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Re: Election results
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I have linked what I believe to be the law.

Do the machines now have voter counters? If not, my understanding is that we add up the at large votes which I believe is 83395. We divide by twice the number of elected people (6) and get 13899. We add one to get to 13,900. Therefore, I would think that anyone with more than 13,900 votes would get elected. Perhaps the machines now have voter counts which changes the analysis? Or am I reading this incorrectly? Or did the law change?

Posted on: 2013/5/15 14:02

Re: Election results
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I think this is a great thing for Jersey City. But for Steven Fulop - wow. Think about all the battles he has fought in Jersey City and all the time he has put in. I moved to Jersey City in 2006 and one of the first things I read about was Fulop taking on the police chief.

Fulop and Jersey City Police Chief in 2006

Then in 2007 I believe we had some bad flooding and there was a meeting with the JCMUA. Fulop was there as the Ward representative and balanced advocacy of the citizens with mediation with the JCMUA. I was impressed.

But for Fulop to sit there all the time and deal with the Healy cronies - wow. How do you sit there and argue straight faced with Willie Flood who supposedly would fall asleep at meetings? He continued to battle. He was on the losing end for numerous battles. But he kept pushing and I believe was the force behind the revamping of the school board.

The point is that Fulop has stuck with Jersey City and deserves this. Congratulations to Steve, his team and Jersey City. Even his long term planning is another example of how he earned it...

This is a Fulop email from October, 2010:

"The Next Mayor/Council Election

Fall is here and it has brought, unfortunately, another tax increase to Jersey City. That has a special sting when so many of our neighborhoods are becoming less clean and less safe. It is against this backdrop that I write to update you briefly on some happenings on the personal front.

After four years as the outsider on the City Council, I am exploring a run for mayor and building a team for the 2013 election. It is important that we start the process now, because the political organization in Jersey City has a tremendous advantage in infrastructure and fundraising. There's a reason people refer to it as a machine. However, with time and community involvement, I know that we can replicate the results we have had recently and minimize their advantage. We need your help not only with financial support, but with volunteering (

As part of this exploratory process, we are launching a new website I encourage you to visit the site - once there, you'll recognize that we need your help! Progress in Jersey City will require more than an independent mayor. The city needs a new generation of leaders to serve on the City Council as well and identifying them starts with you. We are taking a different approach and asking you to direct us to the people in your neighborhood who you think we should encourage to step forward as candidates. I am hoping to find?and to support?Council candidates who are leaders in their communities and want to serve because they care about the city.

We are having our first fundraising event at The Grand Banks Cafe (corner of Montgomery and Washington) on November 4th. It is a $20 event to encourage community involvement and further details are on the site. I hope you can attend. This is a first and important step in a long process.

As always, I am thankful for the opportunity that you have already given me.


Posted on: 2013/5/15 2:27

Re: Why is pizza so bad in downtown JC?
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Buffalo Chicken pizza at Carmine's is the best. I moved out of Jersey City and still come back to Carmine's for this pizza.

Posted on: 2013/1/11 0:23

Re: Do I need a permit to replace a hot water heater?
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I am not sure if this is on point, but this is from the Jersey City Code:

Chapter 131 (2)(b)

Plumbing subcode schedule of fees. Plumbing fees for replacement permits, extension permits, new building permits, heating apparatus, cooling apparatus, ventilating and specialty apparatus shall be as follows:
Plumbing fixtures: $10.00. Included but not limited to: water closet, urinal, bidet, bathtub, lavatory, shower, floor drain, sink, dishwasher, drinking fountain, washing machine hose bib, closet bend, coffee maker, gas appliance, gas service connection, ice maker, rain leader, roof drain, sprinkler head, sump pump, trap prime, washing machine tray, yard drain.

Water Heater $30.00
Fuel Oil Piping $10.00
Gas Piping $10.00
Steam boiler $30.00
Hot Water Boiler $30.00
Sewer Pump $40.00
Interceptor $40.00
Separator $40.00
Back flow Preventer $10.00 (domestic)
Back flow Preventer $75.00 (fire service)
Grease trap $40.00
Sewer connection $40.00
Water Service $30.00 (up to 2″)
Water Service $60.00 (above 2″)
Stacks $40.00

Posted on: 2012/9/14 0:01

Liberty Harbor Developer Companies Declare Bankruptcy
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Some of Mocco's companies filed for bankruptcy yesterday. The article is subscription only so I cannot post it.

Posted on: 2012/4/18 16:07

Re: Is the Village section safe?
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Posted on: 2012/2/22 20:42

Re: NYTIMES: Feeding the Rental Appetite -- New rentals include the 422-unit 18 Park in Jersey City
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Well, the point of the PATH's signal project is to increase capacity. Once finished, they are supposed to be able to run trains closer to each other. Just a few more years...

Posted on: 2012/2/5 13:48

Re: Do Away With Street Cleaning
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Most of the sweepers I have seen in JC do seemingly leave a trail of garbage behind them. It is frustrating to watch. If it truly was only about ticketing, couldn't the city save money by eliminating the street cleaners altogether?

Posted on: 2011/12/23 4:27

Re: Apartments at 61 Duncan Ave?
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worm wrote:
So your gettin at that whole" it could happen any where"bs huh? Yea well guess what your odds are a lot higher in the Duncan/Bergen area.

And let me guess, you don't live anywhere near here.
Here we go again. Really, the only reason I check this site is to make sure that if anyone posts anything about this part of town, that they are getting an honest portrayal of the area, based on people who actually live here and not people who base everything they know from what they read in the jersey journal, here say, or from what they remember from the eighties.
I live here, I own here, and I am raising two happy young kids with my husband here. I grew up in a small wealthy town in north jersey, and I hated it. There was absolutely no diversity, both economically and culturally, and no sense of community. My kids will have a healthy understanding of the world they live in. There are plenty of decent people here, with money and without.
We have great neighbors, the kind that watch your property, help with house stuff and our kids are all very close to each other. I don't live in a bubble. I live knowing that I live in a city that has it's crime, and while I long for a good coffee shop/restaurant, I have all my basic necessities met, without having to drive everywhere. I walk/ride my bike to the path for work, so I am lucky enough to take advantage of what NYC has that JC does not. In the eleven years I've lived here, I have not been broken into, have not had my car stolen, have not been mugged, have not feared for my life. I am a small female and walk/bike home from the train in the evenings everyday. When it is late, I take a cab. Hope this helps.

Do you send your kids to the local public schools?

Posted on: 2011/10/26 16:56

Re: 2011 Jersey City Budget
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I thought the abatements were helpful to the city because Jersey City keeps all the money and does not have to share with the state?

Posted on: 2011/9/30 13:29

Re: Aug 26 in the rearview, still no 2011 budget in Jersey City
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What gimmicks did they use this year? ... y_city_council_adopt.html

Jersey City City Council adopts budget
Published: Wednesday, September 28, 2011, 3:00 AM
By Terrence T. McDonald/The Jersey Journal

With fewer than 100 days left in the year, Jersey City last night adopted a $490 million city budget, one that officials say comes with no tax increase.
The City Council unanimously adopted the spending plan last night, more than six months after it was introduced. The city administration delayed the process as it waited to close a $15 million land deal, and then delayed it again when the land deal fell through two weeks ago.
Until last year, the city worked under a fiscal year budget that ended in June. This year is the city?s first with a calendar-year plan.
Though city officials have been criticized by residents for taking so long to adopt the spending plan, Council President Peter Brennan said last night the delay did no harm.
The budget was mostly set in stone in March, when the council first approved it, Brennan said.
Brennan praised Business Administrator Jack Kelly for delivering the budget, and he lauded the city?s labor unions for accepting flat increases, work furloughs and other ?givebacks.?
?We made up $80 million,? he said, referring to the budget gap the city had been facing. ?There was a lot of work by a lot of people to close it.?
Councilman Steve Fulop, while voting to approve the spending plan, nonetheless expressed ?serious concerns? about it. One-time budget gimmicks, Fulop said, will only delay the pain.
?We?re set up for massive tax increases next year,? he said.
According to the budget adopted last night, the city will need to raise $215 million through taxes. City spokeswoman Jennifer Morrill said about $6.4 million of that is for the local school district, leaving about $208 million for city purposes.

Posted on: 2011/9/29 1:34

Re: Hudson Reporter: Developer claims JC officials tried to extort apartments Former Council Prez Vega
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Perhaps someone can figure out how many relatives of city leaders live in such apartments.

Posted on: 2011/9/20 2:11

Re: Aug 26 in the rearview, still no 2011 budget in Jersey City
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Plan B is calling Spectra and offering to stop fighting the pipeline if Spectra gives the city $15M.

Posted on: 2011/9/16 22:17

Re: HUGE GAS PIPELINE COMING - through Jersey City
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I don't mean to be defeatist, but FERC is clearly going to grant this. FERC seems unconcerned with any of the potential problems.

Posted on: 2011/9/14 18:41

Re: Indio's Place on 1st
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In 2006 and 2007 there was sex in cars on 1st and Merseles under the Turnpike. I cannot say for sure if it was prostitution. Crescent Court changed that situation. Getting rid of Indios would be another positive step.

Posted on: 2011/9/11 6:01

Re: Indio's Place on 1st
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From an outsider's perspective, it looks scary.

Posted on: 2011/9/9 16:36

Re: Councilman Steven Fulop: Ward E Update, Fall 2008
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There was progress on most of the items. Thank you Steve. I get the sense that the booting issue reached an impasse and now has been pushed aside for more important issues. There is also the matter of refunding money to people for improper booting. Money which the city does not have.

I was on the PATH advisory council last year. PATH was very straightforward in stating that they have complied with the applicable federal laws and an elevator would be nice but is not going to happen anytime soon.

Posted on: 2011/5/21 0:29

Re: What bar are you most scared of?
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Ringside, Latin Lounge, and Indio's.

Posted on: 2011/5/11 0:36

Re: Jersey City councilman wants more parking Downtown
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New York City caters to tourists with the pedestrian friendly streets. Has anyone identified the people downtown JC wants to bring in with the increased parking?

Posted on: 2011/4/30 4:48

Re: Jersey City councilman wants more parking Downtown
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And if I live in Canco, the argument is that I should take the PATH to Grove and then walk? What if I live in Bayonne?

Has Fulop said where he wants to draw people from? Are these Newport people (they could walk too?)? Or people from out of town?

Posted on: 2011/4/29 16:22

Re: Jersey City councilman wants more parking Downtown
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If I live in Liberty Harbor and want a quick lunch at It's Greek To Me on a Saturday afternoon, what are my parking options? Is it just driving around the block hoping that a spot opens up? Is it parking at Grove Point and then walking to Jersey Ave? Am I supposed to walk 15 minutes each way and not drive (I probably would not go in that case).

Posted on: 2011/4/29 11:43

Re: HUGE GAS PIPELINE COMING - through Jersey City
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Perhaps not so "clean"...

Chronicle Online

April 11, 2011
Natural gas from fracking could be 'dirtier' than coal, Cornell professors find


By Stacey Shackford
Extracting natural gas from the Marcellus Shale could do more to aggravate global warming than mining coal, according to a Cornell study published in the May issue of Climatic Change Letters (105:5).

While natural gas has been touted as a clean-burning fuel that produces less carbon dioxide than coal, ecologist Robert Howarth warns that we should be more concerned about methane leaking into the atmosphere during hydraulic fracturing.

Natural gas is mostly methane, which is a much more potent greenhouse gas, especially in the short term, with 105 times more warming impact, pound for pound, than carbon dioxide (CO2), Howarth said, adding that even small leaks make a big difference. He estimated that as much as 8 percent of the methane in shale gas leaks into the air during the lifetime of a hydraulic shale gas well -- up to twice what escapes from conventional gas production.

"The take-home message of our study is that if you do an integration of 20 years following the development of the gas, shale gas is worse than conventional gas and is, in fact, worse than coal and worse than oil," Howarth said. "We are not advocating for more coal or oil, but rather to move to a truly green, renewable future as quickly as possible. We need to look at the true environmental consequences of shale gas."

Howarth, the David R. Atkinson Professor of Ecology and Environmental Biology, Tony Ingraffea, the Dwight C. Baum Professor of Engineering, and Renee Santoro, a research technician in ecology and evolutionary biology, analyzed data from published sources, industry reports and even Powerpoint presentations from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

They compared estimated emissions for shale gas, conventional gas, coal (surface-mined and deep-mined) and diesel oil, taking into account direct emissions of CO2 during combustion, indirect emissions of CO2 necessary to develop and use the energy source and methane emissions, which were converted to equivalent value of CO2 for global warming potential.

The study is the first peer-reviewed paper on methane emissions from shale gas, and one of the few exploring the greenhouse gas footprints of conventional gas drilling. Most studies have used EPA emission estimates from 1996, which were updated in November 2010 when it was determined that greenhouse gas emissions of various fuels are higher than previously believed.

"We are highlighting unconventional gas because it is a contemporary problem for us in upstate New York, and because there is a big difference between developing gas from an unconventional well and a conventional well, for the mere reason that unconventional wells are bigger," Ingraffea said.

He noted that the hydraulic fracturing process lends itself to more leakage because it takes more time to drill the well, requires more venting and produces more flowback waste, he said.

"A lot of the data we used are really low quality, but I'm confident they are the best available," Howarth said. "We want to go out into the Marcellus Shale and do micrometeorological fluxes of methane at the time of venting and get a real number on this, which has never been done. We're optimistic we can get funding and do that over the next year."

"We've tried to be conservative all along; we're not trying to be hyperbolic in our statements," Ingraffea said.

"We do not intend for you to accept what we've reported on today as the definitive scientific study in regards to this question. It's clearly not," he added. "What we're hoping to do with this study is to stimulate the science that should have been done before. In my opinion, corporate business plans superseded national energy strategy."

Stacey Shackford is a staff writer in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences.

Posted on: 2011/4/20 3:38

Re: HUGE GAS PIPELINE COMING - through Jersey City
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I assume the police will be paid to stand around and guard this construction like any other construction project. Of course they want a company with deep pockets to do construction in the city.

Posted on: 2011/4/20 2:55

Re: Facing another 12% tax increase.
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I think you are actually dividing the assessed value by the tax ratio. But, yes, you should end up with the supposed market value around $300,000.

Posted on: 2011/3/31 13:16

Re: We need JC to provide us with recycling bins
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We used a $3 laundry basket from Target as our reclycling bin.

Posted on: 2011/3/27 13:29

Re: Jersey City City Council tables city's plan to rent 95 parking spaces for $7,125 per month
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Isn't the real question whether a parking space should be part of the benefits package given to these city employees and the spots taken away from residents and other businesses? instead of the city paying for the spots, if the city thinks residents and local businesses do not need the spots, shouldn't they be rented out to raise funds for the JCPA?

Posted on: 2011/3/24 11:00

Re: HUGE GAS PIPELINE COMING - through Jersey City
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Here are some crazy photos of the gas explosion in Minnesota this past weekend. ... 17/photos-explosion-fire/

Posted on: 2011/3/21 13:58

Re: Mayor to give State of the City Address
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Healy's long term strategy is to close all the libraries and ask for pay lags from everyone. Just keep kicking the can down the road.

Posted on: 2011/3/18 5:29

Re: 5 year tax abatement new construction
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My experience is that we received 25% off the tax assessment. Very simple. It is regular taxes. The assessment is based on the sale price and the tax ratio for the particular year but essentially it should be proportional to the market value (sale price).

Posted on: 2011/3/11 17:56

Re: Paving Christopher Columbus
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Separate projects with separate contracts. I believe there were more issues with the Columbus Ave. project.

Posted on: 2011/3/3 22:28

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