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Re: Pathmark @ Old Colony...Is it just me?
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2005/9/6 15:48
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What does it say about the posters here that no one has mentioned La Conga?
Are we all too upscale?

Posted on: 2009/3/20 2:06

Re: Pathmark @ Old Colony...Is it just me?
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2004/8/24 15:08
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Speaking of bollards when are they going to install them at the office building at Columbus and Marin? Those big concrete slabs are awful.

What are they called again?

Posted on: 2009/3/20 0:43

Re: Pathmark @ Old Colony...Is it just me?
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2007/4/17 20:50
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From Hamilton Park
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How many supermarkets are in Ward E or downtown area, let's see...
A& P Fresh
Morton Williams
Target( it has food)
Can't think of anything else.

We also have C-town. Pathmark is paradise compared to C-town.

Posted on: 2009/3/20 0:34

Re: Pathmark @ Old Colony...Is it just me?
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2008/9/10 17:55
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Get a granny cart to move your bags from the cart to your car.

Posted on: 2009/3/19 18:04

Re: Pathmark @ Old Colony...Is it just me?
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Lafayette wrote:
I am not afraid to state what is the obvious.

Here's something else that's obvious:

There would be no need for bollards if less people took the carts and didn't return them.

More obvious statements:

What's convenient for one person (taking the cart) can be inconvenient for many (the bollards).

Posted on: 2009/3/19 17:59

Re: Pathmark @ Old Colony..Greenville/Lafayette response needed.
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I don't shop there, unless I need to pick up a carton of milk after my children's Little Gym classes. We haven't done classes in a long time so I haven't visited the Pathmark. The shopping cart situation is ridiculous. They could just hire someone at min wage to watch the carts and move them in a cart caddy area.

Maybe they should hire that homeless guy who is always panhandling outside the McDonald's drive thru to push the carts around. He's there all day anyway.

Posted on: 2009/3/19 17:30

Re: Pathmark @ Old Colony..Greenville/Lafayette response needed.
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Lafayette wrote:
How many supermarkets are in Ward E or downtown area, let's see...
A& P Fresh
Morton Williams
Target( it has food)
Can't think of anything else.

Over this way:
In both if do more than 50 dollars worth of groceries and are alone it becomes an ordeal to get the bags in your car.

I would venture to say that most people that have a rather large grocery list in our area have to drive out farther to have the simple convenience of walking to your car with your groceries. Is that so much to ask? Also, if I park my car in Pathmark and go shopping in NYC my car will be towed so if they can afford that security they can afford to better take care of their property.

I'm still waiting to hear from people who would like bollards placed at A& P and shoprite becuase " a bollard is just a bollard"...

I'm not saying it's not a total pain in the neck. I just think that it is what it is, and it's not some larger political message or some big dramatic socio-economic injustice. It's business. Plain and simple. The people steal the carts so they put the bollards up. I would wholeheartedly support bollards at that god forsaken BJs too.

As for your Pathmark and shopping in NYC comment...huh?

Posted on: 2009/3/19 17:05

Re: Here is the contact link - drop them a note!
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Grove path: I already did this 3 weeks ago. STill waiting for a response....will let you know thanks

Posted on: 2009/3/19 16:59

Re: Pathmark @ Old Colony..Greenville/Lafayette response needed.
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2007/1/26 19:42
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How many supermarkets are in Ward E or downtown area, let's see...
A& P Fresh
Morton Williams
Target( it has food)
Can't think of anything else.

Over this way:
In both if do more than 50 dollars worth of groceries and are alone it becomes an ordeal to get the bags in your car.

I would venture to say that most people that have a rather large grocery list in our area have to drive out farther to have the simple convenience of walking to your car with your groceries. Is that so much to ask? Also, if I park my car in Pathmark and go shopping in NYC my car will be towed so if they can afford that security they can afford to better take care of their property.

I'm still waiting to hear from people who would like bollards placed at A& P and shoprite becuase " a bollard is just a bollard"...

Posted on: 2009/3/19 16:58

Re: Pathmark @ Old Colony...Is it just me?
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Sometimes a bollard is just a bollard.


Posted on: 2009/3/19 16:17

Re: Pathmark @ Old Colony...Is it just me?
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2008/9/10 17:55
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What do you mean "I hold the chain responsible." Responsible for what?

I too hold the chain responsible -- responsible for making sure there are carts available when I go to store. And they have done that. They have done that in a way that you find offensive, but it sure works for me. I don't have to walk all over the parking lot to find a cart the way I do at other stores sometimes. It works.

There are many reasons to shop or not to shop at a particular store. Cleanliness, freshness of meat/produce, prices, sales, friendliness of staff. This is just one of them.

Posted on: 2009/3/19 16:14

Here is the contact link - drop them a note!
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2004/9/15 19:03
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Here is the contact link - drop them a note:

And the store is
420 Grand Ave.
Jersey City, NJ 07302

Posted on: 2009/3/19 15:57

Re: Pathmark @ Old Colony...Is it just me?
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2008/11/14 15:00
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I actually don't mind the PathMark and do a lot of my shopping there due to some fantastic sales and the Old Colony Cleaners with their inexpensive prices.

My issue is with the packs of feral kids that roam the parking lot just begging to get into trouble. I never in my life have seen kids act out as badly as these little thugs in training. Where are the parents?

You know it\'s bad when an elderly woman gets yelled at and called a "f'ing b***h" for no reason, and when three hoodlums start insulting a female cashier with a hormone imbalance (facial hair). Their behavior is a reflection of their home life, and that is just pathetic.

This one of the few times I support China's one child per family law.

Posted on: 2009/3/19 15:37

Re: Pathmark @ Old Colony...Is it just me?
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2007/1/26 19:42
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So at least I think we can agree that this forgotten piece has to be brought to the attention of people running the place. I had mentioned there seemed to be some kind of plans for this place.....what is the plan?
You might say you live in a slum but people are still fighting to live in downtown. So you are still better of than others maybe over this way.
The management of these places are doing a horrible job.

It's like schools...some schools are rougher than others and require tougher teachers.....
If some people can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen and if you can't run a business like Pathmark than with all the layoffs I am sure a more suitable group can be hired.
The garbage I k now is horrible and again my reason for bringing this whole point up was to find out what of if any group has approached JC or the management....

And to clear what Chester said: Bollards are not a Pathmark thing...its the cheapest solution and most detached business plan they could take. I know Lafayette and Greenville are pure garbage and needs to be sunken into the Hudson river BUT we pay taxes too...and plenty of them. We have the same rights as everyone else in this town. If some take it as crying or too much whining thats fine..Im as vocal here as I am in my community, I pick up garbage , sweep my WHOLE block, talk to my neighbors and help the old lady carry her bags around the darn bollards and guess what I get your BJ carts all the way to my house!!

Posted on: 2009/3/19 15:30

Re: Pathmark @ Old Colony...Is it just me?
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2005/3/15 14:47
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Lafayette wrote:
If the only thing you have to worry about is a shopping cart on your block in a big city like this well consider yourself lucky. Again I hold the chain responsible.
I am not afraid to state what is the obvious.

A shopping cart on the block is far from the only thing I have to worry about in my part of downtown. I may be two blocks from Van Vorst Park, but I'm less than a block from the Pathmark and the public housing on York St. and Brunswick St. A lot of people on this board will tell you I live in the slums.

In my seven years here I feel fortunate that there's been no significant crimes committed against me or my neighbors, but the stability of the block is tenuous as best.

I'm of the mindset that the sight of McDonald's garbage on the street sends the signal that that's acceptable here, and it begets more of the same. Therefore that litter must be cleaned up immediately. Same goes for booze bottles, and same goes for the bits of broken car windows when that occasionally happens. Having shopping carts spill out of the parking lot 24 hours a day would be yet another thing to be constantly clearing away to keep the order.

A neighborhood that gives the impression that it tolerates disorder and filth is a breeding ground for trouble.

You need to keep your street clean and orderly to communicate to passers-by that those are the standards of this block, that the people who live here have pride of place, and that we are watching to ensure those standards are upheld.

Posted on: 2009/3/19 15:18

Re: Pathmark @ Old Colony...Is it just me?
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Lafayette wrote:
Another thing, Like I have said before, Lafayette and Greenville are rough around the edges but crime happens everywhere in Jersey City. Please stop pointing out how bad it is over this way. There is crime and bad apples everywhere.
Again, some sarcastic comments here show that people have no empathy and no understanding of others. If the only thing you have to worry about is a shopping cart on your block in a big city like this well consider yourself lucky. Again I hold the chain responsible.
I am not afraid to state what is the obvious.

You understate the obvious when you say "rough around the edges". If Pathmark had another store downtown at which they did not install bollards, then you could make a complaint that their policy is unfair or insensitive. But you have separate chains using different methods of "cart retention". Pathmark's is the most effective. And if you really hold the stores responsible, you should applaud Pathmark for keeping the sidewalks and their parking lot clear of the carts.

Posted on: 2009/3/19 15:11

Re: Pathmark @ Old Colony...Is it just me?
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Lafayette wrote:
Ok I would like to hear from those in Lafayette ..........

Not quite in Lafayette but close. I pretty much exclusively shop at the Pathmark. There are some decent positives to shopping there:
- I think the prices are better than Shoprite, and know they are much better than A&P.
-I am very far from a granola type of a person. However I buy organic there a lot since it is often on sale for about the same price as non-organic. I guess the clientele isn?t there for it.

What can be a hassle:
-Waiting to check out sometimes. I don?t think it is the number of lines open at all, rather it is the people going through the lines. They are in NO hurry to complete their transaction; I believe they are competing in a game where the winner is the one who takes the most time at the register. One highly successful strategy I have seen is used is vetting the accuracy of every aspect of the checkout process.
-The bollards ? yes they are annoying, both of these are not enough to keep me from going there however.

Posted on: 2009/3/19 14:54

Re: Pathmark @ Old Colony...Is it just me?
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2007/10/11 3:28
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There is no shortage of lazy people in this city. Everywhere you go there are signs of it. Litter, discarded shopping carts, dog poo etc. There is no shortage of annoying people. Speeders, Loud radios, drunks etc. Let's face it Hell is Other People.

Posted on: 2009/3/19 14:50

Re: Pathmark @ Old Colony...Is it just me?
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2007/1/26 19:42
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I stand by what I said. And if the bollards have to stay at this Pathmark to keep carts in, Why don't the other people that are complaining about carts around ask for bollards.
Until you have bollards blocking the only supermarket close enough for you to shop in you can't say its "great for those people" or "there are bigger fish to fry" What are the bigger fish to fry?...
What I am saying is that many people are quick to write that it is not convenient for "them" but ultimately the Store chain is responsible for their property.
Like I said I would not even continue this if Bjs and SHoprite would be requested to put bollards blocking everyone and people had to drive up to the door to get their groceries which is ridiculous.

Another thing, Like I have said before, Lafayette and Greenville are rough around the edges but crime happens everywhere in Jersey City. Please stop pointing out how bad it is over this way. There is crime and bad apples everywhere.
Again, some sarcastic comments here show that people have no empathy and no understanding of others. If the only thing you have to worry about is a shopping cart on your block in a big city like this well consider yourself lucky. Again I hold the chain responsible.
I am not afraid to state what is the obvious.

Posted on: 2009/3/19 14:36

Re: Pathmark @ Old Colony...Is it just me?
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Lafayette wrote:
When people are treated as if they are second class citizens they kind of play that role....

Ok so what is it:

a. treating people as second class citizens makes them act like second class citizens, or

b. acting like second class citizens makes other people treat them like a second class citizens?

I'm sure there's as much consensus on this as the chicken and the egg.

Posted on: 2009/3/19 14:00

Re: Pathmark @ Old Colony...Is it just me?
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"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down these bollards!"

Posted on: 2009/3/19 13:50

Re: Pathmark @ Old Colony...Is it just me?
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2005/3/15 14:47
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The simple fact is that wheel locks or none, quarter system or none, the Hamilton Park area is littered with Shop Rite, BJ's, Target, and Bed Bath & Beyond carts, and the Van Vorst Park area is not littered with Pathmark carts. That's thanks to the bollards. And I don't care how fast they would come pick them up if you called them. I don't want to see them on our streets in the first place.

So, I'm sorry if people who live in other neighborhoods find this system doesn't suit them. Living near the Pathmark, it suits me just fine, since we already have constant McDonald's, booze bottle, and plastic bag litter to deal with thanks to the shopping center. Rather not add stray shopping carts to that mix. Like Croft suggested, get a "granny cart".

I'd be curious to know if anybody who lives near there feels differently.

Posted on: 2009/3/19 13:46

Re: Pathmark @ Old Colony...Is it just me?
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2007/6/25 17:33
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its just shopping carts.

as for the bollards, lots of stores have them. many stores every borough of NYC have them. if you could put yourself in the position of store manager, who would have to keep dealing with it, tell the person above them they need more carts, which costs money, which is something businesses like to save, its going to get old real quick, and they will do what they have to do to avoid it. no big deal, don't take it so personally. they took them down, carts were gone. the quarter system helps people to put the carts back where they belong, because you need another cart to attach it to to get your quarter back. put in a quarter once and the cart is yours if you want to take it. might be worth it for some! so the bollards work. no big deal. i think people should move on if it upsets them.

there are bigger fish to fry.

Posted on: 2009/3/19 13:31

Re: Pathmark @ Old Colony...Is it just me?
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Nothing like buying the entire stock of cat litter and bleach at pathmark for Liberty Humane Society on a Saturday, then waiting to have to load your car up with 2 carts of shelter supplies. I feel your pain.

I use this Pathmark often enough. It's right down the hill from me and it's 24 hours, so when I'm up late and run out of something at home, I jump in the car and head down. At night it's not too much of a problem, and I've never felt threatened in the area but I can see there being big problems in that area based on some of the people that hang around out there at night. I never carry cash on me and I just use my judgement before heading back to the car. I'd hate to have a ton of groceries to carry back to the car which is sometimes parked far away in the lot.

We made a major movement with the BJ's carts, though I still see them even with the wheel locks on them floating around mostly in Hoboken and even as far as McGinley Square and Greenville, but what can you do? Usually it's just a quick phone call to BJ's and the carts are picked up. Up in the heights, Supremo Supermarket and Stop N Shop use the bollard method to keep the carts in the store. Up by my parents house in the heights, there are still tons of shopping carts floating around. We had a neighbor who would shop a few times a week, bring the cart home, then leave it on the street corner by the bus stop. The carts would become vehicles for the local kids to push each other around in, and then by night get picked up by people collecting aluminum cans and scrap metal.

My parents would've punished me if they ever saw me pushing friends or riding around in one of those carts. I remember getting yelled at because a few childhood friends would steal milk crates from the corner store, cut out the bottoms, and turn them into basketball nets and put them on telephone poles. Oh the joys of being a kid in Jersey City.

Unfortunately with the neighborhood near Pathmark still going through changes, they are doing their best to keep the carts in the store. Those things are expensive and if you go to some of these smaller supermarkets, you'll find retired a&p, path mark, shop rite, walbaums (remember that store?) and other old carts with new plastic handles melted over the old ones. Supremo in the heights is guilty of this. I think Montgomery Foods also has some of these carts. What a shame that people can't just return the carts when they're done using them. The supermarkets sell granny carts. They're not that expensive, and after a few shopping trips, the carts have earned their worth.

Posted on: 2009/3/19 13:25

Re: Pathmark @ Old Colony...Is it just me?
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Lafayette, the bollards aren't there because of the color of the patrons. The bollards are there because when they were taken down the carts were stolen. If the carts keep getting stolen, then there are no carts for people who want to shop and they will go elsewhere or prices at the store have to be jacked up to cover the cost of constant replacement. Then will you start howling about the store gouging its customers and treating them like second class citizens becuase of their color?

Posted on: 2009/3/19 12:51

Re: Pathmark @ Old Colony...Is it just me?
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Eleanor_A wrote:
You think bollards are bad? If you go to the Stop&Shop supermarket in Highland Park (near New Brunswick) they actually make you insert a quarter to release the cart. Then when you return the cart you get the quarter back. They said it's because a large portion of the customers walk to the store and they don't want them walking home with the carts.

I think A&P (when it was Waldbaums) and Shoprite both used that system years ago. It was a pain in the arse if you didn't have a quarter on you.

When they had the quarter system carts were still being stolen. It was common to find carts blocks away with the chain and key used to retrieve the quarter cut so they could get the quarter with out putting the cart back. The quarter system didnt work to well I guess that is why they got rid of it.

Posted on: 2009/3/19 3:57

Re: Pathmark @ Old Colony...Is it just me?
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Ok I would like to hear from those in Lafayette because I am rather surprised that people here are saying that it should stay the way it is. First of all, all the other supermarkets have the quarter system. Well the quarter system would be fine....If you do shopping you are not confined to the lot you are confined to the front door. The only supermarkets that have this system that confine the consumer are 2 to my knowledge: Extra Supermarket on MLK drive and Pathmark on Grand. Is it a coincidence or if you are a minority or "low income" you are automatically branded as less trusted or less deserving. I am appalled at the attitude of binding together to make things better and just saying "let's wait it out" ...What exactly are we waiting for? When people are treated as if they are second class citizens they kind of play that role....WEll if you have the problem at at BJS which I am well aware of put the bollards right at the door where all of the cars would scramble to the front and park every direction to pick up their groceries. PLEASE do not state here that it is best when you are not the one affected. Hopefully Greenville and Lafayette people respond becuase again I am tired of having left overs and going 2 miles out my way because people feel the "look" or the "shade" of the area is not worthy. I am a tad bit offended honestly....Yes I can drive out of my way but WHY should I.. Pathmark is a large chain which can afford to pave their lot, stripe it, and install proper carriage storage and also security. All the other supermarkets have it.
I won't settle, not now , not ever.
So to correct some here......then let's ask to install bollards at every supermarket...I bet you there would be riots.

Posted on: 2009/3/19 3:44

Re: Pathmark @ Old Colony...Is it just me?
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i think the neighborhood getting better has nothing to do with it, i grew up in one of the safest suburbs on the jersey shore (it even made a safest cities in usa list)... and they had that system where you need a quarter to get a cart. carts being stolen from stores happens everywhere. i think stores in more urban areas might also be inclined to lock the carts in because lots of people don't have cars and don't want to carry their stuff back if its heavy/large.

i don't think its that insulting. especially if the supermarket manager has to deal with it. like his/her job couldn't be any more irritating at times, the last thing i'd want to deal with (if it were me) would be people stealing carts and leaving them all around the city.

Posted on: 2009/3/19 2:40

Re: Pathmark @ Old Colony...Is it just me?
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I think almost everyone downtown can agree that the neighborhood is changing (i.e., gentrifying). I think it's an eventuality that the bollards will come out. If you were the manager of Pathmark, what would be your criteria for making the decision?


bodhipooh wrote:
It is because people have proven (over and over again) that they can not be trusted to do the right thing that Pathmark has resorted to putting up those bollards.

Posted on: 2009/3/19 0:01

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ripple wrote:
I think the bollards are an insult to the community -- they're effectively telling the Pathmark customers that they and the neighborhood they live in are so bad that they can't be trusted to do something ...

I think I jumped to the wrong conclusion, but at first it seemed like anyone posting about bollards insulting "the community" with the name of an old fortified wine, namely "Ripple" might be a tad bit inauthentic - but maybe not...

Resized Image

but speaking of inauthentic...

Resized Image

The devil wears Prada, but the Pope wears Prada knockoffs.

It seems that His Holiness wishes to exorcise the persistent rumor that his red shoes are by Prada. L'Osservatore Romano, the Vatican newspaper, last week categorically denied that Benedict XVI indulges in designer footwear, stating instead that the pontiff patronizes a cobbler from Novara, Italy. Who may or may not be inspired by a light in the east -- about 50 km east, in Milan, to be exact.

Posted on: 2009/3/18 22:07

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