Re: Jersey City mulls changes to pedestrian plaza to address rowdy bar-goers
Home away from home
So the closest precinct to DTJC is sending officers to other areas of JC?
Posted on: 2017/3/7 18:51
Re: Jersey City mulls changes to pedestrian plaza to address rowdy bar-goers
Home away from home
Bars are responsible for people they serve alcohol to and then go on to show anti-social behavior? Really?
Are doctors or pharmacies responsible for the individuals who voluntarily overdose? Where is this doctor/pharmacy tax? An EXTRA tax to have cops do their job??? I didn't know crime could only be reported 9-5. Please don't tell criminals. Is there an extra fire tax for fires which happen at midnight? How stupid is this line of thinking.....
Posted on: 2017/3/7 18:49
Re: Fulop: despite Trump, Jersey City remains 'welcoming' to immigrants
Home away from home
Yvonne - those gay people you rented to - did you ask them if they were sexually active? Cause if you did not and they are, you are providing them with a huge opportunity to "live in sin" as you may call it. Much more directly than any baker. I think you should think about it and ask for forgiveness.
In other news, a Jehova witness who makes it through medical school and training sues jersey city medical center because they are forcing him to give a blood transfusion to a patient. Local resident Yvonne argues that the Jehova witness has rights too!
Posted on: 2016/12/7 20:16
Re: Rainbow to be replaced by Hoboken restaurant group responsible for 1 Republik
Home away from home
The ultimate sign of privilege is complaining about having to watch streets filled with people on the weekends visiting restaurants and god forbid, LEGALLY drink alcohol and yes, LEGALLY be intoxicated and walk home.
Last time I checked, harassment by drunk individuals in Hoboken is NOT AN EPIDEMIC and is not increasing every year. What has gone down over the past 10-12 years in DTJC? VIOLENT CRIME. What Dan L and others here recall from 10-12 years ago about DTJC more diversity and more art and culture and all that stuff is fictional. It stems from the "I can't afford to live in the area anymore" disease. Please get that checked out. The DTJC of 10-12 years ago was pretty crappy with fear of muggings and harassment from criminals up and down newark ave. If you want the DTJC of 12 years ago, go to greenville.
Posted on: 2016/8/26 20:24
Re: Public Urination
Home away from home
No, I'm not their mother. The best cire for litter is for police to fine those who do it...
Posted on: 2015/12/10 4:58
Re: Exclusive Buyer Agreement?
Home away from home
Here is a time tested method. Look at the MLS, call up the listing broker and ask whether they prefer you work with them to buy a home that they are selling or whether it would be prudent to bring in an agent yourself.
100% of listing agents will say, "oh no, I can be your agent too" - even our resident realtor who is posting on this forum. Money talks...
Posted on: 2015/12/4 7:33
Re: Exclusive Buyer Agreement?
Home away from home
Interesting you used the word flawed and not incorrect. Everything I've said is absolutely true. Realtors get paid on selling homes, not selling at market price, not selling an ideal home, not selling the dream home. If a realtor convinces a seller to sell below market price, does the realtor still get the commission? The answer is yes and you know this. An uninformed seller (one that trusts the realtor) really doesn't know what fair market price is. What we are comparing is a 0% commission (not selling a home) to a full (many times 6%) or half of a commission (3%). You have a direct feed to the mind of sellers before they decide to sell their home and list on the MLS (which again is public). Similar to how stock brokers have industry knowledge about when a stock will rise in price and go down in price? You must be a millionaire. The "process" of buying a home is not brain surgery. You do not need a buying agent to buy a home. It's like needing an agent to buy a car. I do agree that selling is rather complicated and time consuming (made this way by the realtor lobby) so this is where having a selling agent makes sense (as long as you make the decisions, not the realtor). " there are many ways to make an offer more attractive" Here is a comprehensive list of ways to make yourself more attractive to a seller (given to all of you commission free!): 1) Have good credit (higher = better) 2) Offer larger down payment 3) Offer more cash 4) Don't be an a*hole during the home inspection by asking the seller to repaint walls 5) Get out of attorney review 6) Sign contract prepared to you by sellers agent You need a buyer's agent if 1) You need a chauffeur and no one that is a family/friend is available 2) You have trouble using GOOGLE
Posted on: 2015/12/4 7:27
Re: Exclusive Buyer Agreement?
Home away from home
thanks REALTOR. Guess who realtors - buying and selling - represent most often and have a loyalty to more so than anyone else? THEMSELVES. Guess what the goal of a realtor is - to sell homes. Not to sell the home of your dreams. Guess what happens when the deal closes and you are not happy with the home you bought? The realtor still gets to keep his or her commission. A realtor is a glorified door opener and chauffeur. Can you name one type of information that as a home buyer - you don't have access to that realtors do? Price comps - Available Listings - Available Neighborhood crime stats - Available Restaurants in the area - Available Building & home history - Available Now if you want a person to pressure you to buy a home so they can make 3% as a buyer's agent then go right ahead. But getting all the info you need is readily available. PLUS, your realtor is not required to give you all the above info that I mentioned. You can ask and your realtor can pick and choose that info. AGAIN, a realtor's main goal is to sell homes and whether you like it or dislike it afterwards, the realtor still gets paid. This is why being an informed buyer using the sellers agent works. I'll give a concrete example. Home is listed for 100,000. Seller's agent gets 3% commission when split or full 6% if they represent the seller and buyer. If they represent you (buyer) and sell the home at 95k, they get 5700. OR you can bring in a realtor and they sell at 100k and they get 3k. The realtor selling the home earns more money convincing the homeowner to sell at 95k than at 100k. You (the buyer) benefits. Simple math. Done.
Posted on: 2015/12/3 22:14
Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
Home away from home
This is such a silly argument.
Are there individuals, some muslim, some ex-government, some anti-USA, some wearing clothing, some who have misaligned teeth, that cheered after 9/11? Probably. Unless you know what the billions of people on this Earth were doing for a period of time after 9/11, how can you say for certainty that NO ONE cheered? Now, were there thousands and thousands in jersey City? No, that's a lie. Flat out lie. If you get rid of the words thousands and thousands and jersey city, then it could potentially happen. Can we end this?
Posted on: 2015/12/3 19:24
Re: Exclusive Buyer Agreement?
Home away from home
My advice: Negotiate with the seller's agent directly. Have them be your realtor as well. The full 6% commission will motivate them to get you the best price possible so the sale closes. You will have more room to negotiate.
A buyer's realtor, at the end of the day, doesn't have your best interests in mind. They want to close the deal which may conflict with what they tell you about the house, neighborhood, etc. The fact is, google can do what most realtors do. Gaining access to houses/buildings can be done via the seller's agent.
Posted on: 2015/12/3 19:10
Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
Home away from home
Had no clue that some and thousands were synonyms. You learn something new everyday.
Posted on: 2015/12/3 18:16
Re: Trump: 'Thousands' in Jersey City cheered on 9/11
Home away from home
1 or 2 or even 900 people does not equal "thousands." Trump used that word so unless you can actually list a thousand people or a news story saying the same, he is lying and all of you are who are talking about "my neighbor" cheered either can't read or can't add which doesn't make you a liar but makes you pretty dumb.
Posted on: 2015/11/23 15:20
Re: Fulop and the ‘Fight for Fifteen’
Home away from home
No thanks...
Posted on: 2015/11/11 21:56
Re: Fulop and the ‘Fight for Fifteen’
Home away from home
You can go to an extreme so why can't I go to the other extreme? If a minimum wage is so bad and a job killer, why not get rid of it and have employers be able to pay whatever they want to desperate workers? For example, why shouldn't Apple, a multi billion dollar company, be able to pay workers $2 an hour here in America to make iphones if unemployed workers (maybe the homeless, injured, or even our children! (lazy children) are willing to accept it? We would have 100% employment!
Posted on: 2015/11/11 21:27
Re: City awarding contract on health services
Home away from home
What exactly are you even suggesting? That we don't treat these individuals? That we do it with public money?
Posted on: 2015/11/6 17:39
Re: Is Jersey City Real Estate in a bubble?
Home away from home
for the millionth time on this forum. please do not link to maps which put anything west of I-78 as within DTJC. Anything west of I78 is not DTJC any more than DTJC is NYC.
Posted on: 2015/10/23 5:42
Re: Is Jersey City Real Estate in a bubble?
Home away from home
I don't need names. Name of condo building, approx purchase price in 2006. You don't have those two pieces of info so stfu. There is no luxury condo building bought in 2006 in dtjc that is worth less today untless you spell dtjc G-R-E-E-N-V-I-L-L-E Thanks for replying back with a list of foreclosures which have nothing to do with your original statement....
Posted on: 2015/10/23 5:37
Re: Is Jersey City Real Estate in a bubble?
Home away from home
As with most of your anti-downtown posts, I call bull. Name of condo building and amount bought and value today please? There is no luxury condo building in downtown that is selling for less than it would be selling for in 2006. Why are you so anti-downtown? Is it because you know there is literally no chance for GV to get better in the foreseeable future? The chances of GV getting better are the same chances that Bernie Sanders and Rand Paul sign on to the same ticket...
Posted on: 2015/10/22 18:37
Re: Will Jersey City and Hoboken ever lose Abbott District Status?
Home away from home
Having children out of wedlock doesn't cause these outcomes. The absence of a stable financial income to support a family and time devoted to establishing a connection between caretaker/parent and child causes these outcomes. The nuclear family is not the same nuclear family you envision of the 1950s. Studies have shown kids with two caretakers/parents are just as successful. In fact, parents who have grandmothers who are extremely involved with the family also raise children with better outcomes. When the % of divorce is so high, marriage doesn't solve all problems...
Posted on: 2015/10/19 20:39
Re: N.J. woman claims cabbie tried to abduct her, Taxi and Limousine Commission will investigate
Home away from home
Also, if a cop doesn't believe her, she must be lying! Cause cops are not people who can make mistakes at all....and you are accusing people of having shit for brains?
Posted on: 2015/10/10 5:52
Re: N.J. woman claims cabbie tried to abduct her, Taxi and Limousine Commission will investigate
Home away from home
True, i forget there is a label on beer bottles which warn of robbery, kidnap, or worse if you get drunk. Just like on every short skirt there is a rape warning label. You should run for president, this way, you can honor cab drivers for taking advantage of drunk women and give medals to men who rape women who wear what you perceive as inappropiate clothing.
Posted on: 2015/10/10 5:49
Re: N.J. woman claims cabbie tried to abduct her, Taxi and Limousine Commission will investigate
Home away from home
I rather be a dbag than be morally wrong.
Posted on: 2015/10/10 1:07
Re: N.J. woman claims cabbie tried to abduct her, Taxi and Limousine Commission will investigate
Home away from home
Even if she was drunk, there's no excuse to take advatage of her. Please let me know when any of you have 1 too many drinks so I can rob you and blame you.
You people do need help. I stick with what I said, you people and it doesn't matter whther you are male or female, have a victim blaming mentality. You are the first people to think about what a woman wears when there is a rape. You should be in prison along with the perpetrator.
Posted on: 2015/10/10 1:05
Re: N.J. woman claims cabbie tried to abduct her, Taxi and Limousine Commission will investigate
Home away from home
So what? Because she mentions that is her usual, she deserves to at best, lied to and taken advantage of by being driven on a circuitous route or at worst, kidnapped and God knows what else? Why even mention that? maybe this is unconscious but that is such a victim blaming statement that you should seek help. Do you also wonder what a woman wears or if she was drinking when you hear about a rape?
Posted on: 2015/10/9 17:49
Re: PATH-Weary Jersey City Wants to Build a Pedestrian Bridge to Manhattan
Home away from home
You want people to walk through the holland and lincoln tunnels? Why don't you just force people to smoke 80 packs a day......same result you are looking for..
Posted on: 2015/10/9 14:11
Re: Jersey City School Board Meeting Gets Heated During Debate Over Closing for Muslim Holiday
Home away from home
How about a floating Holiday for Jewish, Muslim, Southeast Asian, Asian, Mexican, and all the other ethnicity.
So if you want to celebrate your religious holiday or if you're an athiest, you want to celebrate pi day, you can go right ahead...
Posted on: 2015/9/18 15:35
Re: Is Jersey City Real Estate in a bubble?
Home away from home
READ THE ENTIRE PAGE. sigh. The info is on the page and it is absolute numbers. DTJC has twice the number of people as harrison which is a reason why there is more reported crime. Here's a SIMPLE example. If there 50 murders in a town with 100 people or 600 murders in a town of a million people - which town would you live in???
Posted on: 2015/9/8 12:48
Re: Is Jersey City Real Estate in a bubble?
Home away from home
You work for fox news? Way to distort the facts. First of all, there is more than two times more people in dtjc than harrison (15k versus 37k) so of course the overall number is lower. What you want to know, and I said it in my earlier post, is the percentage of chance you are likely to be a victim. In harrison it is higher.. The chance of being a victim of violent crime in Harrison is 1 in 222. In DTJC, it is 1 in 288. The chance of being a victim of crime in Harrison is 1 in 38. In DTJC, it is 1 in 74.
Posted on: 2015/9/6 21:02
Re: day trip: beach, ferrets, the Go-Go Rama
Home away from home
Please give me back the 3 minutes I took out of my life to click on that link and read that post..
Posted on: 2015/9/4 16:51