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Re: Propsed Sports Complex in Washington Park (JC Heights)
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i think he is worthless. I have emailed repeatedly but apparently he feels he doesn't need to answer his constituents. If there is a recall effort for this man, count me in to do whatever.


Jay_Res wrote:
@truthinprint this story just keeps on getting more and more interesting! It seems to me that what Gaughan is doing seems to violate some form of contractual obligations that he may have with his County job or his Council seat in JC! Is there any way to research this? Seems like another reason to push for a recall of Gaughan! Sad to see how most of his Ward is against this move and he is just staying quiet to make his boss (DeGise) happy! I feel ashamed to call him the Councilman of my Ward!

Posted on: 2010/11/18 14:50

Re: Do you recommend particular Roofer?
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oh my god. i just called simpson roofing and talked to peter's dad for like 12 minutes. too funny. very nice and hopefully they can do the job. thanks for the info!

Posted on: 2010/8/25 13:28

Re: Do you recommend particular Roofer?
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after the last few days rainstorms, are you all still happy w/ simpson's work? need a few roofers to give us quotes, had one from capital, but want a few more...

Posted on: 2010/8/24 14:20

Re: Montgomery Gardens in Jersey City is slated to be transformed into low-density - mixed-income
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kudos to you FDS for trying to be rational. Reading this thread makes me forget how truly idiotic some people are.

Posted on: 2010/8/18 18:31

Re: Newport Mall Movie Theaters are disgusting
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has anyone been in the past year? has it gotten any better?

Posted on: 2010/7/16 19:30

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i can't make it there tonight but if SOMEONE from the heights goes, can you please put gaughan on the spot. he does NOT respond to any emails, and no voicemail is ridiculous. I met him a few years ago at a function and he asked if he could count on my vote. he was very personable and told me all about living in the city, ect. I came away w/ a good feeling, not anymore. i voted against him in the last election and will continue to do so. the Heights needs someone better to run against him. b/c i have a feeling the machine has his replacement already waiting in the wings...


heights wrote:

caj11 wrote:

o73o2 wrote:
There are multiple additional ways we can demonstrate our dissatisfaction with the Mayor, the members of the City Council, and the current political power structure of the City. One of them is to come to the meeting and show our numbers.

Another alternative is to call the Mayor and members of the City Council every day and demand that they resign, lower taxes, provide better service, take a pay cut, etc.

As a side note, neither Bill Gaughan nor his aide (his daughter BTW) have voicemail at their numbers. The numbers just ring and ring if nobody answers. Doesn't matter though, with the exception of Fulop, none of the councilmembers seem to listen to their voicemail anyway...

I heard that Bill Gaughan stated that "e-mail is for yuppies!"
Whay can't we hear him explain for himself why he does not have either voice mail or e-mail.

Posted on: 2010/3/10 21:06

Re: Councilman Fulop says he'll keep pressing, Council President Brennan in countermove
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the ONLY way these will be introduced is when you clean house at the city council level. None of the currently seated council people (except for richardson) will vote his way. I agree w/ these initiatives 100% and thats why, yet again, I plan to try and vote my council person OUT! if people don't vote for representation they agree with, fulop will just continue to bang his head against these people.

Posted on: 2010/3/9 16:58

Re: Property Tax Appeal - Comparable Sales
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is the appraiser still working? if so, can you share his info?



AlexanderHamilton wrote:
I used an appraiser in 09 who charged me $300 per apartment. I picked up the application papers from city hall and dropped them off on Pavonia avenue - it was easy. Saved me $500 per apartment ($4,000 per year, every year!)

Don't use an attorney, unless your situation is unduly complicated. They are blood suckers and charge rediculous commission. Fact don't need them!

My appraiser achieved a 14% reduction in property taxes accross the board - on 8 apartments, and we didn't even have to go to the hearing! Appraiser negotiated the deal directly with Jersey City - who had 700 applications last year!

A good appraiser will pull up compatible sales and run the numbers before doing the appeal. Mine wouldn't even take my money unless he thought I had a good chance of winning.

Just get the paperwork in asap - you can select the appraiser after April 1st as long as it's filed with the city.

Posted on: 2010/3/5 19:35

Re: Councilman Fulop - Winter 2010 Update
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interesting take....b/c that is what this city needs, cost cutting and as i filled out as a suggestion in the paper fulop passed around last week that means looking into unions. i know the guys next to me wrote the same thing, so hopefully he uses those suggestions and starts hitting the budget where it needs to be hit.

Posted on: 2010/3/2 18:21

Re: Contract goes to firm that gave to council members' campaigns, but no law broken
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gaughan is my councilman and he of course missed the vote last week. I emailed to see how he WOULD have voted to give him the benefit of the doubt. 5 days later no response. i guess i should have included a money order w/ my damn email.
this is the 2nd email i've sent his office that has been ignored.

Posted on: 2010/3/2 18:16

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personally i don't see what the hoopla is w/ damn fios. i've had it about a year and really see no difference w/ this service and comcast.

the one thing i will say is that when comcast made times to come out and fix something they showed. Verizon today is a no show and they can't even tell me why. they have contact numbers incase of issues and they don't bother to call. so there's one day off of work for them and they blow you off.

i'm waiting for a return call and if i don't get it, its back to comcast.

Posted on: 2010/3/1 17:37

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went last night and was glad to see so many fired up people. now if people would just vote, maybe something could be accomplished.

i was really ticked off that my councilman couldn't bother to show for the pre show votes. i hope someone in the heights is amping up to run, b/c i have a feeling sean connors is the next shoe in, and that will be more of the same bs....

Posted on: 2010/2/25 19:21

Re: City Hires Former Mayor and Felon, Gerry McCann
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just another reason to show up tonight and blast these incompetent, worthless, back door deal making idiots.

i've HAD IT.

Posted on: 2010/2/24 16:42

Re: Will fire department cutbacks threaten public safety? Union says yes; city says no
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unions are sucking this country dry. there was a time and a place for them. that time is gone.

Posted on: 2010/2/8 20:34

Re: Teen curfew
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the people saying cops have better things to do are the same ones bitching about crime. the kid that was killed? 17. I don't think its a far stretch to say one of the perps could have been a juvenile as well.

i read sometime ago that while crime may be down, the juvenile crimes were up. I don't remember where, and i'm sure someone who has more time can find that, but i think a LARGE amount of crime in this city is b/c of these little sh*ts and sorry, i'm not gonna get into "its the parent's job" b/c if you hang around my neighborhood and hear how some of these "parents" parent their children, you''ll know these kids have no authority.

I don't want to raise their children, but if they're out at 2am, and they're 15, they're up to no good. throw them in jail and let their worthless parents wake up and come get them. maybe if these wonderful parents are inconvenienced enough they'll start keeping an eye on their kids.

Posted on: 2010/2/2 18:13

Re: curfew
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After complaining about the young jackasses that hung out on my block until all hours of the night years ago at a neighborhood meeting, the cops told us they had 1 curfew van. Once thats full (about 5 kids) they have to go back to the station and wait there until all the kids are picked up.

Of course some parents are probably not around to come, so that cop gets stuck behind a desk playing babysitter while the van goes unused.

Not sure which genius thought this up, but its ridiculous. The driving cops should be able to dump the kids at the station and go out for more rounds. Of course when angry citizens mentioned this at the meeting it was met my overwhelemed cops saying "tell that to the administration"...this was 4 years ago, and luckily my block has been cleaned up so i haven't had the issue, but if you do, complain. squeeky wheel and all.....

Posted on: 2010/2/2 17:04

Re: Property Taxes will increase as Jersey City introduces $507 Million budget
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thanks, but is there anyway to do this on your own? city paperwork to fill out? don't want to pay a lawyer, b/c i'll end up probably being flat if i the appeal goes thru....

Posted on: 2010/1/25 18:29

Re: Wave of gentrification that leapfrogged the Hudson has reached new heights - Jersey City Heights
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i think it really depends on where one works. There are more ways into the city than just the path. I work in midtown and take the hoboken bus. yes, i live near the elevator, and my walk to the bus is 10 minutes (clinton & 9th), and my bus ride to the city is about 15-25 (25 when its bad traffic). Coming home, i luckily leave a bit early (5.18 bus) and its a 35 minute commute home (bus ride and walk to my front door). Way faster than when i lived downtown jc and took the path.

There are many other options than just the path depending on where you work, and there are buses a short walk down in hoboken.

Posted on: 2010/1/25 18:27

Re: Property Taxes will increase as Jersey City introduces $507 Million budget
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does anyone have the channels to go thru for an appeal? i got a notice in the mail but wasn't sure if that was an advertisement as it was for a specific individual that would help w/ an appeal. Our taxes are based on 2005 assesment.

Posted on: 2010/1/25 18:20

Re: Property Taxes will increase as Jersey City introduces $507 Million budget
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mine was about 500 as well. and i've increased about the same rate. yet i know for damn sure my property value has gone down. of course this is just an estimate until they get their sh*t together and finally pass a damn budget where i'm sure we'll just get screwed again, while the luxury condos will continue to enjoy their 20 years of abatements.

i don't mind paying taxes and i understand things go up, but i will not sit by and watch people live here, use all the same services as us, and NOT have to chip in.

and for you politicians who say the abatements are necessary to bring growth to the waterfront, this isn't 1998 for crying out loud, its PRIME real estate. Perhaps its time to get another soundbite b/c that one has run its course

Posted on: 2010/1/22 22:45

Re: Property Taxes will increase as Jersey City introduces $507 Million budget
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just got 1st qtr bill, i had to go out front and make sure i didn't magically transport to maplewood where i can understand paying this much for a quarter. enough is enough, the amount we pay, if i had a kid in highschool i would be afraid to send him to the public school. things need to change jersey city b/c this is absurd.

Posted on: 2010/1/22 22:33

Re: skylight/roof access replacement - suggestion for service provider
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someone else mentioned that place as well...

Posted on: 2010/1/14 16:53

Re: skylight/roof access replacement - suggestion for service provider
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We're getting our 100 year old skylight replaced and I believe its all copper (nowadays they're using galvanized steal, well its cheaper, so thats the route we're going). Anyway, the quote to get it replaced is for removal as well. I'm wondering if there are any scrap yards around here that we could sell this to? Its a great old skylight and perhaps someone could do something w/ the copper....just a thought.
Anyone have experience w/ this, or know of a scrap yard, or place that may be interested in a 100 year old skylight (has some tar at the seams though)


Posted on: 2010/1/13 19:53

Re: The impact of JCLIST?
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i have to agree with you here. I simply have chosen to avoid subjects that i can tell just by their title will bring out the miserable people on this site. I now tend to just try and get my info thru searching the site for specifics. I took the advise of my friend who told me to stop coming here b/c it just pissed me off. Now i just come when i'm looking for roofers or plumbers.

i'd love to see if 1/2 people on this site who continually go down the attack route are really like that in real life, but i'm not a gambler and try to avoid douchebags in my real life.

This site can be used for good, you just have to have a
strong BS radar to avoid the many pitfalls and baits that await you. i'm pretty sure that's a common occurance in most online forums. It amazes me comments people leave, but then again, they do it under the most used screenname: anonymous.

Posted on: 2009/12/23 15:59

Re: Woman, 70, in 'life-threatening but stable' condition after being mauled by pit bulls
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these people better NEVER be allowed to own another dog.

Posted on: 2009/12/22 22:07

Re: Heights: Man robbed of $9,000 at gunpoint
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Home away from home

someone up to no good.


VVP_Ralph wrote:
Uh... who walks around with $9,000????

Posted on: 2009/12/22 18:47

Re: Another guilty plea: Kin see ex-candidate, Michael Manzo, plead guilty to taking $5G from informant
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"He's decent, a very good guy who made a mistake,"

sounds like what you hear from the family after some thug gets busted. everyone is such a great guy...until they get caught.

Posted on: 2009/12/3 22:06

Re: Baby Einstein Learning Center?
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anybody have any recent info/feeback on this place?

Posted on: 2009/11/24 15:52

Re: Wave of gentrification that leapfrogged the Hudson has reached new heights - Jersey City Heights
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also, give that number to your neighbors. i think the cops will repsond more if they get more than one call. about 3 or 4 of us always would call at the first sign of trouble, and w/in 5-10 minutes we'd have cops breaking it up...

Posted on: 2009/11/20 18:00

Re: Wave of gentrification that leapfrogged the Hudson has reached new heights - Jersey City Heights
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Home away from home

here's the number i had on speed dial for over a year, and they always came and were quick! 201-547-5477.

good luck!


snorky wrote:
I live over near Pershing Field - do you know what that phone number is? I call and sometimes the police show up. Sometimes they don't. Maybe I am calling the wrong number.

I am not the type to complain. we even accepted it for a while until every guest we had over told me how they could not believe the noise. Other than two houses, my neighborhood is very quiet. If they handed out noise pollution fines I think the noise would stop immediately.

Let's keep improving JCH. Let's start by being respectful of other people and we are off to a great start.

Posted on: 2009/11/20 17:58

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