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Re: 2 Dead - 3 Hospitalized after Overdoses at Crystal Point - 2nd St.
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GrovePath wrote:

bodhipooh wrote:

GrovePath wrote:
"5 a.m. Sunday morning...People ... said they were having trouble breathing and had been using drugs that night.... Two people were pronounced dead and three were taken to Jersey City Medical Center.... "

So what bar were they at on Saturday night?

Don't anyone worry, people. Detective Poirot is on the case. He has already determined the drugs came from the bouncers at a local bar.

Meanwhile, in the real world, most people are getting drugs delivered to their homes by couriers, or through friends/contacts.

Serious question: why are you so convinced they got their drugs from a local bar?

Look at the time line -- 5AM Saturday Night/Sunday morning - people do drugs soon after they get them -- so likely they got the drugs around 3AM, took them home & then soon after OD'ed. So likely closing time they bought some for the road - to keep the party going. Hard to believe they called a dealer that late -- police should just check out where they were that Saturday night & check out the doorman. Many downtown bars are getting to be an issue.

Resized Image

"Hard to believe they called a dealer that late"

Ah yes, we all know drug dealers have early bedtimes.

Posted on: 2017/7/31 19:41

Re: No UFOs Spotted in JC - but Sightings Reported Across New York City
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Posted on: 2017/7/31 14:41

Re: Trump Our New President
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Monroe wrote:
350 billion dollars in arms sales, that's a ton of high paying manufacturing jobs. Just last week. Many missed it, I guess, with the incessant photo shops during his trip.

And ISIS is creating lots of jobs for would-terrorists. Clearly, jobs shouldn't be the one and only focus. Look at the big picture.

Posted on: 2017/6/2 19:44

Re: PATH JSQ ~ The New Place to Buy Smack
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Cool thread bro, make more

Posted on: 2017/6/2 3:28

Re: Trump Our New President
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2 N.J. coal power plants close for good, ensuring cleaner air ... l-power-plants/355425001/

The power plant?s smoke stacks have loomed over the western edge of Jersey City for nearly half a century, spewing soot, heavy metals, and other toxic chemicals that impaired the air quality of nearby neighborhoods, the broader North Jersey region and New York City.

But on Thursday, the Hudson Generation Station, operated by PSEG Power, is being disconnected from the regional electric grid, and will go dark for good. The company is also closing a coal-burning plant near Trenton on the Delaware River.

Posted on: 2017/6/1 23:44

Re: Trump Our New President
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hero69 wrote:

135jc wrote:
From what I can tell Trump has signed deals that have bought jobs back to the US. Show me one thing O-blame-a actually did to improve the economy. He simply sat put and allowed it to recover aided by interest rate cuts.
nope...those "jobs" that trump are claiming to have created were jobs that were mostly going to be created anyway...they were in the process? and what are we talking about 5,000 jobs? how many jobs are us companies still moving overseas?

Jobs aren't being moved overseas, they are being automated by robots / software instead. And there's nothing Trump (or anyone else) can do about that.

Posted on: 2017/6/1 22:48

Re: Shots Fired Hamilton Park.
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Memorial Day Weekend? Hmmmm Yeah, definitely GUNSHOTS!

Posted on: 2017/5/30 14:55

Re: F.A.B
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Cool story bro, when does the movie come out?

Posted on: 2017/5/29 23:15

Re: chalk messages around downtown.
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Monroe wrote:
lol-SOS, you do know that the GWB was never shut down, don't you? You may want to think the whole thing through a little better.


Posted on: 2017/5/16 22:01

Re: Citing chain store ban, Jersey City aims to block new CVS
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TwoBootsJC wrote:
Dear Friends.

Once again, untruths are running wild on JCList. So, for anyone interested in facts, here they are.

1. The food trucks at the farmers' market were illegal under Jersey City law. (Do the research.)

Sure. It's a poor law, though. Clearly, downtown JC is populated enough to support a restaurant row and a food truck market (like any thriving city).


2. Over twenty Downtown restaurants signed a petition (not just Two Boots) demanding that the HDSID discontinue the "food court" it had created, illegally, to fill its own budget hole.

Please elaborate on how the food truck market filled the HDSID's budget hole.


3. The HDSID was violating its duty to it own members -- us -- by running a competing business.

Alright, this is a classic case of the tail wagging the dog. I'd say the HDSID's purpose is misguided if it's favoring certain local businesses over others. Especially when there's a market for both.


4. The only reason the food truck "food court" could exist was the massive subsidy that it received in the form of below market rent using public space -- a subsidy that no brick and mortar restaurant receives.

Please elaborate.


5. Two Boots has NEVER complained about any competitor that has to play by the same rules we do. We have New Jersey's largest pizzeria (and restaurant) right next to us. We welcomed them and welcome any other competitor, chain or otherwise, so long as they don't receive government support that we don't.

Restaurants and food trucks will never be able to play by the same rules as they have inherently different characteristics.

This is like a fish saying that a bird shouldn't eat it because it's not fair the fish doesn't have wings.

Restaurants and food trucks each have their own unique advantages and disadvantages. If someone wants to sit down and relax for a meal (especially with more than one person), no food truck in the world will pull them away from a quality restaurant.

Alternatively, if you're in a rush or just want to eat something casually on the go, you don't have time for a restaurant. You're going for a food truck instead.

These business models are inherently different, they serve different purposes and they both can (and have) coexist in downtown JC.


6. We fully support food trucks parking in legal locations.

Sure, because it currently reduces your competition.


7. The farmers market is flourishing.

But the public has less food truck options due to your anti-competitive lobbying and that's not a good thing for downtown JC.


8. There are more eating options than ever in the Downtown.

That's my point, food trucks did not need to be banned because there's enough demand due to downtown JC's population growth.


Finally, probably none of you know this, but we came close to going out of business. During our first three years, we lost money. Now, thankfully, we are doing well, thanks to thousands of loyal customers and Jersey City's growth. But the point remains, that opening a restaurant is a very risky business. Sixty percent of all restaurants close their doors within three years. This is why people who invest hundreds of thousands, and sometimes millions, of dollars in restaurants become emotional about unfair and illegal competition.

Lots of love,

I can't speak about your situation as I am not involved in your business. All I can say is that downtown JC can clearly support both restaurant row and food trucks.

Posted on: 2017/5/14 15:15

Re: New York Times -- The Death and Life of Jersey City (5/5/17)
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Hamparkvet wrote:

jessk88 wrote:
huh as if JC is one of a kind with stuff like that. these are quite usual things. I'm not sayint they are normal, but there's nothing extraordinary about it and I can't see what's the problem

Exactly. It's not extraordinary. It's ordinary and boring. They should call Jersey City, Bay-yawn, Hobok-Like or Staten Try-land. A big opportunity was missed on the waterfront and Newark Ave. is unimaginative. Well, they got the puke and the extra drunk drivers they were craving.


Posted on: 2017/5/11 22:29

Re: New York Times -- The Death and Life of Jersey City (5/5/17)
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Hamparkvet wrote:

MattJC79 wrote:
I love these cute articles about JC.

Here is what I experienced on Cinco de mayo living around Newark Ave.

I walked up through the pedestrian plaza around 9:30PM going to to Newark and Coles to check in on a cat. I was cat sitting. Already at that time there were drunks all over the pedestrian plaza.

On my way back to Mercer and Marin, where I live, I walked down Columbus hoping to avoid the drama on Newark Ave around 10:30pm. On Columbus, I ran into a woman, bursting out of her clothes, vomiting all over the sidewalk. Her boyfriend, or guy she was with, ran away from her and into traffic on Columbus and almost caused an accident. Great guy.

I get back to my apartment to find two guys in sombreros pissing on the side of my building. They could have gone into Krispy Kreme and urinated there into a proper toilet.

The neighborhood has become like a college town. I get that it was cinco de mayo and whatnot that night. But please... The drunks on Newark ave are spilling over into the surrounding areas. Now with Uber, these people are coming into town from all over the place and have no respect for the neighbors.

Things seem to be feeling more and more like Hoboken. I'm not trying to sound like a crotchey old F^&%, but I see way too much puke on the sidewalk these days when going to work!

This is what the newbie youngsters wanted. Well, they're not gonna be newbies and youngsters very much longer and they'll see the light when this sh*t affects their QoL. Congrats J.C. you've hit the big time. Ordinariness.

Dude, this is the natural cycle of an urban area. It's happened many times before and will happen again. Just accept it.

Posted on: 2017/5/11 20:23

Re: chalk messages around downtown.
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EvilivE wrote:

Adonis wrote:
I love the anti-Trump chalking and I hope it continues. I laugh at it every time I see it. It shows to me and everyone else how petulantly childish the left can be. And I think many others feel that way when they see the chalk. It only helps republicans for 2018 and beyond in my opinion. Chalking on the sidewalk is something many children do after all. So I say chalk away losers/haters.

you make good points.
gonna try to shift my view to a similar one.
kids can definitely be annoying when they don't get their way.

Yes, they should create new threads like adults instead!

Posted on: 2017/5/11 2:26

Re: Carry Pharmacy on Bright Charging Sales Tax on OTC Meds
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Keep the receipts and call the State of NJ Tax Dept.

Posted on: 2017/5/10 17:49

Re: chalk messages around downtown.
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Monroe wrote:

WhoElseCouldIBe wrote:

Monroe wrote:
Being amused by seeing snowflakes think they're promoting change and resistance by chalking a message is crying and whining?

I'm not promoting chalk messages. But if they bother you enough to create a new thread about it, you need to put your big boy pants on.

Except a) I didn't start the thread, and b) I'm not bothered, I'm amused. It's like watching a 2 year old throw himself on the floor in the supermarket and cry that he can't get some new cereal he saw on tv.

I was responding to OP, not you (clearly).

Posted on: 2017/5/9 20:08

Re: chalk messages around downtown.
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Monroe wrote:
Being amused by seeing snowflakes think they're promoting change and resistance by chalking a message is crying and whining?

I'm not promoting chalk messages. But if they bother you enough to create a new thread about it, you need to put your big boy pants on.

Posted on: 2017/5/9 19:08

Re: chalk messages around downtown.
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JCMan8 wrote:

WhoElseCouldIBe wrote:

JCMan8 wrote:

WhoElseCouldIBe wrote:

JCMan8 wrote:

WhoElseCouldIBe wrote:

JCMan8 wrote:

TonyTwoPoops wrote:

These messages aren't racist or sexist so why you are even bringing that up as a counterpoint is beyond me.

You still don't get it. Much of life is political. People make up their reasoning. If you didn't like the messages (because they were pro-Trump, or anti-liberal), you'd make up reasons why they should be erased. That's what liberals tried for many years, trying to shut down conservative ideas by pretending they were "racist," bigoted, sexist, etc. All bullshit. But thankfully, many people have caught on to these tactics.

Applying that broad principle to here, I correctly observed that the commenters here who defend the chalk do so because they agree with its messaging, and simply make up reasons why the OP should shut up. They'd be singing a very different tune if they didn't agree with the message.

I didn't vote for Clinton (I'm not a fan of Democrats at all). And I think anyone whining about chalk in a public place needs to suck it up. The outside world is not your safe space.

Now what?

You perfectly fit in line with what I was describing, because you didn't vote for Trump. Reread what I said.

As someone who voted third party, you're also the exception and you know it.

i read what you said and it doesn't make sense. Why does it matter that I didn't vote for Trump?

I could care less if someone used chalk to bash Trump, Hillary or any politician. You know why? Because it's chalk.

Anyone who whines about needing a safe space for chalk needs a thicker skin and deserves to be called out.

It matters because you likely agree with the message.

I likely agree with the message? What evidence do you have of that at all? Total straw man argument.

I don't know what the chalk message said and frankly, it doesn't matter. Supported Trump? Doesn't matter. Bashed Trump? Doesn't matter. Supported Hillary/Obama/Bernie? Doesn't matter. Bashed Hillary/Obama/Bernie? Doesn't matter.

It's chalk.

If chalk messages rile you up and have you call for a safe space, I'm going to criticize your immaturity and extreme sensitivity. It's textbook PC culture and some people need to put their big boy pants on.

Sorry my answer doesn't fit into your paradigm. I'm coming from principles, not politics. Therefore, I don't root for political teams regardless of their actions. I respond to what happens, not if it benefits my team or not.


But agreeing with the message does matter, not withstanding your attempts to claim otherwise. It matters for 99% of people, as we are seeing in this thread.

99%? Sounds more like hyperbole than an accurate statistic.


Like I said, people who voted third party are an exception, because they have proven they operate on principle and not politics. But they are minuscule, a minute fraction of people. You are pretending this minor exception swallows the rule, when the reverse is the case.

No, I'm not pretending an exception swallows the rule. I'm just pointing out that it's silly for someone to be bent out of shape by chalk messages and that growing a thick skin is part of becoming an adult. But apparently you have a problem with that.

Posted on: 2017/5/9 16:16

Re: chalk messages around downtown.
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EvilivE wrote:

PremiumContent wrote:
embarrassing meltdown from jcman08

it's called an opinion.
they do differ from time to time, you know.

Coming from the guy who wants a safe space from chalk messages. PC culture

Posted on: 2017/5/9 3:20

Re: chalk messages around downtown.
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JCMan8 wrote:

WhoElseCouldIBe wrote:

JCMan8 wrote:

WhoElseCouldIBe wrote:

JCMan8 wrote:

TonyTwoPoops wrote:

These messages aren't racist or sexist so why you are even bringing that up as a counterpoint is beyond me.

You still don't get it. Much of life is political. People make up their reasoning. If you didn't like the messages (because they were pro-Trump, or anti-liberal), you'd make up reasons why they should be erased. That's what liberals tried for many years, trying to shut down conservative ideas by pretending they were "racist," bigoted, sexist, etc. All bullshit. But thankfully, many people have caught on to these tactics.

Applying that broad principle to here, I correctly observed that the commenters here who defend the chalk do so because they agree with its messaging, and simply make up reasons why the OP should shut up. They'd be singing a very different tune if they didn't agree with the message.

I didn't vote for Clinton (I'm not a fan of Democrats at all). And I think anyone whining about chalk in a public place needs to suck it up. The outside world is not your safe space.

Now what?

You perfectly fit in line with what I was describing, because you didn't vote for Trump. Reread what I said.

As someone who voted third party, you're also the exception and you know it.

i read what you said and it doesn't make sense. Why does it matter that I didn't vote for Trump?

I could care less if someone used chalk to bash Trump, Hillary or any politician. You know why? Because it's chalk.

Anyone who whines about needing a safe space for chalk needs a thicker skin and deserves to be called out.

It matters because you likely agree with the message.

I likely agree with the message? What evidence do you have of that at all? Total straw man argument.

I don't know what the chalk message said and frankly, it doesn't matter. Supported Trump? Doesn't matter. Bashed Trump? Doesn't matter. Supported Hillary/Obama/Bernie? Doesn't matter. Bashed Hillary/Obama/Bernie? Doesn't matter.

It's chalk.

If chalk messages rile you up and have you call for a safe space, I'm going to criticize your immaturity and extreme sensitivity. It's textbook PC culture and some people need to put their big boy pants on.

Sorry my answer doesn't fit into your paradigm. I'm coming from principles, not politics. Therefore, I don't root for political teams regardless of their actions. I respond to what happens, not if it benefits my team or not.


Posted on: 2017/5/9 3:16

Re: chalk messages around downtown.
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JCMan8 wrote:

WhoElseCouldIBe wrote:

JCMan8 wrote:

TonyTwoPoops wrote:

These messages aren't racist or sexist so why you are even bringing that up as a counterpoint is beyond me.

You still don't get it. Much of life is political. People make up their reasoning. If you didn't like the messages (because they were pro-Trump, or anti-liberal), you'd make up reasons why they should be erased. That's what liberals tried for many years, trying to shut down conservative ideas by pretending they were "racist," bigoted, sexist, etc. All bullshit. But thankfully, many people have caught on to these tactics.

Applying that broad principle to here, I correctly observed that the commenters here who defend the chalk do so because they agree with its messaging, and simply make up reasons why the OP should shut up. They'd be singing a very different tune if they didn't agree with the message.

I didn't vote for Clinton (I'm not a fan of Democrats at all). And I think anyone whining about chalk in a public place needs to suck it up. The outside world is not your safe space.

Now what?

You perfectly fit in line with what I was describing, because you didn't vote for Trump. Reread what I said.

As someone who voted third party, you're also the exception and you know it.

i read what you said and it doesn't make sense. Why does it matter that I didn't vote for Trump?

I could care less if someone used chalk to bash Trump, Hillary or any politician. You know why? Because it's chalk.

Anyone who whines about needing a safe space for chalk needs a thicker skin and deserves to be called out.

Posted on: 2017/5/9 2:30

Re: chalk messages around downtown.
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JCMan8 wrote:

TonyTwoPoops wrote:

These messages aren't racist or sexist so why you are even bringing that up as a counterpoint is beyond me.

You still don't get it. Much of life is political. People make up their reasoning. If you didn't like the messages (because they were pro-Trump, or anti-liberal), you'd make up reasons why they should be erased. That's what liberals tried for many years, trying to shut down conservative ideas by pretending they were "racist," bigoted, sexist, etc. All bullshit. But thankfully, many people have caught on to these tactics.

Applying that broad principle to here, I correctly observed that the commenters here who defend the chalk do so because they agree with its messaging, and simply make up reasons why the OP should shut up. They'd be singing a very different tune if they didn't agree with the message.

I didn't vote for Clinton (I'm not a fan of Democrats at all). And I think anyone whining about chalk in a public place needs to suck it up. The outside world is not your safe space.

Now what?

Posted on: 2017/5/9 2:17

Re: chalk messages around downtown.
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EvilivE wrote:
"In my opinion, it's not rational to complain about something you can't control to people who can't fix it.

sooooo.... you're describing the chalkers. ????

Yup. And you.

Posted on: 2017/5/8 21:38

Re: chalk messages around downtown.
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EvilivE wrote:

WhoElseCouldIBe wrote:

EvilivE wrote:

WhoElseCouldIBe wrote:
You're right, we should only write our feelings by creating new threads on message boards instead :)

that's what i figure. this way anyone who's here is doing so by choice, rather than being forced to be subjected to someone scribbling the same handful of statements every single day. conversation is natural. issuing non-conversational, repetitive statements seems more like a sign of mental distress to me.

Sigh, I guess the irony is lost on you.

You're both expressing feels unilaterally. When you create a new thread, you're not having a conversation with anyone, you're just venting, just like the chalk guy.

You're not forced to read his messages, either.

trust me, the irony was NOT lost. i denied it on purpose when i replied. lol

i don't feel this is venting, so much as putting the feelers out there to see if there are other rational people who feel the same way I do.

now, should i keep sending this same post every single day?
cuz THAT's what these people are doing. and THAT is not THIS.

You don't feel this is venting? How do you figure?

What is the point about putting "feelers" out regarding a chalker? You're not going to stop it. Might as well either get a thicker skin or just ignore it.

And I think it's interesting that you think people who agree with you about the chalker are necessarily rational. In my opinion, it's not rational to complain about something you can't control to people who can't fix it.

Posted on: 2017/5/8 21:27

Re: chalk messages around downtown.
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EvilivE wrote:

MikeyTBC wrote:

EvilivE wrote:
someone has too much time on their hands, and is hell-bent on letting us all know it. 'resist' and "impeach" writtten inside chalk hearts, as if suggesting it's colorfully cute to upend our government's leadership, during a time of heightened political tensions, simply because the other crooked candidate didn't win.

should we all start writing our feelings all over the city sidewalks in chalk as well, particularly those who don't necessarily feel the same way as this person does? is that cool, or only if it's what the majority think they think, according to what the tv has told them should be their opinion? just curious. not really feeling having someone try to tell me how think constantly every time i look at the ground. most of us have more than enough to worry about during our day to day grind, living here and now. this person needs a job and / or some time-consuming hobbies.

you should post a Yelp review about it

hmmm... i'm afraid what you're suggesting is impossible. see, yelp is actually used for business reviews, so unless these chalk people register themselves as such, there's nothing to yelp about. thanks for the suggestion though...

Yup, nothing gets past you, eh?

Posted on: 2017/5/8 21:06

Re: chalk messages around downtown.
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EvilivE wrote:

WhoElseCouldIBe wrote:
You're right, we should only write our feelings by creating new threads on message boards instead :)

that's what i figure. this way anyone who's here is doing so by choice, rather than being forced to be subjected to someone scribbling the same handful of statements every single day. conversation is natural. issuing non-conversational, repetitive statements seems more like a sign of mental distress to me.

Sigh, I guess the irony is lost on you.

You're both expressing feels unilaterally. When you create a new thread, you're not having a conversation with anyone, you're just venting, just like the chalk guy.

You're not forced to read his messages, either.

Posted on: 2017/5/8 20:19

Re: chalk messages around downtown.
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You're right, we should only write our feelings by creating new threads on message boards instead :)

Posted on: 2017/5/8 19:55

Re: Citing chain store ban, Jersey City aims to block new CVS
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PremiumContent wrote:
Two Boots is better than most of the pizza downtown (which is almost universally mediocre).

And apparently Two Boots felt the food trucks were better than their pizza, so they lobbied the government to ban food trucks from Grove Square.

Posted on: 2017/5/8 16:34

Re: Citing chain store ban, Jersey City aims to block new CVS
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brewster wrote:

jcneighbor wrote:
Two Boots Pizza is also a chain. And some of the worst pizza I've ever tasted...

Then you need to get around more. There's some seriously crappy za out there.

Two Boots pizza tastes like protectionism. Apparently, their pizza isn't good enough to stave off the food trucks, so they led the food truck ban.

Posted on: 2017/5/7 20:47

Re: Citing chain store ban, Jersey City aims to block new CVS
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JCMan8 wrote:
Can CVS sue the city? Sick of these liberal laws restricting a landlord's right to rent out his own property.

Sue them on what grounds?

Posted on: 2017/5/7 20:07

Re: Man Fatally Struck by Light Rail in JC
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TheBigGuy wrote:

JCMan8 wrote:

TheBigGuy wrote:

does anyone have an opinion about what the costs will be when the litigation finally ends?

Kind of funny that all these people were bashing Yvonne, and then this accident happens and it looks like she was proven right.

Yes... it's only a matter of time before one of her critics blame the crash on her....... or Trump. That is a bad intersection with all the construction.

She can handle herself... I don't agree with some of her comments, but she has a right to say what she wants without enduring the nasty personal attacks.

It just struck me as funny reading this thread how it all went quiet... and there were no comments on the other 3 similar threads. I think we all can agree it was a terrible accident and wish the people injured a speedy recovery.

Why would there be a lawsuit?

Posted on: 2017/5/7 4:16

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