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Re: Please clean up your dog poop...
Home away from home
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It's hard to identify the offenders from their behavior on a website. Their behavior on the STREETS is regulated by law but the Jersey City policea are too lazy to enforce the law.

As far as recommending people pee on the doors of dog owners, are you HONESTLY going to tell me that any of this sanctimonious group of polluters, ANY at all, is picking up his dog's PISS?

So yes, I can generalize that dog owers are careless, thoughtless slobs unless they use only their OWN property for dog wastes, and in Jersey City the sidewalk slobs are the huge majority.

If the wastes are so innocuous why not keep the dogs in apartments 24/7 and clean up your own carpet with a paper bag and scrub brush.

I had 2 cats and there was never a bit of cat waste even one inch outside my bathroom...I didn't share with neighbors. What makes Fido and his lazy owners special?

Posted on: 2010/10/10 21:28

Re: Please clean up your dog poop...
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Home away from home

I go with definition 14: the second VERBAL use of the word "curb."

14. "to cause to keep near the curb: Curb your dog."

The purpose is so that people don't step in dogshit while they walk in the middle of the sidewalk.
Of course, I recognize that the phrase has been mangled to meaningless so that dog owners have an excuse to ignore it. Sort of like "Deficit's Don't Matter."

I assume some owners COULD interpret "No Dogs in the Garden" to mean that dogs are welcome to defecate in the garden. When you want to do what you are told not to, you can jump through lots of hoops to justify doing it.

Perhaps dogs could be fitted with those dung-catchers like they use on horses in Central Park?

Posted on: 2010/10/10 14:26

Re: Please clean up your dog poop...
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I'm not going to stand in the middle of Marin, Columbus, Erie nor any other crazy JC roads in the middle of rush hour to let my dog go pee.

P.S. The curb is NOT in "the middle" of the road but rather on either side.
Is "Curb Your Dog" REALLY that difficult to understand that it needs elaborate "explanation," perhpas with pictures for the illiterate?
Try to find the next "curb trained" dog...look REALLY hard.

Heck most dog owners don't take the time to teach their dogs even the simplest command and let their dogs do whatever they decide to do. If it's endless barking while tied up...well, to Hell with the neighbors. As for "No Dogs In the Garden?" What is so difficult about understanding that?
The "to Hell with the neighbors" seems to be a dog owner trait that is not shared by people with cats, parrots, ferrets, and tropical fish.

Dog owners consider themselves SPHESHULL: laws and common consideration do NOT pertain to them!

If a man urinates in the street its a crime. But yet society allows for thousands of gallons of canine urine to be splashed over the sidewalks of Jersey City daily.

Posted on: 2010/10/10 11:59

Re: What is wrong with the people driving in JC?
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Home away from home

Of course, in any state there are many who know how to drive and others who are a menace. I posted one websit and here's another, by GMAC.
Yes, your New York come off as the worst but NJ is right there in second awful place: ... vers-in-america-by-state/

So yes, I am sure there are good drivers in New Jersey (I was one before my parked car was destroyed by a drunk NJ cop) but I had LEARNED in Pennsylvania, but the internet has some honest evaluations of the average MISERABLE NJ driver, and miserable they are...on average.

There might be a reason behind the fact that NJ insurance rates are a JILLION dollars a year.

I learned the best way to drive in Jersey City was NOT to drive.

Posted on: 2010/10/9 18:42

Re: Please clean up your dog poop...
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Home away from home

I think a grown man should take a shit on Vigilante's doorstoop.

After all, the fecal content is probably similar although the size might differ a tad.

Dogowners are generally inconsiderate and none of them knows or cares what CURB YOUR DOG means.
A corollary is that NO DOGS IN THE GARDEN looks like Sanskrit to them. They think landscaping is for canine urine.

I think the parallel thing to do might be for non-dog owners to start peeing on the doors of dog owners. Hopefully they have an inward sloping lintel.

Posted on: 2010/10/9 18:33

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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Home away from home

I tried long and hard to figure out the tossing to and fro. Yesterday I was on a new car and the tossing was MISERABLE.
It was far worse for the standees...logical because the higher up you are from the pitch point the longer the swing.

I THINK the new cars have both weaker springs that allow left and right pitching to begin more readily and to increase their amplitude and I think this combines with weaker shock absorbers so the pitching isn't dampened. "So raockaby your naby with a nauseous melody."

I was really knocked around yesterday aftrernoon, stone sober and in the middle of the train. I almmost fell a couple times trying to read the Times...standing braced against a wall

And I agree with robojustin about the constant braking. I once had an uncle that loved to drive the family around to ANYWHERE but his driving style was to accelerate and then hit the brake in 5 second intervals. After 5 miles everyone in the car was sick.
If you cannot safely accelerate without the need to brake in 30 feelt DON'T ACDCELERATE, just roll.

I don't know how the train springs are set up but there is more of a noticeable forward dip on braking on the new cars relative to the old...that I rode for 30 years (both versions.) But that dip is NOTHING compared to the side to side swinging which is going to break bones.

Posted on: 2010/10/9 18:20

Re: What ever happened to the Jersey City mayor's 2010 State of the City address?
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Home away from home

I have lived through these mayors and started voting with Jordan (and campaigned my ass for him: he was the best Jersey City ever had, the Jimmy Carter of Jersey City, honest, forward thinking and ultimately ineffectual...becasue hJersey City is/was a dirty mobbed up town.)

Thomas Whelan 1963-1971 (Removed)

Charles K. Krieger Aug.-Nov. 1971 (Interim)

Paul Jordan M.D. 1971-1977

Thomas F.X. Smith 1977-1981

Gerald McCann 1981-1985

Anthony Cucci 1985-1989

Gerald McCann 1989-1992 (Removed)

Marilyn Roman Mar.-June 1992 (Interim)

Joseph Rakowski June - Nov. 1992

Bret Schundler Nov. 1992 - June 2001

Glenn Cunningham July 2001- May 2004

Jerramiah T. Healy May 2004 - present

Healy is in the top half. Efforts to remove him will be ineffectual and a silly waste of time. Some of these mayors were real pips, some went to jail. Two TRIED to move the city forward but met with tough economic sledding: Jordan and Cucci. And some were real SLIME: Schundler and McCann, and a bit of Tommy Smith.

For those new to the city, Healy is not too bad as Jersey City mayors go (a very loose standard._

Posted on: 2010/10/9 18:03

Re: Time to buy?
Home away from home
Home away from home

A point maybe not precisely germaine but touched upon by FGJ:
If a homeowner is protected by law, moratorium on eviction, or whatever you want to call it and be allowed to continue to live in his home without making any further payments, why then should ANYONE be allowed to be evicted by a landlord or a court for non payment of rent.

Either you must pay for what you have bought or rented or you need not...there should not be two seperate sets of rules/laws/regulations.

Owners have not been blessed by God nor renters cursed by Satan. Instead we are here to be ruled by equitable laws.

So "saving homeowners" often translates to saving deadbeats who have taken hundreds of thousands out of equity in refinancing and are now crying crocodile tears.
"Save me from the evil banks who MADE me take out $200 thou for the Lambourghini. Now I'm under water."

Posted on: 2010/10/9 17:45

Re: What is wrong with the people driving in JC?
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Home away from home

Try Salt Lake City...if you as a pedestrian even make a MOTION towards the sidewalk in the middle of a block the traffic will come to a halt to allow you to cross if you choose.

Two faults of Jersey City drivers that are clearly spelled out in the drivers manual:
1. They do NOT know that a pedestrian has the right of way in a crosswalk ALWAYS as in ALWAYS, no matter the color of the light, the WALK/DON'T WALK sign, or the alignment of the planets...ALWAYS!
2. You must stop at a red light before making a right turn and you CANNOT do it if there is a pedestrian in the intersection.
These dickheads cannot reason that these laws are logical because a 200 pound man is no match for a 4000 pound car...not a fair fight.

I was crossing Washington Blvd in a crosswalk towards a cop on the opposite corner and a car flew in front of me at 30 mph making a right on red without even slowing down...the cop didn't bat an eye although the car went 90 degrees around him while he was looking at it, almost dusting me off.

Posted on: 2010/10/9 16:57

Re: Thoughts on manditory parenting classes/parent licenses
Home away from home
Home away from home

Immigrants are people, immigrants have kids, immigrants pay taxes.
I know full well that immigration and their subsequent high childbearing accounts for a considerable portion of the U.S. population growth.

All that said, your statement about "ZERO OR NEGATIVE POPULATION GROWTH IN THE UNITED STATES" is the stupidest statement anyone will read this month. And I proved its stupidity conclusively and still you bray on.

Inability to recognize a mistake when it is conclusively proven to be so is a sign of severe personality disorder.

Do you STILL think the United States has a zero population growth? Did I make up the numbers I posted? Are you on medication? Have you eaten one too many teabags today?

A lesson you might learn from your first post is that sarcasm is fine, making a mistake is fine but making a sarcastic mistake looks REALLY dumb. Trying to obfuscate around the mistake by changing the subject with quibbles about truncated wiki entries loooks even dumber.

The correct grown-up response is: "Yes I made a mistake about zero population growth, U.S. population growth is indeed high."

Posted on: 2010/10/9 14:02

Re: Thoughts on manditory parenting classes/parent licenses
Home away from home
Home away from home

robotjustin wrote: Yeah, totally, because instituting a tax-based deterrent in the US, a country with basically zero population growth (like most first world industrialized countries, which have zero or negative population growth) will certainly have a GLOBAL effect on the supposed problem of overpopulation, which isn't any way centered in the famously bible-reading, right wing Christian countries like China and India.

Zero-Population growth?????? Did you first learn to count in senior high school or in college. Had you stayed for a master's degree you'd maybe have even learned percentages:

U.S. population:

1990: 248 Million
2000: 281 Million
Today: 310 Million

So ask somebody who understands big numbers to explain to you why your post is moronic.

If numbers are too challenging then a wikipedia entry might suffice:
However, U.S. population growth is among the highest in industrialized countries

Same argument pertains to dimwits trying to argue that there are going to be 50 altercockers for every worker and thus Social Security must be eliminated. It is true that there may not be any JOBS but God knows the place will be crawling with people.

The Census Bureau projects a U.S. population of 439 million in 2050, which is a 46% increase from 2007 (301.3 million

Posted on: 2010/10/9 13:42

Re: Governor Christie halts new train tunnel into Manhattan due to cost overun
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Home away from home

Is New Jersey Transit structured the same way as the Port Authority in that either governor has unfettered full veto power.

Did the NJ legislature have any say in this?
Did they pass a bill authrorizing the expenditure that Christie vetoed?
I don't recall any publicity about assembly action?

How does Patterson feel about paying NY's third of the costs?

Or was the killing a result of CHristie's power of veto over Port Authority acitions and thus ITS third of the cost was killed by him unilaterally.

(Forgive the "thirds"...this is what I read but it seems the total involves four or even five thirds )

If so many people are clamoring to get into Manhattan, how come the once touted immense ferry services has turned into such a total dud?

Posted on: 2010/10/9 13:16

Re: What is wrong with the people driving in JC?
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Home away from home


Not to denigrate your skills at artful word creation but somebody beat you to the punch..."Jersey Left" actually exists:

Posted on: 2010/10/9 12:42

Re: Please clean up your dog poop...
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Home away from home

I like to look out my window at a community garden down below.
Occasional scenario: dog takes a crap, owner looks left and right and if seeing nobody walks away ignoring the steaming pile.
Once I opened my window and yelled "You forgot to look UP, asshole."
He quickly walked away embarassed, but the shitpile remained.

Dog sales should be banned in the City.

And yes, tern and I seem to be the only two people in the city who know what "curb your dog" means. It does not mean shit and piss on sidewalks. And I have NEVER seen a properly curbed dog (and that's out of the 10,000 of them at Newport.)

Posted on: 2010/10/9 12:35

Re: Time to buy?
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Home away from home


For some, me included, a lot of your reasons for ownership are quite valid but what if the very real situtation of mortgae, taxes, insurance and maintenance are more than twice the cost of renting the identical same place?
That situation pertains in a lot of Jersey City.

Posted on: 2010/10/9 0:28

Re: Cantonese Group.
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Home away from home

The language and the "alphabet" scare me. I cannot understand even how the CHINESE learn to speak it much less read and write it.

But after a certain age I think our language brain centers shut down pretty tightly so that leaves me out

Good luck though.

How about Contract Bridge for the adults?

Posted on: 2010/10/9 0:02

Re: What is wrong with the people driving in JC?
Home away from home
Home away from home

Do you think the term is "Jersey Left," for a reason or just a random connection of two words. Just another sign of rude, impatient, me-first behavior. But they are very energy conscious because it is a rare NJ driver who wastes wattage on a turn signal.
Even the roads are designed by morons like those stupid dangerous traffic circles.

Those who think Jersey drivers are good drivers have never left the state and certainly never driven in inclement weather.

And oh my, the new immigrants, especially the women... They could fill HOURS on TOSH.O.

This site sums up the New Jersey Driver pretty well...see if you recognize yourself:

NJ drivers are are the rudest, most inconsiderate, and least capable drivers in the country...but I've never been to Alabama, Mississippi, and Alaska.

Posted on: 2010/10/8 23:44

Re: Bed bugs in PS-16
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Home away from home

Hiding this problem is going to GUARANTEE we have an epidemic/plague of it.

And it seems the first step is always the classic: DENIAL!

Posted on: 2010/10/8 23:28

Re: NJ Transit commuters could get another train option
Home away from home
Home away from home

Worst. Governor. Ever.

Yes, indeed.

Posted on: 2010/10/8 13:23

Re: What is wrong with the people driving in JC?
Home away from home
Home away from home

I'm a Pennsylvanian and I grew up with a phrase uttered by drivers universally. Whenever they saw someone friving like a moron the most damning phrase, derisively spoken, was "JERSEY DRIVER" usually accompanied by eyes looking upwards.

Living long in New Jersey has done little to change my opinion. Add three snowflakes or some rain and chaos ensues.

Posted on: 2010/10/8 13:07

Re: Firewood for a Chiminea
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Home away from home

Fireplaces are a waste of energy.

Posted on: 2010/10/8 0:40

Re: NJ Transit commuters could get another train option
Home away from home
Home away from home

No don't get me wrong, Christie is a piece of sh#t but he may havbe stumbled on the right call here.

If one cannot get from NJ into Manhattan to work perhaps work can come to NJ?

My point is that often wasting money on junk is wasting money on junk. My OTHER point is that the United States is bankrupt.

Posted on: 2010/10/8 0:38

Re: NJ Transit commuters could get another train option
Home away from home
Home away from home

Maybe PATH could dig into its immense coffers and pay for a new tunnel tube. Yeah right!
(THat's my hysterically funny joke for the day!)

The United States cannot afford to build prefers to waste it's capital fighting endless wars instead to support its failing corporat power.

I am a progressive but I support Christie's call here. SOMEBODY must watch the checking account balance, whether it comes to tunnels under the Hudson or saving piles of rocks in Jersey City.

Throwing money at rich developers to do substandard work has gone on for far too long.

The United States cannot any longer afford to support its failing infrastructure. Wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, and Somalia are just too pricey and if not fought, Exxon-Mobil and ROyal Dutch Shell, Halliburton and BLackwayer will have a few bad quarters.

Posted on: 2010/10/8 0:03

Re: What ever happened to the Jersey City mayor's 2010 State of the City address?
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Home away from home

State of the Union messages, State of the State messages have no meaning (remember Bush was going to Mars.) State of the City messages are beyond the pale meaniningless.
Those mayors who avoid them seem to be imbued with more common sense than most.

A chicken in every pot made some sense during the depression; "hope for change" sounds as stupid in 2010 as it did in 2008.

"Don't talk of love, SHOW me"...Julie Andrews said it best.

So NO state of the anything speech seems a good idea to me.

Posted on: 2010/10/7 23:49

Velazquez on the Council
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Healy has appoined and the Council has aproved 8-0 to appoint Ray Velazquez, and openly gay judge to take the seat on the council vacated by the removal of Marianno Vega becasue of his felony conviction.

Hooray! I hope Velazquez is a good man, but FINALLY having a gay man on the council (closets don't count) is a sign that Jersey City has entered the Twentieth Century. (Century choice is NOT a typo!)

Posted on: 2010/10/7 23:40

Re: Looking for info on failed The Colosseum gay night club in JC
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Home away from home

It was in no man's land under the turnpike

That made my morning laugh because, in truth, there was no better way to describe that locale than "no man's land."
When I went in the first time my only thought as I got closer was "You gotta be effin KIDDING me!"

Posted on: 2010/10/7 13:07

Re: Jersey City in top 10 most expensive places in the nation to run a company
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Home away from home

like jsqfunk,
I found myself scratching my head over this $40,000 licensing fee, I cannot IMAGINE every bodega, and Dollar store having to kick that in. Neither can I imagine every food stand at the Newport Mall needing to add $40 G's to the exorbitant Simon rents.

Can someone quote chapter and verse on that item?

Posted on: 2010/10/7 13:00

Re: HUGE GAS PIPELINE COMING - through Jersey City
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Home away from home

Thank you propscene, that is info exactly what I would have expected.
I hung up on them after the "we are conducting a servey..."
It does no goood to holler at the desperate morons forced to take these $7 an hour jobs...unless the calls come from overseas where they might be $ .70 an hour jobs.

Yes the Cheney Energy Task Force did a good job making sure that there were NO regulations on any energy company...all in the first two months of the Bush presidency, and the current congress and president are too frightened of big money to rewrite the regulations.

Gotta love the Guttenberg Planning Board, ruling that PAST gas explosions are not germaine to the subject of NEW gas lines. So only AFTER a pipeline has exploded can it be entered into evidence about its safety. THe people of the Galaxy have enough clout in Guttenberg to toss out the planning board by next week...they should do so.

Gosh, how appealing: squeezing a tiny housing complex in the little plot atop a gas line between the Galaxy (an AMAZING housing complex, BTW...sorry I didn't buy in) and a sewage treatment plant.
"Gee mom, why does this apartment always smell like shit mixed with gas?"
"Don't worry honey, I'll just light a match and see where the smell is coming from."

Posted on: 2010/10/7 12:44

Re: Looking for info on failed The Colosseum gay night club in JC
Home away from home
Home away from home

The ?F? is because no one corrected Robocub.

Correcting someone else's spelling is for pedants and elementary school teachers...I'm neither.

Posted on: 2010/10/6 14:01

Re: Looking for info on failed The Colosseum gay night club in JC
Home away from home
Home away from home

Xerxes does have a good memory but he and all of you get an ?F? in spelling.

What is my "F" for in spelling?

Posted on: 2010/10/6 13:40

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