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Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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2004/11/14 2:38
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i''ll take path over nyc subway anytime, especially on weekends when subway lines are always undergoing some type of repair

Posted on: 2015/3/7 19:15

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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heights wrote:

JadedJC wrote:
I'm also incredibly amused by those who complain about fellow passengers playing Candy Crush on their phones. Are you f*cking kidding me? If I had a time machine, I'd send you back 25 or 30 years to the era of the boom box (aka, the ghetto blaster). It wasn't unusual to have two or three competing boxes going in the same car - and the volume on each would be turned up in a futile attempt to drown out the other boxes.

Every era had it's angst, I'd like to know what those "boom box" bandits are doing now.

Most likely deceased by now or in prison

Posted on: 2015/3/7 16:48

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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JadedJC wrote:
I'm also incredibly amused by those who complain about fellow passengers playing Candy Crush on their phones. Are you f*cking kidding me? If I had a time machine, I'd send you back 25 or 30 years to the era of the boom box (aka, the ghetto blaster). It wasn't unusual to have two or three competing boxes going in the same car - and the volume on each would be turned up in a futile attempt to drown out the other boxes.

Every era had it's angst, I'd like to know what those "boom box" bandits are doing now.

Posted on: 2015/3/7 16:40
Get on your bikes and ride !

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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The PATH is not without it's problems, but as someone who is dependent on the regions other, dysfunctional transit option, I am surprised by the animus expressed towards it.

I can only imagine that the people who complain the most about the PATH have never relied on NJ transit for an extended period of time. When I first moved to JC the PATH was a revelation. I would get stuck on massively delayed NJ Transit trains about once every other week and be more than an hour late either to or from work.

I've been here for 6 years now and I've been massively delayed maybe 3 times (outside of Sandy).

Posted on: 2015/3/6 17:54

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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2013/10/15 17:32
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vindication15 wrote:
I really really really hope the reason you say anything positive about the PATH is because you have 0 real world experience riding the PATH.

This wasn't directed at me, but I'll chime in anyway. I live in the Heights, so any trip into Manhattan below 23rd Street (which I do daily for work and usually once a weekend) involves an NJ Transit bus and PATH. The PATH is by far the best part of my commute - they arrive when they are scheduled to, and the occasional disruption due to equipment or signal problems aside, operate reliably and on-time 85% of the time.

By comparison, NJ Transit buses to-and-from PATH almost never keep to the printed schedule, arrive in groups of 2 or more after long waits, usually because they get bogged in JC or Hoboken's interminable, out-of-control traffic, resulting in a trip that is supposed to take 13 minutes taking 45 minutes or more.

The PATH is not without it's problems, but as someone who is dependent on the regions other, dysfunctional transit option, I am surprised by the animus expressed towards it.

Posted on: 2015/3/6 17:45

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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Not to mention the fact that walkmans were all the rage! I've been tuning fellow riders out with music for 25 years now! I'll take the candy crush addict over the 1980s begging crack heads wiggin out any day!

Posted on: 2015/3/6 16:38

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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I'm also incredibly amused by those who complain about fellow passengers playing Candy Crush on their phones. Are you f*cking kidding me? If I had a time machine, I'd send you back 25 or 30 years to the era of the boom box (aka, the ghetto blaster). It wasn't unusual to have two or three competing boxes going in the same car - and the volume on each would be turned up in a futile attempt to drown out the other boxes.

Posted on: 2015/3/6 16:06

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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JadedJC wrote:
Needless to say, in the 80s, a non-fatal stabbing on the PATH or subway wouldn't even have merited a mention on the news. This week, it was the lead story after the weather on newscasts.

Fascinating point. Personally, I am appalled (appalled!) that the newscasters failed to follow the weather segment with an up-to-the-minute report on the chicken situation at the local supermarkets.

OK, OK... In all seriousness, your point is super valid. The only reason the stabbing got such a prominent mention in local news is the fact that it is such an outlier incident. Overall, we live in an incredibly safe region and we don't seem to appreciate how good we have it here in the NYC area. Looking at the NYC crime stats, I actually find it mind boggling to see the drops across all categories, especially when looking at the 1990 vs. 2014 numbers.

NYC Crime Stats

Posted on: 2015/3/6 15:30

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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Dolomiti wrote:
In the measurable world: I see a massive city that has significantly less crime than it did in the 1990s, with a crime rate that is still falling. I see how the 1960s were a time of incredible tumult, conflict and social upheaval in the US, and that isn't the case today. I see how women face far less discrimination in the workplace than they did in the 1950s, 60s, 70s, even 80s. I see how discrimination against gays is becoming less acceptable, while gay marriage is becoming legal -- something inconceivable a mere 15 years ago. I see huge changes in civil rights and treatment of minorities since the 50s and 60s, albeit there is more work to be done. I see how more people today are going to college than ever before. For better and worse, I watched Hoboken and JC gentrify; I saw Times Square get taken over by Disney. I remember that blackouts in the 70s caused a breakdown in social order, while multi-day power losses in swaths of Lower Manhattan did not result in widespread crime and disorder.

Amen. I lived through the 70s. My only fond memories of that period were kids being allowed to play on their own outside (no hysterical helicopter parenting back then) and the music was better. But bigotry was everywhere. As the only Asian kid in a nearly all-white suburb, it wasn't unusual to be called racial slurs, even within earshot of the teacher, who did nothing. One teacher even questioned my right to receive a "free" education. And everyone smoked back then. Indoors and outdoors. I effing hated it.

I first arrived in NYC in the 80s to attend Columbia. Does anyone remember what a shithole that part of the Upper West Side was back then? The school conducted a survey at the end of the academic year and discovered nearly half of my class had been mugged at some point during the year. A school security guard was fatally shot at his post. Needless to say, in the 80s, a non-fatal stabbing on the PATH or subway wouldn't even have merited a mention on the news. This week, it was the lead story after the weather on newscasts.

Posted on: 2015/3/6 15:04

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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SRhia wrote:
@Dolomiti - the breakdown of common sense and the structure of the society is all around us - one just needs to see and recognize them. If one chooses to see the world with rose-colored eye glasses, then that's their choice.

Yes, the world is much "smaller" today because of technology and such, but it's easy to see the behavior of people today is very different from people of 50 / 30 / 20 years ago - and that's not because these didn't have that same thing 30 years ago (partially true), but it's because these people today are NOT thinking!!!

PS For your information, I do not read the NY times.

Yeah yeah yeah.. every generation always thinks the generation after them is going to ruin society. Somehow, we seem to survive.

Posted on: 2015/3/6 14:58

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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SRhia wrote:
@Dolomiti - the breakdown of common sense and the structure of the society is all around us - one just needs to see and recognize them. If one chooses to see the world with rose-colored eye glasses, then that's their choice.

Yes, the world is much "smaller" today because of technology and such, but it's easy to see the behavior of people today is very different from people of 50 / 30 / 20 years ago - and that's not because these didn't have that same thing 30 years ago (partially true), but it's because these people today are NOT thinking!!!

PS For your information, I do not read the NY times.

Well people today are also mugging and killing other people at a fraction of the rate as 30 years ago, so there is that. I'll take that trade off.

Posted on: 2015/3/6 13:25

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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SRhia wrote:
@Dolomiti - the breakdown of common sense and the structure of the society is all around us - one just needs to see and recognize them....

Oh? Maybe I'm not the one who is seeing what he wants to see.

I do not see any "breakdown of common sense." I don't even know how you could measure that, let alone claim that people have less common sense today than in the past.

In the measurable world: I see a massive city that has significantly less crime than it did in the 1990s, with a crime rate that is still falling. I see how the 1960s were a time of incredible tumult, conflict and social upheaval in the US, and that isn't the case today. I see how women face far less discrimination in the workplace than they did in the 1950s, 60s, 70s, even 80s. I see how discrimination against gays is becoming less acceptable, while gay marriage is becoming legal -- something inconceivable a mere 15 years ago. I see huge changes in civil rights and treatment of minorities since the 50s and 60s, albeit there is more work to be done. I see how more people today are going to college than ever before. For better and worse, I watched Hoboken and JC gentrify; I saw Times Square get taken over by Disney. I remember that blackouts in the 70s caused a breakdown in social order, while multi-day power losses in swaths of Lower Manhattan did not result in widespread crime and disorder.

I see how almost every generation disparages and sharply criticizes the younger generations and views all social changes as a "degradation" of social mores.

I see how almost every social change, proposed and actualized, is fought by people who claim our society will be destroyed utterly if it happens. Once a change happens, it's usually taken for granted.

I see how people have held declinist attitudes for centuries, and how flawed that ideology is (e.g. ... ld-actually-getting-worse)

There are still many problems, and not every change is positive. However, I see lots of measurable evidence that things are getting better rather than worse. Sorry, but I just don't think the nation is destroying itself because people play Candy Crush and use Snapchat.

Posted on: 2015/3/6 12:36

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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vindication15 wrote:
Dolomiti - you are aware that the PATH a few years ago was cheaper, less crowded, and had increased service (ie. Direct train from HOB to 33rd on weekends for example).

I am, I've taken the PATH for years. I take it nearly every day, including during rush hour.

I don't see a huge difference in crowding. There are many times during the morning rush hour when one 33rd Street train will be packed to the gills, and the next one (5 minutes later) has plenty of room. Evening rush hours do get bad when there are delays, otherwise it's not that crowded.

PATH certainly isn't perfect, but it isn't anywhere near as horrifying as people suggest (with the exception of abysmal communication). What can I say, I simply don't think my life is ruined because a Saturday train ride takes 5 minutes longer than it used to.

Posted on: 2015/3/6 12:09

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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@Dolomiti - the breakdown of common sense and the structure of the society is all around us - one just needs to see and recognize them. If one chooses to see the world with rose-colored eye glasses, then that's their choice.

Yes, the world is much "smaller" today because of technology and such, but it's easy to see the behavior of people today is very different from people of 50 / 30 / 20 years ago - and that's not because these didn't have that same thing 30 years ago (partially true), but it's because these people today are NOT thinking!!!

PS For your information, I do not read the NY times.

Posted on: 2015/3/6 5:03

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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Dolomiti - you are aware that the PATH a few years ago was cheaper, less crowded, and had increased service (ie. Direct train from HOB to 33rd on weekends for example).

Either you do not take the PATH, work for the PATH, or you are traumatized by the briefcase rape you have experienced on the PATH everyday.

I really really really hope the reason you say anything positive about the PATH is because you have 0 real world experience riding the PATH.

Posted on: 2015/3/6 4:55

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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SRhia wrote:
Well, I think this is a much bigger societal problem

What is? One person stabbing another on a train? This is hardly new, it's definitely not common, nor is one incident an indicator of a society-wide trend.

- raising one's own children properly, teaching them discipline and boundaries, rather than outsourcing that to nannies (who don't care) or daycares? Or just trying to be "friends" with your kids????

So your concept of how people raise their kids comes from the NY Times Style section?

You understand that people hire nannies and have their kids in daycare because we've gone from 30% of women being in the formal workforce, to over 60%? Is it a bad thing for women to work outside the home?

- giving seats to the elderly and young on trains? During my second pregnancy, no one on the PATH train ever gave me a seat

I see people giving up their seats on occasion. Maybe not as much as they should, but no more or less than in the past, or on a variety of transit systems.

- being responsible for one's own actions?

Where is the change in this respect? What evidence do you have? For centuries, people accused of a crime have tried to escape punishment and avoid responsibilities. What basis do you claim for a change? Compared to when?

- using one's own brain (e.g. well, if you're buying a hot coffee from McD, it will be hot, right? Remember that law suit when someone sued McD because they were "burnt" by the hot coffee)?

I do, and she actually did have a valid reason for that lawsuit. She wasn't driving, she wasn't holding the coffee in her lap, and spilling coffee on your legs should not cause 3rd degree burns. Much of the ridicule benefits the very large corporation trying to avoid paying for damages.

- and the list goes on and on and on....

The list is also quite deceptive and misleading.

Aside from a near-complete absence of actual data to back up your declinist claims, you fail to note that today, we have 300 million people living in a highly connected society. In 1950, we had half the population of today; no Internet; no video-camera enabled smartphones. FARK did not exist. If some dude in a small town in Ohio did some freaky stupid thing, it wouldn't be broadcast across the globe.

Meanwhile, lots of solid data shows that the world in general, and the US as well, are getting much better. Pretty much every type of violence has fallen precipitously over the centuries. Wars in modern times, horrible as they are, kill a tiny percentage of the population and far less than in the past. A typical city or town in Medieval Europe was easily as dangerous as Camden today. Medical care is better, people care much more for their children today than in the past, methods of punishment are generally far less cruel, the list goes on.

I'm sorry to hear that people weren't polite enough to you on the trains when you were pregnant. However, that's simply insufficient evidence to proclaim that the nation is going to hell in a handbasket.

Posted on: 2015/3/6 4:15

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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SRhia wrote:
Well, I think this is a much bigger societal problem, or should I say breakdown of society. For example, what happened to:

- raising one's own children properly, teaching them discipline and boundaries, rather than outsourcing that to nannies (who don't care) or daycares? Or just trying to be "friends" with your kids????
- giving seats to the elderly and young on trains? During my second pregnancy, no one on the PATH train ever gave me a seat
- being responsible for one's own actions?
- using one's own brain (e.g. well, if you're buying a hot coffee from McD, it will be hot, right? Remember that law suit when someone sued McD because they were "burnt" by the hot coffee)?
- and the list goes on and on and on.....


owlie wrote:

JCishome wrote:

my2cents wrote:

Bike_Lane wrote:

This happened on a packed train! How didn't the person not get surrounded and subdued? How did he get away?

Everyone on the train was too busy playing Candy Crush Soda to notice anything had happened.

I was going to say the exact thing!!! - Most everyone on the train is clueless to whats going on. They are playing games or watching videos on their phones, listening to to their tunes are reading/writing emails / texts.....

Because we're....soft. Weak. We've been trained to assume that "the authorities" will handle things, so we just stare at our phones.

Not to go on a rant, but this puts me in mind of my chubby middle-aged Facebook friends who scream about how "we" should go kick ISIS's ass. Um, who's "we", dude? You mean those 22-year-old enlistees? Maybe "we" should get their opinion first.

It's absolutely OUTRAGEOUS that this happened. It makes me so angry to even imagine that people are too busy playing games or texting on their phones to even notice that someone got stabbed.

I do not buy into the notion that this was caused by any equipment failure.

There is a breakdown in humanity going on but nobody is paying attention. We are being conditioned to look the other way and have become weak.

As for the idiots that say we should kick ISIS's ass... I think we should withdraw our troops from any conflict overseas and position them on all of our borders. The rich and powerful continue to send other people?s children off to non-defensive wars. Let the people there take care of their own problems. We need to take care of ourselve here.
To quote Phil Ochs,
"It's always the old to lead us to the wars,
Always the young to fall..."

WAKE UP people, get your heads out of your arses.

SRhia... I TOTALLY agree with you!

Posted on: 2015/3/6 2:40

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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2012/8/6 22:56
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owlie wrote:
It's absolutely OUTRAGEOUS that this happened. It makes me so angry to even imagine that people are too busy playing games or texting on their phones to even notice that someone got stabbed.

You, uh... do understand he was making a joke, right?

News reports haven't said what happened in this case, but people certainly do pay attention to these kinds of things. I've seen people pass out on the PATH train, and nearly everyone around tried to help -- giving water, getting a conductor, and so forth.

I do not buy into the notion that this was caused by any equipment failure.

Who said it was? They got into an argument.

There is a breakdown in humanity going on but nobody is paying attention.

There is no "breakdown in humanity."

Crime rates in the US, and in the NYC area in particular, have been DROPPING since the early 1990s. Even during the worst economic crisis since the 1930s, crime rates fell. Violence on PATH, and on metro area trains in general, is quite low these days.

Yes, bad things do happen, and need to continue to work to stay safe. However, we don't need to collectively panic because of a dramatic incident like this.

Posted on: 2015/3/6 1:15

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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JCMan8 wrote:

BeatrixKiddo wrote:

JCMan8 wrote:
Has anyone else noticed that starting a month ago, the Newport station smells absolutely terrible? At least in the area where the train opens the doors.

Or is that just me?

OH MY GOD, I just noticed it this week, it smells like rotten eggs mixed with mold and ass. I was going to post on here today about it.

I guess there is nothing we can do about the smell but I hope it isn't caused by some toxic mold or something that will kill us in 15 years.

whether it's the toxic mold, the constant stress/high blood pressure or being stabbed and no one noticing, I am positive that The PATH train is going to be my cause of death.

Posted on: 2015/3/5 21:19

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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BeatrixKiddo wrote:

JCMan8 wrote:
Has anyone else noticed that starting a month ago, the Newport station smells absolutely terrible? At least in the area where the train opens the doors.

Or is that just me?

OH MY GOD, I just noticed it this week, it smells like rotten eggs mixed with mold and ass. I was going to post on here today about it.

I guess there is nothing we can do about the smell but I hope it isn't caused by some toxic mold or something that will kill us in 15 years.

Posted on: 2015/3/5 19:43

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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The woman in question was 3rd degree "burnt" by the coffee:
Liebeck was hospitalized for eight days while she underwent skin grafting, followed by two years of medical treatment.

Posted on: 2015/3/5 17:19

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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Well, I think this is a much bigger societal problem, or should I say breakdown of society. For example, what happened to:

- raising one's own children properly, teaching them discipline and boundaries, rather than outsourcing that to nannies (who don't care) or daycares? Or just trying to be "friends" with your kids????
- giving seats to the elderly and young on trains? During my second pregnancy, no one on the PATH train ever gave me a seat
- being responsible for one's own actions?
- using one's own brain (e.g. well, if you're buying a hot coffee from McD, it will be hot, right? Remember that law suit when someone sued McD because they were "burnt" by the hot coffee)?
- and the list goes on and on and on.....


owlie wrote:

JCishome wrote:

my2cents wrote:

Bike_Lane wrote:

This happened on a packed train! How didn't the person not get surrounded and subdued? How did he get away?

Everyone on the train was too busy playing Candy Crush Soda to notice anything had happened.

I was going to say the exact thing!!! - Most everyone on the train is clueless to whats going on. They are playing games or watching videos on their phones, listening to to their tunes are reading/writing emails / texts.....

Because we're....soft. Weak. We've been trained to assume that "the authorities" will handle things, so we just stare at our phones.

Not to go on a rant, but this puts me in mind of my chubby middle-aged Facebook friends who scream about how "we" should go kick ISIS's ass. Um, who's "we", dude? You mean those 22-year-old enlistees? Maybe "we" should get their opinion first.

It's absolutely OUTRAGEOUS that this happened. It makes me so angry to even imagine that people are too busy playing games or texting on their phones to even notice that someone got stabbed.

I do not buy into the notion that this was caused by any equipment failure.

There is a breakdown in humanity going on but nobody is paying attention. We are being conditioned to look the other way and have become weak.

As for the idiots that say we should kick ISIS's ass... I think we should withdraw our troops from any conflict overseas and position them on all of our borders. The rich and powerful continue to send other people?s children off to non-defensive wars. Let the people there take care of their own problems. We need to take care of ourselve here.
To quote Phil Ochs,
"It's always the old to lead us to the wars,
Always the young to fall..."

WAKE UP people, get your heads out of your arses.

Posted on: 2015/3/5 17:04

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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JCishome wrote:

my2cents wrote:

Bike_Lane wrote:

This happened on a packed train! How didn't the person not get surrounded and subdued? How did he get away?

Everyone on the train was too busy playing Candy Crush Soda to notice anything had happened.

I was going to say the exact thing!!! - Most everyone on the train is clueless to whats going on. They are playing games or watching videos on their phones, listening to to their tunes are reading/writing emails / texts.....

Because we're....soft. Weak. We've been trained to assume that "the authorities" will handle things, so we just stare at our phones.

Not to go on a rant, but this puts me in mind of my chubby middle-aged Facebook friends who scream about how "we" should go kick ISIS's ass. Um, who's "we", dude? You mean those 22-year-old enlistees? Maybe "we" should get their opinion first.

It's absolutely OUTRAGEOUS that this happened. It makes me so angry to even imagine that people are too busy playing games or texting on their phones to even notice that someone got stabbed.

I do not buy into the notion that this was caused by any equipment failure.

There is a breakdown in humanity going on but nobody is paying attention. We are being conditioned to look the other way and have become weak.

As for the idiots that say we should kick ISIS's ass... I think we should withdraw our troops from any conflict overseas and position them on all of our borders. The rich and powerful continue to send other people?s children off to non-defensive wars. Let the people there take care of their own problems. We need to take care of ourselve here.
To quote Phil Ochs,
"It's always the old to lead us to the wars,
Always the young to fall..."

WAKE UP people, get your heads out of your arses.

Posted on: 2015/3/5 16:56

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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JCMan8 wrote:
Has anyone else noticed that starting a month ago, the Newport station smells absolutely terrible? At least in the area where the train opens the doors.

Or is that just me?

OH MY GOD, I just noticed it this week, it smells like rotten eggs mixed with mold and ass. I was going to post on here today about it.

Posted on: 2015/3/5 16:03

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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Has anyone else noticed that starting a month ago, the Newport station smells absolutely terrible? At least in the area where the train opens the doors.

Or is that just me?

Posted on: 2015/3/5 15:50

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JCbiscuit wrote:

the CCTV was immediately arrested for taking a photo in a PATH station.

I giggled

Posted on: 2015/3/4 22:15

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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JCMan8 wrote:

caj11 wrote:

NewportNJ wrote:

heightsliving wrote:
Knife guy is Apprehended!!!!!

Thanks Columbo!

Here's the story on NJ.COM: ... _train_stabbing_pa_c.html

Great police work! Looks like the cameras work too.

the CCTV was immediately arrested for taking a photo in a PATH station.

Posted on: 2015/3/4 20:06

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
Home away from home
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2012/11/10 20:38
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caj11 wrote:

NewportNJ wrote:

heightsliving wrote:
Knife guy is Apprehended!!!!!

Thanks Columbo!

Here's the story on NJ.COM: ... _train_stabbing_pa_c.html

Great police work! Looks like the cameras work too.

Posted on: 2015/3/4 19:49

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
Home away from home
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2007/10/1 1:03
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2024/6/5 23:38
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NewportNJ wrote:

heightsliving wrote:
Knife guy is Apprehended!!!!!

Thanks Columbo!

Here's the story on NJ.COM: ... _train_stabbing_pa_c.html

Posted on: 2015/3/4 19:14

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
Just can't stay away
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2011/10/31 16:00
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2020/2/12 19:50
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heightsliving wrote:
Knife guy is Apprehended!!!!!

Thanks Columbo!

Posted on: 2015/3/4 19:08

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