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Re: Symes / Solomon runoff
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JPhurst wrote:
Unfortunately it looks like misogyny and smears carried the day in Ward E.
You are funny. It?s the Hillary argument. Ain?t working. Symes sent out a lot of mailings and we got her robocalls. She had a pretty smooth and professional social media presence. But, she didn?t connect with her core constituents well enough. Sad. Sad indeed. Loser!

Posted on: 2017/12/6 3:14

Re: Beware of Symes Volunteers Infiltrating Your Building
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JPhurst wrote:
Good. This belies the fabricated claim that Tommy Bertoli and developers are getting them special access.
It is not fabricated. This was in Hamilton park and not in the large scale waterfront developments /high-rises. Different areas.

Posted on: 2017/12/4 3:35

Re: Symes / Solomon runoff
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Only 72 hours left to bash slimy Symes. Knowing how inept Solomon's campaign is, we need more hate.

Posted on: 2017/12/2 12:13

Re: Downtown Jersey City Thieves Stealing from Porches !!!!
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May it be a sign of gentrification that I read the topic as Downtown Jersey City Thieves Stealing from Porsches.

Posted on: 2017/12/2 12:10

Re: Ward E for Sale - How Dixon $$$ bought Symes a candidacy.
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iGreg wrote:
Very tasty post.

Yet the sad part is the clueless idiots will continue to vote for painfully obvious corporate shills like this.



JCvoter wrote:
Symes says she wants to "Keep money out of politics".

Let's take a closer look at the 2015 school board campaign she ran one month after she moved to Jersey City.

Here we can see that Rebecca was the Chairperson for the Reichart-Gangadin-Roman "Education Matters" slate and that the campaign was run from her home, a Dixon property.

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Ballotpedia succinctly informs us how much the campaign raised and spent.

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However $6000 of that came in the form of loans from the candidates which leaves $14,649 in actual donations.

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The first two donations were $500 from Rebecca Symes and $1000 from Paul Silverman.
I must stress here that, once again, the Silvermans appear to be the good guys in all this. Reichart was, and still is their guy, considering that, $1000 was a modest donation.
Nevertheless I'm going to include it in the total that developers gave.

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Next up is Rob Caulfield of Fields Development in Hoboken who gave $2,500.

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Can you guess who's next?
I think you can.

It's Rebecca's employer and landlord Dixon Advisory with a mindblowing $7,800 donation.

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Dixon was responsible for over half of the money raised by a campaign managed by a Dixon employee working from a discounted Dixon property.

Overall the campaign received $11,800 directly from developers which accounts for over 80% of donations.

The kicker here is that the campaign spent less than $4000, half of what Dixon gave.

They didn't even need the money.

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All campaign records for any candidate can be viewed here -

Posted on: 2017/11/23 2:33

Re: Ward E for Sale - How Dixon $$$ bought Symes a candidacy.
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JPhurst wrote:
From what I understand, that's about what she earned working full time at Housing Conservation Coordinators and government.

Lots of people do, in fact, make around $35K. I hope we are not reaching a point where we say the Ward E councilperson has to be independently wealthy or work in a high paying job while they do their council duties part time.

So now we are at the point where she is suspect if she doesn't earn lots of money, and she is also suspect because, for a brief period of time, she worked in the private sector and made more money.

Honestly, the whole Dixon conspiracy has run its course in this campaign. I assume Solomon has been able to establish his niche with it, and there are those who view Rebecca through its lens no matter how irrational. Trying to come up with new permutations of it at this point will not convince anyone. The people who repeat variations of this are just trying to justify it to themselves.

It's not a conspiracy. It is simple facts and logical arguments that are being asked both in public and in private. What is deafening is the silence and poor attempts - such as yours - to steer away from valid questions.

These are legitimate questions that we should be asking from our political leaders. That we do not - and that some people blindly defend her even when faced by facts - leads to the election of unqualified people. Look at our president. There were questions about him that were asked and never fully explored. And now our democracy is at peril.

We both know that $35k is not a lot of money (unless you live in Iowa) and, is below both the average and median annual household income in Jersey City. Living in Jersey City is expensive. Clearly living in subsidized housing - such as the Dixon duplex Ms Symes has been living since moving to Jersey City sometime last year - helps. And, once again we come back to the fundamental question of integrity, transparency, credibility, and independence that many are struggling with to answer.

We can speculate why we don't get the answers. But when we know that these are not being answered, we have a legitimate concern about the future leadership of our city. And in these times, when previosuly unseen news about the president's lack of integrity splashes on the TV screens all day, we should seek to hold the elected (and their sockpuppets) to a higher standard!

I'm sure you'd agree with that.

Posted on: 2017/11/22 15:22

Re: Ward E for Sale - How Dixon $$$ bought Symes a candidacy.
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JCvoter wrote:

ecoindie wrote:
Symes was their general counsel not a governement affairs analyst.

100% wrong. She was Head of Legal and Government Relations.
As listed on her own FEC filings.

As such she spearheaded Dixon Advisory?s attempts to reduce their property tax bill.
As we know there is a reval around the corner and Dixon Advisory owns hundreds of properties that have all seen ?gorgeous? renovations. Dixon are looking at a collective tax increase in the millions and will do anything they can to reduce this, thus maximizing profits for themselves and their Australian shareholders while actual residents will be forced to pay more.
It's not only Dixon that's supporting her, but many of the large developers. Some of the support is overt, but most is covert (for all the right reasons). She is their cultivated dream candidate: entrenched in local ward E politics, generous donor of her employer's money to community organizations in Ward E, and a wicked skilled real estate attorney. Gotta ask the Symes-sockpuppets and Rebeccaites the obvious question that nobody has gotten a clear answer for: how will Ms Symes live off on $35k a year compensation as a councilperson? Perhaps some of the developers ask her to be their outside legal counsel? Wouldn't that be a brutal conflict of interest? Wake up and smell the putrid corruption...

Posted on: 2017/11/22 3:31

Re: Ward E for Sale - How Dixon $$$ bought Symes a candidacy.
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K-Lo2 wrote:
And I'll say it again because the implication in these threads is that there is something unethical about the Dixon business model...that it is corrupt to buy homes from willing sellers, to rehabilitate them and to rent them out. My comment about the quality of the work is to rebut the veiled argument that they are somehow destroying the neighborhoods in which they purchase. They are doing the opposite by restoring the houses they buy with quality workmanship.

Symes worked for non-profit organizations, for Senator Gillibrand of New York, and a profitable real estate investment firm. That is a well-rounded resume for a candidate to run on. If I lived in Ward E, she would have my vote.
so if you don't live in ward E, why do you care and support her? $$$$$$$?

Posted on: 2017/11/22 3:20

Re: These New Yorkers Bought a House (in JC) & Went Homeless to Pay for It
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This actually is funny. Quite funny...

Posted on: 2017/11/20 0:57

Re: Dolya Blini Cafe
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I'm thrilled. Finally, someone is taking the risk to offer new type of food and not pizza, pasta, wings, and whatevs.

Posted on: 2017/11/11 15:02

Re: Ward E for Sale - How Dixon $$$ bought Symes a candidacy.
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JCvoter wrote:
Could we please keep the Hudnut and Solomon trash talk in the appropriate threads.
This thread is strictly for examining how almost every achievement Symes has made in Jersey City has been accompanied by gifts of money from Dixon Advisory, its subsidiaries or people that do business with Dixon.

As has been barely noted, both Solomon and Symes are 2015 New Leaders Council Fellows.

From her profile (emphasis mine) -

"Rebecca Symes is the Head of Legal and Government Relations for Dixon Advisory USA, a residential Real Estate Investment Trust operating in the New York Metropolitan area. Rebecca manages relationships with elected officials, government agencies, and community stakeholders with the primary objective of identifying shared interests and maximizing opportunities for collaboration. She also handles the day-to-day legal affairs of Dixon Advisory USA and supervises outside counsel."

Of course her fellowship was accompanied by a gift from Dixon in excess of $5000.
The funny thing is that Dixon's political colors show. Had the city and the state been more republican, the Dixon money would have gone to the GOP. When it comes to political expediency, nothing serves as a better indicator than how much money a company is willing to invest into its lobbying efforts. And Dixon has poured money into the city and into the community. Their chosen lobbyist (with federal experience through the senate) is burning up quicker than a dry forest in California during a drought.

Posted on: 2017/11/5 22:08

Re: Ward E for Sale - James Solomon Highest Bidder
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JPhurst wrote:

o73o2 wrote:

ecoindie wrote:
The truth is he has no actual job. He's a trust fund baby that masks himself as a reformer.
I wouldn't call an adjunct professor having no job. But, I would never want to have an adjunct professor sit on city council, or God forbid, become the mayor even though the adjunct professor has both the skill of policy and glib.

Academics, particularly people who think they are real professors, such as lowly underpaid adjuncts (such as the well-admired Mr Salomon) with means to support themselves independently through the hard work of their spouse or accumulated wealth through inheritance are very dangerous and are hardly acting in anyone else's interest but their own. Not because they are insipid, but because they live and breath the ivory tower they are too timid, lazy or untalanted to join through proper training. They reach their goals through adjuncting in fourth and fifth rate colleges, also known as diploma mills. Do we want a guy like that to represent us and to deal with real issues?

Symes supporter here. But NJCU and HCCC are not "diploma mills."
Your inference is not my claim. The personality type - not smart enough for a decent PhD - is.

Posted on: 2017/11/5 14:32

Re: Ward E for Sale - James Solomon Highest Bidder
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ecoindie wrote:
The truth is he has no actual job. He's a trust fund baby that masks himself as a reformer.
I wouldn't call an adjunct professor having no job. But, I would never want to have an adjunct professor sit on city council, or God forbid, become the mayor even though the adjunct professor has both the skill of policy and glib.

Academics, particularly people who think they are real professors, such as lowly underpaid adjuncts (such as the well-admired Mr Salomon) with means to support themselves independently through the hard work of their spouse or accumulated wealth through inheritance are very dangerous and are hardly acting in anyone else's interest but their own. Not because they are insipid, but because they live and breath the ivory tower they are too timid, lazy or untalanted to join through proper training. They reach their goals through adjuncting in fourth and fifth rate colleges, also known as diploma mills. Do we want a guy like that to represent us and to deal with real issues?

Posted on: 2017/11/5 2:55

Re: Ward E for Sale - How Dixon $$$ bought Symes a candidacy.
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Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery....


StevieSizemore wrote:
BTW, just curious ... has anyone among the pro and contra Solomon surrogates ever wondered what work he will be doing in addition to his work on council (once elected)? Steve had a lucrative job on Wall Street and Candice held corporate jobs outside of JC. But in all seriousness, what will James do for a living? Do we think (in all seriousness) that he can live of $35k plus health insurance PLUS the $10k he gets for being a "part time professor" and pension as a council person?

The 1% doesn't do too well with such a pittance in salary....


o73o2 wrote:

BTW, just curious ... has anyone among the pro and contra Symes surrogates ever wondered what work she will be doing in addition to her work on council (once elected)? Steve had a lucrative job on Wall Street and Candice held corporate jobs outside of JC. But in all seriousness, what will Rebecca do for a living? Do we think (in all seriousness) that she can live of $35k plus health insurance and pension as a council person? That barely covers her rent money. It would certainly be a nice change in lifestyle for someone who should be earning in the $200k range (in a down year) as a corporate inhouse counsel for a real estate firm.

Posted on: 2017/11/4 23:39

Re: Ward E for Sale - How Dixon $$$ bought Symes a candidacy.
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The sweetheart deal on the duplex is a well-known secret as is the quid pro quo between the Dixon money to Steve and her appointment to the library board. But, it is not the Dixon money that is driving this election or her candidacy. There are larger developers that want to control (and least an ally) on council, etc. She is ready, willing, and able.

BTW, just curious ... has anyone among the pro and contra Symes surrogates ever wondered what work she will be doing in addition to her work on council (once elected)? Steve had a lucrative job on Wall Street and Candice held corporate jobs outside of JC. But in all seriousness, what will Rebecca do for a living? Do we think (in all seriousness) that she can live of $35k plus health insurance and pension as a council person? That barely covers her rent money. It would certainly be a nice change in lifestyle for someone who should be earning in the $200k range (in a down year) as a corporate inhouse counsel for a real estate firm.


JCvoter wrote:
Rebecca Symes purchased a waterfront condo in Hoboken when she moved to NJ in 2013 and began working for Dixon Advisory.

In August of 2015 she rented a two bedroom Dixon owned duplex with garden, 3 blocks from Grove Street, for a sweetheart rent of $2000 pcm.

It is hard to say when she actually moved from Hoboken because she kept and still owns that apartment and was filing campaign contributions for Hillary Clinton using her Hoboken address as late as July 2016.

What is clear is that Rebecca Symes declared her Ward E candidacy 1 year and 10 months after her earliest possible claim to residency in Jersey City.

August 2015 was a busy month for Rebecca as moving to Jersey City coincided with her being appointed by Mayor Fulop to the Jersey City Library board.

August 2015 also saw Dixon Advisory give $200,000 to Fulop's Coalition for Progress ... 0582841&type=A&cycle=2016

Within three months of moving to Jersey City Symes was appointed secretary and board member of the Harsimus Cove Association.
This came a few months after the association had begun to receive sponsorship money from Dixon.

A snapshot of HCA sponsors from the month she was appointed show 16 local businesses. ...

Under Symes tenure the number of sponsors reduced to Dixon Advisory and 3 others, as it remains to this day.

Nothing but facts.

However well meaning she may be it is difficult to view Symes presence in Jersey City as anything but a cynical and calculated play for power, one backed financially by her employers and the interests of real estate.

Posted on: 2017/11/4 18:14

Re: Are Symes and Solomon winning in Ward E
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These are valid points. But, note:
1. Dixon leasing is an Australian REIT that came to the NYC area after the housing crash and the financial collapse of 2008 to invest retirement funds strategically. Hence, Dixon are in for the long-game with an investment time horizon of 30 - 40 years. That gives them flexibility to weather out storms but also makes them very sensitive to fundamental changes in the investment climate, which in in the case in Jersey City relates to the tax advantaged structure of single family housing in certain gentrifying areas of the city. (The problem is the reval.)

2. Dixon does not benefit from abatements as much as other real estate developers in Jersey City do. The reval (which most clever candidates sidestep as fresh dog poop on the toddler splash pad in Hamilton Park) will hurt their margins. They will not able to sell anything for a while, the valuations will implode significantly, and they will be in the sad position of explaining to their investors why they have failed to meet their return and investment requirements. They got do to something. Enter, Symes.

3. Having a person on city council with insights into the political machinations and how the reval will reverberate across the city and potentially mitigate some of the pain coming from the higher taxes is a huge benefit to the real estate industry in Jersey City, and particularly to Dixon. Investing a few ten thousand $$$ into the Symes campaign will likely negate significant future tax bills. (And, get some kudos from the big guys!)

4. And here is the absurdity of the situation: for the average Ward E gentrifier owning a million+ house voting for someone who acts in the interest of her former employer (Symes and Dixon, respectively) should be beneficial in the short run. In the long run, however, the situation is quite the opposite. For many people real estate is a huge investment, but they do not have the professional resources available to them to counter the impact of the a city run, controlled, and managed by the developers.


MND wrote:
Dixon Leasing is not a real estate developer but a company who buys real estate, renovates then rents it out. They employ scores of Jersey City Residents. Yes Rebecca did work there. In my dealings with her I found her hard working and affable.

The truth of the matter ismoney is needed to run a campaign and not everyone is from a wealthy family who receives over 85% of their contributions from outside Jersey City.

Short term rentals at a reduced rate is common in commercial real estate.

As stated before I'm not voting for Rebecca but if she's elected I would be fine with that and so such Ward E.

Posted on: 2017/10/29 15:43

Re: Dixon Leasing Cheating JC out of Taxes with the help of Rebecca Sysmes
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I appreciate your words DanL. For background: I do know the candidate in question reasonably well. I have been asked to help in various ways, but chose to decline for all the good reasons. She is capable and talented. But, she reeks of real estate money and her support is very deep in the large developer community. Her campaign is very well run and her social media coverage is very strong. Her funding and financial backing is probably the best in the campaign.

Her campaign is probably the most professional for all the Ward E candidates. The level of detail and thoroughness suggests support for a run beyond city council.

Many of her supporters are drawn by her message, but they do not understand that as a council person, she can do very little to bring her agenda to fruition.

The reason she is so well funded is because ultimately Rebecca is not running for city council, she is running for Mayor. It is Chinatown all over again.

P.S. I may respond to the election troll(s) in a few days.


DanL wrote:
This poster is not an election troll, and I agree with him. This is my concern. She came to Jersey City to take on this role first, then she does what other real estate and developer professionals have done before her, many of whom have been nice neighbors, and get involved, fund and support things on behalf of their employers. But the real estate and development business already has an out sized influence on Jersey City government.

I do not believe that someone at her level, general counsel can just turn a switch and is no longer involved. She still resides in her employers property.

She is clearly a professional and capable person. I would welcome her to get involved in the non-profits that I have worked on over the years.


o73o2 wrote:
Developers have tried to exert direct political influence on the city for a very long time. That Symes is running for council moves the dial into a completely different direction. She is a skilled real estate lawyer, she has been Dixon's in-house counsel for at least 5 years, and she has been very effective in channeling financial support from Dixon to many politically connected groups and associations in JC. She is not running for the greater common good: she is running for what is best for her and the developers.

That she has left Dixon is known. Few believe that the umbilical cords have been cut completely between Symes and Dixon. Many are aware that she continues to reside in a property that is owned by Dixon.

While working for Symes and in her capacity as their community contact, she has channelled funds from Dixon to different civic groups mainly in the downtown area (Ward E). Whether this has been by design or accident, others should opine on. Whether there were strings attached with the funding- and what types of strings - perhaps are not important, but it is difficult to imagine that a developer would give money away for the benefit of the greater common good. It is more than likely that there has been a covert quid pro quo for the longer term benefit of both Symes and Dixon.

[In the case of Dixon, we should not forget that it is not a U.S. owned entity; it is Australian, hence Dixon would have to comply not only with U.S. but also with Aussie rules when it comes to providing funding to civic groups.]

Symes with her liberal urban upper-middle class agenda is appealing to the average Ward E voter: well-educated, relatively affluent, and socially liberal. She is promising a sanitized version of social justice that appeals to the average voter in the downtown: a more enjoyable city to live in. Consequently, many will vote for her.

It is a huge mistake.

It is difficult to imagine that someone who has moved to Jersey City to work for the most aggressive developer in the city will suddenly embrace an agenda that is not benefitting developers. It borders the unimaginable that her political priorities will move away from supporting development. Her strong pro-developer dependence and connections will counter any of the liberal political promises that she is making during the campaign.

Supporting Symes is an excusable mistake. And, voting for Symes is pure and simple stupidity.

Posted on: 2017/10/27 23:29

Re: Are Symes and Solomon winning in Ward E
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Rebecca is going to win. It is crystal clear: she has the endorsement of the most important people in JC. Not the voters, but the real estate developers, particularly her employer Dixon Leasing or Mack-Cali. She is a strong leader who unites the real estate money!!Quote:

jimbehrle wrote:
I haven't heard any buzz on anybody else. It seems like they must be doing pretty well.

Posted on: 2017/10/27 23:26

Re: Trick R Treating in Hamilton Park area?
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moobycow wrote:
We get close to 1,000 kids every year on 8th. They also close down Pavonia between Monmouth and Coles and have a block party.

I don't know about the whole neighborhood, but the area just West of the park gets absolutely mobbed with kids.
. There are always tons of people trick and treating around Hamilton Park. I think it is becoming dangerous because of the heavy foot traffic and the cars picking up and dropping off kids. van Vorst park is more civilized with less traffic.

Posted on: 2017/10/27 23:21

Re: Symes pays Chickpea $2000 for endorsement
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would add that she is really down on Friday and Saturday nights.


Bike_Lane wrote:
I haven't seen it, but I can just imagine Chicpea's endoresment:

"You guys, I, like, literally discovered this new candidate that literally nobody has ever experienced before. She is literally the best. Like, here are, like, literally 20 photos of her face."

Posted on: 2017/10/27 23:16

Re: Grillo's Campaign Office
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This is why I like Rebecca. She is a strong candidate who knows how to negotiate with real estate developers. I am sure she will succeed in bringing affordable housing to Jersey City. This certainly a sign that she knows how to use her old friends and employers to benefit herself. Go Rebecca, go! Quote:

JCvoter wrote:
Thank you for posting this Jim, dark contributions from developers who seek to win favor with our elected officials should rightly be brought to light.

It appears to be a common problem among Ward E candidates of a certain stripe.

For example Rebecca Symes is paying $2000 rent to First Connecticut Holding Group, owners of 211 Washington St.

Resized Image

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That's less than half the $5000 rent the 950sq ft space was advertised as having September of this year and indicates Symes is receiving an in-kind gift of $3000 a month.

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First Connecticut Holding Group is owned by shady developer Peter Mocco who built Liberty Harbor North on land sold to him for $880,000 by former Mayor and current garbage inspector Gerry McCann. ... cos-liberty-harbor-north/

In the 70s, before Symes was even born, Mocco had already beaten two separate indictments as mayor of North Bergen and, along with his brother Joseph, was involved in ballot tampering.

"The strangest tale of those days comes from the 1976 Democratic primary for Congress, when the state Division of Criminal Justice charged that 89 percent of North Bergen's 1,200 absentee ballots had been tampered with. As reported in The New York Times in 1981, the state Commission of Investigation concluded that some 40 to 50 workers had holed up on election night in the house of the mayor's brother, Town Clerk Joseph Mocco, and steamed open nearly 300 ballots. The director of the state's Division of Criminal Justice called the scandal a "shocking abuse" of election laws, but determined that state absentee-ballot regulations were so vague that nothing illegal had been done. Joseph Mocco was not convicted in the case, but later served time in the 1990s for an unrelated illegal dumping scheme." ... ojects?instance=more_page

Posted on: 2017/10/27 23:15

Re: Symes and her machine forcing the City to Endorse Her
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bodhipooh wrote:

Ralph_Abutts wrote:

o73o2 wrote:
Simply: a vote for Symes is a vote for making downtown more affordable to developers.

I think you've got that backwards. You complain about the lack of affordable housing, and yet now developers create properties that are in high demand, in part due to a lack of supply. Thanks to Symes, folks are getting more of what they want a place to purchase in Jersey City.

Tax abatemens reduce the cost to the developers, such as the one Symes has worked for and represented. Economics doesn't lie, but politicians and their sockpuppets do.

Having a developer funded candidate with obvious mayoral aspirations will unlikely improve affordability in DTJC. And, it is not in the developers' economic self-interest to build infrastructure such as schools, daycare facilities ...

That's the irony of the those that oppose development because "it pushes out" old timers: without additional supply, prices will continue to skyrocket. Obviously, Jersey City has reached a tipping point in terms of popularity and desirability: people will continue to flock here, so demand is already high, but supply is obviously not keeping up. We need more development, which will ideally include both rentals and condos, and spread out across the city.

Posted on: 2017/10/19 16:33

Re: Symes and her machine forcing the City to Endorse Her
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Simply: a vote for Symes is a vote for making downtown more affordable to developers.

Posted on: 2017/10/19 0:08

Re: Dixon Leasing Cheating JC out of Taxes with the help of Rebecca Sysmes
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Developers have tried to exert direct political influence on the city for a very long time. That Symes is running for council moves the dial into a completely different direction. She is a skilled real estate lawyer, she has been Dixon's in-house counsel for at least 5 years, and she has been very effective in channeling financial support from Dixon to many politically connected groups and associations in JC. She is not running for the greater common good: she is running for what is best for her and the developers.

That she has left Dixon is known. Few believe that the umbilical cords have been cut completely between Symes and Dixon. Many are aware that she continues to reside in a property that is owned by Dixon.

While working for Symes and in her capacity as their community contact, she has channelled funds from Dixon to different civic groups mainly in the downtown area (Ward E). Whether this has been by design or accident, others should opine on. Whether there were strings attached with the funding- and what types of strings - perhaps are not important, but it is difficult to imagine that a developer would give money away for the benefit of the greater common good. It is more than likely that there has been a covert quid pro quo for the longer term benefit of both Symes and Dixon.

[In the case of Dixon, we should not forget that it is not a U.S. owned entity; it is Australian, hence Dixon would have to comply not only with U.S. but also with Aussie rules when it comes to providing funding to civic groups.]

Symes with her liberal urban upper-middle class agenda is appealing to the average Ward E voter: well-educated, relatively affluent, and socially liberal. She is promising a sanitized version of social justice that appeals to the average voter in the downtown: a more enjoyable city to live in. Consequently, many will vote for her.

It is a huge mistake.

It is difficult to imagine that someone who has moved to Jersey City to work for the most aggressive developer in the city will suddenly embrace an agenda that is not benefitting developers. It borders the unimaginable that her political priorities will move away from supporting development. Her strong pro-developer dependence and connections will counter any of the liberal political promises that she is making during the campaign.

Supporting Symes is an excusable mistake. And, voting for Symes is pure and simple stupidity.

Posted on: 2017/10/13 21:52

Re: This N.J. city wants you to 'adopt' a catch basin and keep it clean
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JSleeze wrote:
Maybe we could each adopt an MUA employee and if we feed them, treat them kindly and give them fabulous gifts they could keep the storm basins clean. Just a thought.

We already do this. It is called taxes.

Posted on: 2017/10/13 21:32

Re: Jersey City school board member John Reichart to resign
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Maybe he is running for mayor as well.

Posted on: 2016/11/19 2:51

Re: Parking Issues Around Hamilton Park
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The biggest annoyance is the Hamilton Park Montessori.

At 0900 each morning, the corner of McWilliams and 8th street is a mega clusterfnck. Double parking is par for the course. Triple parking is the new trend.

Having tried to communicate with the school over these problems, I have to come to realize that the problem is not with the school, but with their parents who insist on driving their kids to the school. While some parents do coordinate transportation to the school, many of the parents are suburban with no stake in the community.

Cordero is a school in and of the community. The Montessori is and has always been a commercial enterprise where the interest in contributing to the community and to listen the concern of the community are ignored in the name of financial interests.

Montessori needs to address this before there is an accident.


Posted on: 2016/9/24 15:57

Re: Union Republic -- Impressive New Place on Newark Ave @ Third Street
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their concept died.

it was time.

Posted on: 2016/9/11 16:05

Re: Realtor Playing Games with Full Price Offers? Help!
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carolina123 wrote:
Having just been on the selling side in DTJC I can tell you that real estate agents in general are just scum. When the market is hot, every person with 1/2 a brain becomes an agent and so there are a lot of amateurs out there.

Also, going to the listing agent isn't always a plus because the seller knows they are a double dipping on commission and only have their best interest in mind (not the sellers or buyers). Mine actually tried to convince me that I'd never get what I wanted for it so that i'd take her double commission clients offer. The next day she was proven wrong.
as an informed buyer you need to have your own agent ... seriously
be a fncktard and do it own your own and bleed money ... the collective intellectual power and consumer support on jclist "warned" you ... get a brain

Posted on: 2016/7/9 2:30

Re: Councilman Yun: You No Likey My Engrish ?
Home away from home
Home away from home


Rivera's subsequent attempts to explain his statement show that he ain't as smart as he is being told he is.

Posted on: 2016/6/6 1:02

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