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Re: N.J. woman claims cabbie tried to abduct her, Taxi and Limousine Commission will investigate
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2006/11/8 20:49 Last Login : 2022/4/26 19:42 From Chilltown, NJ
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I'm sorry it seems to me she made this up on purpose for attention to herself and the shelter she works at. The police report contridicts too much of her story. For example when she states she never heard about the driver agreeing to half the fare. It's funny she says that when the police report says he left with no fare after the credit card machine didn't work. How would it be known she didn't have cash and only a credit card if payment was never discussed between her and police?
Posted on: 2015/10/11 22:12
Re: N.J. woman claims cabbie tried to abduct her, Taxi and Limousine Commission will investigate
Home away from home
Her actions weren't well thought out - whatever the reason. That's not victim blaming. Unless additional facts come to light - don't think anyone can be "blamed".
Posted on: 2015/10/11 14:31
Re: N.J. woman claims cabbie tried to abduct her, Taxi and Limousine Commission will investigate
Home away from home
No moron, it's called approaching each situation with discretion and common sense. In this case, that approach yields the conclusion that she is full of shit. Maybe she was scared, but she never vocalized it to anyone before jumping out of a moving car. In other cases, the woman very well may have been legitimately sexually assaulted. Which again, is not even at issue here. We don't just blindly accept the word of every loud nutcase, because "why would they lie?"
Posted on: 2015/10/11 13:48
Re: N.J. woman claims cabbie tried to abduct her, Taxi and Limousine Commission will investigate
Home away from home
Sorry DTJCview, our mentally unbalanced friend preemptively addressed your comment, and chastised you for victim blaming. From her FAQ contained in the second article linked in this thread. Question 1: "Wait... you were able to call your friend, and had enough battery for GPS tracking, but you didn't call the police?" Answer 1: To the person who posted this, I hope you realize that what you are doing is victim shaming and blaming. You are essentially criticizing a person who under extreme distress was using their intuition instead of their intellect. My intuition told me that if I called the police in the car, it did not save me from my current situation, it could put me in more danger that he had the control to leave me where he wants, or try to outrun the police (if they even find me on the highway). Police are not fairies, they can't just "poof" and appear in the car next to me. I did call my friend, and asked him to call the police if he does not hear from me in 30 minutes. I sent him my GPS coordinate doing exactly that while trying to get myself to a safe Place. ... arks-internet-debate.html Think about that the next time you want to blame the "victim."
Posted on: 2015/10/11 13:46
Re: N.J. woman claims cabbie tried to abduct her, Taxi and Limousine Commission will investigate
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2005/3/21 20:01 Last Login : 2020/9/5 14:18 From Exchange Place
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Police say woman who claimed New York taxi driver was trying to abduct her in 2am ordeal never told them of 'kidnap' - and it was driver who called 911
Read more: ... police.html#ixzz3oGYaWEYS
Posted on: 2015/10/11 13:34
Re: N.J. woman claims cabbie tried to abduct her, Taxi and Limousine Commission will investigate
Home away from home
It's impossible to know what was inside the cab driver's head at the time - which casts doubt on what appears to be wild accusations. But equally - it's clear the woman was freaked out by the experience.
Hopefully, the Taxi and Limousine Commission will check the history and background of the driver. If it's not an isolated complaint - there might be something to it. It's a cautionary tale. If you're travelling in any cab and feel threatened - have a plan. Call the police. Give the cab's number and location. Record the conversation on your cellphone. What would you do?
Posted on: 2015/10/11 9:31
Re: N.J. woman claims cabbie tried to abduct her, Taxi and Limousine Commission will investigate
Home away from home
LOL you're delusional if you think women lying about rape is more of a problem than women being afraid to report their assault. Get a clue grandpa.
Posted on: 2015/10/10 18:37
Re: N.J. woman claims cabbie tried to abduct her, Taxi and Limousine Commission will investigate
Home away from home
Uhhmm you know you're allowed to care about women in general without wanting to fuck one right?
Posted on: 2015/10/10 18:31
Re: N.J. woman claims cabbie tried to abduct her, Taxi and Limousine Commission will investigate
Home away from home
So which woman are you trying to impress with your SJW nonsense?
Posted on: 2015/10/10 17:55
Re: N.J. woman claims cabbie tried to abduct her, Taxi and Limousine Commission will investigate
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2011/11/28 22:22 Last Login : 2024/9/8 19:51 From Jersey City yo!
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From the article: "the driver said that Xia argued with him about directions". Well duh, he took her to I-78! He obviously had no frigging clue where he was going, having just stepped off a boat from Mumbai...and she panicked. End of story. No human trafficking, no kidnapping, just a clueless driver and a girl who might have overreacted but was in a tough spot...
Posted on: 2015/10/10 16:20
Re: N.J. woman claims cabbie tried to abduct her, Taxi and Limousine Commission will investigate
Home away from home
Good point, you are right. Literally nothing happened to her then. I looked at the FAQ she posted (which is contained in the second article linked in this thread), and it's clear she's an absolute nutjob. For example, here is "question 3" that she posted: Question 3: "It's normal for cab drivers to small talk." Answer 3: Unfortunately this is situational, and you were not there when it happened. I did not like the way he spoke to me, AND looked at me. Rarely do cab drivers turn around and look directly at you. My spidey senses said: No. And by then I was already on a highway unable to get out. So it's no wonder that when the cops investigated, and she said something like this to them, they realized she was a drama queen and didn't take her seriously. But I guess some bleeding hearts will believe anything she says simply because "why would she lie?" Can't blame the "victim!"
Posted on: 2015/10/10 16:09
Re: N.J. woman claims cabbie tried to abduct her, Taxi and Limousine Commission will investigate
Home away from home
Hey moron, she's not claiming she was sexually assaulted. She is claiming she was kidnapped and almost sent into sexual trafficking. You may blindly believe that, but anyone with a brain does not. What are the "statistics" on that, btw? 1 in 10 women? Oh yeah, you can parade your fake statistics around somewhere else, as the "1 in 5" was based on a "web survey." ... lly-assaulted-they-gradu/ ""This ?one in five? statistic shouldn?t just be taken with a grain of salt but the entire shaker," said James Fox, professor of criminology, law and public policy at Northeastern University." People with your kind of attitude are exactly how the woman at UVA lied and told Rolling Stone she was raped, and everyone believed it.
Posted on: 2015/10/10 16:05
Edited by JCMan8 on 2015/10/10 16:20:32
Re: N.J. woman claims cabbie tried to abduct her, Taxi and Limousine Commission will investigate
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2006/5/10 16:36 Last Login : 2023/7/18 1:45 From Hamilton Park
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The article says there was a flat-fare of $40 agreed and the meter was off, so how was the cab-driver trying to take advantage of her financially?
Posted on: 2015/10/10 15:04
Re: N.J. woman claims cabbie tried to abduct her, Taxi and Limousine Commission will investigate
Home away from home
Newsflash stupid- 1 in 5 women are sexually assaulted and the majority of assaults aren't reported AT ALL because of assholes like you. She should be allowed to drink as much as she wants without any "consequences" BECAUSE THATS WHAT MEN GET TO DO. When was the last time you blamed a drunk male for getting the shit kicked out of him just for being a nonviolent sloppy drunk? Get with the times- there have been plenty of discussions in the media about how problematic it is to dissect a victim's lifestyle to determine whether or not they were sexually assaulted. I don't give a shit if this has nothing to do with the article because you've kind of already made it clear that you're the kind of asshole who blames the victim. Grow up.
Posted on: 2015/10/10 13:23
Re: N.J. woman claims cabbie tried to abduct her, Taxi and Limousine Commission will investigate
Home away from home
Apparently she was not that drunk to realize she was at Newark Airport... $40 bucks is fairly typical fair. have to wonder how he missed JC after going thru the Holland Tunnel? She probably feel asleep in the cab and the driver saw a chance to jack up the rate.
Posted on: 2015/10/10 12:18
Re: N.J. woman claims cabbie tried to abduct her, Taxi and Limousine Commission will investigate
Home away from home
Also, if a cop doesn't believe her, she must be lying! Cause cops are not people who can make mistakes at all....and you are accusing people of having shit for brains?
Posted on: 2015/10/10 5:52
Re: N.J. woman claims cabbie tried to abduct her, Taxi and Limousine Commission will investigate
Home away from home
True, i forget there is a label on beer bottles which warn of robbery, kidnap, or worse if you get drunk. Just like on every short skirt there is a rape warning label. You should run for president, this way, you can honor cab drivers for taking advantage of drunk women and give medals to men who rape women who wear what you perceive as inappropiate clothing.
Posted on: 2015/10/10 5:49
Re: N.J. woman claims cabbie tried to abduct her, Taxi and Limousine Commission will investigate
Home away from home
She didn't say she was sexually assaulted, she accused the taxi driver of trying to kidnap her and she feared being trafficked for sex. You may blindly accept such a wild accusation, sarcastically implying it must be true because what would she have to gain by lying, but then you'd have shit for brains and no common sense. Luckily, the NJ State Troooers who visited the scene do not think like you. They met and interviewed the "victim," along with the cab driver. They considered the allegations to be utterly unfounded and said the case is closed. You'd know this if you read the article. But please, tell us more about how she should be taken seriously because she'd have nothing to gain by making such wild accusations. Certainly she wouldn't grab any headlines or media attention. Nor would she get sympathy and attention from pretty much everyone in her life. Oh, and don't forget that we must throw any notion of personal responsibility out the window. She should be able to drink as much as she wants without fear of consequences!
Posted on: 2015/10/10 2:50
Re: N.J. woman claims cabbie tried to abduct her, Taxi and Limousine Commission will investigate
Home away from home
Women have so much to gain when they pretend to be sexually assaulted! Who could possibley want to miss out on the fun opportunity to have all of their lifestyle choices dissected by a bunch of assholes on the Internet???
Posted on: 2015/10/10 1:51
Re: N.J. woman claims cabbie tried to abduct her, Taxi and Limousine Commission will investigate
Home away from home
He is a Social Justice Warrior, or SJW. Worse than a dbag. They are a particularly noxious bunch that have become prevalent in recent times. Many times, they like to play professional victim and express fauxrage on behalf of some "oppressed" group. This entry explains it better than I can. ... rm=social+justice+warrior
Posted on: 2015/10/10 1:19
Re: N.J. woman claims cabbie tried to abduct her, Taxi and Limousine Commission will investigate
Home away from home
I rather be a dbag than be morally wrong.
Posted on: 2015/10/10 1:07
Re: N.J. woman claims cabbie tried to abduct her, Taxi and Limousine Commission will investigate
Home away from home
Even if she was drunk, there's no excuse to take advatage of her. Please let me know when any of you have 1 too many drinks so I can rob you and blame you.
You people do need help. I stick with what I said, you people and it doesn't matter whther you are male or female, have a victim blaming mentality. You are the first people to think about what a woman wears when there is a rape. You should be in prison along with the perpetrator.
Posted on: 2015/10/10 1:05
Re: N.J. woman claims cabbie tried to abduct her, Taxi and Limousine Commission will investigate
Home away from home
A vivid imagination and extreme intoxication. But I do think he was being scummy and trying to rip her off. They take advantage of drunks (in a financial way).
Posted on: 2015/10/9 22:23
Re: N.J. woman claims cabbie tried to abduct her, Taxi and Limousine Commission will investigate
Home away from home
I'm sympathetic to the girl. She must have been frightened, but I don't think the cabbie was trying to sell her as a sex slave or anything. That's a pretty outrageous claim. Did she tape the conversation? What proof does she have?
Posted on: 2015/10/9 22:05
Re: N.J. woman claims cabbie tried to abduct her, Taxi and Limousine Commission will investigate
Home away from home
Plus, using the phrase "seek help" is an automatic mark of a d*bag.
Posted on: 2015/10/9 20:53
Re: N.J. woman claims cabbie tried to abduct her, Taxi and Limousine Commission will investigate
Home away from home
Asian and female is not a good combination for alcohol tolerance. 8 or 9 hard alcohol cocktails would knock me for a loop and I am a 200 lbs guy. This girl must get completely blotto or is an outlier when it comes to booze tolerance.
Posted on: 2015/10/9 20:37
Re: N.J. woman claims cabbie tried to abduct her, Taxi and Limousine Commission will investigate
Home away from home
Way to put words in her mouth, Social Justice Ultimate Warrior
Posted on: 2015/10/9 17:58
Re: N.J. woman claims cabbie tried to abduct her, Taxi and Limousine Commission will investigate
Home away from home
So what? Because she mentions that is her usual, she deserves to at best, lied to and taken advantage of by being driven on a circuitous route or at worst, kidnapped and God knows what else? Why even mention that? maybe this is unconscious but that is such a victim blaming statement that you should seek help. Do you also wonder what a woman wears or if she was drinking when you hear about a rape?
Posted on: 2015/10/9 17:49
Re: N.J. woman claims cabbie tried to abduct her, Taxi and Limousine Commission will investigate
Home away from home
things that seem likely:
-cabbie didn't know wtf he was doing, as mentioned below, maybe he only took 78 before and that was the route he knew. -cabbie was taking passenger for an inflated ride. he'd then demand more as it was a long ride to try and justify the expense. -passenger is full of it with exaggerations and false claims. things that don't seem likely: -cabbie was going to kidnap her to sell her into sex slavery options 1 or 2 seem very likely here. 3 is possible, 4 is an over-active imagination and having watched too many mediocre movies.
Posted on: 2015/10/9 16:52