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Re: Korean restaurant
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I think JC is lacking in authentic Korean and Chinese. We usually go to Fort Lee to get Korean and that's a pain. There also is a Korean buffet in Edison (or is it actually Piscataway?) that's good too. The only thing is, Korean food is expensive so we probably wouldn't frequent it regularly.

Kraverie is only OK. It's not really Korean.

Posted on: 2014/7/17 14:47

Re: In Jersey City, a sidewalk memorial honors a cop killer
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This isn't a first amendment issue. It's a shrine on a sidewalk. It can be removed, I think it can be called a public nuisance or something. I read an article on a shrine in Prospect Park where some kid got hit by a car and people piled tons of stuff on the sidewalk where it happened. The city removed it and people freaked out.

Anyway, whenever JC is on national news, it's never about anything good. This whole thing is embarrassing for the city and is just plain horrible.

Posted on: 2014/7/15 19:18

Re: Christie calls on extending school day and school year. In Jersey City
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trambone wrote:

snowflake20 wrote:

user1111 wrote:
I am no Christie fan, but I love this idea and I don't even have children. I think most parents will be open to this idea. The reasons why America?s students enjoy around two months off every summer probably aren't? based on some archaic, farm-based education schedule, as many people believe. Its the money, yea that's right the money.

No. Sorry, but I am not behind this. My kids are in school long enough. By the end of the day they are exhausted. They get home by around 4. Homework is never 20 minutes like they say it is, it usually takes an hour. Then I have to make dinner and they eat and go to bed. They barely have time to go outside and play. No fucking way would I want my kid to be in school longer. Awful idea.

4?!? I never got home before 6 after rehearsals and practices.

My kids are young. And yes, with after school activities, the day is extended. Another reason why this is a dumb idea. A longer day won't make uninvolved parents be more involved.

Posted on: 2014/1/18 23:21

Re: Christie calls on extending school day and school year. In Jersey City
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user1111 wrote:
I am no Christie fan, but I love this idea and I don't even have children. I think most parents will be open to this idea. The reasons why America?s students enjoy around two months off every summer probably aren't? based on some archaic, farm-based education schedule, as many people believe. Its the money, yea that's right the money.

No. Sorry, but I am not behind this. My kids are in school long enough. By the end of the day they are exhausted. They get home by around 4. Homework is never 20 minutes like they say it is, it usually takes an hour. Then I have to make dinner and they eat and go to bed. They barely have time to go outside and play. No fucking way would I want my kid to be in school longer. Awful idea.

Posted on: 2014/1/17 3:09

Re: NY Daily News: Jersey City is emerging as the hot new foodie destination in the NYC area
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nyrgravey9 wrote:
Glad i could make you "LYAO". Youre so hip and trendy!

Considering we in DTJC are essentially 15 minutes from many places in manhattan and still choose to pack our own restaurants, puts your little theory on its head, stupid.

I've eaten all over manhattan and Brooklyn and some of DTJCs spots rival some of their better places. But next to manhattan, most places in the country will still pale. Doesn't make those other spots bad, you elitist prick.

You go ahead and keep enjoying your BL spots. Let me know how that works out for you.

I am not sure why you are being so hostile to that poster. Geez Louise! I actually prefer ethnic food and a lot of the ethnic foods are actually outside DTJC. It's not a bad thing to like different things. I would agree that there is better Indian, Italian, etc outside of DT.

Posted on: 2013/11/7 22:50

Re: Shanghai Best on Montgomery
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CdeCoincy wrote:

asny10011 wrote:

Agree with you Seagull!


Seagull wrote:

asny10011 wrote:
Speaking of asian cuisine, i think someone should open up a ramen noodle shop :)

Japanese owned and operated please.

why? If, for example, Fuschia Dunlap opened a Chinese restaurant or Diana Kennedy a Mexican one, would you question its quality? David Chang is a Virginian would you eschew his JC ramen noodle restaurant because of that?

Personally, I despise Momofuku. It's really bad IMO

Posted on: 2013/9/11 1:36

Re: Racist text messages sent to St. Peter's Prep student running in school election: cops
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Of course the father said no comment, his kid did something really, really wrong. I imagine it's illegal as well.

The school has every right to tell the truth. There's no gag order. It is a private school that is reliant on alumni donations and tuition. If people think that the school is full of racist students, it would tarnish their reputation and they could lose tons of money. That kid is lucky no one is pressing charges. What a douchebag

Posted on: 2013/8/27 3:38

Re: 3 shot at Pavonia PATH station: report By Margaret Schmidt/The Jersey Journal
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Monroe wrote:
asny, are you kidding? The issue is that these criminals are packing heat on the subway.

It seems that people who want stricter gun control often oppose stop and frisk. Which method may have prevented this event? I'll bet neither thug has a gun license, let alone a carry permit.

Mandatory LONG TERM sentences are the answer.

Yeah, I don't get it. I'm fine with stop and frisk.

Posted on: 2013/8/25 14:47

Re: Boy hit by car at Hamilton Park
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trambone wrote:
Parenting fail. I would never let a six year old cross the street without holding my hand.

How do you know she wasn't holding his hand?

In the past I have walked to the middle of the crosswalk while my kids stand on the corner to make sure any cars are stopped and waved my kids through on that corner.

Posted on: 2013/8/19 6:25

Re: Jersey City woman says thief stole $12,000 engagement ring from her finger
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A 12k ring is pretty standard size for the NYC area engagement rings. It's probably about 2 cts, which is about what professional yuppies working in NYC women have on their hands. Not outrageous at all. And yes, I know some of you will rail and rail and say that it's ridiculous etc. maybe it is, but again, every woman in NYC I knew while we were all getting engaged had rings that were 1.5 to 2 cts.

Posted on: 2013/8/17 3:03

Re: Fulton's Landing
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I wouldn't buy a unit there if I were you. Even before sandy, that building had serious water issues.

Posted on: 2013/8/16 2:03

Re: All the graffiti around town recently
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He has excellent penmanship. My husband should take some lessons from him

Posted on: 2013/8/8 22:42

Re: Ridiculous fines...
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Your girlfriend broke the law and got ticketed. What is there to complain about?

I have let the meter run out and got a ticket once in Hoboken. I had missed it by a few minutes. I was pissed at myself and didn't cry and complain about it. I broke the rules and was punished for it. Lesson learned, I now am very vigilant about getting to my car on time now.

Posted on: 2013/7/24 22:20

Re: An open letter to the Dog Owners of DTJC (brace yourselves)
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Morris Canal is NOT a dog park. You guys just treat it like that, and its rude and inconsiderate. I stopped going there when my child was a baby and dogs would chase after my stroller "looking for snacks" as their owners would tell me. This was on the sidewalk area, not the grass.

Posted on: 2013/7/12 13:37

Re: Goodbye Jersey City!
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A big gripe of mine is when people move here and then complain that JC pales in comparison to NYC. Well, of course it does, it's not NYC! You shouldn't move somewhere on the assumption that its going to be like another place. We moved to JC after living in manhattan and Brooklyn because we wanted to live close, but wanted a more "suburban" existence. We wanted a car and a bigger place and a more "community" feel so we moved. I was under no illusion that JC was going to just be like NYC. And that's fine, because it was what we wanted at the time.

Posted on: 2013/7/6 4:38

Re: Fulop ally set to hire daughter as $15K-a-year aide
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JerseyCityFrankie wrote:
I think "kudos for Waterman" is a bit strong since in my view its more a case of someone starting things off on a very obvious wrong foot and not cause for congratulation. Sh eshould have known not to try to get away with it. Kudos to us for not having to swallow nepotism right off the bat.
kudos |?k(y)o??d?s; -?d?z; -?d?s|
praise and honor received for an achievement.
ORIGIN late 18th cent.: Greek.
USAGE Kudos comes from Greek and means ?glory.? Despite appearances, it is not a plural form. This means that there is no singular form kudo and that use as a plural, as in the following sentence, is incorrect:: he received many kudos for his work (correct use is | he received much kudos for his work).

Maybe he meant this:

I didn't even know they still made them.

Posted on: 2013/7/4 5:28

Re: If she were armed with a firearm, this could have been prevented.
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Really? Guns are supposed to be locked in a safe. How would she have gotten to her gun in time? Stupid argument.

Posted on: 2013/6/26 0:21

Re: The Dopeness
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Prismatic wrote:
Jesus christ you people get so butthurt over the littlest things.

I'm not offended by the ad. I just find that it is unappetizing. It doesn't make me hungry to eat there. It isn't intriguing either. I think it's a marketing fail, that's all.

Posted on: 2013/6/10 5:52

Re: The Dopeness
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Is this a joke? Why would that image from The Shining make anyone want to eat there?

Posted on: 2013/5/30 2:10

Re: The Dopeness
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TheDopeness wrote:

Geez Louise what is with the all caps?

Posted on: 2013/5/24 5:58

Re: Healy on campaigns: 'they're all ugly'
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WeBelongHere wrote:

H-Parker wrote:
If your posts have been deleted it's not because the webmaster disagrees with you. It's because you sound like a grade school bully and we don't tolerate childish behavior.

You people are all about childish behavior. You whine about Mayor Healy and the great people that built the city you are trying to steal. If any of you went to school here you would have learned some manner and some streets marts too.

The deleted post was how Mayor Healy outsmarted and outworked your Stevie. Team Healy was busy registering voters to the last minute, dropping off hundreds of new registrations right up until deadline. Where was Team Stevie? Nowhere in sight. Oh I forgot. They told me there was one poor Full-op-It schmuck who brought in one count it one last minute reg. Your beloved webmeister doesn't censor all kinds of your idiotic rants, but let someone tell how old fashioned political know how is going to clean your clocks and there goes your so-called "tolerance".

All your stupid facebook posts wont make up for your failure to hit the streets. I was talking to a friend who knows downtown like few others. He hasnt seen Stevie boy out, Candycane is missin in action, it's like there's not an election in tow week. Go twiiter yourselves while the old pros take care of business.

I have been reading your posts for some time now, and I'm finally going to make a comment. Why the hell do you keep calling Steve, "Stevie"? Is this your feeble attempt at putting him down? Seriously, Steve is already a nickname for Stephen, why do you keep persisting in calling him "Stevie"? Are you using that name to imply that he's a child or not "manly" or whatever? Nevermind that he joined the army after 9/11 and swam the god damned HUDSON FLIPPING RIVER!!!! Do you think calling him "Stevie" is emasculating, is that why you keep calling him that?

I don't know, you kind of sound like a douchebag. I just want to tell you that, in case you were unaware. This is a public service to you. There's a certain way to make an argument on the Internet and not sound like a raving lunatic. We've all been there before but it seems like you need a gentle flick on the forehead (metaphorically speaking) to clue you in. So here's my flick to you.

Posted on: 2013/5/7 4:53

Re: PATH Train Incident
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Wow, I can't believe people are piling on the woman who reported this. Years ago on the F train I saw a guy with an erection and was rubbing up against another woman. I said "Hey! What are you doing?" and then moved over so that the woman could stand away from him. I don't even know if she realized what was going on and he ran out of there at the next stop. Do people think that this doesn't ever happen?

Posted on: 2013/3/8 23:31

Re: Wawa is invading North Jersey!
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Whoa. That is just bizarre. Maybe even wrong. Is this even allowed?

Posted on: 2013/1/12 4:47

Re: McCafe is coming to Grove Square
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rycor wrote:
Well this thread was a waste.


Posted on: 2013/1/9 4:32

Re: Made With Love - CLOSED
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JadedJC wrote:

mfadam wrote:

if all the people complaining about MWL's pricing focused on the much bigger expense of say JC property taxes, perhaps we could get somewhere...

We do that too, in case you haven't noticed other threads about JC government, the property reval, etc. If a retailer charges too much, the solution is simple: we don't shop there. If property taxes are too high, well you either move (not that simple an equation as they're high EVERYWHERE in the state) or you vote in a more responsible government. The latter is a formidable task given the entrenched corruption and patronage.

Snowflake20: I once paid $40 for an apple pie there. It was a last-minute dessert I needed for an office party. The pie was beautiful and delicious, but you're right, it's something I would only buy once under extraordinary circumstances.

Actually I think I paid closer to 50 for it, but I wasn't sure if that was right. I mean, that sounds ridiculous but since you said you paid 40 then my initlal thought must have been right. It was a pecan pie and I ordered it a week before thanksgiving.

But again, Celeste is a very nice woman and did make great food! It was just too much money for me to be a regular customer.

Posted on: 2013/1/5 16:52

Re: Made With Love - CLOSED
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She is moving out of the area. On her facebook page she is saying she wants to move out of the country or something.

She seemed like a nice person and the $1 charge went towards the generator after Sandy. I think she was pretty upset that people were bashing her about it.

I went there a few times and it really was expensive. I special ordered a pie once and it cost me a ton of money. Like $30 or something like that. Maybe it was $20. I don't remember but I was like "D'oh!" when I found out how much it was. Price aside, it was the best pie I ever ate! But still, not something I would ever order again because it was just way too expensive. I can't justify the expense.

Posted on: 2013/1/5 6:13

Re: Dan Levin in talks to run with Healy
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I think it is no surprise that many people were taken aback by this announcement. I'm sure Dan had his reasons for throwing himself in with Healy, but haven't we all been told by our moms that we will be judged by what sort of people we hang out with? Also, if you lie down with dogs, you will get up with fleas....

This election willbe interesting for sure.

Posted on: 2012/10/16 1:07

Re: Taqueria Viva Mexico Kitchen Cafe - 133 Morris Street
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No. For obvious reasons.. :)

Posted on: 2012/9/20 3:13

Re: The Gloves are off between Mayor Healy and Steven Fulop
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Let's give Healy the benefit of the doubt. He probably meant specific crimes are down, like crimes against circus clowns. I haven't read one article in the Jersey Journal about a circus clown getting mugged or shot this year

Posted on: 2012/9/14 20:24

Re: Jersey City cop kills pit bull after it bites woman
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mjcbklyn wrote:

with a name like 'fedupman' i'd expect nothing less than the narrow minded crap you spewed here.

That is just really silly. That would be like me saying that your name is proof that you are an annoying jerky hipster from brooklyn.

Posted on: 2012/8/6 20:04

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