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Re: Wolf Pack Prey upon Unsuspected Victim

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2011/1/23 8:57
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2011/1/23 8:58
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Public flogging and mandatory year imprisonment.

What will actually happen:
A week in Juvenile Hall where they will play games, network with other up-and-coming criminals, and brag about their accomplishments.

Your tax dollars will pay for their vacation, and your elected officials will praise a criminal justice system which has completely failed you.

The poor amongst you will continue to vote for this system because they hand you whatever you need on everyone's dime. You can continue to raise your violent, worthless children who will carry on your ugly legacy, without fear of any actual punishment, and without fear of a disarmed citizenry.

I hate Jersey City, and all who reside in it.

Posted on: 2011/1/23 9:06

Re: Wolf Pack Prey upon Unsuspected Victim
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2005/12/7 2:49
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I think most of us are oblivious to the fact that we live in a city that ranks 25th out of nearly 20,000 cities when it comes to murder. From this stat alone we can extrapolate that there will be a huge number of lesser crimes perpetrated daily around our streets.

Fact: Where there is low income, a low employment rate and poor education there will be more crime. The Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE) at the US Dept. of Human Services found in 2009 that one in five youth from low-income families (20 percent) are charged with an adult crime by the age of 24. This sad fact is among us daily and at any given hour we are vulnerable.

We act surprised and sickened by all the violent crime here yet we dont mobilize and protest Healy's or Comey's offices in droves like other countries do. It is not uncommon for citites in Italy, Spain or Mexico to amass 1000's when it comes to crime or other important issues.....Here we are lucky to get 100 to protest anything. As if that's not enough Healy just reduced the number of cops working our streets even when he and his admin clearly knows that recent police layoffs in Newark and other New Jersey cities have led to significant increases in crime. It's unthinkable and yet we take it in the chops and shake our collective heads once again.

So, we all plod along, pay the highest property taxes in the US, deal with horrid public schools, outdated public works infrastructure, a city council who is corrupt and live in the shadows of countless public housing projects and drug dealers. Yet, we all continue to hope and pray that we don't become another crime statistic as we head home from our daily commute.

When the likelihood of a life in prison or even death does not deter these lost souls from committing these heinous violent acts than the system is clearly broken. Solutions?.....Anybody?

Until then, we can always lose ourselves in movies like Minority Report, The Fifth Element and 1984. That seems to be what we do in America.....sweep in all under the rug and try and forget.

Posted on: 2011/1/22 14:58

Re: Wolf Pack Prey upon Unsuspected Victim
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2010/8/17 1:45
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"Game of Knockout"? More like Gang initiation with a capital "G". Gangs and juveniles rely on the leniency of the justice system.

I'd say give these kids an both a juvenile sentence and a second-strike adult sentence. Gangs use juveniles to commit "foot soldier" crimes because they get leniency. These kids need to be taught that actions have consequences...whereas at the moment they have the impression their slate is wiped clean when they turn 18.

I'd support the juveniles getting additional time for < 18 yo crimes, if they commit a crime as an adult - it just stacks. You get a deferred adult sentence. Say you get 2 years in juvenile for a robbery with 3 years adult deferred for a regular 5-year adult prison offence. If you commit any felony as an adult, that 3 years gets added to the felony sentence.

That might help them understand actions have consequences.

Posted on: 2011/1/22 4:33

Re: Wolf Pack Prey upon Unsuspected Victim
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Josiered wrote:
Then you must be from Kansas. I grew up in JC and I live in the "real world". Don't you read the papers or watch t.v. As a gun owner I know exactly my rights and I don't take them for granted. Some people unfortunately will always be savages - stop trying to tell me these are church goin' good little kids ! Get real

Resized Image

Posted on: 2011/1/22 3:53

Re: Wolf Pack Prey upon Unsuspected Victim
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2010/9/15 20:51
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Then you must be from Kansas. I grew up in JC and I live in the "real world". Don't you read the papers or watch t.v. As a gun owner I know exactly my rights and I don't take them for granted. Some people unfortunately will always be savages - stop trying to tell me these are church goin' good little kids ! Get real

Posted on: 2011/1/22 1:27

Re: Wolf Pack Prey upon Unsuspected Victim
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carpetbaggertil718 wrote:
Ask any cop how many times he's had to try to get handcuff's over one of these primates wristwatches. Bet he thinks for a second before saying never. I didn't think about it until about arrest 400. Know why they don't wear watches? Because it doesn't matter what time it is. It's either light or dark outside, hot or cold. Tomorrow doesn't matter, the next hour doesn't matter. Just the here and now.

I would venture they probably don't wear watches because they have cell phones.

Posted on: 2011/1/21 20:28

Re: Wolf Pack Prey upon Unsuspected Victim
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2010/2/2 15:43
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The race issue makes no difference, what's happening is happening and we can't rely on the police to be our personal bodyguards as well commute to work, visit friends, shop and eat out. It's unfortunate that we can't feel 100% comfortable in the area we live in, but if we made the choice to leave here, we can certainly make the choice to leave. Be prepared, be aware and go with your gut.

Posted on: 2011/1/21 19:33

Re: Wolf Pack Prey upon Unsuspected Victim
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2009/1/6 19:19
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carpetbaggertil718 wrote:
Yes Kitten they are animals. Whether they are 12,13,14,15, or 25 they are the spawn of mutants who should have been aborted by court order. You aren't in Kansas anymore and these savages are a prime example of why more women should swallow. What you have to understand is that they were reared in subhuman living conditions that would shock the conscience of anyone with a basic paternal instinct. What emerges from these circumstances, that I understand were completely out of their control, is a wild animal that walks erect but has the thought process of a Jackal. While you go about your day please be aware that these predators do in fact exist and if you have something they want, they will attack often viciously. If they percieve you as a threat, they will usually move onto easier prey sort of like the Savannah wild dogs you see on Discovery Channel.
Ask any cop how many times he's had to try to get handcuff's over one of these primates wristwatches. Bet he thinks for a second before saying never. I didn't think about it until about arrest 400. Know why they don't wear watches? Because it doesn't matter what time it is. It's either light or dark outside, hot or cold. Tomorrow doesn't matter, the next hour doesn't matter. Just the here and now.
You may immediately transcribe this as racist commentary but it's really not. Its reality. Please be careful and be aware of your surroundings at all times. If something doesn't feel right it probably isn't.

Not racist commentary? Really? "Primates" Who are you kidding?

Posted on: 2011/1/21 18:30

Re: Wolf Pack Prey upon Unsuspected Victim
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2009/1/6 19:19
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Josiered wrote:
I agree - The NRA would support us ! What happened to all the people that believe in their 2nd Amendment right? Why pay for these "animals" in prison? Line'em up and shoot them at the wall - why waste taxpayers money? You can't even try to train these animals - blow'em away if you have the chance. I would !
You can't change these monkeys!

Pretty much the sickest thing I've read on this thing. You're living in a civilized country with a criminal justice system that works. How about moving to Iran? You would like it there.

Posted on: 2011/1/21 18:25

Re: Wolf Pack Prey upon Unsuspected Victim
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2006/11/27 12:04
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Why would the victim be suspected of something?

Posted on: 2011/1/21 16:03

Re: Wolf Pack Prey upon Unsuspected Victim
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2006/5/10 16:36
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I don't wear a watch, they make my wrist all sweaty and uncomfortable.


Posted on: 2011/1/21 15:23

Re: Wolf Pack Prey upon Unsuspected Victim
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Posted on: 2011/1/21 13:41

Re: Wolf Pack Prey upon Unsuspected Victim
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carpetbaggertil718 wrote:
Yes Kitten they are animals. Whether they are 12,13,14,15, or 25 they are the spawn of mutants who should have been aborted by court order. You aren't in Kansas anymore and these savages are a prime example of why more women should swallow. What you have to understand is that they were reared in subhuman living conditions that would shock the conscience of anyone with a basic paternal instinct. What emerges from these circumstances, that I understand were completely out of their control, is a wild animal that walks erect but has the thought process of a Jackal. While you go about your day please be aware that these predators do in fact exist and if you have something they want, they will attack often viciously. If they percieve you as a threat, they will usually move onto easier prey sort of like the Savannah wild dogs you see on Discovery Channel.
Ask any cop how many times he's had to try to get handcuff's over one of these primates wristwatches. Bet he thinks for a second before saying never. I didn't think about it until about arrest 400. Know why they don't wear watches? Because it doesn't matter what time it is. It's either light or dark outside, hot or cold. Tomorrow doesn't matter, the next hour doesn't matter. Just the here and now.
You may immediately transcribe this as racist commentary but it's really not. Its reality. Please be careful and be aware of your surroundings at all times. If something doesn't feel right it probably isn't.

Wow. Just wow. Are these the views of our police force or just you? If that's how cops see things, lets just cut the entire force and pocket the $95 million. I'll take my chances with the 12 year olds.

Posted on: 2011/1/21 13:25

Re: Wolf Pack Prey upon Unsuspected Victim
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2005/7/19 20:29
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"Yes Kitten they are animals. Whether they are 12,13,14,15, or 25 they are the spawn of mutants who should have been aborted by court order. You aren't in Kansas anymore and these savages are a prime example of why more women should swallow. What you \....
You may immediately transcribe this as racist commentary but it's really not. Its reality. Please be careful and be aware of your surroundings at all times. If something doesn't feel right it probably isn't."

Carpetbagger, you are a disgrace to the police force and to the human race.

Posted on: 2011/1/21 12:43

Re: Wolf Pack Prey upon Unsuspected Victim
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carpetbaggertil718 wrote:
Yes Kitten they are animals. Whether they are 12,13,14,15, or 25 they are the spawn of mutants who should have been aborted by court order. You aren't in Kansas anymore and these savages are a prime example of why more women should swallow. What you have to understand is that they were reared in subhuman living conditions that would shock the conscience of anyone with a basic paternal instinct. What emerges from these circumstances, that I understand were completely out of their control, is a wild animal that walks erect but has the thought process of a Jackal. While you go about your day please be aware that these predators do in fact exist and if you have something they want, they will attack often viciously. If they percieve you as a threat, they will usually move onto easier prey sort of like the Savannah wild dogs you see on Discovery Channel.
Ask any cop how many times he's had to try to get handcuff's over one of these primates wristwatches. Bet he thinks for a second before saying never. I didn't think about it until about arrest 400. Know why they don't wear watches? Because it doesn't matter what time it is. It's either light or dark outside, hot or cold. Tomorrow doesn't matter, the next hour doesn't matter. Just the here and now.
You may immediately transcribe this as racist commentary but it's really not. Its reality. Please be careful and be aware of your surroundings at all times. If something doesn't feel right it probably isn't.

First, get it straight... I'm not from Kansas or any place like Kansas. I'm born and raised in dirty jerz. Second, I could spend all day taking on the racists of jclist, but, I have better things to do.

Posted on: 2011/1/21 12:31

Re: Wolf Pack Prey upon Unsuspected Victim
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2006/11/13 18:42
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These 'kids' are just a product of society - If anyone did a demographical focus on JC, we might discover that we have the highest ratio of single parents, high ratio of government provided housing, high unemployment, worst schooling scores and other socio-economic issues that compound the issue of 'kid' behavior.
What sort of image would luxury condo's / cars / lifestyle do for a kid from the ghetto - resentment springs to mind!

The only way these kids (I believe) can obtain the niceties of life is either by force or drugs or acts of crime. Education is beyond them to a life of comforts

Posted on: 2011/1/21 4:33
My humor is for the silent blue collar majority - If my posts offend, slander or you deem inappropriate and seek deletion, contact the webmaster for jurisdiction.

Re: Wolf Pack Prey upon Unsuspected Victim
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2010/5/5 4:18
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2011/7/21 15:28
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Yes Kitten they are animals. Whether they are 12,13,14,15, or 25 they are the spawn of mutants who should have been aborted by court order. You aren't in Kansas anymore and these savages are a prime example of why more women should swallow. What you have to understand is that they were reared in subhuman living conditions that would shock the conscience of anyone with a basic paternal instinct. What emerges from these circumstances, that I understand were completely out of their control, is a wild animal that walks erect but has the thought process of a Jackal. While you go about your day please be aware that these predators do in fact exist and if you have something they want, they will attack often viciously. If they percieve you as a threat, they will usually move onto easier prey sort of like the Savannah wild dogs you see on Discovery Channel.
Ask any cop how many times he's had to try to get handcuff's over one of these primates wristwatches. Bet he thinks for a second before saying never. I didn't think about it until about arrest 400. Know why they don't wear watches? Because it doesn't matter what time it is. It's either light or dark outside, hot or cold. Tomorrow doesn't matter, the next hour doesn't matter. Just the here and now.
You may immediately transcribe this as racist commentary but it's really not. Its reality. Please be careful and be aware of your surroundings at all times. If something doesn't feel right it probably isn't.

Posted on: 2011/1/21 3:46

Re: Wolf Pack Prey upon Unsuspected Victim
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Josiered wrote:
I agree - The NRA would support us ! What happened to all the people that believe in their 2nd Amendment right? Why pay for these "animals" in prison? Line'em up and shoot them at the wall - why waste taxpayers money? You can't even try to train these animals - blow'em away if you have the chance. I would !
You can't change these monkeys!

These "animals" were 12, 13, 14, and 15 years old. You really could kill children? What they did was disturbing... very disturbing. But what you just posted freaks me the eff out.

Posted on: 2011/1/21 2:07

Re: Wolf Pack Prey upon Unsuspected Victim
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I agree - The NRA would support us ! What happened to all the people that believe in their 2nd Amendment right? Why pay for these "animals" in prison? Line'em up and shoot them at the wall - why waste taxpayers money? You can't even try to train these animals - blow'em away if you have the chance. I would !
You can't change these monkeys!

Posted on: 2011/1/21 1:18

Re: Wolf Pack Prey upon Unsuspected Victim
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Birth Control!

Posted on: 2011/1/19 21:28

Re: Wolf Pack Prey upon Unsuspected Victim
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2007/12/4 19:47
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Typical animals. Hang em where they stand and be done with them! You have our permission!!

Posted on: 2011/1/19 3:16

Re: Wolf Pack Prey upon Unsuspected Victim
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On_The_3rd wrote:
Yet another reason the common man will feel compelled to carry protection. A word to those who do choose to do so, learn when and how to use it, or it will backfire.

agreed, protection would not have done much in this case. they snuck up behind him and he was on the floor before he knew what hit him. trying to pull out a gun in that instance would more likely have resulted in them stealing his gun and shooting him than anything else.

having a gun != invincibility. however, the false sense of security that it could give someone might result in more harm than good.

Posted on: 2011/1/19 3:12

Re: Wolf Pack Prey upon Unsuspected Victim
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Binky wrote:
We talkin' condoms and sex education here?
Finally someone on this site who makes some sense!

Now that you mention it, that would help get to the root of the problem.

Posted on: 2011/1/19 3:04

Re: Wolf Pack Prey upon Unsuspected Victim
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"When he began screaming for help, the robbers continued beating him for a while before running away, reports said."

so did anyone help him? That area is not completely empty at 9:20 at night.

Posted on: 2011/1/19 2:51

Re: Wolf Pack Prey upon Unsuspected Victim
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2005/9/6 15:48
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We talkin' condoms and sex education here?
Finally someone on this site who makes some sense!

Posted on: 2011/1/19 2:46

Re: Wolf Pack Prey upon Unsuspected Victim
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Yet another reason the common man will feel compelled to carry protection. A word to those who do choose to do so, learn when and how to use it, or it will backfire.

Posted on: 2011/1/18 22:46

Wolf Pack Prey upon Unsuspected Victim
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Five attack Jersey City man as part of vicious game of 'knockout,' police say

Posted on: 2011/1/18 22:15

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