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Re: Residential Projects Underway
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

whatever goes there, i kinda hope its not 80 units. the only thing i can think of is please please let none of the residents ever have a car (unless they'd also get a parking lot). we have enough trouble finding spots with the school being there now.

Posted on: 2013/8/21 18:05

Re: Residential Projects Underway
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

ok cool, thanks for clarifying!

Posted on: 2013/8/21 18:02

Re: Residential Projects Underway
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

so on this chart on page 138 of this linked document, the field "proposed or approved" does not apply to the project itself? also described as 80-unit micro housing in different field on the same page of linked document. ... r/Transition%20Report.pdf

i don't know how to interpret these types of documents just sharing what i was able to find online.

Posted on: 2013/8/20 22:28

Re: Residential Projects Underway
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Just can't stay away

i live on the same block as the proposed (or approved?) project #147 for 268 Varick street. i have not heard much but noticed it looks like the blue trailers are being taken out soon.

after a little googling i found a little bit of info although it doesn't tell much.

seems it has been approved, for an 80-ish unit affordable "micro-housing" project with a company i can't find much about called RushmanDillon Llc and 4,000 sq ft retail space

not sure this is the same as "low income"?

i don't know what micro-housing, as i know that term its that super modern tiny yet efficient small housing that you see more in other countries.

if anyone has any more info, please share! i'm sure construction will be unpleasant but i'd like to at least get more info on what will be going up. and how high it will be.

here are the PDF's i found this info in. ... r/Transition%20Report.pdf

Posted on: 2013/8/20 17:01

Re: goat on pulaski
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Just can't stay away

i volunteer with the woodstock farm animal sanctuary (, and this happens all the time. when we hear about this we try to get more info incase there is a chance the animals might end up going back to be slaughtered, we try to get them to release them to a sanctuary instead. what i have heard from LHS is that this goat will be safe although the story is vague.

just a few months ago a goat was running around a parking lot in brooklyn, a bunch of us were calling to find out more while someone was on their way with a trailer to bring him to safety.
he's at the sanctuary now and adjusting quite well, you can read his story here...

my partner and i got a call that a chicken was in columbus circle in the bushes, when we had a little more info we met up with the people who found him (turned out to be a rooster), and he stayed the night with us before getting a ride up to the sanctuary the next morning.

chickens in parks, and goats, cows, running down the street, found tied to a tree (in prospect park), these stories are really common, unfortunately. and then there's people getting baby bunnies and chicks for easter and then just putting them in a park when they get too big thinking they will be fine (not true with domestic breeds).

someone said it "boggles the mind, no one would believe you," but i certainly would!

Posted on: 2013/5/21 19:41

Re: Whole Foods in JC?
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

cheer up guys. we just got a new mexican place on grove that looks good, and we're getting a new bookstore/cafe on newark. the farmers market is coming back. good tiiiiimes.

and if you really want it, WF in tribeca is walking distance from wtc path station and they will deliver to your pampered ass!

Posted on: 2013/4/12 16:49

Re: Whole Foods in JC?
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

dahood - are you saying i am probably getting all self righteous for no good reason? what a waste of good ranting energy. ha ha.

Posted on: 2013/4/12 15:05

Re: Whole Foods in JC?
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

tommy - whenever i walk by that olive garden its f'ing crowded too!! ridiculous.

look, we've all seen what mega stores can do to small businesses. if people value convenience and a pretty shopping experience over having a bunch of small family/individual run businesses, thats a cultural issue that i don't have the energy to talk about right now. ha.

Posted on: 2013/4/12 15:04

Re: Whole Foods in JC?
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

well i'm not anti-whole foods or all chains in general, like you said, i try to support local small shops but also end up at chains. obviously the other large supermarkets are chains, but they are located in places that make sense like shopping centers. with the exception of the small key foods, which are also found in nyc. i don't want downtown jc to look like washington street in hoboken.. ick. its overrun with chain restaurants now. yes i know we have some and i'm not a huge fan. but at least they are smaller and don't replace multiple types of businesses in one shot.

i just don't like the idea of a whole foods or another large chain right smack in downtown jersey city in that particular location. it would make more sense to be down near the waterfront on the ground floor of some new building or something.

another thing is, the produce available to those who can afford it at subs and the farmers market is of very high quality. whole foods are geniuses at making you think theirs is better because of how they design the store. the best quality produce doesn't always look so fantastic either, that would be the local stuff at the farmers market. nothing tastes better than that stuff.

7/11 isn't evil, its ugly. its the suburbanizing of the cities. its gross. no need to call me a sneering hipster, i'm too old to be a hipster.

Posted on: 2013/4/12 15:01

Re: Whole Foods in JC?
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

socially conscious? oh please. they love to tout themselves as being so but thats not actually the case. obviously no large company is perfect but don't buy into the hype either.

there is good quality produce near us at Subia's. and our downtown farmers market, when it is happening. there are CSA's in the area as well.

we are not in dire need. people use fresh direct, WF delivers. if you have a car you can drive to many different supermarkets that carry organic. there are people in neighborhoods who don't even have access to non-rotting produce, let alone the pretty organic kind. that is dire need.

it just seems out of place and obnoxious.
if you can get your bread and pastries at a whole foods, why go to the new bakeries that have opened? why go to the farmers market if you can just do it all at whole foods? etc.

many of us like living in downtown JC because of its small business and lack of chain stores. we have enough chain stores. if i see another god damn 7/11 in manhattan I'm going to barf.

Posted on: 2013/4/12 14:36

Re: Whole Foods in JC?
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

i hope this is a hoax. why would they build in a historic downtown neighborhood? most of their stores that i'm aware of are on major streets in busier areas with better transportation or parking. plus, it will suck business away from all of our local small businesses.

if the sign said Wal-Mart, and it were real, people would be freaking out about how gross it is. but its whole foods, so people get giddy at the prospect.

its still a big huge chain that seeks to dominate the market. yes, i get it, thats america, but in a historic neighborhood with small businesses, it should be an unwanted thing. a big ugly store with a neon sign right on jersey ave? would be better suited for the waterfront or the ground floor of a big office building where there is also a parking garage.

Posted on: 2013/4/12 14:06

Re: Menendez hacks put up 200 signs along rt 440 a day after the storm…
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

what a waste. he's going to win anyway, why litter with those stupid signs when your team's manpower could be used actually helping people. he also voted against GMO labeling. lautenberg voted for it. if you don't like menendez but would never want to support a republican, there is a green party candidate for senate. sadly of course, he won't come close to winning and its likely no one has even heard of him.

Posted on: 2012/11/6 20:00

Re: Buses to Manhattan
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

has anyone here taken the ferry (or attempted to)? wondering how long the waits have been.

Posted on: 2012/11/2 0:20

Re: Jersey City woman tells cops she was robbed by 3 teens in street
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

that absolutely is not what is on everyones mind... some may agree with you, but others do not so please don't assume you speak for all downtown or JC residents.

however i do agree about enforcing the light rail tickets. i don't ride it often, but whenever i do, i buy a ticket, and it NEVER once has gotten checked.

i'm glad our neighbors are for the most part okay.

we could use more police patrolling our area, i rarely see them at all. i understand its not the answer to every problem, but its a start. there have been a lot of people hanging around in van vorst park late at night, and not just people who have been sleeping there, but kids. perhaps if the curfew was enforced and we had more visible patrols we could avoid things like this becoming a bigger problem.

seems to be a string of incidents like these that become more noticeable every so often. a few years ago a couple of kids were attacking women who were alone, knocking them down and stealing their stuff. they were arrested after three or four attacks.

Posted on: 2012/9/14 20:25

Re: A non-vegan's experience at Subia's... (from yelp)
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

i'm sorry that was your godmother's experience, definitely sounds ill-timed. its not a magical instant cure and obviously not all cancers are the same, i know going through cancer is really scary and uncertain, i personally would not tell someone to stop treatment or drastically change their diet in the middle of it. maybe to suggest adding certain foods, cutting back on others, while going through treatment would be helpful, and sure there are success stories out there of people who have used food to help with health conditions, but its for everyone to decide for themselves ultimately. glad she made it through.

do i think everyone who is not vegan is going to get sick or develop heart disease and diabetes? no, to say that would be silly. i did not do this for health reasons, if i get a direct health/food question i try my best to answer it but i'm only repeating research of others and my own personal experience. if someone wants to look that stuff up on their own its out there. but often when i answer their questions about my reasons for going vegan people don't really want to hear much more, and i promise i am not yelling or answering in an aggressive tone.

i do not agree with everything PETA does or has done in the past. they have done a lot to expose cruelty to animals weather it be food, fur, or the circus. i wish they would keep their focus on that. there are other groups out there that do (Mercy for Animals is the first one that comes to mind).

Posted on: 2012/9/1 18:20

Re: A non-vegan's experience at Subia's... (from yelp)
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

i can see how the guy you are talking about at Subia's could be a little testy, and his reaction was uncalled for. however, i love Subia's and for the most part everyone there is super nice and friendly, as well as accommodating, when it comes to ordering something they might not typically carry, etc.

the menu is outdated, and they should print new ones. that used to be an option on the menu. however the current menu isn't 100% vegan only. there are options to add eggs to things on the breakfast menu. i've recently heard people order it without anyone freaking out, so while it may be 100% meat free, it is not 100% vegan, but probably about 95%. the food is always really good, just don't go there if you are in a hurry!

as for vegans/veg eating things that resemble meat. i get this question a lot. i grew up eating meat, as most of us did. we all enjoyed burgers, hot dogs, whatever. its not about the taste, its about the treatment and slaughter of billions of animals. so as long as no one suffered and died, i'll give it a try. familiarity is something humans are drawn to when it comes to food, why else would chain restaurants be successful even if the food is awful (i'm looking at you, Applebees)? so if i can have a 100% vegan italian sausage and pepper sandwich, i am going to do that. i really don't understand why people are so perturbed by this, enough so that i hear it often.

i think a lot of the time just by being the vegan or vegetarian in the room, there to take questions, people get defensive before i even speak one word of why i've made this choice. perhaps it brings attention to the fact that their food comes form animals and the realities that go along with that, which is something that they usually aren't thinking about.

Posted on: 2012/8/31 22:08

Re: Jersey City cop kills pit bull after it bites woman
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

right, it comes down to the irresponsibility of people. that was basically my point. and i do stand by what i said about knowing pit bulls who are not aggressive, and obviously i can't predict their entire lives but they have responsible guardians who know them well. sadly too many idiots can easily get a pet.

i don't however agree that any specific breed is inherently violent and guaranteed to lash out at some point. i have known some nasty small dogs that bit multiple children. they probably should never have been around children in the first place, the people in charge of the dog should know better. ... arn-to-read-dog-body.html

maybe you should talk to the folks at liberty humane about the dogs they care for.

with a name like 'fedupman' i'd expect nothing less than the narrow minded crap you spewed here.

Posted on: 2012/8/6 16:37

Re: Jersey City cop kills pit bull after it bites woman
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

whatever, i obviously did not say no dog in the history of dogs would ever do that. but i don't know how accurate it is to use the word "temper," not sure that it applies to dogs as we think of it with humans. and with kids you have to be cautious. some dogs just don't react well to them. and kids need to know how to act around dogs. obviously some dogs have aggression issues, i see dogs out being walked with muzzles, and while it sucks to have your dog need one, those people are taking responsibility by doing that, because god forbid their dog does bite someone, they might be forced to put the dog down.

nice how sweet and loving is "crap." i don't know many dogs i'd describe as complete or partial assholes. applies to plenty of people though.

my point was really just how unfortunate it is that people abuse and exploit these animals and they get stuck with this reputation.

Posted on: 2012/8/2 1:12

Re: Jersey City cop kills pit bull after it bites woman
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

its really enraging and unfortunate that these dogs get such a bad rap, its not their fault. i know many sweet, loving pitbulls who would not "lose their temper" and lash out because they are loved and properly cared for.

dogs can be rehabilitated from aggressive or fighting dogs to become the sweetest companions you'll ever know. those lucky enough to have that opportunity, at least. its irresponsible people who want a dog as a status symbol or for "protection" or whatever who are to blame. not to mention people breed pit bulls and sell them to just about anyone regardless of if they are fit to care for an animal or not. i often see female pitbulls being walked who look like they have been bred at least once. there is nothing to stop them though, and dog and cat overpopulation is a horrible problem, millions of animals are either gassed or euthanized every year.

it all comes down to people's selfishness and irresponsible behavior. thats why there is such a crisis of homeless animals in this country, shelters are full and overwhelmed, etc.

sadly the animal always has to pay the real price for the stupidity of some humans.

Posted on: 2012/8/1 12:01

Re: Another accident at Grove and Grand
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

Jersey and York, as a pedestrian, is really frustrating. It should be at least a two or three way stop. Anything to get it through people's heads that there are crosswalks and they need to stop for people trying to cross. it amazes me how many people don't even slow down or pedestrians, let alone stop. It sucks as a driver too, its hard to see if cars are coming and you have to slowly creep up to turn or go straight. I've seen some minor accidents there because people did not take their time or slow down.

Posted on: 2012/7/28 3:27

Re: Protest @ Goldman Sachs Building JC Oct. 6 2PM
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Just can't stay away

the people i saw at grove street today didn't appear to be a bunch of "entitled youth" with rich parents at all. the crowd was very diverse in all ways, just like the crowds gathering in nyc and all over the country.

even if someone is a college kid or a young person who has parents able and willing to help them financially, does that make their feelings about injustice in the world null and void? lots of people grow up with parents who work hard to barely make ends meet but want to help their kids in hopes they get a decent education, and if i were a parent i'd want to do the same, within reason. just because your parents might give you some money for food or books doesn't mean you are an "entitled" brat who gets everything handed to them and has no concept of what is going on in the world. and lots of kids who may appear that way to someone is going to be facing massive amounts of debt once they graduate, with very little hope of making things work financially if they can even find work.

there is no shortage of spoiled oblivious bratty rich kids in this country, but i doubt you'll find many of them at one of these demonstrations.

Posted on: 2011/10/7 1:24

Re: Ibby's - DO NOT GO!
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Just can't stay away

i was skeptical when i saw that a falafel place was opening in the same area as Ibby's, but two visits to Gypsy Grill has me totally converted. I hope they can keep it up, i know some places start out great and decline over time, but everything I've had at Gypsy Grill so far has been absolutely delicious. Especially the babaganoush. Not to mention the service is friendlier, and I also think I was overcharged at Ibbys at least once.

Posted on: 2011/9/25 19:01

Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

from the article...

"The $97.15 million budget, which covers July 1 to Dec. 31, passed 7-1, with Ward E Councilman Steven Fulop casting the lone no vote on the grounds that it hikes taxes, doesn't fund essential services, and postpones grappling with the city's $80 million deficit."

Posted on: 2010/10/1 3:31

Re: Wind Turbines Are Coming to New York, and Not Just Offshore
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Just can't stay away

the city of new york is killing thousands of birds (canadian geese), i'm sure its more than a wind turbine would.

i think the reason so many alternative energies are not quite there yet/not mature has a lot to do with big oil/coal/gas working very hard to keep it that way. they have hundreds of times more money and lobbyists than any clean energy companies do.

not all forms are immature, Iceland uses 100% renewable energy (in the form of geothermal and hydro power) for its electricity.

obviously that is dependent on its geographical location, but america has some potential in these areas as well.

other countries are better examples too, and some states have set their own goals such as California, to have 20% of its energy coming from renewables in a few years.

its just so blatantly obvious that fossil fuels are incredibly harmful for humans and the environment. onshore or offshore oil spills, hydraulic fracturing for natural gas seriously polluting water (after all, they are exempt from the safe drinking water act), gas pipeline explosions, refinery explosions, well explosions, mountaintop removal, coal mine disasters, toxic coal ash and sludge getting into water, people who live where this stuff happens getting seriously sick, not to mention the environmental damage.

there are more than enough reasons why any small step we can take towards renewables is a good idea. unfortunately we are still stuck with paid off politicians and corporations that would rather save half a million (spare change to them) than do the right thing to keep its workers (at the very least) safe.

Posted on: 2010/8/17 1:26

Re: Wind Turbines Are Coming to New York, and Not Just Offshore
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

so a guy made a website and they stopped the plan? is that really all it took? would he rather it have been a huge gas pipeline?

this sounds good to me.
i think any use of wind energy is a step in the right direction.

Posted on: 2010/8/16 17:45

Re: HUGE GAS LINE COMING? Companies look to run natural gas pipeline through Jersey City
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Just can't stay away

I have to repeat others here and say everyone should absolutely see Gasland. Its on HBO on demand right now. I caught it about a month ago. Gas drilling and expansion is growing at a ridiculous rate and they are using methods like hydraulic fracturing that are not properly regulated and they do not disclose what chemicals they use in the process, this is leading to widespread water contamination.

More can be found out online and there are countless new stories on PA news, among other states where there is drilling. Just be aware that anything or anyone talking about a website called "Energy in Depth" is misinformed, because that website and group is a gas company creation.

Vanity Fair did a piece on this as well. ... /06/fracking-video-201006

This is an extremely untrustworthy industry, their irresponsible practices around the country are unsettling enough to convince me they have no business building this massive pipeline in our area.

Posted on: 2010/8/4 18:52

Re: HUGE GAS LINE COMING? Companies look to run natural gas pipeline through Jersey City
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Just can't stay away

awesome! thats also good because my walk to work is on the other side of christopher columbus ave.

apparently the meeting last night in Bayonne had a turnout of around 100 people. ... t_bayonne_public_hea.html

Posted on: 2010/8/4 15:29

Re: HUGE GAS LINE COMING? Companies look to run natural gas pipeline through Jersey City
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Just can't stay away

thanks for linking the article from the village website comparing the arial photos of the proposed area vs. the texas explosion site.

i put some of these up on my way to work today, but if anyone else is sitting around with nothing to do today, here is a link to a PDF of a flyer to help get the word out about tonight's meeting with the FERC.

from there you will have to click another link to the full size version

Posted on: 2010/8/4 12:07

Re: HUGE GAS LINE COMING? Companies look to run natural gas pipeline through Jersey City
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Just can't stay away

i got that in the mail today too. i tried to call the number but no one answered, i got a machine, however i wasn't expecting anyone to answer since it was almost 7pm. i just wanted to tell them never to send me anything again.

does anyone know if any of our elected officials plan on attending tomorrow's meeting with the FERC? ... PipelineFlyerWebSmall.jpg

Resized Image

Posted on: 2010/8/4 2:30

Re: Will PSE&G Solar Panels be Placed in Front of your Historic Home? They are coming soon to JC!
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Just can't stay away

as far as some considering these an eyesore goes... are these really any more of an eyesore than a transformer on a utility pole, or any variation of antenna that you see mounted on poles and buildings?

Posted on: 2010/7/26 1:01

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