Re: Benches & Planters on Newark Ave
Just can't stay away
Its nice to have all these things - yes. But it could have been executed better.
For example - On newark ave between Monmouth and 4th st there are now 12 garbage cans. Monmouth residents between 3rd and 4th have been asking for a second can to put infront of Franks pizza, where 90% of the streets trash originates, but no luck. I tried to move one but there are bolted down - at least they did something right.
Posted on: 2011/12/17 1:13
Re: Downtown: Fire destroys car in Pep Boys' garage at 2 a.m.
Just can't stay away
So the store manager just got back to me about 10 minutes ago (8:55pm) to tell me to go ahead and have my car detailed and they would reimburse me at the store. Someone had recommended that I have both air filters replaced, and I suggested this to the manager and he rudely refused - "the detailing is all we're willing to do"
I'm not a gear head or anything, but to me it makes sense to replace the air filters both under the hood and inside the car. Anyone know? Also - any recommendations on detailing places?
Posted on: 2011/11/2 1:09
Re: pseg "partners" asking to see my bill?
Just can't stay away
These are the people knocking on your door. They also represent Verizon selling FiOS door to door.
Posted on: 2011/11/1 14:08
Re: Downtown: Fire destroys car in Pep Boys' garage at 2 a.m.
Just can't stay away
I called the store and was pretty much laughed at.
Called corporate pep boys and filed a claim. They said they would call back within 48 hours. We will see.
Posted on: 2011/11/1 14:06
Re: Downtown: Fire destroys car in Pep Boys' garage at 2 a.m.
Just can't stay away
my car was there at that time - when I picked it up it had this weird smell of burned rubber. I didn't notice any damage to the building at all and they didn't say anything to me.
Posted on: 2011/10/31 20:09
Re: Name and Shame Bad Snow Neighbors
Just can't stay away
417 Monmouth.
Posted on: 2011/10/30 18:51
Re: street parking and snow
Just can't stay away
1. #OOPS# you for talking about snow.
2. Last winter - parking rules were not enforced from Christmas to the end of March. You would think they would use the alternate side time to plow out the ice rink on each side of the street but they don't. Get rid of your car or put it in a garage.
Posted on: 2011/10/19 12:55
Re: New Construction on Newark Ave & 3rd Street Between Monmouth & Bright
Just can't stay away
Last month was the first time we held our meeting at a location other than PS #5, and judging from the overwhelming positive feedback we received, its safe to say that our March meeting will again be held at the Lamp Post. Thanks to everyone who stopped by. A hot topic during last month?s meeting was a new 48 unit development proposed for the corner of Newark Avenue and Third Street. 292-294 Newark Avenue to be exact. This month, Chuck Harrington from Connell Foley LLP, the law firm representing Applied Development will be on hand to discuss all of the project details. As everyone knows, this section of Newark Avenue is already extremely congested, and parking is currently very difficult. So it is important to note that the proposed 48 unit development will depend largely on street parking, as it is only required to provide 10 parking spaces per Jersey City zoning laws. I encourage everyone in the area to stop by and hear first-hand from the project representative, and let your opinions be heard. We will also be discussing Newark Avenue Redevelopment Phase III which has just recently gotten underway, as well as The Village Weekend which is slated for the middle of May. Similar to last month?s meeting, the first round of drinks is on the VNA for association members, and Michele and the Lamp Post will be providing some snacks for the table. Thanks again Michele! ------------------------------------------------- This will definitely help gentrify that area - but is going to create a parking nightmare, when it is already bad enough. This never should have been approved without at least 35-40 spaces.
Posted on: 2011/10/11 12:10
Re: Rent Increase
Just can't stay away
Actually this one wasn't for me. As for what the camels back breaking straw was - after the storm there was an old oil talk floating around in the water in the basement, leaking oil everywhere and banging up against the electric breakers. It was a total fire hazard - which reinvigorated the need to look into the fire escape thing further.
Posted on: 2011/9/29 15:50
Re: To the owner of 418 Monmouth St
Just can't stay away
Today is the first day in 3 weeks without constant (every 30 seconds for 10 hours) barking - I guess someone got the message.
Posted on: 2011/9/29 15:11
Re: Rent Increase
Just can't stay away
The city's landlord tenant office is a joke.
The director there has no concept of the laws and procedures. If we didn't have heat - I'm sure they could help. But for anything other than the most basic interaction - they have no idea what they are talking about, and have contradicted the law, and themselves numerous times. The advice on this issues was: "I?ve seen the lease and the rent increase notice. You may fight the rent increase by refusing to pay it on Nov. 1, after when the landlord may take you to court for refusing to pay the increase, and a judge will decide. Be sure to address all your issues and defenses at the trial." In my opinion, a city department to handle landlord tenant relations would provide information and advice more in line with I know they aren't attorneys, but I expected more.
Posted on: 2011/9/29 15:10
Re: Rent Increase
Just can't stay away
apartment is not under rent control, and yes I'm willing to fight it.
This rent increase comes 2 days after we notified the landlord that we spoke to the city about an illegal unit in the building that we just recently found out about.
Posted on: 2011/9/29 5:41
Re: Rent Increase
Just can't stay away
$1650 including utilities - going up to $1850 excluding utilities
Posted on: 2011/9/29 1:09
Rent Increase
Just can't stay away
What would you consider an unconscionable rent increase?
Dollar amount, not legal jargon - already have the NJ tenant laws at my disposal.
Posted on: 2011/9/28 23:46
Re: To the owner of 418 Monmouth St
Just can't stay away
I've already called him, and made a complaint through the city.
Not passive aggressive... covering all of the bases. Any other suggestions JMCEE?
Posted on: 2011/9/28 21:36
To the owner of 418 Monmouth St
Just can't stay away
Your first floor tenant has 2 dogs that bark out the windows ALL DAY.
Please handle this.
Posted on: 2011/9/28 19:52
Re: A Voyeur or an Idiot?
Just can't stay away
go here ... &out_type=0&district=0906 type in the address of the building and get the owners name. Then reverse them and see if you get a phone number.
You should have a bunch of friends over, set up shop outside and all silently stare blankly in his direction. There should be at least 10 of you. Maybe you could post a picture of the crime scene here without the guy in it so we can all see exactly what you're talking about.
Posted on: 2011/9/28 4:12
Re: Local USPS union workers will descend on Journal Square
Just can't stay away
Perhaps if they delivered the mail more than 3 times per week they wouldn't have so much to worry about.
Posted on: 2011/9/27 14:23
Re: Downtown: Guy Stealing Packages and Mail.
Just can't stay away
Yeah this is nicky.
He was selling drugs out of abbeys for a while until they banned him for doing so. I see him almost every day hanging around in front of the Barge Inn. The cops have come and searched him a few times, but to no avail. He tries to bum cigarettes off me a couple times a week.
Posted on: 2011/9/24 15:01
Re: can't flush toilet paper
Just can't stay away
Just use wet wipes. He didn't say anything about that.
Posted on: 2011/9/18 2:56
Re: can't flush toilet paper
Just can't stay away
Black out all of the personal details and post it.
Posted on: 2011/9/17 19:43
Re: can't flush toilet paper
Just can't stay away
What do you do with the toilet paper?
Posted on: 2011/9/16 15:39
Re: can't flush toilet paper
Just can't stay away
POST IT POST IT POST IT POST IT Its not slander if its TRUE
Posted on: 2011/9/16 15:32
Re: can't flush toilet paper
Just can't stay away
please please please post a screen shot of that letter (black out the personal info if you wish)
Posted on: 2011/9/16 0:46
Re: can't flush toilet paper
Just can't stay away
"Rent is 1950 plus utilities, 1 bedroom, 1 bath, new stainless steel appliances, dishwasher - but you can't flush your toilet paper."
Get the scott's brand paper that is meant for septic systems - it disintegrates as soon as the water in the bowl starts spinning. Call landlord tenant relations - this has to be some sort of violation. Even if the landlord says its the city's problem - maybe you can get an inspector to at least confirm that to you.
Posted on: 2011/9/15 21:44
Re: Please stop the huge 9/11 memorial at LSP - it will ruin the park's views of the Manhattan skyline!
Just can't stay away
after reading all of this and seeing some photos - i finally took a ride over there today. Drove through the entire park because I didn't know exactly where it was. After seeing it - all I have to say is REALLY? Ruin the views from the park? REALLY? This takes up a tiny sliver of the park. I might not be a huge fan of the design - but who cares? There is a lot more park and a lot of other spots with a great view.
Posted on: 2011/9/14 21:16
Re: Ferris H.S. Brawl Brings Cops in the Mix
Just can't stay away
This seems to have happened only a short time later just a few blocks away.... related? Too bad the JCPD can't do math. 2+2 ? ... er_bullet_casing_fro.html
Posted on: 2011/9/14 14:22
Re: Garbage on the ground and sidewalks everywhere
Just can't stay away
Move. Jaah did. (Right?)
Posted on: 2011/9/13 23:11
Re: 5 to 6 choppers hovering over downtown... whats going on?
Just can't stay away
where did you get that information?
Posted on: 2011/9/12 22:42