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Re: JC's official game - Crosswalk Stare Down!
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2004/11/14 2:38
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I tried to do the stare down, but little miss black china was in a rush and wasn't having me take up 1 second of her precious time even though the sign indicated walk.

Posted on: 2016/6/20 1:16

Re: JC's official game - Crosswalk Stare Down!
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Voyeur wrote:

YvonnesMeds wrote:
How many points if you have no idea you're walking in a cross walk?

Pretty sure the only reason you would be in the crosswalk is because there is no free parking anywhere in this town anymore and/or because Fulop has blocked off Newark Avenue to traffic.

That is no excuse for parking in the crosswalk. If someone wants a service (parking) they should pay for it. Space is at a premium in DTJC whether people like it or not. That being said, it's on the cops to enforce.

Posted on: 2016/6/19 21:36

Re: JC's official game - Crosswalk Stare Down!
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I do not know where traffic ticket revenue goes, a few hours on Grand Street from the McDonalds eastward would be very lucrative and might prevent an injury or accident. The drivers pay no attention to the 25MPH signs and it difficult to get some of them to stop at crosswalks with lights. Intersection lights at Marin and Grand have this funky timing that allow eastbound cars on Gran to turn left on Marin... about 10 seconds later the pedestrian light to cross Marin walking west comes on. Not only do you have to watch cars that continue taking an illegal left turn with pedestrians in crosswalk, but you have to look over your shoulder to be sure you don't get hit from behind by a westbound Grand St car taking a right onto Marin.

Posted on: 2016/6/19 14:16

Re: JC's official game - Crosswalk Stare Down!
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I just posted a separate thread about this issue, but I notice that pedestrian safety has repeatedly been a topic of concern on The law is very clear on this point: Vehicles must yield to pedestrians in crosswalks. This law is routinely violated; I have even seen motorists ignore the commands of crossing guards. In fact, there is a high probability that the police could observe one crosswalk on Jersey Avenue and witness one violation after the other. These are driving behaviors that significantly endanger public safety and it needs to stop. You stop such behavior by ENFORCING THE LAW.

Our local politicians such as Fulop and Osborne should understand that they will be held accountable if this continues unchecked.

Posted on: 2016/6/18 16:02

Re: JC's official game - Crosswalk Stare Down!
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2008/8/12 18:31
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Mao wrote:
Well there are two sides to this story. Downtown, especially away from the main drags, there appears to be an aggressive hostility to vehicles at times. I think the little stanchions they put in cross walks are very misleading. The look like stop signs and then say something like "Stop for pedestrians in the cross walk." Of course, it is true that an automobile has to yield to a pedestrian in a cross walk. However, this does not mean that the pedestrian has the right of way. The car has the right of way and a pedestrian is supposed to stop and wait until there are no cars unless there is a stop sign. The stanchions make it seem as if it is a race so that if a pedestrian jumps into the cross walk, the car has to hit its brakes. Whose idea were these stanchions anyway?

You are 100% wrong on this, Mao.

The law clearly states that at an uncontrolled intersection, the pedestrian has the right of way. If the intersection is controlled (that is, there is a traffic governing the flow of traffic) the pedestrian must wait for his turn (the walk signal) and traffic can proceed unimpeded if they have the green light.

At uncontrolled intersections, as in the vast majority of intersections all over town, the pedestrian has the right of way. As soon as a pedestrian steps onto the crosswalk, traffic is supposed to yield to that pedestrian. Of course, the pedestrian can not walk into oncoming traffic that is already about to cross the intersection (responsible behavior and unreasonable expectation) but this all comes down to common sense.

Road traffic is not allowed to speed up to avoid having to yield to a pedestrian about to cross the intersection, either.

Posted on: 2016/4/20 18:30

Re: JC's official game - Crosswalk Stare Down!
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Dear JSleeze:

Well, upon reconsideration maybe the actual law is somewhere down the middle. That, anyway, is my impression if you read the whole statute or see the rather sparse case law. See infra.

I think it is correct to say that a car has the right of way unless as it approaches the cross walk the pedestrian ?is upon, or within one lane of the half of the roadway, upon which the vehicle is traveling or onto which it is turning.? NJSA 39:4-36(1). Moroeover, the pedestrian?s right of way is conditioned upon him exercising due care as ?[n]o pedestrian shall leave a curb or other place of safety and walk or run into the path of a vehicle which is so close that it is impossible for the driver to yield or stop.? Ibid at (2).

I understand this to mean that a pedestrian comes to a cross walk and stops. He then looks to make sure that when entering the cross walk he shall not be encountering a car that can?t yield or stop. See, for example, Venghis v. Nathanson, 101 NJL 110 (1925) holding that a pedestrian has the duty of exercising reasonable care to avoid collision with the auto. On the other hand, the driver must be alert when approaching a cross walk for the likelihood of pedestrians and stay alert to stop for any that he comes upon in the cross walk.

My point is that driving around Hamilton Park these days, pedestrians seem to leap in to the crosswalk and then grab the station while yelling obscenities at you while you in a panic slam your brakes.



Effective: April 1, 2010
N.J.S.A. 39:4-36
39:4-36. Driver to yield to pedestrian at crosswalk; exceptions; vehicles approaching stopped vehicle from rear; yield of right-of-way by pedestrian; penalties; portion of fine deposited in Pedestrian Safety Enforcement and Education Fund
a. The driver of a vehicle shall yield the right-of-way to a pedestrian crossing the roadway within any unmarked crosswalk at an intersection, except at crosswalks when the movement of traffic is being regulated by police officers or traffic control signals, or where otherwise regulated by municipal, county, or State regulation, and except where a pedestrian tunnel or overhead pedestrian crossing has been provided:
(1) The driver of a vehicle shall stop and remain stopped to allow a pedestrian to cross the roadway within a marked crosswalk, when the pedestrian is upon, or within one lane of, the half of the roadway, upon which the vehicle is traveling or onto which it is turning. As used in this paragraph, ?half of the roadway? means all traffic lanes conveying traffic in one direction of travel, and includes the entire width of a one-way roadway.
(2) No pedestrian shall leave a curb or other place of safety and walk or run into the path of a vehicle which is so close that it is impossible for the driver to yield or stop.
(3) Whenever any vehicle is stopped to permit a pedestrian to cross the roadway, the driver of any other vehicle approaching from the rear shall not overtake and pass such stopped vehicle.
(4) Every pedestrian upon a roadway at any point other than within a marked crosswalk or within an unmarked crosswalk at an intersection shall yield the right-of-way to all vehicles upon the roadway.
(5) Nothing contained herein shall relieve a driver from the duty to exercise due care for the safety of any pedestrian upon a roadway.Nothing contained herein shall relieve a pedestrian from using due care for his safety.
b. A person violating any paragraph of subsection a. of this section shall, upon conviction thereof, pay a fine to be imposed by the court in the amount of $200. The court may also impose upon a person violating any paragraph of subsection a. of this section, a penalty of community service not to exceed 15 days in such form and on such terms as the court shall deem appropriate. If the violation results in serious bodily injury to a pedestrian, the person convicted of the violation shall be subject to a fine of not less than $100 or more than $500, and may additionally be subject to a sentence of imprisonment not to exceed 25 days, or a license suspension not to exceed six months, or both, in the discretion of the court. As used in this section, "serious bodily injury" means serious bodily injury as defined in subsection b. of N.J.S.2C:11-1.
c. Of each fine imposed and collected pursuant to subsection b. of this section, $100 shall be forwarded to the State Treasurer who shall annually deposit the moneys into the ?Pedestrian Safety Enforcement and Education Fund? created by section 1 of P.L.2005, c. 86(C.39:4-36.2).
d. In the event of a collision between a vehicle and a pedestrian within a marked crosswalk, or at an unmarked crosswalk at an intersection, there shall be a permissive inference that the driver did not exercise due care for the safety of the pedestrian.
Amended by L.1951, c. 23, p. 75, ? 26; L.1981, c. 220, ? 3, eff. July 20, 1981; L.2005, c. 86, ?

Posted on: 2016/4/20 15:46

Re: JC's official game - Crosswalk Stare Down!
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2009/8/27 22:16
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Mao wrote:
" Of course, it is true that an automobile has to yield to a pedestrian in a cross walk. However, this does not mean that the pedestrian has the right of way. The car has the right of way and a pedestrian is supposed to stop and wait until there are no cars unless there is a stop sign. The stanchions make it seem as if it is a race so that if a pedestrian jumps into the cross walk, the car has to hit its brakes. Whose idea were these stanchions anyway?

Actually, that's exactly what it means, according to the State of NJ:

A. The driver of a vehicle must stop and stay stopped for a pedestrian crossing the roadway within any marked crosswalk, but shall yield the right-of-way to a pedestrian crossing the roadway within an unmarked crosswalk at an intersection,

Posted on: 2016/4/20 14:20

Re: JC's official game - Crosswalk Stare Down!
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2008/5/9 2:53
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Well there are two sides to this story. Downtown, especially away from the main drags, there appears to be an aggressive hostility to vehicles at times. I think the little stanchions they put in cross walks are very misleading. The look like stop signs and then say something like "Stop for pedestrians in the cross walk." Of course, it is true that an automobile has to yield to a pedestrian in a cross walk. However, this does not mean that the pedestrian has the right of way. The car has the right of way and a pedestrian is supposed to stop and wait until there are no cars unless there is a stop sign. The stanchions make it seem as if it is a race so that if a pedestrian jumps into the cross walk, the car has to hit its brakes. Whose idea were these stanchions anyway?

Posted on: 2016/4/20 14:08

Re: JC's official game - Crosswalk Stare Down!
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2014/9/19 1:29
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YvonnesMeds wrote:
How many points if you have no idea you're walking in a cross walk?

Pretty sure the only reason you would be in the crosswalk is because there is no free parking anywhere in this town anymore and/or because Fulop has blocked off Newark Avenue to traffic.

Posted on: 2016/4/19 21:54

Re: JC's official game - Crosswalk Stare Down!

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2016/4/14 12:58
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How many points if you have no idea you're walking in a cross walk?

Posted on: 2016/4/19 15:42

Re: JC's official game - Crosswalk Stare Down!
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Traffic cop laid out in Columbus this morning, hit by an SUV turning left from Marin. (He sat up after a minute and seemed to be okay. Driver did stop to assist.) But yeah - it's the pedestrian's fault...

(The real answer is both driver and pedestrian behavior need to change. "He started it" shouldn't be the answer whenever people rightly point out that many people drive like self-absorbed assholes around here.)

Posted on: 2016/4/19 12:05

Re: JC's official game - Crosswalk Stare Down!
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jc_dweller wrote:

trambone wrote:

Poncho11 wrote:

jc_dweller wrote:
Points for punchinig or kicking a car? I do it every now and then when a car barrels through a crosswalk that I am in, so close to me that I can reach out and touch it (which I do as loudly as possible).

You must know you can handle the driver , because I think you will get your ass handed to you in a second.

Yeah this. There are some intersections in which the lights and walk signals are coordinated differently. Its green for cars, but don't walk for pedestrians, but when its walk for pedestrians its full red for all vehicles. Well someone crossed against it and hit my car and I did follow them for about half a block.

I am all for pedestrian rights, but at least follow the current laws in place.

I'm not talking about intersections with a stop or with nothing. ie: turning right from Jersey onto Third or blowing across Jersey on any number of streets without regard for the crosswalks.

As "ass handed to you". Really? I dare you.

Only if you punch my car !

Posted on: 2016/4/18 23:10

Re: JC's official game - Crosswalk Stare Down!
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jc_dweller wrote:

trambone wrote:

Poncho11 wrote:

jc_dweller wrote:
Points for punchinig or kicking a car? I do it every now and then when a car barrels through a crosswalk that I am in, so close to me that I can reach out and touch it (which I do as loudly as possible).

You must know you can handle the driver , because I think you will get your ass handed to you in a second.

No problem, If its my car you'll find out real quick.

Yeah this. There are some intersections in which the lights and walk signals are coordinated differently. Its green for cars, but don't walk for pedestrians, but when its walk for pedestrians its full red for all vehicles. Well someone crossed against it and hit my car and I did follow them for about half a block.

I am all for pedestrian rights, but at least follow the current laws in place.

I'm not talking about intersections with a stop or with nothing. ie: turning right from Jersey onto Third or blowing across Jersey on any number of streets without regard for the crosswalks.

As "ass handed to you". Really? I dare you.

Posted on: 2016/4/18 23:08

Re: JC's official game - Crosswalk Stare Down!
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I've seen a ton of school-aged kids on bikes and skateboards that absolutely blow through the intersections on Jersey Ave when I walk home from work. Only started noticing it this year, maybe it's the new "knock out?"

Posted on: 2016/4/18 17:04

Re: JC's official game - Crosswalk Stare Down!
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Posted on: 2016/4/18 15:54

Re: JC's official game - Crosswalk Stare Down!
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back on track here please!

I checked the Jersey & Montgomery intersection. That set of crosswalk lights is synchronized with traffic lights. They even have a delayed crosswalk signal to allow cars to turn north on Jersey. This is what you want at every intersection - properly synchronized signals for both cars and pedestrians.

Of course if you continue two blocks north to Jersey & Columbus there is no synchronization and makes for a very dangerous intersection.

Posted on: 2016/4/18 13:55

Re: JC's official game - Crosswalk Stare Down!
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trambone wrote:

Poncho11 wrote:

jc_dweller wrote:
Points for punchinig or kicking a car? I do it every now and then when a car barrels through a crosswalk that I am in, so close to me that I can reach out and touch it (which I do as loudly as possible).

You must know you can handle the driver , because I think you will get your ass handed to you in a second.

Yeah this. There are some intersections in which the lights and walk signals are coordinated differently. Its green for cars, but don't walk for pedestrians, but when its walk for pedestrians its full red for all vehicles. Well someone crossed against it and hit my car and I did follow them for about half a block.

I am all for pedestrian rights, but at least follow the current laws in place.

I'm not talking about intersections with a stop or with nothing. ie: turning right from Jersey onto Third or blowing across Jersey on any number of streets without regard for the crosswalks.

As "ass handed to you". Really? I dare you.

Posted on: 2016/4/18 0:53

Re: JC's official game - Crosswalk Stare Down!
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Please put grass medians with trees on Columbus ?make it more nice?and more friendly to cross. That is the ugliest 4 lanes.

Posted on: 2016/4/17 1:00

Re: JC's official game - Crosswalk Stare Down!
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mfadam wrote:
JC needs to have consistent signals at every intersection. Anyone who walks in NYC has a much safer pedestrian experience because every light is properly synchronized.

I do agree with you on this, and you are definitely right on this claim: there should be a consistent behavior for walk signals. Failure to implement a consistent behavior only creates confusion, which in turn can lead to accidents or worse.

In fact, I am surprised they implemented the synchronized and automatic pedestrians signals at the Columbus intersections with Grove and Marin but not at Jersey, or any of the other CC Blvd intersections. CC Blvd turns into a short racetrack West of Grove, as people hurry to beat all the traffic lights on their way to get on the turnpike or the areas west and south of DTJC.

Posted on: 2016/4/16 19:06

Re: JC's official game - Crosswalk Stare Down!
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Wishful_Thinking wrote:

Poncho11 wrote:

jc_dweller wrote:
Points for punchinig or kicking a car? I do it every now and then when a car barrels through a crosswalk that I am in, so close to me that I can reach out and touch it (which I do as loudly as possible).

You must know you can handle the driver , because I think you will get your ass handed to you in a second.

Ah, you were the one who lost me points walking home today! Crossing Ferry Street at Central, nearly clipped my leg and when I shouted "hey" you said (not looking up from your cell phone as you texted) said "move".

You are right, but it is mostly the other way around. People pay absolutely no mind when entering the cross walk, crossing in the middle of the street. Also, don't they think that the driver maybe doing the same thing you are, TEXTING, making it even more imperative that you look 1st.

Posted on: 2016/4/16 16:54

Re: JC's official game - Crosswalk Stare Down!
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Ok I shouldn't have mentioned Marin as I don't walk over there. BUT I walk across Columbus at Jersey and Varick/Coles daily and neither have crosswalk signals synchronized to the traffic lights. So unless someone pushes the button the pedestrians get no ok to cross signal. Every day people get to the intersection and have no idea if they can cross or if the light is about to turn red. That is moronic. Especially if GRove and Marin are now fully synchronized.

Also trambone is wrong. If a pedestrian is walking with the green light in the crosswalk he has the right of way. At cc and jersey no one would ever get across Columbus by hos logic.

JC needs to have consistent signals at every intersection. Anyone who walks in NYC has a much safer pedestrian experience because every light is properly synchronized.

Posted on: 2016/4/16 15:47

Re: JC's official game - Crosswalk Stare Down!
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Drive by a JC middle or high school at dismissal time if you want to see clueless, entitled pedestrians ignoring traffic laws.

Posted on: 2016/4/16 13:38

Re: JC's official game - Crosswalk Stare Down!
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Maybe JClist can create a section where forum users can upload videos of both stupid drivers and pedestrians to shame them?

Posted on: 2016/4/16 13:29

Re: JC's official game - Crosswalk Stare Down!
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mfadam wrote:
It boggles the mind that pedestrians have to push a button to cross major roads like Columbus or Marin. When is there ever not a group waiting at intersections to cross these streets.

JC needs to move beyond its antiquated focus on cars only...

I'm sorry to inform you, but you are wrong. This may have been true in the past but is no longer the case. The pedestrian walk signals at the intersections of Columbus and Grove, and Columbus and Marin, are fully automated. What happens often is that a particular walk signal is delayed to allow for some traffic to proceed (namely, turn only lanes traffic with a limited length green light) but pedestrians are too clueless to pay attention and assume that just because the opposite traffic has a red light they are cleared to proceed.

Posted on: 2016/4/16 13:03

Re: JC's official game - Crosswalk Stare Down!
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Drivers here are dangerous yes....but it must be noted that there are some very very stupid pedestrians in Jersey City that don't even use crosswalks etc. I always stop for pedestrians and the amount of no waves I get makes me really want to continue driving without stopping anymore. Oh and the mothers with strollers who seemingly wait for the green to walk across traffic when they had ample time to cross when the cars had red...or the idiots who don't even look up from their phone.... Wake up takes two to tango! And for the guy hitting cars....I feel ya but you are asking to get shot. This ain't Disney Land dude!

Posted on: 2016/4/16 11:32

Re: JC's official game - Crosswalk Stare Down!
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mfadam wrote:
A huge part of the problem in JC is the fact that traffic lights and crosswalk signals are not coordinated. Every other city I know of has them automatically synced. It is pathetic that JC can't get this right. As it is pedestrians don't get a crosswalk signal unless they push the button.

The problem is too many dumb drivers see there is no crosswalk signal and wrongly assume they have the right of way. This is very dangerous. Pedestrians in crosswalks always have the right of way as long as they are going with the traffic light.

It boggles the mind that pedestrians have to push a button to cross major roads like Columbus or Marin. When is there ever not a group waiting at intersections to cross these streets.

JC needs to move beyond its antiquated focus on cars only...

Pedestrains are supposed to go with the crosswalk signal.. thats why its there. There are intersections where its designed to be a "walk" signal but a red light for drivers. If people took their heads out of their phones....

Posted on: 2016/4/16 11:23

Re: JC's official game - Crosswalk Stare Down!
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A huge part of the problem in JC is the fact that traffic lights and crosswalk signals are not coordinated. Every other city I know of has them automatically synced. It is pathetic that JC can't get this right. As it is pedestrians don't get a crosswalk signal unless they push the button.

The problem is too many dumb drivers see there is no crosswalk signal and wrongly assume they have the right of way. This is very dangerous. Pedestrians in crosswalks always have the right of way as long as they are going with the traffic light.

It boggles the mind that pedestrians have to push a button to cross major roads like Columbus or Marin. When is there ever not a group waiting at intersections to cross these streets.

JC needs to move beyond its antiquated focus on cars only...

Posted on: 2016/4/16 10:59

Re: JC's official game - Crosswalk Stare Down!
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Here's an idea !

What about if pedestrians carry their own 'stop sticks' that police often carry in their patrol cars, and when you place your first foot on the crosswalk that you have right of way, you roll out the 'stop stick' in front of you. Once you make it across safely, you pull the 'stop stick' behind you and clear of the crosswalk for cars to pass.

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Posted on: 2016/4/16 9:56
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Re: JC's official game - Crosswalk Stare Down!
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Poncho11 wrote:

jc_dweller wrote:
Points for punchinig or kicking a car? I do it every now and then when a car barrels through a crosswalk that I am in, so close to me that I can reach out and touch it (which I do as loudly as possible).

You must know you can handle the driver , because I think you will get your ass handed to you in a second.

Yeah this. There are some intersections in which the lights and walk signals are coordinated differently. Its green for cars, but don't walk for pedestrians, but when its walk for pedestrians its full red for all vehicles. Well someone crossed against it and hit my car and I did follow them for about half a block.

I am all for pedestrian rights, but at least follow the current laws in place.

Posted on: 2016/4/16 3:45

Re: JC's official game - Crosswalk Stare Down!
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Poncho11 wrote:

jc_dweller wrote:
Points for punchinig or kicking a car? I do it every now and then when a car barrels through a crosswalk that I am in, so close to me that I can reach out and touch it (which I do as loudly as possible).

You must know you can handle the driver , because I think you will get your ass handed to you in a second.

Ah, you were the one who lost me points walking home today! Crossing Ferry Street at Central, nearly clipped my leg and when I shouted "hey" you said (not looking up from your cell phone as you texted) said "move".

Posted on: 2016/4/16 0:34

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