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Re: Jersey City police say pizza delivery man robbed in Greenville in second such incident in two days
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Just can't stay away

Can you say "Pick Up"....

Posted on: 2012/2/25 14:41

Re: Jersey City cops shoot and kill four dogs
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Mathias wrote:

SICULO wrote:

Ok ,lets set aside you have an issue with the boys and blue.

I also wonder if you happen to be walking down the block and into a group of wild pit bulls, who probably havnt eaten in a few days, who would you be screaming help for, an animal control officer or the Cops?

Last time I checked, 911 doesnt put anyone in contact with Animal control.

Get real before you comment!

1. Were the pitbulls wild and feral or did they have an owner who was also present?

2. Did the police have information on them when they arrived that the pitbulls hadn't eaten in a few days and were in fact roaming the area looking for a meal?

3. Were neighbors and civilians screaming for help and calling JCPD to come slaughter the monstrous beasts that had descended on the neighborhood looking for children to eat?

Last time I checked dog hunting in Jersey City was illegal and the penalty for having unleashed dogs was not having them shot to death in front of their owner.

It is reasonable to surmise that it is up to an officers judgment to determine whether or not the dogs constituted such an immediate danger to life that they must be put down..........but i don't give jersey city cops, who have a culture of lawlessness and steroid abuse, the benefit of the doubt. Like in many other cases with the JCPD they had other ways to handle the situation.

Huhm, dog hunting in JC???

When was the last time cops had to shoot 4 loose poodles?

Time to move on!

Posted on: 2012/2/16 20:53

Re: Jersey City cops shoot and kill four dogs
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EthanCrane wrote:

heights wrote:
That was one irresponsible owner, I wonder what could have occurred if the police did not show time ??

And I wonder what would have happened if they'd contacted animal control and captured the animals alive.

Ok ,lets set aside you have an issue with the boys and blue.

I also wonder if you happen to be walking down the block and into a group of wild pit bulls, who probably havnt eaten in a few days, who would you be screaming help for, an animal control officer or the Cops?

Last time I checked, 911 doesnt put anyone in contact with Animal control.

Get real before you comment!

Posted on: 2012/2/16 13:36

Re: 15-year-old Jersey City boy charged in fatal stabbing of man with 'machete-type' knife in the Height
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Cant help but say that it all starts at Home and if your raised by Animals, you therefore become one!

Call it whatever you will, parenting is lacking in most households and these kids are forced to grow up in the streets where the rules are completely a whole different ballgame.

Then its expected that the school system is suppose to pick up where the parents lack and this is wrong as well.

Its easy to read this article and to villafy the perp, however I see it as being tragic on both ends and an Issue that society desperatley wants to Ignore or write off as just another bad apple.

A true Shame!

Posted on: 2012/2/10 14:50

Re: Late-night live music is now allowed in Bars & Restaurants
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tommyc_37 wrote:
Yeah the key takeaway here is that this is a major STEP in the right direction. JC might not have a valid, full-time music venue right now, but with this ordinance, now we will see more MUSIC in general, even if it is a slight increase. Perhaps within 10 years JC will have a great venue. But for now, this is a step in the right direction.


Posted on: 2012/2/1 19:43

Re: Late-night live music is now allowed in Bars & Restaurants
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Just can't stay away

Ok Vigilanti, we get it, your a frustrated wanna be rocker since most of your posts focus on the so called "Lousy local bar bands", I get it.well guess what, if you got out more often, you would see that your perception is far from the Truth and No not every bar band has a cousin who's a Fireman and owns the bar.

Truth in the matter is that most venues expect a band to bring in their own crowd cause Heads = $$$ at a bar, this is no secret, however theres a difference between a bar with live music and a true blue music venue, thus maybe with the new ordinance, JC will finally get a venue that caters to live music and bring in the extablished, well known music acts along with giving a boost to the local musicians in the area.

You really need to get rid of the negativity and focus on the positive side of this.

Posted on: 2012/2/1 17:53

Re: Late-night live music is now allowed in Bars & Restaurants
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Just can't stay away

As I'm reading these posts, I cant get over the Pompous and Puritan comments being made.

Firstoff, let me start by saying that most of you should move out of JC and go back to the Midwest where Culture has always been lacking big time!

You should listen to yourself, OMG live music is going to be the end of our Yuppie existence, whats the world coming to?, The sky is falling, the sky is falling......Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Open your eyes, this is the best thing that happened to JC in Decades,while Hoboken has thrived over the fact that there was no live music in JC, We lost a ton of revenue and for once a chance to be placed on the Map for a Good reason!

We have a great venue such as the Lowes, why not really open that up to more well known and established bands, it can be our Beacon Theater!

Kudos to the Council members that voted this in and finally decided to get with the Times!!

Posted on: 2012/1/31 16:50

Re: Late-night live music is now allowed in Bars & Restaurants
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Just can't stay away

Its about time, Kudos to the council!!!

Posted on: 2012/1/27 19:54

Re: Heights: woman's purse snatched at knifepoint at 7:20 p.m. on Central Ave.
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Just can't stay away


MDM wrote:
It may happen. We live in a bit of a bubble here in the NYC to Philly Metro areas: The rest of the country (even in the liberal North East places like CT) allow concealed carry and have a clear Castle Doctrine law (you can use deadly force to protect yourself from home invasion). Other states have gone further to extend Castle Doctrine (Stand Your Ground) to outside the home. Here in NJ, the law is so Byzantine in nature that you will likely face jail time if you use deadly force to protect your home. In addition, NJ likes to send gun owners to jail for say, stopping for gas on your way to the pistol range to practice.

As a law abiding people, we can either take charge of our own defense and protection, or continue to yield our rights to do so to the state. The latter will mean we become like Europe: Cameras everywhere, increasing crime, and a state more interested in enforcing misdemeanors such as failing to recycle than actually reducing crime (hey.. those fines leveled pay for those cameras... hardened criminals cost the state money to lock up).

Byzyntine or not, Theres no jury in this country that would convict someone for protecting their Family while in their home from a Threating intruder, and if there is, then its time to move!

Posted on: 2012/1/24 17:43

Re: Jersey Shore coming to Jersey City?
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Just can't stay away

Just what jersey city needs, more negative publicity......
Kudos to the rocket scientist who thought this one up.

Posted on: 2012/1/17 19:12

Re: Cops don't have to abide by laws that they enforce?
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Just can't stay away


ianmac47 wrote:
You find it surprising that cops are pieces of sh it? Come on. People become local cops when they are too stupid to find a real job.

I beg to differ, their actions sometimes very questionable and I agree borderline assanine, But Stupid...huhm, Landing a job that pays $100G's a year with Overtime, and Benifits included in todays world and a ton of time off, doesnt equate to stupidity in my mind.

Posted on: 2011/12/21 21:25

Re: Occupy our homes movement in Jersey City?
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kencares wrote:
Sue the bank and force them to modify your loan to acceptable terms.

You need money to sue, Last time I checked, they dont work for free.....

Now I know who not to ask for advise on this site.....

Posted on: 2011/12/19 22:09

Re: N.J. has the lowest number of public workers in 8 years -- state union workers protest
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Just can't stay away


asdfdf23 wrote:
Lots to consider here.
Nevertheless, I seem to remember our local Fire and Police unions are not/were not willing to accept pay freezes even to enable more hiring.

Both my wife and myself make our money in the private sector. Our income as a family has been severely impacted by the great recession. However our tax burden has gone up as a percentage of net income, all due to property tax increases.

If public employees and their unions (especially Police and Fire) are willing to publicly advocate and accept sacrifices, especially for the benefit of getting more members, I would like to hear about it. All I read from most public sector unions and employees is everything should be as it is/was, double dipping (in regards to pensions), Higher salaries, job protection benefits, manipulation of overtime in last year before retirement, and so on as compared to private sector realities.

I admire the recent NJ legislative action to reform NJ public pensions. And hats off to the leader of the steel workers union for his role in this.

In my opinion the best thing that could happen now is a focus by government and American society as a whole in creating Private Sector Jobs. The more that this type of job growth can rise, the better we will be as a Neighborhood, City, County, State and Country.

Summing up, hiring more people would be good, giving even more to existing government workers would be bad.

You forgot to include the teachers union which is the largest culprit in the big picture!!!

Posted on: 2011/12/15 22:20

Re: $48,548 a year Public School "messenger" charged with criminal sexual contact with a teacher
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Just can't stay away


sassinak wrote:
gives a whole new meaning to the "hall pass"

hmmm i wonder if he thought she was somebody else.. this'll be an interesting story as it unfolds. i had no idea that there was a "messenger" position available at schools. lovely tax dollars at work.

I agree, bet he mis-took her for someone he Knows.Nonetheless going to be tough explaining that to a Judge.

Posted on: 2011/11/29 19:52

Re: Tilted Kilt - Pub & Eatery (&boobs)
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Just can't stay away

Long over due!


Posted on: 2011/11/29 19:49

Re: should restuarants/bars/coffee shops be allowed to host live entertainment?
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Just can't stay away


DanL wrote:
simple question - Do you support permitting restaurants/bars/coffee shops to host live entertainment as long as city noise ordinances are fairly and consistently enforced?

2 Words :Why Not????

Posted on: 2011/10/3 12:11

Re: Bike Share System
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Just can't stay away

I was just in Washington DC and they have a really great Bike share system as well.

I hope to see one developed in JC as well.

Posted on: 2011/9/23 12:22

Re: Saturday Night Drink Specials and Cool Places to Hangout
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foodforthought wrote:
My fiance and I are new to the area and have a group of friends coming up this weekend. We are looking for a bar/restaurant to go to and hang out. Preferably a place where people under 21 can also go. Any suggestions will be a great help! Thanks!!

I dont know of any Teen Night specials around town.....

Posted on: 2011/9/8 11:52

Re: Wall Street Journal: F1 Racers Eyeing Streets of Hudson County
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Just can't stay away

Awesome, awesome, awesome!!!!!!!

Bring on the F1 !!!!

Posted on: 2011/8/4 12:21

Re: Downtown: Police arrest Efrain Torres (from the Island Area) in 5 a.m. burglary of SUV
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Just can't stay away

In my opinion, you cant build enough jails for these lowlifes, unfortunatley on the backs of the tax payers who have to feed, cloth and have their medical care paid for as well, WHAT A COMPLETE f%$KING JOKE!!!

Set them all afloat on a barge out in the atlantic and have the Navy play Target practice on their Ass !!!

Posted on: 2011/8/2 14:32

Re: Family of man slain by Jersey City cop during Saturday incident question official account
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Just can't stay away

This is a perfect example of how things are all ass backwards in our society today.

A convicted felon running from the cops, armed and turns to the cop chasing him and pointing his weapon at the cop and the thug is the victum ???

My heart goes out to the victum and his family.....GIVE ME A BREAK!!!!

Good Job JCPD!

Posted on: 2011/8/2 14:26

Re: New York Times: 77 Hudson in Jersey City, where half the buyers are foreigners
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snowflake20 wrote:
Heights has a point. I wouldn't like to buy in a building that's has a lot of people who are not invested in the community and would treat my building like a hotel, not a "home". That sounds really depressing to me. Why would I want neighbors like that? I would rather see the same faces all of the time and get to know my neighbors. I would assume these buyers are just buying to be close to the city and could give two craps about Jersey City. I am sure if they are asked, they say they have a place "in the city".

Hate to bust your bubble,but growing up in jc and seeing the change that has taken place dtjc I'm going to say that like 90 percent of it's current residents define them selves as living in the city but agree with your point!

Posted on: 2011/7/11 2:46

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Just can't stay away

Duckys on Newark ave!

Posted on: 2011/6/20 11:56

Re: To the cop on the bike on Erie Street yesterday...
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Just can't stay away

Bike lanes are a waste!

Posted on: 2011/6/12 3:19

Re: Jersey police officer uniforms looking sloppy
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Just can't stay away

81905 wrote:
Is it me or has anyone else noticed the oversized uniforms many of the JC police choose to wear? Just this morning on Marin Blvd. I saw two more officers with pants 4" too long and shirts that were 2 sizes too big. There must be regulations they need to adhere to when it comes to size of their unifroms. Pure sloppiness in my opinion.[/quote

get a life!!!

Posted on: 2011/5/13 11:47

Re: Family in Heights disturbing all around them...taking over the street!
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Just can't stay away

A.Theres an ordinance against loud music/noice after 10 pm/
B.Theres an ordiance against loiteing.
C.If they dont own that vacant lot, then their also Tresspassing on private property.
D.Their creating a public nuisance.

Theres a host of violations at hand, just be diligent and go right to the top and contact the north district Captain directly and complain until you get this resolved.

Good Luck.

Posted on: 2011/5/10 15:38

Re: ????Info on obtaining R1 driveway variance???
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Just can't stay away

Its a joke, probably one of the least enforced codes in JC if not the least.

It seems thats 70% of all driveways in JC just appeared overnight.

Good luck!

Posted on: 2011/5/9 20:17

Re: Satis Bistro -Cafe - Gelato in Paulus Hook
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Catzeem wrote:
Any thoughts on the gelato @ Satis?

I've been a few times and found the woman at the counter somewhat rude. Also, I think the product @ Tommy's Two Scoops is superior and his flavors more inventive. On both occasions there was a worker or two smoking in front of the door and the whole place smelled like cigarettes. The front is walled in concrete, not the place for employees to smoke and not what you want a gelateria smelling like.

I?m quite fond of the restaurant but feel a disconnect with the gelateria next door. Any thoughts or experiences?

If we're talking about the same lady, she's one hot Czech!and not rude at all.

With regards to their Gelato, doesnt hold a candle to the real deal and unfortunatley JC has yet to have a locale that sells really good GELATO...

Its all about the Milk fat Baby!!!!!

Posted on: 2011/4/27 2:31

Re: Downtown: Forced to open safe by brutal thugs; pal taken hostage
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Just can't stay away

Thugs robbing Thugs......OH WELL.....

Posted on: 2011/4/16 13:21

Re: Jersey City Cabs won't stop for black people
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missmags wrote:
I did not get bumped to the front. That would have been ridiculous. After those two cabs didnt stop the next cabs did.

It's just insane.

You need to stop flip floping with your story, its becoming less and less credible.

Stop trying to incite something that can be easly mis-percieved!

Posted on: 2011/4/16 13:19

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