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Re: Caterpillars in Trees.
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we've got them in a big tree out back and they are spreading to neighboring trees. I believe the branches have to be cut and worms burned or boiled.

I've never seen them in JC before but they do seem to have a foothold now. Probably related to high temperatures/mild winters.

Not good for the trees that much is clear...

Posted on: 2018/9/4 21:37

Re: We need more liquor licenses NOW!
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last I heard JC liquor licenses were around 250K, is that still accurate?

Jersey City needs to go through all it's redevelopment plans and update where bars are allowed as most of those plans are woefully out of date. If they get those right, sure let the booze merchants have at it..

Posted on: 2018/5/21 2:33

Re: Bloomberg: Collapse of Public Pensions
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but dude, the market is ready to fly. Quit being such a bean counter...

Sadly today's young public servants will get the bad end of this fiasco...

Posted on: 2018/4/19 16:47

Re: Tour Helicopter Crashes Into East River Killing 5 Passengers
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the problem with federal control of airspace is the FAA. They are the poster child for regulatory capture. They are a total lapdog for the aviation industry. They are tough on commercial fixed wing air which is why the safety record is quite good. The chopper tour types fall under much less scrutiny. The Liberty open door flight was part 91 which is very lightly regulated - see below...

When you fly as a passenger under Part 135 rules, your crew will be well rested. Alarmingly, there are no such regulations for Part 91 crew who effectively can fly without any rest at all. Additionally, it is theoretically possible to take off under conditions of zero visibility under Part 91, while aircraft operated under Part 135 cannot generally use airports that lack on-site weather reporting.

Overall, when flying with a registered aircraft in the US, you are 12 times less likely to have an accident or incident if you charter a part 135 aircraft when compared to flying with a privately managed part 91 aircraft. This is proven by the fact that there were no fatal accidents with US registered part 135 aircraft at all in 2014.

Posted on: 2018/3/16 13:55

Re: Tour Helicopter Crashes Into East River Killing 5 Passengers
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Great bunch of guys. By all means these are the type of people we want flying over our homes, roads and schools.

Posted on: 2018/3/16 1:26

Re: Tour Helicopter Crashes Into East River Killing 5 Passengers
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There has been a big uptick in flights over JC neighborhoods ever since that Kearny Helipad went in. They fly very low very often. Maybe not 100 feet but they have no regard for people on the ground. I hear them flying over VVP before 6am regularly. They r heading to downtown helipad.

Liberty looks really bad here - floats failed and no quick release. JC would be much better off without the non-essential heli-tours. The negative externalities far outweigh what little benefit exists with them around. No one would miss the tour choppers save a few cheesy tourists....

Posted on: 2018/3/12 22:33

Re: New Tax Rate is Insane!
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who in their right mind sees value in paying 40k in taxes to JC? I think most would rather pay more per SF and build equity than pay a bit less and throw money into the JC tax sinkhole.

Iffy services at best and iffy schools. We shall see if she gets her $3mm


terrencemcd wrote:

iGreg wrote:
272 Barrow St., a 2,808-square-foot rowhouse
Current assessment: $210,000

New assessment: $2,538,900

Current taxes: $16,380

New taxes: $41,130


It's for sale -- go get it!

Posted on: 2018/2/7 22:32

Re: 2017 Reval ~ Property Inspections
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Disagree on private schools. There is a whole culture to being a part of the A tier private schools - Dalton, Trinity, Brearley, etc. For those in that world price is not the consideration, the snob factor and community with other richie parents are. The JC area and Hoboken private schools aren't in the same universe. Sure they are perfectly decent and send kids to Ivies. I don't think too many people are making moving decisions around Stevens or St. Peters.

Posted on: 2017/12/16 14:26

Re: 2017 Reval ~ Property Inspections
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Not many private school options in this area and none of them compare well to NYC or BK private schools. JC is still only an option for the bargain hunters/adventurers. Snobs will be in NYC or BK.

JC will always be a second derivative of NYC. So vacuum analysis is correct. I still think the all in costs post tax changes will be an anchor for DTJC...

Posted on: 2017/12/15 22:02

Re: 2017 Reval ~ Property Inspections
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Dolmoti is spot on. Tight inventory and high demand will soften the blow to DTJC RE in the short term. Longer term it's tough to say. 1.6% is less than I was expecting so frankly it could have been worse for DTJC.

The real issue is will DTJC buyers pay suburb level taxes for lousy city services (iffy schools). Trump's tax plan ain't making the case any easier. Taxes are sunk costs, owners aren't building equity with those payments.

My take is DTJC is overvalued as are stock markets and RE in general. I think if the other bubbles deflate DTJC will take it a bit harder than average. As always tough to know when or if other bubbles pop...

Posted on: 2017/12/15 14:45

Re: Symes / Solomon runoff
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seems ward E is not drinking the Fulop Kool Aid as much nowadays...

Posted on: 2017/12/6 15:00

Re: New Equalized Valuations Out, JC at $28.4 billion
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Mid 2000s you could buy a nice DTJC rowhouse for $1mm give or take a couple hundred K and pay around 12-13 in property taxes. Now that same place is 1.75+ and taxes are going to be over $30K. Suburb level taxes.

I think the key question for DTJC is will people pay the higher asset prices AND suburb level taxes. My guess is prices have to come down to reflect the new tax realities. Time will tell...

Posted on: 2017/10/6 13:08

helicopters near VVP
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anyone know what is going on? Several news choppers hovering for half hour now....

Posted on: 2017/9/14 21:09

Re: NYTimes: Jersey City new rentals so small - they call it co-living
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no wonder Millenials are broke if they're paying anywhere near the asking prices for those places.

Co-living is fine as a student and a for awhile when you are establishing a career, but the negatives outweigh the positives past a certain point in life.

Will be interesting to see how this concept works out.

Posted on: 2017/9/5 19:54

Re: 2017 Reval ~ Property Inspections
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Taxing on valuation is not perfect, but on balance it is the best way to do it. Most towns would fall to pieces if they employed your idea. Typically the wealthier homes carry a lot of the weight. If that changed those of lesser means would be blown out under your logic. JC is a very strange exception to this rule as it is currently a reverse Robin Hood situation.

I'm all for JC getting more taxes out of the commercial base, but not sure how much they really could squeeze relative to the total take.

Posted on: 2017/7/17 21:04

Re: Gringos Taqueria - Coles Street
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Hey Dr - let's just stick to facts please. I'm all for smart commercial development. In fact a well planned out restaurant/ bar area no doubt raises property values on the whole. The key is "smart". JC has a very haphazard restaurant overlay and toothless code when it comes to distinctions between bars and restaurants. You think JCPD enforces noise code much?

So you get places like Gringos which would be far less likely to cause problems were it not surrounded by residential homes/condos. It's pretty tough to argue that a place like that open til 3am on weekends is going to be a net positive for neighboring residents. It's not much different than being close to a fraternity house or airport. People get discounts on real estate to compensate for all the negative externalities.

Furthermore being close to Chris Columbus is an apples to oranges argument. You think there's much noise coming from that road past 10PM? Nope. Plus any auto noise is much different that low end bass from bar stereos and the yelling drunks rolling out after last call.

Posted on: 2017/6/13 21:32

Re: Gringos Taqueria - Coles Street
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there seems to be minimal consideration for impact on residential neighbors with the bar boom occurring in DTJC.

Gringos looks like fun but the location is terrible in terms of the negative impact it will have on neighbors. They somehow got permits for a roof deck (neighboring rowhouse is 10 feet away) and outdoor seating by Coles.

All of those residential units within the noise footprint just took a 10% price haircut. Not sure that's what they signed up for when they bought...

If Gringos is smart they close at 11 and pay to police Maxwell Alley to keep drunken shenanigans to a minimum...

Posted on: 2017/6/13 12:17

Re: Police Pursuit ends in fiery crash in Jersey City Heights
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pretty sure the strategy for putting out a fire is to smother it. Not sure a boot to the head or body qualifies as smothering.

The excuses coming from the union are certainly imaginative...

Posted on: 2017/6/9 10:40

Re: 2017 Reval ~ Property Inspections
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how is there not more noise from every overtaxed owner? You'd think class action lawyers would be all over this one.

I hear fever pitch bleating from DTJC owners who have not paid their fair share in decades and a lullaby from those who have been subsidizing said rowhouse owners.

I do not get it...

Posted on: 2017/5/26 2:16

Re: 2017 Reval ~ Property Inspections
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Demand side of the equation is a wee bit stronger now than in the crack war days of the early 90s...

Posted on: 2017/5/24 19:25

Re: 2017 Reval ~ Property Inspections
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Let's say the typical DTJC rowhouse goes from about 12K in taxes to 24K - a simple double. What do you think that does to post-Reval valuations?

Maybe 15% haircut?

I think psychology may play a bigger role than the calculator in that it is a tough sell to say you pay suburb level taxes without the good schools/safe streets/etc.

Posted on: 2017/5/23 20:51

Re: 2017 Reval ~ Property Inspections
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The percentages don't lie brother. No amount of "it's not fair" changes this fact.

If you want to yell about something - how about demanding some accountability on where your tax dollars are going. I guarantee the JC schools could be run much better with far less budget if managed better. Yell at every poltiician who green lit some of the ludicrous pension deals for public servants without any regard to who/how it would be paid...

Posted on: 2017/5/19 18:22

Re: 2017 Reval ~ Property Inspections
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I don't think it's right to engage a group who is using specious arguments to convince people that they are getting screwed when it is quite the opposite. As for hardship, is it a hardship that their property is worth 2X or 5X what they paid for it? Yes cash flow may be tricky, but as you noted there are possible solutions.

It would do JC a huge disservice to back down to a vocal minority whose entire argument defies simple math and any sense of fairness. You are absolutely correct that JC has a serious problem if you get the combo of Reval plus declining state aid for schools. JC is a school welfare queen and is very much in the state's crosshairs for a cut.

Bottom line is JC's financial position could get pretty ugly in the next couple years. I too hope that revenues are put to better use than paying out bloated pensions, but if the state cuts aid that is gonna be a huge gut check.

Posted on: 2017/5/19 14:54

Re: 2017 Reval ~ Property Inspections
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I get his argument but it is irrelevant to the reval conversation. The Reval is revenue neutral to JC. JC won't get anymore money post reval.

Property tax is nothing more than a fixed percentage of the fair market value of one's home. Plain and simple: Home value x .019 = property tax.

Do you think Paulus Hook can make the case that they pay more than Van Vorst park and that is unfair? It is irrelevant.

It blows me away that such a simple concept like percentage is being made into such an existential argument.

DTJC owners- count your lucky stars that you have had a massive run up in value all the while enjoying an unfair tax advantage...

Posted on: 2017/5/19 13:22

Re: 2017 Reval ~ Property Inspections
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the amount of nonsense I have heard from seemingly intelligent people regarding the inevitable DTJC RE property tax increases is staggering. Everything from, it's not fair...that's too much...why can't they phase it is this legal?...etc. How about you were majorly subsidized for the past 20 years and you really need to STFU?

City Hall is completely to blame as the longer DTJC owners got away with a ridiculously low tax rate the more "anchored" owners became to those numbers. Now they're fighting and clawing as if they are the victim. Please.

I'm surprised a class action lawsuit hasn't been filed by every non-DTJC owner who has been overpaying for the past 20 years. I'd be willing to bet the average Greenville owner has overpaid to the tune of 60K per home since the last reval in '88. That ain't chump change...

Posted on: 2017/5/19 12:17

Re: 2017 Reval ~ Property Inspections
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take .019 x your market value and that will be close to what you'll be paying.

Boodipooh - good points about gaming it. I guess if your place is average to below average condition for the neighborhood let em in. Otherwise...

Posted on: 2017/5/17 19:32

Re: 2017 Reval ~ Property Inspections
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I'd say it's best to let them in. They're certainly not going to make estimates that lower your value when they have to guess...

Posted on: 2017/5/17 17:42

Re: 400 Newark Avenue - More Development Proposed For Downtown
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with a subtle nod to 1960s East German housing design...

Posted on: 2017/5/16 13:21

Re: Basement flooding even after new check valve installed...
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Do the low lying areas in Brooklyn have similar problems with basement flooding? I'm assuming they have same old sewage infrastructure that NO politician ever upgraded...

It is kinda crazy to think about what DTJC accepts as "part of the deal". I agree that when taxes are 20-40K depending on rowhouse value there will be a lot more pressure on City Hall to get us out of the third world...

Posted on: 2017/5/11 17:37

Re: Basement flooding even after new check valve installed...
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Ugh. There is a square cut out of the concrete slab to access the main where they put in check valve and you can see dirt/ground all around the pipe. If that were to be filled in with concrete we would have less sewer overflow getting into the basement but would have to cut it open again should the pipe or check valve need work.

JC sewers don't make it easy on a homeowner...

Posted on: 2017/5/9 19:57

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