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Re: Jersey City Police get a raise - for off-duty work.
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Does anyone know if cops on construction detail are acting in their official capacity? In other words, are they cops, or just juice heads in funny costumes?

The reason I ask is because invariably, cops "directing traffic" in and around downtown construction sites are the cause of more chaos and danger than any conditions of the construction. I've been:

1. directed into the direct path of an oncoming light rail (while being angrily yelled at by "directing" PO)

2. left to languish while PO talked on phone before finally deciding to direct traffic

3. nearly hit by cars based on inept traffic control by PO.

Each and every time, the PO was basically distracted by something - another PO, T&A, a blowing plastic bag, etc.

So, are they actually supposed to be doing something besides sucking down money? Because if not, then it would make more sense for them to just like go sit someplace and do their extorting out of sight, and leave the traffic control to the professionals.

Posted on: 2011/2/12 13:25

Re: Jersey City Police get a raise - for off-duty work.
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FDS_JC wrote:
Police fees aren't as big of an issue for productions as lack of NJ state tax incentives for film production. The loss off tax credits is the real reason SVU left for NYC. NJ used to have it, NY does have it and that's the big reason more productions choose Long Island, Westchester or Rockland when they want to get out of the boroughs. As for JC type streetscapes they can just go to Brooklyn or Queens. For small Indie productions the cop fees might be more of an issue, but small productions don't bring much to the area economically anyway. Right now the tax credit program is on hold, having been passed by the state leg. and waiting for Christie to sign it (or not).

True enough, but that doesn't change the dimwitted policy of the local PD trying to milk productions that typically run on extremely tight budgets. Why "blow" thousands of dollars on cops when you can just shoot in Brooklyn?

Posted on: 2011/2/12 13:15

Re: Renting my condo; advice needed
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Threads like these always make me a temporary Marxist.

Posted on: 2011/2/12 13:04

Re: Jersey City Police get a raise - for off-duty work.
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Vigilante wrote:
This is just a way to outsource overtime pay. Ever wonder why you don't see that many film shoots in Jersey City the past few years? It's because the city will make film shoots use way more cops than they'd ever need. Production companies used to shoot here because it was a little cheaper and a little easier. Now it's just not cost effective so they stay in NYC.

This is absolutely true. I know a long-time production manager who scheduled a few shoots here, and she was absolutely floored by the demands and behavior of the police for her low-budget indie film. She said she'd basically never run across a bigger bunch of leeches in her 20+ year career. They treat(ed) film shoots like a candy store.

Posted on: 2011/2/11 4:22

Re: half-eaten chicken bones on the sidewalks
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Chicken bones are nasty - but those single-serve floss devices tossed all over the place give me the chills. I want to get a Hep-C test just LOOKING at them.

Posted on: 2011/2/9 15:32

Re: half-eaten chicken bones on the sidewalks
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Because cigarette butts aren't irresistible to doggies, nor do they get stuck on your shoes and track all over your polar bear skin fireplace rug.


It's been amazing this winter navigating the narrow snow corridors
whilst avoiding piles of dog crap. Bad enough on a wide sidewalk. But these little snow lanes allow for no avoidance of dog bombs without danger to my own dear self.

Dogs should be banned during snow times, because people just can't handle the responsibility.

Posted on: 2011/2/9 14:33

Re: half-eaten chicken bones on the sidewalks
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I'd rather step on a chicken bone than a pile of dog shit.

Posted on: 2011/2/9 4:37

Re: half-eaten chicken bones on the sidewalks
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No dog should touch any food that it's owner doesn't give it direct permision to touch. That's not just dog training but part of the responsibility of being a dog owner.

I love you.

Posted on: 2011/2/9 4:35

Re: half-eaten chicken bones on the sidewalks
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Vigilante wrote:

It's not just choking because dogs do not digest cooked bones well and can sometimes get blockages in their intestines.

Every cloud has a silver lining.

Posted on: 2011/2/8 20:02

Re: Loew's Theater could be so much more...
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Because bands make their money from touring, and if they have to pay less of a venue fee they can make more money.

Plenty of bands play in Brooklyn, plenty play in Manhattan, plenty play Maxwells, and plenty would play The Lowes if they could.

Posted on: 2011/2/2 19:46

Re: education - convoluted scholarship (school voucher) bill coming soon
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corybraiterman wrote:
"Organised religion is violent, irrational, intolerant, allied to racism, tribalism, and bigotry, invested in ignorance and hostile to free inquiry, contemptuous of women and coercive toward children."
? Christopher Hitchens

"Organised organizations are violent, irrational, intolerant, allied to racism, tribalism, and bigotry, invested in ignorance and hostile to free inquiry, contemptuous of women and coercive toward children."

"Organised countries are violent, irrational, intolerant, allied to racism, tribalism, and bigotry, invested in ignorance and hostile to free inquiry, contemptuous of women and coercive toward children."

"Organised governments are violent, irrational, intolerant, allied to racism, tribalism, and bigotry, invested in ignorance and hostile to free inquiry, contemptuous of women and coercive toward children."

"Organised humans are violent, irrational, intolerant, allied to racism, tribalism, and bigotry, invested in ignorance and hostile to free inquiry, contemptuous of women and coercive toward children."

This is such a wide group of negatives as to encompass any organization of any humans of almost any size, and is therefore, as usual per Hitchens, typical specious bullshit.

Posted on: 2011/2/1 19:01

Re: education - convoluted scholarship (school voucher) bill coming soon
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The US has always been terrified of Catholic Schools turning out little papists. Attempts to destroy Catholic education run back to the 1800s. Nothing new!

Posted on: 2011/1/31 18:27

Re: 24 Hour catholic churches?
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14 seems to be the general age of consent for about half the world.

The point is moot, however, because within the Church relations are only licit within heterosexual marriage. So it's not like this is a license to have sex with 14 years olds. Disregarding the sex scandal, the selective outrage at the age of consent in the Vatican is ridiculous. The age of consent in Japan, for instance, is 13. Are you all boycotting Godzilla movies, too?

Posted on: 2011/1/21 14:53

Re: Mayor Healy distances himself from business administrator's 'disparaging' comments on police, fire
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carpetbaggertil718 wrote:
Yes Kitten they are animals. Whether they are 12,13,14,15, or 25 they are the spawn of mutants who should have been aborted by court order. You aren't in Kansas anymore and these savages are a prime example of why more women should swallow. What you have to understand is that they were reared in subhuman living conditions that would shock the conscience of anyone with a basic paternal instinct. What emerges from these circumstances, that I understand were completely out of their control, is a wild animal that walks erect but has the thought process of a Jackal. While you go about your day please be aware that these predators do in fact exist and if you have something they want, they will attack often viciously. If they percieve you as a threat, they will usually move onto easier prey sort of like the Savannah wild dogs you see on Discovery Channel.
Ask any cop how many times he's had to try to get handcuff's over one of these primates wristwatches. Bet he thinks for a second before saying never. I didn't think about it until about arrest 400. Know why they don't wear watches? Because it doesn't matter what time it is. It's either light or dark outside, hot or cold. Tomorrow doesn't matter, the next hour doesn't matter. Just the here and now.
You may immediately transcribe this as racist commentary but it's really not. Its reality. Please be careful and be aware of your surroundings at all times. If something doesn't feel right it probably isn't.

Seems like Jack Kelly was spot-on to me.

Posted on: 2011/1/21 14:18

Re: Wolf Pack Prey upon Unsuspected Victim
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Posted on: 2011/1/21 13:41

Re: Wolf Pack Prey upon Unsuspected Victim
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"Yes Kitten they are animals. Whether they are 12,13,14,15, or 25 they are the spawn of mutants who should have been aborted by court order. You aren't in Kansas anymore and these savages are a prime example of why more women should swallow. What you \....
You may immediately transcribe this as racist commentary but it's really not. Its reality. Please be careful and be aware of your surroundings at all times. If something doesn't feel right it probably isn't."

Carpetbagger, you are a disgrace to the police force and to the human race.

Posted on: 2011/1/21 12:43

Re: 131 Kensington to Journal Square PATH--too far to walk?
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Kensington's alright but it gets rougher as you head away from West Side Avenue (which is rough enough at night.) There are plenty of bus options, and I believe there might even be jitneys running now, too, which would be your best bet. The busses in Jersey City tend to run in clumps - like three at a time, leaving long gaps in between. Your daytime walk is fine. Nightime, probably, too, but like most of Jersey City it gets pretty deserted of foot traffic. Stick to walking Kennedy Blvd. Cap ride about 5 bucks if it's real late. Plowing and shoveling is often spotty, even along Kennedy, so consider that too in your 15 minute walk.

Best advice is go walk it yourself a few times.

Posted on: 2011/1/15 16:23

Re: Loew's Theater could be so much more...
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brewster wrote:

Actually a very coherent comment.

Actually, it was thousands of dollars of free marketing advice, but thanks for noticing.

Posted on: 2011/1/14 21:43

Re: Loew's Theater could be so much more...
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Therein lies the problem.

You can't redevelop a blighted a neighborhood with part-time volunteers.

One solution is to run the Lowes more as a business. That doesn't mean it has to be crap. A good mission statement would work fine to ensure that core values and goals are met and maintained.

At least a few people should be paid for their efforts. A small, full-time staff would do wonders. I'm sure that the folks at the Apollo would be happy to spend an hour explaining how they've kept that theatre alive all these years.

So, we're talking a roughly 150k a year operating budget. That's 1250 10 dollar tickets a month. A full-time director, a full-time marketing / events co-ordinater, and a part-time secretary. Contract out for website, accounting, etc. Apply for NJ State Council on the Arts funding, but with an eye toward self-sufficiency. Put a green-roof on top and sell carbon credits. Rent the theatre for corporate events and team-building exercises. Stage Peter Pan once a year. Make sure you have plenty of seasonal fare. Show Planes Trains and Automobiles every Thanksgiving. Show the Blob in ORIGINAL 3D! Red and blue glasses! WOW! Sell Lowes merch using Zazzie or something. Commission a local artist contest to "brand" the theatre, and sell awesome Lowes posters and hoodies. Embrace the future while preserving and honoring the past. Don't be provincial. Etc.

I love the space. My bulldozer comment was harsh. Withdrawn, but it can be so much more. It's great to renovate, but you have to have a vision to go with it.

Posted on: 2011/1/14 15:46

Re: Loew's Theater could be so much more...
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Yeah, but there's no reason that they aren't having show every night, or at least every weekend. You can comfortably do both.

Revivals, classics, and concerts - even the occasional first run. I bet TONS of horror movies would LOVE to do one-off screenings there.

Lowes should be helping to build a better Journal Square, or it should be bulldozed to make room for something that will.

Posted on: 2011/1/14 15:18

Re: Loew's Theater could be so much more...
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MDM wrote:

Why isn't more going on there?

How much demand is their for a 2000 seat venue in a rundown part of town with no parking?

Your uninformed and stupid question will get an informed and intelligent reply, although it doesn't deserve one.

A recent screening of Nosferatu with live organ accompaniment was nearly sold out. I believe that the Beck concert a few years back did sell out. Two very different performances, but both drew massive audiences. And I guarantee that Beck didn't fill the house solely with Jersey City residents.

As for parking, there is plenty of cheap parking available literally right next to the theatre. And of course the PATH is across the street.

The problem is the curation of content, which is probably a function of the not-for-profit nature of the Friends of Lowes. They should hire a real event planner or film festival programmer and the place would do gangbusters.

Posted on: 2011/1/14 15:04

Re: Assemblywoman Cleopatra Tucker Proposes Bicycle Tax
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This is a good first step, but doesn't go nearly far enough.

1. Potential bicyclists should have to get a license and be trained in proper operation of a human-powered vehicle. I see way too many bicyclists ignoring traffic regulations, riding on sidewalks, "pulling wheelies," etc. This is a hazard! A mandatory class followed by a paper Certification in Bicycling would be key to ending this recklessness.

2. Annual Registration. To ensure that the bicycle hasn't changed hands without proper paperwork being filed.

3. Insurance - Who knows how many tax dollars are spent treating the un-insured victims of wanton bicycling? No-fault insurance should be mandatory.

4. Environmental Inspection - While this may seem like an unnecessary precaution, there are countless old, out-of-fate bicycles on the road. Before environmental regulations, these bikes were painted with toxic lead paint and constructed from other potentially harmful materials. Chips of this lead paint could fall off and be consumed by small children, rendering them brain damaged and potential "wards of the state." Also, I see many bicyclists smoking - trailing long clouds of toxic, chocking, carcinogenic smoke behind them, leading to countless deaths from second hand smoke. This madness must end!

I sent a copy of this note to Rep. Cleopatra on behalf of the Concerned Citizens of Jersey City.

Posted on: 2011/1/13 14:25

Re: Assemblywoman Cleopatra Tucker Proposes Bicycle Tax
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And rascal riders, "By the Pound," for wear and tear on our precious Walmartinfrastructures.

Posted on: 2011/1/13 6:19

Re: Assemblywoman Cleopatra Tucker Proposes Bicycle Tax
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Exciting. Soon you'll be ready to leave comments on the Huffington Post! A Banner Day!

Posted on: 2011/1/13 4:12

Re: Assemblywoman Cleopatra Tucker Proposes Bicycle Tax
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I would love to see those fees go toward lowering gas prices. Damned yuppies and their riding machines. Tax the elite bikers and bring down the costs for the working joes who have to drive back and forth to work everyday, I say. Only an elitist urbanite could afford to have a bike as a primary mode of transportation, so I say TAX THE RICH!

Posted on: 2011/1/13 4:10

Re: Assemblywoman Cleopatra Tucker Proposes Bicycle Tax
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Hahahaha! I love her. We should tax bicycles to fund mass transit.


Posted on: 2011/1/13 1:56

Re: Governor Christie halts new train tunnel into Manhattan due to cost overun
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You know, you'd figure something called "mass transit" would figure out a way to subsidize itself.

Posted on: 2011/1/12 19:21

Re: Governor Christie halts new train tunnel into Manhattan due to cost overun
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What's disgusting is that the toll increase was meant to go to ARC in the first place. And this guy has the nerve to invoke "rob Peter to pay Paul?"

Seems like a proper use of the funds now, although I am one of those folks who feel that the tolls should be demolished entirely as they were supposed to have been in the 1960s.

Posted on: 2011/1/12 18:55

Re: Jury Duty
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The jitney is the easiest way to get there. It'll drop you off, but I think you have to go all the way around to the front. (It goes behind the courthouse and then comes down Newark before going to Palisade.)

Just ask the driver. I think it's 1.25. You can shop at Mahoney's Meats on your break. Eat a raw steak on the jury stand, might get you out of it.

Posted on: 2011/1/11 0:11

Re: Newark Avenue's Psychic Dina - sees big changes coming in 2011 for Hudson's powerful
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She should be doing her predictions from a jail cell.

Posted on: 2010/12/31 16:30

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