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Re: Powerhouse Lounge
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Has anyone walked past this sad excuse for a bar/loungel lately? Yes, I realize it's closed and rightfully so but shoudn't the owners have to keep the outside clean and free of garbage? it's such a damn eyesore.

Posted on: 2015/11/10 18:53

Re: Moving vans taking people out of state in droves, survey finds
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Less we all forget around 10,00 people retire each DAY and the number is growing. I don't know any retirees who actively seek out NJ nor do I know any that are hell bent on remaining here. Ridiculous property taxes aside hotter climates will always be the #1 driver.

Posted on: 2014/1/7 16:00

Re: Councilman Rich Boggiano endorses Steve Lonegan for U.S. Senate
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Now that Booker won (which was going to happen anyway) will these Repubs finally stop using Palin? A few years ago, when the Tea Party was more popular this camera hungry, self absorbed loon may have carried some weight. Now, most sane citizens see her as a total joke.....even a great many moderate Repubs and Libertarians.

Posted on: 2013/10/17 10:33

Re: Endorsements Hardly Matter - Mayor Steven Fulop
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In Steve's letter he mentions that the voters in Jersey City are "ever more independent" and while that is true and helped in his land slide victory I think the major reason was that Jersey City now has a more educated voting base. This fact is something the "apparatus," as it were, loathed with every ounce of their being.

There's no question that we are all products of our past and the Jersey City voters proved we don't have to be prisoners of it.

Posted on: 2013/10/10 13:32

Re: The Frank Hague Desk
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Please DO NOT restore this desk. Sure, if there are splits in the wood or a piece of hardware is missing fix those sorts of thing but please keep the wear marks, the dents, etc.

Sanding and re-staining this piece of JC history would be a travesty.

Email to voice your opinion on what to do with the desk

Posted on: 2013/9/27 14:02

Re: Graffiti Mural: FAIL
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Is anyone still in the dark as to what this person is really trying to do/explain? ArtProf feels we are keeping them on track but we have zero clue to what track they are on.

Mural initiative? Where? Who is involved?

Pay attention to this quote: "For me the greatest beauty always lies in the greatest clarity"

Posted on: 2013/9/6 13:44

Re: Former Gov. McGreevey to head Jersey City jobs commission
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Bob Knapp has an axe to grind and he knows his days are numbered. Nothing more, we can all move along now.....

Posted on: 2013/7/17 15:07

Re: Former Gov. McGreevey to head Jersey City jobs commission
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Call Fulop's decision to hire on McGreevy a gift or a hand-out but either way, McGreevey is going to be scrutinized and watched with a magnifying glass. McGreevey's past foibles only make his new found employment that much more precious and serious to him.

I'm willing to give him this chance.

Posted on: 2013/7/14 14:37

Re: Online petition calls for Jersey City Mayor Fulop to make art maven Brauser art ‘ambassador’
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I am not saying Brickey hasn't done anything for the art scene here or that he doesn't care, I am simply saying that we need fresh ideas. Greg is from the old guard and is a long time Jersey City guy who in my opinion is jaded and way to politically motivated to be impartial and clear headed.

I hope Fulop shakes up of the Division of Cultrual Affairs. We need new blood in there!

DanL wrote:
come on, enough pot shots already.

Uta Brauser is not petitioning for a "job", but to be the "official" arts ambassador. this is spinning out of control. read the petition.

Greg Brickey helped my city council campaign out. he is a respected visual artist residing in Jersey City and was critical in helping me have the support of the artist community residing in ward e. while obviously, not enough to overcome by a long shot the tidal wave of support that Mayor Fulop earned and achieved, but he worked with me in efforts to expand the entertainment ordinance and continue development of the arts as an industry which we will both in our own ways continue to do.

Maryanne Kelleher supported Councilwoman Richardson who in her early years switched her vote on a tax abatement extension after receiving a phone call from the mayor, in her parting efforts on the council brought back and landmarked St. John's Church.

and I love Thomas Carlson and Dancing Tony, they do things.

if life in our city were simple .....


81905 wrote:
With all due respect, give our mayor a bit of credit. If an "arts ambassador" position ever does become reality or if Maryanne Kelleher is on the way out, Fulop will go through the right channels and select a person with class, experience and knowledge of the all encompassing JC arts landscape. I don't see Uta as that person.

In my opinion we need to shake up the Cultural Affairs ship in Jersey City and get some fresh ideas in there. Guys like Greg Brickey, who backed Healy and who works with Maryanne Kelleher at Cultural Affairs, are not what our city needs if we want to be taken seriously.


Posted on: 2013/7/10 14:23

Re: Online petition calls for Jersey City Mayor Fulop to make art maven Brauser art ‘ambassador’
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With all due respect, give our mayor a bit of credit. If an "arts ambassador" position ever does become reality or if Maryanne Kelleher is on the way out, Fulop will go through the right channels and select a person with class, experience and knowledge of the all encompassing JC arts landscape. I don't see Uta as that person.

In my opinion we need to shake up the Cultural Affairs ship in Jersey City and get some fresh ideas in there. Guys like Greg Brickey, who backed Healy and who works with Maryanne Kelleher at Cultural Affairs, are not what our city needs if we want to be taken seriously.

Posted on: 2013/7/9 14:37

Re: Fulop ally set to hire daughter as $15K-a-year aide
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Kudos to Mrs. Watterman for seeing this obvious conflict of interest and kudos to the JC List family who I firmly believe caused enough of a raucous to open her eyes.

Posted on: 2013/7/3 20:42

Re: Healy says goodbye after nine years as Jersey City's mayor
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Surely Jerry's comment about the much politicized and contested 1 & 9 warehouse monstrosity is his farewell jab at our new mayor.

Fulop was against selling it Ahold USA and he and Jerry got in a number of heated discussions about it on the campaign trail.

"Asked about his accomplishments, Healy cited the land on Routes 1&9 underneath the Pulaski Skyway. Formerly a smoldering dumping ground, the area is now home to a warehouse and park that are under construction."

Even Dan Levin (who ran with Healy) in his video for mayor 4 years ago knew what a bone-headed move it was. The traffic in that area is abysmal and now it just got 10X worse.

So long Jerry!

Posted on: 2013/6/29 13:26

Re: Jersey City Mayor-elect Fulop names corporation counsel and chief of staff
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The only redeeming quality about Bill Matiskoudis was that he finally wised up and cut that cheesy, stringy looking mane he used to have

Posted on: 2013/6/13 16:47

Re: Jersey City election 2013: where the race stands
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Once again the new educated, informed voting populous of Jersey City prevails. Over the last 10 years 15K more residents have moved here and over that same time period the median house income has shot up an extra 18K, outpacing Brooklyn.

Posted on: 2013/6/12 11:59

Re: "Empty Sky" - NJ State 9/11 Memorial in Liberty State Park
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TheBigGuy - So true! At that one precise angle it makes sense but when you move just 2ft it's just two big, long, intimidating unfinished cement walls.

Funny you should mention the trees that are growing in front of the North facing cement wall.

Here's the hogwash that's on the architects site regarding the trees:

"A gently sloped mound is channeled by a path that directs the sight line to Ground Zero, peeling back the earth to reveal this powerful perspective. A low, grassy berm softly rises to ten feet creating an amphitheater like incline that faces Lower Manhattan. Groves of dogwood trees will both buffer and beautify the site and in a cycle of strength and renewal, the dogwoods will distinctly reflect the changing seasons."

Posted on: 2013/6/5 22:27

Re: "Empty Sky" - NJ State 9/11 Memorial in Liberty State Park
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Here's an article about the 911 Memorial at LSP for those who care.....

Empty Sky Memorial

From the article and particularly troubling.....

"Cahill is an unlikely leader of the New Jersey 9/11 Memorial Commission?along with his fellow commissioners he has no design or fundraising experience. Yet the commission made up of victims? family members easily reached consensus on the design, unanimously choosing ?Empty Sky? by architects Jessica Jamroz and Frederic Schwartz of Frederic Schwartz Architects in New York. It was one of six designs presented to the 12-member commission out of the more than 300 that were submitted and narrowed down by a professional jury".

*Moral of the story: Never trust a slick, ego driven architectural firm with gobs of state funded money, a group of grieving citizens with zero design credentials and a plan that did not include a local public hearing. Not exactly "Government for the people by the people" was it?

Posted on: 2013/6/5 15:51

Re: Local Indie Musicians Starting New Music Series in PAD
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Posted on: 2013/6/4 18:37

Re: Chief Comey, other JCPD top brass planning to retire before Fulop takes the helm?
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With all due respect, Mrs. Kubowicz chose to leave out the other significant issue at hand and the one that has received top billing in every regional newspaper of late and that's the unfortunate and incredulous timing of all these officers retirements (Comey, perhaps foreseeing Jerry's eventual loss, put in his notice in December.) It's sad, unfathomable and really strikes at the strangle hold and influence Jerry Healy and others have had over our "boys in blue." Let's also not forget there are other major financial implications for those retiring as well that speak to the true nature of these officers.

Below are the two main quotes Fulop has made regarding the serious situation all of Jersey City will soon find itself in. For Elizabeth to bring up her fathers 911 sacrifices, overtime and training is disingenuous to the main crux of Fulop's disappointment.

?The fact that Chief Comey and his colleagues in the police department are putting in for retirement just days after the mayor lost the election demonstrates how the Healy police department is more concerned with their cushy office jobs than protecting the public,? Fulop said in a statement. ?We have a public safety crisis and yet these officers are putting their own personal financial interests ahead of public safety and certainly ahead of the taxpayers. I am beyond outraged. I am disgusted.?

?Let me be clear to Comey and friends that I intend to scrutinize every penny requested before Jersey City taxpayers shell out any money,? Fulop said in the statement in which he questions how truthful the payout claims are. ?Some of these officers that are requesting taxpayer payouts are saying that in 30 years of policing, they never took a single sick or leave day, which is just not realistic or believable. I will not allow these officers to rip off the taxpayers. Jersey City?s overburdened families deserve no less.?

It may be hard for her to see the facts because her father and his fellow officers are about to be audited with a fine tooth comb but Mayor elect Fulop's obligation is to the citizens of Jersey City and NOT just her and her father.

Make no mistake, when many of these outgoing officers have the gumption to claim they never took a day off Fulop has no other choice but to scrutinize these allegations.

I firmly believe that if Mrs. Kubowicz were to remove her financial and emotional connection it would be quite easy for her to understand Fulop's reaction and his swift action. Remember, one of Fulop's central election platforms was to provide Jersey City with a fair, honest and open government. From that alone, he has no other choice but to make these necessary inquiries and as tax payers we demand them.

Sadly, from what I have read these police contracts and the woefully outdated and unsophisticated system of tracking these officers days off, overtime, etc. will likely prove to hard to dig through. Chalk it up as yet another corrupt, mismanaged piece of Jersey City lore.

As a side note - Something tells me that Jerry wasn't very as interested in updating the JCPD's 70's era systems of accountability during his reign. I sincerely doubt Comey and his "boys in blue" weren't either.

Posted on: 2013/6/4 12:59

Re: "Empty Sky" - NJ State 9/11 Memorial in Liberty State Park
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When I am walking along the shore in Paulus Hook I sometimes email Frederick Schwartz Architects of NYC photos of their unfinished cement wall eyesore. Doubt it will change their thoughts on public space design but I feel slightly better as I stare at the abrupt penitentiary style blockade that used to yield such beautiful, unblemished views of LSP and the Hudson River.

Posted on: 2013/6/1 14:15

Re: "Empty Sky" - NJ State 9/11 Memorial in Liberty State Park
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The original design called for the stainless steel cladding to be on the outside of the walls as well but for some bizarre reason (Cost 15M) the money trough ran dry. Instead we got "architecturally finished concrete."

The lead designer, Jessica Jamroz of Frederic Schwartz Architects failed to recognize the Southern views from places like Paulus Hook would be forever altered. One used to watch sail boats sail around the tip of the LSP but not any more.

It's a hulking monstrosity from just about any vantage point other than looking straight at it from the entrance.

Public Space Design needs to consider more factors than just the project at hand and the foot print it comprises.

Resized Image

Posted on: 2013/5/28 19:39

Edited by 81905 on 2013/5/28 19:54:28
Edited by 81905 on 2013/5/28 19:57:26

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Really pleased this foot bridge is back up but I hope Fulop looks into who got the bulk of this money. Just simple math puts this at a staggering $6K+ a foot!

Posted on: 2013/5/24 14:48

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I assume the 800K got us some lighting on this bridge. Hard to tell in the photo if there will be lighting or not.

Also, does the far entrance feature some sort of large gold ball decoration?

Posted on: 2013/5/23 20:27

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I was equally baffled by that 2 wall eyesore at LSP but I thought the cost hovered closer to 15M. Remember this wasn't designed by some well know sculptor like Richard Serra....Funny enough these hulking walls were never even finished! See original renderings from the NYC architectural firm, Frederic Schwartz if interested. No joke, the outer walls were supposed to get metal cladding as well but they guessed it..... ran out of money!

Scammed on federal land with Lady Liberty looming in background

Two perfect examples of just how mismanaged our state and local governments really are.

Hopefully Fulop will add a big dose of accountability to his Mayorship.

Posted on: 2013/5/23 17:09

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Yes, it's a nice size span and a great deal of welding took place but seriously, how can this foot/bike bridge cost far more than an average sized, newly built home?

I can only assume there are only a few companies in the tri-state that are set up to do this sort of work and can basically charge whatever price they ask for. Of course this did go down with Healy in office so there is really no telling what sort of back door dealings took place.

Posted on: 2013/5/23 15:53

Re: Chief Comey, other JCPD top brass planning to retire before Fulop takes the helm?
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ActionDan is correct. Overweight police officers is a serious topic that needs discussion.

I would also point out that many of the police uniforms I see are in need of some serious alterations. Honestly, there needs to be some set sizing standards on uniforms. I regularly see pant legs 4" too long and ill fitted uniform shirts. 2XL shirts on a guy who should wear a large is ridiculous.

I actually started a thread about this in 2011. I got the usual scorn and ridicule but also some posts in my favor....

Jersey City Police Officers Uniforms Looking Sloppy

One poster had this to say and I wholeheartedly agree:

"Thank you for posting-- just because something is not the biggest issue does not mean it should not be addressed. I just spent the last couple of weeks in Italy-- the police uniforms there were extremely well tailored and perfectly pressed-- they looked fantastic. You could tell they took great pride in their appearance. I would love to see some of that pride-- and less of the arrogance-- here."

Fulop, if you are reading this, set some stricter physical fitness standards and please let's get our men and women in blue looking a tad bit smarter. They may just get a bit more respect.

Posted on: 2013/5/23 14:58

Re: The Dopeness
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I suspect The Dopeness is either close to obtaining their liquor license (they aren't cheap) or they are simply oblivious to this:

The State of NJ Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control says that non-licensed restaurants could be permitted to allow customers to bring their own alcoholic beverages (BYOB) for consumption with their meals:

Unless there is a local ordinance prohibiting it customers of an unlicensed restaurant may be permitted by the ownership of the restaurant to bring and consume only wine and beer. The restaurant can supply glasses, ice, etc., but may not impose a cover, corkage or service charge. Also, under no circumstances may spirituous liquor be permitted. There may be no advertising whatsoever of the fact that wine or beer may be permitted. Additionally, the owner may not permit wine or beer to be consumed during hours in which the sale of these products is prohibited by licensees in that municipality, nor allow consumption of beer or wine by persons under the age of 21 years or by persons who are actually or apparently drunk or intoxicated. (N.J.S.A. 2C:33-27).

Posted on: 2013/5/21 16:41

Re: The Dopeness
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It was my understanding that Madame Claude's does not have a liquor license and therefore complies by not charging an opening fee.

Perhaps The Dopeness can fill us in on their current liquor license situation. At the very least, if they do lift this minimal fee or are required too they will likely win some of you over.

Posted on: 2013/5/21 15:58

Re: The Dopeness
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I was not aware that they did not have a liquor license so that could be an issue for them. Perhaps they can follow Madame Claude's lead and not charge this fee.

Posted on: 2013/5/21 15:26

Re: The Dopeness
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Case in point, Maritime Parc in Liberty State Park charges a $30 bottle opening fee for all 750ml bottles brought in. No limitations and still a fair deal if you are with 4 people.

Posted on: 2013/5/21 15:21

Re: The Dopeness
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Semantics people!

New Jersey has a large number of BYO restaurants, and by law they cannot charge a corkage fee. Restaurants with a liquor license, however, can charge you to open your own bottle.

I have seen these charges in New Jersey in the $30 range.

Posted on: 2013/5/21 15:12

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