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Re: Gov. Christie Forcing NJTransit Service Cuts, Fare Hikes
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2004/9/15 19:03
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NJ Transit Fare Hikes Kicked in Today

Updated 3:36 PM EDT, Sat, May 1, 2010

NJ Transit bus and rail riders started paying more to reach their destinations today -- and whether you ride the bus, light rail or train, chances are you're already feeling the pinch.

Fares went up to 25 percent for rail and intercity bus service and by 10 percent for local bus and light rail. Off-peak discounts have been eliminated.

The agency has said the increases -- the first since fares went up about 9 percent in 2007 -- were made necessary by a $300 million budget shortfall for the coming fiscal year.

But some NJ Transit riders think the prices are going up too fast.

"I am really frustrated because it was $1.90 at first and then it was $2.10 all of a sudden," said Geraldine Lopez, a light rail user from Jersey City.

The fare increase will be especially painful for some. Considering the elimination of off peak round trip discounts, the hike can mean the equivalent of a 45 percent increase for those who travel during those times, according to NJ Transit.

"It was $30 to come in from Hamilton, N.J.," said Joanne Jeffers of Bucks County, Penn. How much did it used to be? $20.50."

While most people already feel the pinch, there was an exception.

"We bought our ticket last week so we were smart," said Jan Kirk of Princeton, N.J.

But unless you have a stockpile of tickets you may have to come up with another option. And one NJ Transit rider has a suggestion.

"Start carpooling," says Bob Zinsman.

First Published: May 1, 2010 2:11 PM EDT

Posted on: 2010/5/2 5:53

Public Hearings on NJ Transit Fare Hikes Begin
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Public Hearings on NJ Transit Fare Hikes & Service Cuts Begin Thursday
By Jon Whiten ? Mar 23rd, 2010 ? JC Independent

NJ Transit kicks off 12 scheduled public hearings and information sessions on its proposed fare hikes and service cuts this Thursday, March 25.

The agency?s plan, which will be considered by its Board of Directors on April 14, includes raising fares by 25 percent systemwide and cutting back on commuter train, bus and light rail service. The plan has been roundly criticized by transportation advocates and Democratic lawmakers, and it comes in the wake of steep cuts inflicted on the agency by Gov. Christie. If approved, most of the plan?s changes would take effect May 1.

There are no public hearings in Jersey City, but there are three relatively closeby. There are sessions Thursday in Newark, and Friday in Secaucus and New York City. You can also submit comments ? and learn more details about the proposals ? online at The online public comment period has been extended until Monday, March 29 at 5 pm. NJ Transit says it has received about 2,500 comments thus far.

Oh, and if you?re wondering what the difference between a ?public hearing? and ?information session? might be, there isn?t one. By statute, public hearings must take place on weekdays, in the evening, and within the State of New Jersey. The NYC hearing and three Saturday hearings, therefore, cannot be ?public hearings.? But as a practical matter, there will be no difference in the way public hearings and information sessions are conducted. Public comments will be accepted at both and will carry the same weight.


Friday, March 26 (5:30 - 8:30 pm)

* Secaucus: Frank R. Lautenberg Rail Station (County Road and County Avenue)
* Camden: Camden City Hall (520 Market St.)
* Morristown: Morristown Town Hall (200 South St.)
* Long Branch: Long Branch Middle School (350 Indiana Ave.)
* New York: Port Authority Bus Terminal?s Times Square Hall (625 Eighth Ave.) (Information Session)

Saturday, March 27 (1 - 4 pm)

* Hackensack: Bergen County Freeholders Public Meeting Room (One Bergen County Plaza) (Information Session)
* Atlantic City: Atlantic City Rail Terminal (One Atlantic City Expressway) (Information Session)
* East Brunswick: East Brunswick Community Arts Center Theater (721 Cranbury Rd.) (Information Session)

Posted on: 2010/3/26 16:28

Re: Gov. Christie Forcing NJTransit Service Cuts, Fare Hikes
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2007/7/13 2:20
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Rob4499 wrote:
In terms of dollars it appears that payroll grew by $150mil over that 3 year period.

Yes, this is correct, but please note that the report stops at fiscal year 2009. The 300 million shortfall is for fiscal year 2011. If the rate of growth remained the same compounded 7.5%, the number is closer to 275million in growth.

It is unreasonable for people to expect the rate of growth in fares to not match the rate of growth in labor costs in the long term.

Posted on: 2010/3/10 1:30

Re: Gov. Christie Forcing NJTransit Service Cuts, Fare Hikes
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2006/8/18 16:28
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you can submit comments to NJ Transit via their web site. All comments will be included in the public record and be reviewed by the NJ Transit Board of Directors.

The cutoff date is March 27th

Posted on: 2010/3/9 17:49

Re: Gov. Christie Forcing NJTransit Service Cuts, Fare Hikes
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2005/9/21 20:05
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In terms of dollars it appears that payroll grew by $150mil over that 3 year period.

It sounds like NJ Transit needs to come up with $300mil to cover their budget shortfall.

So NJ Transit would need to come up with another $150mil if they had held payroll flat for the last 3 years.

Posted on: 2010/3/9 17:17

Re: Gov. Christie Forcing NJTransit Service Cuts, Fare Hikes
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2007/7/13 2:20
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Article today, NJ transit payroll grew 24% in the past 3 years: ... s_payroll_grows_24_p.html

What was the total proposed fare increase percentage?

Posted on: 2010/3/9 17:13

Re: Gov. Christie Forcing NJTransit Service Cuts, Fare Hikes
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I have already written to them about the ridiculous Bayonne Flyer. They replied that they provide service as needed, which is, of course, a lie.

Posted on: 2010/3/9 16:36

Re: Gov. Christie Forcing NJTransit Service Cuts, Fare Hikes
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2006/8/18 16:28
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I'll be writing another letter to NJT requesting an end to the Bayonne Flyer - if they're cutting service this surely should be eliminated.

Posted on: 2010/3/9 16:26

Re: Gov. Christie Forcing NJTransit Service Cuts, Fare Hikes
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2007/6/27 22:27
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ratslayer wrote:
Repug Governor El Gordo sticks it to the middle-class! Remember, Repugs are the ENEMIES of the middle-class - have been and always will. Just a bunch of phuckintg corporate socialists! I can't believe working men and women would actually vote for these sociopaths. It's akin to roaches voting for Raid.

Thank you for stating your case so eloquently and convincingly.

Posted on: 2010/3/8 19:57

Re: Gov. Christie Forcing NJTransit Service Cuts, Fare Hikes
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Essex, not Bergen has higher rail usage per person, and a larger number of stations.

I think all of us will hurt from the decisions on NJ Transit's fare. I think it will hurt the poor more. We'll see how this turns out in legislative elections.

Posted on: 2010/3/8 19:46

Re: Gov. Christie Forcing NJTransit Service Cuts, Fare Hikes
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2006/4/13 19:57
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Repug Governor El Gordo sticks it to the middle-class! Remember, Repugs are the ENEMIES of the middle-class - have been and always will. Just a bunch of phuckintg corporate socialists! I can't believe working men and women would actually vote for these sociopaths. It's akin to roaches voting for Raid.

Posted on: 2010/3/8 19:17

Re: Gov. Christie Forcing NJTransit Service Cuts, Fare Hikes
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ianmac47 wrote:
Its also ideological retribution.

Laughable. 0.15% of the needed cuts to balance the budget (30 million out of 2 billion) were for NJ transit.

But I guess you are right, given the sad state of the NJ system and the votes that brought the political patronage, every attempt to balance the budget and bring back parity between public and private will seem like retribution.

Posted on: 2010/3/8 13:44

Re: Gov. Christie Forcing NJTransit Service Cuts, Fare Hikes
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2007/10/6 2:44
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jsqfunk wrote:
if the government is not a business, should government workers have the right to unionize?


Posted on: 2010/3/8 4:58

Re: Gov. Christie Forcing NJTransit Service Cuts, Fare Hikes

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2007/10/15 19:48
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ianmac47 wrote:

Just because a policy is unpopular doesn't mean it is wrong, and just because a policy is popular doesn't make it right. A true statesman would do the right thing even at the risk of losing his next election instead of pandering to people like you. New Jersey's gas tax is unreasonably low. Raising fares on NJTransit is no different than a tax, only it primarily targets residents of the state. A gas tax on the other hand raises millions from out of state drivers who fill up while passing through, and while otherwise not generating any revenue.

Very true. We need to raise the gas tax. Those of us who use public transport are disproportionately paying our share and since in NJ we have some of the lowest gas taxes in this country which are among the lowest in the world. Driving puts a cost upon those who do not use it and should be thus taxed appropriately.

Posted on: 2010/3/8 4:45

Re: Gov. Christie Forcing NJTransit Service Cuts, Fare Hikes
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"fat-ass-bike" asked....
"WTF is all my taxes paying for then ?"

Well...remember ALL those wars you support?
Remember all the Troops you support to go and occupy and kill other countries citizens?

Well....SOMEONE's gotta pay for ALL that silly-willy!

(it's really quite simple....American taxes are soaked up by MILITARY BUDGET.....Obama signed LARGEST in USA history!)

FREE up money wasted on billions to foreign nations; bailouts here; and for war after endless war.....maybe THAT pothole will finally get

States and local govt's will be able to get more funds from Federal.

But...keep supportin' those wars! Keep supportin your rights being taken away!



Posted on: 2010/3/8 4:39

Re: Gov. Christie Forcing NJTransit Service Cuts, Fare Hikes
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Mathias wrote:
Not only is it not a business but one of the main problems we have is Econ 101.

Sadly, not enough of our representatives have taken Econ 101. This is why we are in this hole, just like California and not far in the distance just like Greece.


hero69 wrote:
It's amazing that the simpletons are the first to claim that government should be run like a business and costs cut when times are bad, but when times are good

Sounds like you have no problem paying for the fat raises and bonuses during these down years through fare increases. Increasing total labor cost 8% last year and giving contractual raises this year costs money...

Posted on: 2010/3/8 4:16

Re: Gov. Christie Forcing NJTransit Service Cuts, Fare Hikes
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2007/5/30 0:05
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if the government is not a business, should government workers have the right to unionize?

Posted on: 2010/3/8 2:46

Re: Gov. Christie Forcing NJTransit Service Cuts, Fare Hikes
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GOVERNMENT IS NOT A BUSINESS! So true, please say it again. It's amazing that the simpletons are the first to claim that government should be run like a business and costs cut when times are bad, but when times are good - they're the first to say that government is not a business- employees shouldn't get fat raises or bonuses.

Posted on: 2010/3/8 1:42

Re: Gov. Christie Forcing NJTransit Service Cuts, Fare Hikes
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ianmac47 wrote:

SICULO wrote:

Getting back to the point, heres another lesson for someone like yrself, Spending more money than what you take on makes for very , very bad bussiness practice, you can learn that in Economics 101, another class you must have flunked!

Government is not a business.

Not only is it not a business but one of the main problems we have is Econ 101. Many people have taken Econ 101 classes and hear Econ 101 Rhetoric spouted on Fox news and Talk Radio......unfortunately Econ 101 is all simplistic theory which makes a lot of assumptions rendering it nearly useless in explaining how the world works. It takes serious advanced study before economics becomes a useful tool for interpreting the world and even then it is more art than science.

Posted on: 2010/3/7 23:40

Re: Gov. Christie Forcing NJTransit Service Cuts, Fare Hikes
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SICULO wrote:
Hey Inmac

Raise Gas tax?, Huhm, thats what gets Politicians thrown out of office, not withstanding that an over taxed state like NJ doesn't really need another tax increase on goods.I guess you were sleeping during "Civics 101" class?

Just because a policy is unpopular doesn't mean it is wrong, and just because a policy is popular doesn't make it right. A true statesman would do the right thing even at the risk of losing his next election instead of pandering to people like you. New Jersey's gas tax is unreasonably low. Raising fares on NJTransit is no different than a tax, only it primarily targets residents of the state. A gas tax on the other hand raises millions from out of state drivers who fill up while passing through, and while otherwise not generating any revenue.


But then again someone who has to attack someone's physical appearance because they don't have the mental capacity to provide a valid point has no CLASS!

I'm not particularly worried about the aspersions cast by an Epsilon.


Getting back to the point, heres another lesson for someone like yrself, Spending more money than what you take on makes for very , very bad bussiness practice, you can learn that in Economics 101, another class you must have flunked!

Government is not a business.

Posted on: 2010/3/7 19:57

Re: Gov. Christie Forcing NJTransit Service Cuts, Fare Hikes
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According to their website, all 7 members of the board of directors are patronage positions appointed by the governor

Posted on: 2010/3/7 19:07

Re: Gov. Christie Forcing NJTransit Service Cuts, Fare Hikes
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2008/6/25 23:54
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I am seeing a lot of claims that NJ Transit is wasteful. Chrisite himself called it a "patronage pit."

I am just curious, does anyone have any evidence that this true? I, honestly, have never seen any solid evidence pointing to NJ transit as wasteful or a patronage pit.

And I don't mean "yeah, I saw a conductor slacking." I mean real evidence.

Posted on: 2010/3/7 16:06

Re: Gov. Christie Forcing NJTransit Service Cuts, Fare Hikes
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Hey Inmac

Raise Gas tax?, Huhm, thats what gets Politicians thrown out of office, not withstanding that an over taxed state like NJ doesn't really need another tax increase on goods.I guess you were sleeping during "Civics 101" class?

But then again someone who has to attack someone's physical appearance because they don't have the mental capacity to provide a valid point has no CLASS!

You don't own or drive a car in NJ, do you?????

Getting back to the point, heres another lesson for someone like yrself, Spending more money than what you take on makes for very , very bad bussiness practice, you can learn that in Economics 101, another class you must have flunked!

Time to revamp NJT if as a state we're really serious about correcting our economic woes,starting with firing all Management and bringing people who actually know how to run a bizz!

Thats my 2 cents.

Posted on: 2010/3/7 15:57

Re: Gov. Christie Forcing NJTransit Service Cuts, Fare Hikes
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stani wrote: Quote:
ianmac47 wrote: NJTransit should not be profitably based on fares. It absolutely should be subsidized by the state. The more people who take trains, the fewer people drive single occupancy vehicles on the already crowded roads. The cost of a typical freeway lane per mile is $20 million (PDF source ). The NJ Turnpike is 118 miles long. Not to mention 78, 80, 95, 280, 287, 195, 295-- adding lanes to those highways will cost a lot more than subsidizing NJ Transit. So yeah, think before you post. If you are capable of it.
Ah yes, you are the master of the simplistic analysis. How many people can get to/from their jobs, go shopping, take vacations, transport their freight, etc conveniently in New Jersey via public transportation vs those that can't? It's a fact that millions of people can't solely use public transportation to carry out their lives.
Yeah, Inmac loves to quote chapter & verse, but doesn't have the common sence to deal with the reality of the problem and that is, NJT is an over inflated entity that thorws millions out the window because, its really not their money its the tax payer's and for once we have a get tough Gov who is saying enough is enough NJT, you created the mess now you fix it! GAS TAX, what a complete joke!

Posted on: 2010/3/7 15:48

Re: Gov. Christie Forcing NJTransit Service Cuts, Fare Hikes
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greenville wrote:
Even though I do not want this to happen, it has to be done in order to save this state from not been able to provide the service at all. Many people (me included) want more from our government like neighborhood improvement projects, more cops patrolling the streets, more schools, etc. The problem is were not willing to pay for it from our pockets, and were not willing to pay for things that have already are been provided or that have been provided. Common sense is if you cant afford it either cut down on it or get rid of it, don't keep digging yourself into a hole. Christie apparently is the only politician with enough balls to stop our indulgence in unaffordable goods and services. I applaud him for that even though it will suck for my part of the city.

Thankfully, Its about time someone on this board sees it the right way!


Posted on: 2010/3/7 15:44

Re: Gov. Christie Forcing NJTransit Service Cuts, Fare Hikes
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Even though I do not want this to happen, it has to be done in order to save this state from not been able to provide the service at all. Many people (me included) want more from our government like neighborhood improvement projects, more cops patrolling the streets, more schools, etc. The problem is were not willing to pay for it from our pockets, and were not willing to pay for things that have already are been provided or that have been provided. Common sense is if you cant afford it either cut down on it or get rid of it, don't keep digging yourself into a hole. Christie apparently is the only politician with enough balls to stop our indulgence in unaffordable goods and services. I applaud him for that even though it will suck for my part of the city.

Posted on: 2010/3/7 12:28

Re: Gov. Christie Forcing NJTransit Service Cuts, Fare Hikes
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Let's see now, the roads are crap, the bridges are crap, the education system is crap, the health programs are crap, city hall is crap, transport is crap, the police is crap, crime is crap, .......etc etc.

WTF is all my taxes paying for then ?

Posted on: 2010/3/7 10:47
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Re: Gov. Christie Forcing NJTransit Service Cuts, Fare Hikes
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2007/6/27 22:27
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ianmac47 wrote: NJTransit should not be profitably based on fares. It absolutely should be subsidized by the state. The more people who take trains, the fewer people drive single occupancy vehicles on the already crowded roads. The cost of a typical freeway lane per mile is $20 million (PDF source ). The NJ Turnpike is 118 miles long. Not to mention 78, 80, 95, 280, 287, 195, 295-- adding lanes to those highways will cost a lot more than subsidizing NJ Transit. So yeah, think before you post. If you are capable of it.
Ah yes, you are the master of the simplistic analysis. How many people can get to/from their jobs, go shopping, take vacations, transport their freight, etc conveniently in New Jersey via public transportation vs those that can't? It's a fact that millions of people can't solely use public transportation to carry out their lives.

Posted on: 2010/3/7 2:18

Re: Gov. Christie Forcing NJTransit Service Cuts, Fare Hikes
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SICULO wrote:

ianmac47 wrote:
If Christie has balls, I'm sure he hasn't seen them since Jimmy Carter was in the White House. And if he did have a pair, he would consider funding transportation by raising the gas tax instead of putting the screws to mass transit.

Dude, you need Meds, if your going to compare Christie with Carter the Wimp, The worst, yes, The worst Prez this nation ever had, but then again the current guy in office isn't too far behind.

Getting back to the subject, Gas Tax??? Get real!, NJT is just like the big automakers, so big they can't support themselves and Thus un-sustaianable and they always have their hands out and the state Gov has to help out, which inturn means our taxes go up, so do your self a favor and think before you comment, Its about not paying more taxes, not about saving a dying elephant!

You might want to think before you comment. No where did I compare Christie to Carter. I said he hadn't seen his balls since Carter was in the White House, implying that Christie has been too fat to see his own nutsack since the late 1970s.

And yes, we should raise the gas tax as New Jersey has one of the lowest gas taxes in the nation. ( Gas tax rates Highest to Lowest )

NJTransit should not be profitably based on fares. It absolutely should be subsidized by the state. The more people who take trains, the fewer people drive single occupancy vehicles on the already crowded roads. The cost of a typical freeway lane per mile is $20 million (PDF source ). The NJ Turnpike is 118 miles long. Not to mention 78, 80, 95, 280, 287, 195, 295-- adding lanes to those highways will cost a lot more than subsidizing NJ Transit.

So yeah, think before you post. If you are capable of it.

Posted on: 2010/3/7 1:43

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They should also raise highway tolls as well as bridge and tunnel tolls

Posted on: 2010/3/6 22:31

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