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Re: Consultant Pleads Guilty in Murder of Jersey City Political Operative
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Around the country, the Republicans are no less corrupt. We just have a whole lot more Democrats in this area, so here, they're more likely to be found out.

Posted on: 2022/1/26 15:41

Re: Jewish Non-Profit Provides Halal Meat to Afghan Refugees and Others
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When not prodded by extremists, both Jews and Muslims can be very charitable to each other. Like so many other situations, it's the extremists of society that cause almost all the issues between people who are different.

Posted on: 2021/12/29 21:38

Re: NY Young Republican sneak into JC restaurant incl. Matt Putz
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Yvonne wrote:
Sneak in? There was busload of rioters who went around to various cities quite organized, burning buildings and no one said they "snuck in" at all. So if you are a conservative, you are doing illegal things but if you are a liberal, you can do no wrong because you are fighting for justice as you loot and burn the city down.

And most of the rioters and civil unrest that were outsiders were, by all accounts, including the FBY and local police departments, conservative troublemakers, taking advantage of liberal peaceful protests.

Posted on: 2020/12/6 18:39

Re: Democratic Operative Exposes Voter Fraud (He Did it in Hudson County!)
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TheBigGuy wrote:

mscottc wrote:

135jc wrote:

papadage wrote:

TheBigGuy wrote:
Laughable hearing the democrats worrying about voter suppression when they are endorsing mail-in voting process. Looking at the primary numbers for rejected ballots, it is a certainty that more registered voters will be disenfranchised through this process, than in previous years.

For the volume of ballots to be counted, there are just to many opportunities for mial-in process failure, starting with voter error completing the ballot. Much of it will be a human error, but some will be outright illegal like this lazy mail carrier. ... 100-election-ballots.html

And yet, the biggest issue will be Republicans trying to keep people from voting, with its supporters always being silent about it. From Abbott in TX only allowing one drop location for a county of five million, to them trying not to county anything that arrives after Election day, even if postmarked beforehand, due to them purposefully slowing down mail delivery.

Just hypocritical scum.

Read some of the stories of local problems. Ballots being dumped in NJ and democratic voter fraud in NYC. Pay attention!

And Republicans doing all they can to prevent people from voting... we can go over this over and over again.

Same with violence. I have yet to see a real Antifa act. Yet we see real acts of violence coming from the right. And then there's the attempt at kidnapping/killing of a Democratic governor.

Let me respond to my own comment, every soldier and every citizen that contributed to winnning WWII was effectively a member of Antifa. I guess they're all evil losers.

This is the ringleader of that kidnap conspiracy... notice the antifa flag in the background. You are worse than the MSM when you say you have yet to see an antifa act of violence.

Sure there may be idiots like him around, but he does not represent any liberal person I know. He's a radical extremist, and I certainly doubt he qualifies as a liberal.

And again, anti-fascist is a good thing. If you can't see that, there's no hope for you at all.

Posted on: 2020/10/11 15:20

Re: Democratic Operative Exposes Voter Fraud (He Did it in Hudson County!)
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135jc wrote:

papadage wrote:

TheBigGuy wrote:
Laughable hearing the democrats worrying about voter suppression when they are endorsing mail-in voting process. Looking at the primary numbers for rejected ballots, it is a certainty that more registered voters will be disenfranchised through this process, than in previous years.

For the volume of ballots to be counted, there are just to many opportunities for mial-in process failure, starting with voter error completing the ballot. Much of it will be a human error, but some will be outright illegal like this lazy mail carrier. ... 100-election-ballots.html

And yet, the biggest issue will be Republicans trying to keep people from voting, with its supporters always being silent about it. From Abbott in TX only allowing one drop location for a county of five million, to them trying not to county anything that arrives after Election day, even if postmarked beforehand, due to them purposefully slowing down mail delivery.

Just hypocritical scum.

Read some of the stories of local problems. Ballots being dumped in NJ and democratic voter fraud in NYC. Pay attention!

And Republicans doing all they can to prevent people from voting... we can go over this over and over again.

Same with violence. I have yet to see a real Antifa act. Yet we see real acts of violence coming from the right. And then there's the attempt at kidnapping/killing of a Democratic governor.

Let me respond to my own comment, every soldier and every citizen that contributed to winnning WWII was effectively a member of Antifa. I guess they're all evil losers.

Posted on: 2020/10/10 13:16

Re: Democratic Operative Exposes Voter Fraud (He Did it in Hudson County!)
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Personally, I'd rather have the paper ballots that come with the mail in balloting we have this year than the non-verfiable electronic machines we've had for the last couple of decades. NJ is one of the few states to have not had a paper trail on its voting machines, and that's more ripe for fraud than paper ballots.

Oh, and my wife and I did request mail in ballots, so no fraudalant signature on my part.

Posted on: 2020/9/29 13:04

Re: Democratic Operative Exposes Voter Fraud (He Did it in Hudson County!)
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I for one never trusted the New Jersey voting machines. They were probably fine, but the total lack of paper trail made them totally suspect to me.

There was a documentary on HBO that aired after the Bush Gore debacle about voting machines in Florida. These were not the chad producing machines that were in use in some counties, they were paper ballot scanners. They picked a random set of them off the shelf from a voting machine storage location, zeroed them all out and scanned a small set of ballots with known and verified numbers of votes and if I remember correctly the macines all spit out results that did not match the known ballots that were used.

All in favor of the Republican candidates.

Posted on: 2020/9/22 22:19

Re: Democratic Operative Exposes Voter Fraud (He Did it in Hudson County!)
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Define "Late Ballots."

Posted on: 2020/9/18 0:11

Re: Democratic Operative Exposes Voter Fraud (He Did it in Hudson County!)
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Do you actually have proof?

Trump made the same claims and appointed a whole Federal commision. They came up with NADA.

Posted on: 2020/9/14 12:57

Re: removing comments from site on Thursday
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He makes a very valid point about media and liberalism, one I've been making to my more conservative friends for quite a while now. Journalism as a career tends to attract liberals. I'm making a very generalized statement, and yes there are some very good conservative journalists. But all in all, most Journalists get into the business to help enlighten the world, to change the world for what they perceive is a better way. These are people who do lean liberal. But, and hear this very carefully, most good journalists realize their only real stock in trade is their reputation for fairness and honesty. They work very hard to report the news as they see it, verifying facts, double or triple sourcing what they put on the air or in print. I don't know the standards at, but I know the standards where I work. I'm proud of the work the journalists I support do. And I know they do all they can to present a fair and balanced reporting of the day's news.

Posted on: 2020/5/30 0:11

Re: removing comments from site on Thursday
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TheBigGuy wrote:
The left wing media shutdown comments section, thus free speech, in most online publications years ago. I am sure they were more butt hurt about the online critiques related to the quality of writing, use of grammar and being called out for disguising advertising as "new stories".

The straw that broke the opinion censor's back was the disappearance of the poor little girl Dulce Alvarez in South Jersey. When they shut down the comments to that story, people would post their comments in other comment sections. People did not believe the narrative spun by the teenage mother nor the way the story was being covered.

I am frankly surprised the NYT still has a comments section.


Left wing media???? Most reputable media I know is mainstream. When I see comment sections rife with comments like yours, I understand why the media is closing them down.

Posted on: 2020/2/27 13:07

Re: JC teachers who made 99K or more in 2019
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Pebble wrote:

LOL! I *am* in the private sector. I'm just not a pathetic old bigoted crank that embodies the Boomer generation's motto "I got mine, screw you for trying to get yours."

Instead of using the excuse of "I can't afford my taxes", why don't you ask the better question of why you didn't save up enough money to weather an increase in property taxes?

Seems to me that the issue isn't in teachers getting paid a living wage. The issue is that you supported tax cuts on wealthy people, something you will never be, and then bemoaned the fact that there isn't enough cash in the coffers. Maybe if you weren't so self absorbed and much better educated, you'd make better life decisions so that an increase in property taxes isn't an issue.

I agree with the latter two paragraphs of your statement, I objected to Reagan era tax cuts, I have objected to all the following Republican Tax cuts ever since.

But I'm also a "Boomer." and I am very very offended by the concept that all boomers are responsible for the plight of our younger generations. Selfish hypocrites come in all ages. I agree my generation was handed a much better living situation than Gen X, Gen Y, or Millennials, (quite frankly I'm not a big fan of these age categories, why can't we just describe people by their age?) I come across teens, twenty somethings, thirty somethings, young adults in their 40s etc who are just as selfish as some of my peers. I also find responsible people in all age groups.

Let me put it very simply, I'm not okay with the "Okay Boomer" movement. The fault lies with those who refuse to see that conservatives and their drive to choke government with all the tax cuts of the last 40 years is the real issue.

Posted on: 2019/12/17 11:49

Re: JC teachers who made 99K or more in 2019
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Sutherland wrote:
I'm 55 years old, with a BS in accounting and a practicing attorney. We're not going to attract the brightest and best by underpaying them. People cannot afford to live in this year on less than $90,000.00 . We have lost our best candidates to careers that pay more. We have to attract those people.


dmark526 wrote:
Lol. You sound like a typical Millennial. I have no experience, but I want to start at the top. Wouldn't we all like to have things given to us before proving ourselves.

Bravo... we entrust teachers with our children. We want them to be availed to the best and brightest teachers we can afford.

Posted on: 2019/12/6 16:37

Re: JC teachers who made 99K or more in 2019
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If I read this list right, all of these teachers have 30+ years of experience. My guess is that they've all partaken in continuing education. These salaries are not out of line. If you want this kind of income, improve your own education.

Posted on: 2019/12/4 22:46

Re: Windshield replacement
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I concur.. Bob's Auto Glass. Call before going to make an appointment, and to make sure they can get your windshield in stock.

Posted on: 2019/10/1 18:44

Re: Jersey City launching new bus service; mayor says NJ Transit falling short
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JCBORN wrote:
Why is that? How can we work on making it the lowest in the state?


hero69 wrote:

Correction: jersey city residents lay one of the lowest property tax rates in the state.

So you want your city to go to crap? I don't mind paying taxes... as long as they go to good uses. If mobilizing our less fortunate citizens, helping them get to their jobs, is part of our taxes, I'm fine.

Posted on: 2019/9/22 21:09

Re: New Tax Rate is Insane!
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66romaine wrote:
When will people realize this is what you get when you vote Democrats in? If taxes are not enough, add to that the ban on plastic bags (all in the name of the "climate change" scam and Sanctuary Cities

Yep, keep voting and get what you are asking for

Yep, the same Democrats that keep taking us out of recessions created by Republicans.

The same Democrats who opposed the tax cuts put in place by the current administration, those tax cuts that limited your state and local tax write-offs. Those same tax cuts that cut taxes for billionaires and corporations, but actually wound up costing us in the middle class...

I'll take this post down if you take yours down.

Posted on: 2019/8/20 21:32

Re: Baby found dead in suitcase on PATH tracks
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JC_Man wrote:

Adonis wrote:
WTF.....People like this are allowed to roam this earth??!!

Yes - courtesy of Liberal judges. We need to show compassion for convicted criminals - never mind the victims.

Why do conservatives always need to blame the world's problems on liberals?

At least we look for ways to solve problems.

Posted on: 2019/6/22 12:03

Re: Port Authority announces plan to increase PATH capacity, reduce delays
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Posted on: 2019/6/21 11:42

Re: New Jersey to require schools to teach LGBT history
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To those of you who have a problem with this, please explain why teaching of any real history is a problem for you. And specifically why you have a problem with the LGBT community. Perhaps if you're open and honest, we can understand your motivations.

It shouldn't matter who you love, as long as you love.

Posted on: 2019/6/7 20:20

Re: Commuter gondola plan gets off ground....
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It really comes down to more rail tunnels into NYC. They. over the long run, are simply the most efficient mode of transportation.

Posted on: 2019/4/23 14:02

Re: ‘Massive’ $120M budget shortfall is subject of special Jersey City BOE meeting
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bodhipooh wrote:

mscottc wrote:

Monroe wrote:
Yvonne, the result is a 2% increase in JC taxes. Considering how low JC taxes are compared to the NJ average your takeaway should be ?how lucky JC taxpayers have been for decades?.

While I am not claiming to know any of the numbers here, if the BOE is talking a 50% to 100% tax increase and school taxes represent about 25% of our full tax bill, how can we only expect a 2% tax increase. It seems to me it's more in the ballpark of 12.5%-25% or perhaps even more. This is simple math.

Read the article: the current budget proposal is only for a 10% increase to make up the shortfall for this year. That ~10% increase represents only a little over a 2% increase for residents in their total tax bill. The dire predictions of 100% or 200% are about what will happen in the future. This year's increase is largely mitigated by the payroll tax approved by the legislature. As pressure increases in Trenton to cut back even more in the JC BOE subsidies, and as other cuts already announced get phased in, more money will be needed to make up the shortfall.

Got it... so perhaps 2 percent imminently, but potentially 20% or more down the road.

Posted on: 2019/3/30 21:08

Re: ‘Massive’ $120M budget shortfall is subject of special Jersey City BOE meeting
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Monroe wrote:
Yvonne, the result is a 2% increase in JC taxes. Considering how low JC taxes are compared to the NJ average your takeaway should be ?how lucky JC taxpayers have been for decades?.

While I am not claiming to know any of the numbers here, if the BOE is talking a 50% to 100% tax increase and school taxes represent about 25% of our full tax bill, how can we only expect a 2% tax increase. It seems to me it's more in the ballpark of 12.5%-25% or perhaps even more. This is simple math.

Posted on: 2019/3/30 17:35

Re: Overheard at Word
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JC_Man wrote:

mscottc wrote:

uptown wrote:
Metropolitan Diary of last Friday afternoon....

While browsing early afternoon in Word, I heard this exchange between a customer (he did make a purchase) and the manager (? perhaps, older guy):

Customer: It would be good if you had more titles -- not just liberal and left -- more of a range.

Manager: This is what we have. Gotta a problem ; tough! (he went from zero to 60 pretty quick)

Customer: I'm just saying. There are a lot of people in this town. The selection is pretty slim.

Manager: Well you can shop elsewhere you creep!

That's verbatim....and it continued a little bit. The customer just paid for his hard cover (I think the place is often too $) and left.

We should all think about the echo chambers we occupy -- well, I do -- and this bothered me alot. Being the only bookstore in town gives Word a certain confidence I guess but I'll think more about just using NYC I think.

Well, it is the right of the bookstore, or any store for that matter, to stock the product it desires. If the customer was not satisfied, shop somewhere else?

At least the manager didn't refuse to service the customer, say like a baker who refused to bake a cake for a gay wedding. Or a county court clerk who refused to issue a marriage licence to a gay couple. Nor did the manager refuse to sell a customer a product in stock, like some pharmacists who refuse to sell Plan B or other contraceptives even though it's already on the shelf.

Please tell me how Word is so bad.

I guess the manager was just a greedy, capitalist, liberal, leftist that wanted the customer's money no matter what and he didn't have any values or principals (other than greed and unlike the baker) to tell the customer to go pound salt. So sad.

Quite frankly, I take the whole thing with a grain of salt. But at least liberals don't deny rights to others.

Posted on: 2019/2/28 13:10

Re: Overheard at Word
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HeightsNative wrote:
Ah yes, the moral relativist argument. Otherwise knows as the race to the bottom. The kind of response that comes from true dopes.

The difference is that you?re defending one and supporting the other. Rather than being consistent and supporting both or chiding both. Ya dope.


mscottc wrote:

uptown wrote:
Metropolitan Diary of last Friday afternoon....

While browsing early afternoon in Word, I heard this exchange between a customer (he did make a purchase) and the manager (? perhaps, older guy):

Customer: It would be good if you had more titles -- not just liberal and left -- more of a range.

Manager: This is what we have. Gotta a problem ; tough! (he went from zero to 60 pretty quick)

Customer: I'm just saying. There are a lot of people in this town. The selection is pretty slim.

Manager: Well you can shop elsewhere you creep!

That's verbatim....and it continued a little bit. The customer just paid for his hard cover (I think the place is often too $) and left.

We should all think about the echo chambers we occupy -- well, I do -- and this bothered me alot. Being the only bookstore in town gives Word a certain confidence I guess but I'll think more about just using NYC I think.

Well, it is the right of the bookstore, or any store for that matter, to stock the product it desires. If the customer was not satisfied, shop somewhere else?

At least the manager didn't refuse to service the customer, say like a baker who refused to bake a cake for a gay wedding. Or a county court clerk who refused to issue a marriage licence to a gay couple. Nor did the manager refuse to sell a customer a product in stock, like some pharmacists who refuse to sell Plan B or other contraceptives even though it's already on the shelf.

Please tell me how Word is so bad.

While it's true that I'm defending the bookstore, I'm not defending the manager, but more important my point was I'm comparing the difference between a store that doesn't carry a certain product and a store that refuses to serve certain people. I don't agree with the manager's actions, and perhaps I should have made that clear. But I won't criticize the bookstore for it's choice of product. Just like I won't criticize a religious bookstore for its contents. I would criticize any store that refuses to serve a customer just based on their political views.

Posted on: 2019/2/27 13:06

Edited by mscottc on 2019/2/27 13:32:00

Re: Overheard at Word
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uptown wrote:
Metropolitan Diary of last Friday afternoon....

While browsing early afternoon in Word, I heard this exchange between a customer (he did make a purchase) and the manager (? perhaps, older guy):

Customer: It would be good if you had more titles -- not just liberal and left -- more of a range.

Manager: This is what we have. Gotta a problem ; tough! (he went from zero to 60 pretty quick)

Customer: I'm just saying. There are a lot of people in this town. The selection is pretty slim.

Manager: Well you can shop elsewhere you creep!

That's verbatim....and it continued a little bit. The customer just paid for his hard cover (I think the place is often too $) and left.

We should all think about the echo chambers we occupy -- well, I do -- and this bothered me alot. Being the only bookstore in town gives Word a certain confidence I guess but I'll think more about just using NYC I think.

Well, it is the right of the bookstore, or any store for that matter, to stock the product it desires. If the customer was not satisfied, shop somewhere else?

At least the manager didn't refuse to service the customer, say like a baker who refused to bake a cake for a gay wedding. Or a county court clerk who refused to issue a marriage licence to a gay couple. Nor did the manager refuse to sell a customer a product in stock, like some pharmacists who refuse to sell Plan B or other contraceptives even though it's already on the shelf.

Please tell me how Word is so bad.

Posted on: 2019/2/26 20:37

Re: JC plans to install 80+ speed bumps in 2019.
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bodhipooh wrote:

hero69 wrote:

ThirdStreet wrote:
I am not sure how far this , 'the pedestrian can do absolutely no wrong attitude ' the city has adopted since the Fulop administration will take us. There has zero effort to encourage pedestrians to drop unsafe habits like jay walking, standing a good yard or so onto the road while waiting to cross the street.
nope. this lady was not jay walking. she was trying to cross in the striped zone and these cars just would not stop for a slow walking person. pedestrians always have right of way at a non-controlled intersection!

This is a SERIOUS problem in JC. I see it happen all over DTJC, almost daily. I have had many close calls with other cars almost rear ending me when I have stopped for pedestrians. I have seen cars get annoyed and drive around someone yielding to pedestrians, and then narrowly miss them. Pedestrians do need to do their part: don?t stand at the corner if you don?t intend to cross (weirdly, this happens often) and DO assert your right of way when you approach a crosswalk.

Overall, there needs to be more education around this issue. Collectively, we definitely lag behind other countries when it comes to pedestrians, cyclists, and cars, sharing space.

I think there's a lot right on both sides of this issue. However another real problem here is that a minority of people feel the law doesn't apply to them. That they have the right to cross the street where they really shouldn't be, or they have the right to drive around a car stopped for pedestrians, or drive around a school bus with its lights flashing, or speed through high pedestrian traffic areas.

Unfortunately the only way to deal with that is far comprehensive enforcement, or something as simple as speed bumps.

Posted on: 2019/2/24 12:21

Re: Reason #110 Why not take your car to Jersey City Ford
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I also went there to look at and test drive a Ford. Even though I liked what I drove, I decided to go with a different brand vehicle.
For the next 3-4 weeks I kept getting very pushy sales calls. Eventually I spoke to a manager, and I told him point blank (with a little lie). Yes sir, I loved the car, but because of all the very pushy salesmen you had, I purchased the Ford somewhere else. The phonecalls stopped.

Posted on: 2019/1/31 12:28

Re: A new N.J. bar’s dress code was called racist. The owner says it was ‘an oversight.’
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JC_Man wrote:

mscottc wrote:

JC_Man wrote:
Completely agree - the Left turns EVERYTHING into a race or class war. And let's blame this on Trump while we're at it.

Excuse me... it seems to me you're turning a statement you don't like into a liberal thing. I'm quite liberal, and I'm not sure where the bar's dress code states anything racist. You don't have to be liberal to interpret the dress code in any number of different ways.

Your statement potentially says to me that Conservatives have to to slam everything they don't like as "liberal." But even I know that that broad a generalization is idiocy. So I'll pin the idiocy on you, not all conservatives.

Read the original article!! The article mentioned race - that's my point - the liberal (press) turns EVERYTHING into race, class, black/white.

Reread the article... the article said (and I'm simplifying) "Some people called the policy racist." The writer of the article didn't say it was racist, I'll repeat, they said "Some people called the policy racist."

Here's the actual text of the article... "The references to oversized jewelry, low and belt-less pants, and head gear, particularly, were seen by some as racially specific and led a number of patrons to take to social media to question if the bar is expressly attempting to keep patrons of color out of the premises."

You assume the press is liberal... makes you a conservative... the "press" is middle of the road.

Posted on: 2019/1/18 20:49

Re: A new N.J. bar’s dress code was called racist. The owner says it was ‘an oversight.’
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JC_Man wrote:
Completely agree - the Left turns EVERYTHING into a race or class war. And let's blame this on Trump while we're at it.

Excuse me... it seems to me you're turning a statement you don't like into a liberal thing. I'm quite liberal, and I'm not sure where the bar's dress code states anything racist. You don't have to be liberal to interpret the dress code in any number of different ways.

Your statement potentially says to me that Conservatives have to to slam everything they don't like as "liberal." But even I know that that broad a generalization is idiocy. So I'll pin the idiocy on you, not all conservatives.

Posted on: 2019/1/17 12:49

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