Re: Did the Census leave out part of Jersey City?
Home away from home
This may sound simple but with all the hype etc. from months ago about wanting to be first in the 2010 count would it not have been prudent for Healy to meet with census people with a list of all the new buildings to insure a proper count? Particularly since 2000 was short by a lot. A whole decade in between and everyone is watching the accident but no one is calling EMS. Que??
Posted on: 2010/4/2 14:54
Re: Car scratcher in Van Vorst
Home away from home
A/K/A the "Gorton's Fisherman". He scratched my car recently and have seen him by other cars banging away. Last week around midnite was by the steps of the "Parkview" York & Barrow banging the steps with a bag. In the past he would walk up to the phone booth on the park (gone now), pick up the receiver and bang the hell out of it. You can't confront someone like him and the damage he does may be negligible to some but cumulatively its a lot of bucks. It might be prudent to alert the P.D. since they know of him and they could advise him to knock it off.
Posted on: 2010/3/23 18:11
Re: Needed: Contractor to Fix Sinking Backyard Patio
Home away from home
It has to dry up before any corrective work is done. Once settled and dry the bricks come up, new gravel/sand/stone dust put down and compacted properly. Then a french drain should be installed and the bricks re-laid. Should be good to go.
Posted on: 2010/3/16 23:07
Home away from home
So it turns out the sleeping man is none other than the $110,000 dollar a year deputy mayor Kabili Tayari. He absolutely personifies the tenor of the Healy incompetents.
I saw him asleep at the first meeting several weeks ago and did'nt know who he was. He can also be seen asleep at the council caucus meeting under the "NAACP Head Kabili Tayari letter" post. It's wonderful and right out of central casting. His image asleep is poster material. Next meeting when he's zonked I suggest everyone call out "Phone call for Mr. Tayari." You can't make this up.
Posted on: 2010/3/14 0:32
Re: We are census undercounted
Home away from home
My projection is based on under and uncounted from 2000 plus all that is new since. A windshield survey around the city substantiates such an increase. What could keep it down is that much of what is built is unoccupied.
Posted on: 2010/3/10 18:24
Re: Europa Polish Deli
Home away from home
It might help if they make the storefront more welcoming by keeping the gate open during business hours. Take a cue from Sweetie.
Posted on: 2010/3/10 1:16
Re: We are census undercounted
Home away from home
The fact is much of the waterfront, Paulus Hook to Newport, was'nt built in 2000. A good portion of what was there was'nt counted. Then take into account the remainder of the city, the Beacon etc. and the numbers will swell. Healy was on JC1 recently with a 2010 census organizer, Raul Vicente, and they told the history of the 2000 census. If properly done I estimate a leap in JC's population of 35,000. Keep in mind a significant increase will mean the city must provide services to meet that level for state and national standards e.g. police, fire, medical, schools. The state has sent out overtures that no more financial help is coming from them so it could be the taxpayers will once again be called into service as the city's ATM. But with the fiscal crisis at hand and the looming taxpayer rebellion be prepared for a bumpy ride.
Posted on: 2010/3/10 0:17
Re: Driving to Bayonne DMV
Home away from home
Montgomery Street west to Kennedy Blvd., Left on Kennedy. Straight south to the JC/Bayonne border, second star to the right.
Posted on: 2010/3/9 21:58
Home away from home
The Mt. Rushmore analogy is on target. They're right out of central casting. Deadpan "we can wait you out stares" from Brennan and Gaughan. Floods definitely out of it. Did we see her walk in or was she carried on? Not an ounce of remorse for their dastardly deeds not that it was expected.
The city's lawyer Matsikoudis pacing about and snickering at the table chewing a wad of gum. No respect there. The positive is that the momentum is with us & we will prevail. On to the barricades.
Posted on: 2010/2/26 2:01
Re: Mayor plans to take back some workers' city cars; Fulop wants them all back
Home away from home
Vega says he uses his SUV to get around the city and that he's not above sacrifice. He received his vehicle in 9/09 after he was arrested and suspended by the county thereby losing his county SUV. The city's business administrator stated weeks ago that they've clocked Vega's monthly mileage at 1,000 plus. Vega is using the city SUV as he did the countys to travel to his Catskill ski chalet in Fleischmanns NY on weekends so there you go. We're subsidizing this cretin to play in the snow. The next mass protest should be up in the Catskills where he's Mr. goody two-shoes. That will shake him up you betcha!!
Posted on: 2010/2/24 18:50
Home away from home
It is best to be ready for anything with this crew. The acting president Brennan and his chief cohort Gaughan are not used to being challenged. A few weeks ago with a firewater blush on their cheeks, chomping on gum, they reacted by threatening to clear the space due to overcrowding. They know whats coming tomorrow and they don't like it. Be prepared is all.
Posted on: 2010/2/23 23:44
Home away from home
It is only necessary to know one thing about the building department. It is insidiously corrupt throughout. The feds and other law enforcement officials are aware of this and as yet have allowed it to operate. The hope is that finally when Healy is brought down this slime- ridden office will be cleansed out.
Posted on: 2010/2/21 18:52
Re: Wanted: Crossing Guard; Qualifications: Must Know How to Cross Street; Salary: $31K/year
Home away from home
Not quite accurate. Crossing guards do work overtime on weekends when there's a parade, running event etc. year round.
Posted on: 2010/2/19 21:21
Re: JCPD arrest 46 in Operation "Wetlands"
Home away from home
When Felton was arrested last month Superior Court Judge and former HC Prosecutor Theemling set his bail at $500,000 CASH. Who posted Felton's bail? What was the source of that bail money? Is it now forfeited due to this arrest? This entire affair is an absolute travesty of justice and the public has a right to answers. The Ringside Lounge murder was committed by a man arrested and released on bail only days before the murder on big charges. The system is a sewer and we are not being protected. The bulk of those arrested in this major drug sweep are most likely out on the streets again doing business as usual. Law enforcement is totally outnumbered in manpower and weapons. These showcase busts are just that.
Posted on: 2010/2/19 20:23
Re: City Budget Suggestion Box - Cost Cutting and Revenue Generating Ideas
Home away from home
When Vega was arrested he was suspended from his county job and had to give up his county SUV. In order to kiss his boo-boo Healy gave him a city SUV. It pays to be a crook. Oh and the 1,000 miles a month is the trips to and fro his chalet in the Catskills. Nice work if you can get it.
Posted on: 2010/2/19 2:34
Re: Bergen Lafayette -- NYTimes: Jersey City Officer Shoots Man
Home away from home
Mid January Felton gets shot in the head, said to be blinded and in critical condition. Charges up the wazoo and bail set at $500,000 cash. A HALF MILLION BUCKS! & he's out in mid February caught in a major drug bust. So who posted his bail? Mommy-poo? Remember the guy that killed someone at the Ringside Bar? He too was out on bail in a few days from major charges. Don't even bother locking them up. It's too much for civilized people to swallow.
Posted on: 2010/2/19 2:22
Re: Jersey City Deputy Mayor Leona Beldini -- convicted of bribery
Home away from home
Once the 2010 census is done and the numbers put Jersey City as the states most populated how are services, which are being cut, increase to accomodate the state mandated requirement for population needs. The waterfront zone is abated. The added burden will fall upon the already over-taxed citizen who are now facing a 25% increase if the present budget is adopted as I fear it will. The corrupt swine who run this city have to go as the Journal says. Whatever the answer is to restore this city to some level of decency does not lie with those presently in office.
Posted on: 2010/2/16 1:34
Re: Downtown: Building next to the new Crescent Court collapses
Home away from home
Building Inspectors responded? On a furlough day?
Posted on: 2010/2/14 0:14
Re: Bergen Lafayette: Recent murders have some afraid -- DeFazio: Don't want to use the words 'gang war'
Home away from home
DeFazio does'nt want to use the term "gang war". OK so maybe he can call it a "debutante ball" or "tupperware party". It's a gang war anyway you call it. Within a week the body count will go up in retaliation and the JCPD has yet to get a handle on it.
Posted on: 2010/2/5 1:29
Re: ANOTHER water main break 2/3/10
Home away from home
Couild it be the breaks are by design and meant to happen to keep the contractors busy? Not unheard of and I remember a large pipe being placed underground a few years back along Grand near Henderson toward Paulus Hook that was'nt connected to anything at either end. On the news yesterday a city worker said it would cost up to three mil to replace it (more like 6 mil). So...
Posted on: 2010/2/4 14:29
Re: HEALY SITTING TIGHT: Not accused, he says, after 100 person demo targeting mayor, Vega, Lopez
Home away from home
Looking back at the posts Birmingham popped up and it hit me that in December '08 its Mayor Larry Langford was arrested on federal charges of money laundering, conspiracy & bribery. 60 counts total in what may lead to the largest municipal bankruptcy in American history. It does'nt end there. It spans the nation. There is nothing unique about these stories but here it had more flavor because of the characters and international impact. The press will come if hundreds march on City Hall and the residences of these swine not once but again and again.
Posted on: 2010/2/4 14:19
Re: car vandalized in front of made with love 530 jersey ave
Home away from home
The fact is this type of stuff happens quite frequently Celeste. On Saturday nite my neighbor's car was hit at Barrow & York. Maybe the same baddie. Vent it in a strong letter to the Mayor's office with a copy to the brass at the PD. Keep calling them out on this and rock their boat. Keep up the good work.
Posted on: 2010/2/1 16:17
Re: Jersey City Deputy Mayor Leona Beldini -- arrested in FBI sting -- resigns from board position
Home away from home
Whether Healy is or is'nt guilty of criminal activity will be told as the clock winds down on all the trials and testimony.
However it comes out for Healy he must be held accountable for his incompetence in the governance of this city. If not for his neglect the bulk of the people caught up in this scandal would not have been in their jobs. The budget nightmare would not exist, crime would truly be going down and not as his mindless press conference on the subject would have us believe, and there would be at least, a modicum, of quality of life. Healy and his cohorts are our Katrina like it or not.
Posted on: 2010/1/31 22:52
Re: Jersey City Deputy Mayor Leona Beldini -- arrested in FBI sting -- resigns from board position
Home away from home
You gotta see Healy, in the video, kill that potato salad dead with about 60 blasts, countem, of pepper. Oh what a circus, oh what a show!
Posted on: 2010/1/30 3:15
Re: JC Post Office - Be Very Afraid
Home away from home
This is beyond one or two mis-delivered letters. It is widespread throughout the entire downtown area. The name for this is "theft of service". We pay almost 50 cents to have a letter delivered and it winds up in the wrong place. Consistently. This should be a matter for the hierarchy of the Postal and Federal Police. Multiply what we know in our neighborhoods times the city and state. There are thousands of dollars lost/stolen by the Postal Service on a daily basis. It is a crisis and must be exposed.
Posted on: 2010/1/9 1:43
Tom Fricchione and Jack Shaw
Home away from home
With Tom Fricchione's death there will be the inevitable questions about the circumstances and what, if any, connection there might be to the death of Jack Shaw. Both men were tied to the massive wave of arrests last July. It is interesting that these men were not mere politicos but behind the scenes operatives who knew how to get things done to their benefit. For sure Fricchione had not been charged in this matter but he was the treasurer of Phil Kenny's campaign and it was Fricchione who acknowledged the bribe money and stated it was "red flagged and donated to charity". Now there are two men who died alone and still no answer to what killed the first.
Posted on: 2009/12/23 20:57
Re: 16 new police officers on Jersey City's streets
Home away from home
All the best to this new group. May they prosper. There will be no dent in the job that needs to be done unless and until the new police officers come to know the neighborhoods they patrol by walking and not riding with the windows rolled up. In urban America the concept of community policing goes back to the days of the town crier who walked the streets and shouted out the condition of the hour. There are very few p.o.'s who now walk the streets and overall the number is dramatically down from the last decade. All the hype about Jersey City surpassing Newark's pop count is worthless without the resources to address the demand. These young police officers will soon exit this city for another place to call home and raise a family as time has shown.
Posted on: 2009/12/17 21:52
Re: City Council will vote on $130,000 contract to move "wayfinding'' signs out of the way of sidewalks.
Home away from home
It will cost over $4,500 to move each of these signs that you can't possibly read unless your nose touches it. It is a total outrage but absolutely typical of this corrupt group running this city. It is the recent arrests, it is Nydia Lopez and cats being dumped in the park and boots on cars, filthy streets and denial, denial,denial.
Posted on: 2009/12/17 1:34
Re: Special Delivery: UPS Driver Finds, Returns $5,200
Home away from home
It's all great stuff that the money was found and returned yet you gotta wonder how that bag with 5 grand wound up in the middle of the road way out yonder in the freezing cold. Did the bag open the window and jump out or was it on the roof the whole time? More to this than we are told.
Posted on: 2009/12/12 21:12