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Re: Steve Fulop for Governor
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Come On Man - murders don't count for democrats unless they involve Police. With that big exception not much of the common street crime / subway assaults / looting of stores from NYC has crossed the Hudson. We don't have babies being shot in their car seats or in their beds. And overall the legal system seems to be working - we don't have repeat offenders out on bail targeting elderly Asians daily.

And most importantly for democrat voters, he has done a good job minimizing the imminent threat of White Supremacy/KKK/Nazis/Anti-Vaxxers/Parents demanding working schools and truck drivers flying red maple leaf flags. We don't want that kind of stuff here in JC.


RichMauro wrote:
Have you taken a real close look at all of Jersey City lately?

Posted on: 2022/2/13 18:19

Re: Steve Fulop for Governor
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Who ever heard of Murphy? Fulop will be fine - with the right amount of $$$, he has a pretty good story with his time in JC. His should be in good shape with the Left - big business will come around and he still has reasonable MOR credentials starting with being a Veteran. And Covid - he did a pretty good job with city response, out performing many NE governors.

Posted on: 2022/2/11 18:54

Re: Gov. Murphy’s plans to lift N.J. school mask mandate
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Expect a major C19 Policy Realignment Announcement by Biden during his forthcoming State of the Union. That is why all these democrat governors are holding lifting restrictions and mandates till after March 1. My guess on his talking points?

1 - The Science has changed
2 - We need to start living normally with the virus
3 - We will never know the true source of the virus- time to move on
4 - Lets celebrate a new future for all Americans. United

Posted on: 2022/2/9 15:47

Re: Jersey City looking for partners to fight ‘underlying issues’ that lead to violence
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NYC spent $1B on this type of program - what did that money buy? Who knows, maybe BLM will match this grant with the $60M they have in the bank? Quote:
Stringer wrote:

Jersey City looking for partners to fight ‘underlying issues’ that lead to violence

Jersey City has $500,000 to share with organizations for programs that address the underlying issues that lead to violence and crime in the city, Mayor Steve Fulop and Division of Community Development (DCD) announced Tuesday.

Eligible organizations can apply for funding from the Violence Prevention Program, which was designed to acknowledge, target and respond to the “uptick” in violence from the COVID-19 pande ... hat-lead-to-violence.html

Posted on: 2022/2/8 22:53

Re: Consultant Pleads Guilty in Murder of Jersey City Political Operative
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Odd that the Feds did not mention a motive for the murder - have to assume it was money related, I don't remember the timeline, but maybe related to some of the JC public official corruption trials?

Posted on: 2022/1/26 16:50

Re: Do not vaccinate your children!
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Funny.... appreciate your perspective and rational approach to decision making but these days someone using a phrase like "the science is settled" or "90% of scientists agree" automatically tells me they want to shut down the conversation or debate. There is not much the experts have been correct on with the response to C19 and I get suspicious of political agendas from CDC, WHO, or the WH.


lecxe wrote:
I'm not an expert on many things thus when I need advice I seek it from experts. I may begin research myself but ultimately I value consensus amongst experts on a subject matter for which I'm not well versed in. By consensus I mean for example that if I ask 100 experts the same question and 90 provide the same response then I'm apt to go with consensus conclusion. I've learned that human endeavors will always contain contrarian views and 100% consensus is impossible with a world of 8 billion people. Thus there will always be voices arguing the "other" side.

The question everyone needs to ask themselves is how much do they value scientific consensus. In reading this thread there are those who appear to dismiss it and there are those who value it. What I'm pretty sure of is that both sides of the argument in this thread will have a hard time convincing the other they are right.

Posted on: 2022/1/19 19:37

Re: Murphy's Tyranny Will Be Exponentially Increased if He's Re-Elected
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Obama was smart enough to understand that the price of gas or a gallon of milk are things that hit all voters and brings out the non-voters. Presidential policies make a difference stated and unstated... see the SW Border debacle.


drifterx wrote:
Maybe you shouldn't rely too much on gas.

Were you thanking Obama when gas prices were at or below 2 bucks?

This BS about who the President is affecting your gas prices, local taxes, your kid's acne... and I couldn't give a shit about Biden.

Posted on: 2021/11/2 13:56

Re: Murphy's Tyranny Will Be Exponentially Increased if He's Re-Elected
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It will be interesting if Nj swings Republican... Not sure how they thought having Biden in town will help Murphy. Even democrats know what a mess Biden-Harris have made of things nationally... people might vote against Murphy just for that reason alone.

Posted on: 2021/10/25 20:39

Re: After Denouncing Gilmore "Team" Fulop Takes the on Fifth Vaccinations
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To pile on to the vaccination hysteria created by Team Fulop, one can only assume that those on Team Fulop did not respond the vaccination status request must be .... deplorable Republicans?

"Are you a Republican?" should be next next question to them?

Posted on: 2021/10/15 12:24

Re: Do not vaccinate your children!
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The problem is that this virus was man made and frankly the world in is the middle of a laboratory study. A virus created by nature tends to have a shelf life before it finally die a natural death, even the deviants.

The lab that created this virus did so in a way to weaponize it and designed it (and strains) to be resilient to traditional treatments like vaccines. I reading they are looking at DNA therapies for prevention.


RichMauro wrote:
Interesting article Mao.


"Many vaccines were developed and used during the 1918–1919 pandemic. The medical literature was full of contradictory claims of their success; there was apparently no consensus on how to judge the reported results of these vaccine trials."

Sometimes Nature will just have its way.

Posted on: 2021/9/30 14:42

Re: Trial Date is Set for Jersey City’s January 6 Insurrectionist Hector Vargas
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So glad to see the Feds cracking down on all these "white supremacists". They are the #1 threat to US.

Meanwhile criminals responsible for the Russian Hoax political dirty trick that morphed into a coverup/attempted coup d'etat of a president-elect walk the streets or occupy WH offices today.


JersyCityTimes wrote:
The criminal case against accused Capitol insurrectionist and former Jersey City resident Hector Vargas moved forward yesterday. ... rectionist-hector-vargas/

Posted on: 2021/9/29 18:03

Re: Outlaw Dirt Bikers Fueling Frustration, Anger in Jersey City and Beyond
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Wondering why the news reporter went to BikeJC for a comment, but it is interesting that BikeJC would have no formal position on this illegal activity.

Their position on legally registered gas powered vehicles, particularly downtown is very clear. Environmental pollution can be in the form of noise.

Posted on: 2021/9/6 15:27

Re: Do not vaccinate your children!
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Has Chris Cuomo validated this CNN Report? It is fake news till the Cuomosexual gives his unbiased opinion.


Posted on: 2021/8/13 17:33

Re: Mayor Fulop Announces High School Competition to Spur Teen Vaccinations
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A $50 "bounty".... uh, Shoprite Gift Certificate, for parents to bring their kids to be vaccinated? And nothing for the kids who turn their unvaccinated parents into the Mayor's office? Not very equitable.

Something really creepy about this whole thing, particularly when the kids will probably be wearing masks to return to school anyway.

Posted on: 2021/8/4 18:55

Re: Music Program for Latin Mass at Our Lady of Sorrows, Clerk Street,
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Yes.... For Francis, saying a Mass in Latin is viewed as divisive, while everything he has done or said is considered as "progress" for church laity, appeasing external critics who would like to see the Catholic Church disappear.


dmark526 wrote:
Looks like the Pope finally out his foot down. ... 7ofxyyciw7lkdy-story.html

Posted on: 2021/7/17 11:52

Re: Do not vaccinate your children!
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You want proof... todays latest news on your hero. ... cked-covid-origins-probe/

And the source of all this email analysis has been Vanity Fair which is very far from those disinformation websites that upset The Left. Open your eyes and do some critical thinking without Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Posted on: 2021/6/22 13:27

Re: Do not vaccinate your children!
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Real nice... Fauci and his NIH gave US tax dollars to the Wuhan Lab to do this gain of function research with this virus. The US helped create this virus and then he proceeded to cover up our participation in this activity, including sending one of his NIH coconspirators with the WHO team that made the declaration that the virus genome was created by nature and not lab made.

It is all confirmed in his emails that were made public. ... your admiration is misplaced and at the moment, this is no reflection on Biden. Fauci was funding research that was ethically banned by legitimate researchers but not the CCP. We have a right to know what was motivating his "expert guidance and recommendations". Trump had nothing to do with this activity.

Posted on: 2021/6/22 11:06

Re: Do not vaccinate your children!
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Nope, the dangerous stuff (lies and coverups) came from Fauci, CDC, WHO, CCP and the Governors who issued health guidelines that ordered long term care facilities to take in C19 positive seniors consequently killing thousands more.

Anyone with common sense knew who the most vulnerable and at risk people were... and you dare to question the judgement of people that will not let their kids who are not at risk take a vaccine.


Sutherland wrote:
This is a very dangerous post. Hopefully most people will give the OP no credence.

Posted on: 2021/6/21 5:48

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You need an ordinance to force a business with one bathroom used for public accommodation to spend money on a "gender neutral" sign for something already obvious?

Posted on: 2021/6/20 11:27

Re: New Private High School to Open Next Fall in Newport
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not sure anyone is complaining... but you raise a good point, why should people paying for their kids private school education also have their tax dollars used to support a public education system they do not use?

Only asking because this board has been a little boring lately :)

Posted on: 2021/6/11 23:22

Re: New Private High School to Open Next Fall in Newport
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The reincarnation of St. Anthony's ... lots of athletic scholarships.

Posted on: 2021/6/10 18:35

Smorgasburg Food Festival Coming to Jersey City
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Just came across this news story... This is supposed to go on every Saturday till October. I certainly hope this does not draw the 20K people like its Brooklyn counterpart does every weekend. ... o-jersey-city-may-29.html

Posted on: 2021/5/26 19:29

Re: JC school board to consider canceling Columbus in favor of Indigenous Peoples’ Day
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No idea why these progressives have to f' around with holidays connected to and celebrated by Italian Americans. Somehow that is called progress? Columbus Day, Thanksgiving?

I have no problem creating a holiday around the emancipation of slaves. Use Juneteenth as a Memorial Day to formally acknowledge the end of institutional slavery. Using it to recognize the genocide of Native Americans is probably a good thing for America"s soul, but it also should be inclusive other ethnic groups like Chinese, Japanese, Mexicans along with other ethnic immigrants who came to the country during 19th and early 20th century. Catholic, Jewish, Mormon, Muslim and other religions should also be recognized.

The 4th of July is the annual celebration of the promise of a new and young America, taking a day to remember victims of injustice in this country is appropriate.

Posted on: 2021/5/21 7:34

Re: Whole Foods in JC?
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Interesting development with the Whole Foods labor issues related to being owned by union busting Amazon that Jersey City would let this happen. Curious what Solomon's position is on this waterfront project?

Posted on: 2021/5/20 17:59

Re: City Announces Rent and Utility Assistance
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papadage wrote:

Yvonne wrote:
This money is from the Cares Act pushed by Donald Trump, for some reason that information is left out of the message.

He didn't write it. The House did, and wanted to do more. He just signed it. You are purposefully inflating Trump's contribution.

More left wing dribble... I know he wasn't your president, but by rules of the Constitution which the Left now firmly upholds... it is the President who signs legislative acts into law. By your logic, Obama should not get credit for the 2010 ACA?

Posted on: 2021/3/4 17:35

Re: Democratic Operative Exposes Voter Fraud (He Did it in Hudson County!)
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papadage wrote:
Only a mental defective like you doesn?t know what an anarchy flag is. It?s like to be conservative means you need to mainline stupidity and lies.

Here, do a little reading:

National-anarchism has elicited skepticism and outright hostility from both left-wing and far-right critics.[5][6] Critics, including scholars, accuse national-anarchists of being nothing more than white nationalists who promote a communitarian and racialist form of ethnic and racial separatism while wanting the militant chic of calling themselves anarchists without the historical and philosophical baggage that accompanies such a claim, including the anti-racist egalitarian anarchist philosophy and the contributions of Jewish anarchists.

Nazi?s without organizational skills. Or, all of the upper Midwest militias.

Oh spare me the Wiki URL link. that bit of clever writing read like the unabomber manifesto... I am sure it was authored by a reliable source(s) attributing "reputable" left wing sources who clearly want to distance themselves from the Michigan lunatics types.

Getting back to a rational n proper perspective, your moronic defense of Antifa drivel started with your original post in which you claim not have seen one act of violence committed by Antifa. Your questionable threat assessment skills is understandable when Joe Biden says Antifa is not an ideology, but a movement.

I certainly understand that you would want to obfuscate your "moderate" anarchy sympathies from the crazies in Michigan. Kinda like dressing David Duke in a suit and tie and have him explain the kinder and gentler KKK message of hate.

Posted on: 2020/10/12 3:12

Re: Democratic Operative Exposes Voter Fraud (He Did it in Hudson County!)
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dr_nick_riviera wrote:

TheBigGuy wrote:

papadage wrote:
That?s an anarchy flag, dipshit.

Let me connect the dots.... the jerk in the video was arrested and identified as the white supremist ringleader of the 13 Michigan whackos by the hysterical MSM. As you correctly pointed out... the flag in the background is antifa, Also look closely and notice this ginger lunatic has 3 inch black plugs through his ear lobes... hardly something a white supremacist boogeyman would do.

Watch this phony terror story fade away as the real story emerges about these crazy bastards. You can let go of your pearls now... he is one of yours.

Hahaha...thebigguy and his mistress Yvonne love to keep reguritating disproven lies. Show us this antifa flag pic you keep raving about.

LOL... Here you go dirtbag.. the ginger is definitely from your low-IQ gene pool. The flag on the wall, located over his shoulders. PapaSmear already confirmed it is there, even if he did not understand the context.

Posted on: 2020/10/12 0:43

Re: Democratic Operative Exposes Voter Fraud (He Did it in Hudson County!)
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papadage wrote:
That?s an anarchy flag, dipshit.

Let me connect the dots.... the jerk in the video was arrested and identified as the white supremist ringleader of the 13 Michigan whackos by the hysterical MSM. As you correctly pointed out... the flag in the background is antifa, Also look closely and notice this ginger lunatic has 3 inch black plugs through his ear lobes... hardly something a white supremacist boogeyman would do.

Watch this phony terror story fade away as the real story emerges about these crazy bastards. You can let go of your pearls now... he is one of yours.

Posted on: 2020/10/11 18:43

Re: Democratic Operative Exposes Voter Fraud (He Did it in Hudson County!)
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mscottc wrote:

TheBigGuy wrote:

mscottc wrote:

135jc wrote:

papadage wrote:

TheBigGuy wrote:
Laughable hearing the democrats worrying about voter suppression when they are endorsing mail-in voting process. Looking at the primary numbers for rejected ballots, it is a certainty that more registered voters will be disenfranchised through this process, than in previous years.

For the volume of ballots to be counted, there are just to many opportunities for mial-in process failure, starting with voter error completing the ballot. Much of it will be a human error, but some will be outright illegal like this lazy mail carrier. ... 100-election-ballots.html

And yet, the biggest issue will be Republicans trying to keep people from voting, with its supporters always being silent about it. From Abbott in TX only allowing one drop location for a county of five million, to them trying not to county anything that arrives after Election day, even if postmarked beforehand, due to them purposefully slowing down mail delivery.

Just hypocritical scum.

Read some of the stories of local problems. Ballots being dumped in NJ and democratic voter fraud in NYC. Pay attention!

And Republicans doing all they can to prevent people from voting... we can go over this over and over again.

Same with violence. I have yet to see a real Antifa act. Yet we see real acts of violence coming from the right. And then there's the attempt at kidnapping/killing of a Democratic governor.

Let me respond to my own comment, every soldier and every citizen that contributed to winnning WWII was effectively a member of Antifa. I guess they're all evil losers.

This is the ringleader of that kidnap conspiracy... notice the antifa flag in the background. You are worse than the MSM when you say you have yet to see an antifa act of violence.

Sure there may be idiots like him around, but he does not represent any liberal person I know. He's a radical extremist, and I certainly doubt he qualifies as a liberal.

And again, anti-fascist is a good thing. If you can't see that, there's no hope for you at all.

Sure there may be idiots like him around, but he does not represent any conservative person I know. He's a radical extremist, and I certainly doubt he qualifies as a conservative.

And again, anti-communist/anarchist is a good thing. If you can't see that, there's no hope for you at all.

Posted on: 2020/10/11 16:08

Re: Democratic Operative Exposes Voter Fraud (He Did it in Hudson County!)
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mscottc wrote:

135jc wrote:

papadage wrote:

TheBigGuy wrote:
Laughable hearing the democrats worrying about voter suppression when they are endorsing mail-in voting process. Looking at the primary numbers for rejected ballots, it is a certainty that more registered voters will be disenfranchised through this process, than in previous years.

For the volume of ballots to be counted, there are just to many opportunities for mial-in process failure, starting with voter error completing the ballot. Much of it will be a human error, but some will be outright illegal like this lazy mail carrier. ... 100-election-ballots.html

And yet, the biggest issue will be Republicans trying to keep people from voting, with its supporters always being silent about it. From Abbott in TX only allowing one drop location for a county of five million, to them trying not to county anything that arrives after Election day, even if postmarked beforehand, due to them purposefully slowing down mail delivery.

Just hypocritical scum.

Read some of the stories of local problems. Ballots being dumped in NJ and democratic voter fraud in NYC. Pay attention!

And Republicans doing all they can to prevent people from voting... we can go over this over and over again.

Same with violence. I have yet to see a real Antifa act. Yet we see real acts of violence coming from the right. And then there's the attempt at kidnapping/killing of a Democratic governor.

Let me respond to my own comment, every soldier and every citizen that contributed to winnning WWII was effectively a member of Antifa. I guess they're all evil losers.

This is the ringleader of that kidnap conspiracy... notice the antifa flag in the background. You are worse than the MSM when you say you have yet to see an antifa act of violence.

Posted on: 2020/10/11 14:39

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