors take the PATH into Newark or the city and just use their cars to haul groceries and for weekend trips.

Posted on: 2008/7/17 17:13

Re: Development on 1st & 2nd St.
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

It's, what, 21 new residences? I don't see why that calls for a "giant parking garage." Since there is already parking lot in the rear of the church, why not turn that into a pay lot from which the residences of St. Boniface could rent spots? It keeps some of the new residents' cars off the streets, nothing changes in terms of how the neighborhood looks already, and the property owners still get some cash out of that lot.

Posted on: 2008/7/17 17:07

Re: Development on 1st & 2nd St.
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Where are all these awesome mass transit options of which you speak? I'm simply not in good enough health to lug shopping bags the 7 blocks back from the supermarket/mall/home depot, especially in the middle of the summer. I've been unable to find any buses (I live in Hamilton Park) that can drop me off closer, and taxi service is unpredictable. I'm sure there are a lot of people who keep their cars for the same reason. I'd LOVE to ditch the car and the insurance payments that come with it if I could find another means of getting around to do my errands.

Posted on: 2008/7/17 14:47

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