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jennhayes333 wrote:
Terrible experience. I have been coming to the Starbucks on Grove since it opened. I have to tell you, my husband and friends can not believe the new renovation that was done.
-No Seating: almost 50% less than before
-Large empty spaces where tables can go
-No room to sit because of homeless or people without drinks/food taking up seats/outlets AND the staff say nothing to them
-Looks like a suburban not an Urban Starbucks
-Feels sterile and not comfortable
-And the craziest part is in the back of the store, there is a table with 2 foot stools which looks like a 'kids time out area'
-Partners dislike the layout and are complaining as well
This Starbucks used to be always packed and now there are only minimal people sitting because of lack of seating
-The window seating is uncomfortable
-Most of the seating is facing a wall or outside instead of the interior of the store
Get rid of the huge merchandise table when you walk into the building and put more seating, as well as the back of the store where the long table used to be. More people, more business !!

Is all this ruining the Starbucks experience for you? GTFO

Posted on: 2019/5/2 21:35

Re: Loud construction noise disrupts learning at JC schools
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I had off last week and passed this on my way back from 99 Ranch and said to my wife, can you imagine being a kid trying to learn in that school with this noise going on. It was pretty terrible.

Posted on: 2019/3/22 19:08

Re: Newark Avenue Pedestrian Plaza Expansion
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third_street_hats wrote:

erstrecs wrote:

jcneighbor wrote:
P&K had about a year left on their 20-year lease. The new lease offer was over $20k/month and they'd told me they couldn't swing that months before the pedestrian plaza expansion. But multiple store owners have said that the pedestrian plaza has reduced their business. I've been here over 30 years and know enough of the longtime owners. They told me directly-

Odd, I just talked to the P&K people and they said they are definitely not planning on closing or moving, and actually they are looking to expand into an additional location. The pedestrian plaza and lack of parking is definitely hurting their business but they say they are not going anywhere. And I have also lived here for 30 years as of this fall. :)

Please let that new location be a P+K take over of Lee's.

Lee's is doing just fine, and their store is actually a lot smaller than the space P&K has now, unless of course you meant TenderShoot or you have it out for Lee's on Grove Street for some reason.

Posted on: 2018/6/5 21:30

Re: Holi Hai at Exchange Place
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GrovePath wrote:
$37 million awarded to N.J. couple in Johnson & Johnson baby powder cancer suit


Updated: Friday, April 6, 2018, 8:23 PM

It?s soft, powdery, sweet-smelling ? and, says a New Jersey jury, deadly.

Johnson & Johnson was ordered to pay $37 million in the case of a man who said he got cancer from the company?s baby powder, which he believes contained talc laced with asbestos.

Banker Stephen Lanzo III was awarded $30 million in compensatory damages Thursday by a New Brunswick, N.J., jury. Lanzo?s wife, Kendra, got $7 million.

Lanzo, 46, said he used Johnson & Johnson talc-based powder products for more than 30 years.

Retired FDNY firefighter dies of 9/11-related cancer
He claimed that by inhaling dust from the products that contained cancer-causing asbestos, he contracted mesothelioma, a deadly form of cancer that affects the lining of the lungs.

The jury found J&J responsible for 70% of the damages and a division of France-based talc supplier Imerys was responsible for 30%.

Lanzo?s case was the first to go to trial in New Jersey, Johnson & Johnson?s home state. The jury sat barely a mile from J&J headquarters.

One of the company?s biggest shareholders is Woody Johnson, a pal of President Trump and the current U.S. ambassador to the United Kingdom. Johnson, who owns the New York Jets, is a great-grandson of J&J founder Robert Wood Johnson.

Brooklyn mom with cancer fights for husband?s return from Mexico
J&J is fighting thousands of lawsuits claiming its talc products also cause ovarian cancer.

Talc itself is not believed to be cancerous. It?s a mineral made up mainly of magnesium, silicon and oxygen.

A banker claimed that using Johnson & Johnson talc-based products for decades caused his cancer.

But talc is often mined near asbestos, which is long proven to cause mesothelioma, a rare form of cancer. Mesothelioma is almost always fatal.

Johnson & Johnson and other companies say that since the 1970s, they?ve kept asbestos out of their baby powders and other talc products.

J&J denied the lawsuit?s charges and said its products ? such as Johnson?s Baby Powder ? don?t contain asbestos or cause cancer.

During the trial, J&J lawyers claimed Lanzo could have contracted mesothelioma from other sources, said media reports. It noted that the house in Montclair, N.J., where he grew up once had asbestos-wrapped pipes, and that the public schools attended were also treated for asbestos.

?While we are disappointed with this decision, the jury has further deliberations to conduct in this trial and we will reserve additional comment until the case is fully completed,? Johnson & Johnson spokeswoman Carol Goodrich said in a statement.

The jury will begin a second phase of the trial to consider punitive damages on Tuesday.

J&J faces talc-related lawsuits by 6,610 plaintiffs around the country, Reuters reports.

The claims are largely based on allegations that the company failed to warn women about the risk of developing ovarian cancer by using its products for feminine hygiene.

A Los Angeles judge in October tossed a $417 million verdict for a woman who said she got ovarian cancer from J&J talc products. ... er-suit-article-1.3918915

Wow this was really chapping your ass for 2 entire years huh. Way to piss all over a cultural event that brings all types of people together. Try going out and experiening different fun things in JC instead of posting news articles trying to scare people. Here's $5 go buy yourself a beer.

Posted on: 2018/4/7 16:46

Re: N.J. city shuts down burlesque show, citing obscenity laws
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stillinjc wrote:
Would you really want to see Lillian Bustle naked? Seems like city attorneys are doing us a favor. ;)

you are a disgusting trash bag and an Idiot. So uncalled for.

Posted on: 2018/3/29 19:29

Re: Will there be trash & recycling in this snow? (Thurs Jan 4th )
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jcneighbor wrote:

BeatrixKiddo wrote:
Recycling trucks never came to Wayne Street

That's odd. They did Mercer Street for both paper and glass.

Bastards lol j/k I live on Wayne between Marin and Grove that may be why, I was shocked that they even attempted to do pick ups it was brutal and roads were still a mess

Posted on: 2018/1/6 17:04

Re: Will there be trash & recycling in this snow? (Thurs Jan 4th )
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Recycling trucks never came to Wayne Street

Posted on: 2018/1/5 13:55

Re: Symes / Solomon runoff
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JCWardE wrote:
We live in a private high rise and just had a knock on our door by a member of the Symes team. This is illegal, and apparently the second time she's been caught in our building this week. I wish I had called the police instead of our doorman, to be honest.

Fliers are also illegal in our building, yet we've gotten TWO in our door from Symes. Enough. Additionally, I've gotten 6 (I counted) pieces of mail from Team Symes since the general election.

I'd rather her not waste her money, or shall I say KRE et al. It is clear she is a shill for the real estate developers.

I voted Solomon on the issues, experience and competence and will do so again on 12/5. I refuse to vote for someone who is bought and its clear by the amount she has spent on direct mail alone that she is. It is clear she is outspending him.

My god these people are relentless. Every effing day knocking on my door and leaving shit on my stoop. I can't even sit on the couch and relax without one of her assholes ringing my bell. Today she has children shilling for her. F U lady.

Posted on: 2017/12/3 19:37

Re: Park & 6th closing
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Lbestbuddy wrote:
Yeah but owner doesn't have a great track record with honesty... sign at one of his places said "plumbing broken" and he publicly denied the sale of his other place, bought ny orale . Gm/owner has been actively looking for a new job. My guess is it's over.

Thank you for your input former employee/gm/owner

Lol lol the transparency xoxoxoxo

Posted on: 2017/9/10 1:51

Re: Cat named Katy TAKEN from Kennedy Dancers (Beacon & Central Ave - Heights)
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You sure $5 for each of you. Are you sure. Lol lol

Posted on: 2017/7/16 2:31

Re: Cat named Katy TAKEN from Kennedy Dancers (Beacon & Central Ave - Heights)
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1. Two of my cats who were indoor outdoor lived to be 20 years old.

2. We take care of 3 former ferals in our yard who are fixed and vaccinated and are now 7 years old.

3. While I understand what you might be trying to say don't be such a judgemental prick. You have no clue what the circumstances are as to why this cat was outside. Stick to what you know, posting crap news and handing out $5 bills at bars.

Posted on: 2017/7/15 0:46

Re: Jersey City mulls changes to pedestrian plaza to address rowdy bar-goers
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New Residents..Stop Calling Police on Bars & Silencing Church Bells
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2015/3/24 22:02
From Jersey City
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Posts: 44
Hi everyone. I went out this weekend and not just once but twice neighbors called the police on the noise levels at a couple local bars. I won't name the bars...but they are ones that were here before these newbies even knew the words Jersey City. They are bars and it's the weekend. You are wasting the police's time to have them come in for a second asking people to be quiet which doesn't even work...because it's a bar!! Geeee...let me buy a home in proximity of a bar and then complain that the bar is making too much noise....on the weekend! What is wrong with you rats? Holy moly! Get a life! Wow!

I also want to add that the new residents complained about the gorgeous church bells that rung on 6th and Monmouth. That was a beautiful aspect to this area and the newbies complained so much that a church now cannot ring their bells! Their Church Bells!!! Who the heck doesn't like church bells! I'm Jewish and I even love the pretty historic noise they make!

JC Make It Yours...yeah I don't think so! It was everyone's before these douches moved in! Whaaaa the bars make noise...whaaa the church rings it's bells...whaaa whaaa whaaaa...go back to Manhattan or wherever you came from! Holy mackerel

Posted on: 2017/3/11 7:17

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Newsboi wrote:

Sally, why are you posting old stories on the threads?!?! This, the McNair one, the Artist Peter Bill one, the Bowie mural one. ALL OLD NEWS

Posted on: 2017/1/26 20:36

Re: Party Sub?
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The little sandwich shop on Grove Street is really good, I think it's like $30 a foot.

Posted on: 2016/12/27 17:48

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MFJC07302 wrote:
Well, I have won the fight against the homeless and the store being filthy. I reached out to corporate in Seattle, Washington as I have been writing on the JC List and they are coming to the store to do a "clean sweep" of the management and get the store back to it's original mission statement.

you should be so proud. Also, did you use your real name signing up for this website? LMFAO I wonder what all your coworkers, clients and friends would think of you getting homeless people kicked out into the cold. You're a joke dude

Posted on: 2016/11/21 19:11

Re: Lights Out Around 9th Street?
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All of Grove near Wayne and Marin as well

Posted on: 2016/11/1 2:08

Re: Charging sales Tax - Lees supermarket
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I've been shopping there for over 10 years and have never been charged sales tax on anything.[/quote]

Same for me, I have never been charged sales tax there, in fact they always round the price to benefit the customer. if your total comes to $16.54 they will only charge you $16.50

Posted on: 2016/9/19 16:31

Re: Hard Grove Cafe
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Lisa was the worst waitress lol lol, but best human ever, she is missed greatly.

Posted on: 2016/9/11 16:06

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Posted on: 2016/9/7 20:57

Re: Hard Grove Cafe
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Bread wrote:
this venue is awaiting Historic District Commission approval of the restoration of the facade.

The Nightclub/bar/restaurant concept of this site has a legal limit of 49 people. That is inclusive of employees and customers.

There is only one means of ingress, egress in case of an emergency and that is out the front door.

The owners are not neighborhood friendly and have to date thrown boulders in the river since the deed was transferred.

The owners have had and continue to have actually been a very bad neighbor.

Without permission they have been on neighbors roofs, backyards, working without permits, taking the facade down ? all without permission, and has jeopardized the health of the upstairs tenant.... the list goes on and on.

Evelyn and Carmen NOT taking proper precautions is as common as Chris Christie eating. They are both lawyers, they know what they can get away with. Ask their employees and the person they leased the original location from. This surprises me ZERO

Posted on: 2016/9/3 21:32

Re: Potential Hurricane on Sunday
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jerseymom wrote:

MDM wrote:

Rain totals are modeled to b 0.25 inch or less.

Thanks for the continued updates, MDM. They're very helpful.

Agreed, I was just coming by to say the same exact thing. I don't understand any of these graphs, so the updates are really useful. Thank you so much. My parents live in Little Egg Harbor on a lagoon, so I'm watching this thread for them as well. Stay Safe everyone and thank you again MDM

Posted on: 2016/9/2 14:53

Re: Body found in Liberty Harbor Marina
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So awful , a long time Pint customer went missing Friday while working on a boat, he was an amazing person, he loved trivia and was the kindest man I've ever met. Rest in peace Roger.

Posted on: 2016/8/8 1:03

Re: Pet Sitter Needed
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Posted on: 2016/7/8 16:15

Re: Problems with Comcast?
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Same issue with us, the past few weeks the Wifi is awful at night, it's fine during the day.

Posted on: 2016/7/2 11:38

Re: Closest non-car method to get to the beach?
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Haven't tried this yet, but it looks pretty cool and goes to Asbury Park

Posted on: 2016/6/23 11:48

Re: Lafayette pool - food options
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Monroe wrote:
Out in the People's Republic of Maplewood they take the pool concessionaire thing very seriously. ... eport-Pool-Concessionaire

There seems to be a thread about it every year, it's a hilarious read.

It's a slow day at work today and THIS just made it all worth while. Thank you so much Monroe. There is some good stuff in there lol lol lol

Posted on: 2016/6/3 17:26

Re: Yvonne Outdoes Herself - Transgender Bathroom Editorial
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Annod wrote:
The Daily Show - President Obama's Transgender Bathroom Backlash

This is the most amazing on point thing ever. Thank you Annod. Necksticles lmfao lol lol lol

Posted on: 2016/5/21 18:18

Re: Yvonne Outdoes Herself - Transgender Bathroom Editorial
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Yvonne wrote:

Atsushi wrote:

Nori wrote:
Can we all just agree that yvonne is a dumb cnt and call it a day?

I'm comfortable with that. I would add she is just too old to grasp the new reality.

No, I just refuse to drink the cultural kool-aid. Men do not belong in women's restroom/lockeroom/etc. The same people who complain about Obama and emails/privacy thinks nothing of privacy for women when she is most vulnerable.

I've never complained about Obama, and give zero shits about Hillary's emails, I'll still be voting for her and fine with sharing a bathroom with anyone, regardless of gender. Enjoy your weekend, I'm sure there is a Murder She Wrote marathon on somewhere

Posted on: 2016/5/21 16:31

Re: Mosquito control summer 2016
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I would love to hear any ideas that actually work as well. We have 3 ferals we take care of (all fixed and vaccinated) so we can't use heavy duty chemicals. We've tried kid and pet friendly mosquito fogger and spray which is completely worthless, and also set up the soda bottles with yeast and brown sugar which works a tiny bit but also would catch butterflies which made me sad.

Posted on: 2016/5/21 15:41

Re: Hoboken Councilman Gets Racist Tweet - Invites Troll to Lunch
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Voyeur wrote:

BeatrixKiddo wrote:

brewster wrote:

BeatrixKiddo wrote:
Sikh's are probably the most peaceful religion of them all.

I'm not sure about the religion, but they have a long history of being badass soldiers. I loved the recent story of a Sikh US Army Captain who finally got permission to wear a beard and turban. Anyone who doesn't want Sikhs fighting on their side are morons.

I won't argue you on that. I just pulled it from my ass, having never heard of a terrorist attack from Sikh's. Like I said I could be wrong.

There was one quite famous aircraft bombing carried out by Sikh militants back in 1985.

But yes, as far as these dangerous mass-delusion death cults go, the Sikhs are comparatively chilled.

Wow that is awful, thank you for informing me. I was in 4th grade at the time so it clearly went over my Smurf loving head. I was too lazy to google anything the other night. I actually really appreciate you informing me and not ripping me a new ass lol. Cheers

Posted on: 2016/5/21 15:36

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