Re: Fulop to solicit proposals from for-profit companies to replace FOL in running the Loew’s theater
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Kara, your point about United Palace model is moot as only the four who replied to the RFP are in contention. ALL had same opportunity.
LiveNation is one of contenders and as to your statement "...Live Nation has been courting Fulop", post the links that have relevance to RFP selection process. Quote:
Posted on: 2014/6/14 23:13
Re: Fulop to solicit proposals from for-profit companies to replace FOL in running the Loew’s theater
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Kara, you wrote" Quote:
Fulop doesn't get this at all and seems to want to just sell out to a Live Nation or an AEG completely. WhoElseCouldIBe wrote: Quote: ...Fulop is getting kickbacks from LiveNation or a company like that. It's plausible considering how much energy he's focusing on this project. Quote:
Posted on: 2014/6/14 23:00
Re: Fulop to solicit proposals from for-profit companies to replace FOL in running the Loew’s theater
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Kara and WhoElseCouldIBe, I'm not involved in the selection process. My only interest as a volunteer is having brought AEC to the process as I think they are the best to undergo the RFP and do all required for the Loew's. I do not know if they will be selected.
If youre going to initiate insults then don't be suprised when they bite you in the butt. Quote:
Posted on: 2014/6/14 22:42
Re: Fulop to solicit proposals from for-profit companies to replace FOL in running the Loew’s theater
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FOL dates and other community groups will be determined by winner of RFP.
If Bob Summer dropped the ball that's on him not Fulop. Quote:
Posted on: 2014/6/14 22:20
Re: Fulop to solicit proposals from for-profit companies to replace FOL in running the Loew’s theater
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WhoElseCouldIBe, you're an anonymous idiot. Fulop is "focusing on this project" as he realizes how much it will mean to Jersey City. even a fool can see that.
Posted on: 2014/6/14 22:00
Re: Fulop to solicit proposals from for-profit companies to replace FOL in running the Loew’s theater
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Kara Hrabowsky, here is the AEC link:
If you read the RFP you already know that the city through the JCEDC will provide ultimate management oversight and AEC is well-equipped to handle ALL issues. As I said before AEC are world leaders in historical preservation, restoration and booking management. Fulop is NOT involved in any selection of advisory committee! That is merely conjecture. You are simply wrong on how dates will be utilized by FOL Quote:
Posted on: 2014/6/14 21:54
Re: Fulop to solicit proposals from for-profit companies to replace FOL in running the Loew’s theater
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Full disclosure. I was appointed to the FOL
as a Board Trustee last fall. Myself and Rekha Nadwani were both asked to recuse ourselves from meeting where board voted to sue city. In the meantime, I called AEC and ask they participate in the RFP. They flew eight or 10 of their people in and have spent more time in going over every inch of Loew's than any other participant. AEC has done more historical preservation of theaters in American then any other company in the world. Go to their site to see what venues they have done or are in process of restoring including the twin to the AEC has also partnered with both NJCU and NJPAC and will also work with FOL and other groups for community events. AEC also runs profitably every venue they book programming for in the country. Those who think FOL could do what AEC or others might be able to do with FOL's lack of contacts, funding andskillsets to both restore and book programming are pretty naive or in denial of what has transpired so far. Mayor Fulop has put in place the only way that the Loew's will be fully preserved, restored and a plethora of both community and national programming will take place in perpetuity
Posted on: 2014/6/14 18:14
Re: Jersey City is for the cool kids
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Artices are always driven by editors! They aren't fools and media of any origin generates successive "me too" articles. Editors are like studios and film producers who look for more of the same and what drives eyeballs to their site or sells ads in their mags and papers.
Posted on: 2013/10/4 4:49
Re: JC Poetry slams every thursday
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I see you sell food and suggest "BYOB". Do you have a restaurant and liquor license? Otherwise you're illegal and might get busted. Im just sayin. ;)
Posted on: 2013/10/2 7:54
Re: A no-show at a council meeting
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Posted on: 2013/5/31 2:47
Re: held at gunpoint; robbed of car, cash, phone, and fishing pole on Monmouth
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Ya think?
Posted on: 2013/5/25 11:45
Re: held at gunpoint; robbed of car, cash, phone, and fishing pole on Monmouth
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Ya think?
Posted on: 2013/5/25 11:43
Re: Only ONE Council Seat Decided - ALL Others Up for Grabs
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June 4th is Primary Election (must declare either Democrat or Republican only to vote)for Committee persons and Assemblky persons (State). July 11th is At-Large and Ward Council candidates election. Fulop needs both to help make the change we want to see. Please vote!
Posted on: 2013/5/25 11:19
Re: Flood Zone Real Estate
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RUN! I lived at 284 Barrow, tween Mercer/Montgomery, in duplex with basement that flooded during heavy rains and sewage also backed up regularly into apt due to JC has a CSS system which MUA said downtown JC would need $150+million to fix, Healy said during debates, :New Jersey hasn;t enough money to fix", so I moved out when lease was up. I now am on 3rd street, tween Erie.Jersey Ave., and we've been lucky so far. However, I also now live in unit on 3rd floor. Caveat emptor.
Posted on: 2013/5/25 11:08
Re: 1500 Lbs of Pineapples Crush JC Man, He Survives
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Posted on: 2013/5/25 10:51
Re: Chief Comey, other JCPD top brass planning to retire before Fulop takes the helm?
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I too find much of our police force "good eggs" and we are fortunate to have those who dont want to work under accountability leave by July 1st. I can't wait for the audit that is to come. However, I want to post a small anecdote that involved my own , umm... "inebriated condition" one night celebrating Fulop's election at Barcade. I must have blacked out on the street after closing, as I found myself splayed legs outward, butt on ground when a police car pulled up. The nice officer asked if he could help me up (I'm 200 lbs, 6'2" and a bi-lateral amputee so not easy)and he first offered to drive me home but then said since I was covered in vomit he instead would walk me home. He then did just that, escorted me home to make sure I didn't fall again saying, "Hey, we got a new Mayor! Did you vote?" Yes, I did officer and thanks!
Posted on: 2013/5/25 10:48
Re: Spanish Lessons/Tutor
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T-Bird wrote: I would be very interested too. I had a great teacher who worked with me one on one (we'd meet at Starbucks) and was very reasonably priced. Alas, she moved back to Buenos Aires last fall. Would love to get back into it and push on to the next level.
Posted on: 2013/5/25 10:11
Re: Haircut for Guys
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I used to go to Cintron now go to leda (Russian) two doors down from Cintron on Barrow tween Newark Ave and Columbus. Barrow is also named "Cintron for that block.
I pay $12 she might charge you more. She does a good job and will even come to you to cut hair as she did when I was in Hamilton Park Rehab.
Posted on: 2013/1/26 18:46
Re: Jersey City withdraws request to reappoint mayor's allies to MUA board
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Brewster, don't hold your breath on "...sewers that don't overflow into our basements with every rain". Tom Wilen spoke at a HCA mtg some years ago and related how the MUA said it would take "over $150+ MM" to improve our downtown infrastructure of pipes to improve the sewage overflow into basements.
Not only that but the then 17k+ condos scheduled to be built (pre 2008 collapse)placed the proverbial "two pounds of s**t in a one pound bag" due to PILOTs and abatements instead of seeking premiums to build downtown with such a poor pipe infrastructure. Quote:
Posted on: 2013/1/26 0:51
Re: HUGE GAS PIPELINE COMING - through Jersey City
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That is only one of JC's arguements. There are many being prepared for brief. I will not compromise our case before brief is requested by presiding judge, First the judge reviews the preliminary finding then will determine our legal standing.
Posted on: 2013/1/20 18:05
Re: HUGE GAS PIPELINE COMING - through Jersey City
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@tommmyc_37, we have been writing about PCB's, other toxins, etc. for three years this Feb! Go to our site , click tabs at top to find out more info. Also on Home page read blogs and press. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission(FERC) controls ALL pipelines that are interstate. Congress authorized FERC under the National Gas Act and the Presient appoints each commissioner. That's why the President will do nothing! Since Congress is controlled by Republicans there is zero chance of changing the Narional Gas Act. FERC rulings can only be overturned in Federal Court. Jersey City and NO Gas Pipeline have filed to overturn FERC's ruling in DC. Federal Court. We are waiting to hear from judge to see if case goes forward. Yes Spectra Energy have started construction but if court rules against them they must put back whole all they've done. We need money to continue case on our part. We are looking to raise $15k of which we have raised about $5k+. Send money by clicking the link in my signature below. Thanks! Dale Hardman Quote:
Posted on: 2013/1/18 17:13
Re: Dan is still Dan
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Posted on: 2013/1/16 1:12
Re: Steven Fulop - Our Team
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All here are invited! If you'd like to volunteer
to help Steve or Candice Osborne, running for Ward E Council contact me directly. Dale Hardman 2013 Fulop Mayoral Campaign Community Affairs Steve Fulop said As the campaign gets going, I want to exten an invitation for you to join us for breakfast this Saturday (January 12) at 10:30a.m. for the official grand opening of our new campaign headquarters and a chance to meet some of the council candidates. It is located at 2175 J ohn F. Kennedy Blvd, at the corner of Kennedy and Morton. We have been working for a month to get the space ready, and I couldn't be more excited. It is located at the borders of Ward A and B, and one block from Ward F. We took a building that has been vacant for years and renovated it with volunteers. A space that was once an eyesore on the community is now fit to be the main HQ for a citywide mayoral campaign. Again, I hope you can join us and meet the council candidates. That's this Saturday at 10:30 a.m., at 2175 Kennedy Boulevard.
Posted on: 2013/1/11 2:43
HPNA Vote on Support of Schuster & Co. Variance!
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HPNA Vote on Support of Schuster & Co. Variance
WHEN: Wednesday TIME:7pm WHERE: PS 37 (Cordero school) In the HPNA Meeting invitation sent out last evening (for the meeting Wed. night), a MISLEADING note from Schuster & Co. was included trying to influence the HPNA vote on support of their proposed VARIANCE (the developers intention, not necessarily the HPNA's): "Initially, the plan called for 290 units and 260 parking spaces. After much discussion and revamping Schuster has streamlined their plan and is now offering 206 units and 220 parking spaces." THIS IS MISLEADING. The zoning is presently for 99 units with the ability for him to buy his way up to 154 through additional fees ($7500 per unit). It was originally zoned for one and two family units and the previous owner of the property pushed through a variance in spite of poorly organized opposition, not even 3 years ago bumping it to 99/154 then sold it off to be built. Schuster & Co. acknowledged at the meting that he bought the property knowing the zoning and would build regardless. He's asking for even more density to make the project more profitable. At the last community he heard unequivocally that he must comply with the zoning restrictions yet he came back first with a plan for 220 units, then when that was rebuffed by the focus group he'd asked to meet with, he's now back with a proposal for 200 and taking it to a different group of people hoping for support. Please spread the word and come out Wednesday evening at 7pm to PS 37 (Cordero school) and voice your opinion. If you are an HPNA member please come vote. This is a major impact to our neighborhoods parking, schools, sewers, parks, and community. Most of us support reasonable development and believe it could benefit the neighborhood if done right. That being said, this just keeps growing and growing. Enough is enough. He needs to hear loud and clear that our neighborhood and community aren't here so that he can line his pockets. Sincerely, Leon Greene Committeeman, E-19
Posted on: 2012/12/3 19:52
Re: Dan Levin in talks to run with Healy
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Ingrid Bergman's The Seventh Seal
The tired knight challenges Death to a chess game to determine his fate. ... er-of-2013-council-slate/
Posted on: 2012/10/11 4:05
Re: Dan Levin in talks to run with Healy
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Candice was with me meeting at 700 Grove on crime & safety. Unlike those who just posture appearance as commitment, Candice meets with those neighbors who have problems they are concerned about where they live.
Posted on: 2012/10/11 3:37
Re: Jersey City councilman wants crime panel, regular reviews of police department
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We can't all be Vigilante
Posted on: 2012/10/10 21:26
Re: Dan Levin in talks to run with Healy
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Shirley Stoler and Giancarlo Giannini Director: (Lina Wertm?ller, 1975) Movie: (Seven Beauties)
Posted on: 2012/10/10 20:09
Re: Jersey City councilman wants crime panel, regular reviews of police department
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Rolando Lavarro posted a new message
Support the Crime Prevention Law at Council Meeting Tonight At tonight?s Council meeting, I will be introducing the Crime Prevention Lawto enforce an operational study of the JCPD every four years. Not only is it legally sound ? despite the objection of the Mayor and Corporation Counsel ?it?s the right thing to do. Despite the Mayor and the Chief's assertions that crime is down in Jersey City, Jersey City residents all across the city feel less safe in their neighborhoods. We can do better and this ordinance is a step in the right direction. This ordinance establishes an Ad Hoc Council Committee that will direct the hiring of a consultant to study the nearly $100 million-budget Police Department including table of organization, efficiency and effectiveness of deployment, hiring, etc. so that we can examine and make better decisions with our limited resources including the possibility of foot patrols in our neighborhoods. It is not a unilateral study, rather it incorporates input from the Mayor and the public. Here?s background story: ... review-gets-a-second-try/ I could really use your support on this by showing up tonight and making your presence felt in the Council meeting. Since it is the first reading of this ordinance today, the public can?t speak on the ordinance before the vote. To make your presence, I would suggest simply sitting in the front rows and holding up simple signs on letter-size paper with statements such as: ?Pass Crime Prevention Law? ?Foot Patrols? ?Public Safety Is Your 1st Priority? "We Need Action Now. Pass Crime Prevention Law!" The meeting is at 6pm at the Council Chambers. Perhaps get there a little early to get a seat on the front rows. The First Reading ordinances come up first in the agenda. Thanks as always for your support and I hope to see friendly faces tonight. Rolando
Posted on: 2012/10/10 18:32