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Re: Violent Home Invasion - Coles & Monmouth
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2006/6/4 16:27
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From journal square
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i think the only solution is to rig your front door, Cape Fear style, and wait with a shotgun.

this really sucks. the police in this city do nothing to prevent crime.

i saw a burglar OBVIOUSLY casing parked cars for things to steal (walking by each car, and looking through the windows). i called the non-emergency number, and noone came to look for this guy.

it seems the cops just barely want to respond once a crime has a occurred.

we need better police!

Posted on: 2008/2/4 14:38

Re: Violent Home Invasion - Coles & Monmouth
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2007/9/20 15:03
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Ok, I thought about it and here's what I came up with:
In much of the civilized world guns are not permitted. So one can assume that in those countries criminals are reularly bashing in the doors of citizens? Nope....not the case. JC is still an inner city filled with all the urban problems including a high crime rate. That doesn't mean we have to accept that and that we can't do all we can to prevent it, but arming the citizenry works in the wild west, not here. I'm not a Healy fan but gun control works for me.

jediweapon wrote:
So NOW do we all understand why Boss Healy's efforts to strip law-abiding citizens of their right to protect themselves in their own homes with firearms is so wrong-headed?

Since the "home invaders" know how it's almost impossible to get a legal permit for a firearm in JC, isn't that a pretty big incentive for them to do as they please without fear of retribution? Conversely, if the "home invaders" believed that more home owners were armed in JC would they be so brazen?

We are living in a war zone after midnight, folks.

Think about it.

Posted on: 2008/2/4 13:58

Re: Violent Home Invasion - Coles & Monmouth
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GrovePath wrote:
The Journal article says she was woke up in bed -- this is not what Jerseymom said.

No, but it is what the DJCW and HPNA posted in this same thread from info we received:

Late last night after midnight a neighbor on 10th Street was the victim of a home invasion. The actors broke through her front door, woke her from sleep and robbed her in front of her children.

Posted on: 2008/2/4 9:04
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Re: Violent Home Invasion - Coles & Monmouth
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2004/9/15 19:03
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The Journal article says she was woke up in bed -- this is not what Jerseymom said.


jerseymom wrote:

...In my friend's case, the men rang her doorbell and when she didn't answer (because she didn't know the individuals at her door), they kicked the door down to gain entry into her home.

Posted on: 2008/2/4 4:38

Re: Violent Home Invasion - Coles & Monmouth
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2004/9/15 19:03
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Terrifying home invasion reported in Downtown Jersey City
by Charles Hack
Sunday February 03, 2008, 8:52 PM

A mother and two kids woke up to a terrifying ordeal after intruders kicked in the front door of their Downtown home, punched the woman in the face and ransacked the apartment, Jersey City police told The Jersey Journal today.

Police were called to the home at 10th and Monmouth streets on the report of a home invasion at 11:10 p.m. Thursday, reports said. The 38-year-old resident told officers that she and her two children, of unspecified age, were awakened by two men in the bedroom where they slept, police said.

After saying "Where's the money? Give me all your money," one the intruders ordered the mother to put her head under the covers. When she tried to get out of bed, one of the men punched her twice in the face, she told police.

They then rifled through several drawers until the woman told them she'd give them money from her purse if they'd leave. They then followed her into the kitchen, where she tried to take some money out of her wallet, but they grabbed her purse and fled. They also stole a flat screen computer monitor from her daughter's room, police said.

They then drove off in a black sport utility vehicle, reports said.

Anyone with information about the robbery and burglary can call the confidential line at (201) 547-JAIL.

Posted on: 2008/2/4 4:32

Re: Violent Home Invasion - Coles & Monmouth
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2007/10/6 2:44
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I understand why many would "feel" there has to be something more to a story. As someone else said - that feeling may be a defense mechanism whereby you comfort yourself so as not to think it could happen to you.

The fact is criminal minded people for the most part are not generally smart and do a lot of incredibly stupid things, especially if they are under the influence. We make a mistake when we try to view the actions and motives of a criminal as if they were like us.

Posted on: 2008/2/4 4:17

Re: Violent Home Invasion - Coles & Monmouth
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2004/12/9 1:46
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I don't think that it's so much a struggle to rationalize why this can't happen to anyone as it is an effort to understand what seems like an unusually violent attack on someone who isn't herself a criminal.

The fact that "bad stuff can happen to anyone" is why I see the right to effective self defense via firearms ownership as a basic human right. The local and state government have plenty of resources to vet legal firearms ownership so that law abiding people can both own and carry firearms. Yet they throw up as many roadblocks as they can to thwart it (and essentially ban carrying) rather than allow the law abiding to defend themselves.


JSalt wrote:
It's funny how everyone struggles to rationalize why this can't happen to them: "She must have been targeted" "She should have called 9-11 right away" "She should have had a gun" "Her door probably wasn't strong enough" "She should have had a more ragged looking dog so she didn't look like she had money" etc.

I guess it's just human nature to want to forget that bad stuff can happen to anyone. Sorry to hear about this, not to mention a bit worried as I live in the area. At the same time, we do not live "in a war zone" and I wouldn't get hysterical. Just be careful, take precautions etc.

Posted on: 2008/2/4 2:49

Re: Violent Home Invasion - Coles & Monmouth
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2004/11/6 21:13
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GrovePath wrote:
I agree that it could well be a random act of violence - but it is not crazy to wonder if perhaps a friend of the victim might well know these attackers -- it is just such an odd case -- there is nothing wrong with wondering if her house was targeted for some reason after all the thugs did ransack it looking for something. It just feels like there is more to this story -- sure it could just be random -- but people are not jerks just because they are left wondering why it happened to her. I hope the victim and her kids are doing well and I hope they get these guys!

I concur with that feeling that there's more to this story somehow. Randomly breaking in the door of an occupied house and holding a family hostage is not a standard "low hanging fruit" M.O. of the burglar class. It's real high risk, because as someone said, it only takes seconds to call 911, and if you're caught the penalties are dramatically higher than plain B&E.

And please don't anyone take this wrong, but that row of houses aren't the most obviously wealthy in the hood. The only obvious thing they have going for them as targets is no neighbors across the street, but there are plenty of places in HP with no residential structures across the street.

But there's no doubt that on the face of it, the incident is terrifying.

Posted on: 2008/2/4 1:56

Re: Violent Home Invasion - Coles & Monmouth
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2004/9/15 19:03
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I agree that it could well be a random act of violence - but it is not crazy to wonder if perhaps a friend of the victim might well know these attackers -- it is just such an odd case -- there is nothing wrong with wondering if her house was targeted for some reason after all the thugs did ransack it looking for something. It just feels like there is more to this story -- sure it could just be random -- but people are not jerks just because they are left wondering why it happened to her. I hope the victim and her kids are doing well and I hope they get these guys!


jerseymom wrote:
...The robbers kicked the door in to the home, attacked and brutally beat our friend, a mother of two, and attempted to attack her young daughter. The house was ransacked...

Posted on: 2008/2/3 20:53

Re: Violent Home Invasion - Coles & Monmouth
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2006/4/18 0:04
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BrightMoment wrote:
+1 JSalt


JSalt wrote:
It's funny how everyone struggles to rationalize why this can't happen to them: "She must have been targeted" "She should have called 9-11 right away" "She should have had a gun" "Her door probably wasn't strong enough" "She should have had a more ragged looking dog so she didn't look like she had money" etc.

I guess it's just human nature to want to forget that bad stuff can happen to anyone. Sorry to hear about this, not to mention a bit worried as I live in the area. At the same time, we do not live "in a war zone" and I wouldn't get hysterical. Just be careful, take precautions etc.

Well put, JSalt!

Posted on: 2008/2/3 20:26

Re: Violent Home Invasion - Coles & Monmouth
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2004/11/7 17:04
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+1 JSalt


JSalt wrote:
It's funny how everyone struggles to rationalize why this can't happen to them: "She must have been targeted" "She should have called 9-11 right away" "She should have had a gun" "Her door probably wasn't strong enough" "She should have had a more ragged looking dog so she didn't look like she had money" etc.

I guess it's just human nature to want to forget that bad stuff can happen to anyone. Sorry to hear about this, not to mention a bit worried as I live in the area. At the same time, we do not live "in a war zone" and I wouldn't get hysterical. Just be careful, take precautions etc.

Posted on: 2008/2/3 20:02
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Re: Violent Home Invasion - Coles & Monmouth
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2006/2/2 2:32
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It's funny how everyone struggles to rationalize why this can't happen to them: "She must have been targeted" "She should have called 9-11 right away" "She should have had a gun" "Her door probably wasn't strong enough" "She should have had a more ragged looking dog so she didn't look like she had money" etc.

I guess it's just human nature to want to forget that bad stuff can happen to anyone. Sorry to hear about this, not to mention a bit worried as I live in the area. At the same time, we do not live "in a war zone" and I wouldn't get hysterical. Just be careful, take precautions etc.

Posted on: 2008/2/3 15:14

Re: Violent Home Invasion - Coles & Monmouth
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2005/2/28 19:26
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Is the woman doing all right? The OP said she was brutally attacked. How is she? This is really disgusting.

Posted on: 2008/2/3 14:31

Re: Violent Home Invasion - Coles & Monmouth
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Not that anyone can know how quickly things happened or be totally rational in such a situation, but it seems like 911 should have been dialed at the sound of the first kick. I can't imagine a frontdoor went down in 2-3 kicks.

It's absolutely unacceptable that criminals think this sort of thing is a great idea. JC Police really need to step up their presence around downtown and JC judges need to issue sentences that dissuade the local thugs from all the break- ins/muggings/etc.

Posted on: 2008/2/3 14:21

Re: Violent Home Invasion - Coles & Monmouth

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2004/11/21 14:28
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GeorgeWBush wrote:
I don't have one of these, but they seem interesting:

Long, re-inforced strike plate. Deadbolts are great but if the wood is old or thin they'll just pull the short screws that come with most strikeplates.

If someone kicks a door with short screws or bad wood, you'll have a beautiful, intact, rock solid deadbolt that is no longer sitting in the door frame & is completely useless.

I like.
But if there was a fire emergency in the building, will the fire department be able to get through this if they had to? I have metal exterior doors, so I'm not sure if they're going to be able to chop through that.

Posted on: 2008/2/3 13:49

Re: Violent Home Invasion - Coles & Monmouth
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I tend to agree with one of the posters, I think that residence must have been targeted for one thing or another and the fact remains, we won't find out the truth.

The acts are indeed Brazen and in most cases done by perps who know their victims .

Regardless, hope that they catch the Scum-bags and with some luck ventilate their brains in the process,therefore sparing the tax payer the expense of a trial and prison....

PS:I can't ever imagine a Jury convicting someone for trying to protect their family in their home, that would be an absolute abomination !!!!


Posted on: 2008/2/3 4:52

Re: Violent Home Invasion - Coles & Monmouth
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2006/2/10 1:24
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I agree with GW. The mosberg is nice, but i have always favored the remington 870... The action is super smooth, and I feel it has a better safety. If two or three guys, armed or not, kick down your door... Try firing a few rounds of buckshot at them. Just remember, it is New Jersey, pistol grips may fit under your bed easier, but they are illegal.

Posted on: 2008/2/3 4:29
I am Jack's complete lack of surprise.

Re: Violent Home Invasion - Coles & Monmouth
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jerseymom wrote:
A bit of an update:

1. My friend did not know her attackers. Yes, the attack was brazen and violent. The family is lovely - this has hit home way too close. If this can happen to them, it can happen to any one of us (as all random violence can).

Sounds like she was targeted. I wonder what they got (of course we may never know the truth). I wonder if the cable guy had been there recently.


2. There may be a connection to a man ringing doorbells in the area around 11pm and asking for "donations." Other homes were approached by this man - he may have had others with him.

Sounds like they are connected at first. But ringing doorbells is not consistent with kicking down doors when a doorbell is not answered.


Another woman reported being followed by a man that matched his same description around 4pm that same day as she walked her dog (same general vicinity). The police have this information.

The only description is a "black male", and that's 7 hours before. While this certainly could be a crack-fueled crime spree, it is as likely to be unrelated.


3. In my friend's case, the men rang her doorbell and when she didn't answer (because she didn't know the individuals at her door), they kicked the door down to gain entry into her home.

The fact that they were so determined to get inside, and did not choose a more subtle method of forcing entry, indicates to me that the residence was targeted.

Posted on: 2008/2/3 4:16

Re: Violent Home Invasion - Coles & Monmouth
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3. In my friend's case, the men rang her doorbell and when she didn't answer (because she didn't know the individuals at her door), they kicked the door down to gain entry into her home.

It's kind of confusing. Not that this is anything that can be made sense of. On one hand, I thought maybe they were ringing bells to make sure no one was home. (And then, since she didn't answer, they figured no one was home and busted in her door?) But, if that was true, that means they didn't want a confrontation with a person, so I'm surprised they didn't turn and leave when they found someone was home?

I wonder if it's better to answer the buzzer? Maybe try to use your gruffest "I'm a mean dude" voice? I have no idea.

Posted on: 2008/2/3 1:31
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Re: Violent Home Invasion - Coles & Monmouth
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2006/4/18 0:04
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This is very disturbing because this type of crime is becoming frequent through out the country. This is why I've had a large dog since 1988.

I wonder if the "ringing of the doorbells" was to see who is home? I hope they were able to get a decent composite sketch drawing on the creep (I have other stronger words I want to use) and he is caught soon.

Posted on: 2008/2/2 23:08

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A bit of an update:

1. My friend did not know her attackers. Yes, the attack was brazen and violent. The family is lovely - this has hit home way too close. If this can happen to them, it can happen to any one of us (as all random violence can).

2. There may be a connection to a man ringing doorbells in the area around 11pm and asking for "donations." Other homes were approached by this man - he may have had others with him.

Another woman reported being followed by a man that matched his same description around 4pm that same day as she walked her dog (same general vicinity). The police have this information.

3. In my friend's case, the men rang her doorbell and when she didn't answer (because she didn't know the individuals at her door), they kicked the door down to gain entry into her home.

If you have any information to add, or if you saw something suspicious that day that may be connected, you are urged to contact the police.

Posted on: 2008/2/2 21:14

Re: Violent Home Invasion - Coles & Monmouth
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2004/11/5 22:57
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I don't have one of these, but they seem interesting:

Long, re-inforced strike plate. Deadbolts are great but if the wood is old or thin they'll just pull the short screws that come with most strikeplates.

If someone kicks a door with short screws or bad wood, you'll have a beautiful, intact, rock solid deadbolt that is no longer sitting in the door frame & is completely useless.

Check the screws on the strike plate- if they're short, get longer ones, long enough to go at least deep into the door frame rather than the trim, and perhaps even as deep as into the studs in the wall.


Inexpensive, reliable, easy to operate, makes an impressive sound before it makes the REALLY impressive sound, which might be enough to deter anyone trying to come through your door.

Plus, you can swap out barrels & use it for skeet/trap shooting, or hunting if you're so inclined.

No need for a pistol permit, just a firearm ID card, which you can apply for @ the Erie JCPD station. Process is much faster for long arms than pistols.

Plus, if someone breaks in when you're not home, they'll have a pretty hard time sticking that pig in their pants and walking off with it to go hurt someone else.

Also lower chance of overpenetration, with rounds flying through walls and hurting innocent people.

Nobody wants to hurt anyone and I empathise with people who dislike guns. I truly do. But I think you probably dislike the idea of your loved ones being beat/raped/killed by someone who does not share your peaceful & civillized demeanor.

Please, this is not a political commentary. Just hard reality. As much as the police would like to protect you, even if they could magically respond within 5 minutes of a guy's foot hitting your door, there's a hell of alot of bad things that can happen in those 5 minutes.

If you don't want to own a gun, fine. But have a plan for shit like this, just like you have a plan for if a fire breaks out.

The chances of either happening are probably close to 0. So are the chances that a 40 year old will get prostate cancer. We all still get screened for it.

Have a plan, share it with your family.


Posted on: 2008/2/2 15:49

Re: Violent Home Invasion - Coles & Monmouth
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2007/6/29 20:54
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YES- get mace! I am a 26 yr old female who lives in Hamilton Park and I bought mace that clips onto my key chain for $10 online. It has a release button so I can take it off the keys and just slip it into my pocket. I love the area, but my bf is never comfortable with me walking home at night from the PATH alone. He will try to meet me with our 2 dogs, but if not the mace makes us feel a little bit better....

Posted on: 2008/2/2 15:07

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Its pretty sad when there are laws passed by your government prohibiting you from protecting your family from animals like this.

Posted on: 2008/2/2 14:58

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2005/12/9 2:09
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Holy Shit!! I've heard about muggings around here but never this. We have to remember that there are desperate people living outside this increasingly wealthy area. As a guy I usually forget this and feel safe walking home from the PATH in the wee hours. Is it time to get some mace?

Posted on: 2008/2/2 6:17

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2004/2/6 23:13
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this incident is horrible,

when thinking of security. when we moved into our home, it had - bars on all ground floor windows, an alarm security system that could be and we would set at night in the home mode, two sliding deadbolts and a keyed deadbolt on on the basement/garden level door, a deadbolt on the front first floor door. btw I do not know if legal, but all of the deadbolts, had to be opened by a key, both from outside and inside (we have since changed).

hopefully these perps are caught soon. Even if not necessary, get an alarm/security system, deadbolts and secure ground/first floor windows..

Posted on: 2008/2/2 3:12

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2004/2/6 23:13
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huh... why is JC different than anywhere else in NJ. Please explain. For othre reasons, I sat thru the council meeting voting on three gun ordinances in June 2006, but none of them impacted a one gun purchase.


jediweapon wrote:
So NOW do we all understand why Boss Healy's efforts to strip law-abiding citizens of their right to protect themselves in their own homes with firearms is so wrong-headed?

Since the "home invaders" know how it's almost impossible to get a legal permit for a firearm in JC, isn't that a pretty big incentive for them to do as they please without fear of retribution? Conversely, if the "home invaders" believed that more home owners were armed in JC would they be so brazen?

We are living in a war zone after midnight, folks.

Think about it.

Posted on: 2008/2/2 3:06

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I'm wondering if the victim knew her attacker/s?

Just curious, since this seems to be so BRAZEN of an act?

Nonetheless , I HAVE to believe that these Scum-bags will be caught soon and before someone really gets hurt ??


Posted on: 2008/2/2 1:42

Re: Violent Home Invasion - Coles & Monmouth
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2008/1/10 17:24
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It's true, Jersey City would have less crime if citizens were armed.

Posted on: 2008/2/2 0:12
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So NOW do we all understand why Boss Healy's efforts to strip law-abiding citizens of their right to protect themselves in their own homes with firearms is so wrong-headed?

Since the "home invaders" know how it's almost impossible to get a legal permit for a firearm in JC, isn't that a pretty big incentive for them to do as they please without fear of retribution? Conversely, if the "home invaders" believed that more home owners were armed in JC would they be so brazen?

We are living in a war zone after midnight, folks.

Think about it.

Posted on: 2008/2/1 22:57

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