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Re: New Jersey Prepares To Raise Taxes On "Almost Everything" As It Nears Financial Disaster
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HeightsNative wrote:

TonyTwoPoops wrote:

HeightsNative wrote:

TonyTwoPoops wrote:
The mental gymnastics you guys go through to try and make it seem like you aren?t being conned- adorable!

....would those mental gymnastics be similar or worse than what you had to do to vote the Jack O Lantern, Murphy?

Asking for a friend...

He was not my pick for the primaries but you trying to imply someone who worked for literally the most unpopular governor ever as being a better choice....kinda just does the work for me...

Thanks buddy!

Yes. Worked FOR the governor. Isn't THE governor. Many people worked FOR the governor who aren't like the governor. Are you a clone of your boss? It's idiotic thinking like this that will have us crying at the end of this term.

Lol she was his running mate and endorsed by him for the last yeah. You hang around enough trash you start to stink...which is why Trump?s White House is a revolving door and each person entering is more incompetent, corrupt, and unqualified than the last.

::waits for exasperated explanation that the White House doesn?t have a real revolving door::

Posted on: 2018/3/21 19:06

Re: New Jersey Prepares To Raise Taxes On "Almost Everything" As It Nears Financial Disaster
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HeightsNative wrote:

TonyTwoPoops wrote:
The mental gymnastics you guys go through to try and make it seem like you aren?t being conned- adorable!

....would those mental gymnastics be similar or worse than what you had to do to vote the Jack O Lantern, Murphy?

Asking for a friend...

He was not my pick for the primaries but you trying to imply someone who worked for literally the most unpopular governor ever as being a better choice....kinda just does the work for me...

Thanks buddy!

Posted on: 2018/3/20 21:28

Re: New Jersey Prepares To Raise Taxes On "Almost Everything" As It Nears Financial Disaster
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The mental gymnastics you guys go through to try and make it seem like you aren?t being conned- adorable!

Posted on: 2018/3/20 19:18

Re: New Jersey Prepares To Raise Taxes On "Almost Everything" As It Nears Financial Disaster
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srs7191 wrote:

TonyTwoPoops wrote:
Yeah no- you?d have to be a complete fool to think taxpayers should be subsidizing tax breaks for corporations and the 1% at this point while we are allegedly too broke to fund basic social services.

?We?re too broke for health insurance and free education but here?s $11/hr so corporations can get out of paying billions in taxes!?

$15/hr is barely a livable wage. We are way behind on that front.

A tax cut isn't a subsidy. A tax cut means they take less, a subsidy means they give you. Might mean the same thing to you in terms of dollar flows, but they are very different from a morality perspective.

Also, the "1%", I'm pretty sure that they are disportionately represented on this forum, in Jersey City, and in New Jersey in general.

1%ers aren't billionaires, they make $300k. Very good money, but in DT JC, with great credit, zero debt, and a large down payment, you'll still be in a 1000 sqft condo.

The tax cut has been effective for more than 80% of taxpayers. You may argue that it's been eaten up by increasing health costs, inflation, etc.... but those things would have gone up at the exact same rate with or without the tax cut. So, on the net, it's still a savings.

70% of tax filers in the US use standard deductions. They don't care about the property tax deduction being capped. That 70% aren't the wealthiest 70%.

Cool opinions bro. We weren?t discussing only NJ. Obviously wasn?t talking about the people at the bottom half of the 1% who technically qualify but the people who are at the very top that are literally hoarding all the wealth unchecked.

Posted on: 2018/3/19 3:03

Re: New Jersey Prepares To Raise Taxes On "Almost Everything" As It Nears Financial Disaster
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Yeah no- you?d have to be a complete fool to think taxpayers should be subsidizing tax breaks for corporations and the 1% at this point while we are allegedly too broke to fund basic social services.

?We?re too broke for health insurance and free education but here?s $11/hr so corporations can get out of paying billions in taxes!?

$15/hr is barely a livable wage. We are way behind on that front.

Posted on: 2018/3/18 23:48

Re: New Jersey Prepares To Raise Taxes On "Almost Everything" As It Nears Financial Disaster
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Monroe wrote: I guess all the workers who received bonuses that their CEO's said came from tax reform didn't happen. But they did. Oopsie.
Oops there you go being distracted by something shiny again and ignoring the big picture! Those bonuses are basically nothing compared to what they have saved on tax breaks. Wow a pay increase to a whole $11/hr from Walmart who saved BILLIONS, is run by the RICHEST people in the country, and pushes their workers to apply for public assistance? They are still paying poverty wages even with that tax break. ... worker-bonuses/index.html Walmart, for example, said on January 11 that it would raise its minimum wage to $11 an hour and give employees a one-time bonus of up to $1,000. In all, the initiatives cost $700 million, the company said.Later in the month, Walmart announced that it was buying back $4 billion in company debt. A Walmart spokesman said tax reform was "not the incentive" behind the buyback. Related: Some of the companies giving out raises and bonuses because of tax reform Wells Fargo raised its minimum wage to $15 an hour, from $13.50. Adorable how once you have been disproven you just immediately deflect to something else so you don?t have to deal with the reality that you are being conned. You look like a fool.

Posted on: 2018/3/18 20:41

Re: New Jersey Prepares To Raise Taxes On "Almost Everything" As It Nears Financial Disaster
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Monroe wrote:
Tony, Obama was blaming Bush right up to his last day in office. His 'signature' healthcare program didn't get a single Republican-Democrats put exactly what tbey wanted in it (even if it had to be passed to know what was in it). So they own the disaster it's turned out to be. "Like your plan and doctor"?

As far as job creation and tax relief under our President spend a minute and do some research-many CEOs credit Trump and his policies for the surge-including the manufacturing jobs Obama said would never return. Are you telling me the new jobs in the steel industry had anything to do with Obama?

JCRider, yes you may not be in the 80% getting tax relief-but with that real estate tax you're paying obviously you own a valuable home. SALT deductions favored high tax states with bloated spending-hopefully having this go away will cause second thoughts about wasteful spending. You're just going to have to pay your fair share, like Murphy is asking the well to do in NJ.

What Trump walked into and what Obama walked into are completely different. But I?m not going to bother explaining that to you because you?re just here to deflect until people get tired of disproving you and ignore you.

No matter how much you repeat his lies that doesn?t make them true sweetie.

?The Trade Partnership, a consulting firm, says the tariffs would increase U.S. employment in the steel and aluminum sector by about 33,000 jobs but would cost 179,000 jobs in the rest of the economy.? ... l-industry-story-53711093 ... article/amp/idUSKBN1CV38Q

Those CEO?s have no plan to pass tax breaks onto the workers.

Posted on: 2018/3/18 14:57

Re: New Jersey Prepares To Raise Taxes On "Almost Everything" As It Nears Financial Disaster
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Monroe wrote:
BS. All if the companies hiring are stating it's because of optimism and regulations that encourage growth.

As far as healthcare-what happened to Obama and his $2,500 per family savings? Talk about shiny penny. Move out of the way, if you don't want to ride the train steamrolling towards America becoming great again!

I mean a very basic google search shows most economists are saying job growth has been an increasing trend for years since obama was in office but sure buddy- it?s ?optimism?. Decreasing regulation only benefits corporations and exploits our environment and workers- it?s not a good thing unless you value profit over people.

Can you do any thinking for yourself without deflecting to Obama or Hilary? People have already explained to you (like you?re a child) that republicans fought that healthcare bill every step of the way so that it became a shell of what it was supposed to be. Grow up.

Posted on: 2018/3/18 1:02

Re: New Jersey Prepares To Raise Taxes On "Almost Everything" As It Nears Financial Disaster
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Monroe wrote:
Tony, you're unaware that 80% of taxpayers are keeping more of their money? Or that job growth is exploding, with black and Latino unemployment is at record lows? Wow, if that happened with a Democrat you'd be over the moon!

Tax returns mean shit when health insurance premiums are cost prohibitive and we are gutting fundamental social services that we are allegedly too broke to fund. Real easy to get you distracted and excited by something shiny huh? It?s also been proven that the unemployment rate is a reflection of the work done by the previous administration and Trump has done absolutely nothing to increase jobs except for all the available openings in his cabinet as people flee.

I?d rather pay more taxes and not have people dying from preventable diseases they can?t afford treatment for. Most people who aren?t sociopaths feel this way. I?m sorry you aren?t capable of empathy. Seek help.

Posted on: 2018/3/17 21:54

Re: New Jersey Prepares To Raise Taxes On "Almost Everything" As It Nears Financial Disaster
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Monroe wrote:
The ultra rich get more $ back because they pay more in, isn't that obvious? You can't count the 47% who pay no Federal income tax and complain they get nothing back from the nothing they put in, lol.

If you are hoarding all the wealth and exploiting your employees by paying so little that they need public assistance you sure as fuck should be paying more taxes. There is no reason corporations or the 1% need or deserve any additional tax breaks. You need to look inside yourself and wonder why you think you or anyone else should tolerate being exploited by a government that values profit over its own people.

Posted on: 2018/3/17 20:38

Re: New Jersey Prepares To Raise Taxes On "Almost Everything" As It Nears Financial Disaster
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JC_Man wrote:
To all you Liberal Dems that voted this idiot in - good for you, you're getting what you deserve. How come when New Jerseyians get hit with more taxes because of Trumps tax plan it's bad but when this a-hole promises the world and raises taxes on everything it's OK?

Because trumps plan disproportionately benefits corporations and the already rich instead of regular working class people ya rube. Trump and the GOP have convinced you that regular people do not deserve access to health care or a decent education. But the already wealthy need MORE tax breaks when they are already hoarding 80% of the wealth in this country? Get a clue.

Posted on: 2018/3/17 16:44

Re: Governor Murphy
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Webmaster wrote:
WARNING: You seem to not be familiar with the definition of decorum :

behaviour in keeping with good taste and propriety.
"he had acted with the utmost decorum"
synonyms: propriety, properness, seemliness, decency, decorousness, good taste, correctness, appropriateness, appropriacy; politeness, courtesy, good manners; refinement, breeding, deportment, dignity, respectability, modesty, demureness
"he had acted with the utmost decorum


TonyTwoPoops wrote

That report is from 1997. You can?t find anything more recent than that? And for the second link- those people are here legally and pay taxes so I don?t know why they shouldn?t have access to those services? Going by your link selection you apparently don?t think battered spouses or refugees who are here legally should get any support? What a Christian you are. A huge portion of them are children. You?re really a terrible and inhumane person.

Why would I treat anyone who calls themselves a Christian but thinks it?s acceptable to withold support services from children and victims of domestic abuse with a shred of decorum? She?s trash.

People like her are why everyone sane has fled to reddit and doesn?t use your janky ass racist-filled website anymore.

Posted on: 2018/2/13 16:33

Re: Governor Murphy
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Yvonne wrote:
Many of the people living in poverty are illegal and legal immigrants. They do receive social benefits, something that is not talked about.

That report is from 1997. You can?t find anything more recent than that? And for the second link- those people are here legally and pay taxes so I don?t know why they shouldn?t have access to those services? Going by your link selection you apparently don?t think battered spouses or refugees who are here legally should get any support? What a Christian you are. A huge portion of them are children. You?re really a terrible and inhumane person.

Posted on: 2018/2/13 4:24

Re: Governor Murphy
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Yvonne wrote:

TonyTwoPoops wrote:
LOL I can?t even imagine how simple you have to be to think immigrants are the ones stealing all the resources while the president and conservatives you blindly support pass a tax reform bill that literally just transfers even more wealth to corporations and the super rich right in front of your face. And they still have you hollering about immigrants and a wall that will do zero except waste a massive amount of your precious resources! Like they owe you a steak dinner or SOMETHING for making it this easy.

When people complain about the tax cuts and said the wealthy benefits over the poor, I check who pays taxes, it is the wealthy not the poor who pay the greater share. ... ral-income-tax-2016-02-24

.....duh? It?s based on income. If you have more you pay more because a flat rate wouldn?t make sense when you have 15% of Americans in this amaaaazing country living in poverty while the people who employ them rake in billions through tax loopholes. You think it?s normal that the Waltons are billionaires and literally some of the richest people in the US but they pay such low wages that Walmart employees cost taxpayers BILLIONS in public assistance?

Posted on: 2018/2/12 23:40

Re: Governor Murphy
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LOL I can?t even imagine how simple you have to be to think immigrants are the ones stealing all the resources while the president and conservatives you blindly support pass a tax reform bill that literally just transfers even more wealth to corporations and the super rich right in front of your face. And they still have you hollering about immigrants and a wall that will do zero except waste a massive amount of your precious resources! Like they owe you a steak dinner or SOMETHING for making it this easy.

Posted on: 2018/2/12 22:51

Re: Teacher Protests Disturbing Neighborhood
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Wow protesting is disruptive? It?s almost like they want to draw attention to a certain issue. Maybe look into what they are protesting before complaining??

Posted on: 2018/2/5 23:45

Re: Mortal Again: Christie Blocked at VIP Entrance to Newark Airport
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Monroe wrote:

TonyTwoPoops wrote:

Monroe wrote:

JSleeze wrote:
You might want to go tidy up - you still have a little goo on your chin.

Hope you're stocked up with KY for your Murphy reaming.

Just because everyone with eyes and ears thinks Christie is trash doesn?t mean they think Murphy is all that great either. You just bring up Murphy or HRC constantly to deflect from valid points or criticisms being made about the corrupt people you blindly support without question.

Which is scary- you think everyone else really just picks a side and blindly supports them without question the way you do? People on here make obvious and valid points to you that you cannot defend so you lash out at whoever they told you the enemy is today. You really sound like you?ve been abused.

Silly personal insults show you can't argue on merit, you know that, right?

None of that was an insult it was simply an observation based on what you publically put out there. You constantly make excuses for people that blatantly show through their actions that they don?t care about others (or you) and you fall over yourself trying to defend them even when it?s not in your best interest to do so. It doesn?t make sense.

When someone points that out to you, you then try to attack whoever you assume they must have voted for like they have the same blind devotion as you. I would never fall over myself trying to defend Murphy just because I ended up voting for him- I can see flaws in almost every politician I?ve had to vote for and I can admit that without having to deflect to their opponent.

Posted on: 2018/1/21 23:14

Re: Mortal Again: Christie Blocked at VIP Entrance to Newark Airport
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Monroe wrote:

JSleeze wrote:
You might want to go tidy up - you still have a little goo on your chin.

Hope you're stocked up with KY for your Murphy reaming.

Just because everyone with eyes and ears thinks Christie is trash doesn?t mean they think Murphy is all that great either. You just bring up Murphy or HRC constantly to deflect from valid points or criticisms being made about the corrupt people you blindly support without question.

Which is scary- you think everyone else really just picks a side and blindly supports them without question the way you do? People on here make obvious and valid points to you that you cannot defend so you lash out at whoever they told you the enemy is today. You really sound like you?ve been abused.

Posted on: 2018/1/21 20:53

Re: Mortal Again: Christie Blocked at VIP Entrance to Newark Airport
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Monroe wrote:

TonyTwoPoops wrote:

Monroe wrote:
And he didn't complain, and didn't pull the 'don't you know who I am' stunt-just like his wife when she got a traffic ticket last year. I saw Al Roker (who crapped his pants in the White House) have a hissy fit at EWR when he had to be patted down before boarding a flight.

Another nothingburger Christie story. Are you guys still sore he was innocent in Bridgegate that you have to get a woody over this non story?

Have you ever seen a psychologist about why you seem to need to defend people in power who blatantly lie to you? It seems like you enjoy being abused and maybe suffered some kind of trauma as a child. Sincerely.

lol wrong on all counts

It?s not normal to think you deserve to be lied to or treated as lesser. You sound like someone who has been kept in a basement but still defends the person who put you in there...

Posted on: 2018/1/20 0:32

Re: Mortal Again: Christie Blocked at VIP Entrance to Newark Airport
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Monroe wrote:
And he didn't complain, and didn't pull the 'don't you know who I am' stunt-just like his wife when she got a traffic ticket last year. I saw Al Roker (who crapped his pants in the White House) have a hissy fit at EWR when he had to be patted down before boarding a flight.

Another nothingburger Christie story. Are you guys still sore he was innocent in Bridgegate that you have to get a woody over this non story?

Have you ever seen a psychologist about why you seem to need to defend people in power who blatantly lie to you? It seems like you enjoy being abused and maybe suffered some kind of trauma as a child. Sincerely.

Posted on: 2018/1/19 14:29

Re: Legal Weed Is Coming to New Jersey
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hero69 wrote:
it is common knowledge that amazon is looking for a 2nd hq. i just assumed, like an a-hole, that things were so bad (all hell breaking loose with stoned drivers flooding oregon and washington) that amazon needed relief outside the area.Quote:

brewster wrote:

hero69 wrote:
wow, u don't say. i thought the situation with stoned drivers was so bad that amazon is now looking or a 2nd headquarters.


Of course you don?t have an actual source.

Posted on: 2017/12/30 16:29

Re: Legal Weed Is Coming to New Jersey
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TheBigGuy wrote:

TonyTwoPoops wrote:

TheBigGuy wrote:
Curious which healthcare system the woman in the story was using .... does her comment about knowing the RCA of her chronic illness and her acceptance of violent physical reactions to continued usage indicate some sort of dependency or addiction? ... inked-heavy-marijuana-use

I sincerely hope you spend this much time feigning concern for the hundreds of thousands of people with opiate addictions due to pharmaceutical companies. Ya need a new hobby buddy.

Gezzz another pointless response from you... thanks for playing though!

Have a Happy New Year! I know this 2017 has been rough on you.

Actually my point was clearly stated....opiates are a far bigger problem and the cause for it can clearly be traced back pharmaceutical companies giving them out like candy while paying off everyone in DC. But for some strange reason you seem desperate to find something wrong with legalizing a substance that has never killed anyone or caused a heroin epidemic and can be used medicinally?

....But why read and think critically when you can just deflect once facts and common sense are introduced? You?re not here for discussion you?re just here for attention :)

Posted on: 2017/12/27 18:43

Re: Legal Weed Is Coming to New Jersey
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TheBigGuy wrote:
Curious which healthcare system the woman in the story was using .... does her comment about knowing the RCA of her chronic illness and her acceptance of violent physical reactions to continued usage indicate some sort of dependency or addiction? ... inked-heavy-marijuana-use

Man the conservatives really got you under their thumb huh? I sincerely hope you spend this much time feigning concern for the hundreds of thousands of people with opiate addictions due to pharmaceutical companies (you know- the companies plenty of officials looooove to take money from while pretending they have no idea how this epidemic came to be). Priorities dude.

Posted on: 2017/12/27 17:59

Re: Nobody’s Above the Law - Mueller Firing Rapid Response
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TheBigGuy wrote:
All the men at NPR and Vice are sidelined... Charlie Rose, Matt Lauer, Matt Taibbi, NYT, Boston Globe, CNN and now Chris "tingle down my leg" Matthews ?

Rumor has it the Rachel Maddow once looked at Chris Hayes funny and made him cry... who is left to carry on the democrat talking points... Brain Ross still on suspension?

I know- it?s hilarious that the some of us actually hold people who commit sexual assault accountable regardless of their political stance. Instead of ya know... pandering to the super ignorant and blindly supporting pedophiles and people who brag about assaulting women for the sake of selling out our country to corporations just a liiiiitttle bit faster. The women in your life must be so blessed!

Posted on: 2017/12/17 20:57

Re: Legal Weed Is Coming to New Jersey
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TheBigGuy wrote:

TonyTwoPoops wrote:

TheBigGuy wrote:

brewster wrote:

TheBigGuy wrote:
I am just pointing out the hypocrisy of the nanny state's hysterical views on smoking versus their acceptance/encouragement about smoking a joint. Seems like the processes are the same, inhale a stimulant into your lungs.... yet smokers are treated like dirt in the culture today.

Tobacco is physically addictive and a proven killer of huge numbers of people, public enemy #1. Weed? Neither. Even a regular user might have a few hits a day, rather than smoking a pack or 3 like people did before the price went sky high. And yet tobacco is legal and weed is not. Note, we're not even talking about the derivative products, which are HUGE, and not smoked.

It is going to be interesting watching the long term health effects... It just seems to me the residue at the end of the blount or stains your fingers also coats your lungs can't be good.

When a close family member was dying from leukemia, he was smoking illegally, so I understand the medicinally relief. I also don't believe in criminalization for possession.

Is the classic image of the "stoner" really what we want for our society? Are the "3 hits a day" what you want co-workers doing? Just rhetorical questions? I just don't think it is the role of government to act as enablers.

As opposed to what? Drunk tobacco smokers who are forced to rely on anti depressants to get through another day in a capitalist society? Our society could benefit from having some people chill out and not depend on pharmaceuticals for physical and mental relief. The government has completely enabled this opiate and heroin epidemic and the only reason they are pretending to care now is because white rich kids are the ones overdosing.

You must be really upset by how much money our officials take from pharmaceutical companies? That is true enabling.

How big pharma and US officials feed the opioid crisis

People are getting ?worked up? in their responses to you because your opinion doesn?t make sense-there is far worse that is truly enabled by our government that has been completely normalized because they line the pockets of our officials.

Sorry you got worked up... my rhetorical points have always been focused on what appears to be hypocrisy in government activity. Should the state normalize/enable gambling addictions through a state sponsored lottery advertisements while regulating tobacco/alcohol advertisements. That's what I am trying to rationalize.

I am more accepting of the argument to decriminalize possession rather than listening to a pro-legal point of political view that talks about all the new tax revenues. Saving a kid from a minor controlled substance possession criminal record is obvious. Listening to the political argument about 25% taxes and gloating about new revenue streams as they do to justify the NJ Lottery makes you wonder about the human costs.

All I am doing is posing some questions about the about what boundaries are good for a society... and what isn't. And also what is the role of government in controlling the lives of citizens? Why shouldn't we legalize prostitution?

You?re cute. Aren?t you a Trump supporter? I can?t take these statements as you sincerely caring about the well being of our society seriously if that?s the case. It comes across like you?re just trying to talk in circles so it almost seems like you have a point.

Never forget sole purpose of the ?War on Drugs? was to put black people in jail. Your pearl clutching is fooling no one.

Posted on: 2017/12/7 18:43

Re: Legal Weed Is Coming to New Jersey
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TheBigGuy wrote:

brewster wrote:

TheBigGuy wrote:
I am just pointing out the hypocrisy of the nanny state's hysterical views on smoking versus their acceptance/encouragement about smoking a joint. Seems like the processes are the same, inhale a stimulant into your lungs.... yet smokers are treated like dirt in the culture today.

Tobacco is physically addictive and a proven killer of huge numbers of people, public enemy #1. Weed? Neither. Even a regular user might have a few hits a day, rather than smoking a pack or 3 like people did before the price went sky high. And yet tobacco is legal and weed is not. Note, we're not even talking about the derivative products, which are HUGE, and not smoked.

It is going to be interesting watching the long term health effects... It just seems to me the residue at the end of the blount or stains your fingers also coats your lungs can't be good.

When a close family member was dying from leukemia, he was smoking illegally, so I understand the medicinally relief. I also don't believe in criminalization for possession.

Is the classic image of the "stoner" really what we want for our society? Are the "3 hits a day" what you want co-workers doing? Just rhetorical questions? I just don't think it is the role of government to act as enablers.

As opposed to what? Drunk tobacco smokers who are forced to rely on anti depressants to get through another day in a capitalist society? Our society could benefit from having some people chill out and not depend on pharmaceuticals for physical and mental relief. The government has completely enabled this opiate and heroin epidemic and the only reason they are pretending to care now is because white rich kids are the ones overdosing.

You must be really upset by how much money our officials take from pharmaceutical companies? That is true enabling.

How big pharma and US officials feed the opioid crisis

People are getting ?worked up? in their responses to you because your opinion doesn?t make sense-there is far worse that is truly enabled by our government that has been completely normalized because they line the pockets of our officials.

Posted on: 2017/12/7 16:27

Re: Symes / Solomon runoff
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You mean the highly coveted Chicpea endorsement wasn?t enough for a Symes win? Shocking.

Posted on: 2017/12/6 15:39

Re: Symes pays Chickpea $2000 for endorsement
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jimbehrle wrote:
I still don't get why people think that Symes paying for an article on ChicPeaJC is a big deal. ChicPeaJC is a weblog, not the Star-Ledger. Shouldn't ChicPeaJC be able to accept politicians' money? There's lots of ads here on JCList. I don't expect lofty editorial standards from ChicPeaJC. No matter what you think of the content there, it obviously has a following and people like the voices there. Shouldn't Lynn have the same right to endorse whoever she chooses that everyone else in Jersey City has?

It seems plausible that maybe web services were paid for. And in the middle of that an editor of a site could say "I really like this candidate. I want to endorse her." Isn't it up to the audience or readership to determine if the endorsement is worthwhile? To attempt to belittle Symes or ChicPeaJC for this incident seems to me to be snobbery. Any downtown candidate would want Lynn's support or an article on ChicPeaJC endorsing them. The clutching of pearls here is really a bit much.

For someone who on twitter is acting like you just discovered Symes this week you are certainly committed to posting incessantly about her on here. Just an observation. Your support comes off as very troll-ish.

Posted on: 2017/10/26 2:07

Re: Make Jersey City Great Again
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jimbehrle wrote:
Resized Image

This person is obviously super-psyched Yvonne wasn't paying more than $500 in water per year

I love how people are acting like anyone that lived here 20 years ago is somehow magically able to afford to continue living here through all the increasing rent and housing costs and enjoying all the new things JC has to offer. That dude probably just got priced out to a different shitty neighborhood.

Posted on: 2017/10/24 16:41

Re: Symes pays Chickpea $2000 for endorsement
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There has been nothing said about Symes that would be considered misogynistic. The decision to use her budget on a paid chicpea post is enough to make me question her judgement. Her Dixon connection is a huge turn off.

Posted on: 2017/10/24 2:34

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