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Re: $2M state funding for Grand Street redevelopment
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TheBigGuy wrote:

brewster wrote:

TheBigGuy wrote:
All great news...but an odd question, the photo the link does not look like Grand Street east or west bound at any point... Am I correct?

I hate to have to break it to you, but there's more to both JC and Grand St than Downtown. That section is up by Arlington Park. The plan as described sounds very much like the changes to Observer Highway in Hoboken east of Marin. Wasn't the end of the world, but I think there's more traffic on Grand.

Gezz... No problem, did not mean to make you answer my simple question about the photo location with such a whiny smug response.

And thanks for the geography lesson, it is nice to know there is life beyond the pale of the turnpike extension.

It's also clear you don't know what "beyond the pale" means.

Posted on: 2019/4/15 15:56

Re: JC historic commission to vote Monday on demolition of St. Peter’s school buildings
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Azul_the_Cat wrote:
I'm genuinely curious why everyone seems to think SPP would be able to sell this property for a big profit. The HPC had made their position clear, and anyone that bought the property be bound by their ruling. Not to mention the horrible state of the building, and that it's in the process of self disassembly. Any developer would need a boat load of money to buy this place and turn it into something nice.

Now it's just going to sit there, slowly crumbling. I'm all for historic preservation, but some buildings are just too far gone to keep.

You buy the building and then buy the zoning, exceptions, etc. you need. Or knock it down in the middle of the night and dare the city to do something about it...

Posted on: 2019/4/3 18:59

Re: Overheard at Word
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JCman24 wrote:
Sorry, this is how the world works. We get the good bookstores, you guys get JCList.

Post of the month.

Posted on: 2019/2/28 16:34

Re: The SUV Phenomenon
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Sutherland wrote:
Owners of large SUV's should have to pay $1,500 a year for their residential parking stickers. Owners of commercial vehicles should have to pay $4,000.00 a year for a residential parking sticker


Posted on: 2019/2/7 18:56

Re: Sweeney proposes slapping payroll tax on Jersey City businesses to fund schools
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JCGuys wrote:

The ones suffering in all this is the students and the shitty education they receive.

Case in point.

Posted on: 2019/2/3 18:17

Re: The SUV Phenomenon
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Monroe wrote:
And I?m pointing out the obvious.

So perfectly meta.

Posted on: 2019/2/2 23:44

Re: New Jersey-New York area lost 5,700 millionaires in 2018
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hero69 wrote:
i often hear about people fleeing the northern states for the cheaper southern areas

Right. Those people are called "retirees".

Posted on: 2019/1/31 1:51

Re: New Jersey-New York area lost 5,700 millionaires in 2018
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stateaidguy wrote:

This conversation is about if a decline of the # of millionaires in NJ will have a fiscal impact on the State, so it is relevant that the top 1% of earners pay 43% of NJ's income taxes because a small drop in the high-earner population will have a disproportionate fiscal effect.

This is a back of the envelope estimate, but if the number of filers in NJ with $1 million or more in income fell by only 1,000 , it would be a loss of at least $100 million in income taxes, since those $1 million income people would pay (at least) an average $100,000 in income taxes each.

$100,000 x 1,000 = $100 million

We aren't talking about the "fairness" by progressive definition of the NJ tax code, where paying 43% of income taxes might be construed as "unfair" if the top 1% possesses more than 43% of the state's income.

However, the top 1% in NJ doesn't earn 43% of the money. I don't have the number, but it's a little less than that.

This conversation is about people with assets in excess of $1 million. You're confusing net worth with income. People with $1 million in assets (e.g. someone who owns a 2br condo in 77 Hudson or Crystal Pointe) typically makes far less than $1 million per year.

Posted on: 2019/1/30 17:52

Re: Okay, so who here thinks the Katyn monument needs to go?
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borisp wrote:
Well, if the other space is just as prominent, let's leave monument where it is - and whatever we planned to replace it with goes into that "other space" instead.


You don't understand the issue, do you?

Posted on: 2018/10/3 16:55

Re: Okay, so who here thinks the Katyn monument needs to go?
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No one is saying "get rid of it." Just move it 200 feet to an equally prominent space that will be accompanied by additional parks.

Posted on: 2018/9/25 18:41

Re: Jersey City Transforms Parking Spots into Parklets
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This event is neither new nor unique to JC. It started in 2005 in San Francisco and has spread around the world. ... arking-to-parklet/539952/

No records of any accidents, injuries or deaths.

Posted on: 2018/9/24 20:50

Re: New Vote-By-Mail Law Raises Concerns Over Confusion
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I read it. The mistake I probably made was I perhaps drew the wrong conclusion from your all over the place and largely unrelated to the topic post. Maybe I misunderstood your "point".

By "joking" (I'm guessing you were trying to be funny) that democrats were likely to be happy with perpetual write-in ballots you must be inferring that from historical patterns that relied on in-person vote fraud because, to my knowledge, there have been no legitimate studies or investigations into mail-in vote fraud such that a pattern could be established that a certain type of voter was more prone to commit write-in vote fraud.

Because you would have needed to make that inference, you clearly believe in the 31 in a billion Santa Claus.

And then, the cherry on this shit sundae was something you burped about immigration. Really not your finest work.

Posted on: 2018/9/20 17:53

Re: New Vote-By-Mail Law Raises Concerns Over Confusion
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TheBigGuy wrote:
"Mail-in ballots for all future elections will continue to get them until they opt out" .... or die? A democrat wet dream come true.

With no need for illegals, maybe we can start enforcing immigration laws?

Ah yes, voter fraud. That perennial non-problem in search of a "solution". 31 incidents per 1 billion votes cast.

Keep banging that broken drum! Clearly it works, because it continues to gain enough traction to enable voter suppression laws to flourish anywhere the GOP is in control. ... t/?utm_term=.765e9d53c59c

Posted on: 2018/9/20 16:44

Re: Our Lady of Czestochowa Downtown Sex Abuse...
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As Abraham Lincoln famously said: "Don't believe everything you read on the internet."


Yvonne wrote:
Actually, I have given facts, there was the letter from the website from a seminary then there was the link from Church Militant.

Posted on: 2018/9/7 19:05

Re: Our Lady of Czestochowa Downtown Sex Abuse...
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K-Lo2 wrote:
The PROBLEM is that the church has been covering it up for decades. The PROBLEM is that the church cares more about the abusers than the abused.


If we take Mao's claim on its face, we would all be okay with priests pursuing 14 and 15 year old girls because it would be neither pedophelia nor homosexual. That's insane - and we have laws that prevent that.

It's not an orientation issue - the church may wish to frame it that way, knowing the Yvonne's of the world will eat that shit up and not depart the flock, but that doesn't make it true.

Posted on: 2018/8/31 13:48

Re: Income Sorting
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Not at all. It's a huge problem and I don't think I said anything that would indicate otherwise.

I just hate shitty, sensational journalism posing as analysis.

And for the record - to your initial post - the term "Income sorting" isn't "setting the trend". It's acknowledging it.

Posted on: 2018/8/29 17:38

Re: Income Sorting
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The premise is wrong on its face. People aren't "sorting" and poorer people aren't moving to Detroit or Cleveland, as the article suggests. One merely needs to look at the long term population trends in those cities to know that.

People go where opportunity lies. As Brewster points out, the industries in dynamic, coastal cities are growing and tend to demand a highly educated workforce. If there is any "sorting" going on, I'd argue it's driven by education. People from areas in decline with high levels of education are more easily able to seek better opportunities elsewhere. The less educated often get left behind.

Expensive housing is a function of this growth, not an additional problem (as the article argues.)

Posted on: 2018/8/29 13:09

Re: Donald Trump Solidifies World Peace
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135jc wrote:

No complaints then. If you unaware of the rule the customer is always right. I suggest you read a book on business.

Funny enough, I've written a couple books on business.

In fact, the customer isn't always right. Sometimes the customer is an asshole and you have to tell him to get out of your store because he's either disrupting the experience of others or making unreasonable demands.

More to the point, this is where your analogy leaves the tracks. A government isn't a business. It has many, many more constituencies than a business and its interests are far more varied. And trade surpluses and deficits are far more complicated than Tweety McDooosh seems to fathom.

Governing by bromides, while often pleasing, really isn't effective.

That said, carry on. Enjoy your day in the sun.

Posted on: 2018/8/28 16:43

Re: Donald Trump Solidifies World Peace
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135jc wrote:

Amazing. Year after year the US keeps losing ground to foriegn countries in trade. Finally when a US President starts to turn the tide and put the US first you libs have a problem with it. The US is the worlds consumers we should call the shots!

My eyes hurt reading this. You start off by saying the US is getting a raw deal ("losing ground to 'foriegn' countries in trade"), which points to the fact that we sell less than we buy in our trade with these countries (seemingly a bad thing, to you). You finish by saying that because we buy the most we are the most important.

So... once the trade imbalances are 'solved" you will then advocate for a diminished american voice on world trade?

Posted on: 2018/8/28 13:40

Re: Where is Gov Murphy?
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His constituents are complaining about the state's crumbling transit system."

HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Yes, the transit system was gleaming and new, running flawlessly just seven months ago when he took over, as though the 8-year war against public transit never happened.

Thanks for the laugh.

Also, didn't rent the plane to find Christie. The plane was already rented and the photographer stumbled on him. Truth is such a trivial detail these days, but just thought I'd mention it: ... overnment-shutdown-2017-7

Shouldn't you be out breaking up pedophile rings and not wasting time here?

Posted on: 2018/8/3 12:55

Re: Boonton Reservoir
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Yvonne wrote:
This is what Councilman Boggiano said: NY as I said has strict rules and the res. Should be secured properly. Jersey should follow NY. And keep the res. Safe and pure. As I said yesterday,what a shame we sold the and years ago around the res. Instead of keeping it from development. This city really screwed up in selling land. Meanwhile NY. Is buying up land around feeder streams and protecting their drinking water.

My god, Boggiano is as unintelligible as you are. I see the attraction now.

Posted on: 2018/7/17 20:02

Re: NJ Now Taxing Residents Without Health Care
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Monroe wrote:
So low and income people who choose not to enroll get screwed, while illegal aliens will continue to use ER's as primary care facilities-running up costs for our low and middle class payers. Effing stupid idiot.

What is it with the outbreak in the use of the word "our" for things the speaker doesn't own? ("our seniors", "our low and middle class payers" [sic]) The people using it have made it very clear they are not inclusive and give not two shits for more than half the country. Why pretend to be otherwise through your word selection? I realize it comes with the FOX/SHS talking points, but it sounds self-important and - more to the point - creepy af.

Posted on: 2018/6/1 20:41

Re: New Utility poles?
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Has anyone checked with Warsaw? They seem to have a lot to say about all things pole-related in Jersey City.

Posted on: 2018/5/9 19:43

Re: Okay, so who here thinks the Katyn monument needs to go?
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light12v wrote:

stillinjc wrote:

brewster wrote:
I liked the idea of the tip of Morris Canal Park though. That's a dramatic setting for a dramatic statue.


Tip of Morris Canal Park makes too much sense for it to happen.

If Fulop played it right, approached the community in the right way, explained the rationale, I bet the move to that location would have been accepted. Not to the fuking median and not because I told you so, and certainly not because Poles are anti-semites or whatever slur he used.

He handled it in the worst possible way.

His conduct does not give me any confidence in Senator Fulop or whatever political office he will be aspiring to.

Boss Daddy Fulop and his cohorts is what Needs to GO !! ... al-statue-in-jersey-city/

Is that you, Jeff?

Posted on: 2018/5/9 17:39

Re: Okay, so who here thinks the Katyn monument needs to go?
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HeightsNative wrote:

"What is not up for debate is Fulops (sic) handling of the situation... outright bigotry on Twitter in the style of Trump.

For Fulop's tweets to be "bigotry", the opinions he's opposed to would have to be legitimate in your view. You're down with holocaust denial and anti-semitism?

Posted on: 2018/5/9 17:37

Re: JC Public Schools is short $70 million
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The one thing that keeps coming up in the various threads about property taxes is the fact that JC's rate (1.62%) is below state average. That has nothing to do with anything.

In a city, the advantages of density and efficiencies of scale would dictate a lower rate. Provision of services should be easier (think police, fire, trash pickup, etc.) given closer proximity, fuel costs should be lower, purchasing should be more effective since you are doing it in larger volumes, etc. Not saying it always works out that way, given politics, corruption and the like - but from a basic economics standpoint the math is pretty simple.

The state rate that gets tossed around is an average. Not everyone is average, for good reason.

Posted on: 2018/4/26 14:43

Re: Democratic Party lobbyist Removed From Port Authority
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She was the ethics chair! So perfect. The cops handled it really well - I'd have had a hard time holding back while she went into her entitled rant.

Question: does the Daily Mail cover a lot of US local stuff? This seems pretty small bore for a UK paper, but maybe they have a more expansive mission.

Posted on: 2018/4/25 13:59

Re: A lot more people in N.J. will be registered to vote soon.
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Yvonne wrote:
I remember back in the day when Cubans the Dutch came to Hudson County.

Fixed it for you.

Posted on: 2018/4/19 15:29

Re: Hudson County sues makers of opioids, alleging negligence and fraud
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Yvonne wrote:
It is always the liberals that cannot stand being challenged on another point of view.

I love debate and encountering other points of view. I hate uninformed points of view, even when I agree with the overall gist. I hate views that are expressed incoherently, along with views that are highly subjective and too heavily weighted with personal experience. Way too often, you check those boxes. You don't challenge anyone - certainly not me. You make noise.

Posted on: 2018/4/10 17:36

Re: Hudson County sues makers of opioids, alleging negligence and fraud
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I think "scummy bigot" is a full consideration of her entire body of work. Think of it as a lifetime achievement award.

Posted on: 2018/4/9 22:19

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