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Re: Its Not Over Yet - Call Continues for Healy, Vega and Lopez to Resign
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2005/3/18 18:36
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Mayor Healy is an officer of the court, and he failed to uphold that legal/ethical responsibility by not reporting the improper activities that he witnessed, as detailed in the criminal complaint against Deputy Mayor Beldini (Healy's campaign treasurer), et. al.

At the service academies (West Point, Annapolis), the honor code indicts not just those who may do wrong, but those who do not immediately report what they know about any such wrongdoing. Likewise, Mayor Healy - as a member of the N.J. Bar, as a (former) municipal judge - is honorbound to do the same. Demonstrably, he did not, regarding either of the two confirmed meetings he attended with the cooperating witness.

New Jersey's election law is clear and finite, with its contribution limits. So any discussion of splitting donations in excess of $2,600, that would be a red flag, to negate in the moment and/or report afterward.

And any hint of pay-to-play - "Thanks for the campaign contribution. We'll put your approvals on the top of the pile." - is illegal, and should have been reported.

So before even getting to issues of breaching the public trust - as an elected public servant - Mayor Healy's INACTIONS in the face-to-face of two illegalities are reason to ask for his resignation.


Posted on: 2009/9/30 15:36

Re: Its Not Over Yet - Call Continues for Healy, Vega and Lopez to Resign
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2005/7/19 15:35
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2010/11/18 14:49
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excuse my ignorance and i am ready for the onslaught of healy haters, but can someone tell me why they are requesting healy's resignation?

Don't tell me its b/c he sucks, or b/c he was convicted at the jersey shore. I want to know what is the reason? i am not a healy cheerleader by ANY MEANS, however i fail to see his name on the indictments, and i just don't see the logic in him getting booted b/c he surrounds himself with felons, i believe to be a part of hudson politics everyone is elbow to elbow w/ these creeps. yes, it shows poor judgement, and yes he probably has does something, but as of right now he is NOT under indictment, so what is the legal basis for the call for his resignation based on?

this isn't a post to get people all riled up, i truly would like to know the legal backbone of this rally cry.

Posted on: 2009/9/30 14:26

Re: Its Not Over Yet - Call Continues for Healy, Vega and Lopez to Resign
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2008/12/18 20:51
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JSleeze wrote:
That was almost two months ago. Nothing new to add?

The price of honest government is continued vigilance and the calling out of the scoundrels on a daily basis. It is not contained in a sound bite or an on-camera moment. Though the dialogue seems sparse on the part of the activists fighting for justice, it is not stale. Many people want these scoundrels out of office and we must be reminded on a daily basis of their crimes and misdemeanors. Perseverance and resolve.

Posted on: 2009/9/30 13:59

Re: Its Not Over Yet - Call Continues for Healy, Vega and Lopez to Resign
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2009/8/27 22:16
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That was almost two months ago. Nothing new to add?

Posted on: 2009/9/29 16:21

Its Not Over Yet - Call Continues for Healy, Vega and Lopez to Resign
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2008/8/5 18:29
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Its Not Over Yet! Healy, Vega and Lopez Must Resign Next city council meeting: October 14th Please visit -

Posted on: 2009/9/29 15:57

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2005/12/7 2:49
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Something tells me the Healy team is "happy as hell" Shaw is out of the picture.

From the FBI:
"After defendant Beldini and JC Official 4 left, while outside the luncheonette, defendant Shaw told the CW that “everybody” (to include defendant Beldini and JC Official 4) was as
“happy as hell.” Thereafter, defendant Shaw accepted $10,000 in cash from the CW to structure as political contributions to JC Official 4 as facilitated by defendant Beldini.”

These low life's need to pay!

Posted on: 2009/8/1 16:40

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2009/8/1 16:07
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2010/6/18 18:35
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Good point, donttakemyrocks. The double dipping (holding two or more jobs) is a big part of the corruption. in my opinion this Fulop guy is the only one who can really pose any challenge to the establishment. The others are well meaning but don't have "legs." You need money to win elections, and from what I've heard, Fulop's money is clean.

Does anyone know him personally? Is he a good guy?

Posted on: 2009/8/1 16:30

Re: HEALY SITTING TIGHT: Not accused, he says, after 100 person demo targeting mayor, Vega, Lopez
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2006/1/18 14:10
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The feds will deal with whomever needs to be dealt with and Healy is obviously of interest. A majority of the JC people rounded up are middlemen. Let's not forget that as mayor of jc and head of the hudson county democratic org, Healy has a ton of political power, so noway all this is happening and he is not aware and in control. Anyone with common sense knows this. I just hope that others that agree to talk don't turn up dead.

I would hate to be Healy right now because waiting for the inevitable is much harder than being blind-sided.

Posted on: 2009/8/1 14:40

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in that one video the webmaster posted, healy goes, i did nothing wrong, I SAID NOTHING WRONG, that seems to imply he knew what was going on at the table but he was able to do and say the right things in order to avoid the indictment. what a POS.

Posted on: 2009/8/1 14:33

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Yes, and the thing is that if he did THIS what other things has he done?

Rumor has it that he was putting people on the city payroll in depts of the city and that the head of those depts had no other choice but to take them. And bypassing comencement salaries, where you had other people working 20/30 yrs. making the same salary.

This is outragous!

The double dipping continues...there are people in this City whom are unemployed. Stop the double and triple dipping, and give these jobs to the citizens, not their friends or their families, but people who really need these jobs!

What else?

A good idea should be to rally the homes of these crooks!

I voted for Healy, but boy am I upset!

Seeing and reading some of the posts on what happened in City Hall with the Healy team, (Brennen)...

I'm very dissapointed. They are supposed to represent me! Yes, I'll admit given that they need to have their day in court and Healy was not part of the sweep.

Hoping the Feds look into alot of other things as well.
The only people I see that have any promise to represent me is Fulop, Sean Connors, Yvonne, Dan, whom I honestly feel would stay CLEAN!.

Posted on: 2009/8/1 14:26

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2005/12/7 2:49
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Especially damning for Healy is item 23:
? 23. On or about April 30, 2009, defendant Beldini met defendant Shaw, defendant Cheatam, JC Official 4 and the CW at a luncheonette in Jersey City. Before defendant Beldini or JC Official 4 arrived, defendant Shaw was informed by the CW that the CW had brought $10,000 in cash that the CW would give to defendant Shaw after the meeting to arrange a contribution to JC Official 4. After defendant Beldini arrived, Beldini was informed by the CW that the CW would be applying for a zone change in approximately two months and to not let such application go to the ?bottom? of the pile, to which defendant Beldini responded that she could say ?one thing? about JC Official 4--JC Official 4 ?remembered? JC Official 4's ?friends,? and JC Official 4's word was ?gold.? Defendant Beldini further was advised that the CW would give defendant Shaw another $10,000 after the meeting and then, in turn, defendant Shaw would do ?business? with defendant Beldini. Defendant Beldini further was advised by the CW that the CW would give another $10,000 after the election. After JC Official 4 arrived, among other things, defendant Cheatam advised JC Official 4 that they would get development matters relating to the CW moving after the election. Shortly thereafter, defendant Cheatam advised JC Official 4 that the CW wanted to be on the ?top? of the ?pile.? JC Official 4 was further told by the CW that the CW: (a) had given $10,000 to defendant Shaw already (a reference to the March 20th payment of money to defendant Shaw); (b) would give another $10,000 to defendant Shaw that day to be passed on to JC Official 4's election fund; and (c) would give another $10,000 after the election, to which, JC Official 4 responded, among other things, that hopefully ?we? could work ?together? and that this would be ?mutually beneficial.? After defendant Beldini and JC Official 4 left, while outside the luncheonette, defendant Shaw told the CW that ?everybody? (to include defendant Beldini and JC Official 4) was as ?happy as hell.? Thereafter, defendant Shaw accepted $10,000 in cash from the CW to structure as political contributions to JC Official 4 as facilitated by defendant Beldini.?

Do any of us really think this is an isolated incident?

For Healy to slide by, after reading the transcripts above, would be an outrage and a slap in each of our tax-paying faces.

Latest info on Healy's right hand (wo)man, Leona Beldini:

Leona Beldini, the deputy mayor of Jersey City, who was accused of taking a $20,000 bribe, retained Brian Neary of Hackensack, N.J. His reputation in the 1980s as one of the state's leading drunken-driving defense lawyers has been superseded by his work on a mountain of sensational cases ranging from the defense of murder suspects, rap stars and public officials, and of coaches and teachers accused of having sex with underage students.

Again, do any of us really think this is an isolated incident?

I bet you dollars to donuts she will cut a deal. Let's get to the nuts and bolts of it and then let them have their day in court.

Let the shake down begin! We are done putting up with our corrupt JC government and being the laughing stock of the nation.

Posted on: 2009/8/1 13:16

Re: HEALY SITTING TIGHT: Not accused, he says, after 100 person demo targeting mayor, Vega, Lopez
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Posted on: 2009/7/31 22:15
My humor is for the silent blue collar majority - If my posts offend, slander or you deem inappropriate and seek deletion, contact the webmaster for jurisdiction.

Re: HEALY SITTING TIGHT: Not accused, he says, after 100 person demo targeting mayor, Vega, Lopez
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2006/7/28 23:07
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Agreed that we need to go deeper, but your are right Vega/Lopez is THE starting point for now (until the FBI adds more fuel to the fire, which could be weeks or months away).
A second rally would help reinforce the message to the rest of the Council that, just like them, we're NOT going away. The Council is counting on our apathy or fatigue on this issue -- let's prove them wrong!


JRL wrote:
The protest seems to have a hand in pushing Corruptarano out in Hoboken. As for Jersey City we do need to go deeper than Vega, he would only be one council member, which is a start.
We also have the Lopez situation which should be some low hanging fruit we can go after too. Naturally there is Healy, we can only hope the FBI comes to get him soon. There would still be 6 Council Members left from Team Healy in which still gives them a majority and deep ties to the machine.
They all have that same exact smug behavior and pretty much laugh at us citizens of Jersey City who want them out. Unfortunately until we can get good people on the council, along with a Mayor that actually cares, we will continue to have the crime situation and people, police officers will continue to get shot.

There are folks out here on the board that think we should not go after Team Healy with pitchforks and torches...Well it looks like it worked in Hoboken.

Let's keep working on pushing them out....We need to keep the pressure on.

jc123 wrote:
In support of what's been said already: Can't we stage another Hoboken-like protest in front of City Hall to keep the pressure on securing Vega's resignation now since we're not sure when the next wave of info will be released by the FBI?

Police officers are losing their lives in the fight against crime in our city and Vega was arrested for is taking bribe money for his own benefit. After his smug behavior at the council meeting on Wednesday, we must resolve to get him out!

JRL wrote:
If Healy ends up gone because of the corruption, resigns, goes to jail, then we should also look into those who benefited from the Team Healy campaign war chest, perhaps a recall of those council members. Most likely Vega will be gone, then there is still the Lopez issue and she could possibly be gone.
We as citizens should the work to change the council, see about a recall, or pressure them into resigning too. Then we can break the machine. I agree those from Team Healy left standing could get reelected, or even become Mayor. That's why we could not wait 4 years, we would have to see what we can do now in terms of recalling Team Healy people left standing.
We still need to wait to see how this all turns out with the FBI and the ongoing investigations.

o73o2 wrote:
in any case, money or not, healy has lost his credibility.

the question becomes whether the electorate will remember this in four years. unless we are reminded frequently what the accusations are - not against him but against his entourage - and how these accusations implicate him, he could actually count on voter apathy and forgetfulness in four years' time.

we have a responsability here to remind the electorate all across the city that he has been elected by the very active support of several individuals who are implicated in a major scandal. and even if none of these guys goes to the slammer, we cannot simply let this scandal disappear into the fog of memory.

there is a political machine in jersey city and hudson county. healy owns it. even if he is gone - resigned, in jail or in retirement - he is still the owner of the machine, and nothing will happen politically in the city without his knowledge, permission and patronage.

it is like killing weed. we can neutralize healy, but the body and his time will survive. and given their pure strength, they may be able to reelect some people who clearly are implicated in this scandal without being charged.

four years is a long time and memories fade fast.

Posted on: 2009/7/31 16:35

Re: HEALY SITTING TIGHT: Not accused, he says, after 100 person demo targeting mayor, Vega, Lopez
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JRL wrote:
.... Let's keep working on pushing them out....We need to keep the pressure on.

And boy, wouldn't it help if keeping the pressure on weren't such an uphill struggle. If this were any other city in America, we wouldn't have to rely on the media from a much larger city to cover our news. Think about it - Jersey City is roughly the same size as Buffalo and Birmingham, Alabama. If high ranking officials in those cities - cities with national prominence - were being indicted, there'd be a steady drumbeat on the local network affiliates day and night. TV vans would be permanently parked in front of city hall. The mayor wouldn't be able to move without a camera in his face. Instead, we get the NY stations to come out and cover the highlights with a one or two minute clip buried between a hit-and-run accident on Long Island and .... guess what??? It's Raining Again!!!!

I believe the biggest reason corruption has festered on as long as it has is that the shadows are very, very comfortable here. There is usually little danger of angering the public - no offense to the Jersey Journal, but they have a hard time competing with the NY papers. This time though - the story is big enough that it hits the national radar. At least for a little while.

Posted on: 2009/7/31 16:31

Re: HEALY SITTING TIGHT: Not accused, he says, after 100 person demo targeting mayor, Vega, Lopez
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2009/1/19 19:23
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The protest seems to have a hand in pushing Corruptarano out in Hoboken. As for Jersey City we do need to go deeper than Vega, he would only be one council member, which is a start.
We also have the Lopez situation which should be some low hanging fruit we can go after too. Naturally there is Healy, we can only hope the FBI comes to get him soon. There would still be 6 Council Members left from Team Healy in which still gives them a majority and deep ties to the machine.
They all have that same exact smug behavior and pretty much laugh at us citizens of Jersey City who want them out. Unfortunately until we can get good people on the council, along with a Mayor that actually cares, we will continue to have the crime situation and people, police officers will continue to get shot.

There are folks out here on the board that think we should not go after Team Healy with pitchforks and torches...Well it looks like it worked in Hoboken.

Let's keep working on pushing them out....We need to keep the pressure on.

jc123 wrote:
In support of what's been said already: Can't we stage another Hoboken-like protest in front of City Hall to keep the pressure on securing Vega's resignation now since we're not sure when the next wave of info will be released by the FBI?

Police officers are losing their lives in the fight against crime in our city and Vega was arrested for is taking bribe money for his own benefit. After his smug behavior at the council meeting on Wednesday, we must resolve to get him out!

JRL wrote:
If Healy ends up gone because of the corruption, resigns, goes to jail, then we should also look into those who benefited from the Team Healy campaign war chest, perhaps a recall of those council members. Most likely Vega will be gone, then there is still the Lopez issue and she could possibly be gone.
We as citizens should the work to change the council, see about a recall, or pressure them into resigning too. Then we can break the machine. I agree those from Team Healy left standing could get reelected, or even become Mayor. That's why we could not wait 4 years, we would have to see what we can do now in terms of recalling Team Healy people left standing.
We still need to wait to see how this all turns out with the FBI and the ongoing investigations.

o73o2 wrote:
in any case, money or not, healy has lost his credibility.

the question becomes whether the electorate will remember this in four years. unless we are reminded frequently what the accusations are - not against him but against his entourage - and how these accusations implicate him, he could actually count on voter apathy and forgetfulness in four years' time.

we have a responsability here to remind the electorate all across the city that he has been elected by the very active support of several individuals who are implicated in a major scandal. and even if none of these guys goes to the slammer, we cannot simply let this scandal disappear into the fog of memory.

there is a political machine in jersey city and hudson county. healy owns it. even if he is gone - resigned, in jail or in retirement - he is still the owner of the machine, and nothing will happen politically in the city without his knowledge, permission and patronage.

it is like killing weed. we can neutralize healy, but the body and his time will survive. and given their pure strength, they may be able to reelect some people who clearly are implicated in this scandal without being charged.

four years is a long time and memories fade fast.

Posted on: 2009/7/31 15:55

Re: HEALY SITTING TIGHT: Not accused, he says, after 100 person demo targeting mayor, Vega, Lopez
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2006/7/28 23:07
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In support of what's been said already: Can't we stage another Hoboken-like protest in front of City Hall to keep the pressure on securing Vega's resignation now since we're not sure when the next wave of info will be released by the FBI?

Police officers are losing their lives in the fight against crime in our city and Vega was arrested for is taking bribe money for his own benefit. After his smug behavior at the council meeting on Wednesday, we must resolve to get him out!


JRL wrote:
If Healy ends up gone because of the corruption, resigns, goes to jail, then we should also look into those who benefited from the Team Healy campaign war chest, perhaps a recall of those council members. Most likely Vega will be gone, then there is still the Lopez issue and she could possibly be gone.
We as citizens should the work to change the council, see about a recall, or pressure them into resigning too. Then we can break the machine. I agree those from Team Healy left standing could get reelected, or even become Mayor. That's why we could not wait 4 years, we would have to see what we can do now in terms of recalling Team Healy people left standing.
We still need to wait to see how this all turns out with the FBI and the ongoing investigations.


o73o2 wrote:
in any case, money or not, healy has lost his credibility.

the question becomes whether the electorate will remember this in four years. unless we are reminded frequently what the accusations are - not against him but against his entourage - and how these accusations implicate him, he could actually count on voter apathy and forgetfulness in four years' time.

we have a responsability here to remind the electorate all across the city that he has been elected by the very active support of several individuals who are implicated in a major scandal. and even if none of these guys goes to the slammer, we cannot simply let this scandal disappear into the fog of memory.

there is a political machine in jersey city and hudson county. healy owns it. even if he is gone - resigned, in jail or in retirement - he is still the owner of the machine, and nothing will happen politically in the city without his knowledge, permission and patronage.

it is like killing weed. we can neutralize healy, but the body and his time will survive. and given their pure strength, they may be able to reelect some people who clearly are implicated in this scandal without being charged.

four years is a long time and memories fade fast.


JRL wrote:
It will be interesting if/when Healy gets charged by the FBI, how Team Healy reacts. After all without that 3 million dollars which we now know had illegal contributions in their campaign war chest of money in which helped all of Team Healy get elected they might not have won their council seat. Those council races were close, some went to run-offs. That money helped put them over the top.

Even though Team Healy has not pushed for Vega's resignation, none of then seem Pro-Vega, or even make mention any longer of the Great Mayor Healy as Brennan would go lengths to say at the council meetings.

They all seemed very uncomfortable yesterday and not fit to run our city.

Mayor Healy, Mariano Vega and the members of the Healy Team have broken the trust of the residents of Jersey City.


T-Bird wrote:
Speaking of the campaign.... Anyone else notice a huge difference between the posts of April and the discussions now? I am not reading any pro-Healy (or pro-Team Healy) posts on here. Sure, there's an occassional post that urges patience or questions someone's rush to judgment - but nothing that would qualify as a defense of him or Vega or the rest of the team. I find that telling.

Posted on: 2009/7/31 15:40

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Posted on: 2009/7/31 11:29

Re: HEALY SITTING TIGHT: Not accused, he says, after 100 person demo targeting mayor, Vega, Lopez
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2008/5/6 6:21
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The second paragraph of this article says it all, they do what the Governor tells them. Healy raised $3 Million for the election thanks mostly to Corzine, he will do as he is told.

Hoboken Mayor Peter Cammarano will resign after N.J. corruption sting arrest
by Josh Margolin and Mark Mueller/The Star-Ledger
Thursday July 30, 2009, 2:52 PM

HOBOKEN -- Hoboken Mayor Peter Cammarano, battered by charges in the N.J. corruption scandal, is expected to announce his resignation Friday, Gov. Jon Corzine said today during an event in Montclair.

Corzine said attorneys from the governor's office had been speaking with Cammarano's lawyers and the mayor's resignation is expected Friday morning. Corzine has called for all public officials charged in the sweeping FBI probe to resign.

Posted on: 2009/7/31 7:57

Re: HEALY SITTING TIGHT: Not accused, he says, after 100 person demo targeting mayor, Vega, Lopez
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2009/1/19 19:23
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If Healy ends up gone because of the corruption, resigns, goes to jail, then we should also look into those who benefited from the Team Healy campaign war chest, perhaps a recall of those council members. Most likely Vega will be gone, then there is still the Lopez issue and she could possibly be gone.
We as citizens should the work to change the council, see about a recall, or pressure them into resigning too. Then we can break the machine. I agree those from Team Healy left standing could get reelected, or even become Mayor. That's why we could not wait 4 years, we would have to see what we can do now in terms of recalling Team Healy people left standing.
We still need to wait to see how this all turns out with the FBI and the ongoing investigations.


o73o2 wrote:
in any case, money or not, healy has lost his credibility.

the question becomes whether the electorate will remember this in four years. unless we are reminded frequently what the accusations are - not against him but against his entourage - and how these accusations implicate him, he could actually count on voter apathy and forgetfulness in four years' time.

we have a responsability here to remind the electorate all across the city that he has been elected by the very active support of several individuals who are implicated in a major scandal. and even if none of these guys goes to the slammer, we cannot simply let this scandal disappear into the fog of memory.

there is a political machine in jersey city and hudson county. healy owns it. even if he is gone - resigned, in jail or in retirement - he is still the owner of the machine, and nothing will happen politically in the city without his knowledge, permission and patronage.

it is like killing weed. we can neutralize healy, but the body and his time will survive. and given their pure strength, they may be able to reelect some people who clearly are implicated in this scandal without being charged.

four years is a long time and memories fade fast.


JRL wrote:
It will be interesting if/when Healy gets charged by the FBI, how Team Healy reacts. After all without that 3 million dollars which we now know had illegal contributions in their campaign war chest of money in which helped all of Team Healy get elected they might not have won their council seat. Those council races were close, some went to run-offs. That money helped put them over the top.

Even though Team Healy has not pushed for Vega's resignation, none of then seem Pro-Vega, or even make mention any longer of the Great Mayor Healy as Brennan would go lengths to say at the council meetings.

They all seemed very uncomfortable yesterday and not fit to run our city.

Mayor Healy, Mariano Vega and the members of the Healy Team have broken the trust of the residents of Jersey City.


T-Bird wrote:
Speaking of the campaign.... Anyone else notice a huge difference between the posts of April and the discussions now? I am not reading any pro-Healy (or pro-Team Healy) posts on here. Sure, there's an occassional post that urges patience or questions someone's rush to judgment - but nothing that would qualify as a defense of him or Vega or the rest of the team. I find that telling.

Posted on: 2009/7/30 21:51

Re: HEALY SITTING TIGHT: Not accused, he says, after 100 person demo targeting mayor, Vega, Lopez
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in any case, money or not, healy has lost his credibility.

the question becomes whether the electorate will remember this in four years. unless we are reminded frequently what the accusations are - not against him but against his entourage - and how these accusations implicate him, he could actually count on voter apathy and forgetfulness in four years' time.

we have a responsability here to remind the electorate all across the city that he has been elected by the very active support of several individuals who are implicated in a major scandal. and even if none of these guys goes to the slammer, we cannot simply let this scandal disappear into the fog of memory.

there is a political machine in jersey city and hudson county. healy owns it. even if he is gone - resigned, in jail or in retirement - he is still the owner of the machine, and nothing will happen politically in the city without his knowledge, permission and patronage.

it is like killing weed. we can neutralize healy, but the body and his time will survive. and given their pure strength, they may be able to reelect some people who clearly are implicated in this scandal without being charged.

four years is a long time and memories fade fast.


JRL wrote:
It will be interesting if/when Healy gets charged by the FBI, how Team Healy reacts. After all without that 3 million dollars which we now know had illegal contributions in their campaign war chest of money in which helped all of Team Healy get elected they might not have won their council seat. Those council races were close, some went to run-offs. That money helped put them over the top.

Even though Team Healy has not pushed for Vega's resignation, none of then seem Pro-Vega, or even make mention any longer of the Great Mayor Healy as Brennan would go lengths to say at the council meetings.

They all seemed very uncomfortable yesterday and not fit to run our city.

Mayor Healy, Mariano Vega and the members of the Healy Team have broken the trust of the residents of Jersey City.


T-Bird wrote:
Speaking of the campaign.... Anyone else notice a huge difference between the posts of April and the discussions now? I am not reading any pro-Healy (or pro-Team Healy) posts on here. Sure, there's an occassional post that urges patience or questions someone's rush to judgment - but nothing that would qualify as a defense of him or Vega or the rest of the team. I find that telling.

Posted on: 2009/7/30 21:39

Re: HEALY SITTING TIGHT: Not accused, he says, after 100 person demo targeting mayor, Vega, Lopez
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2009/1/19 19:23
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It will be interesting if/when Healy gets charged by the FBI, how Team Healy reacts. After all without that 3 million dollars which we now know had illegal contributions in their campaign war chest of money in which helped all of Team Healy get elected they might not have won their council seat. Those council races were close, some went to run-offs. That money helped put them over the top.

Even though Team Healy has not pushed for Vega's resignation, none of then seem Pro-Vega, or even make mention any longer of the Great Mayor Healy as Brennan would go lengths to say at the council meetings.

They all seemed very uncomfortable yesterday and not fit to run our city.

Mayor Healy, Mariano Vega and the members of the Healy Team have broken the trust of the residents of Jersey City

Where is Corzine, Booker, Bloomberg & even Obama who all had wonderful things to say about Healy..none of them have come out to say we still believe in Healy and trust he did not have involvement in any wrong doing.


T-Bird wrote:
Speaking of the campaign.... Anyone else notice a huge difference between the posts of April and the discussions now? I am not reading any pro-Healy (or pro-Team Healy) posts on here. Sure, there's an occassional post that urges patience or questions someone's rush to judgment - but nothing that would qualify as a defense of him or Vega or the rest of the team. I find that telling.

Posted on: 2009/7/30 21:19

Re: HEALY SITTING TIGHT: Not accused, he says, after 100 person demo targeting mayor, Vega, Lopez
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2006/5/31 15:16
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I have a feeling the One Jersey City team could do A LOT to put JC on the path to recovery. Dan Levin has already spent years putting together the prescient no-pay-to-play reform which recently got approved by the Council. (they had no choice)

Posted on: 2009/7/30 19:15

Re: HEALY SITTING TIGHT: Not accused, he says, after 100 person demo targeting mayor, Vega, Lopez
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2007/11/23 11:19
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2009/8/7 14:54
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One glaring exception: Fulop is clearly the only guy around anyone has any faith in. He's hamstringed to do anything about it though.

Posted on: 2009/7/30 18:12

Re: HEALY SITTING TIGHT: Not accused, he says, after 100 person demo targeting mayor, Vega, Lopez
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2008/10/19 1:18
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Speaking of the campaign.... Anyone else notice a huge difference between the posts of April and the discussions now? I am not reading any pro-Healy (or pro-Team Healy) posts on here. Sure, there's an occassional post that urges patience or questions someone's rush to judgment - but nothing that would qualify as a defense of him or Vega or the rest of the team. I find that telling.

Posted on: 2009/7/30 17:33

Re: HEALY SITTING TIGHT: Not accused, he says, after 100 person demo targeting mayor, Vega, Lopez
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2006/4/13 19:57
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The notoriously corrupt Chinese find kindered spirit ...

Wang Yang, a Communist Party secretary of China?s Guangdong province, commenting on a recent spate of high-level corruption cases there, ?pointed to the recent arrest of several mayors in New Jersey to argue that ?even mature economies like the U.S. are not immune from corruption.? ... fends-new-j_n_246866.html

Posted on: 2009/7/30 17:25

Re: HEALY SITTING TIGHT: Not accused, he says, after 100 person demo targeting mayor, Vega, Lopez
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2007/6/26 18:48
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PBW wrote:
Guilty or innocent, Healy has been nothing but a disappointment in the past week. All he does is deny wrongdoing. We need leadership in these hard times and he has not stepped up to the plate.


I feel like a motherless child right now living in this city.

Posted on: 2009/7/30 16:09

HEALY's health
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2007/3/15 17:13
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2022/12/30 3:40
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I recall reading Mayor Healy is a diabetic. Googling "Skin Problems in Diabetes", I find the following:

and perhaps more likely or with a synergistic effect with diabetes: stress, depression and anxiety (i.e. "Hands visibly shaking") can cause skin problems: ... s/fact_stressandskin.html

Posted on: 2009/7/30 15:36

Re: HEALY SITTING TIGHT: Not accused, he says, after 100 person demo targeting mayor, Vega, Lopez
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2009/4/30 13:56
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2010/6/30 17:43
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Let me start by saying that I am not making fun of anyone's medical condition, but I had the opportunity to sneak into the media room and see the press conference and Mayor Healy did not look well.

His hands were visibly shaking as he held his statement. The shaking was very pronounced and frankly made me feel sorry for the guy. I dont know if he has a medical condition or if this related to the stress he is under......

Posted on: 2009/7/30 15:22

Re: HEALY SITTING TIGHT: Not accused, he says, after 100 person demo targeting mayor, Vega, Lopez
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2005/8/10 0:53
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2018/10/4 14:20
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"I was accused of no wrongdoing," said the mayor

Interesting wording. Not quite the same as saying "I didn't do anything wrong".

Posted on: 2009/7/30 14:38
Myth: Pancakes are for breakfast.

Fact: There are no rules when it comes to pancakes.

Re: HEALY SITTING TIGHT: Not accused, he says, after 100 person demo targeting mayor, Vega, Lopez
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2006/7/14 19:34
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2013/11/1 17:27
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Guilty or innocent, Healy has been nothing but a disappointment in the past week. All he does is deny wrongdoing. We need leadership in these hard times and he has not stepped up to the plate.

Posted on: 2009/7/30 13:31

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