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6 ft Distance ?
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I saw two bar restaurants in particular with no masks , and no social distance between people what so ever. I understand a couple of drinks makes you invincible, and young age, but who's enforcing it ? No one was using the street tables , they were at the bar , or standing in front.

Posted on: 2020/6/13 13:40

Re: Bye bye, Barcade?
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They are not. Building around,and above. Barcade will be situated in the back. But, I must say,leases don't seem to matter much.I guess they will be offered a package.

Posted on: 2019/8/16 15:34

Re: One of N.J.'s trendiest Asian restaurants has closed its doors
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Went there numerous times over the past couple of years and thought that maybe the taste wasn't for me, but there always was a good number of diners there. Drinks were not bad.

Posted on: 2019/8/16 15:30

Re: The 50 restaurants in Jersey City that matter, ranked worst to best
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Any Uptown rest ? or, is this Downtown only ?

Renato's Central ave behind ( Pizza Master's) better then most.
and half the price. Can't compare Italian with Mexican or Asian.

Posted on: 2019/4/24 20:28

Re: Dentist Recommendation
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I wasn't aware of so many Dentists !

Vita Dental Arts, Wife and Husband team. Two top of there class NYU school of Dentistry. Vitaliy Valyuk, and Viktoriya

121 Newark ave JCNJ

Terrific Guy

Posted on: 2018/1/10 22:40

Re: AirBnB taking much-needed rentals off the market
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The apts above Mathews on Grove street, and he waiting also for two apts above the laundry mat on 347 Grove st to expire. They will all be rented to Air B&B exclusively. They treat the building like it is theirs, furnish it, fix all damage, insure it. They pay the owner a flat fee for the year. I almost dropped from the amount he is getting paid,

Posted on: 2017/12/7 16:18

Re: Gringos Taqueria - Coles Street
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Funny you say that because you are on the mark. The over all feeling is good. Drinks are good also. But the food is totally flavor less. Something they have to work on. Seems to lack every thing that goes into a real Taco. But, on the other hand, there are plenty of restaurants that cater to the drink rather then food.

Posted on: 2017/8/17 15:35

Re: Cleaning carpeted stairs in 3 story building recommendation
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Constantine cleaners Hoboken. Did my place twice. Came out great.

Posted on: 2017/5/25 15:15

Re: You know you're a JC old-timer if you remember...
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Tha'ts him !

Posted on: 2017/5/10 20:37

Re: You know you're a JC old-timer if you remember...
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I know exactly who your talking about. He actually started on 3rd and Newark. He was Irish. I can't remember his name right now, but I will. Later

Posted on: 2017/5/10 19:49

Re: Yet another pit bull attack. Time for regulation of fighting dogs?
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Not really, but it seems that they are always the breed. Can you name another breed that has been in the paper more than a pit ?

Posted on: 2017/5/6 14:21

Re: Yet another pit bull attack. Time for regulation of fighting dogs?
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It seems it is always a Pitbul. Probably a rescue that most people know nothing about the Dogs back ground until something happens. They are known to like belly rubs.

Posted on: 2017/5/3 21:39

Re: What is FM? New sign over old "Union Republic" space @ Newark & 3rd
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70's theme restaurant.

Posted on: 2017/1/30 11:34

Re: Passport photos
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Posted on: 2016/12/23 16:42

Re: Naloxone Now Available w/o Prescription at NJ Walgreens ($40/Dose)
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brewster wrote:

iGreg wrote:
A lot of good and bad with this.

Junkies keeping it on hand so they don't die.

Junkies keeping it on hand to they can push the limits
of dying......

Easy to answer. I know this will be hard for you, it calls for actual empathy. But just try and put yourself in the shoes of that junky's parents, and see what your answer comes out to.

Lots of people eventually get clean, but dying really makes that kinda hard.

Great answer .

Posted on: 2016/12/23 12:19

Re: What's going there? (Heights edition)
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heights wrote:
Chris_NJ wrote: ... de_leche_bakery_open.html

I can't believe I missed that Dulce de Leche bakery opened on Central. I walked by at closing time last night and it looks beautiful. Their first one is way up in North Bergen and the 2 times I went it was packed and everything I tried was delicious. I may have to walk over for breakfast in a few hours!

This place is terrific ! A wonderful place for breakfast they have an array of croissants and other pastries. The place is laid out quite well and clean so clean it glistens. The d?cor is brightly lit in a very inviting wood tone. I've been there quite a few times already always packed seems to be the new go to place on Central Ave. in the Heights section.[/qu

Place is very good. !

Posted on: 2016/10/31 15:20

Re: Bill Gaughan Died Tonight
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Great Guy, Great friend , never said I can't help you.

Posted on: 2016/10/21 16:44

Re: You know you're a JC old-timer if you remember...
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heights wrote:

Poncho11 wrote:
Remember buying the NY Sunday Daily news the night before to read the box scores. Yankees mostly.

That was known as The Night Owl came around in their old Daily News black box truck every night around 9pm. As a teen waited in line with all the others to get the track mutual pool number.

do you remember the Polio Bros grocery store that was next door to the fire station on Central Ave. ? How about the A&P store on Montross & Beech street ?

Posted on: 2016/8/23 15:32

Re: You know you're a JC old-timer if you remember...
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Remember buying the NY Sunday Daily news the night before to read the box scores. Yankees mostly.

Posted on: 2016/8/19 19:16

Re: Firefighters battle 3-alarm blaze in Downtown JC
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The buildings are owned by Ismael Cruz. Enough said.

Posted on: 2016/8/10 22:37

Re: Uptight Newark ave cop
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LoKo498 wrote:

psyop wrote:

Poncho11 wrote:

HeightsBrat wrote:

Poncho11 wrote:

LoKo498 wrote:

Poncho11 wrote:
If I had an altercation with him I would have taken his name, but I was in the car and couldn't read his name and no reason to take his name at that time. So that makes your observation useless.

And this is being posted why? Did I miss something?

I was pointing out the attitude of this speak to someone this way. Git it ? Would you accept a cop speaking to you in this manner ? You sound like you would.

Had similar run in with a po-po from Union City. Solution was very simple, especially in this day & age. Couldn't see name or badge number because he had a traffic vest over it. BUT he couldn't hide his face from my cellphone camera, which I then sent to the Chief of Police with an explanation of the incident.

Both of you pointing out an incident means nothing because you have basically said nothing but that the mean policeman yelled at you.

Unlike your unlikely story, we were only bringing out the lousy attitude of the cop. Your brave cop story seems a little weak.

Someone hurt your feelings because you whine about something but doing nothing about it so you call their story BS, common theme with your posts. Awaiting lame response.

Very well said psyop!

I made an unfortunate statement regarding a cop being jerk for no reason considering what is going on today, and what that could lead to. Then I get called out by LoKo498 for nonsense but meanwhile he give's an answer more vague and useless to answer the post" Man in the police type uniform" with," I don't know him but I have seen him in the Duncan Donuts on Union street and Westside ave ? Okay ! Any worse then my post ? Being your all so bright and informative.

Posted on: 2016/7/26 20:42

Re: Uptight Newark ave cop
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psyop wrote:

Poncho11 wrote:

psyop wrote:

Poncho11 wrote:

HeightsBrat wrote:

Poncho11 wrote:

LoKo498 wrote:

Poncho11 wrote:
If I had an altercation with him I would have taken his name, but I was in the car and couldn't read his name and no reason to take his name at that time. So that makes your observation useless.

And this is being posted why? Did I miss something?

I was pointing out the attitude of this speak to someone this way. Git it ? Would you accept a cop speaking to you in this manner ? You sound like you would.

Had similar run in with a po-po from Union City. Solution was very simple, especially in this day & age. Couldn't see name or badge number because he had a traffic vest over it. BUT he couldn't hide his face from my cellphone camera, which I then sent to the Chief of Police with an explanation of the incident.

Both of you pointing out an incident means nothing because you have basically said nothing but that the mean policeman yelled at you.

Unlike your unlikely story, we were only bringing out the lousy attitude of the cop. Your brave cop story seems a little weak.

Someone hurt your feelings because you whine about something but doing nothing about it so you call their story BS, common theme with your posts. Awaiting lame response.

Talk about getting feelings hurt, you read like a cry baby for attacking Yvonne ( because she's an older woman) over transgender remark.s Common, if not only posts you make.

Me standing up to a bigot(age has nothing to do with it) and you whining about a jerk cop have what to do with each other?

Nothing ! You said that I am whining, and I say your posts are obsessive . and almost deranged. whether it be the subject or the person that is posting that you attack.

Posted on: 2016/7/26 17:59

Re: Uptight Newark ave cop
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psyop wrote:

Poncho11 wrote:

HeightsBrat wrote:

Poncho11 wrote:

LoKo498 wrote:

Poncho11 wrote:
If I had an altercation with him I would have taken his name, but I was in the car and couldn't read his name and no reason to take his name at that time. So that makes your observation useless.

And this is being posted why? Did I miss something?

I was pointing out the attitude of this speak to someone this way. Git it ? Would you accept a cop speaking to you in this manner ? You sound like you would.

Had similar run in with a po-po from Union City. Solution was very simple, especially in this day & age. Couldn't see name or badge number because he had a traffic vest over it. BUT he couldn't hide his face from my cellphone camera, which I then sent to the Chief of Police with an explanation of the incident.

Both of you pointing out an incident means nothing because you have basically said nothing but that the mean policeman yelled at you.

Unlike your unlikely story, we were only bringing out the lousy attitude of the cop. Your brave cop story seems a little weak.

Someone hurt your feelings because you whine about something but doing nothing about it so you call their story BS, common theme with your posts. Awaiting lame response.

Talk about getting feelings hurt, you read like a cry baby for attacking Yvonne ( because she's an older woman) over transgender remark.s Common, if not only posts you make.

Posted on: 2016/7/26 16:27

Re: Uptight Newark ave cop
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Poncho11 wrote:

HeightsBrat wrote:

Poncho11 wrote:

LoKo498 wrote:
Poncho11 wrote:
If I had an altercation with him I would have taken his name, but I was in the car and couldn't read his name and no reason to take his name at that time. So that makes your observation useless.

And this is being posted why? Did I miss something?

I was pointing out the attitude of this speak to someone this way. Git it ? Would you accept a cop speaking to you in this manner ? You sound like you would.

Had similar run in with a po-po from Union City. Solution was very simple, especially in this day & age. Couldn't see name or badge number because he had a traffic vest over it. BUT he couldn't hide his face from my cellphone camera, which I then sent to the Chief of Police with an explanation of the incident.

Both of you pointing out an incident means nothing because you have basically said nothing but that the mean policeman yelled at you.

Unlike your unlikely story, we were only bringing out the lousy attitude of the cop. Your brave cop story seems a little weak.[/quot

Yeah Sure I ll call Brian Stack and he will remember your story.

Posted on: 2016/7/26 10:27

Re: Uptight Newark ave cop
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HeightsBrat wrote:

Poncho11 wrote:

LoKo498 wrote:

Poncho11 wrote:
If I had an altercation with him I would have taken his name, but I was in the car and couldn't read his name and no reason to take his name at that time. So that makes your observation useless.

And this is being posted why? Did I miss something?

I was pointing out the attitude of this speak to someone this way. Git it ? Would you accept a cop speaking to you in this manner ? You sound like you would.

Had similar run in with a po-po from Union City. Solution was very simple, especially in this day & age. Couldn't see name or badge number because he had a traffic vest over it. BUT he couldn't hide his face from my cellphone camera, which I then sent to the Chief of Police with an explanation of the incident.

Both of you pointing out an incident means nothing because you have basically said nothing but that the mean policeman yelled at you.

Unlike your unlikely story, we were only bringing out the lousy attitude of the cop. Your brave cop story seems a little weak.

Posted on: 2016/7/25 13:39

Re: Uptight Newark ave cop
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LoKo498 wrote:

Poncho11 wrote:
If I had an altercation with him I would have taken his name, but I was in the car and couldn't read his name and no reason to take his name at that time. So that makes your observation useless.

And this is being posted why? Did I miss something?

I was pointing out the attitude of this speak to someone this way. Git it ? Would you accept a cop speaking to you in this manner ? You sound like you would.

Posted on: 2016/7/23 18:03

Re: Uptight Newark ave cop
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If I had an altercation with him I would have taken his name, but I was in the car and couldn't read his name and no reason to take his name at that time. So that makes your observation useless.

Posted on: 2016/7/20 14:45

Re: Republican Convention
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Bill Maher on two days this week to comment should be good.

Posted on: 2016/7/19 22:51

Uptight Newark ave cop
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Driving on Newark ave approaching the cross walk by the Archer and I was allowing a women to cross ( I thought) when some blond cop yells keep your #ucking eyes on the road. He was throwing love nothings at this women who I was allowing to cross. I guess he thought I was interfering. I said how about I talk to you that way, and report you. . I was waiting to get pulled over, but nothing.

Posted on: 2016/7/18 20:10

Re: Dullboy cocktail bar
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PremiumContent wrote:
The only bar in JC that should be on that list is on West Side Ave.

Why ? What is the name of this great place ?

Posted on: 2016/6/4 19:38

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