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Re: Does anyone here keep hens in Downtown JC?
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The USDA thinks you should:

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Posted on: 2010/7/23 8:50

Re: Does anyone here keep hens in Downtown JC?
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Xerxes wrote:
How about a bull and several cows?

Is that an oblique slam at Healy?

Posted on: 2010/7/21 17:34
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Re: Does anyone here keep hens in Downtown JC?
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2004/12/29 17:58
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How about a bull and several cows?

Posted on: 2010/7/21 13:08

Re: Does anyone here keep hens in Downtown JC?
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Saw this and thought it was interesting/relevant:

Seattle wants to ban roosters. Not chickens or hens, just roosters. Because neighbors don't like hearing cock-a-doodle-do at sunrise I guess. (And because chicken/egg farming can be done without them.)

Posted on: 2010/7/18 22:36
Thank you for making The Great Jersey City SOUP SWAP an annual success! See you in January 2013 for the next Soup Swap!

Re: Does anyone here keep hens in Downtown JC?
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Posted on: 2010/7/14 15:57

Re: Does anyone here keep hens in Downtown JC?

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2010/5/13 12:35
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You're in luck! Liberty Humane Society just got four young chickens who need a home

Posted on: 2010/7/14 14:49
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Re: Does anyone here keep hens in Downtown JC?
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2004/9/15 19:03
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Maybe you should change your name from 'Hunter' to 'Gatherer' and just plant something.


Hunter123 wrote:
Thanks for all the great tips and advice! The only thing I am a bit worried about is the 25 foot distance provision in the law. The spot I have is 25 feet from all my neighbors residences but it is within 25 feet of a garage used to hold cars. . . .

Posted on: 2010/7/13 19:46

Re: Does anyone here keep hens in Downtown JC?

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2010/7/9 20:01
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Thanks for all the great tips and advice! The only thing I am a bit worried about is the 25 foot distance provision in the law. The spot I have is 25 feet from all my neighbors residences but it is within 25 feet of a garage used to hold cars. . . .

Posted on: 2010/7/13 18:48

Re: Does anyone here keep hens in Downtown JC?

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2004/11/22 17:53
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there is a really great organization called Just Food in NYC that has resources and workshops on keeping city chickens...
check them out at:

Posted on: 2010/7/13 17:00

Re: Does anyone here keep hens in Downtown JC?
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grovester wrote:
I grew up on a chicken farm, I'll field this one. The simple answer is: eggs come out unfertilized if there's no male (rooster) around.

Not to get to graphic, but think about a human woman. Putting aside the modern miracles of birth control and fertility drugs, during the years between puberty and menopause she'll release an egg each month (usually one, sometimes two, the case of fraternal twins.). She releases these eggs every month, regardless of whether there's a male around and whether she's having sex. Same goes for chickens but they release more eggs (not just one a month.)

So, the eggs we get in the grocery store or farmers market are from hens and there is no rooster involved.

That's why I ask questions about things I don't know. Makes perfect sense now.

I gotta say though, that's why women never give us a moment's peace. They think our goal is to drink beer, play air guitar and fertilize :-0

Posted on: 2010/7/13 4:23

Re: Does anyone here keep hens in Downtown JC?
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Quote: Quote:
May wrote: You don't need a rooster for a hen to lay eggs.
How does that work?

I grew up on a chicken farm, I'll field this one. The simple answer is: eggs come out unfertilized if there's no male (rooster) around.

Not to get to graphic, but think about a human woman. Putting aside the modern miracles of birth control and fertility drugs, during the years between puberty and menopause she'll release an egg each month (usually one, sometimes two, the case of fraternal twins.). She releases these eggs every month, regardless of whether there's a male around and whether she's having sex. Same goes for chickens but they release more eggs (not just one a month.)

So, the eggs we get in the grocery store or farmers market are from hens and there is no rooster involved. Of course you'll want to involve a rooster if you want to fertilize some eggs to make your next generation of egg laying hens.

Finally, someone commented on the smell of a chicken farm. I could be biased, like I said I grew up on a small chicken farm and I certainly didn't think my home smelled. But I think this depends on a few factors: how often the farm is cleaned, how big the farm is, and also whether chickens are being slaughtered/killed for meat. I don't think a typical egg farm smells much (as long as you're sweeping up the chickens' droppings) but I would agree that if you drive past a big Perdue farm it smells - I think you're smelling the chicken factory rather than the egg laying process. My parents had maybe 20-30 hens at a time, we swept out the hen house every day, and I don't think most people passing by even knew it was there.

I could be wrong, maybe people just didn't want to tell me that my house stunk...

Posted on: 2010/7/13 3:40
Thank you for making The Great Jersey City SOUP SWAP an annual success! See you in January 2013 for the next Soup Swap!

Re: Does anyone here keep hens in Downtown JC?
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2004/9/15 19:03
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BrightMoment wrote:

? 90-5. - Keeping of pigeons; consent of nearby occupants.

I would love to have seen Mike Tyson ask the nearby occupants about his pigeons! ... id=236499#forumpost236499

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Posted on: 2010/7/13 3:19

Re: Does anyone here keep hens in Downtown JC?
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2006/10/21 14:18
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If anyone is doing this, I just saw that Liberty has a group of chickens up for adoption.!/n ... -a-home-asap/415357088874

Posted on: 2010/7/13 2:58

Re: Does anyone here keep hens in Downtown JC?
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2004/5/25 12:19
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Chickens are fine in the cold winters as long as their coop is protected from rain, snow and the wind and their drinking water does not freeze. Chickens can go outside in the snow, they even eat the snow. I have done much research into urban chicken farming, but we can't have it even though we have a backyard as per condo rules. Please post if anyone goes thru with this and enjoy the fresh eggs.

Posted on: 2010/7/11 20:40

Re: Does anyone here keep hens in Downtown JC?
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Not that I'm implying we're dummies...

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Posted on: 2010/7/11 17:59

Re: Does anyone here keep hens in Downtown JC?
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2008/4/20 15:31
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But, are they "cooped" all day or do they get to roam freely?

Posted on: 2010/7/11 17:50

Re: Does anyone here keep hens in Downtown JC?
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2007/7/9 19:50
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If anyone does move forward with a hen coop, I'd love to hear about the results. This sounds like a terrific idea. I wonder though, what happens in the colder months. Can chickens live outside in the winter?

Posted on: 2010/7/11 16:00

Re: Does anyone here keep hens in Downtown JC?
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2004/5/25 12:19
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Br6dR- you can google it, there are tons of answers online. However to keep it short and simple- hens lay eggs and need a rooster only to fertilize. One probably does not want a rooster else one might have fertilized eggs which equals little chicks. Sort of like the human cycle.

Posted on: 2010/7/11 11:52

Re: Does anyone here keep hens in Downtown JC?
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May wrote:
You don't need a rooster for a hen to lay eggs.

How does that work?

Posted on: 2010/7/11 11:41

Re: Does anyone here keep hens in Downtown JC?
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GrovePath wrote:

It is illegal to keep farm animals in Jersey City, officials note.

What "officials"? Just shows they don't know what laws are on the books! Check out the online municipal code below. As long as you keep 25 feet from other housing structure, and comply with other detail below, the law is on your side. At least till you are taken to court and you'll have to prove your case.

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Codified through
Ord. No. 10-008, adopted January 27, 2010.
(Supplement No. 18)

Chapter 90 Animals

ARTICLE II - Birds and Poultry

[Adopted 5-4-1971 as Ch. 5, Art. II, of the 1971 Jersey City Code, as readopted 9-19-1978 by Ord. No. S-128]

? 90-5. - Keeping of pigeons; consent of nearby occupants.

? 90-6. - Location; number restricted.

? 90-7. - License required; fee; expiration. [Amended 4-12-1988 by Ord. No. C-730]

? 90-8. - Requirements for housing or coops.

? 90-9. - Revocation of license.

? 90-10. - Revocation due to environmental changes.

? 90-11. - Procedure for revocation or suspension; hearing.

? 90-5. - Keeping of pigeons; consent of nearby occupants.

No person shall keep any pigeons unless there is filed with the Health Officer the written consent of a majority of the occupants of the premises in the block and square in which pigeons are to be kept.

? 90-6. - Location; number restricted.

No pigeons, chickens or other poultry shall be kept within 25 feet of any structure owned by another and used for human habitation, occupation or assembly, provided that in no case shall any person or persons be permitted to keep more than 50 chickens, ducks or other poultry, including pigeons. No pigeons, chickens or other poultry shall be permitted to run, fly or stray within 25 feet of such structure, provided that this shall not apply to homing pigeons.

? 90-7. - License required; fee; expiration. [Amended 4-12-1988 by Ord. No. C-730]

No person shall keep pigeons, chickens or other poultry without having first obtained a license from the license issuing authority. The annual fee shall be as set forth in Ch. 160, Fees and Charges, and licenses shall expire on April 30 of each year. (Chapter 160 Fees and Charges:

[...]E. Chapter 90, Animals.

(1)License to keep pigeons, chickens or other poultry: $25.[...]
Editor's note?

Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code; see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I.

? 90-8. - Requirements for housing or coops.

The following regulations and conditions for the keeping and housing of pigeons, chickens and other poultry shall be complied with.


The house or coop shall be dry and well ventilated, with windows so placed, if possible, as to admit sunlight.


The house or coop shall be well whitewashed or painted therein.


The house or coop shall be cleaned at least once a week between November 1 and May 1, twice a week between May 1 and November 1 and, if necessary, to be cleaned more often and to be disinfected.


Perches shall be removable and kept clean.


Chicken nests shall be removable, cleaned, aired and sunned at frequent intervals.


Drinking fountains in the area where the house or coop is located shall be cleaned and supplied at all times with clean water.


The yard in the area where the house or coop is located shall be clean and free from odors.

? 90-9. - Revocation of license.

If the above conditions and regulations are not complied with the license shall be revoked, provided that nothing herein shall apply to the pigeons, chickens or other poultry confined in coops in regular licensed markets or stores for the sale, slaughter and plucking of poultry.

? 90-10. - Revocation due to environmental changes.

Whenever, in the opinion of the Division of Health, the environment in an area has changed since granting the license to keep and maintain pigeons, chickens or other poultry therein to such an extent that the maintenance thereof may constitute a nuisance, such license may be revoked by the Health Officer.

? 90-11. - Procedure for revocation or suspension; hearing.

The Health Officer is hereby empowered to suspend or revoke the license held by any person who violates any of the provisions of this Article. No license shall be suspended or revoked until after a hearing. A notice of five days, in writing, stating the time and place of such hearing, shall be served upon the licensee.

Posted on: 2010/7/10 21:43
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Re: Does anyone here keep hens in Downtown JC?
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EthanCrane wrote:
.... When I called the city, they told me that keeping livestock was illegal in the city. The next day the chickens were gone.

From an old JCLIST thread:

Newton farm animal rescue group picks up two sheep found in Jersey City

By Michaelangelo Conte/The Jersey Journal
December 23, 2009, 8:00PM

Fe Fe, one of two sheep found in Jersey City earlier this month, will have a new home at an animal sanctuary in Newton.

Fe Fe and Bon Bon, two sheep found in Jersey City earlier this month, headed baaaak to farm living today after spending two weeks mowing the lawn at the Liberty Humane Society near Liberty State Park.

"It kinda feels like a nativity scene with the two sheep here and the snow," said Debbie Viney, the volunteer and special events coordinator at the humane society.

Around 3:15 p.m., Kelly Simonetti of Antler Ridge Wildlife Sanctuary in Newton arrived at the shelter and Fe Fe and Bon Bon were loaded into her SUV and driven away toward greener pastures.

After being found on Dec. 2, the two were an odd site for commuters on the New Jersey Turnpike Extension who caught glimpses of them behind the shelter grazing on grass and nibbling on bails of hay. People visiting the shelter to adopt a cat or dog were also caught off guard by the small sheep.

Bon Bon the sheep is led from the Liberty Humane Society in Jersey City to an SUV headed for an animal sanctuary in Newton.
"We have to explain they are not furry, ugly dogs," said Janet Russell, director of the Humane Society. "We've had sheep before, and a goat."

But the list of unusual animals that have mingled with the cats and dogs at the shelter is longer than that.

Pigeons, seagulls, rabbits, geese, hamsters and even an iguana have been among the guests hosted at the shelter in the past, Russell said.

"The iguana petrified some of the staff that have no problem dealing with the most fierce dogs," Russell said.

Simonetti's sanctuary focuses on rescuing wildlife and farm animals and is supported by donations, she said.

Jersey City Animal Control Officer Joe Frank said his office got a call saying someone was keeping sheep on St. Pauls Avenue west of Kennedy Boulevard. Workers from his department responded and found them in a pen. The owner has not been identified.

It is illegal to keep farm animals in Jersey City, officials note.

Posted on: 2010/7/10 18:24

Re: Does anyone here keep hens in Downtown JC?
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EthanCrane wrote:
A few years ago I had to turn in a neighbor for keeping chickens in his backyard. You know, they make noise. Do you and all your neighbors want to wake up to chickens everyday?

as city-dwellers, we've all woken up to much worse.

Posted on: 2010/7/10 18:11

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EthanCrane wrote:
A few years ago I had to turn in a neighbor for keeping chickens in his backyard. You know, they make noise. Do you and all your neighbors want to wake up to chickens everyday?

I didn't know about the 25-foot rule. When I called the city, they told me that keeping livestock was illegal in the city. The next day the chickens were gone.

That sounds about right, the city having no clue as to what it's own laws say.

Posted on: 2010/7/10 16:59

Re: Does anyone here keep hens in Downtown JC?
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2005/9/22 15:12
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A few years ago I had to turn in a neighbor for keeping chickens in his backyard. You know, they make noise. Do you and all your neighbors want to wake up to chickens everyday?

I didn't know about the 25-foot rule. When I called the city, they told me that keeping livestock was illegal in the city. The next day the chickens were gone.

Posted on: 2010/7/10 16:31

Re: Does anyone here keep hens in Downtown JC?
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May wrote:
You don't need a rooster for a hen to lay eggs.
I don't know the rules for a chicken coop in JC but if it is legal it would be awesome. I know its legal in Portland, OR.

Yes it's legal in JC. This topic has been covered before and here on JCList by myself and mr_bunny below. Click Here for Jersey City Code link

Is Foghorn Leghorn allowed in Jersey City?


mr_bunny wrote:
Check out this topic. ... =&topic_id=11719&forum=11

BrightMoment wrote:

Chapter 90 ANIMALS

ARTICLE II Birds and Poultry [Adopted 5-4-1971 as Ch. 5, Art. II, of the 1971 Jersey City Code, as readopted 9-19-1978 by Ord. No. S-128]

? 90-7. License required; fee; expiration. [Amended 4-12-1988 by Ord. No. C-730]*

No person shall keep pigeons, chickens or other poultry without having first obtained a license from the license issuing authority. The annual fee shall be as set forth in Ch. 160, Fees and Charges, and licenses shall expire on April 30 of each year.

* Editor?s Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code; see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I.

90-6. Location; number restricted.

No pigeons, chickens or other poultry shall be kept within 25 feet of any structure owned by another and used for human habitation, occupation or assembly, provided that in no case shall any person or persons be permitted to keep more than 50 chickens, ducks or other poultry, including pigeons. No pigeons, chickens or other poultry shall be permitted to run, fly or stray within 25 feet of such structure, provided that this shall not apply to homing pigeons.

? 90-8. Requirements for housing or coops.

The following regulations and conditions for the keeping and housing of pigeons, chickens and other poultry shall be complied with.

A. The house or coop shall be dry and well ventilated, with windows so placed, if possible, as to admit sunlight.
B. The house or coop shall be well whitewashed or painted therein.
C. The house or coop shall be cleaned at least once a week between November 1 and May 1, twice a week between May 1 and November 1 and, if necessary, to be cleaned more often and to be disinfected.
D. Perches shall be removable and kept clean.
E. Chicken nests shall be removable, cleaned, aired and sunned at frequent intervals.
F. Drinking fountains in the area where the house or coop is located shall be cleaned and supplied at all times with clean water.
G. The yard in the area where the house or coop is located shall be clean and free from odors.

? 90-9. Revocation of license.

If the above conditions and regulations are not complied with the license shall be revoked, provided that nothing herein shall apply to the pigeons, chickens or other poultry confined in coops in regular licensed markets or stores for the sale, slaughter and plucking of poultry.

? 90-10. Revocation due to environmental changes.

Whenever, in the opinion of the Division of Health, the environment in an area has changed since granting the license to keep and maintain pigeons, chickens or other poultry therein to such an extent that the maintenance thereof may constitute a nuisance, such license may be revoked by the Health Officer.

Posted on: 2010/7/10 14:18
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Re: Does anyone here keep hens in Downtown JC?
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2008/4/20 15:31
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Do they get to roam freely?

Posted on: 2010/7/10 10:46

Re: Does anyone here keep hens in Downtown JC?
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2007/3/30 2:51
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Offline's the site:

I've also always wanted to order baby chicks from this site:

Posted on: 2010/7/10 3:11

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2007/3/30 2:51
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I just saw a blog entry on this site about the Eglu Chicken coop. It looks like the way to go for urban chicken keeping!

Posted on: 2010/7/10 3:09

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2008/2/10 22:47
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I saw this on Boing Boing a while back and thought it was the cutest idea.

You can buy the little chicken hut and they will BRING YOU HENS to start out with. I think it's a brilliant idea, if you can deal with the upkeep. Way to go local! If you've got a particularly broody bunch, maybe you can sell at the Farmer's market. Best of luck.

Posted on: 2010/7/10 1:18

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2004/5/25 12:19
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You don't need a rooster for a hen to lay eggs.
I don't know the rules for a chicken coop in JC but if it is legal it would be awesome. I know its legal in Portland, OR.

Posted on: 2010/7/9 23:11

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