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Re: Do not vaccinate your children!
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RichMauro wrote:
The Government is moving on. You got the shot and the masks--you're on your own:

Great article--won't find it on CNN for sure.
you won't find it on CNN because it's a non-story. The CDC is still tracking this information, and most news sources don't get their info from the HHS anyway, so it's just removing redundant work. ... going-stop-044159772.html

Posted on: 2022/1/28 19:31

Re: Do not vaccinate your children!
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Yvonne wrote:

yorkster wrote:

Yvonne wrote:

drifterx wrote:
In other news: Not getting vaccinated will still make you more likely to get COVID.

And if you allow illegal immigrants in which 20% are ill, most likely covid with the variant type, you are spreading the disease into the country.

As of yesterday, North Dakota and Alaska lead the US in rate of COVID cases. All those infected illegal immigrants must be Canadian.

Yet Alaska leads the nation in vaccine rates. The governor is on tv with "Go Visit Alaska" and touts his 84% vaccine rate in the commercial. ... ion-in-vaccination-rates/

Alaska is only 53% fully vaccinated and 60% with one dose which is below the US average. Your link doesn't even say that 84% of the state has been vaccinated. Please stop making stuff up.

Posted on: 2021/11/10 1:14

Re: Do not vaccinate your children!
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I see JCList's march to full-on right-wing nutbaggery has continued unabated. Stop listening to conspiracy theories on youtube, people. A billion people have been vaccinated already, including about 170 million in the US. Nobody is dying from it. Just please get your vaccines so we can end this pandemic and get back to normal life.

Posted on: 2021/8/25 2:18

Re: Study: More People are Leaving Jersey City
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Decided to pop by JCList to see what was up, saw a thread about an interested topic and was immediately reminded of why I stopped coming here, which is the incessant whining of the resident right-wingers and their uncanny ability to make everything a political bitchfest.

This is an interesting topic and an interesting study, but people aren't moving out of Jersey City because they're fleeing progressivism for red states because they want to not wear masks and because AOC is scaring them off and blah blah blah blah... Jesus. The damn article even lists the reasons people gave, and your conservative persecution complex doesn't even make the cut (or did it and they're just covering it up because of a liberal conspiracy funded by George Soros ???)


A quarter (25%) of Americans who moved in 2020 did it because of the pandemic
Around 35% of COVID-forced moves were out of financial hardship
Nearly one-third of those who moved because of COVID did so to look after family
A total of 36% of respondents moved to somewhere where they felt safer, i.e., somewhere with fewer COVID-19 cases, or more restrictions
35% were forced to move due to loss of job or income due to COVID-19
31% moved to either shelter-in-place with family or to take care of family members
28% moved because they started working from home and no longer had to live close to work

Big shocker, people are moving out of expensive cities because they're broke or because they can do virtual commutes, and looking for cheaper housing. Anyway, just had to chime in. Gonna leave again, you guys make this place miserable. Try to find some joy in your lives instead of seeking out a perpetual endorphine rush from making yourself angry about everything.

Posted on: 2021/3/30 23:17

Re: End of AirBnB in Jersey City?
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K-Lo2 wrote:
JC NAACP votes no, economic discrimination against renters. ... -economic-discrimination/

what a bizarre thing for the NAACP to get involved in. I wonder how much Airbnb paid them for their support.

Posted on: 2019/10/25 4:52

Re: Fine Fare in JC Closed for Long List of Violations
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not surprised. I found a bunch of feta cheese containers covered in mold and notified the manager. The cheese was back on the shelf the next day, just sloppily cleaned off. I could still see some mold on the containers.

Posted on: 2019/1/16 4:44

Re: Menendez ahead by a wee bit!
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it's sad that delusional people like you vote.

Posted on: 2018/11/7 7:42

Re: Menendez ahead by a wee bit!
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135jc wrote:

CatDog wrote:

135jc wrote:

CatDog wrote:
Yvonne, after Menendez is elected, I will 100% support any recall efforts you want to spearhead. I don't like Menendez, but damned if I want any Republican as a Senator.

Let's all agree that after this election, Menendez needs to go so we can get someone else in there, preferably a not corrupt Democrat.

Yeah god forbid we get anyone elected who would want to ease our tax burden
I'm not rich, so I doubt Republicans would do much for my tax burden. I fully expect my generation to be footing our nation's $20-$30 trillion debts in the future thanks to Republican financial mismanagement. I'd rather pay for universal healthcare and welfare and education and infrastructure than pay for wars and subsidies to rich people and massive corporations.

You can argue that it might add to the national deficit but Trump has already put more money back in your pocket. As far as spending you need to do some research. Obama more than doubled the national debt during his eight yrs. Trump has added to it but the yearly deficit has been projected to decline over the next few years. Whether you agree with it or not keep in mind this will be accomplished with a massive corporate tax cut. My point however was directed at the local level. If you can not see a difference between the spend thrift dems of this state and their Republican counterparts im not sure there's much else to say.

but the yearly deficit has been projected to decline over the next few years

IS THIS A JOKE? You're kidding me right? You're going to blame Obama for doubling the national debt, even though deficits were being reduced during his tenure, and then LIE TO MY FACE and tell me that deficits are projected to go down under Trump's budget? The CBO and any sane person shows massive increases in the deficit over the next decade. You're a bold-faced liar.

Posted on: 2018/11/7 3:09

Re: Menendez ahead by a wee bit!
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135jc wrote:
The charges against Menendez came curiously just as he criticized Obamas Cuba policy. As soon as he softened his stance the case fell apart.
A wild conspiracy theory with no evidence that is simultaneously in support of and against a Democrat. Amazing.

Posted on: 2018/11/7 3:07

Re: Menendez ahead by a wee bit!
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135jc wrote:

CatDog wrote:
Yvonne, after Menendez is elected, I will 100% support any recall efforts you want to spearhead. I don't like Menendez, but damned if I want any Republican as a Senator.

Let's all agree that after this election, Menendez needs to go so we can get someone else in there, preferably a not corrupt Democrat.

Yeah god forbid we get anyone elected who would want to ease our tax burden
I'm not rich, so I doubt Republicans would do much for my tax burden. I fully expect my generation to be footing our nation's $20-$30 trillion debts in the future thanks to Republican financial mismanagement. I'd rather pay for universal healthcare and welfare and education and infrastructure than pay for wars and subsidies to rich people and massive corporations.

Posted on: 2018/10/26 3:45

Re: Menendez ahead by a wee bit!
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Yvonne, after Menendez is elected, I will 100% support any recall efforts you want to spearhead. I don't like Menendez, but damned if I want any Republican as a Senator.

Let's all agree that after this election, Menendez needs to go so we can get someone else in there, preferably a not corrupt Democrat.

Posted on: 2018/10/25 15:47

Re: PATH Trains Increase
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Bike_Lane wrote:
The last round of cars worked out to, what, about $1.5M per car?
That was a decade ago. Since then, inflation, tariffs on many of the materials, and all of the gadgetry that make the cars operable with trackside PTC equipment have contributed to an increase in cost. Does all of that justify $1.3M increase in cost per car? Don't know.
Looked a bit into it and NYC MTA bought 1,700 cars at about $1.3 million each. PATH isn't going to get the same economies of scale.

The price of steel has gone up 263% since a decade ago. Subway cars weigh about 80,000 lbs, assuming that most of that weight is steel, the change in steel prices alone could be the main thing causing that price increase.

Posted on: 2018/10/11 16:40

Re: Okay, so who here thinks the Katyn monument needs to go?
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It's just water runoff, it's not like it's "sewage" in the traditional sense.

I didn't want the statue to disappear into some warehouse, but I don't mind that they're moving it. The Exchange Place plaza is in some desperate need of rework after all.

Posted on: 2018/10/6 14:47

Re: New Vote-By-Mail Law Raises Concerns Over Confusion
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we should just do all mail-in ballots, same way Washington State does it. Would save a ton of money on precincts, and increase voter participation.

Posted on: 2018/9/13 4:31

Re: Our Lady of Czestochowa Downtown Sex Abuse...
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Yeah what Yvonne and Mao and others are not understanding is that whether it's gay or straight or whatever is irrelevant. The larger problem is that the Church (YOUR CHURCH) has been covering it up and giving protecting to the abusers instead of the abused.

The Catholic Church and every one of its apologists is responsible for the continued abuse and rape of male and female children, teens, and men. Yes Yvonne Balcer, I am saying that you are personally responsible for turning a blind eye to the molestation and rape of young men, women, and children, because you'd rather ignore the actual problems and blame it all on a gay socialist conspiracy to infiltrate the church instead.

Posted on: 2018/8/31 14:07

Re: Our Lady of Czestochowa Downtown Sex Abuse...
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Yvonne wrote:
I will tell you why I don't buy the term pedophilia, it is just to pigeon hole the sex abuse to one group. It is not. According to the John Jay report, 5% were under 10, the majority was teenage boys. If that is pedophilia then the late Harvey Milk practiced pedophilia because he teen lover was 16 years old. Several months ago, I read about a man who left prison and burglarized a home. He end up raping the homeowner, a female of 84 years. He was going to rape someone female and the age did not matter. I am sure if the victim was 12 female, the press would have labeled him pedophilia, too.
Yvonne seriously what the F*CK is wrong with you. This is low, even for you.

You, and Mao, and Monroe. Jesus Christ the absolute drivel coming from you all. Blaming all of this on gay people instead of just accepting that the Catholic Church from top to bottom is full of pedophiles and sexual abusers and everyone in the Church is covering it up. Coming up with excuses for why they're not really pedophiles. "Whatabout Hollywood" yeah Monroe what about it it's messed up too, nobody is defending this garbage except our resident conservatives. The party of Roy Moore and Donald Trump and other pedophiles. You're all sick.

Posted on: 2018/8/31 2:56

Re: Our Lady of Czestochowa Downtown Sex Abuse...
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Good to know Yvonne is on the case, trying to muddy the waters on talking about pedophile priests. Blaming the Catholic church's rampant pedophilia, sex abuse, and coverups on gay people? Excusing it as "not really pedophilia anyway?"

What would we do without our resident persecuted Catholic?

Posted on: 2018/8/30 2:34

Re: Donald Trump Solidifies World Peace
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Just wanted to bump this thread up to point out the hilariously premature celebration by all our resident conservatives. "Donald Trump Solidifies World Peace" LO Freaking L. Today we get headlines like

North Korea Accuses the U.S. of 'Hatching a Criminal Plot' Against Pyongyang


The US is now 'worse off' on North Korea than it was before the Trump-Kim summit, expert says

As predicted, Trump's "World Peace" has resulted in jack squat.


iGreg wrote:

The reason Trump is President is because of the elitist liberals and Hillary Clinton. Start putting the blame where it belongs. Look inside!

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I don't know what Clinton has to do with any of this, but it's funny that you complain about Clinton being rich and out of touch, while Donald Trump lives in a literal golden tower.

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Posted on: 2018/8/27 14:47

Re: JC Street Sweep and Parking Petition!
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Yes absolutely. The street sweeping we have is just a way for the city to bilk its residents out of money by levying fines. The streets don't need to be cleaned twice each week, it's just a dumb game of musical cars where the losers have to pay the city.

Posted on: 2018/8/15 4:12

Re: Legal Weed Is Coming to New Jersey
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Unless the state plans to take over prosecuting everyone in JC there's not much they can do about it. Prosecutors have a lot of discretion over how they charge people.

Posted on: 2018/7/21 2:53

Re: Kushner in New Jersey unraveling
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Yvonne wrote:
I find it amazing how liberals tout themselves as tolerant until you have a different point of view. Then the hate and bullying comes out. It is bullying plain and simple.
You said the secret word!!
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I like how this has become a constant refrain from the very same people that spew hatred against every minority group on the planet. That somehow we all need to be tolerant of your hatred and lies and bigotry. It's almost comical how frequently right wingers complain about the "so-called tolerant left" and my favorite recent example is this: ... is-forced-out-of-building

The church maintains it is not intolerant of others beliefs, but that it's finding those on the other side of this issue are intolerant of the beliefs of Remnant Fellowship Church.

"whaaaaaa, why won't the left tolerate us telling gays that they are all going to burn in hell?"

Posted on: 2018/7/7 23:12

Re: Gov Murphy
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peddling more baseless conspiracy theories, Monroe?

Posted on: 2018/6/18 18:54

Re: Donald Trump Solidifies World Peace
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My god you people are thick. IT WAS THEIR MONEY TO BEGIN WITH.

Also, I find it rich that Republicans are trying to lecture anyone on dealing with Iran. Saint Reagan illegally and secretly sold weapons to Iranian Islamist terrorists that had been taking Americans hostage. Then he gave that money to Nicaraguan terrorists that laid landmines all over the country killing countless innocents, and also smuggled cocaine into the US.

And yet, I never seem to hear a single bad word about Reagan. He's hailed as a hero of the right, while Obama is derided for settling a 50 year old debt with money that Iran was already owed, in good faith negotiations.

Posted on: 2018/6/14 23:59

Re: Donald Trump Solidifies World Peace
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Monroe wrote:
self hating Americans and anti-Semites.

I can't believe you're an actual person.

Let's see what your stable genius comes up with. I can't wait to see you try to explain how it's somehow a better deal than the Iran deal was.

And I like that your only argument against it boils down to a classic Trump-like wild unsupported claim that "everyone knows that Iran isn't following it" despite everyone in the deal saying that they ARE following it.

And I will admit that I was wrong about the notice (something I think you will never do) but even so, it's not feasible for Iran to hide an entire nuclear weapon facility considering there are inspectors at every other link in the supply chain. And even so, analysts have said it would take a year to refine enough nuclear material for a nuke, so 3 weeks is not enough time to build a facility and make a nuke.

I can guarantee you that if Trump even comes up with an agreement (and it will almost certainly be without Congress), it won't be half as comprehensive as the Iran deal. And yet I'm sure I will see you here crowing about how great it is anyway.

You are a sycophant of the worst degree.

Posted on: 2018/6/14 22:34

Edited by CatDog on 2018/6/14 22:53:30

Re: Donald Trump Solidifies World Peace
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I like how you completely missed most of the what's actually in the Iran deal

* Iran has to reduce the number of centrifuges by 75% from 20k to 5k
* Iran can't enrich uranium above 3.7% purity (weapons grade is 85%)
* Iran has to reduce their stockpile of uranium by 98%
* Inspectors are allowed at EVERY step in the supply chain from the mines to the transports to the storage to the reactors. The inspectors are present CONTINUOUSLY, and can also request access to any other location deemed suspicious, with 24 hours notice.

The Iran nuclear deal made it IMPOSSIBLE for Iran to make a nuclear weapon because inspectors would be present at every single step of the supply chain. Of course military bases are going to be off limits, but that's irrelevant, because inspectors would be monitoring mines and stockpiles, so it would not be possible to sneak entire nuclear plants into a military base without someone noticing.

What, you think North Korea is going to let inspectors into their military bases and concentration camps? Yeah right.

Thankfully our European friends are staying in the deal so there are still inspectors monitoring Iran's nuclear situation. Because if not, then by pulling out we have absolutely no oversight over their nuclear program and they can go right back to making weapons. Is that really a better proposition for you?

Probably the worst part of the situation is that the entire world has learned not to trust the US, because any treaty we sign can be cancelled by the next idiot to get elected. It is a huge blow to the US's place as the dominant power in the world, and hampers us diplomatically for generations to come.

And on a last note, you guys love to act as if Obama just gave Iran cash for nothing. It was their money to begin with, you morons. Obama didn't try to hide anything about "converting" the money to Iran. It was already Iran's money, being held in American banks. It was very publicly part of the deal that they would get their money back.

wtf do you think is going to be in this North Korea deal that you think will somehow make it better than the Iranian deal? Do you really think that Kim Jong Un is going to allow 24/7 inspectors full access to every prison camp and military base and house in the country? The NK deal - if one is ever reached - will be a pale shadow of what was achieved with Iran, and yet I'm sure you will be crowing from the roofs about how it's the deal of the century.

Posted on: 2018/6/13 18:39

Re: Donald Trump Solidifies World Peace
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Monroe, I *really* want to hear you summarize what is in the Iran Deal and why it's bad. And then I want you to summarize what is in the North Korea deal and why it's good. Please, I would really love to get your take on it. And I mean an actual summary of what's in it, not just "we gave everything away for nothing!"

Because I am absolutely certain that you have no idea what you're talking about.

Posted on: 2018/6/13 16:27

Re: Donald Trump Solidifies World Peace
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Monroe wrote:
The difference is the concessions, Obama gave Iran the freaking farm, and look what they've done since the so-called accord-amped up terrorism all through the Mideast. Quite the accomplishment! Trump stands up the NKorean leader, and they end their war with the south, start tearing down their nuke sites, stop missile testing, hand back 3 American's held in prison, all without giving up a thing. MAGA for sure.
You know how I know that you got all your info on the Iran deal from FOX News and don't have a clue what the deal actually entails?

Seriously, I would love to hear you summarize what the details of the Iran deal are.

Also, lol at North Korea doing any of that because Trump "stood up" to them.

Posted on: 2018/6/12 16:25

Re: JC Topless ban, sex toy restrictions may be history
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Yvonne wrote:
People complains about the drinking on Newark Av and the rowdy atmosphere. I have friends who live there. You add the toxic mix of ladies with no tops and you will have problems. You can deny human nature all you want but problems will arise, it will not be just Newark Avenue, it will be festivals where beer is served during the hot summer months. JC do not need this problem.
Do you really truly think that Downtown Jersey City is going to be a rowdy spring break destination for drunk collegiates?

Posted on: 2018/5/24 18:00

Re: JC Topless ban, sex toy restrictions may be history
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What does any of that have to do with the ban on toplessness and sex toys? Yvonne you're usually full of BS but this one is even more surpising. jcneighbor is right, you and Boggiano seem to be stuck in some timewarp from 40 years ago.

Also that link you just posted has this in huge letters right down at the bottom:
Sexual violence has fallen by half in the last 20 years.

The rate of sexual assault and rape has fallen 63% since 1993, from a rate of 4.3 assaults per 1,000 people in 1993, to 1.6 per 1000 in 2015.1

Posted on: 2018/5/23 17:41

Re: Sports Betting Coming to NJ
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Monroe wrote:

hero69 wrote:
hopefully, nj will use its windfall to fund its pension liabilities

Doubt it, he'll probably use it for driving lessons so illegal aliens can get drivers licenses and/or cheaper auto insurance or some other stupid 'progressive' ideal.
it must be sad to be such a bitter person that you have to fantasize about awful things happening with no basis in reality just so you can get even angrier.

Posted on: 2018/5/16 0:46

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