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Re: A Typical Day in JC's Construction World
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I call bullshit on this. Theres more to this story.

Posted on: 2011/7/21 15:34

Re: Fulop says $500 donation from firm doing business with city is a "set up"
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I wonder if this hair brained scheme was hatched before or after last call. Wyle E. Coyote could have come up with a better plan. Its going to be an interesting election that's for sure. Class and common sense versus drunken bafoonery. I think I just invented a new word.

Posted on: 2011/3/26 3:34

Re: Hamilton Park dogs
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Don't threaten to call the cops and risk an arguement with this guy just call. Understand it's a low priority call but it will be answered. JCPD has to answer every call for service it receives. Some towns will refer you to animal control or the parks department. People call because they have a leaky faucet. A wild animal strong arming a one year old will definetly get an efficient response.

Posted on: 2011/3/14 22:49

Re: Hamilton Park dogs
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Obviously this guy is an outlaw who does not live within the realm of human decency. If he so blatantly flaunts a leash law in full view of the public who knows what he is capable of? You may approach him to engage in the most civil discourse unaware of his potentially barbarian reaction to a percieved threat. For instance, you approach him and say " excuse me my good man but I noticed you were in violation of the HP rules regarding pet free zones. I must report you to the authorities as it is my civic duty and I do have photographic evidence of your transgressions." But before you get to the part about neighborhood pride and the importance of following the rules, BAM BAM a left hook followed by an straight right hand and you're flat on your back instinctively trying to regain the signals your brain seems to have stopped sending to your legs.
Good luck and don't be bobbin' when you should be weavin'.

Posted on: 2011/3/13 18:43

Re: Hamilton Park dogs
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

This is great. A furious debate over dog shit. God bless America.

Posted on: 2011/3/12 0:27

Re: Hamilton Park dogs
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Many years ago, before Jersey City was the utopia it is today, one of the more common sights were the empty cocaine vials that littered the sidewalks. One day, with some amusement, I watched an odd looking fellow and his hippie girlfriend collecting the empty vials. Just to satisfy my curiosity I approached them and asked what they were going to do with all the vials. They invited me into their home and showed me some of the artwork they created with the vials and other pieces of urban flotsam and jetsam. Fabulous pieces, a revolver made entirely of crack vials, a working clock with recovered shell casings they found during their scavenger hunts as the numerals. Unbelievable creativity right in the heart of the hood.

I challenge any of you artistic types to use this new "pet peeve" in such a novel way. Take this organic raw material and with your bare hands mold a sculpture that depicts the struggle between the comforts of man and the needs of the beast. Knead it carefully and pay careful attention contrast and texture as your vision becomes a true work of art. Good luck and no need to pay homage for the idea. Now go create

Posted on: 2011/3/11 1:02

Re: Hamilton Park dogs
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

First of all calling people pricks is extremely politically incorrect and should not be tolerated. Second, did you ever consider the possibility that the poor animal had a medical issue and could not hold it until he arrived at the "dogs are allowed to shit here area?" Maybe if this irresponsible canine were given the opportunity of a proper education he would have been able to read the signs prohibiting his offensive behavior. I suggest that if you can't find anything to do other than "sit in dog pee" bring a plastic bag to put between your buttocks and the lawn. Then when you decide to do something else pick up some dog shit with the bag if it bothers you. WhaLah problem solved.

Calling the police wouldn't be a practical solution as they are hesitant to write a ticket to an overburdened taxpayer who pays their salary. In dog parlance it would be biting the hand that feeds. Not advisable.

Everybody should have these problems. There are kids going to bed hungry tonight and some people have nothing better to do than whine about a dog acting like a dog. Gotta love it.

Posted on: 2011/3/10 17:59

Re: Jersey City off-duty cop involved in today's crash in Bayonne that caused woman's death, official co
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

There was a fatal four car crash in Camden today and the article says nothing about the drivers employment status. Your hatred of the Police is comical. Now pay me bitch.

Posted on: 2011/2/23 15:47

Re: Jersey City Police Department lay offs and budget cuts
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

It is simply a case of gross mismanagement at 280 Grove. They found the 3.2 million to pay O'Reilly's new firm for the reval without a problem but continue to cry poverty. The entire administration needs to be thrown out in the next election.

Posted on: 2011/2/17 13:58

Re: Jersey City misses out on $2.8 million in transfer fees
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

That's not cynicism that's reality.

Posted on: 2011/2/15 18:47

Re: Jersey City Police get a raise - for off-duty work.
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Ever had an original thought in your head? Not really into donuts but yeah it does feel good and it beats the hell out of being a cubicle mouse or starving artist.

Posted on: 2011/2/13 23:01

Re: Jersey City Police get a raise - for off-duty work.
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

CHA CHING CHA CHING! Double time today thank you. Pay me bitch.

Posted on: 2011/2/13 20:53

Re: Jersey City Police get a raise - for off-duty work.
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

While watching a hole in the ground for $360 today I hit on a great idea. If you are really that jealous of the cops working off duty jobs here's what to do. Find a spot where a cop is working and the crew has a manhole open. When the cops not paying attention "accidentally" fall headfirst into the manhole. Then you can sue for millions. Bring one of your friends with you too. It will work because of the liability issue. As a point of information the money the city skims off the top from these jobs goes directly into the general fund. I don't know where the four million dollar number came from but just today the city collected $1480 from one district and things are really slow right now. Its a fact that the city has collected $2400 a day five days a week during busy times and that is one district. Its a pretty big number and no one really knows where it goes. Or where it gets spent. Instead of whining about us wouldn't it be more productive to turn your anger toward city hall and the gross mismanagement occurring there?
They threatened to lay off 82 cops and whether you want to believe it or not your QOL would have taken a serious hit. Where is the outrage that they claimed not to have the money for the cop that will answer any call unflinchingly but found 3.2 million for the ex BA's new firm to do the revaluation? Or the no bid maintenance contract awarded to campaign donors? Your impotent rage directed at the PD is wasting energy because we are a necessary evil. Where you can make a difference is by demanding accountability from this disgrace of an administration running this city into the ground.

Posted on: 2011/2/12 5:41

Re: Jersey City Police get a raise - for off-duty work.
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

CHA CHING LMAO all the way to the bank. I think I'll use two of my six weeks vacation in Bremuda this July, then two more weeks at Lake Placid in the winter. Then I'll only have two weeks leftover. Maybe I'll just work off duty jobs everyday during them two weeks because I can you whining little sissies. Have a nice day. CHA CHING

Posted on: 2011/2/11 4:04

Re: half-eaten chicken bones on the sidewalks
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Because people would rather complain about things than take some simple remedial action to fix the problems that annoy them. Thats why it seems so easy to you.

Posted on: 2011/2/9 1:20

Re: Unleashed Mastiffs Attack JC Man Downtown this Morning
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Feed them some of them chicken bones people are complaining about in another thread. Kill two birds with one stone.

Posted on: 2011/2/9 1:16

Re: Quality of Life
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I have a solution. Its called the suburbs. Especially if you have children move out as soon as possible. Face reality and admit that the city isn't what it was back in the 70's and 80's. That era of JC being the greatest city in the world to be from is long gone and it's never coming back. Nowhere is completely safe but why increase the likelihood of your wife, husband, or child becoming the victim of a crime? Are you going to be able to face yourself if you had the means to escape to a better life for your children but didn't and now it's too late? Aside from the fact that your QOL is never going to improve, there really is no advantage to raising children in the city. Schools, parks and recreational
opportunities are far superior in smaller towns and it is just rotten to deprive a child of a better, safer, more secure future than they have in the city. The only thing the city is good for is young single people. As they say if you're going to hunt deer go to where the deer live. If you're going to hunt beaver go to where the beaver live. The city is where the beaver live, the burbs are where parents who care about their children live.

Posted on: 2011/2/5 2:04

Re: How many people can you have living in a basement?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

It usually varies by cultural and ethnic values. Persons of Asian Indian/Pakistani descent will often restrict the occuancy of a basement to 3 occupants per mattress with each mattress afforded a level of privacy that would rival that of a five star Emergency Room, often through the creative use of old shower curtains or bed sheets. Sociologists believe that the group of 3 is the result of their employment in all night 7/11s so that one person may rest while the others work and attend prayer services etc. However the number of mattresses is only restricted by the square footage of said basement. If theres a spot on the floor you can be sure theres another mattress. Moving on.
People hailing from central and south American countries have no restrictions on occupancy and are far more industrious, often partitioning off seperate living quarters with plywood walls and sometimes actual doors. Noone is sure of the procurement process for these building materials and these accomidations can be a bit tricky to navigate leaving you feeling like a mouse in a high school science experiment. I understand the Fire department has an especially strong dislike for these structures. I've personally witnessed 27 people residing in a 600 sq.ft. cellar and they couldn't have been happier, drinking traditional beverages and singing and dancing until the wee hours of the morning. I swear there was a maternity ward in there but one of the village elders told me that it was just an altar used for religious ceremonies. The chicken bones arranged in peculiar patterns on the altar looked suspicious but hey this is America right. Freedom baby, it's a beautiful thing. Live and let live. Peace to all.

Posted on: 2011/1/29 2:34

Re: Wolf Pack Prey upon Unsuspected Victim
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Yes Kitten they are animals. Whether they are 12,13,14,15, or 25 they are the spawn of mutants who should have been aborted by court order. You aren't in Kansas anymore and these savages are a prime example of why more women should swallow. What you have to understand is that they were reared in subhuman living conditions that would shock the conscience of anyone with a basic paternal instinct. What emerges from these circumstances, that I understand were completely out of their control, is a wild animal that walks erect but has the thought process of a Jackal. While you go about your day please be aware that these predators do in fact exist and if you have something they want, they will attack often viciously. If they percieve you as a threat, they will usually move onto easier prey sort of like the Savannah wild dogs you see on Discovery Channel.
Ask any cop how many times he's had to try to get handcuff's over one of these primates wristwatches. Bet he thinks for a second before saying never. I didn't think about it until about arrest 400. Know why they don't wear watches? Because it doesn't matter what time it is. It's either light or dark outside, hot or cold. Tomorrow doesn't matter, the next hour doesn't matter. Just the here and now.
You may immediately transcribe this as racist commentary but it's really not. Its reality. Please be careful and be aware of your surroundings at all times. If something doesn't feel right it probably isn't.

Posted on: 2011/1/21 3:46

Re: two tires and rims stolen from my car- paulus hook
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Thats what happens when you choose to live in a slum. Your area is a finely polished area of the slum but a slum nonetheless. Its like an ass, you can tone it up, wax it, put a pretty little butterfly tattoo atop it, thong it ,but shit still comes out of it. Just life good luck.

Posted on: 2011/1/14 3:35

Re: Lincoln Park Area: Cops pursue 4 men in Jeep to Kearny before arrests for weapons and more
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Hate to say I told you so.

Posted on: 2011/1/7 3:25

Re: Jersey City Police Department lay offs and budget cuts
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

If you bring your lilly white ass and camera into the neighborhoods I work in you will be shortly relieved of it so I'm not too worried crackpot

Posted on: 2011/1/3 2:39

Re: Jersey City Police Department lay offs and budget cuts
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Like I said I didn't write it but thought it was a well researched, well thought out commentary. He/she also failed to mention the 33 Billion Whitman looted out of the fund to balance her budget and make herself look like a political genius. But whos counting right? The point was how the politicians pitted us against each other while they continue to only help themselves. A perfect example is what this drunk and his merry band of thieves is accomplishing now. Demanding concessions from everyone but themselves. How many deputy Mayors and assistant to the assistant positions could be eliminated before you go after an essential service. Its funny how when we respond to a place where somebody needs our help they never complain about how much money we make. I never heard a victim say I wish there were less of you guys.

Posted on: 2011/1/3 2:17

Re: Jersey City Police Department lay offs and budget cuts
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Somebody wrote this on another site but it makes some pretty good points about why we are where we are so I cut it and posted. Pretty good read.
I would like to make sure everyone-- both public and private sector have a true understanding on how all this came to be. Back in 1992 Florio creates the Pension Revaluation Act. In a nut shell this changed the way the state pensions are valued. The pension went from book value of pension assets, to a market-related value, and increased the assumed rate of return for investments from 7 percent to 8.75 percent. This allowed the pension to grow overnight from 100% to 125%, enabling the state to reduce contributions by 1.5 Billion dollars.
Gov. Christie Whitman, seeking to keep her campaign promise to cut taxes while still balancing the budget, enacted the Pension Reform Act of 1994. To keep this short, this tactic reduced the pension payments by the state by 1.5 Billion dollars. In 1997, under Whitman's Pension Security Plan, the state issued $2.75 billion in bonds through the state Economic Development Authority to pay for pension obligations, instead of appropriating funds from the annual operating budget. By having the EDA issue the bonds, the state got around the constitutional requirement of voter approval to issue new debt. This is pure debt that we all swallow. There was no reason for this.
Why is it so hard to see what the state has done and continues to do? This strategy has been going on every since, except with an added twist-"differed pension payments or pension holidays" You see, since these new evaluations make it appear that the system was fat, in fact it is a play on numbers, the money was not used to pay into the pension fund and instead used to offset taxes in the form of tax cuts or relief. Everyone reaped the benefits of the tax cuts And if you like it or not, everyone has benefited from the public employees pension system since than. Money that should have been payed by the state as an obligation to its employees was used in other NON pension areas. How is this fair?
Today, its clear the government has pitted public vs. private, citizen against citizen, a very smart tactic. This hides the truth! This distorts the facts and spins the story against the public employee, portraying them as the guilty party who somehow holds the blame of this whole issue.
As a matter of fact, there have been many studies concluded that show the public vs. private salary war has no meat. Given all the different variables, it was found that the salary and benefits are commensurate between both sectors. One such study can be found here
So now if we look at this objectively we can find some simple facts:
1- The state government has been taking money from the pension system to create tax cuts for over 15 years..
2- The state governemt has created the war of public vs. private sector employees.
3- The state government neglected to make its required payments for well over 15 years to the pension system.
4- Everyone has benefited from money taken from the pension system in the form of tax cuts.
5- Taxes have never decreased.
Do you see the common theme. They take, they create tension and pit people against people and than assign blame...quietly walking away from problem. Than they create a solution looking like the hero.
I find it disheartening that the rules can be changed in the middle of the game. Public Employees made the required contributions to the system, they payed their taxes as well. While the state manipulated the system in their favor, robbed Peter to pay Paul and found that now the system is broke and insolvent they want to rob Peter again to pay Paul.
The bottom line is that the state is to blame. Not the employees. Its clear we are in a major financial struggle, but does anyone really know why? and by how much? I read numbers and hear equations thrown around, but where do they come from? And if these numbers can be substantiated, in which direction should the finger point? Enron's employees lost everything, the people who lied and stole money from them are in prison or dead. Why than can the state pull a similar move and point the finger elsewhere?
Its also clear that Christies approval rating is slipping. We see he has national political agendas. He is in the process of campaigning across the country as we speak. What are his motives? His children do not go to public schools, his wife makes $500,000 thousand per year, does he have the life of a middle class resident, does he understand our plight? He lives in a gorgeous estate in Mendham. Please, and yet he is making policy for us. He knows how to fix NJ? This is a spring board for his political future agenda, not for us- the residents of NJ. The majority of public sector employees did not campaign for Christie, is this payback? Government should be impartial and unbiased, not vindictive and callous
I urge you all to think twice before we bash each other and point fingers before having the facts. Take a second and do some simple research and come to your own conclusions with fact based answers not venom spewed rage.
We should all collectively demand answers from our elected officials into why these action were allowed to go on. We should point the finger where it should be pointed, not at each other but at our government. Its clear they dropped the ball. Are we all so blind to not see what is really happening here? Have we all become just as vindictive and callous? I promise you, if we remain the old saying goes" We cannot stand."

Posted on: 2011/1/3 1:27

Re: Jersey City Police Department lay offs and budget cuts
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Like I said LMFAO.....I worked New Years Eve. Was in the hood and saw all of them young guys that are getting the ax doing a superb job.....It could have been worse. Great job JCPD Patrol. You guys were awesome. 288 calls for service in the first five hours.Im really looking forward to the warm weather. Gonna be exciting again. Not to mention profitable OT OT OT OT OT OT Oscar Tango for me a File Number for you. Good luck to you

Posted on: 2011/1/2 22:53

Re: Jersey City Police Department lay offs and budget cuts
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

LMFAO there are alot of nights like that coming up. It was a blast being out there. Thank you for the OT and adrenaline rush JC. That reminded me of the good old days with a 750 man dept. 54000 file numbers instead of a dead ass 35000 to close out the year. Pitiful. We'll catch up this year.

Posted on: 2011/1/2 21:06

Re: Jersey City Police Department lay offs and budget cuts
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Anybody out there paying attention to whats going on in Newark? It's only a matter of time before it gets to JC.

Posted on: 2010/12/25 3:44

Re: Wayne St. stabbing in the head/shooting tonight
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

That will make one or two of them wake up and get active. The Narcotics unit is being gutted to get the radio cars filled. They work really hard at what they do, and they're very good at it. Street Crimes is another one. Some really good cops are getting laid off. Other's are getting pulled into patrol. Again some very good cops gone. What do you think is going to happen in the innermost hood, where the majority of you have only read about in the Jersey, but really have no clue what goes on there? Its going to explode. The gangs and dealers are constantly shooting each other now. Get rid of them squads and its going to be a great turf war. And it wont stay contained.
I've said it before, the thugs out in Newark make our toughest gang bangers punks. Anybody around when that nitwit MoMo Moriarity launched his big sweep? National Guard Helicopter, TV crews, the works. The streets were deserted in the hood. Apparently the rumor was that a stick up crew from Newark was in the city and all of our tough little hood rats ran home to mommy. Like the early 90's there are going to be alot of pursuits to Newark. I've been on a few death rides over the bridges. When traveling in the area of Communipaw and the Highway especially use caution. I've seen them go through both red lights at 100 mph to get away. I'll bet there are absolute savages licking their chops right now knowing it's gonna be easy pickings.
If you live in Jersey City, get on the phone or up to the Astor Bar and tell him to cut all of the fat from the top first.Quote:

ScarletRogue wrote:
Another act of violence tonight on Wayne street. Early reports consisted of a shooting: looks like it might have been a stabbing to the head and brandishing of a gun. Be careful in that area tonight...and always.

Posted on: 2010/12/4 4:01

Re: Wayne St. stabbing in the head/shooting tonight
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Wait until the weather breaks. That's all. Newark and JCPD understaffed. Clear your heads of any bias toward the Police and think about what this summer brings. If you cannot see that eliminating about twenty five percent of the Patrol Divisions most motivated, proactive officers is NOT a good thing, you are a lost cause, and you or someone you know personally will need a file number soon. Get in Healy's ass about this and tell him that he better look elsewhere for the money or there will be a political backlash against him and any of his cronies that will cost THEM all of THEIR jobs. Let them buy their own cars first. You're QOL is going downhill fast people.

Posted on: 2010/12/4 2:45

Re: JCPD cutbacks
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

As of 2300 hrs. the JCPD has responded to 257,362 calls for service. Not bad for a bunch of overpaid lazy slobs. This is the total number of calls to 911 and does not reflect MV stops, or "flag downs" where officers are approached in the street. They range in scope from loud music and barking dogs to multiple shootings. When they cut the patrol force by roughly a quarter, alot of calls aren't going to get answered. Big deal you say, think about that hot July night and the Salsa party next door is just reaching it's climax at 4 in the morning with four foot high speakers in the backyard. Or when you're upstairs neighbor's kids are skateboarding across the hardwood floor and you have to get up in the morning for work. Simple things like your driveway is blocked. At full manpower calls sometimes sit for hours because there are no units available. You have no idea how many times I've been sent to a call and happened to be right around the corner only to be scolded by the caller that "he's gone already" I called 45 minutes ago. Then we have to explain the whole thing again that we just received the call a minute or two ago and get on the air and have the dispatcher tell us what time we were sent, what time we arrived then hear the inevitable "I pay your salary."
The reason I'm sitting here typing this is to advise you that it is in your best interest to get your elected officials on notice that they should really be looking at laying off cops only as a last resort. There are roughly 120 patrol cops assigned to each district. The braintrust at 280 Grove is essentially eliminating an entire district while keeping their city cars for personal use. Thats really #OOPS#ed up. The latest trendy way to assign blame is to point to the unions and civil service. The evil unions won't give back. We did give back. No more traditional health plan, higher prescription copays, extending summer vacation periods, and a few other incidental things. Now they want completely absurd "concessions" that "might" save layoffs. We are well paid and still receive good benefits and no one really complains. We also do a job that most people won't or can't do. The other bandwagon from Trenton is going after Civil Service. It's a double edged sword. As in every organization, public or private, there are employees that are complete bags of shit and others that really shine. The majority lie somewhere in the middle. Civil Service protects them all so its a good thing and a bad thing. With it people who should be fired can't be and without it the PD and FD would consist of the local politicians best friends and relatives. Pretty much a street gang with no oversight.
I do not live in the city, 30 years was enough for me. Put your personal feelings toward the cop who railroaded you and gave you that ticket aside and think about the big picture. It's your city, your children, your wife or girlfriend walking home from the PATH after work. That old saying theres never a cop around when you need one is going to be theres never a cop around period. Like it or not we are a necessary evil and at 257,362 calls so far this year pretty much everyone in the city needed us at one time or another.

Posted on: 2010/11/23 5:52

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