Re: Please stop the huge 9/11 memorial at LSP - it will ruin the park's views of the Manhattan skyline!
Quite a regular
The walls will display the names of each of those who died in the attack. It's a NJ memorial, not NY.
And about it being ugly and hideous....that's a personal opinion. I can assure you there are many of us who like the idea and are happy that it's a done deal. All in the eyes of the beholders.
Posted on: 2011/6/27 15:50
Re: Please stop the huge 9/11 memorial at LSP - it will ruin the park's views of the Manhattan skyline!
Quite a regular
1. Maybe it would be a good idea to wait for the project is complete before making judgement. It's not too often that construction looks great at the outset.
2. The families of the victims of 9/11 approved the design and that motivated state officials more than anything. 3. It's not like there aren't other areas to view the skyline. Actually, there's another mile plus of viewing opportunities.
Posted on: 2011/6/27 15:12
Re: Bob Hurley and St. Anthony on 60 MINUTES
Quite a regular
Anyone who follows St. Anthony's program is aware that many of Bob Hurley's players are from outside Jersey City. But you state that "most of those kids are not from Jersey City." Do you know that to be a fact?
Posted on: 2011/3/29 13:11
Re: Bob Hurley and St. Anthony on 60 MINUTES
Quite a regular
Bob Hurley, great high school basketball coach, great human being. Because hundreds of kids were under his guidance, they are better, more productive people. We all owe him thanks.
Posted on: 2011/3/28 13:44
Re: Jersey City off-duty cop involved in today's crash in Bayonne that caused woman's death, official co
Quite a regular
This is not a dead issue. Demonstration in the planning stages. Stay tuned.
Posted on: 2011/3/3 16:52
Re: Wolf Pack Prey upon Unsuspected Victim
Quite a regular
Not racist commentary? Really? "Primates" Who are you kidding?
Posted on: 2011/1/21 18:30
Re: Wolf Pack Prey upon Unsuspected Victim
Quite a regular
Pretty much the sickest thing I've read on this thing. You're living in a civilized country with a criminal justice system that works. How about moving to Iran? You would like it there.
Posted on: 2011/1/21 18:25
Re: Fracas in Hamilton Park dog run this past Sunday
Quite a regular
Beautifully put and exactly the issue. You'll find a lot of criticism against kids and teens in the park from those who either don't have kids, or forgot what it was like to be one. To understand that the kids on the courts are just that, kids, is something that eludes so many.
Posted on: 2010/9/22 14:20
Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
Quite a regular
Hmmmmm.....sounds like you have a real problem here. Is it really that bad? I can help with possible solutions:
*Gather your neighbors and protest. *Continue to complain on a blog. *Move 'Cause either way there will be courts, there will be kids playing, and there will be noise. Over and out on this end. Quote:
Posted on: 2010/6/30 16:24
Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
Quite a regular
The problem is, you don't live next to the bb court. The whistle blowing, the buzzer going off, besides the yelling and screaming, right next to where people are trying to sleep is completely incomprehensible.
I just don't understand why the court at Enos Jones can't be used instead, as it is much further away from where people live.[/quote] Really, so that's the problem? How about the fact that I live about a half block away from the courts and directly adjacent to Cordero School? Because I chose to live next to a school I feel I forfeit my right to complain about kids' noise. The courts have been there forever. Did those who moved in across the street from them ask about court noise before they bought or leased? Or did they think that kids would just try to play a little quieter? The courts are here to stay and if you think they're unpopular, ask around.
Posted on: 2010/6/30 16:10
Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
Quite a regular
Walked past the park last evening with two dog-walking friends. We passed the playground and commented on the wonderful sounds coming from at least 100 happy little kids. We got to the basketball court and the league was in full swing. Kids, 22 of them playing in new uniforms, a very cool working score board, glistening new court surface, and we counted about 50 people viewing the game. One guy said it looks like an urban poster for how things should be. So you see, we all see things differently. The courts are here and they're here to stay. And if they weren't, I know three guys that would fight like hell to get them back.
Posted on: 2010/6/30 15:10
Re: Kayak Eco Tours in Liberty State PArk
Quite a regular
Kayaks provided or needed?
Level of experience required? Cost? Level of experience of tour leaders?
Posted on: 2010/6/29 14:57
Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
Quite a regular
Well said. I live a block from the park and have spoken to many people about the changes. Nearly everyone has nothing but positive comments. Personally, with the exception of a failed fountain and spary park, it's nearly perfect. On the basketball court specifically, most comments are related to how good they look, how considerate it was to put in a surface the deadens the noise of dribbling, and how great it is that kids in the area can come to a local park to play hoop. Your comment about the litter is right on the mark. High school kids, for the most part, could not care less about litter. That responsibility may come later but for now it's just not cool, unfortunately. It should be realized that the whining comes from persistent whiners - that's what they do. And when you accentuate the positive they accuse you of being disengenous. Best to ignore them as most are now doing.
Posted on: 2010/6/17 13:04
Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
Quite a regular
You're crossing a line here and taking this to an ugly place. Go to the embankment dog area, go to Enos Jones dog area, talk to all those you normally talk to. You will find that each and every person is in favor of the bb court. You know us, you've talked to us about many things. Do you really think because we are in favor of the court we are racists? You're desparate to win an argument that you lost a long, long time ago. Come out from behind this veil and tell us how racist we are in person. Everyone is thin-skinned but you, right, Vig? Stop whining. Kids littler.
Posted on: 2010/6/15 18:23
Re: Special Meeting - Pet Free Zone
Quite a regular
[Seriously? Do you have any idea how many dog-owners we can summon up? Don't go there.[/quote]
As a fellow dog owner who talks to lots of other dog owners, I suggest you ask them what they think. I have and the majority would be on my list. All pointless anyway. A court there will be. PS: Do you really think that when football was being played in the park last year the F bomb wasn't heard by the kids in the playground? So don't be so offended by what you hear at Enos Jones.
Posted on: 2010/3/24 15:26
Re: Special Meeting - Pet Free Zone
Quite a regular
I DARE the city to pass this!! And Good Luck enforcing it.[/quote]
I have the same passion and focus for having basketball courts in HP that you have for dog space. And as you dare the city toenforce their rules, I dare you to mount a fight against the courts. Your liberal friends, the entire department of recreation, and as many high school students as we choose will be on hand to sign and fight for what is rightfully theirs. You give your anti-court speeches and just about everyone walks away shaking their heads.
Posted on: 2010/3/24 14:56
Re: McCann: If Christie cuts school aid -- 1,500 school employees will have to be laid off
Quite a regular
T-Bird wrote: There are 26 people with the titles of Assistant Superintendent or Deputy Superintendent. Let me try this again...... not really.....there are five associate supts., one deputy supt.
Posted on: 2010/2/25 16:27
Re: McCann: If Christie cuts school aid -- 1,500 school employees will have to be laid off
Quite a regular
Each of the top eight administrators at the JC Bd. of Ed. are provided with cars complete with repair and fuel costs. Before laying anyone off these perks among others should be forfeited.
Posted on: 2010/2/25 13:19
Re: City Hires Former Mayor and Felon, Gerry McCann
Quite a regular
All of the above is absolutely true complete with eye witnesses, myself included. A lot of his tricks were done at the Ale House in the company of cops and lawyers. Still not as bad as our current drunk.
Posted on: 2010/2/24 19:08
Re: Downtown: Guy Stealing Packages and Mail.
Quite a regular
Agreed....or at least hear it from someone else beside the story teller.
Posted on: 2010/1/25 13:47
Re: Incident at Hamilton Park
Quite a regular
What did the cops say? Because if no one called the cops don't bother posting this kind of stuff.[/quote]
Jersey Girl is relating an incident told to her by someone else. There's a good chance she has no more information than she posted. Because she doesn't know if the incident was reported or doesn't know what the cops said she shouldn't post? So now you determine who can post and who can not.
Posted on: 2010/1/20 18:42
Re: Jersey City's schools again do poorly on tests; Bayonne's do well
Quite a regular
Just a point that should be considered...... Charter schools are considered public schools and just as there are outstanding public schools and those that perform poorly, the same is true for charters. The magic bullet that our new ed. commissioner has for us in the form of charter schools will make no difference.
Posted on: 2010/1/15 15:17
Re: Bayonne firefighter, wife are accused of marijuana farming and selling crop on internet
Quite a regular
And being honest, they don't have the kind of time to sit at a computer all day responding to the rumors and gossip of the neighborhood.
Posted on: 2010/1/7 14:10
Re: 15lb lobster at shoprite
Quite a regular
I just thought if you were into seeing large animals confined in small places cramped nearly to the point of torture, a zoo would be for you.
Posted on: 2010/1/5 18:26
Re: 15lb lobster at shoprite
Quite a regular
Try a'll be amazed.
Posted on: 2010/1/5 15:58
Re: Mayor Gave Parking Scofflaws a Free Pass To Get Re-Elected, Former Parking Boss Says
Quite a regular
I can.....he's drunk, naked on his porch, slurring the order to one of his underlings who just came back from a meeting to collect from developers. Not so hard to imagine at all.
Posted on: 2009/12/18 14:31
Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
Quite a regular
The BB court adds no value to the neighborhood and is, instead, a nuisance. Anyone who would deny that is deluded or hopelessly PC. No area of the park collected more trash and more problems than that court. I support the summer leagues but they can play at Enos Jones, as they did this year, or the Charter School. The 2am basketball games are a disgrace and no one should have to put up with that. BTW? I don't even live near the courts but I have seen and heard the screaming and yelling on summer nights and anyone who would excuse that behavior is an idiot.
You beat this drum alone. Not just your liberal neighbors but those conservative as well just about unanimously agree that taking away basketball courts from an inner city park is pretty dumb. No, we don't believe as you say in another thread that these kids will "go out and rob and stab." Hyperbole forgiven, but we only say that they are in a better place on a bb court than on the streets. As for providing residents with the phone number of the police to call when things get loud, how does this differ with calling the cops when dogs are off leash. You think that off leash law-breakers are not worthy of bothering the cops but bb playing kids are? The courts are a nuisance to you and just about no one else, not even those who live adjacent to them.
Posted on: 2009/9/14 15:09
stolen bike
Quite a regular
Bike taken from vestibule today at between 5:15 and 6:30. Red Peugot racer 10 spped, white taping on handlebars. Love to hear from anyone who happens to spot it however unlikely that is.
Posted on: 2009/9/4 22:57
Re: Renovation Update: Lead found in Hamilton Park
Quite a regular
Thanks for that information. That fact-based, calm, reasonable information.
Posted on: 2009/7/27 19:45