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Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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2005/2/28 1:48
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srg1 wrote:
Is there any particular spot that is bumpy?

The s-curves entering Christopher Street from the West can be jarring. As you mentioned, it generally depends on how fast the motorman takes them.

You can see the curves illustrated clearly on this map: ... lly16m-1024-optimized.gif

Somewhat off topic, how do you like this map from the 80s showing our region with Hudson County at the center? ... rpened-optimized-1024.gif

Posted on: 2010/10/1 3:10

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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2006/8/13 21:38
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I think the PATH ride is less bumpy and screetchy than it was a few years ago. I think they have improved the ride. Is there any particular spot that is bumpy? I think the rides do vary from driver to driver.

Posted on: 2010/10/1 0:36

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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Posted on: 2010/9/30 23:31
My humor is for the silent blue collar majority - If my posts offend, slander or you deem inappropriate and seek deletion, contact the webmaster for jurisdiction.

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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2008/2/10 22:47
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I ride the PATH daily, and I don't have much of a problem with it either. Maybe a lifetime of riding on the subways with rats and other wildlife on the platforms, being groped by strangers, and nearly being mugged has put things in some perspective for me. I've never seen a PATH station as filthy as a subway station, even without the garbage cans (the lack of which I too lament), and the most crowded rush hour trains are not as packed as the subways I've been on.

Do I wish the service were better nights and weekends? Sure. But at least I feel safe when I'm waiting at 33rd street at odd hours, even if it is a longer wait.

Is it too hot in the stations in the summer? Yes. But they run on a schedule, and I try to show up at a time when I know I won't have to wait long.

As for the rough ride, I think it depends a lot on the engineer and the equipment. There are some bucking broncos that I just never ride with, and a couple that make the trip as smooth as glass.

And it's not much more than a 20 minute ride, wherever you're taking it from or to, which is something I can deal with.

Posted on: 2010/9/30 22:11

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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2005/7/19 20:29
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Yeah, and Guiliani was the best mayor NYC ever had Pangloss.

If the PATH were interested in safety, the trains wouldn't throw people around like ragdolls. Ride on the DC Metro, for instance, and let me know when you get tossed. Never happens.

It's nice that they clean out the crap at point A or Z, but those of us riding in the middle get sticky feet, yesterday's news, today's vomit, and the ever-fun game of "kick the can."

I'd much rather the cars were COATED in graffitto and ran more often then wasting time taking tagged cars out of commission.

As for cheap, it's about half the cost of driving, which, if timed right, is a much more pleasant experience than the PATH ever is.

Posted on: 2010/9/30 19:44

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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2007/8/1 16:17
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For all of it's problems, PATH transportation still has a ton of great qualities. The trains are inspected as a safety measure every 24 hours, they have car cleaners that sweep and pick up before sending the trains back out of the yard, the fare is's PATH's policy not to run graffiti'd cars as well. Once it is learned that a car has been tagged or that someone scratched graffiti into the windows, that car is taken out of service and sent back to the yard in Harrison until it's cleaned up. It may not be a golden chariot across the Hudson, but it's still a fairly clean, safe and cost-effective way to get from point A to point B and then back again.

I don't commute to NYC all week long, so I understand the problems the PATH has don't irritate me as much as they will someone who works in Midtown. If I rode the PATH daily, I'd probably be taking that "pathsux" survey as well. I'm just noting that not every aspect of the PATH is all fire and brimstone

Posted on: 2010/9/30 19:25
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Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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2007/8/1 19:34
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robotjustin wrote:
I've always thought it would be interesting to organize a "PATH boycott day."

Basically, to come up with three practical things that would make PATH better, and pick a day a month to keep the trains empty until those three demands were met. I'm sure some local bus companies would gladly run buses for the guaranteed full buses all day, and you could just keep slamming the PATH until they go so far in the red they'll have to either cut service or streamline their awful organization.

Conversely, a bus company that would somehow ape the PATH route would make an absolute killing. Like, if the jitney's ran to 9th street, and picked up along GROVE or MARIN, I'd take it without hesitation over the PATH.

except that your plan is flawed robot.
boycotting the path would just leave thousands of people needing to take these special busses but more-so taking cars on already overcrowded JC and NYC streets during rush hour. it would never mimic the speed of the path and therfore, no one would go for it.

its an annoying mode of transit sometimes, but its really the only option for most people to get in and out of the city everyday. though i agree they could throw on some more trains or run them more frequently. if they are making so much off the bridges and tunnels anyways, whats a little more deficit from the path going to kill them? apparently, they can afford useless tvs on the new trains just fine

Posted on: 2010/9/30 1:21

Re: Have You seen this PATH PA
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2008/4/23 15:27
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I wish there were a couple more trains on Friday and Saturday nights. Having late-night trains every 30 minutes is fine the rest of the week, but it makes for almost rush-hour-level crowding on the weekends.

Posted on: 2010/9/30 0:47

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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2007/5/30 0:05
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the jsq path station (near the tracks) stunk like rotten garbage tonight! not a mild funk but full on make you throw up disgusting.

Posted on: 2010/9/29 22:39

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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2005/7/19 20:29
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I've always thought it would be interesting to organize a "PATH boycott day."

Basically, to come up with three practical things that would make PATH better, and pick a day a month to keep the trains empty until those three demands were met. I'm sure some local bus companies would gladly run buses for the guaranteed full buses all day, and you could just keep slamming the PATH until they go so far in the red they'll have to either cut service or streamline their awful organization.

Conversely, a bus company that would somehow ape the PATH route would make an absolute killing. Like, if the jitney's ran to 9th street, and picked up along GROVE or MARIN, I'd take it without hesitation over the PATH.

Posted on: 2010/9/29 21:19

Re: Have You seen this PATH PA
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2006/8/13 21:38
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Thank you very much for all the feedback. I will make many of these points at the meeting. There is something I will comment on though - the cost. The PATH is an amazing deal. Newark to NYC for less than $2.50? $54 for a monthly pass? That is it? My understanding is that the PATH runs at a deficit and is subsidized by the fees from the roadways/tunnel.

Posted on: 2010/9/29 21:09

Re: Have You seen this PATH PA
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2005/7/13 15:03
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pathsux wrote:
Print out this report and bring it to the meeting.
Although it's already been mailed to them.
PathSux Survey Results - 1000 responses
Register your concerns at

Well at least you have a place to vent. It's not a city agency nor a state agency but a bi-state autonomous company trying to provide transportation the best way they can.

Posted on: 2010/9/29 20:09

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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2005/7/13 15:03
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Xerxes wrote:
What we WILL get is fare hikes, fare hikes, and more fare hikes....and the same 100 year old railroad system running through the same 100 year old tunnels with more and more people crammed in every year.

The PATH hasn't had a hike since the last hike in over 10 years. Yes you are right it is the same tunnel unless they make it wider.

Posted on: 2010/9/29 20:02

Re: Have You seen this PATH PA

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2009/9/4 17:53
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Print out this report and bring it to the meeting.
Although it's already been mailed to them.

PathSux Survey Results - 1000 responses

Register your concerns at

Posted on: 2010/9/29 19:46

Re: Have You seen this PATH PA
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2009/11/17 0:49
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srg1 wrote:
I am scheduled to attend the PATH meetings. If there are issues you would like me to address, please comment.

This one's a cheap and easy improvement: More (or clearer) signage for which trains are on which tracks!

There are some stations where there are no signs telling you which track to wait at, or the signs are all upstairs, so that if you get off one train, you have no idea where you're supposed to be for the next one.

Posted on: 2010/9/29 17:47

Re: PATH Patron Advisory Committee
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2005/3/21 20:01
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srg1 wrote: I am scheduled to attend the PATH meetings. If there are issues you would like me to address, please comment.

5. It would be nice to get subway advisories on the PATH, and to get PATH advisories on the subway. That way, we can stay on whatever train we are on, and take alternate routes.

Posted on: 2010/9/29 15:03

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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2004/12/29 17:58
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We will not get a bridge. We will not get a tunnel. We will not get longer stations (they billed for that 22years ago (1988) and extended nothing.)
We will not get more trains, but rather fewer trains as recent past history has shown. We willl not get clean station walls and ceilings.
Garbage will not be cleaned from the tracks.

What we WILL get is fare hikes, fare hikes, and more fare hikes....and the same 100 year old railroad system running through the same 100 year old tunnels with more and more people crammed in every year.

The best way to estimate future behavior is always to observe past behavior and the Port Authority has been very explicit about how it deals with the needs of its rail cutomers.

Anyone who expects anything more from PATH in the next 20 years than a finished station in the WTC just hasn't been paying attention.

I have been riding this train since 1972 and it was a better system back then. It has been a 38 year detererioration of service at every increasing prices (around 700%?)

Posted on: 2010/9/29 12:00

Re: PATH Patron Advisory Committee
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2005/3/21 20:01
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srg1 wrote: I am scheduled to attend the PATH meetings. If there are issues you would like me to address, please comment.

1. We need more benches to sit on.
2. We need better ventilation.
3. Exchange Place monitors are too loud and noisy. It can damage your hearing.
4. Need better access for the disable.

Thank you.

Posted on: 2010/9/29 10:41

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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2006/11/13 18:42
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No would all the ships get in and there is no large exit points at either end............Tunnel to WTC that accommodates segways, vespas, bicycles, foot traffic, electric golf / disabled buggies and the like.

It's just a need panic!

Posted on: 2010/9/29 1:14
My humor is for the silent blue collar majority - If my posts offend, slander or you deem inappropriate and seek deletion, contact the webmaster for jurisdiction.

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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2007/11/15 21:43
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heights wrote:

fat-ass-bike wrote:
The simple problem with the PATH is that population growth is out stretching infrustructure.

Both NJ and NY need to look at a second form of mass public transport - Second tunnel from JC to WTC only is needed plus some sort of pedestrian / bicycle / motorbike under 100cc tunnel is also required.

If we are talking pedestrain/passive transportation I don't think a tunnel is wise. The more reasonable bridge would best serve the non-motor community. I can't see why it hasn't been built yet my bike is tired of taking the PATH.

oh god please, not this tired old bridge argument again.

Posted on: 2010/9/29 1:02

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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2005/7/13 15:03
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fat-ass-bike wrote:
The simple problem with the PATH is that population growth is out stretching infrustructure.

Both NJ and NY need to look at a second form of mass public transport - Second tunnel from JC to WTC only is needed plus some sort of pedestrian / bicycle / motorbike under 100cc tunnel is also required.

If we are talking pedestrain/passive transportation I don't think a tunnel is wise. The more reasonable bridge would best serve the non-motor community. I can't see why it hasn't been built yet my bike is tired of taking the PATH.

Posted on: 2010/9/29 0:13

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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2006/8/13 21:38
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If the PATH does extend the platforms as planned and revamps the signal system to allow for additional trains to the WTC, additional capacity will be available.

Posted on: 2010/9/29 0:09

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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2006/11/13 18:42
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The simple problem with the PATH is that population growth is out stretching infrustructure.

Both NJ and NY need to look at a second form of mass public transport - Second tunnel from JC to WTC only is needed plus some sort of pedestrian / bicycle / motorbike under 100cc tunnel is also required.

Posted on: 2010/9/28 22:52
My humor is for the silent blue collar majority - If my posts offend, slander or you deem inappropriate and seek deletion, contact the webmaster for jurisdiction.

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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2004/12/29 17:58
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Blue nosed fools got some sort of grant from some moron to pay for a silly ad, or worse from a government agency.

PATH ran it because they are a dreadfully incompetent organization overpaying fools as managers.

Since DRINKING is not illegal, blue noses will try to confuse the isssue with silliness like POISONING and UNDER-AGE DRINKING. This will sound like common sense to the IQ deficient riding on the trains.

Driving kills more than drinking: so STOP DRIVING. (Look for something like this NEXT week.)

Something SANE would never appear like: "WAR kills more young people than anything else, so let's skip the next one"...NEVER HAPPEN!

When you read, DISCRIMINATE, otherwise reading is not worth doing.

But then without those who do not know sense from nonsense, how else could we have religion?

Posted on: 2010/9/28 18:35

Re: Have You seen this PATH PA
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I am scheduled to attend the PATH meetings. If there are issues you would like me to address, please comment.

Posted on: 2010/9/28 14:03

Re: Have You seen this PATH PA
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2008/1/3 19:12
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Why would friends be prosecuted? If they were intoxicated while under 21? What could a cop do to prove intoxication anyway, give the kids breathalyzer tests??

Posted on: 2010/9/23 18:11

Re: Have You seen this PATH PA
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2009/11/2 21:03
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BeatrixKiddo wrote:

Tash wrote:

landshark wrote:
What is wrong with it? I think it is good to let minors know that if their friend might have alcohol poisoning they can call an ambulance and not worry about getting in trouble for underage drinking.

I don't have the problem with the law but they way it's communicated...up to two friends? what about if you are with 3 friends? Just really weird.

I thought the same thing Tash, every time I see it I'm like WTF what if it was 3, 4 or 5 friends, who gets to pick who gets in trouble and who is cleared from the law. It's a good PSA though.

The ones who get cleared are the ones who didn't drink of course! The best I can conclude, at a underage drinking party the cops will ticket everyone else except up to 3 people. I believe this is what it is implying (otherwise, why put it on the announcement, so people ask WTF?)

Posted on: 2010/9/23 18:07

Re: Have You seen this PATH PA
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2009/6/29 19:45
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Isn?t it ironic the above ad talks about poisoning and the below ad mentions speed?

Posted on: 2010/9/23 4:28

Re: Have You seen this PATH PA
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2009/5/12 2:57
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Actually this is the smartest thing ever. I've known multiple people from high school who died because of this. Got high or drunk on something and people just scram.

Why up to 2 people? Its obvious, one to call 911 and the other to take instructions and act them out.

Unless you'd rather when your kid blacked out and isn't breathing for his friends to just dial 911 give an address and run and not try to help. Cause I've known that to happen to a few people. All are now dead.

Posted on: 2010/9/23 2:06

Re: Have You seen this PATH PA
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2006/8/13 21:38
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Ride the PATH late on Sunday night. You almost always find people puking on the train.

Posted on: 2010/9/23 2:01

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