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Re: Anti-gentrification activist
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Lol this jerk lived 10 years of her life in the bubble of downtown and now wants to whine about gentrification? She IS gentrification! When dipshits can dress like clowns and wander around unmolested, that's a hint.

She moved in during the baaaaadddd oleeee days of.....2005. I tell you, back then you coulda bought a whole row house for only $1,000,000! God damn yuppies put it out of reach for the common folk.

Even if she was born in JC-1994. Sorry, things were already rolling then. Yeah, chicken wire and drug dealers in Van Vorst, but hardly wild and crazy.

She doesn't really have a cause, just a very, very public therapy session.

Posted on: 2015/6/13 15:34

Re: NY TIMES: Have New Yorkers finally discovered Jersey City?
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Lived in JC 10 years up until 2 years ago. Still in the city every day. Wife was there 16. Hilarious that people are still talking about "discovering" JC from manhattan.

Anyone under 40 claiming to be a pioneer of anything is suspect. Chicks wire in VVP has been gone a long time. Downtown has been very nice for more than a few years.

Same silly claims of cred from people moving to "other areas" of JC. Been going on since I first moved there. But they're still pioneers "changing things". It's all been changed. Go talk to Walt in the liquor store on 8th and Jersey if you want to talk to someone who really hung in to see a transformed Jersey City.

Posted on: 2013/8/17 23:58

Re: DOWNTOWN: Terrified mom was punched during robbery; two convicted
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Was this the one that happened over on 10th Street?

Posted on: 2009/12/22 16:37

Re: Hamilton Park Ale House jersey Ave.
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tern wrote:
Their other places in Hoboken are called Madison's and Jerfferson's, so it makes a nice set.


Pretty neat. Now we just need a Jay's & we'll complete the set.

Posted on: 2009/12/22 14:05

Re: Hamilton Park Ale House jersey Ave.
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7thstreeter wrote:
Alexander Hamilton! JC's first federalist themed bar? Or anti-federalist (depending on who you talk to)?

Really? Was there speculation that he was a closet Jeffersonian?

An orphaned, illegitimate ginger kid from the West Indies. I struggle with some of his strong-form federalism but his ability to become what he became just blows me away. The original American success story.

Posted on: 2009/12/22 13:33

Re: Save the Food Trucks of Jersey City
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The article only briefly touches on a deeper, more sinister war for the food trucks- the war between them.

Having observed these trucks dick around with each other for parking spots (blocking spots with personal vehicles, parking close enough to the corner to take up alot of room, but not far enough back for another truck to fit) and seeing what appeared to be collusion between several trucks to exclude another, newer, and by many reviews, much better value truck, it's safe to say that this is not all about the spirit of free competition.

I've observed screaming matches between truck operators. The police have gotten involved. They may be blaming Cosi & Subway but I wouldn't be surprised if that's a smoke screen. The fight amongst the trucks themselves has been going on since the summer.

One day two of the trucks parked in such a way that they took up most of the street, leaving a spot that NO RATIONAL PERSON WOULD EVER THINK a truck could fit between. In the most amazing show of parallel parking prowess I have EVER seen, Taco Truck managed to fit between his antagonists, leaving probably 6 inches in front and in back of his massive vehicle. I cheered.

Also, Taco Truck has a retractable awning to protect patrons from inclement weather.

I don't name the antagonists that were picking on poor little Taco Truck, but they know who they are. One of them had a total melt down one day when they tried to force Taco Truck to double park. Police were called & the offending truck was forced to make room for Taco. The proprietor went nuts on the cops.

Look deeper into this story my friends. This didn't all start just last week.

Posted on: 2009/12/18 17:14

Re: NY Post: Fala-full of lies -- Jersey City witness recants slay tale
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OK time out- a witness & interested party was given immunity from prosecution for perjury at what point? Immunity prior to his original (false) testimony or immunity from his prior perjury for the latest testimony, to induce him to take the stand?

Only the prosecution obviously can offer immunity.... why would the prosecution offer immunity that would work against their own case? Why not just drop the charges or go back to the Grand Jury to try for reduced charges?

How did they figure out the guy was lying? Couldn't they threaten him with perjury charges to keep him off the stand to begin with? Why is he being given immunity? He's part of a criminal conspiracy and almost sent a guy to jail for probably 2nd degree murder, when the truth now sounds more like MAYBE a manslaughter charge and arguably no charges at all beyond weapons posession, and maybe not even that.

If it's true that 4 people cut this guy off & trapped him and then assaulted him, why in the world is the trial continuing with the current charges? If the prosecution is offering immunity NOW and believes that the current testimony is accurate, how is the trial going foward?

If the immunity to prosecution for perjury occurred prior to the original (false) testimony, good grief, isn't that just an invitation to perjury, if not subornation of perjury?

I'm totally confused. But what else is new.

Posted on: 2009/12/15 17:07

Re: Murder @ Paulus Hook Towers
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Might I suggest.... despite what some have said on this thread re: nobody really caring...

Every person with any kind of heart is horrified by this crime, horrified by the randomness and innocence of the victims, mortified by the terrible, terrible, burden that will be borne by both this poor husband & child....

It's horrible, it's emotional. It's infuriating. Except for a few trolls, we're all in the exact same place with this- Going nuts on each other is not super helpful.

OBVIOUSLY the guy is an animal. Who cares if he has an apartment or not. OBVIOUSLY there's no punishment, death penalty or otherwise, that could possibly atone for what he's done.

Some people did assume that the father did it- This was poor judgement but it isn't outlandish- the vast majority of the time it's not a stranger who kills the mother. Some folks just chose to post what many were likely thinking.

Am I some sort of Care Bear? Not really. There's probably plenty of social issues to discuss in regards to this incident. However, I see NO value to a bunch of people attacking each other over something that I know for a fact (and I *WILL* speak for you, at least those that are not just poseurs) that you're sick over it... guess what, so is the person you're yelling at.

And to preempt the trolls- Yeah, sometimes it's hard to work up alot of emotion over some drug dealer shooting another one. A mom with her kid getting stabbed in an apartment- Well, it's something that most people here can related to, and it carries more emotional heft as a result. So yeah, people can see themselves in that situation, they can imagine how that poor father must feel, and they do care. It's empathy.

Posted on: 2009/12/14 17:15

Re: What Does Christie's Election Mean for Urban NJ, especially Newark, East Orange & Irvington?
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There have been several articles in the NYT, Ledger, etc. discussing groups that came out against Christie hard during the election.

Of those, the largest & most vociferous (there is a 99% chance I spelled that wrong) was the NJEA. If you recall, they pulled out all the stops & really went at the guy in a semi-personal way.

Well, he won anyway. Now the NJEA is coming with the, "We look forward to working with blah blah". Apparently they've tried to contact the transition team several times & have met with silence.

He ran on a platform that included education reform & school choice, so you knew he was going to be not the Union's favorite candidate. Still, the way NJEA went after them apparently the administration is now thinking "no quarter".

Previously I think they would have had a seat at the table. Now I think they're in for a massive fight. What are they going to do to Christie? They threw their biggest punches & he still won.

I bring this up because it's similar to the urban situation, but different: He won, despite hugely lopsided vote totals coming out of the urban centers, despite huge efforts by the various machines. But the machines aren't all the people. You can stick it to a union, you can stick it to a political apparatus, but he's got a legal not to mention moral obligation to be the Governor of the entire state... I think he's accutely aware of this and I seriously doubt you'll see anything that "hurts" inner urban areas.

What I *DO* think you'll see is self-interested parties screaming like they've been murdered to try to drum up support for the next cycle. Banning double dipping, for example, or pay to play, will somehow be spun as "diluting the power of urban voters". Wait for it.

Posted on: 2009/12/14 13:31

Re: Murder @ Paulus Hook Towers
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basse wrote:
Does anyone know this family? I wanted to send some toys and cash to the family and the kids.

Call Betty @ the Parish office. She'll find out if Fr. Vic has something set up.


Posted on: 2009/12/14 13:18

Re: Sheriff's Office employee saw arrests & began telling people on line for Welfare Department to l
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pooper wrote:
It gets worse. If you're arrested for child support, you have to pay the full amount due to get out of jail instead of the usual bail.

So if I mug you with a weapon, my bail might be $100K, and I can get out on a $10k cash bail. Owe $15k in child support? No %10 cash option. It's up to those around you to come up with the cash. I doubt baby's momma is going to help you out with that one.

Well, there's a very practical reason for this- the 10% cash option is paid to the bail bondsman, who keeps it. The bail bondsman puts up a bond so your tail can get out of jail. When you show up to court, the money goes back to the bondsman.

So there's no parallel for child support. There's no bail bondsman, so a 10% option would simply mean they could pay 10% of their outstanding $$$ owed and skip on the 90%, which they would probably do, since they skipped on the 100% too.

This isn't to get into a discussion on whether family court is fair or unfair to fathers. Just to point out why you can't handle it like bail. If paying the bill is going to be a requirement to get out, there's nobody to pay it except the jailed individual.

Posted on: 2009/12/11 19:57

Re: Sheriff's Office employee saw arrests & began telling people on line for Welfare Department to l
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Bad post title. The guy that got arrested for obstruction is NOT an employee of the sheriff's office.

I know this because the story told me so in the 5th paragraph.

Posted on: 2009/12/11 18:30

Murder @ Paulus Hook Towers
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Home away from home ... ne_injured_in_jersey.html

Woman murdered, baby on a medivac to UMDNJ. Police have the area locked down.

Posted on: 2009/12/8 18:31

Re: Woman, 70, in 'life-threatening but stable' condition after being mauled by pit bulls
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trp3 wrote:
Maybe we should euthanize all minorities and families of criminals too because they may also be a potential threat to society based on stigma and statistics?

having this conversation with the pit bull deniers is like listening to hard core republicans defend Sarah Palin.

Fixate much?

This thread fulfilled Godwin's Law in not record but near record time.

Outlawing pit bulls is as stupid as outlawing guns. Operator behavior is the problem, not, by and large, the animal.

If there's a breed propensity to violence, in absence of human influence, I haven't ever read anything about it. I'd be interested in seeing it if anyone has.

All animals can be dangerous.

Posted on: 2009/12/7 13:16

Re: Jersey City switching to flashing traffic lights to cut pollution, speed traffic
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Add the corner of Barrow & Montgomery to the list. I did not know that 7:30am was late night. Learn something every day.

It's been like that since yesterday, and I've had 2 lunatics roll through the light crossing Montgomery (they have the red), causing me to jam on my brakes. 2 for 2, looking good.

How about adjusting the lights so they're not red for so long on the through street and red a little longer on the side street?

Looking forward to lights throughout Jersey City being treated with the same respect as the stopsigns on Jersey.

Pollution. I'd like to see that part of the engineering report.

Posted on: 2009/12/3 16:56

Re: gangbangers & reese's?
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I've run into these clowns as well- Forget the "lying is wrong" argument for a second (it is). These guys are different from the usual candy slingers. Extremely obnoxious, will follow you towards your car. Obviously trying to be intimidating (or as intimidating as you can be with a box of candy under your arm running your mouth in a big-box retailer parking lot).

They should absolutely not be there. Candy slingers are all over downtown and I've seen dozens of them over the years...these guys are in their own league. Real jackasses.

Posted on: 2009/12/1 15:59

Re: Greenville: Bergen Avenue & Communipaw -- street fight leads to arrests for 45-caliber gun
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I had never heard of Wei Tec before so went looking around...

It's an airsoft pistol. I can't believe however how real it looks.

Even in operation...

Unbelievably stupid, riding around with a gun that shoots plastic BB's when most of your peers are carrying the real thing.....

Posted on: 2009/11/28 14:50

Re: Your New Condo Leaks? Join the Club (NY Times Article)
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Reminds me of an article I read a while back regarding construction in southern Florida. Contractors faced with domestic supplies of gypsum/sheet rock that were ballooning in price or just not easily available went for Chinese manufactured supply.

Apparently whatever is coming out of that rock is so nasty that Lennar actually recognized the problem first- They monitor their service calls and saw that there were a ton of people complaining that the condenser coils on their air conditioning units were corroding. Lennar spent some time investigating and found that it was some sort of chemical in the rock that was leaching into the air (if that's the proper word, it's probably not) and doing it.

Like anything else, there will be many, many people who are adversely affected by this, and 10x more who convince themselves they are, making lawyers very happy.

I wonder how many of these complaints would surface if the market hadn't cratered.

Posted on: 2009/11/23 19:44

Re: Ode to my lost home/ My first posting in 11 years of living here
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The OP-Crying about American culture as you yippee yap on your iPhone and drink a Pepsi. What an utter joke. Your jealousy is utterly palpable. What, did they tell you the chicks were gonna dig your accent? A cool accent is not going to overcome a bitter, shallow life. You and your misery, table for one!

To the yuppie haters- How DARE people live a life you don't approve of! You want to talk irony? Irony is an all knowing, all loving, all accepting, all hip trustafarian toolbox who in reality is utterly intolerant, utterly rigid, and utterly orthodox. Anyone outside the High Church of Accepted Lifestyles and Beliefs is to be shunned. But other than that, I'm ok, you're ok, right?

"Authenticity" is elevated over all characteristics, whatever the hell authenticity is.

It's a total cultural inversion, where success, hard work, striving to make good for one's family, whether it's a nice car or nice clothes or a nice neighborhood is to be ridiculed while squalor, filth, despondency & blight is celebrated.

That yuppie a-hole who just got off the train, in his to be ridiculed brooks brothers suit & ridiculously bourgeois, neatly-dressed wife is a hell of alot more interesting than you pretentious phonies.

One last thought- Myself and my yuppie brothers & sisters read the same books you have, listened to the same stuff, followed the same philosophers, and may have even held some of the same attitudes you do today.

Then freshman year in highschool was over & we put that crap away in the box next to the G.I. Joe toys in the attic.

So, you know, it might be time to get over it.

Posted on: 2009/11/13 17:02

Re: Anti-gay group plans protests in Jersey City
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Want to quickly mention, just because I saw Catholics mentioned- They do not hate gays. They don't approve, but they most certainly do not hate individuals. Whether or not their disapproval is fair, it is NOT fair to characterize them as a lesser degree of these tools. That being said...Does anyone want to start a Slayer cover band? No rehearsals, one night only. With the amps that go to 11 and a drummer that breaks sticks.

Posted on: 2009/10/24 23:10

Re: hey, so who hit my car?
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Good to hear. If you get the Heisman again I'd call Fulop if I were you.

Posted on: 2009/10/16 15:22

Re: Arrests of Jersey City/Hoboken Police in Cocaine Sting @ Calle Luna/Hernandez Restaurant -356 Va
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pooper wrote:
Those are the charges against the Hoboken cop, Gallo. I agree with you one those.

We were discussing, and really only I was sympathizing with, Mark Medal who was only charged with conspiracy to possess.

If we're presuming guilt, which I am not- I imagine he's been visiting this particular dealer for some time. He's obviously "known" for his previous career- Presumably the dealers knew who he was and knew he was a cop.

He compromised himself utterly- Particularly since he worked at the court house, where many of those busted in JC make their first appearance before being shipped up the hill. They "had" something on him.

Lots of people "had" something on him I'd guess. A cop that you "have" something on is no longer an impartial officer of the law. Once a criminal or group of criminals has something on you you are a danger, not a protector.

This is assuming of course that he's done what he's accused of. It's also assuming it is ALL he has done. If it turns out he did indeed leverage his badge, so much the worse.

Posted on: 2009/10/8 19:19

Re: Does JC need a bookstore?
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The one on Grove was kick ass. It was all used books, so you could go in there with $10 and walk out with a bunch of oddball stuff you'd never see anywhere else that would last you weeks. One of top few businesses in Jersey City that I was REALLY sorry to see go.

Posted on: 2009/10/8 19:02

Re: Arrests of Jersey City/Hoboken Police in Cocaine Sting @ Calle Luna/Hernandez Restaurant -356 Va
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Read the charges. This went beyond simply blowing a few rails, which is bad enough. A LEO who has compromised himself by working with drug dealers can be dangerous in ways far beyond his recreational activities.

The hoboken cop is accused of looking up licence plates. The article only states that they looked up a law enforcement tag, but come on- It didn't have a big fat "MG" as the first 2 characters on the plate the way most cop cars do. Someone was staking that place out undercover, and the dealers got nervous and asked their guy on the inside to check it out. Lo and behold, bad news guys- it's a cop car.

What to do with this information? I don't know- obviously it blew any chance the cops had of surveilling these guys without them knowing about it. But it also, without question, put the life of those cops in danger. This guy put his fellow cops at risk, telling drug dealers who they were.

We just learned what happens when cops running surveillence get caught up, didn't we? Hassan Shakur knew he was probably being watched and went everywhere with a shotgun. When Detectives went to effect the arrest, Shakur shot Det. Lavelle's car to pieces with Det. Lavelle in it. I don't need to remind anyone of what happened after that, do I?

And you can be sure of this- it's not the first time this cop probably did something like this- It's just the first time that it showed up in a way that prosecutors could prove was an inappropriate use of the database- "Hey, officer, why did you look up this car, you being in Hoboken and us knowing exactly where this car has been every day for the last year?" There was no good answer to that question, and he got nailed.

Was he looking up neighbor's cars? Was he looking up people in the neighborhood watch who looked at the restaurant a little too hard? Enemies? Threats? What would happen if they didn't like YOUR car, parked on that street one day? What if you had words with one of them, and the cop helped them find out who you were?

The cop who did this I can assure you could have cared less what would have happened.

If these accusations are true, particularly if these officers were using their badges to protect criminals, they put their fellow cops DIRECTLY in danger. I have no sympathy, not a bit. And if they didn't give a rat's ass about their fellow LEO's ask yourself how much they cared about you and your family.

Then ask yourself why you're spending so much time boo hooing for them.

Absolutely innocent until proven guilty, and they'll get their day in court.

But those posting sympathetically are taking the position that even if they did what they're accused of doing, they still deserve some sort of compassion or leniency. I'll leave that for widows & orphans to offer, and God, because it's not mine to give, and it's not yours either.

Posted on: 2009/10/8 18:24

Re: Woman bitten by large dog in Van Vorst Park 9/11//09
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Chances are the dog doesn't have rabies. Heavily, heavily weighted chances at that.

In 1908 I'd imagine JC had a problem with stray dogs. In developing countries where dogs roam through urban environments, transmission of rabies to humans from dogs is understandably much more common.

Having said that- It is a horrible, horrible way to die by all accounts, and in recorded medical history there have only been one or two survivors of rabies that were untreated before becoming symptomatic.

In the end you get one of two flavors of rabies- the lame "paralytic rabies", which is exactly what it sounds like, or the much more awesome, Slayer-song-title-worthy "Furious Rabies", which also is exactly what it sounds like.

In fact, that's a great name for a band. Hmmm.....

I'm pasting below the CDC's recommendation for what to do if the neighborhood pets assault you. You're supposed to put the animal in quarantine for 10 days & see if it either gets paralyzed, or, more awesomely, loses its shit completely.

Unfortunately, that does not seem to be an option here since the owner of this crazed killer escaped to plan her next assault, so the victim needs to either get the treatment OR prepare to possibly be the opening act for Cannibal Corpse on the Fall leg of their club tour.

What happens if a neighborhood dog or cat bites me?

You should seek medical evaluation for any animal bite. However, rabies is uncommon in dogs, cats, and ferrets in the United States. Very few bites by these animals carry a risk of rabies. If the cat (or dog or ferret) appeared healthy at the time you were bitten, it can be confined by its owner for 10 days and observed. No anti-rabies prophylaxis is needed. No person in the United States has ever contracted rabies from a dog, cat or ferret held in quarantine for 10 days.

If a dog, cat, or ferret appeared ill at the time it bit you or becomes ill during the 10 day quarantine, it should be evaluated by a veterinarian for signs of rabies and you should seek medical advice about the need for anti-rabies prophylaxis.

The quarantine period is a precaution against the remote possibility that an animal may appear healthy, but actually be sick with rabies. To understand this statement, you have to understand a few things about the pathogenesis of rabies (the way the rabies virus affects the animal it infects). From numerous studies conducted on rabid dogs, cats, and ferrets, we know that rabies virus inoculated into a muscle travels from the site of the inoculation to the brain by moving within nerves. The animal does not appear ill during this time, which is called the incubation period and which may last for weeks to months. A bite by the animal during the incubation period does not carry a risk of rabies because the virus is not in saliva. Only late in the disease, after the virus has reached the brain and multiplied there to cause an encephalitis (or inflammation of the brain), does the virus move from the brain to the salivary glands and saliva. Also at this time, after the virus has multiplied in the brain, almost all animals begin to show the first signs of rabies. Most of these signs are obvious to even an untrained observer, but within a short period of time, usually within 3 to 5 days, the virus has caused enough damage to the brain that the animal begins to show unmistakable signs of rabies. As an added precaution, the quarantine period is lengthened to 10 days.

Posted on: 2009/9/16 12:31

Re: ID theft ring victimized patrons at unnamed Jersey City restaurants
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I know that some merchants dislike Amex because of the higher fees, but their fraud protection is free rather than being an "add on".

I know of several instances where someone has had a fraudulent transaction posted to their account, and in each of those instances, Amex took care of it. No affidavit, no sworn statement, no "you have to pay the bill & we'll pay you back if WE think it's fraudulent"....just pure justice. And I'm not talking about $20 charges. Multiple thousands of dollars.

I also use them behind my paypal account rather than a bank account, which pisses paypal off to no end, as they constantly try to "helpfully" change my payment method directly to my bank account. With Ebay's size it can't be the % it costs them as much as the fact that Amex will bring the pain on them if paypal's stupid dispute resolution doesn't go my way.

Of course, paypal will kill your account if you ever do that, but for a big enough ticket item, I'm just happy Amex is there to square things away.

I used to hate the idea of amex because of the fee, but I love it now- Total peace of mind, no bullshit, and the points I get make me $$$ when all is said and done. As another poster said, if I could pay every expense I have on my amex I would.

I also would say I have no attachment to any fact I'm anything but a brand whore. Amex, however, I am a massive, massive pirate hooker for. Love em.

Used to use my debit card for everything- Now it's ATM only, and only ATM's I "know".

Posted on: 2009/8/31 15:15

Re: Deadly Nightshade-Poisonious to Dog & Children-by City Hall
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Jimson Weed is a different guy. Belladonna=deadly nightshade= atropa belladonna.

Super nerd fact- Atropine is used to combat the effects of nerve gas and is what gets dripped into your eyes at the eye doctor to open up your pupil for any number of tests/proceedures.

Jimson weed also has an alkaloid, but I don't know if it's the same stuff or not. Both are bad news if you eat em. I've never heard of anyone eating belladonna to get high- just low, as in under the ground.

Posted on: 2009/8/26 15:26

Re: Deadly Nightshade-Poisonious to Dog & Children-by City Hall
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Actually, horribly poisonous to everyone, not just dogs & kids.

Belladonna is the more interesting name...don't mess with pretty lady :)

Surprising that it's growing with such vigor in these places- They usually show up in low-traffic areas. Makes you wonder. The seeds aren't "flyers". I'm not sure how they'd spread from one place to the other in a city. ... adly-nightshade-31931.jpg

Are you sure it's what you think it is?

Posted on: 2009/8/26 15:03

Re: You're Bob Dylan? Jersey Shore Cops Want to See Some ID
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There don't appear to be enough details to form an opinion on Khan's situation, which of course won't stop me from engaging in some completely unsubstantiated speculation.

It's not like this hurts the publicity of his movie AND

he should stop thinking he's such a bigshot and experience his delays the way the REST of us do in Newark- Sitting in a little chair, eating whatever horrible rubber chicken sandwich is available from Starbucks, because we've been told yet again, that we'll be boarding in 15 minute to the airplane that is still on the ground in Portland, and you shouldn't go far from the gate, no, no, because even though you've sat there for 3 hours, when the plane DOES arrive it's going to get turned around in under 30 seconds, so you need, NEED to be in the gate area or they're leaving without you, but they certainly won't be leaving without the crew, which is flying in from the Cape of Good Hope and may or may not make it in time to meet said Portland aircraft, which is about to develop a mechanical problem for which a part must be driven over from JFK.

Or, barring that, sitting on a perfectly on time plane that is #87 in line for take off, so we're going to go ahead and power down. Try not to breathe too much if you can help it, because the AC is off now & it might get a bit hot.

But don't worry. We'll try to make it up in the air.

I'm not bitter. Noooo, not me.


jc_insomniac wrote:
Totally agree. It's awesome that Bob didn't pull the "don't you know who I am?" act. Major cool points for the old man. Too bad I still can't listen to him sing, though.

In other news, did you guys hear about the Bollywood VIP who was detained for 2 hours in EWR the other night and made a big stink about it? The story made it to the NY Times. Your thoughts?

EDIT: Whoops, the story was on the Lede, the NY Times News Blog (if that makes a difference to some)

Here's the link: ... bollywood-vip-named-khan/


GeorgeWBush wrote:
I find the entire story kinda charming & think it speaks well of both the cop & Bob Dylan.

The cop got a call about a man standing on someone's property. She finds a guy walking down the street dressed rather shabbily in the pouring rain. He says he's Bob Dylan but has no ID. Instead of giving him a hard time, cuffing & stuffing, she just takes him to where he says he needs to go, and what do you know, it's THE Bob Dylan. No harm, she did her job.

What can you say about Dylan except that he's pretty clearly not a guy who buys his own hype. Wandering around in the rain, because he wants to see the houses of contemporaries he admires, completely unassumingly & anonymously, not a "DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM" in only adds to his reputation. Of COURSE Bob Dylan doesn't chew out local cops like a prima donna!

I do think it's news worthy because....well, it's Bob Dylan wandering around in the rain & not being recognized by a young cop. There's a fistful of angles for a story here, everywhere from humorous to wistful.

"Angry" or "outraged" really aren't among them.

Posted on: 2009/8/17 19:34

Re: You're Bob Dylan? Jersey Shore Cops Want to See Some ID
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I find the entire story kinda charming & think it speaks well of both the cop & Bob Dylan.

The cop got a call about a man standing on someone's property. She finds a guy walking down the street dressed rather shabbily in the pouring rain. He says he's Bob Dylan but has no ID. Instead of giving him a hard time, cuffing & stuffing, she just takes him to where he says he needs to go, and what do you know, it's THE Bob Dylan. No harm, she did her job.

What can you say about Dylan except that he's pretty clearly not a guy who buys his own hype. Wandering around in the rain, because he wants to see the houses of contemporaries he admires, completely unassumingly & anonymously, not a "DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM" in only adds to his reputation. Of COURSE Bob Dylan doesn't chew out local cops like a prima donna!

I do think it's news worthy because....well, it's Bob Dylan wandering around in the rain & not being recognized by a young cop. There's a fistful of angles for a story here, everywhere from humorous to wistful.

"Angry" or "outraged" really aren't among them.

Posted on: 2009/8/17 17:44

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