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Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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2006/5/5 19:55
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JadedJC wrote:

mastablasta wrote:

JadedJC wrote:

JCbiscuit wrote:

JadedJC wrote:
There was a long line at WTC just to get a stupid voucher to get on the shuttle bus. I had to get to work and life is too short. I just sucked it up and paid the $2.75 subway fare to get to Midtown. Get over it. I think most people will simply come to the conclusion that it's far less painful to cough up the subway fare. It's not like you're being forced to do this on weekdays. The shitty part isn't having to pay the extra fare, but figuring out which subway lines are operating on weekends because the MTA also has a boatload of service disruptions.

There are few phrases in the English language more obnoxious than "get over it."

And I can't believe anyone would let a $2.75 subway fare ruin their weekend plans and then complain about it. Buses, even in the best of circumstances, will always be far slower than subways and carry far fewer people. Seriously, did people actually think these magic buses would actually be a sufficient substitute for the speed and efficiency of underground transport? My doctor's offices are around 1st Ave., and I've noticed I can usually WALK faster than the crosstown bus.

Well, maybe some people paying $2.75 each way ($5.50 per day) cuts into their budget. It may seem like chump change to you, but for others...not so much.

It's not every day. It's two days out of the week - so $11. I have a lot of sympathy if it's someone making minimum wage having to get to/from work. But let's face it, that's probably not the demographic that's kvetching on JC List. The JC List demographic is one that is preoccupied with the type of bar that opens up downtown or the design of a parking deck at Whole Foods. Chances are they were going into Manhattan to play and if you have the means to spend leisure time/dollars in Manhattan, $5.50 round trip is nothing. It won't even buy a cocktail.

First of all, I'm amazed on how much you can tell about the rest of us on this site. I guess in your logic, people on this site and too poor to login and express their concerns. There are people who ride the PATH and adding an extra fare does adversely affect their cash flow. I guess they should just "deal with it". Maybe you should just look around at your fellow riders and see how many of them this could be affecting. Just because you dismiss them doesn't make it untrue.

Posted on: 2016/8/8 18:16

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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mastablasta wrote:

JadedJC wrote:

JCbiscuit wrote:

JadedJC wrote:
There was a long line at WTC just to get a stupid voucher to get on the shuttle bus. I had to get to work and life is too short. I just sucked it up and paid the $2.75 subway fare to get to Midtown. Get over it. I think most people will simply come to the conclusion that it's far less painful to cough up the subway fare. It's not like you're being forced to do this on weekdays. The shitty part isn't having to pay the extra fare, but figuring out which subway lines are operating on weekends because the MTA also has a boatload of service disruptions.

There are few phrases in the English language more obnoxious than "get over it."

And I can't believe anyone would let a $2.75 subway fare ruin their weekend plans and then complain about it. Buses, even in the best of circumstances, will always be far slower than subways and carry far fewer people. Seriously, did people actually think these magic buses would actually be a sufficient substitute for the speed and efficiency of underground transport? My doctor's offices are around 1st Ave., and I've noticed I can usually WALK faster than the crosstown bus.

Well, maybe some people paying $2.75 each way ($5.50 per day) cuts into their budget. It may seem like chump change to you, but for others...not so much.

It's not every day. It's two days out of the week - so $11. I have a lot of sympathy if it's someone making minimum wage having to get to/from work. But let's face it, that's probably not the demographic that's kvetching on JC List. The JC List demographic is one that is preoccupied with the type of bar that opens up downtown or the design of a parking deck at Whole Foods. Chances are they were going into Manhattan to play and if you have the means to spend leisure time/dollars in Manhattan, $5.50 round trip is nothing. It won't even buy a cocktail.

Posted on: 2016/8/8 16:52

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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2006/5/5 19:55
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JadedJC wrote:

JCbiscuit wrote:

JadedJC wrote:
There was a long line at WTC just to get a stupid voucher to get on the shuttle bus. I had to get to work and life is too short. I just sucked it up and paid the $2.75 subway fare to get to Midtown. Get over it. I think most people will simply come to the conclusion that it's far less painful to cough up the subway fare. It's not like you're being forced to do this on weekdays. The shitty part isn't having to pay the extra fare, but figuring out which subway lines are operating on weekends because the MTA also has a boatload of service disruptions.

There are few phrases in the English language more obnoxious than "get over it."

And I can't believe anyone would let a $2.75 subway fare ruin their weekend plans and then complain about it. Buses, even in the best of circumstances, will always be far slower than subways and carry far fewer people. Seriously, did people actually think these magic buses would actually be a sufficient substitute for the speed and efficiency of underground transport? My doctor's offices are around 1st Ave., and I've noticed I can usually WALK faster than the crosstown bus.

Well, maybe some people paying $2.75 each way ($5.50 per day) cuts into their budget. It may seem like chump change to you, but for others...not so much.

Posted on: 2016/8/8 16:41

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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JCbiscuit wrote:

JadedJC wrote:
There was a long line at WTC just to get a stupid voucher to get on the shuttle bus. I had to get to work and life is too short. I just sucked it up and paid the $2.75 subway fare to get to Midtown. Get over it. I think most people will simply come to the conclusion that it's far less painful to cough up the subway fare. It's not like you're being forced to do this on weekdays. The shitty part isn't having to pay the extra fare, but figuring out which subway lines are operating on weekends because the MTA also has a boatload of service disruptions.

There are few phrases in the English language more obnoxious than "get over it."

And I can't believe anyone would let a $2.75 subway fare ruin their weekend plans and then complain about it. Buses, even in the best of circumstances, will always be far slower than subways and carry far fewer people. Seriously, did people actually think these magic buses would actually be a sufficient substitute for the speed and efficiency of underground transport? My doctor's offices are around 1st Ave., and I've noticed I can usually WALK faster than the crosstown bus.

Posted on: 2016/8/8 16:24

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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2006/5/5 19:55
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So, they have to close parts of the system to make repairs...fine.

The problem with PATH is they could do more, but they choose not to. There is too much time between buses and they are packed. The solution? Run more buses. However PATH will choose not to do this.

Long lines for people trying to get vouchers to ride the bus. The solution? Get more people to hand out vouchers. Will PATH do this? No.

It's the same with PATH in the evenings during the week. Have you ever ridden the 33rd to JSQ train around 8pm? People are just crammed in there. Does PATH care? No. Could they run trains more frequently than 10-12 minutes apart? Yes. Will they do it? No.

I don't think the answer is to "deal with it." Maybe PATH should deal with be seeing things from the perspective of people who ride the system and do something about it.

Posted on: 2016/8/8 16:09

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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2015/5/28 0:34
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I was pleased when the Port Authority added other transit system connections to the PATH maps, but they have taken yet another step backwards with this very slow shuttle bus. They should be encouraging riders to transfer to MTA subways and buses. A gold standard would have been working with MTA to allow for a free transfer to Fulton station.

Posted on: 2016/8/8 16:02

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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2008/2/10 22:47
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Dolomiti wrote:

itgirl wrote:
does anyone else find it way too coincidental that they timed this weekend service change at the same time the shops are opening at the WTC station/Fulton Center?

H'm, let's see.

The tunnels were extensively damaged by Sandy in 2012, resulting in a need to devise multi-year plans for repairs. This included closing the WTC tunnel on weekends for much of 2014. PA also has to meet a federal mandate to install positive train control by 2018.

Yes, obviously those devious fiends engineered a hurricane, a federal mandate and two major tunnel closures to... boost the number of people walking past a bunch of stores, in a facility that PA leases to someone else.

You should have gone with your first instinct. Please put the tin-foil hat away.

Hey, it's just a theory about the timing--not disputing the necessity. Though I'm sure the bad press generated by a $4 billion dollar empty carcass unable to fill their retail space would never rebound on the PA.

Posted on: 2016/8/8 14:33

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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2008/2/10 22:47
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itgirl wrote:
I may need to put my tinfoil hat away, but does anyone else find it way too coincidental that they timed this weekend service change at the same time the shops are opening at the WTC station/Fulton Center? It's basically funneling weekend shopping traffic directly through the station during the heart of the holiday shopping season. I mean, ridership is lighter during the summer isn't it? Why not start earlier in the season?

Also, they closed the other exit further down on Vesey Street, which forces you to walk through the station shopping area. Now, there may be a perfectly good explanation for this, but seems a little fishy to me.

So, the more I dig into this, the more plausible it seems that the timing of the signal repair is designed to benefit the vendors.

Shops have started backing out on their leases since the spring. Signal upgrades were announced shortly after the first few vendors skedaddled. To keep the anchor stores (Apple and H&M) and the smaller luxury stores from cutting bait, the PA probably guaranteed a steady stream of traffic during their opening months. The first stores are set to open next week.

Why is there no PA subsidized alternate service, such as ferries or buses, as there was during the WTC PATH shut down? It only benefits Westfield to have a single point of entry/egress to and from the city for all traffic from Newark, Hoboken and JC.

Posted on: 2016/8/8 14:26

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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JCbiscuit wrote:
There are few phrases in the English language more obnoxious than "get over it."

How about "First World Problems" ?

Posted on: 2016/8/8 14:25

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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Bike_Lane wrote:
When this "round" is done, will there be closures between Grove-Newport-Hoboken to install PTC along that segment? I think during the WTC and current 33rd closures, service has continued to run on this segment. Will they have to shut it down at some point?

I believe most of those areas are finished, but I could be wrong. It is PA we're dealing with, so I don't think they have published a map or guide of what is complete. At least, I can't find one.

Posted on: 2016/8/8 14:25

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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JadedJC wrote:
There was a long line at WTC just to get a stupid voucher to get on the shuttle bus. I had to get to work and life is too short. I just sucked it up and paid the $2.75 subway fare to get to Midtown. Get over it. I think most people will simply come to the conclusion that it's far less painful to cough up the subway fare. It's not like you're being forced to do this on weekdays. The shitty part isn't having to pay the extra fare, but figuring out which subway lines are operating on weekends because the MTA also has a boatload of service disruptions.

There are few phrases in the English language more obnoxious than "get over it."

Posted on: 2016/8/8 14:18

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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itgirl wrote:
does anyone else find it way too coincidental that they timed this weekend service change at the same time the shops are opening at the WTC station/Fulton Center?

H'm, let's see.

The tunnels were extensively damaged by Sandy in 2012, resulting in a need to devise multi-year plans for repairs. This included closing the WTC tunnel on weekends for much of 2014. PA also has to meet a federal mandate to install positive train control by 2018.

Yes, obviously those devious fiends engineered a hurricane, a federal mandate and two major tunnel closures to... boost the number of people walking past a bunch of stores, in a facility that PA leases to someone else.

You should have gone with your first instinct. Please put the tin-foil hat away.

Posted on: 2016/8/8 14:15

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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2008/11/10 4:48
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When this "round" is done, will there be closures between Grove-Newport-Hoboken to install PTC along that segment? I think during the WTC and current 33rd closures, service has continued to run on this segment. Will they have to shut it down at some point?

Posted on: 2016/8/8 13:59

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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bodhipooh wrote:

JCbiscuit wrote:
I'm sitting on the shuttle from WTC, and we are crawwwwwwling up 6th ave at a snail's pace.

The first stop isn't until 4th street, so here's me missing that movie date.

It's gonna be a long 4 month stretch for PATH riders, but a lucrative one for the MTA, as I don't see many of us doing this more than once.

Why would you think the PA will complete this project by the stated deadline?


1) They finished the WTC line repairs on time (if not a little early)

2) They were actually ahead of the federal deadlines to upgrade to the new signal technology, until Sandy hit and damaged a lot of the new equipment

3) Closing down lines for extended periods generally results in faster completion times.... which is why they do it

Posted on: 2016/8/8 13:45

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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itgirl wrote:
I may need to put my tinfoil hat away, but does anyone else find it way too coincidental that they timed this weekend service change at the same time the shops are opening at the WTC station/Fulton Center? It's basically funneling weekend shopping traffic directly through the station during the heart of the holiday shopping season. I mean, ridership is lighter during the summer isn't it? Why not start earlier in the season?

Also, they closed the other exit further down on Vesey Street, which forces you to walk through the station shopping area. Now, there may be a perfectly good explanation for this, but seems a little fishy to me.

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Posted on: 2016/8/8 4:27
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Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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2015/5/28 0:34
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itgirl wrote:
I may need to put my tinfoil hat away, but does anyone else find it way too coincidental that they timed this weekend service change at the same time the shops are opening at the WTC station/Fulton Center? It's basically funneling weekend shopping traffic directly through the station during the heart of the holiday shopping season. I mean, ridership is lighter during the summer isn't it? Why not start earlier in the season?

Also, they closed the other exit further down on Vesey Street, which forces you to walk through the station shopping area. Now, there may be a perfectly good explanation for this, but seems a little fishy to me.

I would not be surprised...

I hope no one shops there and the mall is a giant flop.

Posted on: 2016/8/8 3:16

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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2008/2/10 22:47
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I may need to put my tinfoil hat away, but does anyone else find it way too coincidental that they timed this weekend service change at the same time the shops are opening at the WTC station/Fulton Center? It's basically funneling weekend shopping traffic directly through the station during the heart of the holiday shopping season. I mean, ridership is lighter during the summer isn't it? Why not start earlier in the season?

Also, they closed the other exit further down on Vesey Street, which forces you to walk through the station shopping area. Now, there may be a perfectly good explanation for this, but seems a little fishy to me.

Posted on: 2016/8/8 2:31

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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There was a long line at WTC just to get a stupid voucher to get on the shuttle bus. I had to get to work and life is too short. I just sucked it up and paid the $2.75 subway fare to get to Midtown. Get over it. I think most people will simply come to the conclusion that it's far less painful to cough up the subway fare. It's not like you're being forced to do this on weekdays. The shitty part isn't having to pay the extra fare, but figuring out which subway lines are operating on weekends because the MTA also has a boatload of service disruptions.

Posted on: 2016/8/7 20:43

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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JCbiscuit wrote:
I'm sitting on the shuttle from WTC, and we are crawwwwwwling up 6th ave at a snail's pace.

The first stop isn't until 4th street, so here's me missing that movie date.

It's gonna be a long 4 month stretch for PATH riders, but a lucrative one for the MTA, as I don't see many of us doing this more than once.

It's going to be more than 4 months. The article announcing the closures said that more are planned for 2017.

Posted on: 2016/8/7 18:07

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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mscottc wrote:

JCbiscuit wrote:
I'm sitting on the shuttle from WTC, and we are crawwwwwwling up 6th ave at a snail's pace.

The first stop isn't until 4th street, so here's me missing that movie date.

It's gonna be a long 4 month stretch for PATH riders, but a lucrative one for the MTA, as I don't see many of us doing this more than once.

Have you ever heard of the New York City Subway?

Yes, I know it sucks that you'll have to pay an extra fare, but for getting around New York City, nothing beats the Subway.

And give the PA a break on this one. Over a hundred years ago, it was decided to build a two track system throughout what is now PATH. They are trying to perform a major upgrade, there is no "good time" to do this, so they picked the least bad "bad time." Grow up and help yourself.

did you not notice the last line of the post before you got out your pulpit and started pounding on it?

Posted on: 2016/8/7 17:36

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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JCbiscuit wrote:
I'm sitting on the shuttle from WTC, and we are crawwwwwwling up 6th ave at a snail's pace.

The first stop isn't until 4th street, so here's me missing that movie date.

It's gonna be a long 4 month stretch for PATH riders, but a lucrative one for the MTA, as I don't see many of us doing this more than once.

Have you ever heard of the New York City Subway?

Yes, I know it sucks that you'll have to pay an extra fare, but for getting around New York City, nothing beats the Subway.

And give the PA a break on this one. Over a hundred years ago, it was decided to build a two track system throughout what is now PATH. They are trying to perform a major upgrade, there is no "good time" to do this, so they picked the least bad "bad time." Grow up and help yourself.

Posted on: 2016/8/7 11:33

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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JCbiscuit wrote:
I'm sitting on the shuttle from WTC, and we are crawwwwwwling up 6th ave at a snail's pace.

The first stop isn't until 4th street, so here's me missing that movie date.

It's gonna be a long 4 month stretch for PATH riders, but a lucrative one for the MTA, as I don't see many of us doing this more than once.

There was a long line at Church St waiting in the hot sun for the next bus, there aren't enough buses and their timing is off.
Going downtown first bus passed the 14th St stop, it was full, waited a long time for the second bus which was almost full.
This will be a long 4 months.

Posted on: 2016/8/7 11:08

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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JCbiscuit wrote:
I'm sitting on the shuttle from WTC, and we are crawwwwwwling up 6th ave at a snail's pace.

The first stop isn't until 4th street, so here's me missing that movie date.

It's gonna be a long 4 month stretch for PATH riders, but a lucrative one for the MTA, as I don't see many of us doing this more than once.

Why would you think the PA will complete this project by the stated deadline? Call me jaded, but I am very much inclined to believe this will continue well into 2017. But, I guess time will tell.

Posted on: 2016/8/7 0:05

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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perhaps one of those frequent street festivals on 6th ave between 14th and 23rd is causing traffic slowdown....

Posted on: 2016/8/6 23:28

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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I'm sitting on the shuttle from WTC, and we are crawwwwwwling up 6th ave at a snail's pace.

The first stop isn't until 4th street, so here's me missing that movie date.

It's gonna be a long 4 month stretch for PATH riders, but a lucrative one for the MTA, as I don't see many of us doing this more than once.

Posted on: 2016/8/6 22:21

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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foshizigity00 wrote:
hopefully ya don't need to go into the city over the weekend...

You realize the WTC line is open, right?

Posted on: 2016/7/28 20:30

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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hopefully ya don't need to go into the city over the weekend...

Posted on: 2016/7/28 20:27

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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third_street_hats wrote:
F'ing brilliant from the PA again:

PATH will not run extra WTC-NWK trains on weekends. WTC-NWK trains will continue to operate on their normal 20-minute weekend schedule.

However, there will be a ?new? WTC-JSQ line that will run every 12 minutes. This line does not show up on their new map or brochures and they refer to it as an ?unscheduled? line to accommodate ridership on an as needed basis. (They mention this around the 15-minute mark in the first video. You?ll want to crank up your speakers as the audio is very low).

A WTC-Hoboken line will run every 12 minutes as well as a new JSQ-Hoboken line. Basically, if you live in Hoboken, you?re in really good shape.

It will probably be miserable for the first weekend, with tremendously overcrowded trains, but then this "as needed" line will run more frequently so later weeks won't be so bad.

Posted on: 2016/7/28 17:42

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Port Authority to temporarily suspend weekend PATH service to 33rd Street

Traveling to and from New York City on the weekends is about to get a lot more complicated.

The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey announced today that weekend PATH service on the 33rd Street line will be suspended starting in early August and continuing into December. The months-long suspension is part of a federally-mandated safety initiative to install a new computerized signal system designed to improve passenger service and safety, the Port Authority said in a statement announcing the news.

Service on the 33rd Street line will be suspended from approximately 12:01 a.m. on Saturdays until 5 a.m. on Mondays. The suspension will continue most weekends into December, with the exception of major holidays, the Port Authority announced. ... treet_will_be_suspen.html

Posted on: 2016/7/28 16:19

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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F'ing brilliant from the PA again:

PATH will not run extra WTC-NWK trains on weekends. WTC-NWK trains will continue to operate on their normal 20-minute weekend schedule.

However, there will be a ?new? WTC-JSQ line that will run every 12 minutes. This line does not show up on their new map or brochures and they refer to it as an ?unscheduled? line to accommodate ridership on an as needed basis. (They mention this around the 15-minute mark in the first video. You?ll want to crank up your speakers as the audio is very low).

A WTC-Hoboken line will run every 12 minutes as well as a new JSQ-Hoboken line. Basically, if you live in Hoboken, you?re in really good shape.

Posted on: 2016/7/28 13:16

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