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Re: Powder blue Toyota- man climbing on garages DT 4th St
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

as a location scout, this is NOT the way to scout locations and/or get permissions.

as far as how to notify neighbors, dropping letters off to every address on company letterhead is the norm.

Posted on: 2013/3/26 15:26

Re: Jersey City police plan to question dognapping suspect after Pomeranian's owner foils attack
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Just can't stay away

if it's him, arrest the scum!

Posted on: 2013/1/11 10:37

Re: Jury Duty - Lunch Recommendations
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Just can't stay away

convince the jury to order from Larry and Joe's.

Posted on: 2012/10/22 5:19

Re: Seeking Artist Workspace in Historic Downtown Area
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Just can't stay away

Posted on: 2012/10/22 0:01

Re: Filming near Hamilton Park
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Just can't stay away

It's a commercial for a new diet pill.

It's a German product.

It's called "ShtulPoopen"

Posted on: 2012/10/19 2:43

Re: Is it really possible? Does the PATH really lose $400 million per year?
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Just can't stay away

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Posted on: 2012/10/17 21:04

Re: JC Post Office - Be Very Afraid
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Just can't stay away

after i posted the original story of our building's mail missing for over a week, the journal picked up the story, and then CBS.

Ultimately, a post office investigator came to my apartment building (who I easily buzzed in) and took my version of the story firsthand.

I have his email at home. I can provide it to whoever needs it.

I don't think anything would have happened if the Journal didn't get involved. I was treated poorly by everyone at the post office that I spoke to up until the point that the media got involved.

Posted on: 2012/9/5 13:35

Re: A non-vegan's experience at Subia's... (from yelp)
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Just can't stay away

people eat products that LOOK like meat products, because the taste is pretty good, and they can eat a meal with the knowledge that no animals were harmed for their benefit.

my vegan friend made me "meatballs" that were just as good as what my mom made at home with the real thing. i was amazed.

if i was presented with the choice to eat the vegan meatballs, or mom's meatballs, i'd go with the vegan ones, simply because in my heart, i know that no animals suffered for them.

Posted on: 2012/8/29 16:49

A non-vegan's experience at Subia's... (from yelp)
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Just can't stay away

This review is based on my recent experience at Subia's. It does NOT reflect on their food. Their food could be delicious, but I won't ever find out, due to the rude behavior of one of their sandwich chefs.

My VEGAN friend does not have many options when it comes to places that cater to her dietary choices, so Subia's is a great place for her to get food. I recently joined her as she picked up lunch to go. I'm not vegan, or a vegetarian, so I just walked around the grocery aisle while she ordered.

She calls me over to tell me there's something on the menu that even I would enjoy. Sure enough, there's a turkey sandwich on the menu. Instead of making another trip for me to pick up lunch elsewhere, I decide I'll have the turkey sandwich. I figure since this item is ON THE MENU, it won't be controversial to order such a sandwich in a vegan establishment.

Boy, was I wrong! When I was asked by the sandwich man what he could make for me, I replied that I'd like to try the turkey sandwich. Without even turning to address me again, all I heard was, "This is a vegan restaurant!" as he dramatically slammed his cloth napkin on the counter and stormed outside to take a needed breather at an outdoor table. Wow. What just happened? What did I do? Was he talking to me? Did I upset him? There was one other counterman there that turned to me. I was still confused, so I asked what just happened. I explained I wasn't trying to be funny, or a jerk, by asking for a turkey sandwich at a vegan establishment. After all, the turkey sandwich is RIGHT THERE on the menu.

The second counterman explained that the turkey sandwich is no longer available, and that their menus are outdated. Is that the customer's fault for not getting the memo? Could this same tidbit of information been shared to me by the original offended counterman, or was it justified for him to act like a giant man-baby? Wussy Wavy Gravy simply could have said, "Heyyyyyyy Maaaaaannnn, that turkey sandwich totally harshed my mellow, so it's no longer on the menu. Want to try something else?" But no, he acted like a childish vegan prima-donna, in effort to make the customer feel insensitive, stupid, and reflective. Well, I have reflected on this, and my opinion is that this is the kind of Soy Supporter that gives vegetarians a bad name. Your love of animals shouldn't cause you to treat your human customers like dumb neanderthals because they don't share your ideals. And if Captain Carrot took two seconds to reflect on his own behavior, he may actually consider that the turkey sandwich WAS on the menu, and the egg-substitute is all over his face.

There were many ways to handle this innocent ego assault that would have been better for their business. A simple explanation that the sandwich is no longer available, followed by a suggestion from the chef, would have been an obvious response.

As an aside, my vegan friend was also bothered by the counterman's behavior. She was explaining to the cashier what happened, and how vegetarianism is about compassion and personal choices. The cashier went on to explain how the turkey sandwich was no longer available due to poor sales, not for any vegan ideology (hmm, that's odd, since the chef was SO upset). She said I could try the tuna (another non-vegan item that may have caused the chef's head to explode), but by then, I had lost my appetite.

Two stars 'cause my friend likes the place. I'll probably never go back, unless they train their staff on how to respond to customers' innocent mistakes.

**for whatever it's worth, the turkey sandwich is still on their website. if you ever wanted to see a vegan pop a blood vessel, I suggest you go in person and order the turkey! It's likely still on the menu.

Posted on: 2012/8/28 22:19

Re: JC Post Office - Be Very Afraid
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Just can't stay away

"The United States Postal Service is apologizing to the residents of a Jersey City apartment building after a city post office didn?t deliver mail to them for an entire week."

- Really? Nobody from the Post Office has ever apologized or admitted any wrongdoing in relation to this matter.

Follow up: After speaking to my super, I realized the post office didn't "find" a key. My super gave them a copy after I told him what was going on. If the key was the real issue, the post office could have gotten a hold of the super earlier in the week. They lied about finding the key, and continue to cover their mistake by claiming our regular carrier was on vacation. It makes no sense.

Posted on: 2012/8/22 15:21

Re: Mail delivery - NOT
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

The Bergen Ave office is the one that serves my building.
For the last WEEK, I wasn't receiving any mail. No junk mail, bills, or anything. I became concerned and after talking to a few neighbors, it turned out nobody in my building was receiving any mail either.

I called the post office, and was told that they "lost" they key to our front door. That was their excuse. Our regular carrier was also "on vacation" and there was no way to get into our building to deliver the mail to about 60 apartments.

"Really? Your carrier couldn't buzz the super? Your carrier couldn't wait a minute until someone was leaving or exiting the building? Your carrier couldn't leave a notice to let the residents know to go pick up their mail?"

They had no proper answer, but told me I was the first person to call in from my building. I guess nothing would have happened until someone called. Also, when I went in person to pick up my mail (which oddly wasn't sorted yet after a whole week of piling up), I was told they "found" our key and that mail would resume.

I spoke with the manager at the post office, who seemed pretty apathetic. I was thinking of taking this to the post master general, because I don't think how the local post office handled our building's mail was right, and possibly not even legal.

The End. For now.

Posted on: 2012/8/19 13:15

Re: Bike thefts at Journal Square PATH station becoming 'an issue,' cops say
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

bike registration? come on! what's that going to solve?

a sting operation where you can catch the perps in the act is the best idea!

Posted on: 2012/8/11 15:52

Re: Warren County woman robbed on Academy Street, Jersey City police say
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

we need more cops in this area. no cops on the beat.

Posted on: 2012/8/2 21:53

looking for Daniel Saba in the JSQ area...lost/found
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

Hi There,

I found something that belongs to Daniel Saba. I believe he is an Indian man, residing in the Journal Square area.

If someone here may know him, please send me an PM.

Posted on: 2012/8/2 21:23

Re: Woman standing with grandkids on Jersey City street is robbed of gold chain, cops say
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

as one friend put it...

This is a city where the good people are forced to leave, while the cops allow the criminals to roam free...

Posted on: 2012/8/1 17:29

Re: A Jersey City woman who woke to see a man standing above her holding a knife and a bottle of wine ra
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

Posted on: 2012/6/9 16:51

Re: Am I wasting time fighitng this parking ticket?
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

I'm actually in support of you fighting it.

Take photos of where you parked and the signs (including close ups so you can read what they say), and make sure to get a wide shot to show where the signs were in relation to where you parked.

Take pics at several angles.

Make an intelligent case on why you thought you were in the right, and the judge may dismiss the ticket.

Posted on: 2012/4/4 13:55

Re: Jersey City gas station convenient store was robbed of $551 in cash
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

Usually it's the customers getting robbed at the gas station!

Posted on: 2012/1/25 21:34

Re: Best pizza in JC????
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

My new favorite slice is the buffalo chicken slice at Carmine's at 8th and Brunswick.

fast delivery. great food. fair prices.

Posted on: 2011/12/11 9:08

Re: Where to buy a compressed air marine horn in Jersey City?
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

the shop at maritime parc
84 Audrey Zapp Drive
Liberty State Park in Liberty Landing Marina
Jersey City
(201) 413-0050

Posted on: 2011/12/1 15:57

Re: Ninth and Coles
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

only went here once, last week. a friend suggested it, so i thought i'd be safe ordering from the menu.

i was craving a fresh burger, so ordered one.

what i received was a 8 dollar heated up pre-made frozen patty. i was disappointed and won't be getting food here again.

the blue moon on tap was fine.

the staff was fine.

just not happy with the burger. should have been fresh beef for that price.

Posted on: 2011/11/11 16:53

Re: Dickinson area: Woman hits Chinese restaurant worker with metal post over request for salt..
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Just can't stay away

I guess you could say this is a simple case of aSALT and battery.

Posted on: 2011/11/11 16:45

Re: Rich Boggiano for Jersey City Council At Large
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Just can't stay away

Hi Rich,
Thanks for your quick response!

I've already taken down the signs that I saw near my home (Journal Square neighborhood) because seeing them stapled into the tree really angered me.

I appreciate what you've done upstate, but make sure your volunteers share your interests, or they could be doing more damage to your campaign than good!

Posted on: 2011/11/3 23:02

Re: Rich Boggiano for Jersey City Council At Large
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Just can't stay away

Resized Image

Mr. Boggiano,
Politics aside, I am appalled that your team is stapling campaign signs INTO trees. This is a disgusting and thoughtless practice that is damaging to the trees, and to the neighborhood. Perhaps a word with your campaign coordinator is in order. Seriously. Please make sure this stops, or you surely won't be getting my vote

Posted on: 2011/11/3 22:19

"Direct Energy" asking to see my electric/gas bill...
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Just can't stay away

At about 6pm, there was a knock on my apartment door from a person representing "Direct Energy".

The person asked to see my bill, and then gave me some mumbo jumbo about gas/electric supply rates, and how I can save money with lower rates from Direct Energy.

It sounded a little fishy, but the way he laid it out, it sounded like I'd be saving some money. So, I signed up, but was told I'd be getting a verification call in about 15 seconds (!!!).

I got the idea that maybe they verify the customer so quickly as to prevent them from quickly researching the company.

The sales guy leaves (policy) while the verification person calls me. While I pick up the phone, I google on my laptop and find out that people have felt scammed by this company.

I tell the verification operator that I'd like to think about things. She says "okay" and hangs up. I track down the sales rep, who is still in my building, and ask to get the paper I signed back. He gives it to me no problem. I'm thinking that I'm safe, but I know he gave my information to the operator on the phone before I got my call back...I'm hoping that I am not signed up.

Has anyone on this board been approached by "Direct Energy"?
I vaguely recall a thread about these folks coming to your door, but can't find it now.

Anyone know anything about this company? Please share...

Posted on: 2011/11/1 1:58

Re: Backsplash in kitchen
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Just can't stay away
peter and lissa welles
the kitchen engineers

Posted on: 2011/10/5 16:06

Re: Backsplash in kitchen
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

i know a couple that does kitchen installation in jersey city.
i'll hit you back with the info...

Posted on: 2011/10/4 20:47

Re: New FX show: Untitled Jersey City Project
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

I was a location scout/assistant for this show.

I can confirm that Audi was a major sponsor, and that at times, it felt like we were shooting an Audi commercial.

One cool thing...I jumped in the Audi with the stunt driver as he went from 0 to 60 on Monmouth from 10th to 13th Street...

Posted on: 2011/10/4 0:24

Re: Fighting Parking ticket
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

this can be fought, but you'd have to take multiple photos of the area to prove that there were no signs (or signs were obstructed), and no yellow curb, and that you weren't blocking a driveway. You can probably get away with at least 4 photos of the different angles to prove that you were parked legally.

Print out the photos, the judge will review them in court. If it's easier, take video that the judge can watch on your camcorder, but sometimes photos work because they are bigger, and the judge doesnt have to study your evidence on a small view finder.

If you are in the right, the judge will throw out the ticket.

Even if that law is true (and you aren't getting trolled), the average citizen has no way of knowing that you can't park on the block if there are no signs.

You can beat the ticket, but will have to go to court to do so.

Posted on: 2011/4/26 14:14

Re: Strokes film new video at Loews JC
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

Jersey City is notorious for forcing unnecessary cops on to your production, at overtime costs.

It has kept productions out of Jersey City because companies don't want a 10,000 dollar invoice for cops that are mostly hanging around.

Posted on: 2011/3/3 7:46

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