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The Cheesecake Factory in Newport
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Not too shy to talk

There was discussion in a thread over the summer about the possibility of The Cheesecake Factory opening at the Newport Mall. It looks like construction is underway, this photo shows the East side of the mall facing the Newport Light Rail station.

Resized Image

Posted on: 2015/10/25 2:28

Re: Cash reserve for small condo
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Not too shy to talk

You may want to ask for a copy of the capital reserve study.

Posted on: 2014/11/28 21:42

Re: West Side Ave over by Lincoln Park
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Not too shy to talk


user1111 wrote:

I don't know of any neighborhood within the city that has a decent supermarket within walking distance.

Newport has Morton Williams.

Posted on: 2013/11/20 15:46

Re: Skylark on the Hudson - Diner
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Not too shy to talk


rasoszynski wrote:
Does anyone know what's up with this place? We tried to go on Sunday for lunch...

There was an unusually large crowd at and around the restaurant this Sunday, most likely due to the half marathon finish line across the street.

Posted on: 2013/9/23 19:38

Re: U.S. Senator Frank Lautenberg dies at 89
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Not too shy to talk

paulushooker wrote:

Welcome to the NJ Senate, Mr. Booker.

Maybe not just yet. Check the Seventeenth Amendment. "It also alters the procedure for filling vacancies in the Senate, allowing for state legislatures to permit their governors to make temporary appointments until a special election can be held." ... nited_States_Constitution

Posted on: 2013/6/3 19:18

Re: The New York Times to Jersey City: "You don't exist"
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Not too shy to talk

You can e-mail the Metro Desk at the NY Times and ask about the lack of coverage. Here is their e-mail address:

Posted on: 2013/5/15 17:42

Port Authority: woman jumped in front of PATH train in Jersey City
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Not too shy to talk

According to the Jersey Journal:

A young woman jumped in front of a PATH train at the Newport station in Jersey City this morning, according to the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. ... html#incart_river_default

Posted on: 2013/4/26 17:16

Re: Shades, drapes or window-tints work - any recommendation for contractors?
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Not too shy to talk

Posted on: 2012/7/17 18:27

Re: Manhattan rents experience highest rise in 5 years
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Not too shy to talk

median age for 07030 (Hoboken): 31.2 years
median age for 07310 (Newport): 30.2 years


Posted on: 2012/7/13 16:41

Re: Noise from Concerts on Governors Island
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Not too shy to talk

Anyone in JC hearing bass from the direction of Governors Island this evening (Saturday, June 16th)?

Posted on: 2012/6/17 3:43

Re: Alternate (non-PATH) ways of travel between NYC and JC
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Not too shy to talk

I did a quick search and found the following bus options from Manhattan to Jersey City:

NJT Bus:

Coach USA:


Posted on: 2011/11/15 22:46

Skylark on the Hudson - Diner
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Not too shy to talk

Saw this advertised while walking past, they're in the old South City Grill space.

25 River Drive South
Jersey City NJ 07310

Posted on: 2011/9/2 20:46

Edited by Webmaster on 2012/4/23 17:45:15

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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Not too shy to talk


srg1 wrote:
Is there any particular spot that is bumpy?

The s-curves entering Christopher Street from the West can be jarring. As you mentioned, it generally depends on how fast the motorman takes them.

You can see the curves illustrated clearly on this map: ... lly16m-1024-optimized.gif

Somewhat off topic, how do you like this map from the 80s showing our region with Hudson County at the center? ... rpened-optimized-1024.gif

Posted on: 2010/10/1 3:10

Re: Demonstration of Jersey City's diversity
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Not too shy to talk


JadedJC wrote:
Well, it proves those fears about downtown JC becoming another Hoboken are unfounded (just look at that big red splotch north of JC). Wow.


Keep in mind that the data points are from the census 10 years ago.

Posted on: 2010/9/21 19:41

Re: Noise from Concerts on Governors Island
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Not too shy to talk

I looked at the weather conditions last night around 11pm - 12am. Newark was reporting zero wind in the 11pm hour, JFK was reporting zero wind in the 12am hour.

There is an effect called coherent addition that can occur over a ground with perfect reflection (e.g. water) and no atmospheric turbulence (e.g. wind).

According to one academic paper on this subject, the receiver hears two sources, actual and reflected, effectively doubling the sound pressure. I wonder if the still atmosphere allowed something like this to occur between GI and DTJC last night?

Given the variables selected in my previous post, that would bring us up to approx. 70dB which would absolutely be audible near the river in DTJC.


historical weather:


Posted on: 2010/9/20 21:30

Re: Noise from Concerts on Governors Island
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Not too shy to talk

These concerts on Governors Island can be very loud. I was traveling North in Buttermilk Channel (East of GI) a few weeks ago and was surprised by the level of music volume heard when I was over one thousand feet away from the island.

The distance from the closest point on GI to DTJC is approx. 1.5 miles. I did a quick search on sound attenuation by distance, I come up with a value of roughly 80dB(A).

Have a look at the links below. A loud rock concert is estimated at 115dB. Subtract the 80dB attenuation value for the 1.5 mile distance and you end up around 35dB.

It seems possible that you can hear the music in DTJC, but at the levels that you suggest either the source volume is over 115dB (possible) or there are some other environmental factors (wind speed / direction) taking place.

Posted on: 2010/9/20 18:48

Re: PSE&G Supply Energy Question
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Not too shy to talk

Today I heard a radio advertisement for Constellation Energy who is offering competitive residential supply energy in New Jersey.


Posted on: 2010/8/30 18:02

Re: Giant/Jets Football Schedule for DJC neighbors
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Not too shy to talk

Thought I'd bring this thread back in honor of the Jets making it to the AFC title game. Indy's going to be tough...

Posted on: 2010/1/18 2:33

PSE&G Supply Energy Question
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Not too shy to talk

Is anyone using an alternative energy provider to provide supply energy to their home? I've been trying to figure out if anyone actually sells into the residential market in Jersey City.

I know there are a number of companies on a list ( ) that you can obtain via PSE&G but every company I contacted did not offer residential supply engergy in this part of the country.

I'm asking because once again the NJ BPU ( ) approved a price increase for PSE&G and I'm starting to question what type of protection is provided for the residential energy consumer in NJ.

Posted on: 2009/9/3 23:14

Re: New PATH trains, then more zip
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Not too shy to talk

PATH is on Twitter now:

Posted on: 2009/7/8 15:29

Re: With record numbers of riders turning to the PATH - $4B in upgrades coming
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Not too shy to talk

The executive director of the Port Authority is answering questions this week. Maybe he'll
have a better answer for your question. ... t-authority/?ref=nyregion

Posted on: 2009/2/23 20:20

Re: Towing: Now at Morton Williams
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Not too shy to talk

I walked past the area in question this evening, no where could I find the hours of metered parking posted. The inference can be made that meters must be fed 24/7/365 but it would be considerate for this expectation to be clearly posted on a street sign or indicated on the meter.

Related to the aforementioned it doesn't seem reasonable that the penalty for a meter not fed or expired is an impound of your vehicle. This seems to be extraordinarily heavy handed enforcement; I'd be interested to know if anyone is aware of a similar practice, either on private property or by local municipality.

Posted on: 2008/8/6 1:57




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