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Re: City buys $6K in custom furniture from top city official's hubby
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Just can't stay away

I loved this (old) story about Tom DeGise's chair, which was linked from the original, and includes this gem:

?There?s probably still FBI microphones in it,? Kennelly said of the old chair.

Posted on: 2016/1/21 14:48

Re: City buys $6K in custom furniture from top city official's hubby
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Just can't stay away

Even if the price was totally reasonable (and how can anyone really gauge that?), it is a glaring conflict of interest.


hero69 wrote:

user1111 wrote:
City buys $6K in custom furniture from top city official's hubby

Terrence T. McDonald | The Jersey Journal

The health department shelled out nearly $6,000 for some custom-made furniture made by the company run by the husband of the department's deputy director.

The new furniture includes a $1,175 desk for Health Director Stacey Lea Flanagan, plus four tables and two desk extensions that cost an additional $4,800.

The total paid by the city was $5,975, according to invoices obtained by The Jersey Journal after a public-records request. The invoices indicate the tables have a "branded logo" on them.

perhaps this furniture was better quality and/or cheaper than ikea or steelcase. i don't think $6,000 is outrageous for custom made furniture

Posted on: 2016/1/20 21:37

Re: Ground broken at 33 Park in Liberty Harbor
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Frank_M wrote:

?Not true,? isn?t an answer to a question.

Not true.

Posted on: 2015/5/14 16:57

Re: Is Jersey City Real Estate in a bubble?
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If supply and demand change dramatically, due to a riot or any other reason, and no one wants to live in JC anymore, then prices will go down. Yes, it is true. That doesn't mean it's a bubble. It just means there's a free market in operation, where the price point is set by the current balance of supply and demand. Yes, it's an expensive place to live, and getting more expensive every year. That doesn't make it a bubble. Get over it.

Posted on: 2015/4/28 12:30

Re: Is Jersey City Real Estate in a bubble?
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LimpiarElSucio wrote:
Just because a deal is all cash does not mean that it won't be financed post-close.

a bubble is when prices de-couple from value. it is extremely difficult to determine whether an asset class is experiencing a bubble, and 1-3 family real estate is even more difficult because the intrinsic value of the property class is not based on the cash that could be earned from the asset.

This is a nice talking-point, but with real estate, how can you say objectively what the "value" should be? If it is a rental building with a rent-roll, then the income stream can define a value, but for a single owner-occupied unit, the value is simply the fair-market price that someone is willing to pay for it. You could look at an appraisal based on comps, but someone could argue the comps are also priced too high.

It only becomes a bubble when people are willing to pay almost any price, because they think the value will go up and up. I don't see that kind of irrational exuberance in JC, personally.

Posted on: 2015/4/27 16:50

Re: Is Jersey City Real Estate in a bubble?
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Just can't stay away

People are throwing the term "bubble" around pretty loosely here. If prices are rising rapidly, that doesn't make it a bubble, it just makes it a hot market, which could be caused by demand outstripping supply. It's only a bubble if the rising prices are baseless and fueled by speculation/flippers/etc, which I don't think is the case.

Many people are moving to JC from Manhattan and/or parts of Brooklyn where prices are also rising very rapidly, and by comparison, JC still looks like a good deal. Now whether Manhattan real estate represents a bubble, that's a very real possibility, since so much of it is buoyed by international buyers looking to stash cash. If that bubble bursts, then the outlying areas will be similarly affected.

Posted on: 2015/4/27 13:34

Re: Coming Soon - Carvao BBQ in McGinly Square
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Chris_NJ wrote:
Sounds like a good addition to the area!

Speaking of McGinley Sq why hasn't anyone tried to do anything with the old Citizen Kane's on Montgomery Street?

I don't have any info on the old Citizen Kane's/McGinley Square Pub space, but there is an old thread on it here.

Posted on: 2015/4/22 13:02

Re: Sohowest neighborhood
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HamSandwichPark wrote:
Soho west??????
How about calling it, " train or access to the city"?

There's access to the city! You just have to pay $15 per trip for a seat on this "executive" transportation service.

Posted on: 2015/4/6 15:02

Re: Jersey City is sixth hardest working city in America
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Just can't stay away

Another inane list from Wallethub. Hooray!

Posted on: 2015/3/4 15:38

Re: Jersey City named most diverse city in America: report
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Just can't stay away

No, these surveys are actually intended to drive web traffic, and hence generate $$$. The survey was conducted by "Wallet Hub" for chrissakes, and yet we're debating it like it came from a serious journalist. New rankings like these come out almost every day, because no matter what criteria is being used, someone comes out on top, and someone else comes out on the bottom, and people in those cities/states/etc. will share the links incessantly. It's very smart business. Just a shame that buys into it.

Posted on: 2015/2/18 20:14

Re: 3D map shows NYC's Cheapest and Priciest nabes
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Just can't stay away

The Curbed article is just a summary. If you look at the original article on Brick Underground, there is no snub, they include the line "Suddenly New Jersey is starting to looking awfully appealing" (and there is also a brief reference to JC prices vs. Brooklyn)

Posted on: 2015/1/9 20:33

Re: Montgomery Gardens in Jersey City is slated to be transformed into low-density - mixed-income
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Just can't stay away

Finally, a groundbreaking at the Montgomery Gardens complex.

Jersey City, New Jersey (PRWEB) December 10, 2014

Jersey City Mayor Steven Fulop, Assemblyman Raj Mukherji, and other public officials today headlined a groundbreaking for Catherine Todd Apartments at the Montgomery Gardens site, an outdated public housing community that is being completely modernized as part of the Jersey City Housing Authority?s (JCHA) revitalization plan for the McGinley Square-Montgomery Street Corridor.
?This is a great day for Jersey City,? said Mayor Fulop. ?The McGinley Square-Montgomery Gardens neighborhood has many tremendous assets, including easy public transit, varied housing stock and community assets, as well as vibrant and diverse surroundings. Consistent with its history of revitalizing neighborhoods into viable, mixed-income communities, the Housing Authority?s efforts here are the first steps in our vision to transform the entire McGinley Square area.?

Full Press Release

Posted on: 2014/12/12 14:10

Re: basketball gyms in JC
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Just can't stay away

The armory on Montgomery St may have open basketball at times. Might be worth looking into, if it's not too far up the hill for you.

Posted on: 2014/12/2 18:55

Re: Journal Squared Project to Begin
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Stringer wrote:
Journal Squared rental towers will bring 1,838 residences to site

Stringer, that rendering is not the Journal Squared project. It is the other megaproject which is still stalled. The article has the correct rendering of the three-tower complex.

Posted on: 2014/11/21 12:48

Re: Jersey City, Conrail reach deal transform ugly trestle graffiti into 'welcome to' murals
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Just can't stay away

At least based on those renderings, I think the term "mural" is being generous. They look more like cheesy billboards. An improvement over the graffiti, sure, but I'm really hoping they end up way more artistic than what's shown in the 3 renderings.

Posted on: 2014/10/22 20:30

Re: Jersey City has some of the most expensive wine in the country; WTH!
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Just can't stay away

Wallethub is a for-profit website, and like so many others, they know that if they put out a ranking like this one as a press-release, it will be picked up by media outlets and will get them lots of publicity. Don't be fooled into thinking this has any journalistic integrity whatsoever.

As ThirstyQuaker said, their methodology is very suspect, because they're not comparing prices for the exact same basket of wines, they're comparing an average that they've computed using some mysterious methodology. But they didn't set out to be journalists, they set out to make money, so I can't blame them!

If the price swings were really this dramatic, there would be wine arbitrage running rampant.

Posted on: 2014/10/20 17:12

Re: Hudson County's first public golf course getting closer to tee off time
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Just can't stay away

Thanks, JCDD. Actually, none of that is actually in the article... would have been helpful if they had put that in there, rather than the total non-sequiturs about Liberty National and the moguls who are members there.

Posted on: 2014/10/6 14:59

Re: Hudson County's first public golf course getting closer to tee off time
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Just can't stay away

Any word on why it took so long to build this? It's been under construction for at least 5 or 6 years (anyone know when they started?)

Posted on: 2014/10/6 13:48

Re: Jersey City Mayor Steve Fulop on the Burgeoning Restaurant Industry Across the Hudson
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Just can't stay away

Love this line:

"Dealing with the Port Authority is probably one of the worst things anybody can ask for in life"

Nothing like some bold inflammatory hyperbole to get me chuckling.

Posted on: 2014/10/3 12:54

Re: East Village Apartments Sit Empty Because Rent Is Too High, Report Says
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Just can't stay away

This article is utterly ridiculous. It is a free capitalist market (with the exception of rent stabilized/controlled apartments, but that's another story). Prices will rise as high as demand allows. Very simple Econ 101.

The idea that prices will be so high that the apartments will just sit empty is absurd. The longer an apartment sits empty, the more pressure the owner will have to reduce the price and get it filled.

Posted on: 2014/9/13 21:15

Re: $6M in tax credits for firm to move one floor up in Jersey City office tower
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Just can't stay away

What an incredibly misleading headline. I'm sure most of the irate commenters didn't bother to read the actual article.

Posted on: 2014/8/29 15:31

Re: NYT: "Brunswick Towers was a possibility -but Jersey City didn’t seem nearly as exciting as Hoboken"
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Just can't stay away

Correction: August 25, 2014
An earlier version of this article misquoted Angela Putman when she described her new neighborhood, Bayonne. She said, ?It is really cute,? not ?It is really hick.?

This is one of the funniest NYTimes corrections I've seen in a long, long time!

Posted on: 2014/8/25 17:29

Re: Jersey City tops list of N.J. cities with most alcoholics
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Just can't stay away

The cities with the highest population also have the highest number of alcoholics? Inconceivable!

Posted on: 2014/7/2 15:28

Re: Visitors Plummet J.C. Victim
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Just can't stay away


Posted on: 2014/5/9 13:25

Re: FBI raid at Barge Inn
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Just can't stay away

The FBI should be ashamed of themselves, rousting an unarmed man like that.

Posted on: 2014/5/2 21:16

Re: Duda Penteado - Fine Artist
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Just can't stay away

I dig Duda's stuff. He decorated the tables at Hard Grove Cafe, each one in the style of a different artist.

Posted on: 2014/4/7 16:50

Re: Jersey City will overtake Newark population by 2016, Mayor Fulop claims
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Just can't stay away

So... back to the article...

I found it amusing that the article was written as if Fulop was throwing down the gauntlet and taunting Newark.

All he said was that the city is going to surpass Newark in population. This isn't a taunt or a threat, it's an extrapolation of population growth data, and it seems quite inevitable.

Posted on: 2014/3/7 21:41

Re: Super Bowl Kickoff Concert @ LSP
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Just can't stay away

I have two extra tickets for the event and hospitality tent. Selling them at face value ($40) if anyone wants to come! PM me.

Posted on: 2014/1/24 22:39

Re: Super Bowl Kickoff Concert @ LSP
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Just can't stay away

All sold out again...

Posted on: 2014/1/22 18:50

Re: Super Bowl Kickoff Concert @ LSP
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Just can't stay away

Just checked, there are still $40 VIP tickets available, they must have added more since the initial sell-out. Includes entry to the "warming tent," food/coffee at Maritime Parc. Click the link in the first post.

Posted on: 2014/1/22 14:31

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