Re: What Is the Total Property Tax Contribution of Liberty National?
Home away from home
My favorite part of this thread is the notion that a capital gain has already been taxed.
Posted on: 2014/7/15 13:03
Re: Hipster Mass, 9:00 AM, Every Sunday, St. Anthony at 6th & Brunswich
Home away from home
As a recovering Catholic and Republican myself, I promise that there is hope for all of you. But first you must admit that you have a problem.
Posted on: 2014/6/23 20:30
Re: Where was the police?
Home away from home
Between this and the back-to-back uses of "peak" instead of "peek" on another thread, I am really loosing it!
Posted on: 2014/6/23 19:38
Re: Jersey City schools working with company soon to be headed by Cerf
Home away from home
The media is so liberal. Thank god that Fox News, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Post, The Washington Times, The Christian Science Monitor, Free Republic, The Boston Herald, National Review, American Spectator, The Drudge Report, NewsMax, Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin, Ann Coulter, Michael Savage, Mike Huckabee, Glenn Beck, The Heritage Foundation, WorldNetDaily, The Weekly Standard, Dr. Phil, Ted Nugent, Donald Trump, Breitbart, The Blaze, Forbes, Michelle Malkin, Tucker Carlson, and others who I can't think of off the top of my head at the moment are here to let us know just how liberal "the media" is or we would never know.
Posted on: 2014/5/28 17:35
Re: 10 East Coast Neighborhoods That Fit Your Personality
Home away from home
On that we agree.
Posted on: 2014/5/7 19:09
Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
Home away from home
The picture in question makes it appear as if Democrat Wisniewski had a spotlight on him, while Republican BettyLou DeCroce was shadowed. The caption makes it clear that it was an act of Mother Nature. Had the caption not made it clear, you can be sure that some folks would complain that Republicans are being hidden in the hearings.
Posted on: 2014/5/7 18:37
Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
Home away from home
"Whizzy" and "googly eyed"! Please stop! I'm going to wet my pants laughing!
I also have to thank you, Monroe. By continuing to repeat that Christie had nothing to do with Bridgegate, I became a believer. Because if you repeat something over and over, it becomes truth, right? I also like when you point out that Randy Mastro is a Democrat. That totally supersedes where his paycheck is coming from. I'm sure as a Democrat he wanted to hammer Christie, but the truth won out! Can you please continue to repeat stuff about Lorreta Weinberg, so that maybe others can be convinced that if she's done something wrong somehere, it must mean that Chris Christie had nothing to do with Bridgegate? Come up with a cute nickname for her to really make the point.
Posted on: 2014/3/28 20:35
Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
Home away from home
$1M is a small price to pay for undisputed truth. I say add on a tip for the man.
Posted on: 2014/3/28 20:16
Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
Home away from home
I owe a great deal of gratitude to Randy Mastro. All along, I was convinced that Chris Christie gave direct orders to cause the traffic problems in Fort Lee. But thanks to Mastro's comprehensive and impartial report, it seems that Christie had nothing to do with it. I am glad to have been educated.
I never learn. I once thought that OJ Simpson murdered his ex- wife and Ron Goldman. But after listening to attorney Johnnie Cochran, I became convinced that OJ could not have done it. I also once thought that Joran Van Der Sloot must have killed Natalee Holloway. But again, an attorney set me right and convinced me that he did not do it. I need to stop trusting myself. Thankfully, there are highly-paid lawyers who can educate me. I find the ones with the most expensive suits, or bow ties, or interesting hair to be the most informative. If you ever see an attorney with a Brioni suit, a sharp bow tie, and great hair, listen to him! He's educating you.
Posted on: 2014/3/28 19:48
Re: Jersey City councilman wants to pull the plug on red-light cameras
Home away from home
The cameras don't cause the accidents, the bad drivers do. Even if the rear-end collisions increase, the serious t-bone, right angle accidents go down. That is a good trade-off. The rear-end collision folks deserve each other. All the accidents decrease with time as awareness of the cameras increases.
Posted on: 2014/3/27 13:07
Re: Christie Administration seeks to block Tesla Motors sales
Home away from home
Do you type your schtick with a straight face?
Posted on: 2014/3/12 19:13
Re: Christie Administration seeks to block Tesla Motors sales
Home away from home
If they had strong enough lobbies, he would also force all milk sales to be done through milkmen and all phone calls to be made with the assistance of a switchboard operator.
Posted on: 2014/3/11 18:52
Re: Paying it forward: Jersey City man's 30-day campaign for kinder world
Home away from home
Now I feel bad about punching him in the face.
Posted on: 2014/2/19 20:03
Re: $4 minimum wage would cure jobless rates
Home away from home
And the subsidy would be paid for by lowering/eliminating the mortgage interest tax deduction for wealthy homeowners.
I don't think wages are an issue in unemployment. Corporate America is healthy and sitting on mounds of cash. If you can't afford to pay someone a $60 paycheck for a full day's work, your business can't be much of a business.
Posted on: 2014/2/13 18:11
Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
Home away from home
I don't know what Obamacare has to do with anything, but I am a proponent of single-payer healthcare. Thanks for asking. I've already answered regarding Clinton and Benghazi. Again, not relevant to this matter, but thanks for asking. My info on "IRS Gate" does not come from Rachel Maddow, but from actual IRS documents. I do not watch her show or MSNBC. Maybe on occasion. Yes, I approve of the way the IRS handled applications for tax-exempt status. It was wise and reasonable. No, I do not approve of the way Christie abused NJ citizens and used them as pawns to fight back against a diss from the mayor of Ft. Lee. The situations are not at all comparable to a rational person. Don't worry about Hillary Clinton using the life-threatening situations caused by Christie against him. She won't need to. She'll be running against a different Republican. Probably a Republican who used Christie's life-endangering antics against him in the primaries.
Posted on: 2014/1/9 21:39
Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
Home away from home
At this point, I would have more respect for Christie if he fessed up and admitted that he told Kelly to send that email (which is what really happened).
If what he said today was true (and it isn't), then he is completely out of the loop and has a staff made up largely of total jerks and morons.
Posted on: 2014/1/9 20:42
Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
Home away from home
Coming from someone who does not think Christie ordered "BridgeGate" this is funny, but please elaborate.
Posted on: 2014/1/9 20:39
Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
Home away from home
You use "Fail" a lot in your replies. It's dated and nerdy. There is no question that this action positively delayed ambulance response times. Do you not get how serious that is? And no connection between Christie and Bridgegate? Really? Or do you mean to say that Christie did not DIRECTLY order it? I say bullshit. I can't prove it, but I also can't prove that OJ Simpson killed Nicole and Ron. I just know what's what. I wasn't born yesterday. And WILL answer your deflecting questions regarding Benghazi and the IRS. I am not exactly sure what happened in Benghazi. I mean, I know the narratives, but I am still not sure exactly what happened. I do not think anything Clinton did or did not do led to the death of the embassy personnel. If there is blame to go around, I think Clinton would probably fall towards the middle or bottom of the list, if at all. If you think there was a cover up, I won't try to prove you wrong. Like I said, I am not sure. Right now I think the scenario described by Vigilante is close to the truth. But I'm honest enough to let my mind be changed by evidence. And I think Obama probably was involved in "IRSGate." I don't think he woke up and decided one day to do it the way I believe Christie did in "BridgeGate", but still, he had involvement. And do you know what? I credit him for it. I support the extra scrutiny given to organizations seeking tax exemptions. By the way, did you know that in addition to Tea Party groups, any group with the words "progressive" and "occupy" were also targeted for scrutiny? So there was no targeting of only conservative groups. I support all of this. I don't consider it a scandal at all. There is nothing illegal about this. It is like the bank doing a credit check. So there, I've honestly answered the questions you said I wouldn't. You're welcome.
Posted on: 2014/1/9 20:33
Re: Jersey City Business Administrator - Jack Kelly
Home away from home
Apparently he is one of the greatest city business administrators of all time.
Posted on: 2014/1/9 19:38
Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
Home away from home
Still missing the point. Purposely, I assume.
Posted on: 2014/1/9 19:34
Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
Home away from home
The more relevant point is that this move DID delay ambulances. Whether or not this woman could have been saved is not the point. Messing with traffic is damn dangerous.
And I ask again, what if this woman had been your mother? Would you so casually shrug Bridgegate off?
Posted on: 2014/1/9 19:10
Re: Top 10 bars in Hoboken: Yelp ranks the City's nightlife
Home away from home
This is actually a pretty good list. I expected it to be a lot douchier.
Posted on: 2014/1/9 19:00
Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
Home away from home
When you guys type that you think Christie didn't know about any of this, do you do so with a straight face?
And for those wanting Christie to become president in 2016, you shouldn't worry about Democrats using this to bring down Christie, you should worry about Scott Walker, Ted Cruz, Mike Huckabee, Paul Ryan, and whoever else decides to seek the Republican nomination. This is ammunition for them, as if they needed any more.
Posted on: 2014/1/9 18:58
Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
Home away from home
I know that you have a poster of him above your bed, but if you think this is making him more popular, you are deluded. He's clearly lying about not knowing what went on. And you know it.
Posted on: 2014/1/9 17:48
Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
Home away from home
Traffic jams cause problems such as this: ... delayed_medical_help.html Now, would the 91-year old woman have died if they had responded sooner? Possibly. But the point is we'll never know. But suppose this woman was your mother. Or suppose you were injured in that crash and were waiting for medical help. Or suppose your spouse was the one experiencing chest pains and waiting on an ambulance. It isn't just a traffic jam or petty politics anymore, is it?
Posted on: 2014/1/9 14:35
Re: Rutgers graduate, 22, dies after car plunges into water off Jersey City
Home away from home
This is sad and confusing. Where did he start driving from? Surf City is closed for the winter, unless they had some kind of New Year's event. Did he drive down Marin for some time and just continue into the water? He may have just passed out at the wheel. Or maybe he had parked his car there and just couldn't navigate out of the lot, for whatever reason (drunk, tired, careless...).
As far as drinking and driving, I think there are four types of people: - People who do not drive. (Few) - People who do not drink. (Few) - People who have DUI's, (more than a few) - People who have driven while intoxicated, but fortunately have not been caught or involved in an accident. Yet. (a shitload)
Posted on: 2014/1/2 21:43
Re: De Blasio’s Daughter Reveals Substance Abuse
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Sarah Palin is not smart. She is stupid. A true idiot. I won't even waste my time debating this fact. She may or may not have been a good governor. I don't know and I don't care. But I do know that is is a lot easier to govern a state which sits on lucrative oil fields and receives a hell of a lot more from the federal coffers than it pays in. There's some messiness in her past as a politician, but that is probably true of every politician.
There were a lot of vile things said and suggested about her family, especially regarding her son, Trig. But a lot of commentary was accurately pointing out how hypocritical she was regarding abstinence, birth control, etc. The liberal media does not have a monopoly on yellow journalism. There are plenty of liberal AND right-wing media outlets (or do Fox, the NY Post, Rush Limbaugh, the Wall Street Journal, Glenn Beck, the National Review, and the rest not exist?). They both throw a lot of irrelevant crap around regarding public figures they don't side with. It just makes for a giant partisan pissing contest which distracts from real issues.
Posted on: 2013/12/26 18:23
Re: De Blasio’s Daughter Reveals Substance Abuse
Home away from home
Not a DeBlasio or Spitzer fan, but these are non-issues totally irrelevant to DeB's performance of mayor, which will probably suck anyway
And only the most annoying, puritanical gnat would argue that a separated person should not be free to do whatever. Even if he's a practitioner of freaky-deakiness.
Posted on: 2013/12/26 17:00
Re: Driving into DT at Rush Hour
Home away from home
Now THAT is a commute.
Posted on: 2013/12/23 20:57