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Re: can't flush toilet paper
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2006/11/13 18:42
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Posted on: 2011/9/18 5:21
My humor is for the silent blue collar majority - If my posts offend, slander or you deem inappropriate and seek deletion, contact the webmaster for jurisdiction.

Re: can't flush toilet paper
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2004/9/15 19:03
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Josiered wrote:
I can only say that either you're in the 3rd grade or a total moron ! Did you grow up in Istanbul where they crap in a hole in the floor and use water to cleanse themselves? Do you live in the 18th Century? WHO THE HELL CARES WHAT THE LANDLORD TOLD YOU - your SOB landlord is too cheap to fix it and thinks he can blame you if something happens. Snap out of it and call the Health Department, then the Building Department and let them deal with your landlord. USE toilet paper like every other NORMAL human being in the downtown area. Then let him prove the toilet paper was yours! I lived downtown for 17 years and never heard of something so outrageously ridiculous. Why on earth would you believe what he is telling you. You don't need a lawyer - you need to use toilet paper and let your landlord worry about whether or not the lines clog. NOT YOUR PROBLEM MY FRIEND. I am not believing he sent you a Certified Letter because if he did he just "hung himself". He'd be the laughing stock in any court room and he is obviously intimidating you and you are falling for it. You live in America - not some third world hell hole.
I think this whole post is a bunch of B.S. because no one can be that stupid. My ten year old would run circles around you.

Find some legit subject matter because you look like a damn fool.

Well said!

Posted on: 2011/9/18 3:29

Re: can't flush toilet paper
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2010/11/19 23:02
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Just use wet wipes. He didn't say anything about that.

Posted on: 2011/9/18 2:56

Re: can't flush toilet paper
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2006/11/13 18:42
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Still laughing my ass off about this when I take a dump

Posted on: 2011/9/18 2:26
My humor is for the silent blue collar majority - If my posts offend, slander or you deem inappropriate and seek deletion, contact the webmaster for jurisdiction.

Re: can't flush toilet paper
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2010/9/15 20:51
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I can only say that either you're in the 3rd grade or a total moron ! Did you grow up in Istanbul where they crap in a hole in the floor and use water to cleanse themselves? Do you live in the 18th Century? WHO THE HELL CARES WHAT THE LANDLORD TOLD YOU - your SOB landlord is too cheap to fix it and thinks he can blame you if something happens. Snap out of it and call the Health Department, then the Building Department and let them deal with your landlord. USE toilet paper like every other NORMAL human being in the downtown area. Then let him prove the toilet paper was yours! I lived downtown for 17 years and never heard of something so outrageously ridiculous. Why on earth would you believe what he is telling you. You don't need a lawyer - you need to use toilet paper and let your landlord worry about whether or not the lines clog. NOT YOUR PROBLEM MY FRIEND. I am not believing he sent you a Certified Letter because if he did he just "hung himself". He'd be the laughing stock in any court room and he is obviously intimidating you and you are falling for it. You live in America - not some third world hell hole.
I think this whole post is a bunch of B.S. because no one can be that stupid. My ten year old would run circles around you.

Find some legit subject matter because you look like a damn fool.

Posted on: 2011/9/18 1:57

Re: can't flush toilet paper
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2010/11/19 23:02
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Black out all of the personal details and post it.

Posted on: 2011/9/17 19:43

Re: can't flush toilet paper
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2011/3/4 18:42
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Absurd or not, the fact is that this was - and still is in some places - common practice until 15-20 years ago in many meditarranean countries, especially where tourism picked up and the systems were not dimensioned for other than the local population. In Beijing, this is still common practice since the city sewers can't handle tp.

After my toilet clogged once, I myself was once kindly advised by a Jersey City landlord of North African descent to dispose of toilet paper in a separate trash can.

Which I did not do, and the problem never recurred. The letter sounds absolutely ridiculous but I can't really tell you what to do except maybe consult a lawyer.

Posted on: 2011/9/17 17:51

Re: can't flush toilet paper
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2011/3/30 18:25
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Umm, you could always move, I heard there's a great apt. in Hoboken to share, you just have to feed a pet aligator ocassionaly

Posted on: 2011/9/17 17:45

Re: can't flush toilet paper
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2011/5/7 15:41
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What I find most fascinating is that you are actually following his "rule" and not flushing toilet paper. This definitely takes the cake for most absurd post ever.

Posted on: 2011/9/17 16:20

Re: can't flush toilet paper

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2011/9/15 21:24
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2011/9/17 15:58
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there's no reason why I'd make anythihng like this up. It is true including the certified letter. Jersey CIty is a big city but a small town and my intention is not to cause any damage to the landlord's reputaton but to educate and guide myself as to how I should handle this. And for those who asked: needless to say I take the garbage out every single day and if needed twice a day.
I never thought people would post things that are not true on here, hmm...

Posted on: 2011/9/17 16:03

Re: can't flush toilet paper
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2007/9/6 16:45
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At first I believed it but now I agree that it's very far-fetched.
Especially the certified letter part--unless the landlord retarded, they would know that they don't have a legal leg to stand on....

Posted on: 2011/9/16 21:24

Re: can't flush toilet paper
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2011/5/7 15:41
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This is so ridiculous, it's almost beyond comprehension. It's like providing a refrigerator and saying you can't put food in it.

Without proof, I'm not so sure I even believe this post.

Posted on: 2011/9/16 20:06

Re: can't flush toilet paper
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2010/11/17 1:11
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santafe wrote:
so I got the # for the tenant/landlord relation dept, will call and get info. I cannot post the letter, as much as I want to. It all is funny but seriouys at the same time. yes, the thought of being framed for future clogs has occured to me. Will keep you posted on this. Thank you for the advice

Posted on: 2011/9/16 15:44

Re: can't flush toilet paper
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2010/11/19 23:02
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What do you do with the toilet paper?

Posted on: 2011/9/16 15:39

Re: can't flush toilet paper
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Just can't stay away

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2010/11/19 23:02
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santafe wrote:
so I got the # for the tenant/landlord relation dept, will call and get info. I cannot post the letter, as much as I want to. It all is funny but seriouys at the same time. yes, the thought of being framed for future clogs has occured to me. Will keep you posted on this. Thank you for the advice


Its not slander if its TRUE

Posted on: 2011/9/16 15:32

Re: can't flush toilet paper
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2009/1/31 17:07
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Follow the link to the Toto Washlet S400:

It's features include:
Automatic close lid
Front and rear washing
Warm air drying
Heated seat
Self cleaning wand

I'm disturbingly intrigued by this, though my only concern is getting more than I bargained for if the self cleaning wand malfunctions. Eeek!

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Posted on: 2011/9/16 15:29

Re: can't flush toilet paper

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2011/9/15 21:24
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2011/9/17 15:58
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so I got the # for the tenant/landlord relation dept, will call and get info. I cannot post the letter, as much as I want to. It all is funny but seriouys at the same time. yes, the thought of being framed for future clogs has occured to me. Will keep you posted on this. Thank you for the advice

Posted on: 2011/9/16 15:23

Re: can't flush toilet paper
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2010/11/17 1:11
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is the landlord buying you a bidet? Or have you invested in a squirt gun to clean your swamp butt?

Posted on: 2011/9/16 14:28

Re: can't flush toilet paper
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2006/7/14 19:34
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call the housing authority.
call the mayor's hotline and see what advice they give you.
call a lawyer.
Just because he sent a certified letter doesn't mean it's legal.
Scan it so you don't lose it.
call Fox's Shame on You guy. Local papers. They would probably have fun with this one. Sometimes media is what get things done.
If you were told this after moving in you could probably break your lease.
What a pain in the butt for you. (pun intended)

and please keep up updated on progress.

Posted on: 2011/9/16 13:14

Re: can't flush toilet paper
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2008/7/3 5:49
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So... who's the landlord? NAME AND SHAME!

Posted on: 2011/9/16 12:32

Re: can't flush toilet paper
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2009/1/31 17:07
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Funniest thread in a long time (probably since the port-o-john fell off the high rise) but I'm sorry it is at your expense, Santafe. Maybe you could ask your landlord to install a bidet or one of those toilets that's like a carwash for your under regions. I was always curious about them. ;)

Posted on: 2011/9/16 10:28

Re: can't flush toilet paper
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2007/11/15 21:43
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this may sound like a weird question, but is your landlord from South America? In every country I've traveled to south of Mexico, there are small trashcans next to the toilets for toilet paper. So it's possible that a South American, thinking it's strange for us to flush paper in the first place, would blame it for his/her plumbing woes.

Posted on: 2011/9/16 5:43

Re: can't flush toilet paper
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2009/5/12 2:57
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Yeah i'd love to see that letter hold up in court.

Posted on: 2011/9/16 4:22

Re: can't flush toilet paper
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2005/12/13 20:06
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The landlord is, pardon me, full of shit. TP degrades so quickly in water, it is not going to clog anything that a nice long stinky turd could get through. Is he going to tell you to pack those up, too?

Save that letter. Or better yet, post it, like folks say.

Posted on: 2011/9/16 3:08
"Someday a book will be written on how this city can be broke in the midst of all this development." ---Brewster

Oh, wait, there is one: The Jersey Sting.

Re: can't flush toilet paper
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2011/7/25 6:04
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Seriously check with the Housing department about this. God forbid something happens to the sewer line and your landlord tries to hold you responsible.

Posted on: 2011/9/16 0:58

Re: can't flush toilet paper
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2004/11/6 21:13
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santafe wrote:
See if you can get him to put the TP ban and your financial responsibility for clogs arising from it's use in writing. That would good for a chuckle.

The landlord did!! I received a certified letter! It was what prompted me to seak advice.

Oh please scan and post it! It might be JCList's 1st viral hit!

Seriously, tell this clown to have his sewer lines serviced or you'll show his letter to the Housing dept. He's giving landlords a bad name.

Posted on: 2011/9/16 0:49

Re: can't flush toilet paper
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2010/11/19 23:02
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please please please post a screen shot of that letter (black out the personal info if you wish)

Posted on: 2011/9/16 0:46

Re: can't flush toilet paper

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2011/9/15 21:24
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2011/9/17 15:58
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MDM, I would love to move!! I'd be breaking my lease thought And YES! when I do move I'll leave the bathroom as I found it: dirty.

Posted on: 2011/9/16 0:33

Re: can't flush toilet paper
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2010/7/9 11:16
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santafe wrote:
See if you can get him to put the TP ban and your financial responsibility for clogs arising from it's use in writing. That would good for a chuckle.

The landlord did!! I received a certified letter! It was what prompted me to seak advice.


leave the apartment full of used toilet paper...

Posted on: 2011/9/16 0:23

Re: can't flush toilet paper

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2011/9/15 21:24
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2011/9/17 15:58
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See if you can get him to put the TP ban and your financial responsibility for clogs arising from it's use in writing. That would good for a chuckle.

The landlord did!! I received a certified letter! It was what prompted me to seak advice.

Posted on: 2011/9/16 0:21

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