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Re: PATH Train Incident
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Once again, the Jersey Journal comes up with some grand reporting. No investigation, nothing. Great journalism. If she was sexually assaulted (from the description the paper reports), then I am assaulted every time I ride the path or subway. The headline says "groped" but the article says he boarded the crowded train and pushed himself on her. Groping and pushed up against someone on a crowded train are 2 different things. I wish the JJ had gone out of business a few years ago.

Posted on: 2013/3/8 15:03

Re: Dan is still Dan
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This thread has the most appropriate title I've seen. "Dan is still Dan." Yes he is... clueless then, clueless now.

Posted on: 2013/2/28 13:20

Re: Steve Fulop candidate for Jersey City Mayor announces anti-crime plan
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ianmac47 wrote:
"Create a 'results-driven' culture" is another way of saying "create quotas." Great. Lots of meaningless tickets to clog the courts and little tangible effect on crime.

Yeah... I agree... it could also mean legalizing prostitution and crystal meth. And "restructuring the department" could also mean releasing pedophiles from prisons. I don't like this plan either.

Posted on: 2013/2/7 15:02

Re: Jersey City mayor appears on CNN to decry 'national plague' of guns
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JerseyCityNj wrote:

You only find it crazy because you do not understand the point of owning one. I have a lot of friends and family that support gun rights because they believe we need them to keep the government in check and this includes Marines(Sgt major, Intel, infantry etc.) I know. So if these people work and love their govt jobs but still feel we need this right it says a lot because they will know more then the average civilian when it comes to threats to this country.

If you think your little "weapons" are keeping the government in check, then you are more delusional than these mentally unstable individuals that are doing these massacres.

Posted on: 2013/1/18 17:14

Re: Made With Love - CLOSED
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Bad advice? Wouldn't you just instinctively know that's a crappy thing to do? No one is accusing her of trying to get rich in the wake of a disaster, but it's the equivalent of having a stoop sale after a blizzard and "loaning out" shovels for $5 an hour. It boggles the mind as to the thought process of a person doing it. I opened up my home and let friends of friends come over, charge electronics, work, shower, etc. The thought of asking for a "donation" was never ever even considered. I guess when you charge $5 for a croissant, it's hard to shake a "greedy" reputation. She may not have been the most business savvy person, and done any of this intentionally... but I know a lot of people that know her personally quite a while ago, told her her prices were a bit too high, open up earlier to serve coffee, be more prompt, etc. If you can't listen to your locals, you won't succeed. She had every chance to succeed in my eyes, but ignored everything. Criticism isn't necessarily a bad thing.

Posted on: 2013/1/8 5:28

Re: Made With Love - CLOSED
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The $1 went towards the generator my ass. In a natural disaster, you do what you can to help your fellow man. Did you see anyone else requiring a fee to charge your electronic devices? If she CHOSE to have a generator in her store, then great. That was a business expense on her part. And to ask the general public to pay for that during a time of crisis is ludicrous. How much did it cost to run that generator? $50? Sorry, she lost my business and respect after doing that.

Posted on: 2013/1/7 15:13

Re: Made With Love - CLOSED
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$60 for a cake. $5 for a cookie. $1 to charge your phone during a natural disaster. Good riddance!!!

Posted on: 2013/1/4 21:27

Re: Good italian bakery in downtown JC?
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Pecoraro's period! Their bread is a pastry in my eyes.

Posted on: 2013/1/3 16:27

Re: Dan Levin in talks to run with Healy
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What it really boils down to is this: This guy has run a number of times unsuccessfully. The people did not vote for him. Not because he was an independent, the people simply did not vote for him. But he refuses to accept this. The philosophy that he needs to hold office via the ticket he was so outspoken about is ludicrous. Where does one draw the line. Should someone have joined the nazis to change their ways from within. What a load of crap. This guy just can't take the hits to his ego. He could've continued to run for as long as he wanted to, and if his message stayed the same, I would've voted for him. But running on the SAME TICKET, sitting next to the EXACT GUY you so opposed is insane. Good luck trying to dupe everyone Dan.

Posted on: 2012/10/11 17:00

Re: Dan Levin in talks to run with Healy
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OneOBall wrote:
In a perfect world, I would love it if he could run as an independent and win in a clean sweep. In a perfect world, he would. But in a corrupt land where patronage and money rule the game, he doesn't stand a chance.

I understand the rage at his decision. If I didn't know him personally, I would feel the same way. But I do know him. Dan ran two campaigns that way. He has been backed into the corner of running another losing campaign or putting his name on a ticket that must be killing him, but might actually put him into office, where he can finally make a difference.

What would you do?

What I personally am going to do is not vote for someone (however wonderful they may be) that is using the worst of the worst to hold a public office. Your rationale for voting for him is the problem with politics in this country at its core. People in bed with this person, and that person in bed with another person. All the while we sheep are supposed to believe the person you think is great is only there to "fix things." Please. Give me a break. I think maybe you spent a little TOO MUCH time in local politics. It sounds like you're part of the machine/problem. All I've seen you do is ask for people's names. Talk about an ego. Who are you to judge what a person is capable or incapable of grasping in politics? You sound like you've been part of this "machine" you want to get rid of. And I for one, don't buy it for a second. Good luck convincing others that the Healy ticket is the way to go.

Posted on: 2012/10/11 13:04

Re: Dan Levin in talks to run with Healy
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HAHAHAHAHA... not only will I not be voting for Healy/Levin, I will now do everything I can to sway others to do the same. Something must be in the water in this town that turns everyone into corrupt slimeballs.

Posted on: 2012/10/11 12:50

Re: Dan Levin in talks to run with Healy
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DanL wrote:
... as I posted here a couple of weeks ago, I am pursuing the opportunity to run with Mayor Healy. I believe that I am being "Open and Honest."

again to clarify or get an update, please email me at or call me 201.364.1730,


"Open and Honest" to run with a "Closed and Crooked" guy. The company you keep says a lot about a person. I'm glad we know all this before the election.

Posted on: 2012/10/2 23:55

Re: Kraverie for Sale
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The real rationale for restaurants being closed on Mondays is that "theoretically" they get fresh deliveries daily to supply the next day. Most suppliers are closed on Sundays, so therefore, there would be nothing fresh for Mondays service. Ever heard the saying, "Don't eat sushi on Mondays"? That's where that comes from. You'd be eating Saturdays delivery... Do you care? who knows...

Posted on: 2012/9/28 0:24

Re: Dan Levin in talks to run with Healy
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JerseyCityFrankie wrote:
I think Dan and everyone who voted for him during the city council elections had low expectations of his winning despite his strengths. But we voted for him anyway since we believed it was worth trying to get him in. Now here is an unexpected avenue for Dan to get into city politics, which is where he would be able to do some good for us. If this is a way for him to connect the dots and get into City Hall than I say its better this way than no way at all. I believe that Dan is the right sort of person for this time in this city and I will be glad to know hes at work in City Hall regardless of how he gets there.

You sir... are delusional.

Posted on: 2012/9/10 15:08

Re: A non-vegan's experience at Subia's... (from yelp)
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Have you also noticed the majority of vegetarians/vegans look like the most unhealthy people? Thin, gaunt, and bluish skin tone. See those teeth on the sides of your mouth? They are incisors, made for grinding meat. Ever see a vegan lion, tiger, great white shark?

Posted on: 2012/8/31 13:27

Re: A non-vegan's experience at Subia's... (from yelp)
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It always amazes me that the people that are grossed out by meat and all (vegans), always try to form their soy and veggies into things that closely resemble meat products. Why would you want to eat something that attempts to look like a hot dog or hamburger?

Posted on: 2012/8/29 16:41

Re: Hey anyone in Dixon Mills with a bike; or anything you value.
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Dixon Mills explicitly states that the security guards, gates etc there are to protect THEIR property and not you or your property. It gives the illusion of security, but unless something is specifically happening to their property, they could care less. A woman got her purse snatched right in front of the security guard office and they did nothing. A passerby had to call the police for her. One of the many reasons I chose to not ever rent or buy there.

Posted on: 2012/8/24 17:50

Re: Hush Hush Dining Society in Jersey City
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I love this board. Shut down all the food trucks because they don't pay what restaurants pay, make them have permits, etc etc. But someone with a grill charging $45, serving food in the middle of summer doesn't have to abide by any of these rules??? Sorry, you can't have it both ways. Everyone else has to abide by the food safety rules but Ramon Ruiz doesn't? Give me a break. While I agree the "rules" are ridiculous, either everyone abides by them, or no one does.

Posted on: 2012/8/21 21:36

Re: Dan Levin in talks to run with Healy
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This is a complete and utter joke. Thanks Dan for addressing the issue, but unfortunately for me (and you), you just lost my vote for any future endeavors you choose to do. A true example of "flip flopping."

Posted on: 2012/8/17 13:32

Re: Happy Ending in the Making
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heights wrote:

And what about the spread of diseases and crab lice. Not to mention all the medicines you have to take along with the side effects it involves.

Yes. Close down massage parlors and all crab lice and diseases will cease to exist. Great idea. There's probably more crab lice and diseases in half the bars around here than in that massage parlor.

Posted on: 2012/8/15 15:10

Re: Dan Levin in talks to run with Healy
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"seen and overheard at a neighboring table"? I'd say that's far from being trustworthy.

Posted on: 2012/8/15 15:04

Re: the barge inn bar on monmouth street jc
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cnnjc1979 wrote:
Has anyone noticed all the drugies that hang out infront of the barge inn over there ,did anybody know that they are selling drugs upstairs above the bar well they are and that the police are getting paid off for not raiding it ,the same thing for there resturant to off the corner of 3rd and monmouth st there is a lot of crap going on over there to ,they park there cars off the corners and they dont get a ticket what is going on why isnt nothing being done about this , hello wake up ,the jcpd should be doing there jobs instead of always being parked on grove by the dunkin donuts they be playing games in there police car or be on there cell phones hey police chief you need to be checking on them once in a while......

Beautifully written post.

Posted on: 2012/7/14 0:02

Re: Surf City Restaurant & Megabar
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The place really hasn't changed much since the Sand Bar layout. In fact it hasn't changed at all, except for a paint job, new bar and a frozen drink trailer. Minimal renovations. The music wasn't fist pumping when I was there at least. The food I had was decent and reasonably priced. Typical bar food with more seafood options. Much better selection of beer from the Sand Bar (craft beer or not). The one thing it doesn't have is "Key West attitude." When I picture Key West, I envision calm beaches, drinks on the beach and overall a pretty relaxing atmosphere. I don't see huge, intimidating bouncers every 10 feet eyeballing everyone as if they work for the TSA. There were probably 25 security guards there. Maybe if the crowds stay tame and they truly don't allow it to become the Sand Bar II, they might lighten up on the security and the overall mood might be a bit more relaxed.

Posted on: 2012/7/12 22:41

Re: Lets Rally To Keep Police Presence Down Here Since Police Office Is Moving From Erie Street
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One more inconvenience. Before when your car got stolen, you could at least walk to the precinct, station, hovel, or whatever you feel like calling it. Now when your car gets stolen, you'll have to chug it to Journal Square. It's probably a strategic move in hopes less people downtown will report crime because of the hassle it will take to get to the place where you need to file the report.

Posted on: 2012/7/12 22:34

Re: Please clean up your dog poop...
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vindication15 wrote: ... 8-2&keywords=pure+ammonia

I use this on the sidewalk trees after I saw various dog droppings. After pouring some of this biweekly, I don't even see dogs walk their dogs on the sidewalk anymore.

That's just wonderful. Pouring something toxic around. Do you know anything at all about pure ammonia?

Posted on: 2012/7/11 14:45

Re: Taqueria
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davmarroquin wrote:
My friends and I Baptised this guy \" THE TACO NAZZI \", he is the worst restaurant owner in Jersey City, his tacos are good and let\'s face it, he has no real competition. I stopped going there a while back, does not worth the abuse.

That's really creative. Kind of reminds me of this Seinfeld episode... except that guy was a soup "nazi" and not a "nazzi"

Posted on: 2012/7/5 22:33

Re: should Jersey City create and implement on-street bicycle lanes?
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Yvonne wrote:
So it is OK, for a biker to knock down a pedestrian, causing injuries and not pay the medical bill? Is it OK for a biker to scrape a car and not pay the bill? While I don't normally buy the NY papers, I do remember the NY Post publishing the number of of deaths caused by bikes. A pedestrian knocked down by a biker and that person hits his/her head on concrete is just as dead if that person was hit by a car. I have seen many bikers who do not stop at the red or drive against the flow of traffic. Bikers are ready to sue if they are injured, then they such also be heald accountable if they caused an accident. Apparently, JC bikers on this blog have a "princess mentality." They want the benefit but they do no want to be held accountable.

And pedestrians should wear helmets and be required to have insurance too. You are fighting a losing battle. Yes, bikes have to follow the rules of the road, just as pedestrians and autos do. But police are not writing J-walking tickets, tickets to bicyclists riding the wrong way down one way streets, riding on the sidewalk. Here on planet Earth, things are not perfect, and probably never will be.

Posted on: 2012/7/5 15:17

Re: 26 arrested in Jersey City 'Summer Shield' police sweep of high-crime areas, cops say
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user1111 wrote:
Most of the clients are not from Hoboken and Downtown JC

Really? my bad.. I guess the parade of white guys parading from the lightrail headed to Ocean ave live in the neighborhood. I guess they are coming back and forth sometimes 8 times in one day to keep fit. forgive me for assuming that they do not live in Greenville.

So the white guys from Hoboken and DTJC ride the light rail to Greenville, get off, buy weed, then ride the light rail back? Weed isn't exactly some exotic drug these days. I'm pretty sure anyone that wants it knows someone that can get it. I seriously doubt people are making this trek to buy a dime bag or two of weed. Unless these "white guys" are 15 years old.

Posted on: 2012/7/1 14:29

Re: 26 arrested in Jersey City 'Summer Shield' police sweep of high-crime areas, cops say
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user1111 wrote:
Most of the clients are not from Hoboken and Downtown JC

Really? my bad.. I guess the parade of white guys parading from the lightrail headed to Ocean ave live in the neighborhood. I guess they are coming back and forth sometimes 8 times in one day to keep fit. forgive me for assuming that they do not live in Greenville.

It's illegal to be white and live in Greenville. You didn't know that?

Posted on: 2012/6/30 18:16

Re: To JC Bikers Who Ride on Sidewalks...
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jzara wrote:
i see a lot of ambling people on bikes just cruising on the sidewalk around here and it's obvious it's a symptom of having zero bike infrastructure. you never see that in manhattan. joe schmoe on the beach cruiser isn't going to have any idea that you're not supposed to ride on the sidewalk because there is nothing around to indicate otherwise.

How about common sense? I don't see cars driving on the sidewalk.

Posted on: 2012/6/29 15:59

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